mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 04:35:10 -04:00
roadmap: Suggest order of modules (#507)
* roadmap: Suggest order of modules * Include more modules in the list * Sort by avg address with outliers removed * Mark order-adjusted modules. Show library order. * Use bisect for performance * Use average address for library order * Bugfix for get_module
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 222 additions and 5 deletions
@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ in the original binary."""
import os
import argparse
import logging
from typing import List, Optional
import statistics
import bisect
from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple
from collections import namedtuple
from isledecomp import Bin as IsleBin
from isledecomp.cvdump import Cvdump
@ -28,6 +30,7 @@ class ModuleMap:
def __init__(self, pdb, binfile) -> None:
cvdump = Cvdump(pdb).section_contributions().modules().run()
self.module_lookup = {m.id: (m.lib, m.obj) for m in cvdump.modules}
self.library_lookup = {m.obj: m.lib for m in cvdump.modules}
self.section_contrib = [
binfile.get_abs_addr(sizeref.section, sizeref.offset),
@ -38,11 +41,37 @@ class ModuleMap:
if binfile.is_valid_section(sizeref.section)
# For bisect performance enhancement
self.contrib_starts = [start for (start, _, __) in self.section_contrib]
def get_lib_for_module(self, module: str) -> Optional[str]:
return self.library_lookup.get(module)
def get_all_cmake_modules(self) -> List[str]:
return [
for (_, (__, obj)) in self.module_lookup.items()
if obj.startswith("CMakeFiles")
def get_module(self, addr: int) -> Optional[str]:
for start, size, module_id in self.section_contrib:
if start <= addr < start + size:
if (module := self.module_lookup.get(module_id)) is not None:
return module
i = bisect.bisect_left(self.contrib_starts, addr)
# If the addr matches the section contribution start, we are in the
# right spot. Otherwise, we need to subtract one here.
# We don't want the insertion point given by bisect, but the
# section contribution that contains the address.
(potential_start, _, __) = self.section_contrib[i]
if potential_start != addr:
i -= 1
# Safety catch: clamp to range of indices from section_contrib.
i = max(0, min(i, len(self.section_contrib) - 1))
(start, size, module_id) = self.section_contrib[i]
if start <= addr < start + size:
if (module := self.module_lookup.get(module_id)) is not None:
return module
return None
@ -58,6 +87,9 @@ def print_sections(sections):
ALLOWED_TYPE_ABBREVIATIONS = ["fun", "dat", "poi", "str", "vta"]
def match_type_abbreviation(mtype: Optional[SymbolType]) -> str:
"""Return abbreviation of the given SymbolType name"""
if mtype is None:
@ -66,6 +98,42 @@ def match_type_abbreviation(mtype: Optional[SymbolType]) -> str:
return mtype.name.lower()[:3]
def get_cmakefiles_prefix(module: str) -> str:
"""For the given .obj, get the "CMakeFiles/something.dir/" prefix.
For lack of a better option, this is the library for this module."""
if module.startswith("CMakeFiles"):
return "/".join(module.split("/", 2)[:2]) + "/"
return module
def truncate_module_name(prefix: str, module: str) -> str:
"""Remove the CMakeFiles prefix and the .obj suffix for the given module.
Input: CMakeFiles/lego1.dir/, CMakeFiles/lego1.dir/LEGO1/define.cpp.obj
Output: LEGO1/define.cpp"""
if module.startswith(prefix):
module = module[len(prefix) :]
if module.endswith(".obj"):
module = module[:-4]
return module
def avg_remove_outliers(entries: List[int]) -> int:
"""Compute the average from this list of entries (addresses)
after removing outlier values."""
if len(entries) == 1:
return entries[0]
avg = statistics.mean(entries)
sd = statistics.pstdev(entries)
return int(statistics.mean([e for e in entries if abs(e - avg) <= 2 * sd]))
RoadmapRow = namedtuple(
@ -82,6 +150,144 @@ RoadmapRow = namedtuple(
class DeltaCollector:
"""Reads each row of the results and aggregates information about the
placement of each module."""
