// PropertyGrid.cpp : implementation file // #include "stdafx.h" #include "CustomItem.h" #include "PropertyGrid.h" #include "PropertyGridDirectoryPicker.h" #include "PropertyGridMonthCalCtrl.h" #include "DynDialogEx.h" #include #include #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #define IDC_MONTHCAL 1023 // CPropertyGrid static const int margin = 2; IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CPropertyGrid, CWnd) CPropertyGrid::CPropertyGrid() { m_section_id = 0; m_item_id = 0; m_resizing_gutter = false; m_button_pushed = false; m_button_depressed = false; m_value_clicked = false; m_custom_tracking = false; m_scroll_enabled = false; m_draw_lines = true; m_shade_titles = true; m_draw_gutter = true; m_focus_disabled = true; m_bold_modified = false; m_bold_editables = false; m_display_mode = DM_CATEGORIZED; m_control = NULL; m_rect_button = CRect(0,0,0,0); m_ptLast = CPoint(0,0); m_strTrue = "True"; m_strFalse = "False"; m_strDate = "Date"; m_strTime = "Time"; m_strUndefined = ""; m_strEmpty = ""; m_clrBack = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); m_clrShade = GetSysColor(COLOR_3DFACE); m_clrText = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); m_clrTitle = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); m_clrFocus = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); m_clrHilite = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); m_clrEditable = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); m_clrDisabled = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT); m_focused_section = -1; m_focused_item = -1; } CPropertyGrid::~CPropertyGrid() { } // // customization // bool CPropertyGrid::GetShadeTitles() { return m_shade_titles; } void CPropertyGrid::SetShadeTitles(bool shade_titles) { m_shade_titles = shade_titles; if (GetSafeHwnd()) Invalidate(); } bool CPropertyGrid::GetDrawLines() { return m_draw_lines; } void CPropertyGrid::SetDrawLines(bool draw_lines) { m_draw_lines = draw_lines; if (GetSafeHwnd()) Invalidate(); } bool CPropertyGrid::GetDrawGutter() { return m_draw_gutter; } void CPropertyGrid::SetDrawGutter(bool draw_gutter) { m_draw_gutter = draw_gutter; if (GetSafeHwnd()) Invalidate(); } bool CPropertyGrid::GetFocusDisabled() { return m_focus_disabled; } void CPropertyGrid::SetFocusDisabled(bool focus_disabled) { m_focus_disabled = focus_disabled; if (GetSafeHwnd()) Invalidate(); } bool CPropertyGrid::GetBoldModified() { return m_bold_modified; } void CPropertyGrid::SetBoldModified(bool bold_modified) { m_bold_modified = bold_modified; } bool CPropertyGrid::GetBoldEditables() { return m_bold_editables; } void CPropertyGrid::SetBoldEditables(bool bold_editables) { m_bold_editables = bold_editables; } // // gutter width // int CPropertyGrid::GetGutterWidth() { return m_gutter_width; } void CPropertyGrid::SetGutterWidth(int gutter_width) { m_gutter_width = gutter_width; if (GetSafeHwnd()) Invalidate(); } // // custom colors // void CPropertyGrid::SetTextColor(COLORREF clrText) { if (m_clrText == m_clrEditable) m_clrEditable = clrText; m_clrText = clrText; if (GetSafeHwnd()) Invalidate(); } void CPropertyGrid::SetTitleColor(COLORREF clrTitle) { m_clrTitle = clrTitle; if (GetSafeHwnd()) Invalidate(); } void CPropertyGrid::SetBackColor(COLORREF clrBack) { m_clrBack = clrBack; if (GetSafeHwnd()) Invalidate(); } void CPropertyGrid::SetShadeColor(COLORREF clrShade) { m_clrShade = clrShade; if (GetSafeHwnd()) Invalidate(); } void CPropertyGrid::SetFocusColor(COLORREF clrFocus) { m_clrFocus = clrFocus; if (GetSafeHwnd()) Invalidate(); } void CPropertyGrid::SetHiliteColor(COLORREF clrHilite) { m_clrHilite = clrHilite; if (GetSafeHwnd()) Invalidate(); } void CPropertyGrid::SetEditableColor(COLORREF clrEditable) { m_clrEditable = clrEditable; if (GetSafeHwnd()) Invalidate(); } void CPropertyGrid::SetDisabledColor(COLORREF clrDisabled) { m_clrDisabled = clrDisabled; if (GetSafeHwnd()) Invalidate(); } // // localization // void CPropertyGrid::SetTrueFalseStrings(string strTrue, string strFalse) { m_strTrue = strTrue; m_strFalse = strFalse; } void CPropertyGrid::SetOkCancelStrings(string strOk, string strCancel) { m_strOk = strOk; m_strCancel = strCancel; } void CPropertyGrid::SetDateTimeStrings(string strDate, string strTime) { m_strDate = strDate; m_strTime = strTime; } void CPropertyGrid::SetUndefinedString(string strUndefined) { m_strUndefined = strUndefined; } void CPropertyGrid::SetEmptyString(string strEmpty) { m_strEmpty = strEmpty; } // // appearance // void CPropertyGrid::SetDisplayMode(EDisplayMode display_mode) { m_display_mode = display_mode; RecalcLayout(); } void CPropertyGrid::ExpandAll(bool expand) { for (vector::iterator it = m_sections.begin(); it != m_sections.end(); ++it) it->m_collapsed = !expand; RecalcLayout(); } void CPropertyGrid::ExpandSection(HSECTION hs, bool expand) { CSection* pSection = FindSection(hs); if (pSection) { pSection->m_collapsed = !expand; RecalcLayout(); } } bool CPropertyGrid::IsSectionCollapsed(HSECTION hs) { CSection* pSection = FindSection(hs); if (pSection) return pSection->m_collapsed; return false; } string CPropertyGrid::GetItemText(HITEM hItem) { CItem *item = FindItem(hItem); if (item) { return item->m_name; } return string(); } // // item management // bool CPropertyGrid::CItem::operator==(const HITEM& item) const { return m_id == item; } bool CPropertyGrid::CItem::operator==(const string& name) const { return m_name == name; } bool CPropertyGrid::CSection::operator==(const HSECTION& section) const { return m_id == section; } void CPropertyGrid::CItem::ValidateChanges() { // save the values m_undefined_old = m_undefined; m_nValue_old = m_nValue; m_dValue_old = m_dValue; m_strValue_old = m_strValue; m_bValue_old = m_bValue; m_dtValue_old = m_dtValue; m_clrValue_old = m_clrValue; memcpy(&m_lfValue_old, &m_lfValue, sizeof(LOGFONT)); // callback for custom if (m_type == IT_CUSTOM) m_pCustom->ValidateChanges(); } HSECTION CPropertyGrid::AddSection(string title, bool collapsed, HSECTION after) { // build it CSection section; section.m_id = m_section_id; section.m_title = title; section.m_collapsed = collapsed; // insert it // if after does not exist then it is appended vector::iterator it = find(m_sections.begin(), m_sections.end(), after); m_sections.insert(it, section); // done RecalcLayout(); return m_section_id++; } HITEM CPropertyGrid::AddItem(HSECTION hs, EItemType type, string name, void* pValue, bool editable, bool undefined, HITEM after) { // check section exists vector::iterator it = find(m_sections.begin(), m_sections.end(), hs); if (it == m_sections.end()) return -1; // check item does not already exists vector::iterator it2 = find(it->m_items.begin(), it->m_items.end(), name); if (it2 != it->m_items.end()) return -1; // build the item CItem item; item.m_id = m_item_id++; item.m_type = type; item.m_name = name; item.m_editable = editable; item.m_undefined = undefined; // assign the value if (type == IT_CUSTOM) item.m_pCustom = (ICustomItem*)pValue; else if (type == IT_STRING || type == IT_TEXT || type == IT_FILE || type == IT_FOLDER) item.m_strValue = *(string*)pValue; else if (type == IT_COMBO || type == IT_INTEGER) item.m_nValue = *(int*)pValue; else if (type == IT_DOUBLE) item.m_dValue = *(double*)pValue; else if (type == IT_BOOLEAN) item.m_bValue = *(bool*)pValue; else if (type == IT_DATE || type == IT_DATETIME) item.m_dtValue = *(COleDateTime*)pValue; else if (type == IT_COLOR) item.m_clrValue = *(COLORREF*)pValue; else if (type == IT_FONT) memcpy(&item.m_lfValue, pValue, sizeof(LOGFONT)); else assert(false); // finish and add item.ValidateChanges(); it->m_items.push_back(item); RecalcLayout(); return item.m_id; } HITEM CPropertyGrid::AddCustomItem(HSECTION section, string name, ICustomItem* pItem, bool editable, HITEM after) { pItem->m_pGrid = this; return AddItem(section, IT_CUSTOM, name, pItem, editable, false, after); } HITEM CPropertyGrid::AddStringItem(HSECTION section, string name, string value, bool editable, HITEM after) { return AddItem(section, IT_STRING, name, &value, editable, false, after); } HITEM CPropertyGrid::AddTextItem(HSECTION section, string name, string value, bool editable, HITEM after) { return AddItem(section, IT_TEXT, name, &value, editable, false, after); } HITEM CPropertyGrid::AddIntegerItem(HSECTION section, string name, int value, string format, bool editable, bool undefined, HITEM after) { HITEM it = AddItem(section, IT_INTEGER, name, &value, editable, undefined, after); CItem* pItem = FindItem(it); if (pItem) pItem->m_options.push_back(format); return it; } HITEM CPropertyGrid::AddDoubleItem(HSECTION section, string name, double value, string format, bool editable, bool undefined, HITEM after) { HITEM it = AddItem(section, IT_DOUBLE, name, &value, editable, undefined, after); CItem* pItem = FindItem(it); if (pItem) pItem->m_options.push_back(format); return it; } HITEM CPropertyGrid::AddComboItem(HSECTION section, string name, const vector& values, int cur, bool editable, bool undefined, HITEM after) { HITEM it = AddItem(section, IT_COMBO, name, &cur, editable, undefined, after); CItem* pItem = FindItem(it); if (pItem) pItem->m_options = values; return it; } HITEM CPropertyGrid::AddBoolItem(HSECTION section, string name, bool value, bool editable, bool undefined, HITEM after) { return AddItem(section, IT_BOOLEAN, name, &value, editable, undefined, after); } HITEM CPropertyGrid::AddDateItem(HSECTION section, string name, COleDateTime value, string format, bool editable, bool undefined, HITEM after) { HITEM it = AddItem(section, IT_DATE, name, &value, editable, undefined, after); CItem* pItem = FindItem(it); if (pItem) pItem->m_options.push_back(format); return it; } HITEM CPropertyGrid::AddDateTimeItem(HSECTION section, string name, COleDateTime value, string format, bool editable, bool undefined, HITEM after) { HITEM it = AddItem(section, IT_DATETIME, name, &value, editable, undefined, after); CItem* pItem = FindItem(it); if (pItem) pItem->m_options.push_back(format); return it; } HITEM CPropertyGrid::AddFileItem(HSECTION section, string name, string value, string filter, bool editable, HITEM after) { HITEM it = AddItem(section, IT_FILE, name, &value, editable, false, after); CItem* pItem = FindItem(it); if (pItem) pItem->m_options.push_back(filter); return it; } HITEM CPropertyGrid::AddFolderItem(HSECTION section, string name, string value, string title, bool editable, HITEM after) { HITEM it = AddItem(section, IT_FOLDER, name, &value, editable, false, after); CItem* pItem = FindItem(it); if (pItem) pItem->m_options.push_back(title); return it; } HITEM CPropertyGrid::AddColorItem(HSECTION section, string name, COLORREF value, bool editable, bool undefined, HITEM after) { return AddItem(section, IT_COLOR, name, &value, editable, undefined, after); } HITEM CPropertyGrid::AddFontItem(HSECTION section, string name, LOGFONT value, bool editable, bool undefined, HITEM after) { return AddItem(section, IT_FONT, name, &value, editable, undefined, after); } void CPropertyGrid::ResetContents() { m_sections.clear(); m_section_id = 0; m_item_id = 0; RecalcLayout(); } bool CPropertyGrid::RemoveSection(HSECTION hs) { vector::iterator it = find(m_sections.begin(), m_sections.end(), hs); if (it == m_sections.end()) return false; m_sections.erase(it); return true; } bool CPropertyGrid::RemoveItem(HITEM item) { for (vector::iterator it = m_sections.begin(); it != m_sections.end(); ++it) { vector::iterator it2 = find(it->m_items.begin(), it->m_items.end(), item); if (it2 != it->m_items.end()) { it->m_items.erase(it2); return true; } } return false; } int CPropertyGrid::GetNumSections() { return int(m_sections.size()); } int CPropertyGrid::GetSectionSize(HSECTION hs) { CSection* pSection = FindSection(hs); if (pSection) return int(pSection->m_items.size()); return 0; } void CPropertyGrid::ValidateChanges() { for (vector::iterator it = m_sections.begin(); it != m_sections.end(); ++it) { for (vector::iterator it2 = it->m_items.begin(); it2 != it->m_items.end(); ++it2) it2->ValidateChanges(); } } CPropertyGrid::CSection* CPropertyGrid::FindSection(HSECTION hs) const { vector::const_iterator it = find(m_sections.begin(), m_sections.end(), hs); if (it == m_sections.end()) return NULL; return const_cast(&(*it)); } CPropertyGrid::CItem* CPropertyGrid::FindItem(HITEM hi) const { for (vector::const_iterator it = m_sections.begin(); it != m_sections.end(); ++it) { vector::const_iterator it2 = find(it->m_items.begin(), it->m_items.end(), hi); if (it2 != it->m_items.end()) return const_cast(&(*it2)); } return NULL; } bool CPropertyGrid::GetItemValue(HITEM item, string& strValue) const { // get the item CItem* pItem = FindItem(item); if (pItem == NULL) return false; if (pItem->m_undefined) return false; // check if (pItem->m_type == IT_STRING || pItem->m_type == IT_TEXT || pItem->m_type == IT_FILE || pItem->m_type == IT_FOLDER) { strValue = pItem->m_strValue; return true; } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_COMBO) { if (pItem->m_nValue < 0 || pItem->m_nValue > int(pItem->m_options.size())-1) return false; strValue = pItem->m_options[pItem->m_nValue]; return true; } return false; } bool CPropertyGrid::GetItemValue(HITEM item, int& nValue) const { // get the item CItem* pItem = FindItem(item); if (pItem == NULL) return false; if (pItem->m_undefined) return false; // check if (pItem->m_type == IT_COMBO || pItem->m_type == IT_INTEGER) { nValue = pItem->m_nValue; return true; } return false; } bool CPropertyGrid::GetItemValue(HITEM