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synced 2025-02-26 00:14:20 -05:00
* We now use a new custom view, {{cloaked-collection}} to display posts in a topic. * Posts are removed and inserted (cloaked/uncloaked) into the DOM dynamically based on whether they are visible in the current browser viewport. * There's been a lot of refactoring to ensure the relationship between the post views and the topic controller is sane. * Lots of fixes involving jumping to a post, including a new LockOn component to that tries to stay focused on an element even if stuff is loading before it in the DOM that would normally push it down.
418 lines
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418 lines
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var buildStream = function(id, stream) {
var topic = Discourse.Topic.create({id: id});
var ps = topic.get('postStream');
if (stream) {
ps.set('stream', stream);
return ps;
var participant = {username: 'eviltrout'};
test('create', function() {
ok(Discourse.PostStream.create(), 'it can be created with no parameters');
test('defaults', function() {
var postStream = buildStream(1234);
blank(postStream.get('posts'), "there are no posts in a stream by default");
ok(!postStream.get('loaded'), "it has never loaded");
test('appending posts', function() {
var postStream = buildStream(4567, [1, 3, 4]);
equal(postStream.get('lastPostId'), 4, "the last post id is 4");
ok(!postStream.get('hasPosts'), "there are no posts by default");
ok(!postStream.get('firstPostPresent'), "the first post is not loaded");
ok(!postStream.get('loadedAllPosts'), "the last post is not loaded");
equal(postStream.get('posts.length'), 0, "it has no posts initially");
postStream.appendPost(Discourse.Post.create({id: 2, post_number: 2}));
ok(!postStream.get('firstPostPresent'), "the first post is still not loaded");
equal(postStream.get('posts.length'), 1, "it has one post in the stream");
postStream.appendPost(Discourse.Post.create({id: 4, post_number: 4}));
ok(!postStream.get('firstPostPresent'), "the first post is still loaded");
ok(postStream.get('loadedAllPosts'), "the last post is now loaded");
equal(postStream.get('posts.length'), 2, "it has two posts in the stream");
postStream.appendPost(Discourse.Post.create({id: 4, post_number: 4}));
equal(postStream.get('posts.length'), 2, "it will not add the same post with id twice");
var stagedPost = Discourse.Post.create({raw: 'incomplete post'});
equal(postStream.get('posts.length'), 3, "it can handle posts without ids");
equal(postStream.get('posts.length'), 3, "it won't add the same post without an id twice");
// change the stream
postStream.set('stream', [1, 2, 4]);
ok(!postStream.get('firstPostPresent'), "the first post no longer loaded since the stream changed.");
ok(postStream.get('loadedAllPosts'), "the last post is still the last post in the new stream");
test('closestPostNumberFor', function() {
var postStream = buildStream(1231);
blank(postStream.closestPostNumberFor(1), "there is no closest post when nothing is loaded");
postStream.appendPost(Discourse.Post.create({id: 1, post_number: 2}));
postStream.appendPost(Discourse.Post.create({id: 2, post_number: 3}));
equal(postStream.closestPostNumberFor(2), 2, "If a post is in the stream it returns its post number");
equal(postStream.closestPostNumberFor(3), 3, "If a post is in the stream it returns its post number");
equal(postStream.closestPostNumberFor(10), 3, "it clips to the upper bound of the stream");
equal(postStream.closestPostNumberFor(0), 2, "it clips to the lower bound of the stream");
test('updateFromJson', function() {
var postStream = buildStream(1231);
posts: [{id: 1}],
stream: [1],
extra_property: 12
equal(postStream.get('posts.length'), 1, 'it loaded the posts');
containsInstance(postStream.get('posts'), Discourse.Post);
equal(postStream.get('extra_property'), 12);
test("removePosts", function() {
