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<title>Code Ninjas Langley | Hack-o-Lantern 2023</title>
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<h6 class="text-gray-50 font-bold text-lg">JOIN THE FUN, SUPPORT A CAUSE! </h6>
<p class="text-base mb-10 text-gray-200 md:text-right" style="text-align: justify;">
</br>Get ready for an exciting coding adventure at our <b>Hack-o-lantern Hack-a-thon.</b> </br></br> A game-building contest like no other! A hackathon is where young tech enthusiasts become Code Ninjas, creating innovative games that challenge their creativity and skills. This year, we're teaming up with Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity (UK) to fund critical research, treatments, and healthcare services for children.
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<a href="https://tiltify.com/+code-ninjas-langley/code-ninjas-langley-hackathon-game-jam" class="btn btn-orange">Donate to GOSH</a>
<a href="https://showcase.codeninjaslangley.co.uk/hack-o-lantern" class="btn btn-blue">Learn More</a>
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}, 1000);