item, double& dValue) const { // get the item CItem* pItem = FindItem(item); if (pItem == NULL) return false; if (pItem->m_undefined) return false; // check if (pItem->m_type == IT_DOUBLE) { dValue = pItem->m_dValue; return true; } return false; } bool CPropertyGrid::GetItemValue(HITEM item, bool& bValue) const { // get the item CItem* pItem = FindItem(item); if (pItem == NULL) return false; if (pItem->m_undefined) return false; // check if (pItem->m_type == IT_BOOLEAN) { bValue = pItem->m_bValue; return true; } return false; } bool CPropertyGrid::GetItemValue(HITEM item, COleDateTime& dtValue) const { // get the item CItem* pItem = FindItem(item); if (pItem == NULL) return false; if (pItem->m_undefined) return false; // check if (pItem->m_type == IT_DATE || pItem->m_type == IT_DATETIME) { dtValue = pItem->m_dtValue; return true; } return false; } bool CPropertyGrid::GetItemValue(HITEM item, COLORREF& clrValue) const { // get the item CItem* pItem = FindItem(item); if (pItem == NULL) return false; if (pItem->m_undefined) return false; // check if (pItem->m_type == IT_COLOR) { clrValue = pItem->m_clrValue; return true; } return false; } bool CPropertyGrid::GetItemValue(HITEM item, LOGFONT& lfValue) const { // get the item CItem* pItem = FindItem(item); if (pItem == NULL) return false; if (pItem->m_undefined) return false; // check if (pItem->m_type == IT_FONT) { lfValue = pItem->m_lfValue; return true; } return false; } bool CPropertyGrid::SetItemValue(HITEM item, const string strValue) { // get the item CItem* pItem = FindItem(item); if (pItem == NULL) return false; // check if (pItem->m_type == IT_STRING || pItem->m_type == IT_TEXT || pItem->m_type == IT_FILE || pItem->m_type == IT_FOLDER) { pItem->m_strValue = strValue; pItem->m_undefined = false; Invalidate(); return true; } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_COMBO) { for (size_t i=0; im_options.size(); i++) { if (pItem->m_options.at(i) == strValue) { return SetItemValue(item, (int) i); } } } return false; } bool CPropertyGrid::SetItemValue(HITEM item, const int nValue) { // get the item CItem* pItem = FindItem(item); if (pItem == NULL) return false; // check if (pItem->m_type == IT_COMBO || pItem->m_type == IT_INTEGER) { pItem->m_nValue = nValue; pItem->m_undefined = false; Invalidate(); return true; } return false; } bool CPropertyGrid::SetItemValue(HITEM item, const double dValue) { // get the item CItem* pItem = FindItem(item); if (pItem == NULL) return false; // check if (pItem->m_type == IT_DOUBLE) { pItem->m_dValue = dValue; pItem->m_undefined = false; Invalidate(); return true; } return false; } bool CPropertyGrid::SetItemValue(HITEM item, const bool bValue) { // get the item CItem* pItem = FindItem(item); if (pItem == NULL) return false; // check if (pItem->m_type == IT_BOOLEAN) { pItem->m_bValue = bValue; pItem->m_undefined = false; Invalidate(); return true; } return false; } bool CPropertyGrid::SetItemValue(HITEM item, const COleDateTime dtValue) { // get the item CItem* pItem = FindItem(item); if (pItem == NULL) return false; // check if (pItem->m_type == IT_DATE || pItem->m_type == IT_DATETIME) { pItem->m_dtValue = dtValue; pItem->m_undefined = false; Invalidate(); return true; } return false; } bool CPropertyGrid::SetItemValue(HITEM item, const COLORREF clrValue) { // get the item CItem* pItem = FindItem(item); if (pItem == NULL) return false; // check if (pItem->m_type == IT_COLOR) { pItem->m_clrValue = clrValue; pItem->m_undefined = false; Invalidate(); return true; } return false; } bool CPropertyGrid::SetItemValue(HITEM item, const LOGFONT lfValue) { // get the item CItem* pItem = FindItem(item); if (pItem == NULL) return false; // check if (pItem->m_type == IT_FONT) { memcpy(&pItem->m_lfValue, &lfValue, sizeof(LOGFONT)); pItem->m_undefined = false; Invalidate(); return true; } return false; } int CPropertyGrid::GetTextMargin() { return 2*margin; } CFont* CPropertyGrid::GetFontNormal() { return &m_fntNormal; } CFont* CPropertyGrid::GetFontBold() { return &m_fntBold; } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CPropertyGrid, CWnd) ON_WM_PAINT() ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_MOUSEMOVE() ON_WM_CREATE() ON_WM_LBUTTONUP() ON_WM_VSCROLL() ON_WM_ERASEBKGND() ON_MESSAGE(WM_PG_COMBOSELCHANGED, OnComboSelChanged) ON_MESSAGE(WM_PG_ENDLABELEDIT, OnEditChanged) ON_MESSAGE(WM_PG_DATESELCHANGED, OnDateChanged) ON_WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK() ON_WM_MOUSEWHEEL() ON_WM_DESTROY() ON_WM_SIZE() ON_WM_GETDLGCODE() ON_WM_CHAR() ON_WM_KEYDOWN() END_MESSAGE_MAP() // // creation and window stuff // void CPropertyGrid::InitControl() { // first gutter CRect rc; GetClientRect(&rc); m_gutter_width = rc.Width()/2; // check if already done if (m_fntNormal.GetSafeHandle() == NULL) { // fonts LOGFONT lf; if (GetParent() && GetParent()->GetFont()) { CFont* pFont = GetParent()->GetFont(); pFont->GetLogFont(&lf); m_fntNormal.CreateFontIndirect(&lf); lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; m_fntBold.CreateFontIndirect(&lf); } else { m_fntNormal.CreateStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); m_fntNormal.GetLogFont(&lf); lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; m_fntBold.CreateFontIndirect(&lf); } } // get line height CDC* pDC = GetDC(); CFont* pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject(&m_fntNormal); m_line_height = pDC->GetTextExtent("Gg").cy + 2*margin; pDC->SelectObject(pOldFont); ReleaseDC(pDC); // styles ModifyStyle(0, WS_CLIPCHILDREN); // try to get some strings if (m_strOk.empty()) { m_strOk = "OK"; if (GetParent() && GetParent()->GetDlgItem(IDOK)) { CString strOk; GetParent()->GetDlgItem(IDOK)->GetWindowText(strOk); m_strOk = strOk; } } if (m_strCancel.empty()) { m_strCancel = "Cancel"; if (GetParent() && GetParent()->GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL)) { CString strCancel; GetParent()->GetDlgItem(IDCANCEL)->GetWindowText(strCancel); m_strCancel = strCancel; } } } int CPropertyGrid::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; InitControl(); return 0; } void CPropertyGrid::PreSubclassWindow() { InitControl(); CWnd::PreSubclassWindow(); } void CPropertyGrid::OnDestroy() { DeleteEditControl(); CWnd::OnDestroy(); } void CPropertyGrid::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CWnd::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); RecalcLayout(); if (m_scrollbar.GetSafeHwnd()) { CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); m_scrollbar.MoveWindow(rect.right - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL), rect.top, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL), rect.Height()); } } // // painting // BOOL CPropertyGrid::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC) { return TRUE; } bool item_alpha_sort(vector::iterator it1, vector::iterator it2) { return (it1->m_name.compare(it2->m_name) < 0); } void CPropertyGrid::OnPaint() { // stuff needed const int sign_size = 8; // the scrollbar offset int top = GetScrollOffset(); // the rect CRect rc_dummy; GetClientRect(&rc_dummy); if (m_scroll_enabled) rc_dummy.right -= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); // make sure we do not modify this one // because we use it to bitblt const CRect rc(rc_dummy); // stuff for flicker free drawing CDC dcMem; CBitmap bmpMem; CPaintDC dc(this); // create and configure the memdc dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC(&dc); bmpMem.