var postStream = buildStream(10000001, [1,2,3]);
var p1 = Discourse.Post.create({id: 1, post_number: 2}),
p2 = Discourse.Post.create({id: 2, post_number: 3}),
p3 = Discourse.Post.create({id: 3, post_number: 4});
// Removing nothing does nothing
equal(postStream.get('posts.length'), 3);
postStream.removePosts([p1, p3]);
equal(postStream.get('posts.length'), 1);
deepEqual(postStream.get('stream'), [2]);
test("cancelFilter", function() {
var postStream = buildStream(1235);
this.stub(postStream, "refresh");
postStream.set('summary', true);
ok(!postStream.get('summary'), "summary is cancelled");
blank(postStream.get('userFilters'), "cancelling the filters clears the userFilters");
test("toggleParticipant", function() {
var postStream = buildStream(1236);
this.stub(postStream, "refresh");
equal(postStream.get('userFilters.length'), 0, "by default no participants are toggled");
ok(postStream.get('userFilters').contains('eviltrout'), 'eviltrout is in the filters');
blank(postStream.get('userFilters'), "toggling the participant again removes them");
test("streamFilters", function() {
var postStream = buildStream(1237);
this.stub(postStream, "refresh");
deepEqual(postStream.get('streamFilters'), {}, "there are no postFilters by default");
ok(postStream.get('hasNoFilters'), "there are no filters by default");
blank(postStream.get("filterDesc"), "there is no description of the filter");
postStream.set('summary', true);
deepEqual(postStream.get('streamFilters'), {filter: "summary"}, "postFilters contains the summary flag");
ok(!postStream.get('hasNoFilters'), "now there are filters present");
present(postStream.get("filterDesc"), "there is a description of the filter");
deepEqual(postStream.get('streamFilters'), {
filter: "summary",
username_filters: ['eviltrout']
}, "streamFilters contains the username we filtered");
test("loading", function() {
var postStream = buildStream(1234);
ok(!postStream.get('loading'), "we're not loading by default");
postStream.set('loadingAbove', true);
ok(postStream.get('loading'), "we're loading if loading above");
postStream = buildStream(1234);
postStream.set('loadingBelow', true);
ok(postStream.get('loading'), "we're loading if loading below");
postStream = buildStream(1234);
postStream.set('loadingFilter', true);
ok(postStream.get('loading'), "we're loading if loading a filter");
test("nextWindow", function() {
Discourse.SiteSettings.posts_per_page = 5;
var postStream = buildStream(1234, [1,2,3,5,8,9,10,11,13,14,15,16]);
blank(postStream.get('nextWindow'), 'With no posts loaded, the window is blank');
postStream.updateFromJson({ posts: [{id: 1}, {id: 2}] });
deepEqual(postStream.get('nextWindow'), [3,5,8,9,10],
"If we've loaded the first 2 posts, the window should be the 5 after that");
postStream.updateFromJson({ posts: [{id: 13}] });
deepEqual(postStream.get('nextWindow'), [14, 15, 16], "Boundary check: stop at the end.");
postStream.updateFromJson({ posts: [{id: 16}] });
blank(postStream.get('nextWindow'), "Once we've seen everything there's nothing to load.");
test("previousWindow", function() {
Discourse.SiteSettings.posts_per_page = 5;
var postStream = buildStream(1234, [1,2,3,5,8,9,10,11,13,14,15,16]);
blank(postStream.get('previousWindow'), 'With no posts loaded, the window is blank');
postStream.updateFromJson({ posts: [{id: 11}, {id: 13}] });
deepEqual(postStream.get('previousWindow'), [3, 5, 8, 9, 10],
"If we've loaded in the middle, it's the previous 5 posts");
postStream.updateFromJson({ posts: [{id: 3}] });
deepEqual(postStream.get('previousWindow'), [1, 2], "Boundary check: stop at the beginning.");
postStream.updateFromJson({ posts: [{id: 1}] });
blank(postStream.get('previousWindow'), "Once we've seen everything there's nothing to load.");
test("storePost", function() {
var postStream = buildStream(1234);
var post = Discourse.Post.create({id: 1, post_number: 1, raw: 'initial value'});
var stored = postStream.storePost(post);
