using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO; using System.Drawing; using System.Media; using System.Xml; using Microsoft.Win32; namespace Rebuilder { public class MusicInjector : DataGridView { string jukebox_si_path = ""; string temp_extract_path = ""; List filenames = new List(); SoundPlayer sound_player = new SoundPlayer(); int last_played_row = -1; List replace_src = new List(); List replace_dst = new List(); public MusicInjector() { /*Text = "Music Injector"; Icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); Visible = false; Width = 720; Height = 540; CenterToScreen();*/ CellClick += new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(TableCellClicked); Columns.Add("name", "Name"); Columns.Add("filename", "Filename"); // Create Extract button column DataGridViewButtonColumn play_col = new DataGridViewButtonColumn(); play_col.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells; play_col.HeaderText = "Play"; play_col.Text = "Play"; play_col.Name = "play"; play_col.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = true; Columns.Add(play_col); // Create Extract button column DataGridViewButtonColumn extract_col = new DataGridViewButtonColumn(); extract_col.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells; extract_col.HeaderText = "Extract"; extract_col.Text = "Extract"; extract_col.Name = "extract"; extract_col.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = true; Columns.Add(extract_col); // Create Replace button column DataGridViewButtonColumn replace_col = new DataGridViewButtonColumn(); replace_col.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells; replace_col.HeaderText = "Replace"; replace_col.Text = "Replace"; replace_col.Name = "replace"; replace_col.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = true; Columns.Add(replace_col); foreach (DataGridViewColumn col in Columns) { col.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; } Dock = DockStyle.Fill; ReadOnly = true; RowHeadersVisible = false; AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill; AllowUserToResizeRows = false; } public bool Prepare() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jukebox_si_path)) { FindJukeboxSI(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jukebox_si_path)) { MessageBox.Show( "Rebuilder needs access to JUKEBOX.SI to inject music.", "Failed to find critical files", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error ); return false; } else { Extract(); } } return true; } private void FindJukeboxSI() { // Test standard directories List test_dirs = new List(); test_dirs.AddRange(Rebuilder.standard_hdd_dirs); // Check registry for CD path { string p = Rebuilder.GetRegistryEntry("diskpath"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p)) { test_dirs.Add(p); } p = Rebuilder.GetRegistryEntry("cdpath"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p)) { test_dirs.Add(p); } } // Loop through drive letters for (int i=65;i<91;i++) { string drive_letter = ((char)i).ToString() + ":"; test_dirs.Add(drive_letter); } for (int i=0;i= filenames.Count) { return; } string fn = filenames[e.RowIndex]; string full_path = temp_extract_path + "/" + fn; switch (e.ColumnIndex) { case 2: // PLAY if (last_played_row == e.RowIndex) { sound_player.Stop(); last_played_row = -1; } else { last_played_row = e.RowIndex; string cell_fn = Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); string play_fn; if (cell_fn == fn) { play_fn = full_path; } else { play_fn = cell_fn; } sound_player.SoundLocation = play_fn; sound_player.Play(); } break; case 3: // EXTRACT using (SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog()) { sfd.Title = "Save \"" + fn + "\""; sfd.Filter = "WAVE Audio (*.wav)|*.wav"; sfd.FileName = fn; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { try { File.Copy(full_path, sfd.FileName); } catch { MessageBox.Show( "Failed to save file. You may not have permission to save to this location.", "Failed to save", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error ); } } } break; case 4: // REPLACE bool replace = (Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Value.ToString() == filenames[e.RowIndex]); if (last_played_row == e.RowIndex) { sound_player.Stop(); last_played_row = -1; } if (!replace) { if (MessageBox.Show("This audio has already been replaced. Do you want to restore the original audio?", "Replace or Restore", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { replace = true; } } if (replace) { using (OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog()) { ofd.Title = "Replace \"" + fn + "\""; ofd.Filter = "WAVE Audio (*.wav)|*.wav"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { SetCellBold(Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0]); SetCellBold(Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1]); Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Value = ofd.FileName; } } } else { SetCellNormal(Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0]); SetCellNormal(Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1]); Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Value = filenames[e.RowIndex]; } ConvertTableToReplaceData(); break; } } private void Extract() { int file_count = 0; temp_extract_path = Path.GetTempPath() + "LEGOIslandRebuilder/jukebox"; Directory.CreateDirectory(temp_extract_path); using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(jukebox_si_path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { byte[] b = new byte[4]; while (SeekUntil(stream, " WAV")) { long pos_before_find_id = stream.Position; // Backtrack to find the filename string wav_fn = BacktrackToFindWAVFilename(stream); file_count++; string wav_path = temp_extract_path + "/" + wav_fn; // Find the ID of the WAV stream.Position = pos_before_find_id; do { stream.Position -= (b.Length + 1); stream.Read(b, 0, b.Length); } while (System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(b) != "MxOb"); stream.Position += 11; List wav_name_bytes = new List(); int wav_nbyte; while ((wav_nbyte = stream.ReadByte()) != 0x00) { wav_name_bytes.Add((byte) wav_nbyte); } string wav_name = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(wav_name_bytes.ToArray()); stream.Read(b, 0, b.Length); Int32 id = BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0); stream.Position = pos_before_find_id; // Find first LIST which contains the size of this WAVE section SeekUntil(stream, "LIST"); stream.Read(b, 0, b.Length); Int32 list_size = BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0); long list_data_start = stream.Position; long list_end_pos = list_data_start + list_size; // Get WAVE-compatible header position long wave_header_pos = -1; pos_before_find_id = stream.Position; while (true) { // Find first MxCh which contains the WAVE header information SeekUntil(stream, "MxCh"); // Check ID stream.Position += 6; stream.Read(b, 0, b.Length); if (BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0) == id) { wave_header_pos = stream.Position + 8; break; } } stream.Position = pos_before_find_id; //Console.WriteLine("Extracting \"" + wav_fn + "\""); // Get WAVE-compatible header stream.Position = wave_header_pos; byte[] copied_bytes = new byte[16]; stream.Read(copied_bytes, 0, 16); Rows.Add(wav_name, wav_fn); filenames.Add(wav_fn); using (FileStream wav_out = new FileStream(wav_path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { wav_out.Write(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("RIFF"), 0, 4); // 4 bytes for file size for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { wav_out.WriteByte(0); } wav_out.Write(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("WAVEfmt "), 0, 8); // Subchunk size (always 16) wav_out.