mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 07:11:24 -04:00
- FIX: make sure we set a default name to a pasted image only on Chrome (the only browser that supports it)
- FIX: use ".json" extension to uploads endpoints since IE9 doesn't pass the correct header
- FIX: pass the CSRF token in a query parameter since IE9 doesn't pass it in the headers
- FIX: display error messages comming from the server when there is one over the default error message
- FIX: HACK around IE9 security issue when clicking a file input via JavaScript (use a label and set `visibility:hidden` on the input)
- FIX: hide the "cancel" upload on IE9 since it's not supported
- FIX: return "text/plain" content-type when uploading a file for IE9 in order to prevent it from displaying the save dialog
- FIX: check the maximum file size on the server 💥
- update jQuery File Upload Plugin to v. 5.42.2
- update JQuery IFram Transport Plugin to v. 1.8.5
- update jQuery UI Widget to v. 1.11.1
100 lines
3.2 KiB
100 lines
3.2 KiB
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--[if IE 9]><html lang="<%= SiteSetting.default_locale %>" class="ie9 <%= html_classes %>"><![endif]-->
<!--[if (!IE 9) | (!IE)]><!--><html lang="<%= SiteSetting.default_locale %>" class="<%= html_classes %>"><!--<![endif]-->
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<title><%= content_for?(:title) ? yield(:title) + ' - ' + SiteSetting.title : SiteSetting.title %></title>
<meta name="description" content="<%= @description_meta || SiteSetting.site_description %>">
<%= render partial: "layouts/head" %>
<%= render partial: "common/special_font_face" %>
<%= render partial: "common/discourse_stylesheet" %>
<%= discourse_csrf_tags %>
<%- if SiteSetting.enable_escaped_fragments? %>
<meta name="fragment" content="!">
<%- end %>
<%- if shared_session_key %>
<meta name="shared_session_key" content="<%= shared_session_key %>">
<%- end %>
<%= script "preload_store" %>
<%= script "locales/#{I18n.locale}" %>
<%= script "vendor" %>
<%= script "application" %>
<%- if staff? %>
<%= script "admin"%>
<%- end %>
<%- unless customization_disabled? %>
<%= raw SiteCustomization.custom_head_tag(session[:preview_style]) %>
<%- end %>
<%= render_google_universal_analytics_code %>
<%= yield :head %>
<noscript data-path="<%= request.env['PATH_INFO'] %>">
<header class="d-header">
<div class="container">
<div class="contents">
<div class="row">
<div class="title span13">
<a href="/"><img src="<%= (mobile_view? && SiteSetting.mobile_logo_url) || SiteSetting.logo_url %>" alt="<%=SiteSetting.title%>" id="site-logo"></a>
<div id="main-outlet" class="container">
<!-- preload-content: -->
<%= yield %>
<!-- :preload-content -->
<footer id='noscript-footer'>
<p><%= t 'powered_by_html' %></p>
<!--[if IE 9]><script type="text/javascript">ie = "new";</script><![endif]-->
<%- unless customization_disabled? %>
<%= SiteCustomization.custom_header(session[:preview_style], mobile_view? ? :mobile : :desktop) %>
<%- end %>
<section id='main'>
<div id='offscreen-content'>
<% unless current_user %>
<form id='hidden-login-form' method="post" action="<%=login_path%>" style="display: none;">
<input name="username" type="text" id="signin_username">
<input name="password" type="password" id="signin_password">
<input name="redirect" type="hidden">
<input type="submit" id="signin-button" value="<%= t 'log_in' %>">
<% end %>
<%- if @preloaded.present? %>
<%- @preloaded.each do |key, json| %>
PreloadStore.store("<%= key %>",<%= escape_unicode(json) %>);
<% end %>
<%- end %>
<%= yield :data %>
<%= render :partial => "common/discourse_javascript" %>
<%= render_google_analytics_code %>
<%- unless customization_disabled? %>
<%= raw SiteCustomization.custom_body_tag(session[:preview_style]) %>
<%- end %>