#include "act2actor.h" #include "3dmanager/lego3dmanager.h" #include "act2main_actions.h" #include "legoact2.h" #include "legocachesoundmanager.h" #include "legopathcontroller.h" #include "legopathedgecontainer.h" #include "legosoundmanager.h" #include "legovideomanager.h" #include "legoworld.h" #include "misc.h" #include "roi/legoroi.h" #include "viewmanager/viewmanager.h" #include DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(Act2Actor, 0x1a8) DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(Act2Actor::UnknownListStructure, 0x20) // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f0db8 // GLOBAL: BETA10 0x101dbd00 Act2Actor::UnknownListStructure g_unk0x100f0db8[] = { {{-47.92, 7.0699968, -31.58}, {-0.999664, 0.0, -0.025916}, "edg01_27", FALSE}, {{-70.393349, 8.07, 3.151935}, {-0.90653503, 0.0, 0.422131}, "int06", FALSE}, {{-47.74, 4.079995, -52.3}, {-0.98293, 0.0, -0.18398}, "edg01_08", FALSE}, {{-26.273487, 0.069, 12.170015}, {0.987199, 0.0, -0.159491}, "INT14", FALSE}, {{26.16499, 0.069, 5.61}, {0.027719, 0.0, 0.999616}, "INT22", FALSE}, {{66.383446, 4.07, 32.387417}, {0.979487, 0.0, -0.201506}, "edg02_27", FALSE}, {{71.843285, 0.069, -49.524852}, {0.99031502, 0.0, 0.13884}, "edg02_39", FALSE}, {{26.470566, 0.069, -44.670845}, {0.004602, 0.0, -0.99998897}, "int26", FALSE}, {{-6.323625, 0.069, -47.96045}, {-0.982068, 0.0, 0.188529}, "edg02_53", FALSE}, {{-36.689, -0.978409, 31.449}, {0.083792, -0.94303, -0.66398698}, "edg00_157", FALSE}, {{-44.6, 0.1, 45.3}, {0.95, 0.0, -0.3}, "edg00_154", FALSE}, }; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100f0f1c MxFloat g_unk0x100f0f1c = 0.0f; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x10102b1c // GLOBAL: BETA10 0x10209f60 undefined4 g_nextHeadWavIndex = 0; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x10102b20 // GLOBAL: BETA10 0x10209f64 undefined4 g_nextBehindWavIndex = 0; // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x10102b24 // GLOBAL: BETA10 0x10209f68 undefined4 g_nextInterruptWavIndex = 0; // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100187e0 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1000c7fb Act2Actor::Act2Actor() { m_unk0x1c = 0; m_unk0x1d = 0; m_unk0x1f = FALSE; m_unk0x24 = 0; m_unk0x20 = 0; m_unk0x1e = 0; m_unk0x28 = 4; m_unk0x2c = 0; m_unk0x30 = 0; m_shootAnim = NULL; m_unk0x44 = 0; m_unk0x40 = 1; m_unk0x48 = 0; m_unk0x4c = 0; m_unk0x38 = NULL; m_unk0x3c = 0; // Odd: The code says < 10, but there are 11 entries in the array for (MxS32 i = 0; i < 10; i++) { g_unk0x100f0db8[i].m_unk0x1c = 0; } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10018940 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1003d65f void Act2Actor::SetROI(LegoROI* p_roi, MxBool p_bool1, MxBool p_bool2) { LegoAnimActor::SetROI(p_roi, p_bool1, p_bool2); m_roi->SetVisibility(FALSE); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10018980 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1000c963 void Act2Actor::FUN_10018980() { for (MxS32 i = 0; i < m_animMaps.size(); i++) { if (m_animMaps[i]->GetUnknown0x00() == -1.0f) { m_shootAnim = m_animMaps[i]; } } assert(m_shootAnim); m_unk0x38 = SoundManager()->GetCacheSoundManager()->FindSoundByKey("xarrow"); m_unk0x38->SetDistance(45, 55); m_roi->SetVisibility(TRUE); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100189f0 