equal(post, stored, "it returns the post it stored");
equal(post.get('topic'), postStream.get('topic'), "it creates the topic reference properly");
var dupePost = Discourse.Post.create({id: 1, post_number: 1, raw: 'updated value'});
var storedDupe = postStream.storePost(dupePost);
equal(storedDupe, post, "it returns the previously stored post instead to avoid dupes");
equal(storedDupe.get('raw'), 'updated value', 'it updates the previously stored post');
var postWithoutId = Discourse.Post.create({raw: 'hello world'});
stored = postStream.storePost(postWithoutId);
equal(stored, postWithoutId, "it returns the same post back");
equal(postStream.get('postIdentityMap.length'), 1, "it does not add a new entry into the identity map");
test("identity map", function() {
var postStream = buildStream(1234);
var p1 = postStream.appendPost(Discourse.Post.create({id: 1, post_number: 1}));
var p3 = postStream.appendPost(Discourse.Post.create({id: 3, post_number: 4}));
equal(postStream.findLoadedPost(1), p1, "it can return cached posts by id");
blank(postStream.findLoadedPost(4), "it can't find uncached posts");
deepEqual(postStream.listUnloadedIds([10, 11, 12]), [10, 11, 12], "it returns a list of all unloaded ids");
blank(postStream.listUnloadedIds([1, 3]), "if we have loaded all posts it's blank");
deepEqual(postStream.listUnloadedIds([1, 2, 3, 4]), [2, 4], "it only returns unloaded posts");
asyncTestDiscourse("loadIntoIdentityMap with no data", function() {
var postStream = buildStream(1234);
this.stub(Discourse, "ajax");
postStream.loadIntoIdentityMap([]).then(function() {
ok(!Discourse.ajax.calledOnce, "an empty array returned a promise yet performed no ajax request");
asyncTestDiscourse("loadIntoIdentityMap with post ids", function() {
var postStream = buildStream(1234);
this.stub(Discourse, "ajax").returns(Ember.RSVP.resolve({
post_stream: {
posts: [{id: 10, post_number: 10}]
postStream.loadIntoIdentityMap([10]).then(function() {
present(postStream.findLoadedPost(10), "it adds the returned post to the store");
asyncTestDiscourse("loading a post's history", function() {
var postStream = buildStream(1234);
var post = Discourse.Post.create({id: 4321});
var secondPost = Discourse.Post.create({id: 2222});
this.stub(Discourse, "ajax").returns(Ember.RSVP.resolve([secondPost]));
postStream.findReplyHistory(post).then(function() {
ok(Discourse.ajax.calledOnce, "it made the ajax request");
present(postStream.findLoadedPost(2222), "it stores the returned post in the identity map");
present(post.get('replyHistory'), "it sets the replyHistory attribute for the post");
test("staging and undoing a new post", function() {
var postStream = buildStream(10101, [1]);
postStream.appendPost(Discourse.Post.create({id: 1, post_number: 1}));
var user = Discourse.User.create({username: 'eviltrout', name: 'eviltrout', id: 321});
var stagedPost = Discourse.Post.create({ raw: 'hello world this is my new post' });
var topic = postStream.get('topic');
posts_count: 1,
highest_post_number: 1
// Stage the new post in the stream
var result = postStream.stagePost(stagedPost, user);
equal(result, true, "it returns true");
equal(topic.get('highest_post_number'), 2, "it updates the highest_post_number");
ok(postStream.get('loading'), "it is loading while the post is being staged");
equal(topic.get('posts_count'), 2, "it increases the post count");
present(topic.get('last_posted_at'), "it updates last_posted_at");
equal(topic.get('details.last_poster'), user, "it changes the last poster");
equal(stagedPost.get('topic'), topic, "it assigns the topic reference");
equal(stagedPost.get('post_number'), 2, "it is assigned the probable post_number");
equal(postStream.get('filteredPostsCount'), 1, "it retains the filteredPostsCount");
present(stagedPost.get('created_at'), "it is assigned a created date");
ok(postStream.get('posts').contains(stagedPost), "the post is added to the stream");
