#include "orientableroi.h" #include "decomp.h" #include <vec.h> DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(OrientableROI, 0xdc) // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a4420 OrientableROI::OrientableROI() { FILLVEC3(m_world_bounding_box.Min(), 888888.8); FILLVEC3(m_world_bounding_box.Max(), -888888.8); ZEROVEC3(m_world_bounding_sphere.Center()); m_world_bounding_sphere.Radius() = 0.0; ZEROVEC3(m_world_velocity); IDENTMAT4(m_local2world); m_parentROI = NULL; ToggleUnknown0xd8(TRUE); } // Maybe an overload based on MxMatrix type // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a46a0 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10165268 void OrientableROI::WrappedSetLocalTransform(const Matrix4& p_transform) { SetLocalTransform(p_transform); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a46b0 void OrientableROI::UpdateTransformationRelativeToParent(const Matrix4& p_transform) { MxMatrix mat; double local2world[4][4]; double local2parent[4][4]; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { local2world[i][j] = p_transform[i][j]; local2parent[i][j] = m_local2world[i][j]; } } double local_inverse[4][4]; INVERTMAT4d(local_inverse, local2parent); double parent2world[4][4]; MXM4(parent2world, local_inverse, local2world); unsigned int k, l; for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { for (l = 0; l < 4; l++) { mat[k][l] = parent2world[k][l]; } } UpdateWorldData(mat); } // Maybe an overload based on MxMatrix type // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a5090 void OrientableROI::WrappedVTable0x24(const Matrix4& p_transform) { VTable0x24(p_transform); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a50a0 void OrientableROI::GetLocalTransform(Matrix4& p_transform) { MxMatrix mat; if (m_parentROI != NULL) { double local2parent[4][4]; unsigned int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { local2parent[i][j] = m_parentROI->GetLocal2World()[i][j]; } } double local_inverse[4][4]; INVERTMAT4d(local_inverse, local2parent); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { mat[i][j] = local_inverse[i][j]; } } MXM4(p_transform, m_local2world, mat); } else { p_transform = m_local2world; } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a58f0 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x10167b77 void OrientableROI::FUN_100a58f0(const Matrix4& p_transform) { m_local2world = p_transform; ToggleUnknown0xd8(TRUE); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a5910 void OrientableROI::VTable0x1c() { UpdateWorldBoundingVolumes(); UpdateWorldVelocity(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a5930 void OrientableROI::SetLocalTransform(const Matrix4& p_transform) { m_local2world = p_transform; UpdateWorldBoundingVolumes(); UpdateWorldVelocity(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a5960 void OrientableROI::VTable0x24(const Matrix4& p_transform) { MxMatrix l_matrix(m_local2world); m_local2world.Product(p_transform, l_matrix); UpdateWorldBoundingVolumes(); UpdateWorldVelocity(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a59b0 void OrientableROI::UpdateWorldData(const Matrix4& p_transform) { MxMatrix l_matrix(m_local2world); m_local2world.Product(l_matrix, p_transform); UpdateWorldBoundingVolumes(); UpdateWorldVelocity(); // iterate over comps if (comp) { for (CompoundObject::iterator iter = comp->begin(); !(iter == comp->end()); iter++) { ROI* child = *iter; static_cast<OrientableROI*>(child)->UpdateWorldData(p_transform); } } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a5a30 void OrientableROI::FUN_100a5a30(const Vector3& p_world_velocity) { m_world_velocity = p_world_velocity; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a5a50 void OrientableROI::UpdateWorldVelocity() { } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a5a60 void CalcWorldBoundingVolumes( const BoundingSphere& modelling_sphere, const Matrix4& local2world, BoundingBox& world_bounding_box, BoundingSphere& world_bounding_sphere ) { // calculate world bounding volumes given a bounding sphere in modelling // space and local2world transform // ??? we need to transform the radius too... if scaling... V3XM4(world_bounding_sphere.Center(), modelling_sphere.Center(), local2world); world_bounding_sphere.Radius() = modelling_sphere.Radius(); // update world_bounding_box world_bounding_box.Min()[0] = world_bounding_sphere.Center()[0] - world_bounding_sphere.Radius(); world_bounding_box.Min()[1] = world_bounding_sphere.Center()[1] - world_bounding_sphere.Radius(); world_bounding_box.Min()[2] = world_bounding_sphere.Center()[2] - world_bounding_sphere.Radius(); world_bounding_box.Max()[0] = world_bounding_sphere.Center()[0] + world_bounding_sphere.Radius(); world_bounding_box.Max()[1] = world_bounding_sphere.Center()[1] + world_bounding_sphere.Radius(); world_bounding_box.Max()[2] = world_bounding_sphere.Center()[2] + world_bounding_sphere.Radius(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a5d80 const float* OrientableROI::GetWorldVelocity() const { return m_world_velocity.GetData(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a5d90 const BoundingBox& OrientableROI::GetWorldBoundingBox() const { return m_world_bounding_box; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100a5da0 const BoundingSphere& OrientableROI::GetWorldBoundingSphere() const { return m_world_bounding_sphere; }