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1000ca64 MxResult Act2Actor::HitActor(LegoPathActor*, MxBool) { if (m_unk0x1f == FALSE) { m_unk0x1f = TRUE; m_unk0x20 = 0; } SoundManager()->GetCacheSoundManager()->Play("hitactor", NULL, FALSE); return SUCCESS; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10018a20 MxResult Act2Actor::VTable0x9c() { if (m_grec && !m_grec->GetBit1()) { delete m_grec; m_grec = NULL; return SUCCESS; } else { if (m_unk0x1f) { MxMatrix matrix = m_roi->GetLocal2World(); matrix[3][1] -= 3.0f; m_roi->UpdateTransformationRelativeToParent(matrix); LegoROI* brickstrROI = FindROI("brickstr"); MxMatrix brickstrMatrix = brickstrROI->GetLocal2World(); brickstrMatrix[3][1] -= 3.0f; brickstrROI->UpdateTransformationRelativeToParent(brickstrMatrix); } return LegoPathActor::VTable0x9c(); } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10018c30 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1000cb52 void Act2Actor::VTable0x70(float p_time) { int dummy1; // for BETA10, not sure what it is being used for #ifdef NDEBUG MxFloat local48float = 0.0f; if (g_unk0x100f0f1c != 0.0f) { local48float = p_time - g_unk0x100f0f1c; } g_unk0x100f0f1c = p_time; #endif LegoAnimActor::VTable0x70(p_time); if (m_unk0x44 != 0.0f && m_unk0x44 < p_time) { SetWorldSpeed(m_unk0x28); } if (m_unk0x1f) { if (m_unk0x20 > 600.0f) { m_unk0x1f = FALSE; m_unk0x20 = 0; } else { #ifdef NDEBUG m_unk0x20 += local48float; #endif MxMatrix matrix = m_roi->GetLocal2World(); matrix[3][1] += 3.0f; m_roi->UpdateTransformationRelativeToParent(matrix); #ifdef NDEBUG LegoROI* brickstrROI = FindROI("brickstr"); MxMatrix brickstrMatrix = brickstrROI->GetLocal2World(); brickstrMatrix[3][1] += 3.0f; brickstrROI->UpdateTransformationRelativeToParent(brickstrMatrix); #endif return; } } if (!m_grec) { if (m_unk0x1e == 2) { m_unk0x1e = 0; m_unk0x2c = m_shootAnim->GetDuration() + p_time; m_unk0x30 = m_unk0x2c - 1300.0f; SetWorldSpeed(0); m_unk0x1c = FALSE; } else if (m_unk0x1e == 1) { FindROI("pwrbrik")->SetVisibility(FALSE); FindROI("debrick")->SetVisibility(FALSE); FindROI("ray")->SetVisibility(FALSE); m_unk0x4c = 0; m_unk0x1e = 2; VTable0xa0(); FUN_10019250(m_unk0x28 + 3, p_time + 3000.0f); } else if (m_unk0x1e == 0) { if (m_unk0x40) { m_unk0x40 = 0; m_unk0x2c = m_shootAnim->GetDuration() + p_time; m_unk0x30 = m_unk0x2c - 1300.0f; } if (FUN_10019700(p_time) == 1) { return; } } else if (m_unk0x1e == 5) { FindROI("brickstr")->SetVisibility(FALSE); GetROI()->SetVisibility(FALSE); CurrentWorld()->RemoveActor(this); return; } #ifdef NDEBUG else if (m_unk0x1e == 4) { if (m_worldSpeed == 0.0f) { return; } SetWorldSpeed(0.0f); ((LegoAct2*) CurrentWorld())->FUN_100517b0(); return; } #endif } if (m_unk0x1e == 5 || m_unk0x1e == 4) { return; } if (m_unk0x1e == 3) { if (p_time - m_unk0x24 > 600.0f) { m_unk0x1e = 2; FUN_10019250(m_unk0x28 + 4, p_time + 15000.0f); } } else { LegoROI* roiPepper = FindROI("pepper"); if (roiPepper) { ViewManager* vm = VideoManager()->Get3DManager()->GetLego3DView()->GetViewManager(); assert(vm); MxU32 inFrustum = vm->IsBoundingBoxInFrustum(m_roi->GetWorldBoundingBox()); if (inFrustum) { Mx3DPointFloat local18(roiPepper->GetWorldDirection()); Mx3DPointFloat local30(m_roi->GetWorldPosition()); Mx3DPointFloat local60(roiPepper->GetWorldPosition()); local30 -= local60; local30.Unitize(); MxFloat dotproduct = local18.Dot(&local30, &local18); if (dotproduct >= 0.0) { const MxFloat* pepperWorldPosition = roiPepper->GetWorldPosition(); const MxFloat* worldPosition = m_roi->GetWorldPosition(); MxFloat distance1 = DISTSQRD3(pepperWorldPosition, worldPosition); if (distance1 < 75.0f) { if (!m_unk0x1c) { m_unk0x1c = 1; if (!m_unk0x1e) { FUN_100199f0(2); m_unk0x1e = 1; } else { LegoROI* childROI = m_roi->FindChildROI("windsd", m_roi); const MxFloat* childPosition = childROI->GetWorldPosition(); MxFloat distance2 = DISTSQRD3(pepperWorldPosition, childPosition); childROI = m_roi->FindChildROI("reardr", m_roi); childPosition = childROI->GetWorldPosition(); MxFloat distance3 = DISTSQRD3(pepperWorldPosition, childPosition); if (distance3 > distance2) { FUN_100199f0(0); } else #ifdef NDEBUG if (p_time - m_unk0x24 > 3000.0f) { #endif SetWorldSpeed(m_unk0x28 - 1); m_unk0x1e = 3; m_unk0x24 = p_time; if (((LegoAct2*) CurrentWorld())->FUN_100516b0() == SUCCESS) { FUN_100199f0(1); } #ifdef NDEBUG } #endif } } } else { if (m_unk0x1c) { m_unk0x1c = 0; } } } } } } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10019250 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1000d45c void Act2Actor::FUN_10019250(MxFloat p_speed, MxFloat p_param2) { // The arguments have been changed from BETA10 to LEGO1 SetWorldSpeed(p_speed); m_unk0x44 = p_param2; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10019280 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1000d4a6 void Act2Actor::SetWorldSpeed(MxFloat p_worldSpeed) { LegoAnimActor::SetWorldSpeed(p_worldSpeed); m_unk0x44 = 0; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100192a0 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1000d4d6 void Act2Actor::FUN_100192a0(undefined4 p_param) { Mx3DPointFloat newPosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); Mx3DPointFloat newDirection(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); if (m_grec) { delete m_grec; } m_grec = new LegoPathEdgeContainer(); assert(m_grec); newPosition = g_unk0x100f0db8[p_param].m_position; newDirection = g_unk0x100f0db8[p_param].m_direction; LegoPathBoundary* newBoundary = m_pathController->GetPathBoundary(g_unk0x100f0db8[p_param].m_boundary); MxResult sts = m_pathController->FUN_10048310( m_grec, m_roi->GetWorldPosition(), m_roi->GetWorldDirection(), m_boundary, newPosition, newDirection, newBoundary, LegoUnknown100db7f4::c_bit1, NULL ); assert(!sts); // == SUCCESS if (sts != SUCCESS) { delete m_grec; m_grec = NULL; } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10019520 void Act2Actor::FUN_10019520() { m_unk0x1e = 4; SetWorldSpeed(m_unk0x28 + 3); FUN_100192a0(10); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10019560 void Act2Actor::FUN_10019560() { m_unk0x1e = 5; SetWorldSpeed(m_unk0x28 + 5); FUN_100192a0(9); } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100195a0 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1000d7d3 MxS32 Act2Actor::VTable0xa0() { undefined4 newLocation; CurrentWorld(); MxU16 randomVal = rand() / (RAND_MAX / 2) + 1; if (m_unk0x48 == 8 && m_unk0x1d != 8) { newLocation = 8; } else { switch (m_unk0x1d) { case 0: if (randomVal == 1) { newLocation = 3; } else { newLocation = 7; } break; case 1: if (randomVal == 1) { newLocation = 2; } else { newLocation = 4; } break; case 2: if (randomVal == 1) { newLocation = 