def __init__(self, match_type: str = "fun") -> None:
# The displacement for each symbol from each module
self.disp_map = {}
# Each address for each module
self.addresses = {}
# The earliest address for each module
self.earliest = {}
# String abbreviation for which symbol type we are checking
self.match_type = "fun"
match_type = str(match_type).strip().lower()[:3]
self.match_type = match_type
def read_row(self, row: RoadmapRow):
if row.module is None:
if row.sym_type != self.match_type:
if row.orig_addr is not None:
if row.module not in self.addresses:
self.addresses[row.module] = []
if row.orig_addr < self.earliest.get(row.module, 0xFFFFFFFFF):
self.earliest[row.module] = row.orig_addr
if row.displacement is not None:
if row.module not in self.disp_map:
self.disp_map[row.module] = []
def iter_sorted(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, int]]:
"""Compute the average address for each module, then generate them
in ascending order."""
avg_address = {
mod: avg_remove_outliers(values) for mod, values in self.addresses.items()
for mod, avg in sorted(avg_address.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]):
yield (avg, mod)
def suggest_order(results: List[RoadmapRow], module_map: ModuleMap, match_type: str):
"""Suggest the order of modules for CMakeLists.txt"""
dc = DeltaCollector(match_type)
for row in results:
# First, show the order of .obj files for the "CMake Modules"
# Meaning: the modules where the .obj file begins with "CMakeFiles".
# These are the libraries where we directly control the order.
# The library name (from cvdump) doesn't make it obvious that these are
# our libraries so we derive the name based on the CMakeFiles prefix.
leftover_modules = set(module_map.get_all_cmake_modules())
# A little convoluted, but we want to take the first two tokens
# of the string with '/' as the delimiter.
# i.e. CMakeFiles/isle.dir/
# The idea is to print exactly what appears in CMakeLists.txt.
cmake_prefixes = sorted(set(get_cmakefiles_prefix(mod) for mod in leftover_modules))
# Save this off because we'll use it again later.
computed_order = list(dc.iter_sorted())
for prefix in cmake_prefixes:
last_earliest = 0
# Show modules ordered by the computed average of addresses
for _, module in computed_order:
if not module.startswith(prefix):
avg_displacement = None
displacements = dc.disp_map.get(module)
if displacements is not None and len(displacements) > 0:
avg_displacement = int(statistics.mean(displacements))
# Call attention to any modules where ordering by earliest
# address is different from the computed order we display.
earliest = dc.earliest.get(module)
ooo_mark = "*" if earliest < last_earliest else " "
last_earliest = earliest
code_file = truncate_module_name(prefix, module)
print(f"0x{earliest:08x}{ooo_mark} {avg_displacement:10} {code_file}")
# These modules are included in the final binary (in some form) but
# don't contribute any symbols of the type we are checking.
# n.b. There could still be other modules that are part of
# CMakeLists.txt but are not included in the pdb for whatever reason.
# In other words: don't take the list we provide as the final word on
# what should or should not be included.
# This is merely a suggestion of the order.
for module in leftover_modules:
if not module.startswith(prefix):
# aligned with previous print
code_file = truncate_module_name(prefix, module)
print(f" no suggestion {code_file}")
# Now display the order of all libaries in the final file.
library_order = {}
for start, module in computed_order:
lib = module_map.get_lib_for_module(module)
if lib is None:
lib = get_cmakefiles_prefix(module)
if start < library_order.get(lib, 0xFFFFFFFFF):
library_order[lib] = start
print("Library order (average address shown):")
for lib, start in sorted(library_order.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]):
# Strip off any OS path for brevity
if not lib.startswith("CMakeFiles"):
lib = os.path.basename(lib)
print(f"{lib:40} {start:08x}")
def print_text_report(results: List[RoadmapRow]):
"""Print the result with original and recomp addresses."""
for row in results:
@ -150,6 +356,13 @@ def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
"--verbose", "-v", action="store_true", help="Show recomp addresses in output"
help="Show suggested order of modules (using the specified symbol type)",
(args, _) = parser.parse_known_args()
@ -245,6 +458,10 @@ def main():
results = list(map(to_roadmap_row, engine.get_all()))
if args.order is not None:
suggest_order(results, module_map, args.order)
if args.csv is None:
if args.verbose:
print("ORIG sections:")
Reference in a new issue