#include "interleaf.h" #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include "object.h" #include "othertypes.h" #include "sitypes.h" #include "util.h" namespace si { static const uint32_t kMinimumChunkSize = 8; Interleaf::Interleaf() { } void Interleaf::Clear() { m_Info.clear(); m_BufferSize = 0; m_JoiningProgress = 0; m_JoiningSize = 0; m_ObjectIDTable.clear(); m_ObjectList.clear(); DeleteChildren(); } Interleaf::Error Interleaf::Read(const char *f) { File is; if (!is.Open(f, File::Read)) { return ERROR_IO; } return Read(&is); } Interleaf::Error Interleaf::Write(const char *f) const { File os; if (!os.Open(f, File::Write)) { return ERROR_IO; } return Write(&os); } #ifdef _WIN32 Interleaf::Error Interleaf::Read(const wchar_t *f) { File is; if (!is.Open(f, File::Read)) { return ERROR_IO; } return Read(&is); } Interleaf::Error Interleaf::Write(const wchar_t *f) const { File os; if (!os.Open(f, File::Write)) { return ERROR_IO; } return Write(&os); } #endif Interleaf::Error Interleaf::ReadChunk(Core *parent, FileBase *f, Info *info) { uint32_t offset = f->pos(); uint32_t id = f->ReadU32(); uint32_t size = f->ReadU32(); uint32_t end = uint32_t(f->pos()) + size; info->SetType(id); info->SetOffset(offset); info->SetSize(size); std::stringstream desc; switch (static_cast<RIFF::Type>(id)) { case RIFF::RIFF_: { // Require RIFF type to be OMNI uint32_t riff_type = f->ReadU32(); if (riff_type != RIFF::OMNI) { return ERROR_INVALID_INPUT; } desc << "Type: " << RIFF::PrintU32AsString(riff_type); break; } case RIFF::MxHd: { m_Version = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Version: " << m_Version << std::endl; m_BufferSize = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Buffer Size: 0x" << std::hex << m_BufferSize; if (m_Version == 0x00020002) { m_BufferCount = f->ReadU32(); desc << std::endl << "Buffer Count: " << std::dec << m_BufferCount << std::endl; } break; } case RIFF::pad_: f->seek(size, File::SeekCurrent); break; case RIFF::MxOf: { uint32_t offset_count = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Count: " << offset_count; uint32_t real_count = (size - sizeof(uint32_t)) / sizeof(uint32_t); m_ObjectList.resize(real_count); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < real_count; i++) { Object *o = new Object(); parent->AppendChild(o); uint32_t choffset = f->ReadU32(); m_ObjectList[i] = choffset; desc << std::endl << i << ": 0x" << std::hex << choffset; } break; } case RIFF::LIST: { uint32_t list_type = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Type: " << RIFF::PrintU32AsString(list_type) << std::endl; uint32_t list_count = 0; if (list_type == RIFF::MxCh) { list_count = f->ReadU32(); if (list_count == LIST::Act_ || list_count == LIST::RAND) { desc << "Extension: "; if (list_count == LIST::RAND) { uint32_t rand_upper = f->ReadU32(); uint64_t rand_val = uint64_t(rand_upper) << 32 | list_count; f->seek(1, File::SeekCurrent); desc << ((const char *) &rand_val); } else if (list_count == LIST::Act_) { desc << ((const char *) &list_count); } desc << std::endl; // Re-read list count list_count = f->ReadU32(); for (uint32_t i=0; i<list_count; i++) { // Read every short uint16_t val = f->ReadU16(); desc << " " << ((const char *) &val) << std::endl; } } desc << "Count: " << list_count << std::endl; } break; } case RIFF::MxSt: case RIFF::MxDa: case RIFF::WAVE: case RIFF::fmt_: case RIFF::data: case RIFF::OMNI: // Types with no data break; case RIFF::MxOb: { Object *o = NULL; for (size_t i=0; i<m_ObjectList.size(); i++) { if (m_ObjectList[i] == offset-kMinimumChunkSize) { o = static_cast<Object*>(GetChildAt(i)); break; } } if (!o) { o = new Object(); parent->AppendChild(o); } ReadObject(f, o, desc); info->SetObjectID(o->id()); m_ObjectIDTable[o->id()] = o; parent = o; break; } case RIFF::MxCh: { uint16_t flags = f->ReadU16(); desc << "Flags: 0x" << std::hex << flags << std::endl; uint32_t object = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Object: " << std::dec << object << std::endl; uint32_t time = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Time: " << time << std::endl; uint32_t data_sz = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Size: " << data_sz << std::endl; bytearray data = f->ReadBytes(size - MxCh::HEADER_SIZE); info->SetObjectID(object); info->SetData(data); if (!