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dc, rc.Width(), rc.Height()); CBitmap* pOldBmp = dcMem.SelectObject(&bmpMem); // brush needed CBrush brushTitle; brushTitle.CreateSolidBrush(m_clrTitle); // pen needed CPen penShade(PS_SOLID, 1, m_clrShade); CPen penTitle(PS_SOLID, 1, m_clrTitle); // to make sure we won't leak gdi resources CBrush* pOldBrush = dcMem.SelectObject(&brushTitle); CPen* pOldPen = dcMem.SelectObject(&penShade); CFont* pOldFont = dcMem.SelectObject(&m_fntNormal); // needed int w = rc.Width(); // blank dcMem.FillSolidRect(rc, m_clrBack); dcMem.SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); // empty text if (m_sections.empty()) { CRect rect = rc; rect.top += 10; rect.DeflateRect(rect.Width()/4, 0); dcMem.DrawText(m_strEmpty.c_str(), rect, DT_CENTER|DT_WORDBREAK|DT_NOPREFIX); } else { // needed int sign_left = margin; // we start here int y = -top; // alphabetical needs special if (m_display_mode == DM_ALPHABETICAL) { // put all the items in a vector vector::iterator> lst; for (vector::iterator it = m_sections.begin(); it != m_sections.end(); ++it) { for (vector::iterator it2 = it->m_items.begin(); it2 != it->m_items.end(); ++it2) lst.push_back(it2); } // sort the vector sort(lst.begin(), lst.end(), item_alpha_sort); // display the items for (vector::iterator>::iterator it2 = lst.begin(); it2 != lst.end(); ++it2) { // first reset (*it2)->m_rcName.SetRectEmpty(); (*it2)->m_rcValue.SetRectEmpty(); // draw if visible (*it2)->m_rcName = CRect(0, y, w, y+m_line_height); CRect rcInter = (*it2)->m_rcName; rcInter.IntersectRect(rc, rcInter); if (!rcInter.IsRectEmpty()) DrawItem(dcMem, w, sign_left+sign_size, y, *it2); // next line y += m_line_height; } } else { // next iterate on sections for (vector::iterator it = m_sections.begin(); it != m_sections.end(); ++it) { // reset it->m_rcSign.SetRectEmpty(); it->m_rcTitle.SetRectEmpty(); // is visible? it->m_rcTitle = CRect(0, y, w, y+m_line_height); CRect rcInter = it->m_rcTitle; rcInter.IntersectRect(rcInter, rc); if (m_display_mode == DM_CATEGORIZED && !rcInter.IsRectEmpty()) { // first shade rect if (m_shade_titles) dcMem.FillSolidRect(0, y, w, m_line_height, m_clrShade); // now draw a separator lines if (m_draw_lines) { dcMem.SelectObject(&penShade); dcMem.MoveTo(0, y); dcMem.LineTo(w+1, y); dcMem.MoveTo(0, y+m_line_height); dcMem.LineTo(w+1, y+m_line_height); } // now draw gutter if (m_draw_gutter) { dcMem.SelectObject(&penShade); dcMem.MoveTo(m_gutter_width, y); dcMem.LineTo(m_gutter_width, y+m_line_height+1); } // now draw collapse sign int sign_top = y+margin+2; dcMem.SelectObject(&penTitle); it->m_rcSign = CRect(sign_left, sign_top, sign_left+sign_size+1, sign_top+sign_size+1); dcMem.FrameRect(it->m_rcSign, &brushTitle); dcMem.MoveTo(sign_left+2, sign_top+sign_size/2); dcMem.LineTo(sign_left+2+sign_size/2+1, sign_top+sign_size/2); if (it->m_collapsed) { dcMem.MoveTo(sign_left+sign_size/2, sign_top+2); dcMem.LineTo(sign_left+sign_size/2, sign_top+2+sign_size/2+1); } // prepare draw text int title_left = sign_left+sign_size+2*margin; int title_top = y; dcMem.SelectObject(&m_fntBold); it->m_rcTitle = CRect(title_left, title_top, w, title_top+m_line_height); // draw focus rect if (m_focused_section == it->m_id) { CSize sz = dcMem.GetTextExtent(it->m_title.c_str()); int rect_left = title_left; int rect_top = title_top+(m_line_height-sz.cy)/2; int rect_width = sz.cx+3*margin; int rect_height = sz.cy; dcMem.DrawFocusRect(CRect(rect_left, rect_top, rect_left+rect_width, rect_top+rect_height)); } // now draw text dcMem.SetTextColor(m_clrTitle); dcMem.DrawText(it->m_title.c_str(), CRect(title_left+GetTextMargin(), title_top, w, title_top+m_line_height), DT_END_ELLIPSIS|DT_LEFT|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_VCENTER|DT_NOPREFIX); } // next line if (m_display_mode == DM_CATEGORIZED) y+=m_line_height; // iterate on items if (!it->m_collapsed || m_display_mode != DM_CATEGORIZED) { for (vector::iterator it2 = it->m_items.begin(); it2 != it->m_items.end(); ++it2) { // reset it2->m_rcName.SetRectEmpty(); it2->m_rcValue.SetRectEmpty(); // is visible? it2->m_rcName = CRect(0, y, w, y+m_line_height); CRect rcInter = it2->m_rcName; rcInter.IntersectRect(rc, rcInter); if (!rcInter.IsRectEmpty()) DrawItem(dcMem, w, sign_left+sign_size, y, it2); // next line y+=m_line_height; } } } } } // Blt the changes to the screen DC. dc.BitBlt(rc.left, rc.top, rc.right-rc.left, rc.bottom-rc.top, &dcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); // Done with off-screen bitmap and DC. dcMem.SelectObject(pOldBmp); dcMem.SelectObject(pOldFont); dcMem.SelectObject(pOldPen); dcMem.SelectObject(pOldBrush); bmpMem.DeleteObject(); dcMem.DeleteDC(); // Validate All ValidateRgn(NULL); ValidateRect(NULL); } void CPropertyGrid::DrawItem(CDC& dc, int w, int x, int y, vector::iterator& it) { // brush needed CBrush brushText; brushText.CreateSolidBrush(m_clrText); // pen needed CPen penShade(PS_SOLID, 1, m_clrShade); // to make sure we won't leak gdi resources CBrush* pOldBrush = dc.SelectObject(&brushText); CPen* pOldPen = dc.SelectObject(&penShade); CFont* pOldFont = dc.SelectObject(&m_fntNormal); // first shade rect if (m_shade_titles) dc.FillSolidRect(0, y, x+2*margin, m_line_height, m_clrShade); // now draw a separator line if (m_draw_lines) { dc.SelectObject(&penShade); dc.MoveTo(0, y+m_line_height); dc.LineTo(w+1, y+m_line_height); } // now draw gutter if (m_draw_gutter) { dc.SelectObject(&penShade); dc.MoveTo(m_gutter_width, y); dc.LineTo(m_gutter_width, y+m_line_height+1); } // needed int name_left = x+2*margin+GetTextMargin(); int name_right = m_gutter_width-1; int value_left = m_gutter_width; int value_right = w; // is being edited? if (m_focused_item == it->m_id && it->m_editable && GetEditMode(*it) != EM_CUSTOM) { value_right -= m_line_height; // the rect of the button m_rect_button = CRect(w-m_line_height, y, w, y+m_line_height); UINT pushed = m_button_depressed?DFCS_PUSHED:0; // now draw the button switch (GetEditMode(*it)) { case EM_MODAL: // draw a button