#ifndef LEGOROI_H #define LEGOROI_H #include "mxtypes.h" #include "viewmanager/viewroi.h" typedef MxBool (*ROIHandler)(char*, char*, MxU32); class LegoEntity; // Note: There is an extra class between LegoROI and ViewROI, // maybe called "AutoROI". VTABLE 0x100dbe38 // VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100dbea8 // SIZE 0x10c class LegoROI : public ViewROI { public: LegoROI(Tgl::Renderer* p_renderer, ViewLODList* p_lodList, MxTime p_time); virtual float IntrinsicImportance() const override; // vtable+0x4 // Note: Actually part of parent class (doesn't exist yet) virtual void UpdateWorldBoundingVolumes() override; // vtable+0x18 __declspec(dllexport) void SetDisplayBB(MxS32 p_displayBB); __declspec(dllexport) static void configureLegoROI(MxS32 p_roi); static void SetSomeHandlerFunction(ROIHandler p_func); static MxBool CallTheHandlerFunction( char* p_param, MxFloat& p_red, MxFloat& p_green, MxFloat& p_blue, MxFloat& p_other ); static MxBool ColorAliasLookup(char* p_param, MxFloat& p_red, MxFloat& p_green, MxFloat& p_blue, MxFloat& p_other); void WrappedSetLocalTransform(Matrix4& p_transform); void FUN_100a46b0(Matrix4& p_transform); void FUN_100a58f0(Matrix4& p_transform); inline LegoEntity* GetUnknown0x104() { return m_unk0x104; } inline void SetUnknown0x104(LegoEntity* p_unk0x104) { m_unk0x104 = p_unk0x104; } // SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x100a9ad0 // LegoROI::`scalar deleting destructor' private: undefined m_pad[0x24]; // 0xe0 LegoEntity* m_unk0x104; // 0x104 MxTime m_time; // 0x108 }; #endif // LEGOROI_H