(flags & MxCh::FLAG_END)) { std::map<uint32_t, Object*>::iterator it = m_ObjectIDTable.find(object); if (it == m_ObjectIDTable.end()) { LogError() << "Failed to find object " << object << " for chunk at " << std::hex << offset << std::dec << std::endl; //return ERROR_INVALID_INPUT; } else { Object *o = it->second; if (flags & MxCh::FLAG_SPLIT && m_JoiningSize > 0) { o->data_.back().append(data); m_JoiningProgress += data.size(); if (m_JoiningProgress == m_JoiningSize) { m_JoiningProgress = 0; m_JoiningSize = 0; } } else { o->data_.push_back(data); if (o->data_.size() == 2) { o->time_offset_ = time; } if (flags & MxCh::FLAG_SPLIT) { m_JoiningProgress = data.size(); m_JoiningSize = data_sz; } } } break; } } } // Assume any remaining data is this chunk's children while (!f->atEnd() && (f->pos() + kMinimumChunkSize) < end) { // Check alignment, if there's not enough room to for another segment, skip ahead if (m_BufferSize > 0) { uint32_t offset_in_buffer = f->pos()%m_BufferSize; if (offset_in_buffer + kMinimumChunkSize > m_BufferSize) { f->seek(m_BufferSize-offset_in_buffer, File::SeekCurrent); } } // Read next child Info *subinfo = new Info(); info->AppendChild(subinfo); Error e = ReadChunk(parent, f, subinfo); if (e != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return e; } } info->SetDescription(desc.str()); if (f->pos() < end) { f->seek(end, File::SeekStart); } if (size%2 == 1) { f->seek(1, File::SeekCurrent); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } Object *Interleaf::ReadObject(FileBase *f, Object *o, std::stringstream &desc) { o->type_ = static_cast<MxOb::Type>(f->ReadU16()); desc << "Type: " << o->type_ << std::endl; o->presenter_ = f->ReadString(); desc << "Presenter: " << o->presenter_ << std::endl; o->unknown1_ = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Unknown1: " << o->unknown1_ << std::endl; o->name_ = f->ReadString(); desc << "Name: " << o->name_ << std::endl; o->id_ = f->ReadU32(); desc << "ID: " << o->id_ << std::endl; o->flags_ = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Flags: 0x" << std::hex << o->flags_ << std::dec << std::endl; o->unknown4_ = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Unknown4: " << o->unknown4_ << std::endl; o->duration_ = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Duration: " << o->duration_ << std::endl; o->loops_ = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Loops: " << o->loops_ << std::endl; o->location_ = f->ReadVector3(); desc << "Location: " << o->location_.x << " " << o->location_.y << " " << o->location_.z << std::endl; o->direction_ = f->ReadVector3(); desc << "Direction: " << o->direction_.x << " " << o->direction_.y << " " << o->direction_.z << std::endl; o->up_ = f->ReadVector3(); desc << "Up: " << o->up_.x << " " << o->up_.y << " " << o->up_.z << std::endl; uint16_t extra_sz = f->ReadU16(); desc << "Extra Size: " << extra_sz << std::endl; o->extra_ = f->ReadBytes(extra_sz); if (o->type_ != MxOb::Presenter && o->type_ != MxOb::World && o->type_ != MxOb::Animation) { o->filename_ = f->ReadString(); desc << "Filename: " << o->filename_ << std::endl; o->unknown26_ = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Unknown26: " << o->unknown26_ << std::endl; o->unknown27_ = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Unknown27: " << o->unknown27_ << std::endl; o->unknown28_ = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Unknown28: " << o->unknown28_ << std::endl; o->filetype_ = static_cast<MxOb::FileType>(f->ReadU32()); desc << "File Type: " << RIFF::PrintU32AsString(o->filetype_) << std::endl; o->unknown29_ = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Unknown29: " << o->unknown29_ << std::endl; o->unknown30_ = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Unknown30: " << o->unknown30_ << std::endl; if (o->filetype_ == MxOb::WAV) { o->volume_ = f->ReadU32(); desc << "Unknown31: " << o->volume_ << std::endl; } } return o; } Interleaf::Error Interleaf::Read(FileBase *f) { Clear(); return ReadChunk(this, f, &m_Info); } void RecursivelyAddObjectToList(std::vector<Object*> *list, Object *o) { list->push_back(o); for (size_t j=0; j<o->GetChildCount(); j++) { RecursivelyAddObjectToList(list, static_cast<Object*>(o->GetChildAt(j))); } } Interleaf::Error Interleaf::Write(FileBase *f) const { if (m_BufferSize == 0) { LogError() << "Buffer size must be set to write" << std::endl; return ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE; } RIFF::Chk riff = RIFF::BeginChunk(f, RIFF::RIFF_); f->WriteU32(RIFF::OMNI); size_t offset_table_pos; { // MxHd RIFF::Chk mxhd = RIFF::BeginChunk(f, RIFF::MxHd); f->WriteU32(m_Version); f->WriteU32(m_BufferSize); if (m_Version == 0x00020002) { f->WriteU32(m_BufferCount); } RIFF::EndChunk(f, mxhd); } { // MxOf RIFF::Chk mxof = RIFF::BeginChunk(f, RIFF::MxOf); f->WriteU32(GetChildCount()); offset_table_pos = f->pos(); for (size_t i = 0; i < GetChildCount(); i++) { f->WriteU32(0); } RIFF::EndChunk(f, mxof); } { // LIST RIFF::Chk list_mxst = RIFF::BeginChunk(f, RIFF::LIST); f->WriteU32(RIFF::MxSt); for (size_t i = 0; i < GetChildCount(); i++) { Object *child = static_cast<Object*>(GetChildAt(i)); if (child->type() == MxOb::Null) { continue; } uint32_t mxst_offset = f->pos(); f->seek(size_t(offset_table_pos) + i * sizeof(uint32_t)); f->WriteU32(mxst_offset); f->seek(mxst_offset); // MxSt RIFF::Chk mxst = RIFF::BeginChunk(f, RIFF::MxSt); { // MxOb WriteObject(f, child); } { // LIST RIFF::Chk list_mxda = RIFF::BeginChunk(f, RIFF::LIST); f->WriteU32(RIFF::MxDa); // First, interleave headers std::vector<Object*> objects; objects.reserve(child->GetChildCount() + 1); RecursivelyAddObjectToList(&objects, child); InterleaveObjects(f, objects); RIFF::EndChunk(f, list_mxda); } RIFF::EndChunk(f, mxst); } // Fill remainder with padding if (f->pos()%m_BufferSize != 0) { uint32_t current_buf = f->pos() / m_BufferSize; uint32_t target_sz = (current_buf + 1) * m_BufferSize; WritePadding(f, target_sz - f->pos()); } RIFF::EndChunk(f, list_mxst); } RIFF::EndChunk(f, riff); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } void Interleaf::WriteObject(FileBase *f, const Object *o) const { RIFF::Chk mxob = RIFF::BeginChunk(f, RIFF::MxOb); f->WriteU16(o->type_); f->WriteString(o->presenter_); f->WriteU32(o->unknown1_); f->WriteString(o->name_); f->WriteU32(o->id_); f->WriteU32(o->flags_); f->WriteU32(o->unknown4_); f->WriteU32(o->duration_); f->WriteU32(o->loops_); f->WriteVector3(o->location_); f->WriteVector3(o->direction_); f->WriteVector3(o->up_); f->WriteU16(o->extra_.size()); f->WriteBytes(o->extra_); if (o->type_ != MxOb::Presenter && o->type_ != MxOb::World && o->type_ != MxOb::Animation) { f->WriteString(o->filename_); f->WriteU32(o->unknown26_); f->WriteU32(o->unknown27_); f->WriteU32(o->unknown28_); f->WriteU32(o->filetype_); f->WriteU32(o->unknown29_); f->WriteU32(o->unknown30_); if (o->filetype_ == MxOb::WAV) { f->WriteU32(o->volume_); } } if (o->HasChildren()) { // Child list RIFF::Chk list_mxch = RIFF::BeginChunk(f, RIFF::LIST); f->WriteU32(RIFF::MxCh); f->WriteU32(o->GetChildCount()); for (size_t i = 0; i < o->GetChildCount(); i++) { WriteObject(f, static_cast<Object*>(o->GetChildAt(i))); } RIFF::EndChunk(f, list_mxch); } RIFF::EndChunk(f, mxob); } struct ChunkStatus { Object *object; size_t index; uint32_t time; }; bool HasChildrenThatNeedPriority(Object *parent, uint32_t parent_time, const std::vector<ChunkStatus> &other_jobs) { for (size_t i=0; i<other_jobs.size(); i++) { Object *other_obj = other_jobs.at(i).object; if (parent->ContainsChild(other_obj) && other_jobs.at(i).time <= parent_time) { return true; } } return false; } void Interleaf::InterleaveObjects(FileBase *f, const std::vector<Object *> &objects) const { std::vector<ChunkStatus> status(objects.size()); // Set up status vector for (size_t i=0; i<objects.size(); i++) { status[i].object = objects.at(i); status[i].index = 0; status[i].time = status[i].object->time_offset_; } // First, interleave headers for (size_t