title: "Showcase | Code Ninjas Langley" email: showcase@codeninjaslangley.co.uk timezone: UTC baseurl: "" permalink: "/:categories/:title/" logo: 'assets/images/favicon.png' favicon: 'assets/images/favicon.png' author: CN Admin paginate: 30 disqus: '' locale: en_us lang: en_us feed_items: 10 feed_update_period: daily feed_update_frequency: 1 markdown: kramdown kramdown: syntax_highlighter_opts: disable: true sass: sass_dir: _sass style: :compressed ganalytics: UA-113961478-1 # Authors authors: cn_admin: name: CN Admin display_name: Dojo avatar: 'assets/images/sal.png' email: admin@codeninjaslangley.co.uk web: https://www.wowthemes.net/category/jekyll-themes/ twitter: https://twitter.com/wowthemesnet description: "" camp_23: name: Camps display_name: Dojo Camps avatar: 'assets/images/john.png' email: camps@codeninjaslangley.co.uk description: "This is the author box. Write a short description of the author here. You are currently previewing Affiliates theme demo, a Jekyll template compatible with Github pages." ninjas: name: Ninjas display_name: Ninjas avatar: 'assets/images/john.png' email: ninjas@codeninjaslangley.co.uk description: "This is the author box. Write a short description of the author here. You are currently previewing Affiliates theme demo, a Jekyll template compatible with Github pages." # Social social: instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bootstrapstarter/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bootstrapstartercom-346329609045284 twitter: https://twitter.com/bstartercom # Plugins plugins: - jekyll-paginate - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-feed - jekyll-seo-tag - jekyll-archives