#include "registrationbook.h" #include "infocenterstate.h" #include "jukebox_actions.h" #include "legocontrolmanager.h" #include "legogamestate.h" #include "legoinputmanager.h" #include "legoomni.h" #include "misc.h" #include "mxactionnotificationparam.h" #include "mxbackgroundaudiomanager.h" #include "mxmisc.h" #include "mxnotificationmanager.h" #include "mxtimer.h" #include "regbook_actions.h" DECOMP_SIZE_ASSERT(RegistrationBook, 0x2d0) // GLOBAL: LEGO1 0x100d9924 const char* g_infoman = "infoman"; // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10076d20 RegistrationBook::RegistrationBook() : m_unk0xf8(0x80000000), m_unk0xfc(1) { memset(m_alphabet, 0, sizeof(m_alphabet)); memset(m_name, 0, sizeof(m_name)); // May not be part of the struct, but then it would need packing m_unk0x280.m_unk0x0e = 0; memset(m_checkmark, 0, sizeof(m_checkmark)); memset(&m_unk0x280, -1, sizeof(m_unk0x280) - 2); m_unk0x2b8 = 0; m_infocenterState = NULL; NotificationManager()->Register(this); m_unk0x2c1 = 0; m_unk0x2c4 = 0; m_unk0x2c8 = 0; m_unk0x2cc = 0; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x10076f50 RegistrationBook::~RegistrationBook() { // TODO } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10077060 MxResult RegistrationBook::Create(MxDSAction& p_dsAction) { MxResult result = LegoWorld::Create(p_dsAction); if (result == SUCCESS) { InputManager()->SetWorld(this); ControlManager()->Register(this); SetIsWorldActive(FALSE); InputManager()->Register(this); GameState()->SetCurrentArea(LegoGameState::e_regbook); GameState()->StopArea(LegoGameState::e_previousArea); m_infocenterState = (InfocenterState*) GameState()->GetState("InfocenterState"); } return result; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100770e0 MxLong RegistrationBook::Notify(MxParam& p_param) { MxLong result = 0; LegoWorld::Notify(p_param); if (m_worldStarted) { switch (((MxNotificationParam&) p_param).GetType()) { case c_notificationEndAction: result = HandleEndAction((MxEndActionNotificationParam&) p_param); break; case c_notificationKeyPress: m_unk0xf8 = Timer()->GetTime(); result = HandleKeyPress(((LegoEventNotificationParam&) p_param).GetKey()); break; case c_notificationButtonDown: m_unk0xf8 = Timer()->GetTime(); break; case c_notificationClick: result = HandleClick((LegoControlManagerEvent&) p_param); break; case c_notificationType19: result = HandleNotification19(p_param); break; case c_notificationTransitioned: GameState()->SwitchArea(LegoGameState::e_infomain); break; } } return result; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x10077210 MxLong RegistrationBook::HandleEndAction(MxEndActionNotificationParam& p_param) { return 0; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x100772d0 MxLong RegistrationBook::HandleKeyPress(MxS8 p_key) { return 0; } // STUB: LEGO1 0x100774a0 MxLong RegistrationBook::HandleClick(LegoControlManagerEvent& p_param) { return 0; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10077cc0 void RegistrationBook::ReadyWorld() { LegoGameState* gameState = GameState(); gameState->GetHistory()->WriteScoreHistory(); MxS16 i; PlayMusic(JukeboxScript::c_InformationCenter_Music); char letterBuffer[] = "A_Bitmap"; for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { m_alphabet[i] = (MxStillPresenter*) Find("MxStillPresenter", letterBuffer); // We need to loop through the entire alphabet, // so increment the first char of the bitmap name letterBuffer[0]++; } // Now we have to do the checkmarks char checkmarkBuffer[] = "Check0_Ctl"; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { m_checkmark[i] = (MxControlPresenter*) Find("MxControlPresenter", checkmarkBuffer); // Just like in the prior letter loop, // we need to increment the fifth char // to get the next checkmark bitmap checkmarkBuffer[5]++; } LegoGameState::Username* players = GameState()->m_players; for (i = 1; i <= GameState()->m_playerCount; i++) { for (MxS16 j = 0; j < 7; j++) { if (players[i - 1].m_letters[j] != -1) { if (j == 0) { m_checkmark[i]->Enable(TRUE); } // Start building the player names using a two-dimensional array m_name[i][j] = m_alphabet[players[i - 1].m_letters[j]]->Clone(); // Enable the presenter to actually show the letter in the grid m_name[i][j]->Enable(TRUE); m_name[i][j]->SetTickleState(MxPresenter::e_repeating); m_name[i][j]->SetPosition(23 * j + 343, 27 * i + 121); } } } if (m_infocenterState->HasRegistered()) { PlayAction(RegbookScript::c_iic008in_PlayWav); LegoROI* infoman = FindROI(g_infoman); if (infoman != NULL) { infoman->SetUnknown0x0c(0); } } else { PlayAction(RegbookScript::c_iic006in_RunAnim); } } inline void RegistrationBook::PlayAction(MxU32 p_objectId) { MxDSAction action; action.SetAtomId(*g_regbookScript); action.SetObjectId(p_objectId); BackgroundAudioManager()->LowerVolume(); Start(&action); } // STUB: LEGO1 0x10077fd0 MxResult RegistrationBook::Tickle() { if (!m_worldStarted) { LegoWorld::Tickle(); } else { // TODO } return SUCCESS; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x10078180 void RegistrationBook::Enable(MxBool p_enable) { LegoWorld::Enable(p_enable); if (p_enable) { InputManager()->SetWorld(this); SetIsWorldActive(FALSE); } else { if (InputManager()->GetWorld() == this) { InputManager()->ClearWorld(); } } } // STUB: LEGO1 0x100781d0 MxLong RegistrationBook::HandleNotification19(MxParam& p_param) { return 0; } // FUNCTION: LEGO1 0x100783e0 MxBool RegistrationBook::VTable0x64() { DeleteObjects(&m_atom, RegbookScript::c_iic006in_RunAnim, RegbookScript::c_iic008in_PlayWav); return TRUE; }