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synced 2024-12-18 20:02:30 -05:00
* Implement/match LegoAct2::SpawnBricks * Name brick vars * Add LegoAct2::FUN_10051fa0 * Add LegoAct2::FUN_100521f0
127 lines
3.8 KiB
127 lines
3.8 KiB
#ifndef LEGOACT2_H
#define LEGOACT2_H
#include "act2brick.h"
#include "legogamestate.h"
#include "legostate.h"
#include "legoworld.h"
class Act2Actor;
class LegoPathStructNotificationParam;
class MxEndActionNotificationParam;
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d4a70
// SIZE 0x10
class LegoAct2State : public LegoState {
m_unk0x08 = 0;
m_enabled = FALSE;
~LegoAct2State() override {}
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1000df80
const char* ClassName() const override // vtable+0x0c
// STRING: LEGO1 0x100f0428
return "LegoAct2State";
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1000df90
MxBool IsA(const char* p_name) const override // vtable+0x10
return !strcmp(p_name, LegoAct2State::ClassName()) || LegoState::IsA(p_name);
// FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1000df70
MxBool IsSerializable() override { return FALSE; } // vtable+0x14
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x1000e040
// LegoAct2State::`scalar deleting destructor'
undefined4 GetUnknown0x08() { return m_unk0x08; }
// TODO: Most likely getters/setters are not used according to BETA.
undefined4 m_unk0x08; // 0x08
MxBool m_enabled; // 0x0c
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d82e0
// VTABLE: BETA10 0x101ba898
// SIZE 0x1154
class LegoAct2 : public LegoWorld {
~LegoAct2() override;
MxLong Notify(MxParam& p_param) override; // vtable+0x04
MxResult Tickle() override; // vtable+0x08
MxResult Create(MxDSAction& p_dsAction) override; // vtable+0x18
void ReadyWorld() override; // vtable+0x50
MxBool VTable0x5c() override; // vtable+0x5c
void VTable0x60() override; // vtable+0x60
MxBool Escape() override; // vtable+0x64
void Enable(MxBool p_enable) override; // vtable+0x68
void SetUnknown0x1138(Act2Actor* p_unk0x1138) { m_unk0x1138 = p_unk0x1138; }
void SetDestLocation(LegoGameState::Area p_destLocation) { m_destLocation = p_destLocation; }
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x1004fe20
// LegoAct2::`scalar deleting destructor'
MxLong HandleEndAction(MxEndActionNotificationParam& p_param);
MxLong HandleTransitionEnd();
MxLong HandlePathStruct(LegoPathStructNotificationParam& p_param);
void PlayMusic(JukeboxScript::Script p_objectId);
void FUN_10051900();
void FUN_10051960();
void InitBricks();
void UninitBricks();
void SpawnBricks();
void FUN_10051fa0(MxS32 p_param1);
void FUN_100521f0(MxS32 p_param1);
MxResult FUN_10052560(
Act2mainScript::Script p_objectId,
MxBool p_param2,
MxBool p_param3,
Mx3DPointFloat* p_location,
Mx3DPointFloat* p_direction,
Mx3DPointFloat* p_param6
MxResult FUN_10052800();
Act2Brick m_bricks[10]; // 0x00f8
MxU8 m_nextBrick; // 0x10c0
undefined m_unk0x10c1; // 0x10c1
MxBool m_ready; // 0x10c2
undefined4 m_unk0x10c4; // 0x10c4
JukeboxScript::Script m_music; // 0x10c8
LegoAct2State* m_gameState; // 0x10cc
MxS32 m_unk0x10d0; // 0x10d0
// variable name verified by BETA10 0x10014633
const char* m_siFile; // 0x10d4
LegoROI* m_pepper; // 0x10d8
MxMatrix m_unk0x10dc; // 0x10dc
LegoPathBoundary* m_unk0x1124; // 0x1124
LegoROI* m_ambulance; // 0x1128
undefined4 m_unk0x112c; // 0x112c
undefined4 m_unk0x1130; // 0x1130
undefined4 m_unk0x1134; // 0x1134
Act2Actor* m_unk0x1138; // 0x1138
undefined m_unk0x113c; // 0x113c
Act2mainScript::Script m_unk0x1140; // 0x1140
Act2mainScript::Script m_unk0x1144; // 0x1144
undefined4 m_unk0x1148; // 0x1148
undefined m_firstBrick; // 0x114c
undefined m_secondBrick; // 0x114d
undefined m_thirdBrick; // 0x114e
undefined m_fourthBrick; // 0x114e
LegoGameState::Area m_destLocation; // 0x1150
#endif // LEGOACT2_H