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(16), 0, 4); // Copy bytes from WAVE header wav_out.Write(copied_bytes, 0, 16); // Data chunk header wav_out.Write(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data"), 0, 4); // 4 bytes for data chunk size for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { wav_out.WriteByte(0); } // Start reading chunks Int32 data_chunk_size = 0; int chunk_counter = 0; while (SeekUntil(stream, "MxCh", list_end_pos)) { // Read chunk size stream.Read(b, 0, b.Length); Int32 mxch_size = BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0) - 14; // Weird 16-bit thing stream.Read(b, 0, 2); Int16 v1 = BitConverter.ToInt16(b, 0); // ID? stream.Read(b, 0, 4); Int32 v2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0); // Millis stream.Read(b, 0, 4); Int32 millis = BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0); // Bytes stream.Read(b, 0, 4); Int32 bytes = BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0); if (mxch_size > 0 && v2 == id) { byte[] chunk_data = new byte[mxch_size]; stream.Read(chunk_data, 0, mxch_size); wav_out.Write(chunk_data, 0, mxch_size); chunk_counter++; data_chunk_size += mxch_size; } } // Fill in file size wav_out.Position = 4; wav_out.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(wav_out.Length - 8), 0, 4); // Fill in data chunk size wav_out.Position = 40; wav_out.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(data_chunk_size), 0, 4); } } } // Convert replace data to table for (int i=0;i types = new List(); List ids = new List(); List> data = new List>(); Int32 wav_id = -1; int mxob_wav_ms_pos = -1; long wav_ms_pos = -1; Int32 flc_id = -1; int flc_write_count = 1; for (int i = 0; i < mxob_len - 4; i++) { // If this MxOb has sub MxObs, we need to find the WAV one if (System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(mxob_data, i, 4) == "MxOb" || i == 0) { string t = ""; Int32 id = -1; // Find ID for (i += 15; i < mxob_len; i++) { if (mxob_data[i] == 0) { i++; id = BitConverter.ToInt32(mxob_data, i); break; } } i += 12; int ms_pos = i; // Find type for (; i < mxob_len - 4; i++) { string here = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(mxob_data, i, 4); if (here == "LIST" || here == " WAV" || here == " FLC") { if (here == " WAV") { wav_id = id; mxob_wav_ms_pos = ms_pos; wav_ms_pos = mxob_output_start + ms_pos; } else if (here == " FLC") { flc_id = id; } t = here; break; } } types.Add(t); ids.Add(id); data.Add(new List()); } } // Sanity checking that we found the ID if (ids.Count == 0 || wav_id == -1) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to find MxSt ID"); return; } // Sometimes a header has an odd length, but the files are automatically aligned to 2-bytes so we'll write an extra byte here if (mxob_len % 2 == 1) { out_stream.WriteByte((byte)in_stream.ReadByte()); } // Find the WAVE specified in in_stream string wav_fn = BacktrackToFindWAVFilename(in_stream); // Here we expect a "LIST" followed by the first "MxCh" which contains the wave header. The LIST contains a size that we'll need to modify WriteString(out_stream, "LIST"); in_stream.Position += 4; // LIST size long list_size_pos = out_stream.Position; WriteZeroes(out_stream, 4); // Read file's LIST size so we can quickly skip over it later in_stream.Read(b, 0, b.Length); long end_list_pos = in_stream.Position + BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0); // Write leading MxDa in_stream.Position += 4; WriteString(out_stream, "MxDa"); long wave_header_pos = -1; // Each sub-object will need a leading chunk for (int i = 0; i < ids.Count; i++) { // LIST's leading chunk was part of the MxOb header so we don't need to copy it if (types[i] != "LIST") { // Write "MxCh" header in_stream.Position += 4; WriteString(out_stream, "MxCh"); // Read MxCh size in_stream.Read(b, 0, b.Length); Int32 leading_mxch_size = BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0); out_stream.Write(b, 0, b.Length); // Copy MxCh data // The first MxCh contains 50 bytes of data that we'll just copy byte[] early_mxch_data = new byte[leading_mxch_size]; in_stream.Read(early_mxch_data, 0, early_mxch_data.Length); out_stream.Write(early_mxch_data, 0, early_mxch_data.Length); if (types[i] == " WAV") { wave_header_pos = out_stream.Position - 24; } } } const int si_buffer_size = 0x20000; // We don't support replacing the other data at this time, but