dc.DrawFrameControl(m_rect_button, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH|pushed); dc.SelectObject(&m_fntBold); dc.DrawText("...", m_rect_button, DT_CENTER|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_VCENTER|DT_NOPREFIX); break; case EM_DROPDOWN: // draw an arrow dc.DrawFrameControl(m_rect_button, DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLDOWN|pushed); break; case EM_INPLACE: // whole area is edit m_rect_button.left = m_gutter_width; break; default: assert(false); } } // update the rects it->m_rcName = CRect(0, y, m_gutter_width, y+m_line_height); it->m_rcValue = CRect(value_left, y, value_right, y+m_line_height); CRect rcValue = it->m_rcValue; rcValue.left += GetTextMargin(); // focused if (m_focused_item == it->m_id) { int rect_left = name_left-2*margin; int rect_right = name_right; dc.FillSolidRect(rect_left, y, rect_right-rect_left+1, m_line_height, m_clrFocus); dc.SetTextColor(m_clrHilite); } else { dc.SetTextColor(m_clrText); } // put name and value dc.SelectObject(&m_fntNormal); dc.DrawText(it->m_name.c_str(), -1, CRect(name_left, y, name_right, y+m_line_height), DT_END_ELLIPSIS|DT_LEFT|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_VCENTER|DT_NOPREFIX); // get back to normal text if (it->m_editable) dc.SetTextColor(m_clrEditable); else dc.SetTextColor(m_clrDisabled); // custom item if (it->m_type == IT_CUSTOM) { int save = dc.SaveDC(); it->m_pCustom->DrawItem(dc, it->m_rcValue, m_focused_item == it->m_id); dc.RestoreDC(save); } else { // modified flag bool modified = (it->m_strValue != it->m_strValue_old); // now draw text string strValue = it->m_strValue; switch (it->m_type) { case IT_TEXT: { size_t j; for (;( j = strValue.find( "\r\n" )) != string::npos;) strValue.replace( j, 2, "�"); break; } case IT_INTEGER: { CString strTemp; string strFormat = "%d"; if (it->m_options.size() && !it->m_options.front().empty()) strFormat = it->m_options.front(); strTemp.Format(strFormat.c_str(), it->m_nValue); strValue = LPCTSTR(strTemp); modified = (it->m_nValue != it->m_nValue_old); break; } case IT_DOUBLE: { CString strTemp; string strFormat = "%g"; if (it->m_options.size() && !it->m_options.front().empty()) strFormat = it->m_options.front(); strTemp.Format(strFormat.c_str(), it->m_dValue); strValue = LPCTSTR(strTemp); modified = (it->m_dValue != it->m_dValue_old); break; } case IT_DATE: { CString strTemp; if (it->m_options.size() && !it->m_options.front().empty()) strTemp = it->m_dtValue.Format(it->m_options.front().c_str()); else strTemp = it->m_dtValue.Format(VAR_DATEVALUEONLY); strValue = LPCTSTR(strTemp); modified = (it->m_dtValue != it->m_dtValue_old); break; } case IT_DATETIME: { CString strTemp; if (it->m_options.size() && !it->m_options.front().empty()) strTemp = it->m_dtValue.Format(it->m_options.front().c_str()); else strTemp = it->m_dtValue.Format(); strValue = LPCTSTR(strTemp); modified = (it->m_dtValue != it->m_dtValue_old); break; } case IT_BOOLEAN: { strValue = it->m_bValue ? m_strTrue : m_strFalse; modified = (it->m_bValue != it->m_bValue_old); break; } case IT_COMBO: { if (it->m_nValue>=0 && it->m_nValuem_options.size())) strValue = it->m_options[it->m_nValue]; modified = (it->m_nValue != it->m_nValue_old); break; } case IT_FILE: case IT_FOLDER: { TCHAR szBuffer[1024]; _tcsncpy(szBuffer, strValue.c_str(), 1024); PathCompactPath(dc.GetSafeHdc(), szBuffer, rcValue.Width()); strValue = szBuffer; break; } case IT_COLOR: { // draw a sample rectangle CRect rc = rcValue; rc.DeflateRect(0,2,0,2); rc.top++; rc.right = rc.left + m_line_height; dc.FrameRect(rc, &brushText); rc.DeflateRect(1,1); dc.FillSolidRect(rc, it->m_clrValue); rcValue.left = rc.right + 3*margin; // update the text CString strTemp; strTemp.Format("%d; %d; %d", GetRValue(it->m_clrValue), GetGValue(it->m_clrValue), GetBValue(it->m_clrValue)); strValue = LPCTSTR(strTemp); modified = (it->m_clrValue != it->m_clrValue_old); break; } case IT_FONT: { CString strTemp; strTemp.Format("%s; %dpt", it->m_lfValue.lfFaceName, -MulDiv(it->m_lfValue.lfHeight, 72, dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY))); strValue = LPCTSTR(strTemp); modified = (memcmp(&it->m_lfValue, &it->m_lfValue_old, sizeof(LOGFONT))!=0); break; } } // we must also take undefined state change into account modified |= (it->m_undefined != it->m_undefined_old); // set proper font if (modified && m_bold_modified) dc.SelectObject(&m_fntBold); else if (it->m_editable && m_bold_editables) dc.SelectObject(&m_fntBold); else dc.SelectObject(&m_fntNormal); // now draw it if (it->m_undefined) strValue = m_strUndefined; dc.DrawText(strValue.c_str(), -1, rcValue, DT_END_ELLIPSIS|DT_LEFT|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_VCENTER|DT_NOPREFIX); } // clean up dc.SelectObject(pOldFont); dc.SelectObject(pOldPen); dc.SelectObject(pOldBrush); } // // mouse interaction // void CPropertyGrid::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // destroy edit SetFocus(); DeleteEditControl(); // click on button? if (m_rect_button.PtInRect(point)) { m_button_pushed = true; m_button_depressed = true; SetCapture(); Invalidate(); return; } // click on button? if (m_focused_item != -1) { CItem* pItem = FindItem(m_focused_item); if ( pItem && pItem->m_type == IT_CUSTOM && GetEditMode(*pItem) == EM_CUSTOM && pItem->m_pCustom->OnLButtonDown(pItem->m_rcValue, point)) { m_custom_tracking = true; SetCapture(); Invalidate(); return; } } // resizing gutter? if (abs(point.x-m_gutter_width)<3) { ::SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_SIZEWE)); m_resizing_gutter = true; m_ptLast = point; SetCapture(); Invalidate(); return; } // disable focus m_focused_item = -1; m_focused_section = -1; m_rect_button.SetRectEmpty(); // did we click on a section if (m_display_mode == DM_CATEGORIZED) { for (vector::iterator it = m_sections.begin(); it != m_sections.end(); ++it) { if (it->m_rcSign.PtInRect(point)) { it->m_collapsed = !it->m_collapsed; m_focused_section = it->m_id; RecalcLayout(); return; } else if (it->m_rcTitle.PtInRect(point)) { m_focused_section = it->m_id; Invalidate(); return; } } } // focus for (vector::iterator it = m_sections.begin(); it != m_sections.end(); ++it) { if (!it->m_collapsed || m_display_mode != DM_CATEGORIZED) { for (vector::iterator it2 = it->m_items.begin(); it2 != it->m_items.end(); ++it2) { if (it2->m_rcName.PtInRect(point) || it2->m_rcValue.PtInRect(point)) { if (it2->m_editable || m_focus_disabled) { m_focused_item = it2->m_id; GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_SELECTIONCHANGED, it2->m_id); if (it2->m_rcValue.PtInRect(point)) m_value_clicked = (GetEditMode(*it2) == EM_INPLACE || GetEditMode(*it2) == EM_DROPDOWN); Invalidate(); return; } } } } } CWnd::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); Invalidate(); } void