Misha d9c4151bb8
implement LegoInputManager::ProcessOneEvent (#498)
* push changes

* fix

* Match

* Rename functions

* Space

* Fix GetPresenterAt


Co-authored-by: Christian Semmler <>
2024-01-28 15:20:21 +01:00

120 lines
2.8 KiB

#ifndef ROI_H
#define ROI_H
// ROI stands for Real-time Object Instance.
#include "compat.h"
#include "lodlist.h"
#include "mxgeometry/mxgeometry3d.h"
#include "mxstl/stlcompat.h"
#include "realtime/realtime.h"
* A simple bounding box object with Min and Max accessor methods.
// SIZE 0x28
class BoundingBox {
const Mx3DPointFloat& Min() const { return min; }
Mx3DPointFloat& Min() { return min; }
const Mx3DPointFloat& Max() const { return max; }
Mx3DPointFloat& Max() { return max; }
Mx3DPointFloat min;
Mx3DPointFloat max;
* A simple bounding sphere object with center and radius accessor methods.
// SIZE 0x18
class BoundingSphere {
const Mx3DPointFloat& Center() const { return center; }
Mx3DPointFloat& Center() { return center; }
const float& Radius() const { return radius; }
float& Radius() { return radius; }
Mx3DPointFloat center;
float radius;
* Abstract base class representing a single LOD version of
* a geometric object.
class LODObject {
// LODObject();
virtual ~LODObject() {}
virtual float Cost(float pixels_covered) const = 0; // vtable+0x4
virtual float AveragePolyArea() const = 0; // vtable+0x8
virtual int NVerts() const = 0; // vtable+0xc
* A CompoundObject is simply a set of ROI objects which
* all together represent a single object with sub-parts.
class ROI;
// typedef std::set<ROI*, std::less<const ROI*> > CompoundObject;
typedef list<ROI*> CompoundObject;
* A ROIList is a list of ROI objects.
typedef vector<const ROI*> ROIList;
* A simple list of integers.
* Returned by RealtimeView::SelectLODs as indices into an ROIList.
typedef vector<int> IntList;
// VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100dbc38
// SIZE 0x10
class ROI {
m_comp = 0;
m_lods = 0;
m_unk0xc = 1;
virtual ~ROI()
// if derived class set the comp and lods, it should delete them
virtual float IntrinsicImportance() const = 0; // vtable+0x4
virtual const float* GetWorldVelocity() const = 0; // vtable+0x8
virtual const BoundingBox& GetWorldBoundingBox() const = 0; // vtable+0xc
virtual const BoundingSphere& GetWorldBoundingSphere() const = 0; // vtable+0x10
const LODListBase* GetLODs() const { return m_lods; }
const LODObject* GetLOD(int i) const
return (*m_lods)[i];
int GetLODCount() const { return m_lods ? m_lods->Size() : 0; }
const CompoundObject* GetComp() const { return m_comp; }
inline undefined GetUnk0x0c() { return m_unk0xc; }
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x100a5d60
// ROI::`scalar deleting destructor'
CompoundObject* m_comp; // 0x4
LODListBase* m_lods; // 0x8
undefined m_unk0xc; // 0xc
// SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x100a5d50
// ROI::~ROI
#endif // ROI_H