3; } else { newLocation = 6; } break; case 3: if (randomVal == 1) { newLocation = 5; } else { newLocation = 1; } break; case 4: if (randomVal == 1) { newLocation = 7; } else { newLocation = 0; } break; case 5: if (randomVal == 1) { newLocation = 6; } else { newLocation = 1; } break; case 6: if (randomVal == 1) { newLocation = 0; } else { newLocation = 4; } break; case 7: if (randomVal == 1) { newLocation = 2; } else { newLocation = 5; } break; case 8: if (randomVal == 1) { newLocation = 0; } else { newLocation = 4; } } } undefined4 firstChoice = newLocation; if (m_unk0x48 < 7 || g_unk0x100f0db8[m_unk0x1d].m_unk0x1c) { while (g_unk0x100f0db8[newLocation].m_unk0x1c || m_unk0x1d == newLocation) { if (newLocation == 7) { newLocation = 0; } else { newLocation++; } assert(newLocation != firstChoice); } } m_unk0x1d = newLocation; FUN_100192a0(newLocation); if (m_grec) { return SUCCESS; } else { return FAILURE; } } // STUB: LEGO1 0x10019700 // STUB: BETA10 0x1000dd27 undefined4 Act2Actor::FUN_10019700(MxFloat p_param) { // TODO return 0; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100199f0 // FUNCTION: BETA10 0x1000e11a void Act2Actor::FUN_100199f0(MxS8 p_param) { switch (p_param) { case 0: switch (g_nextHeadWavIndex) { case 0: ((LegoAct2*) CurrentWorld()) ->FUN_10052560(Act2mainScript::c_VOhead0_PlayWav, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_nextHeadWavIndex++; break; default: ((LegoAct2*) CurrentWorld()) ->FUN_10052560(Act2mainScript::c_VOhead1_PlayWav, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_nextHeadWavIndex = 0; break; } break; case 1: switch (g_nextBehindWavIndex) { case 0: ((LegoAct2*) CurrentWorld()) ->FUN_10052560(Act2mainScript::c_VObehind0_PlayWav, FALSE, TRUE, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_nextBehindWavIndex++; break; case 1: ((LegoAct2*) CurrentWorld()) ->FUN_10052560(Act2mainScript::c_VObehind1_PlayWav, FALSE, TRUE, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_nextBehindWavIndex++; break; case 2: ((LegoAct2*) CurrentWorld()) ->FUN_10052560(Act2mainScript::c_VObehind2_PlayWav, FALSE, TRUE, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_nextBehindWavIndex++; break; default: ((LegoAct2*) CurrentWorld()) ->FUN_10052560(Act2mainScript::c_VObehind3_PlayWav, FALSE, TRUE, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_nextBehindWavIndex = 0; break; } break; case 2: switch (g_nextInterruptWavIndex) { case 0: ((LegoAct2*) CurrentWorld()) ->FUN_10052560(Act2mainScript::c_VOinterrupt0_PlayWav, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_nextInterruptWavIndex++; break; case 1: ((LegoAct2*) CurrentWorld()) ->FUN_10052560(Act2mainScript::c_VOinterrupt1_PlayWav, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_nextInterruptWavIndex++; break; case 2: ((LegoAct2*) CurrentWorld()) ->FUN_10052560(Act2mainScript::c_VOinterrupt2_PlayWav, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_nextInterruptWavIndex++; break; default: ((LegoAct2*) CurrentWorld()) ->FUN_10052560(Act2mainScript::c_VOinterrupt3_PlayWav, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_nextInterruptWavIndex = 0; break; } } } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x1001a180 MxS32 Act2Actor::VTable0x68(Vector3& p_v1, Vector3& p_v2, Vector3& p_v3) { if (m_unk0x1f) { return 0; } return LegoAnimActor::VTable0x68(p_v1, p_v2, p_v3); }