we'll still need to interleave it if (ids.Count > 1) { //int chcounter = 0; while (SeekUntil(in_stream, "MxCh", end_list_pos)) { long chunk_start = in_stream.Position - 4; // Get chunk size just in case we need to copy it in_stream.Read(b, 0, b.Length); Int32 chunk_sz = BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0); // Find which MxOb this belongs to in_stream.Read(b, 0, 2); Int16 chunk_flags = BitConverter.ToInt16(b, 0); in_stream.Read(b, 0, b.Length); Int32 chunk_id = BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0); int chunk_index = ids.IndexOf(chunk_id); //Console.WriteLine(" Found chunk with ID " + chunk_id + " " + types[chunk_index] + " " + chunk_sz); if (types[chunk_index] != " WAV" && chunk_sz > 14) { in_stream.Position = chunk_start; byte[] foreign_data = new byte[chunk_sz + 8]; in_stream.Read(foreign_data, 0, foreign_data.Length); data[chunk_index].Add(foreign_data); } } } UInt32 millis = 0; UInt32 millisecond_length = 0; string wav_file; int replace_index = replace_dst.IndexOf(wav_fn); if (replace_index == -1) { // We won't replace this file so just use the original wav_file = temp_extract_path + "/" + wav_fn; } else { wav_file = replace_src[replace_index]; } using (FileStream wav_str = new FileStream(wav_file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { //Console.WriteLine("Inserting " + wav_fn); // Ignore first part of the wav header if (!SeekUntil(wav_str, "WAVE") || !SeekUntil(wav_str, "fmt ")) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid file at " + wav_fn); return; } wav_str.Position += 4; long old_pos = out_stream.Position; out_stream.Position = wave_header_pos; // Copy WAV header data byte[] wav_header = new byte[16]; wav_str.Read(wav_header, 0, wav_header.Length); out_stream.Write(wav_header, 0, wav_header.Length); // Total data size in MxCh is the WAV's data size + 4 if (!SeekUntil(wav_str, "data")) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid file at " + wav_fn); return; } byte[] data_size_bytes = new byte[4]; wav_str.Read(data_size_bytes, 0, data_size_bytes.Length); Int32 wav_data_size = (BitConverter.ToInt32(data_size_bytes, 0)); data_size_bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((Int32)(wav_data_size + 4)); out_stream.Write(data_size_bytes, 0, data_size_bytes.Length); long wav_end = wav_str.Position + wav_data_size; Int32 data_rate_per_second = BitConverter.ToInt32(wav_header, 8); millisecond_length = (UInt32) Math.Round((double)wav_data_size * 1000.0 / (double)data_rate_per_second); // // Write WAV's millisecond length and loop count // // LEGO Island's milliseconds are multiplied by the loop count, so we do that here (but we need to make sure the number doesn't overflow an Int32) // UInt32 loop_count = BitConverter.ToUInt32(mxob_data, mxob_wav_ms_pos + 4); UInt64 effective_ms = millisecond_length * loop_count; // If the value is too large for a 32-bit integer, resize it to fit if (effective_ms > UInt32.MaxValue) { loop_count = UInt32.MaxValue / millisecond_length; effective_ms = millisecond_length * loop_count; } // Write ms and loop values out_stream.Position = wav_ms_pos + 4; data_size_bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt32)effective_ms); out_stream.Write(data_size_bytes, 0, data_size_bytes.Length); data_size_bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(loop_count); out_stream.Write(data_size_bytes, 0, data_size_bytes.Length); // Re-skip latter 4 bytes of MxCh header out_stream.Position = old_pos; // Write first FLC chunk /* if (flc_id != -1) { int index = ids.IndexOf(flc_id); int remainder = (int)(si_buffer_size - (out_stream.Position % si_buffer_size)); if (data[index][0].Length > remainder) { WriteZeroes(out_stream, (int)remainder); } out_stream.Write(data[index][0], 0, data[index][0].Length); } */ // Loop over data in WAV // Write out WAV file chunking along the way int max_wav_data = BitConverter.ToInt32(wav_header, 8); int max_chunk_size = max_wav_data + 22; while (wav_str.Position < wav_end) { // SI files are also buffered at 20000h (or 131072 