CPropertyGrid::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (m_focused_item != -1) { CItem* pItem = FindItem(m_focused_item); if (pItem) { if (pItem->m_type == IT_BOOLEAN) { if (!pItem->m_undefined) { pItem->m_bValue = !pItem->m_bValue; GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_ITEMCHANGED, pItem->m_id); Invalidate(); } } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_COMBO) { if (!pItem->m_undefined) { pItem->m_nValue = (pItem->m_nValue+1)%int(pItem->m_options.size()); GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_ITEMCHANGED, pItem->m_id); Invalidate(); } } else if (GetEditMode(*pItem) == EM_MODAL) { EditFocusedItem(); } } } else if (m_focused_section != -1) { CSection* pSection = FindSection(m_focused_section); if (pSection) { pSection->m_collapsed = !pSection->m_collapsed; Invalidate(); } } CWnd::OnLButtonDblClk(nFlags, point); } void CPropertyGrid::OnMouseMove(UINT nHitTest, CPoint point) { if (m_custom_tracking) { CItem* pItem = FindItem(m_focused_item); if (pItem) { pItem->m_pCustom->OnMouseMove(pItem->m_rcValue, point); Invalidate(); } } else if (m_button_pushed) { m_button_depressed = m_rect_button.PtInRect(point)?true:false; Invalidate(); } else if (m_resizing_gutter) { ::SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_SIZEWE)); m_gutter_width += point.x-m_ptLast.x; CRect rc; GetClientRect(&rc); if (m_gutter_width4*rc.Width()/5) m_gutter_width = 4*rc.Width()/5; m_ptLast = point; Invalidate(); } else if (!m_control) { if (abs(point.x-m_gutter_width)<3) ::SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_SIZEWE)); else ::SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_ARROW)); } CWnd::OnMouseMove(nHitTest, point); } void CPropertyGrid::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (m_custom_tracking) { m_custom_tracking = false; ReleaseCapture(); Invalidate(); CItem* pItem = FindItem(m_focused_item); if (pItem) pItem->m_pCustom->OnLButtonUp(pItem->m_rcValue, point); } else if (m_button_pushed || m_value_clicked) { m_button_pushed = false; m_button_depressed = false; ReleaseCapture(); Invalidate(); if (m_rect_button.PtInRect(point) || (m_value_clicked && m_focused_item != -1 && FindItem(m_focused_item) && FindItem(m_focused_item)->m_rcValue.PtInRect(point))) { m_value_clicked = false; CItem* pItem = FindItem(m_focused_item); if (pItem) { if (GetEditMode(*pItem) == EM_DROPDOWN) { if (pItem->m_type == IT_CUSTOM) { CRect rc = m_rect_button; rc.left = m_gutter_width; pItem->m_pCustom->ShowDropDown(rc); } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_DATE) { // the calendar rect CRect rc = m_rect_button; rc.left = m_gutter_width; rc.top += m_line_height; rc.bottom = rc.top + 100; ClientToScreen(&rc); // create it m_control = new CPropertyGridMonthCalCtrl; CPropertyGridMonthCalCtrl* mc = (CPropertyGridMonthCalCtrl*) m_control; mc->CreateEx(0, MONTHCAL_CLASS, NULL, WS_POPUP|WS_BORDER, rc, GetParent(), 0); mc->SetCurSel(pItem->m_dtValue); mc->SetOwner(this); mc->SizeMinReq(); // now position it CRect rc2; mc->GetWindowRect(&rc2); rc2.OffsetRect(rc.right-rc2.right, 0); mc->SetWindowPos(NULL, rc2.left, rc2.top, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_SHOWWINDOW); } else { // the combo rect CRect rc = m_rect_button; rc.left = m_gutter_width; rc.top += m_line_height; rc.bottom = rc.top + 100; // create it m_control = new CPropertyGridCombo(); CPropertyGridCombo* pCombo = (CPropertyGridCombo*)m_control; pCombo->Create(WS_CHILD, rc, this, 0); pCombo->SetColors(m_clrBack, m_clrText, m_clrFocus, m_clrHilite); pCombo->SetFont(&m_fntNormal); if (pItem->m_type == IT_BOOLEAN) { pCombo->AddString(m_strTrue); pCombo->AddString(m_strFalse); if (!pItem->m_undefined) pCombo->SetCurSel(pItem->m_bValue?0:1); } else { for (vector::iterator it = pItem->m_options.begin(); it != pItem->m_options.end(); ++it) pCombo->AddString(*it); if (!pItem->m_undefined) pCombo->SetCurSel(pItem->m_nValue); } pCombo->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } } else if (GetEditMode(*pItem) == EM_INPLACE) { // the in-place edit rect CRect rc = m_rect_button; rc.left++; rc.top += margin; // the value string strValue; if (pItem->m_type == IT_STRING) { strValue = pItem->m_strValue; } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_INTEGER) { if (!pItem->m_undefined) { CString strTemp; strTemp.Format("%d", pItem->m_nValue); strValue = LPCTSTR(strTemp); } } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_DOUBLE) { if (!pItem->m_undefined) { CString strTemp; strTemp.Format("%g", pItem->m_dValue); strValue = LPCTSTR(strTemp); } } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_CUSTOM) { strValue = pItem->m_pCustom->GetStringForInPlaceEdit(); } else { assert(false); } // create it m_control = new CPropertyGridInPlaceEdit(this, rc, WS_CHILD, 1000, strValue); CPropertyGridInPlaceEdit* pEdit = (CPropertyGridInPlaceEdit*)m_control; pEdit->SetColors(m_clrBack, m_clrText); pEdit->SetFont(&m_fntNormal); pEdit->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } else if (GetEditMode(*pItem) == EM_MODAL) { EditFocusedItem(); } else if (GetEditMode(*pItem) == EM_CUSTOM) { pItem->m_pCustom->OnLButtonUp(pItem->m_rcValue, point); } else { assert(false); } } } } else if (m_resizing_gutter) { ReleaseCapture(); m_resizing_gutter = false; ::SetCursor(AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_ARROW)); } CWnd::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); } // // keyboard interaction // UINT CPropertyGrid::OnGetDlgCode() { return CWnd::OnGetDlgCode()|DLGC_WANTCHARS|DLGC_WANTARROWS; } void CPropertyGrid::MoveForward(HSECTION& focused_section, HITEM& focused_item) { for (int pass = 0; pass<2; pass++) { bool found = false; bool stop_on_next_valid = false; if (focused_section == -1 && focused_item == -1) stop_on_next_valid = true; for (vector::iterator it = m_sections.begin(); it != m_sections.end(); ++it) { if (m_display_mode == DM_CATEGORIZED) { if (it->m_id == focused_section) { stop_on_next_valid = true; } else if (stop_on_next_valid) { focused_section = it->m_id; focused_item = -1; found = true; break; } } if (!it->m_collapsed || m_display_mode != DM_CATEGORIZED) { for (vector::iterator it2 = it->m_items.begin(); it2 != it->m_items.end(); ++it2) { if (it2->m_id == focused_item) { stop_on_next_valid = true; } else if (stop_on_next_valid) { if (it2->m_editable || m_focus_disabled) { focused_section = -1; focused_item = it2->m_id; found = true; break; } } } if (found) break; } } if (found) break; focused_section = -1; focused_item = -1; } } void CPropertyGrid::FocusNextItem() { // simple move forward MoveForward(m_focused_section, m_focused_item); // ensure visible CRect rc(0,0,0,0); if (m_focused_section != -1 && FindSection(m_focused_section)) rc = FindSection(m_focused_section)->m_rcTitle; else if (m_focused_item != -1 && FindItem(m_focused_item)) rc = FindItem(m_focused_item)->m_rcName; if (!rc.IsRectEmpty()) { CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); rect.IntersectRect(rc, rect); if (rect.Height() != m_line_height) OnVScroll(SB_THUMBPOSITION, rc.top, &m_scrollbar); } // done Invalidate(); } void CPropertyGrid::FocusPrevItem() { for (vector::iterator it = m_sections.begin(); it != m_sections.end(); ++it) { if (m_display_mode == DM_CATEGORIZED) { HSECTION focused_section = it->m_id; HITEM focused_item = -1; MoveForward(focused_section, focused_item); if (focused_section == m_focused_section && focused_item == m_focused_item) { m_focused_section = it->m_id; m_focused_item = -1; break; } } if (!it->m_collapsed || m_display_mode != DM_CATEGORIZED) { bool found = false; for (vector::iterator it2 = it->m_items.begin(); it2 != it->m_items.end(); ++it2) { if (!it2->m_editable && !m_focus_disabled) continue; HSECTION focused_section = -1; HITEM focused_item = it2->m_id; MoveForward(focused_section, focused_item); if (focused_section == m_focused_section && focused_item == m_focused_item) { m_focused_section = -1; m_focused_item = it2->m_id; GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_SELECTIONCHANGED, it2->m_id); found = true; break; } } if (found) break; } } // ensure visible CRect rc(0,0,0,0); if (m_focused_section != -1 && FindSection(m_focused_section)) rc = FindSection(m_focused_section)->m_rcTitle; else if (m_focused_item != -1 && FindItem(m_focused_item)) rc = FindItem(m_focused_item)->m_rcName; if (!rc.IsRectEmpty()) { CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); rect.IntersectRect(rc, rect); if (rect.Height() != m_line_height) OnVScroll(SB_THUMBPOSITION, rc.top, &m_scrollbar); } // done Invalidate(); } void CPropertyGrid::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { if (nChar == '*') { ExpandAll(true); } else if (nChar == '/') { ExpandAll(false); } else if (nChar == '+' || nChar == '-') { if (m_focused_section != -1) { CSection* pSection = FindSection(m_focused_section); if (pSection) pSection->m_collapsed = (nChar=='-'); RecalcLayout(); } } CWnd::OnChar(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); } void CPropertyGrid::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { if (nChar == VK_DOWN) { FocusNextItem(); } else if (nChar == VK_UP) { FocusPrevItem(); } else if (nChar == VK_LEFT) { if (m_focused_section != -1 && FindSection(m_focused_section) && FindSection(m_focused_section)->m_collapsed == false) { ExpandSection(m_focused_section, false); } else { FocusPrevItem(); } } else if (nChar == VK_RIGHT) { if (m_focused_section != -1 && FindSection(m_focused_section) && FindSection(m_focused_section)->m_collapsed == true) { ExpandSection(m_focused_section, true); } else { FocusNextItem(); } } CWnd::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); } // // scrolling // void CPropertyGrid::RecalcLayout() { // save current scroll offset int offset = GetScrollOffset(); // total height int height = 0; for (vector::iterator it = m_sections.begin(); it != m_sections.end(); ++it) { if (m_display_mode == DM_CATEGORIZED) height += m_line_height; if (!it->m_collapsed || m_display_mode != DM_CATEGORIZED) height += int(it->m_items.size())*m_line_height; } // client rect CRect rc; GetClientRect(&rc); if (height < rc.Height()) { if (m_scrollbar.GetSafeHwnd() != NULL) { m_scrollbar.EnableScrollBar(ESB_DISABLE_BOTH); m_scrollbar.ShowScrollBar(FALSE); } m_scroll_enabled = false; } else { if (m_scrollbar.GetSafeHwnd() == NULL) { CRect rect = rc; rect.left = rect.right - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); m_scrollbar.Create(WS_CHILD|SBS_VERT, rect, this, 1000); } m_scrollbar.EnableScrollBar(ESB_ENABLE_BOTH); SCROLLINFO info; info.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO); info.fMask = SIF_ALL; info.nMin = 0; info.nMax = height; info.nPage = rc.Height(); info.nPos = min(offset, height); info.nTrackPos = 2; m_scrollbar.SetScrollInfo(&info); m_scrollbar.ShowScrollBar(); m_scroll_enabled = true; } if (GetSafeHwnd()) Invalidate(); } int CPropertyGrid::GetScrollOffset() { if (m_scrollbar && m_scrollbar.IsWindowEnabled() == TRUE) return m_scrollbar.GetScrollPos(); return 0; } void CPropertyGrid::OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar) { // check if (!m_scroll_enabled) return; if (pScrollBar != &m_scrollbar) return; if (nSBCode == SB_ENDSCROLL) return; // set focus to us SetFocus(); // get the scroll info SCROLLINFO info; info.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO); info.fMask = SIF_ALL; m_scrollbar.GetScrollInfo(&info); int min = info.nMin; int pos = info.nPos; int max = info.nMax-info.nPage; // the entire rect CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); int h = rect.Height(); // the rect without the scrollbar CRect rc(0,0,rect.right-GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL),rect.bottom); switch(nSBCode) { case SB_TOP: pScrollBar->SetScrollPos(min); break; case SB_BOTTOM: pScrollBar->SetScrollPos(max); break; case SB_LINEDOWN: if (pos+m_line_height>=max) pScrollBar->SetScrollPos(max); else pScrollBar->SetScrollPos(pos+m_line_height); break; case SB_LINEUP: if (pos-m_line_height<=min) pScrollBar->SetScrollPos(min); else pScrollBar->SetScrollPos(pos-m_line_height); break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: if (pos+h>=max) pScrollBar->SetScrollPos(max); else pScrollBar->SetScrollPos(pos+h); break; case SB_PAGEUP: if (pos-h<=min) pScrollBar->SetScrollPos(min); else pScrollBar->SetScrollPos(pos-h); break; case SB_THUMBPOSITION: case SB_THUMBTRACK: int diff = nPos - pos; if (diff == 0) return; if (pos <= min && diff<0) return; if (pos >= max && diff>0) return; pScrollBar->SetScrollPos(nPos); } Invalidate(); CWnd::OnVScroll(nSBCode, nPos, pScrollBar); } BOOL CPropertyGrid::OnMouseWheel(UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt) { /*int steps = abs(zDelta)/WHEEL_DELTA; for (int i=0; i<3*steps; i++) { if (zDelta>0) OnVScroll(SB_LINEUP, 0, &m_scrollbar); if (zDelta<0) OnVScroll(SB_LINEDOWN, 0, &m_scrollbar); }*/ if (zDelta>0) OnVScroll(SB_LINEUP, 0, &m_scrollbar); if (zDelta<0) OnVScroll(SB_LINEDOWN, 0, &m_scrollbar); return CWnd::OnMouseWheel(nFlags, zDelta, pt); } // // editing // CPropertyGrid::EEditMode CPropertyGrid::GetEditMode(CItem& item) { switch (item.m_type) { case IT_CUSTOM: return item.m_pCustom->GetEditMode(); case IT_STRING: case IT_INTEGER: case IT_DOUBLE: return EM_INPLACE; case IT_COMBO: case IT_BOOLEAN: case IT_DATE: return EM_DROPDOWN; case IT_TEXT: case IT_DATETIME: case IT_FILE: case IT_FOLDER: case IT_COLOR: case IT_FONT: return EM_MODAL; default: assert(false); return EM_CUSTOM; } } void