#include "legoracers.h" #include "anim/legoanim.h" #include "carrace.h" #include "define.h" #include "legocachesoundmanager.h" #include "legocameracontroller.h" #include "legonavcontroller.h" #include "legorace.h" #include "legosoundmanager.h" #include "misc.h" #include "mxdebug.h" #include "mxmisc.h" #include "mxnotificationmanager.h" #include "mxutilities.h" #include "mxvariabletable.h" #include "raceskel.h" DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(EdgeReference, 0x08) DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(SkeletonKickPhase, 0x10) DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(LegoRaceCar, 0x200) // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f0a20 EdgeReference LegoRaceCar::g_edgeReferences[] = { {// STRING: LEGO1 0x100f0a10 "EDG03_772", NULL }, {// STRING: LEGO1 0x100f0a04 "EDG03_773", NULL }, {// STRING: LEGO1 0x100f09f8 "EDG03_774", NULL }, {// STRING: LEGO1 0x100f09ec "EDG03_775", NULL }, {// STRING: LEGO1 0x100f09e0 "EDG03_776", NULL }, {// STRING: LEGO1 0x100f09d4 "EDG03_777", NULL } }; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f0a50 const SkeletonKickPhase LegoRaceCar::g_skeletonKickPhases[] = { {&LegoRaceCar::g_edgeReferences[0], 0.1, 0.2, LEGORACECAR_KICK2}, {&LegoRaceCar::g_edgeReferences[1], 0.2, 0.3, LEGORACECAR_KICK2}, {&LegoRaceCar::g_edgeReferences[2], 0.3, 0.4, LEGORACECAR_KICK2}, {&LegoRaceCar::g_edgeReferences[2], 0.6, 0.7, LEGORACECAR_KICK1}, {&LegoRaceCar::g_edgeReferences[1], 0.7, 0.8, LEGORACECAR_KICK1}, {&LegoRaceCar::g_edgeReferences[0], 0.8, 0.9, LEGORACECAR_KICK1}, {&LegoRaceCar::g_edgeReferences[3], 0.1, 0.2, LEGORACECAR_KICK1}, {&LegoRaceCar::g_edgeReferences[4], 0.2, 0.3, LEGORACECAR_KICK1}, {&LegoRaceCar::g_edgeReferences[5], 0.3, 0.4, LEGORACECAR_KICK1}, {&LegoRaceCar::g_edgeReferences[5], 0.6, 0.7, LEGORACECAR_KICK2}, {&LegoRaceCar::g_edgeReferences[4], 0.7, 0.8, LEGORACECAR_KICK2}, {&LegoRaceCar::g_edgeReferences[3], 0.8, 0.9, LEGORACECAR_KICK2}, }; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f0b10 // STRING: LEGO1 0x100f09cc const char* LegoRaceCar::g_strSpeedCopy = "SPEED"; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f0b6c // STRING: LEGO1 0x100f08c4 const char* LegoRaceCar::g_srt001ra = "srt001ra"; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f0b70 // STRING: LEGO1 0x100f08bc const char* LegoRaceCar::g_soundSkel3 = "skel3"; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f0b88 // GLOBAL: BETA10 0x101f5f94 MxS32 LegoRaceCar::g_unk0x100f0b88 = 0; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f0b8c // GLOBAL: BETA10 0x101f5f98 MxBool LegoRaceCar::g_unk0x100f0b8c = TRUE; // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10012950 LegoRaceCar::LegoRaceCar() { m_userState = 0; m_unk0x70 = 0; m_unk0x74 = 0; m_unk0x5c.Clear(); m_unk0x58 = 0; m_unk0x78 = 0; m_unk0x7c = 0; NotificationManager()->Register(this); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10012c80 LegoRaceCar::~LegoRaceCar() { NotificationManager()->Unregister(this); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10012d90 MxLong LegoRaceCar::Notify(MxParam& p_param) { return