i=0; i<status.size(); i++) { ChunkStatus &s = status[i]; Object *o = s.object; if (!o->data().empty()) { WriteSubChunk(f, 0, o->id(), 0xFFFFFFFF, o->data().front()); s.index++; } } // Next, interleave the rest based on time while (true) { // Update parent time too bool done = false; while (!done) { done = true; for (size_t j=0; j<status.size(); j++) { ChunkStatus &s = status.at(j); Object *obj = s.object; for (size_t i=0; i<status.size(); i++) { ChunkStatus &p = status.at(i); if (p.object != obj) { if (p.object->ContainsChild(obj)) { if (p.time < s.time) { p.time = s.time; done = false; } } } } } } // Find next chunk std::vector<ChunkStatus>::iterator s = status.begin(); if (s == status.end()) { break; } while (HasChildrenThatNeedPriority(s->object, s->time, status)) { s++; } if (s == status.end()) { break; } std::vector<ChunkStatus>::iterator it = s; it++; for (; it!=status.end(); it++) { // Find earliest chunk to write if (it->time < s->time && !HasChildrenThatNeedPriority(it->object, it->time, status)) { s = it; } } if (s->index == s->object->data_.size()) { WriteSubChunk(f, MxCh::FLAG_END, s->object->id(), s->time); status.erase(s); continue; } Object *obj = s->object; const bytearray &data = obj->data().at(s->index); WriteSubChunk(f, 0, obj->id(), s->time, data); s->index++; // Increment time switch (obj->filetype()) { case MxOb::WAV: { const WAVFmt *fmt = obj->GetFileHeader().cast<WAVFmt>(); s->time += round(double(data.size() * 1000) / (fmt->BitsPerSample/8) / fmt->Channels / fmt->SampleRate); break; } case MxOb::SMK: { int32_t frame_rate = obj->GetFileHeader().cast<SMK2>()->FrameRate; int32_t fps; if (frame_rate > 0) { fps = 1000/frame_rate; } else if (frame_rate < 0) { fps = 100000/-frame_rate; } else { fps = 10; } s->time += 1000/fps; break; } case MxOb::FLC: s->time += obj->GetFileHeader().cast<FLIC>()->speed; break; case MxOb::STL: case MxOb::OBJ: // Unaffected by time break; } } } void Interleaf::WriteSubChunk(FileBase *f, uint16_t flags, uint32_t object, uint32_t time, const bytearray &data) const { static const uint32_t total_hdr = MxCh::HEADER_SIZE + kMinimumChunkSize; uint32_t data_offset = 0; while (data_offset < data.size() || data.size() == 0) { uint32_t data_sz = data.size() - data_offset; // Calculate whether this chunk will overrun the buffer uint32_t start_buffer = f->pos() / m_BufferSize; uint32_t stop_buffer = (uint32_t(f->pos()) - 1 + data_sz + total_hdr) / m_BufferSize; size_t max_chunk = data_sz; if (start_buffer != stop_buffer) { size_t remaining = ((start_buffer + 1) * m_BufferSize) - f->pos(); if (remaining < total_hdr) { if (remaining < kMinimumChunkSize) { // There isn't enough space for another chunk, just jump ahead f->seek(remaining, File::SeekCurrent); } else { // This chunk won't fit in our buffer alignment. We must make a decision to either insert // padding or split the clip. WritePadding(f, remaining); } continue; } max_chunk = remaining - total_hdr; if (!(flags & MxCh::FLAG_SPLIT)) { // FIXME: Not sure exactly what this value is yet, likely to be smaller than this static const uint32_t MAX_PADDING = 9882; if (remaining < MAX_PADDING) { // This chunk won't fit in our buffer alignment. We must make a decision to either insert // padding or split the clip. WritePadding(f, remaining); // Do loop over again continue; } else { flags |= MxCh::FLAG_SPLIT; } } } bytearray chunk = data.mid(data_offset, max_chunk); WriteSubChunkInternal(f, flags, object, time, data_sz, chunk); data_offset += chunk.size(); if (data.size() == 0) { break; } } } void Interleaf::WriteSubChunkInternal(FileBase *f, uint16_t flags, uint32_t object, uint32_t time, uint32_t data_sz, const bytearray &data) const { RIFF::Chk mxch = RIFF::BeginChunk(f, RIFF::MxCh); f->WriteU16(flags); f->WriteU32(object); f->WriteU32(time); f->WriteU32(data_sz); f->WriteBytes(data); RIFF::EndChunk(f, mxch); } void Interleaf::WritePadding(FileBase *f, uint32_t size) const { if (size < kMinimumChunkSize) { return; } size -= kMinimumChunkSize; f->WriteU32(RIFF::pad_); f->WriteU32(size); bytearray b(size); b.fill(0xCD); f->WriteBytes(b); } }