CPropertyGrid::DeleteEditControl() { // destroy edit if (m_control) { if (m_control->GetSafeHwnd()) m_control->DestroyWindow(); delete m_control; m_control = NULL; } } LRESULT CPropertyGrid::OnComboSelChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CItem* pItem = FindItem(m_focused_item); if (pItem) { if (pItem->m_type == IT_BOOLEAN) { pItem->m_bValue = (wParam == 0); pItem->m_undefined = false; GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_ITEMCHANGED, pItem->m_id); DeleteEditControl(); Invalidate(); } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_COMBO) { pItem->m_nValue = int(wParam); pItem->m_undefined = false; GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_ITEMCHANGED, pItem->m_id); DeleteEditControl(); Invalidate(); } else { assert(false); } } return 0; } LRESULT CPropertyGrid::OnEditChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CItem* pItem = FindItem(m_focused_item); if (pItem) { if (pItem->m_type == IT_STRING) { pItem->m_strValue = string((char*)wParam); pItem->m_undefined = false; GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_ITEMCHANGED, pItem->m_id); DeleteEditControl(); Invalidate(); } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_INTEGER) { if (strlen((char*)wParam)) { pItem->m_nValue = atoi((char*)wParam); pItem->m_undefined = false; GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_ITEMCHANGED, pItem->m_id); } DeleteEditControl(); Invalidate(); } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_DOUBLE) { if (strlen((char*)wParam)) { pItem->m_dValue = atof((char*)wParam); pItem->m_undefined = false; GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_ITEMCHANGED, pItem->m_id); } DeleteEditControl(); Invalidate(); } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_CUSTOM) { if (pItem->m_pCustom->OnItemEdited(string((char*)wParam))) GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_ITEMCHANGED, pItem->m_id); DeleteEditControl(); Invalidate(); } else { assert(false); } } return 0; } LRESULT CPropertyGrid::OnDateChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CItem* pItem = FindItem(m_focused_item); if (pItem) { if (pItem->m_type == IT_DATE) { CPropertyGridMonthCalCtrl* mc = (CPropertyGridMonthCalCtrl*) m_control; mc->GetCurSel(pItem->m_dtValue); pItem->m_undefined = false; GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_ITEMCHANGED, pItem->m_id); DeleteEditControl(); Invalidate(); } else { assert(false); } } return 0; } void CPropertyGrid::EditFocusedItem() { CItem* pItem = FindItem(m_focused_item); if (pItem) { if (!pItem->m_editable) return; if (pItem->m_type == IT_TEXT) { CDynDialogEx dlg(GetParent()); dlg.SetUseSystemButtons(FALSE); dlg.SetWindowTitle(pItem->m_name.c_str()); dlg.SetFont(&m_fntNormal); CString strValue = pItem->m_strValue.c_str(); dlg.AddDlgControl("EDIT", pItem->m_strValue.c_str(), STYLE_EDIT|WS_VSCROLL|WS_HSCROLL|ES_AUTOHSCROLL|ES_AUTOVSCROLL|ES_LEFT|ES_MULTILINE|ES_WANTRETURN, EXSTYLE_EDIT, CRect(7, 7, 200, 100), (void*) &strValue); dlg.AddDlgControl("BUTTON", m_strOk.c_str(), STYLE_BUTTON, EXSTYLE_BUTTON, CRect(56, 106, 106, 120), NULL, IDOK); dlg.AddDlgControl("BUTTON", m_strCancel.c_str(), STYLE_BUTTON, EXSTYLE_BUTTON, CRect(110, 106, 160, 120), NULL, IDCANCEL); if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { pItem->m_strValue = LPCTSTR(strValue); pItem->m_undefined = false; GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_ITEMCHANGED, pItem->m_id); Invalidate(); } } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_DATETIME) { CDynDialogEx dlg(GetParent()); dlg.SetUseSystemButtons(FALSE); dlg.SetWindowTitle(pItem->m_name.c_str()); dlg.SetFont(&m_fntNormal); COleDateTime dtValueDate = pItem->m_dtValue; CTime dtValueTime(pItem->m_dtValue.GetYear(), pItem->m_dtValue.GetMonth(), pItem->m_dtValue.GetDay(), pItem->m_dtValue.GetHour(), pItem->m_dtValue.GetMinute(), pItem->m_dtValue.GetSecond()); dlg.AddDlgControl("STATIC", m_strDate.c_str(), STYLE_STATIC, EXSTYLE_STATIC, CRect(7, 3, 60, 12)); dlg.AddDlgControl("STATIC", m_strTime.c_str(), STYLE_STATIC, EXSTYLE_STATIC, CRect(67, 3, 120, 12)); dlg.AddDlgControl("SysDateTimePick32", "", STYLE_DATETIMEPICKER|DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT, EXSTYLE_DATETIMEPICKER, CRect(7, 13, 60, 26), (void*) &dtValueDate); dlg.AddDlgControl("SysDateTimePick32", "", STYLE_DATETIMEPICKER|DTS_TIMEFORMAT , EXSTYLE_DATETIMEPICKER, CRect(67, 13, 120, 26), (void*) &dtValueTime); dlg.AddDlgControl("BUTTON", m_strOk.c_str(), STYLE_BUTTON, EXSTYLE_BUTTON, CRect(7, 37, 60, 51), NULL, IDOK); dlg.AddDlgControl("BUTTON", m_strCancel.c_str(), STYLE_BUTTON, EXSTYLE_BUTTON, CRect(67, 37, 120, 51), NULL, IDCANCEL); if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { pItem->m_dtValue.SetDateTime(dtValueDate.GetYear(), dtValueDate.GetMonth(), dtValueDate.GetDay(), dtValueTime.GetHour(), dtValueTime.GetMinute(), dtValueTime.GetSecond()); pItem->m_undefined = false; GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_ITEMCHANGED, pItem->m_id); Invalidate(); } } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_COLOR) { CColorDialog dlg(pItem->m_clrValue, 0, GetParent()); if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { pItem->m_clrValue = dlg.GetColor(); pItem->m_undefined = false; GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_ITEMCHANGED, pItem->m_id); Invalidate(); } } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_FILE) { CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, NULL, pItem->m_strValue.c_str(), OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, pItem->m_options.front().c_str(), GetParent()); if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { pItem->m_strValue = dlg.GetPathName(); pItem->m_undefined = false; GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_ITEMCHANGED, pItem->m_id); Invalidate(); } } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_FOLDER) { CPropertyGridDirectoryPicker::m_strTitle = pItem->m_options.front(); if (CPropertyGridDirectoryPicker::PickDirectory(pItem->m_strValue, GetParent()->GetSafeHwnd())) { pItem->m_undefined = false; GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_ITEMCHANGED, pItem->m_id); Invalidate(); } } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_FONT) { CFontDialog dlg(&pItem->m_lfValue, CF_EFFECTS|CF_SCREENFONTS, NULL, GetParent()); if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { memcpy(&pItem->m_lfValue, dlg.m_cf.lpLogFont, sizeof(LOGFONT)); pItem->m_undefined = false; GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_ITEMCHANGED, pItem->m_id); Invalidate(); } } else if (pItem->m_type == IT_CUSTOM) { if (pItem->m_pCustom->OnEditItem()) { GetOwner()->SendMessage(WM_PG_ITEMCHANGED, pItem->m_id); Invalidate(); } } else { assert(false); } } }