LegoRaceMap::Notify(p_param); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10012e60 void LegoRaceCar::SetWorldSpeed(MxFloat p_worldSpeed) { if (!m_userNavFlag) { if (!LegoCarRaceActor::m_unk0x0c) { m_maxLinearVel = p_worldSpeed; } LegoAnimActor::SetWorldSpeed(p_worldSpeed); } else { m_worldSpeed = p_worldSpeed; } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10012ea0 void LegoRaceCar::SetMaxLinearVelocity(float p_maxLinearVelocity) { if (p_maxLinearVelocity < 0) { LegoCarRaceActor::m_unk0x0c = 2; m_maxLinearVel = 0; SetWorldSpeed(0); } else { m_maxLinearVel = p_maxLinearVelocity; } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10012ef0 void LegoRaceCar::ParseAction(char* p_extra) { char buffer[256]; LegoAnimActor::ParseAction(p_extra); LegoRaceMap::ParseAction(p_extra); LegoRace* currentWorld = (LegoRace*) CurrentWorld(); if (KeyValueStringParse(buffer, g_strCOMP, p_extra) && currentWorld) { currentWorld->VTable0x7c(this, atoi(buffer)); } if (m_userNavFlag) { for (MxU32 i = 0; i < m_animMaps.size(); i++) { LegoAnimActorStruct* animMap = m_animMaps[i]; if (animMap->m_unk0x00 == -1.0f) { m_unk0x70 = animMap; } else if (animMap->m_unk0x00 == -2.0f) { m_unk0x74 = animMap; } } // STRING: LEGO1 0x100f0bc4 const char* edge0344 = "EDG03_44"; m_unk0x78 = currentWorld->FindPathBoundary(edge0344); // STRING: LEGO1 0x100f0bb8 const char* edge0354 = "EDG03_54"; m_unk0x7c = currentWorld->FindPathBoundary(edge0354); for (MxS32 j = 0; j < sizeOfArray(g_edgeReferences); j++) { g_edgeReferences[j].m_data = currentWorld->FindPathBoundary(g_edgeReferences[j].m_name); } } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10012ff0 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x100cb60e void LegoRaceCar::FUN_10012ff0(float p_param) { LegoAnimActorStruct* a; // called `a` in BETA10 float deltaTime; if (m_userState == LEGORACECAR_KICK1) { a = m_unk0x70; } else { assert(m_userState == LEGORACECAR_KICK2); a = m_unk0x74; } assert(a && a->GetAnimTreePtr() && a->GetAnimTreePtr()->GetCamAnim()); if (a->GetAnimTreePtr()) { deltaTime = p_param - m_unk0x58; if (a->GetDuration() <= deltaTime || deltaTime < 0.0) { if (m_userState == LEGORACECAR_KICK1) { LegoEdge** edges = m_unk0x78->GetEdges(); m_destEdge = (LegoUnknown100db7f4*) (edges[2]); m_boundary = m_unk0x78; } else { LegoEdge** edges = m_unk0x78->GetEdges(); m_destEdge = (LegoUnknown100db7f4*) (edges[1]); m_boundary = m_unk0x7c; } m_userState = LEGORACECAR_UNKNOWN_0; } else if (a->GetAnimTreePtr()->GetCamAnim()) { MxMatrix transformationMatrix; LegoWorld* r = CurrentWorld(); // called `r` in BETA10 assert(r); transformationMatrix.SetIdentity(); // Possible bug in the original code: The first argument is not initialized a->GetAnimTreePtr()->GetCamAnim()->FUN_1009f490(deltaTime, transformationMatrix); if (r->GetCamera()) { r->GetCamera()->FUN_100123e0(transformationMatrix, 0); } m_roi->FUN_100a58f0(transformationMatrix); } } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10013130 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x100cce50 MxU32 LegoRaceCar::HandleSkeletonKicks(float