#include "mxdirect3d.h" #include <SDL3/SDL.h> // for SDL_Log DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(MxDirect3D, 0x894) #if !defined(MXDIRECTX_FOR_CONFIG) #define RELEASE(x) \ if (x != NULL) { \ x->Release(); \ x = NULL; \ } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b0a0 MxDirect3D::MxDirect3D() { this->m_pDirect3d = NULL; this->m_pDirect3dDevice = NULL; this->m_bTexturesDisabled = FALSE; this->m_assignedDevice = NULL; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b140 MxDirect3D::~MxDirect3D() { Destroy(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b1a0 BOOL MxDirect3D::Create( HWND hWnd, BOOL fullscreen_1, BOOL surface_fullscreen, BOOL onlySystemMemory, int width, int height, int bpp, const PALETTEENTRY* pPaletteEntries, int paletteEntryCount ) { BOOL success = FALSE; BOOL ret = MxDirectDraw::Create( hWnd, fullscreen_1, surface_fullscreen, onlySystemMemory, width, height, bpp, pPaletteEntries, paletteEntryCount ); if (ret && D3DCreate() && D3DSetMode()) { success = TRUE; } if (!success) { FUN_1009d920(); } return success; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b210 void MxDirect3D::Destroy() { RELEASE(m_pDirect3dDevice); RELEASE(m_pDirect3d); if (this->m_assignedDevice) { delete m_assignedDevice; this->m_assignedDevice = NULL; } if (m_pCurrentDeviceModesList) { m_pCurrentDeviceModesList = NULL; } MxDirectDraw::Destroy(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b290 void MxDirect3D::DestroyButNotDirectDraw() { RELEASE(m_pDirect3dDevice); RELEASE(m_pDirect3d); MxDirectDraw::DestroyButNotDirectDraw(); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b2d0 BOOL MxDirect3D::D3DCreate() { HRESULT result; result = DirectDraw()->QueryInterface(IID_IDirect3D2, (LPVOID*) &m_pDirect3d); if (result != DD_OK) { Error("Creation of IDirect3D failed", result); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b310 BOOL MxDirect3D::D3DSetMode() { if (m_assignedDevice->m_flags & MxAssignedDevice::c_hardwareMode) { if (m_bOnlySoftRender) { Error("Failed to place vital surfaces in video memory for hardware driver", DDERR_GENERIC); return FALSE; } if (m_assignedDevice->m_desc.dpcTriCaps.dwTextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_PERSPECTIVE) { m_bTexturesDisabled = FALSE; } else { m_bTexturesDisabled = TRUE; } if (!CreateZBuffer(DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY, ZBufferDepth(m_assignedDevice))) { return FALSE; } } else { if (m_assignedDevice->m_desc.dpcTriCaps.dwTextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_PERSPECTIVE) { m_bTexturesDisabled = FALSE; } else { m_bTexturesDisabled = TRUE; } if (!CreateZBuffer(DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY, ZBufferDepth(m_assignedDevice))) { return FALSE; } } HRESULT result = m_pDirect3d->CreateDevice(m_assignedDevice->m_guid, m_pBackBuffer, &m_pDirect3dDevice); if (result != DD_OK) { Error("Create D3D device failed", result); return FALSE; } DeviceModesInfo::Mode mode = m_currentMode; if (IsFullScreen()) { if (!IsSupportedMode(mode.width, mode.height, mode.bitsPerPixel)) { Error("This device cannot support the current display mode", DDERR_GENERIC); return FALSE; } } LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE frontBuffer = m_pFrontBuffer; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE backBuffer = m_pBackBuffer; DDSURFACEDESC desc; memset(&desc, 0, sizeof(desc)); desc.dwSize = sizeof(desc); if (backBuffer->Lock(NULL, &desc, DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL) == DD_OK) { unsigned char* surface = (unsigned char*) desc.lpSurface; for (int i = mode.height; i > 0; i--) { memset(surface, 0, mode.width * desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount / 8); surface += desc.lPitch; } backBuffer->Unlock(desc.lpSurface); } else { SDL_Log("MxDirect3D::D3DSetMode() back lock failed\n"); } if (m_bFullScreen) { memset(&desc, 0, sizeof(desc)); desc.dwSize = sizeof(desc); if (frontBuffer->Lock(NULL, &desc, DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL) == DD_OK) { unsigned char* surface = (unsigned char*) desc.lpSurface; for (int i = mode.height; i > 0; i--) { memset(surface, 0, mode.width * desc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount / 8); surface += desc.lPitch; } frontBuffer->Unlock(desc.lpSurface); } else { SDL_Log("MxDirect3D::D3DSetMode() front lock failed\n"); } } return TRUE; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b5a0 int MxDirect3D::ZBufferDepth(MxAssignedDevice* p_assignedDevice) { int depth; DWORD deviceDepth; if (p_assignedDevice->m_desc.dwFlags & D3DDD_DEVICEZBUFFERBITDEPTH) { deviceDepth = p_assignedDevice->m_desc.dwDeviceZBufferBitDepth; } else { deviceDepth = 0; } if (deviceDepth & DDBD_32) { depth = 32; } else if (deviceDepth & DDBD_24) { depth = 24; } else if (deviceDepth & DDBD_16) { depth = 16; } else if (deviceDepth & DDBD_8) { depth = 8; } else { depth = -1; } return depth; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1009b5f0 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1011bbca BOOL MxDirect3D::SetDevice(MxDeviceEnumerate& p_deviceEnumerate, MxDriver* p_driver, Direct3DDeviceInfo* p_device) { if (m_assignedDevice) { delete m_assignedDevice; m_assignedDevice = NULL; m_pCurrentDeviceModesList = NULL; } MxAssignedDevice* assignedDevice = new MxAssignedDevice; int i = 0; for (list<MxDriver>::iterator it = p_deviceEnumerate.m_list.begin(); it != p_deviceEnumerate.m_list.end(); it++) { MxDriver& driver = *it; if (&driver == p_driver) { assignedDevice->m_deviceInfo = new DeviceModesInfo; if (driver.m_guid) { assignedDevice->m_deviceInfo->m_guid = new GUID; memcpy(assignedDevice->m_deviceInfo->m_guid, driver.m_guid, sizeof(GUID)); } assignedDevice->m_deviceInfo->m_count = driver.m_displayModes.size(); if (assignedDevice->m_deviceInfo->m_count > 0) { assignedDevice->m_deviceInfo->m_modeArray = new DeviceModesInfo::Mode[assignedDevice->m_deviceInfo->m_count]; int j = 0; for (list<MxDisplayMode>::iterator it2 = driver.m_displayModes.begin(); it2 != driver.m_displayModes.end(); it2++) { assignedDevice->m_deviceInfo->m_modeArray[j].width = (*it2).m_width; assignedDevice->m_deviceInfo->m_modeArray[j].height = (*it2).m_height; assignedDevice->m_deviceInfo->m_modeArray[j].bitsPerPixel = (*it2).m_bitsPerPixel; j++; } } memcpy( &assignedDevice->m_deviceInfo->m_ddcaps, &driver.m_ddCaps, sizeof(assignedDevice->m_deviceInfo->m_ddcaps) ); if (i == 0) { assignedDevice->m_flags |= MxAssignedDevice::c_primaryDevice; } for (list<Direct3DDeviceInfo>::iterator it2 = driver.m_devices.begin(); it2 != driver.m_devices.end(); it2++) { Direct3DDeviceInfo& device = *it2; if (&device != p_device) { continue; } memcpy(&assignedDevice->m_guid, device.m_guid, sizeof(assignedDevice->m_guid)); D3DDEVICEDESC* desc; if (device.m_HWDesc.dcmColorModel) { assignedDevice->m_flags |= MxAssignedDevice::c_hardwareMode; desc = &device.m_HWDesc; } else { desc = &device.m_HELDesc; } memcpy(&assignedDevice->m_desc, desc, sizeof(assignedDevice->m_desc)); m_assignedDevice = assignedDevice; m_pCurrentDeviceModesList = assignedDevice->m_deviceInfo; break; } } i++; } if (!m_assignedDevice) { delete assignedDevice; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #endif