#include "util.h" #include BOOL WriteMemory(LPVOID destination, LPVOID source, size_t length, LPVOID oldData) { DWORD oldProtec; if (VirtualProtect(destination, length, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtec)) { // Read data out if requested if (oldData) { memcpy(oldData, destination, length); } // Write data if provided if (source) { memcpy(destination, source, length); } // Restore original protection VirtualProtect(destination, length, oldProtec, &oldProtec); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } SIZE_T SearchReplacePattern(LPVOID imageBase, LPCVOID search, LPCVOID replace, SIZE_T count, BOOL only_once) { SIZE_T instances = 0; HANDLE process = GetCurrentProcess(); MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION mbi = {0}; // Loop through memory pages UINT_PTR addr = (UINT_PTR)imageBase; while ((!instances || !only_once) && VirtualQueryEx(process, (LPVOID)addr, &mbi, sizeof(mbi)) && mbi.AllocationBase == imageBase) { if (mbi.State == MEM_COMMIT && mbi.Protect != PAGE_NOACCESS) { DWORD oldProtec; // Try to gain access to this memory page if (VirtualProtect(mbi.BaseAddress, mbi.RegionSize, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtec)) { // Loop through every byte to find the pattern SIZE_T maxOffset = mbi.RegionSize - count; for (SIZE_T i=0; ie_lfanew); // Retrieve imports directory IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY importsDirectory = ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT]; // Retrieve import descriptor PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR importDescriptor = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)((UINT_PTR)imageBase + importsDirectory.VirtualAddress); while (importDescriptor->Name != NULL) { LPCSTR libraryName = (LPCSTR)importDescriptor->Name + (UINT_PTR)imageBase; HMODULE library = LoadLibraryA(libraryName); if (library) { PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA originalFirstThunk = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)((UINT_PTR)imageBase + importDescriptor->OriginalFirstThunk); PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA firstThunk = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)((UINT_PTR)imageBase + importDescriptor->FirstThunk); while (originalFirstThunk->u1.AddressOfData != NULL) { PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME functionName = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME)((UINT_PTR)imageBase + (UINT_PTR)originalFirstThunk->u1.AddressOfData); if (!strcmp((const char*)functionName->Name, overrideFunction)) { LPVOID originalFunction = firstThunk->u1.Function; firstThunk->u1.Function = (PDWORD)override; // Return original function and end loop here printf("Hooked %s\n", overrideFunction); return originalFunction; } ++originalFirstThunk; ++firstThunk; } } importDescriptor++; } return NULL; } LPVOID OverwriteVirtualTable(LPVOID object, SIZE_T methodIndex, LPVOID overrideFunction) { LPVOID *vtable = ((LPVOID**)(object))[0]; LPVOID &functionAddress = vtable[methodIndex]; LPVOID originalFunction = functionAddress; if (overrideFunction) { functionAddress = overrideFunction; printf("Hooked vtable %p+%lu\n", vtable, methodIndex); } return originalFunction; } BOOL OverwriteCall(LPVOID destination, LPVOID localCall) { char callInst[5]; callInst[0] = '\xE8'; *(DWORD*)(&callInst[1]) = (DWORD)localCall - ((DWORD)destination + 5); return WriteMemory(destination, callInst, 5); }