p_param1) { const SkeletonKickPhase* current = g_skeletonKickPhases; // TODO: Type is guesswork so far CarRace* r = (CarRace*) CurrentWorld(); // called `r` in BETA10 assert(r); RaceSkel* s = (RaceSkel*) r->GetUnk0x150(); // called `s` in BETA10 assert(s); float skeletonCurAnimPosition; float skeletonCurAnimDuration; s->GetCurrentAnimData(&skeletonCurAnimPosition, &skeletonCurAnimDuration); float skeletonCurAnimPhase = skeletonCurAnimPosition / skeletonCurAnimDuration; for (MxS32 i = 0; i < sizeOfArray(g_skeletonKickPhases); i++) { if (m_boundary == current->m_edgeRef->m_data && current->m_lower <= skeletonCurAnimPhase && skeletonCurAnimPhase <= current->m_upper) { m_userState = current->m_userState; } current = ¤t[1]; } if (m_userState != LEGORACECAR_KICK1 && m_userState != LEGORACECAR_KICK2) { MxTrace( // STRING: BETA10 0x101f64c8 "Got kicked in boundary %s %d %g:%g %g\n", // TODO: same as in above comparison m_boundary->GetName(), skeletonCurAnimPosition, skeletonCurAnimDuration, skeletonCurAnimPhase ); return FALSE; } m_unk0x58 = p_param1; SoundManager()->GetCacheSoundManager()->Play(g_soundSkel3, NULL, FALSE); return TRUE; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100131f0 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x100cb88a void LegoRaceCar::VTable0x70(float p_float) { if (m_userNavFlag && (m_userState == LEGORACECAR_KICK1 || m_userState == LEGORACECAR_KICK2)) { FUN_10012ff0(p_float); return; } LegoCarRaceActor::VTable0x70(p_float); if (m_userNavFlag && m_userState == LEGORACECAR_UNKNOWN_1) { if (HandleSkeletonKicks(p_float)) { return; } } if (LegoCarRaceActor::m_unk0x0c == 1) { FUN_1005d4b0(); if (!m_userNavFlag) { FUN_10080590(p_float); return; } float absoluteSpeed = abs(m_worldSpeed); float maximumSpeed = NavController()->GetMaxLinearVel(); char buffer[200]; sprintf(buffer, "%g", absoluteSpeed / maximumSpeed); VariableTable()->SetVariable(g_strSpeedCopy, buffer); if (m_sound) { // pitches up the engine sound based on the velocity if (absoluteSpeed > 0.83 * maximumSpeed) { m_frequencyFactor = 1.9f; } else { // this value seems to simulate RPM based on the gear MxS32 gearRpmFactor = (MxS32) (6.0 * absoluteSpeed) % 100; m_frequencyFactor = gearRpmFactor / 80.0 + 0.7; } } if (absoluteSpeed != 0.0f) { g_unk0x100f0b88 = p_float; g_unk0x100f0b8c = FALSE; } if (p_float - g_unk0x100f0b88 > 5000.0f && !g_unk0x100f0b8c) { SoundManager()->GetCacheSoundManager()->Play(g_srt001ra, NULL, 0); g_unk0x100f0b8c = TRUE; } } } // STUB: LEGO1 0x100133c0 MxResult LegoRaceCar::VTable0x94(LegoPathActor* p_actor, MxBool p_bool) { // TODO return 0; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x10013600 MxResult LegoRaceCar::VTable0x9c() { // TODO return SUCCESS; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x10014500 MxU32 LegoRaceCar::VTable0x6c( LegoPathBoundary* p_boundary, Vector3& p_v1, Vector3& p_v2, float p_f1, float p_f2, Vector3& p_v3 ) { // TODO return 0; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x10014560 void LegoRaceCar::SwitchBoundary(LegoPathBoundary*& p_boundary, LegoUnknown100db7f4*& p_edge, float& p_unk0xe4) { // TODO }