bytes), so we can only write that much at a time Int32 this_chunk_max = (Int32)Math.Min(max_chunk_size, si_buffer_size - (out_stream.Position % si_buffer_size)); if (this_chunk_max <= 22) { WriteZeroes(out_stream, this_chunk_max); } else { Int16 flags = 0; if (this_chunk_max < max_chunk_size) { flags = 16; } this_chunk_max -= 8; int actual_wav_chunk_size = this_chunk_max - 14; int actual_data_chunk_size = max_wav_data; if (wav_str.Position + actual_wav_chunk_size > wav_end) { flags = 0; actual_wav_chunk_size = (int)(wav_end - wav_str.Position); this_chunk_max = actual_wav_chunk_size + 14; actual_data_chunk_size = actual_wav_chunk_size; } WriteMxChHeader(out_stream, this_chunk_max, flags, wav_id, millis, actual_data_chunk_size); byte[] wav_bytes = new byte[actual_wav_chunk_size]; wav_str.Read(wav_bytes, 0, actual_wav_chunk_size); out_stream.Write(wav_bytes, 0, actual_wav_chunk_size); // If we had to split this chunk in half, write the second half now if (flags == 16) { int remaining_wav_data = max_wav_data - actual_wav_chunk_size; while (remaining_wav_data > 0) { int true_max_chunk_size = Math.Min(remaining_wav_data + 22, si_buffer_size); int true_wav_data_size = true_max_chunk_size - 22; WriteMxChHeader(out_stream, true_max_chunk_size - 8, flags, wav_id, millis, true_wav_data_size); byte[] joining_wav_bytes = new byte[true_wav_data_size]; wav_str.Read(joining_wav_bytes, 0, true_wav_data_size); out_stream.Write(joining_wav_bytes, 0, true_wav_data_size); remaining_wav_data -= true_wav_data_size; } } millis += 1000; // If we have FLC chunks /* if (flc_id != -1 && wav_str.Position < wav_end) { // Write 10 FLC chunks for (int i=0;i<10;i++) { int flc_data_index = ids.IndexOf(flc_id); int flc_write_ind = (flc_write_count*2) % data[flc_data_index].Count; //if (flc_write_ind >= data[flc_data_index].Count) //{ //break; //} long remainder = si_buffer_size - (out_stream.Position % si_buffer_size); if (data[flc_data_index][flc_write_ind].Length > remainder) { WriteZeroes(out_stream, (int)remainder); } out_stream.Write(data[flc_data_index][flc_write_ind], 0, data[flc_data_index][flc_write_ind].Length); flc_write_count++; } } */ } } } // Write ending chunk for (int i = ids.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { WriteMxChHeader(out_stream, 14, 2, ids[i], millisecond_length, 0); } // Write correct LIST and MxSt size Int32 list_size = (Int32)(out_stream.Position - list_size_pos - 4); Int32 mxst_size = (Int32)(out_stream.Position - mxst_length_position - 4); out_stream.Position = list_size_pos; byte[] list_size_bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(list_size); out_stream.Write(list_size_bytes, 0, list_size_bytes.Length); out_stream.Position = mxst_length_position; list_size_bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(mxst_size); out_stream.Write(list_size_bytes, 0, list_size_bytes.Length); in_stream.Position = end_list_pos; out_stream.Position = out_stream.Length; } // Correct RIFF size out_stream.Position = 4; byte[] size_bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((Int32)(out_stream.Length - 8)); out_stream.Write(size_bytes, 0, size_bytes.Length); // Correct first LIST size out_stream.Position = 304; size_bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((Int32)(out_stream.Length - 308)); out_stream.Write(size_bytes, 0, size_bytes.Length); } } public int ReplaceCount() { return replace_src.Count; } public void LoadData(XmlReader stream) { if (stream.IsEmptyElement) { return; } string tag = stream.Name; while (stream.Read() && !(stream.Name == tag && stream.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)) { if (stream.IsStartElement() && stream.Name == "replace") { replace_dst.Add(stream.GetAttribute("original")); stream.Read(); replace_src.Add(stream.Value); } } } public void SaveData(XmlWriter stream) { for (int i = 0; i < replace_src.Count; i++) { stream.WriteStartElement("replace"); stream.WriteAttributeString("original", replace_dst[i]); stream.WriteString(replace_src[i]); stream.WriteEndElement(); // replace } } } }