#ifndef LEGOPATHCONTROLLER_H #define LEGOPATHCONTROLLER_H #include "decomp.h" #include "geom/legounkown100db7f4.h" #include "legopathactor.h" #include "legopathboundary.h" #include "mxcore.h" #include "mxstl/stlcompat.h" class LegoAnimPresenter; class LegoPathStruct; class LegoWorld; class MxAtomId; class Vector3; #if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(__i386__) #define COMPARE_POINTER_TYPE MxS32 #else #define COMPARE_POINTER_TYPE MxS32* #endif // VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d7da8 // SIZE 0x40 struct LegoPathCtrlEdge : public LegoUnknown100db7f4 {}; struct LegoPathCtrlEdgeCompare { MxU32 operator()(const LegoPathCtrlEdge* p_lhs, const LegoPathCtrlEdge* p_rhs) const { return (COMPARE_POINTER_TYPE) p_lhs < (COMPARE_POINTER_TYPE) p_rhs; } }; typedef set LegoPathCtrlEdgeSet; // VTABLE: LEGO1 0x100d7d60 // SIZE 0x40 class LegoPathController : public MxCore { public: // SIZE 0x08 struct CtrlBoundary { // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10046dc0 CtrlBoundary() { m_controller = NULL; m_boundary = NULL; } LegoPathController* m_controller; // 0x00 LegoPathBoundary* m_boundary; // 0x04 }; // SIZE 0x08 struct CtrlEdge { // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10046dd0 CtrlEdge() { m_controller = NULL; m_edge = NULL; } LegoPathController* m_controller; // 0x00 LegoUnknown100db7f4* m_edge; // 0x04 }; LegoPathController(); ~LegoPathController() override { Destroy(); } MxResult Tickle() override; // vtable+08 // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10045110 const char* ClassName() const override // vtable+0x0c { // STRING: LEGO1 0x100f11b8 return "LegoPathController"; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10045120 MxBool IsA(const char* p_name) const override // vtable+0x10 { return !strcmp(p_name, LegoPathController::ClassName()) || MxCore::IsA(p_name); } // SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x10045740 // LegoPathController::`scalar deleting destructor' virtual MxResult Create(MxU8* p_data, const Vector3& p_location, const MxAtomId& p_trigger); // vtable+0x14 virtual void Destroy(); // vtable+0x18 MxResult PlaceActor( LegoPathActor* p_actor, const char* p_name, MxS32 p_src, float p_srcScale, MxS32 p_dest, float p_destScale ); MxResult PlaceActor( LegoPathActor* p_actor, LegoAnimPresenter* p_presenter, Vector3& p_position, Vector3& p_direction ); MxResult PlaceActor(LegoPathActor* p_actor); MxResult RemoveActor(LegoPathActor* p_actor); void FUN_100468f0(LegoAnimPresenter* p_presenter); void FUN_10046930(LegoAnimPresenter* p_presenter); MxResult FUN_10046b30(LegoPathBoundary*& p_boundaries, MxS32& p_numL); LegoPathBoundary* GetPathBoundary(const char* p_name); void Enable(MxBool p_enable); void FUN_10046bb0(LegoWorld* p_world); MxS32 FUN_1004a240( LegoPathEdgeContainer& p_grec, Vector3& p_v1, Vector3& p_v2, float p_f1, LegoUnknown100db7f4*& p_edge, LegoPathBoundary*& p_boundary ); MxResult FUN_10048310( LegoPathEdgeContainer* p_grec, const Vector3& p_position, const Vector3& p_direction, LegoPathBoundary* p_boundary1, const Vector3& p_param5, const Vector3& p_param6, LegoPathBoundary* p_boundary2, MxBool p_param8, MxFloat* p_param9 ); static MxResult Init(); static MxResult Reset(); // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x100cf580 static LegoUnknown100db7f4* GetControlEdgeA(MxS32 p_index) { return g_ctrlEdgesA[p_index].m_edge; } // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x100cf5b0 static LegoPathBoundary* GetControlBoundaryA(MxS32 p_index) { return g_ctrlBoundariesA[p_index].m_boundary; } // These two are an educated guess because BETA10 does not have the g_ctrl.*B globals static LegoUnknown100db7f4* GetControlEdgeB(MxS32 p_index) { return g_ctrlEdgesB[p_index].m_edge; } static LegoPathBoundary* GetControlBoundaryB(MxS32 p_index) { return g_ctrlBoundariesB[p_index].m_boundary; } private: void FUN_10046970(); MxResult Read(LegoStorage* p_storage); MxResult ReadStructs(LegoStorage* p_storage); MxResult ReadEdges(LegoStorage* p_storage); MxResult ReadBoundaries(LegoStorage* p_storage); static MxResult ReadVector(LegoStorage* p_storage, Mx3DPointFloat& p_vec); static MxResult ReadVector(LegoStorage* p_storage, Mx4DPointFloat& p_vec); LegoPathBoundary* m_boundaries; // 0x08 LegoPathCtrlEdge* m_edges; // 0x0c Mx3DPointFloat* m_unk0x10; // 0x10 LegoPathStruct* m_structs; // 0x14 MxU16 m_numL; // 0x18 MxU16 m_numE; // 0x1a MxU16 m_numN; // 0x1c MxU16 m_numT; // 0x1e LegoPathCtrlEdgeSet m_pfsE; // 0x20 LegoPathActorSet m_actors; // 0x30 // Names verified by BETA10 static CtrlBoundary* g_ctrlBoundariesA; static CtrlEdge* g_ctrlEdgesA; static const char* g_unk0x100f42f0[]; static const char* g_unk0x100f4330[]; static CtrlBoundary* g_ctrlBoundariesB; static CtrlEdge* g_ctrlEdgesB; }; // clang-format off // TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x1001fd70 // _Tree >::_Kfn,LegoPathActorSetCompare,allocator >::_Lbound // TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x1002c4a0 // _Tree >::_Kfn,LegoPathActorSetCompare,allocator >::_Buynode // TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x100451a0 // _Tree >::_Kfn,LegoPathCtrlEdgeCompare,allocator >::~_Tree::~Set // TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x10045830 // set >::~set > // TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x10046640 // _Tree >::_Kfn,LegoAnimPresenterSetCompare,allocator >::find // TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x100468c0 // _Tree >::_Kfn,LegoPathActorSetCompare,allocator >::_Ubound // TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x10047550 // _Tree >::_Kfn,LegoPathCtrlEdgeCompare,allocator >::_Insert // TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x100474e0 // _Tree >::_Kfn,LegoPathCtrlEdgeCompare,allocator >::iterator::_Dec // TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x10047530 // _Tree >::_Kfn,LegoPathCtrlEdgeCompare,allocator >::_Buynode // TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x100477d0 // _Tree >::_Kfn,LegoPathCtrlEdgeCompare,allocator >::_Lrotate // TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x10047830 // _Tree >::_Kfn,LegoPathCtrlEdgeCompare,allocator >::_Rrotate // SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x10047940 // LegoPathCtrlEdge::`vector deleting destructor' // SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x100479d0 // LegoPathCtrlEdge::LegoPathCtrlEdge // SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x10047a30 // LegoPathCtrlEdge::~LegoPathCtrlEdge // SYNTHETIC: LEGO1 0x10047ae0 // LegoUnknown100db7f4::~LegoUnknown100db7f4 // TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x10048f70 // list >::erase // TEMPLATE: LEGO1 0x1004a780 // _Construct // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f4360 // _Tree >::_Kfn,LegoPathCtrlEdgeCompare,allocator >::_Nil // clang-format on #endif // LEGOPATHCONTROLLER_H