blank(stagedPost.get('id'), "the post has no id yet");
// Undoing a created post (there was an error)
ok(!postStream.get('loading'), "it is no longer loading");
equal(topic.get('highest_post_number'), 1, "it reverts the highest_post_number");
equal(topic.get('posts_count'), 1, "it reverts the post count");
equal(postStream.get('filteredPostsCount'), 1, "it retains the filteredPostsCount");
ok(!postStream.get('posts').contains(stagedPost), "the post is removed from the stream");
test("staging and committing a post", function() {
var postStream = buildStream(10101, [1]);
postStream.appendPost(Discourse.Post.create({id: 1, post_number: 1}));
var user = Discourse.User.create({username: 'eviltrout', name: 'eviltrout', id: 321});
var stagedPost = Discourse.Post.create({ raw: 'hello world this is my new post' });
var topic = postStream.get('topic');
topic.set('posts_count', 1);
// Stage the new post in the stream
var result = postStream.stagePost(stagedPost, user);
equal(result, true, "it returns true");
ok(postStream.get('loading'), "it is loading while the post is being staged");
stagedPost.setProperties({ id: 1234, raw: "different raw value" });
equal(postStream.get('filteredPostsCount'), 1, "it retains the filteredPostsCount");
result = postStream.stagePost(stagedPost, user);
equal(result, false, "you can't stage a post while it is currently staging");
ok(postStream.get('posts').contains(stagedPost), "the post is still in the stream");
ok(!postStream.get('loading'), "it is no longer loading");
equal(postStream.get('filteredPostsCount'), 2, "it increases the filteredPostsCount");
var found = postStream.findLoadedPost(stagedPost.get('id'));
present(found, "the post is in the identity map");
ok(postStream.indexOf(stagedPost) > -1, "the post is in the stream");
equal(found.get('raw'), 'different raw value', 'it also updated the value in the stream');
test('triggerNewPostInStream', function() {
var postStream = buildStream(225566);
this.stub(postStream, 'appendMore');
this.stub(postStream, 'refresh');
ok(!postStream.appendMore.calledOnce, "asking for a null id does nothing");
ok(!postStream.appendMore.calledOnce, "it will not trigger when summary is active");
ok(!postStream.appendMore.calledOnce, "it will not trigger when a participant filter is active");
ok(!postStream.appendMore.calledOnce, "it wont't delegate to appendMore because the last post is not loaded");
postStream.appendPost(Discourse.Post.create({id: 1, post_number: 2}));
ok(postStream.appendMore.calledOnce, "delegates to appendMore because the last post is loaded");
test("loadedAllPosts when the id changes", function() {
// This can happen in a race condition between staging a post and it coming through on the
// message bus. If the id of a post changes we should reconsider the loadedAllPosts property.
var postStream = buildStream(10101, [1, 2]);
var postWithoutId = Discourse.Post.create({ raw: 'hello world this is my new post' });
postStream.appendPost(Discourse.Post.create({id: 1, post_number: 1}));
ok(!postStream.get('loadedAllPosts'), 'the last post is not loaded');
postWithoutId.set('id', 2);
ok(postStream.get('loadedAllPosts'), 'the last post is loaded now that the post has an id');
test("comitting and triggerNewPostInStream race condition", function() {
var postStream = buildStream(4964);
postStream.appendPost(Discourse.Post.create({id: 1, post_number: 1}));
var user = Discourse.User.create({username: 'eviltrout', name: 'eviltrout', id: 321});
var stagedPost = Discourse.Post.create({ raw: 'hello world this is my new post' });
var result = postStream.stagePost(stagedPost, user);
equal(postStream.get('filteredPostsCount'), 0, "it has no filteredPostsCount yet");
stagedPost.set('id', 123);
this.stub(postStream, 'appendMore');
equal(postStream.get('filteredPostsCount'), 1, "it added the post");
equal(postStream.get('filteredPostsCount'), 1, "it does not add the same post twice");