# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require_dependency 'post_creator' describe Category do it { should validate_presence_of :user_id } it { should validate_presence_of :name } it 'validates uniqueness of name' do Fabricate(:category) should validate_uniqueness_of(:name).scoped_to(:parent_category_id) end it 'validates uniqueness in case insensitive way' do Fabricate(:category, name: "Cats") c = Fabricate.build(:category, name: "cats") c.should_not be_valid c.errors[:name].should be_present end describe "last_updated_at" do it "returns a number value of when the category was last updated" do last = Category.last_updated_at last.should be_present last.to_i.should == last end end describe "resolve_permissions" do it "can determine read_restricted" do read_restricted, resolved = Category.resolve_permissions(:everyone => :full) read_restricted.should == false resolved.should == [] end end describe "topic_create_allowed and post_create_allowed" do it "works" do # NOTE we also have the uncategorized category ... hence the increased count _default_category = Fabricate(:category) full_category = Fabricate(:category) can_post_category = Fabricate(:category) can_read_category = Fabricate(:category) user = Fabricate(:user) group = Fabricate(:group) group.add(user) group.save admin = Fabricate(:admin) full_category.set_permissions(group => :full) full_category.save can_post_category.set_permissions(group => :create_post) can_post_category.save can_read_category.set_permissions(group => :readonly) can_read_category.save guardian = Guardian.new(admin) Category.topic_create_allowed(guardian).count.should == 5 Category.post_create_allowed(guardian).count.should == 5 Category.secured(guardian).count.should == 5 guardian = Guardian.new(user) Category.secured(guardian).count.should == 5 Category.post_create_allowed(guardian).count.should == 4 Category.topic_create_allowed(guardian).count.should == 3 # explicitly allowed once, default allowed once # everyone has special semantics, test it as well can_post_category.set_permissions(:everyone => :create_post) can_post_category.save Category.post_create_allowed(guardian).count.should == 4 # anonymous has permission to create no topics guardian = Guardian.new(nil) Category.post_create_allowed(guardian).count.should == 0 end end describe "security" do let(:category) { Fabricate(:category) } let(:category_2) { Fabricate(:category) } let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:group) { Fabricate(:group) } it "secures categories correctly" do category.read_restricted?.should == false category.set_permissions({}) category.read_restricted?.should == true category.set_permissions(:everyone => :full) category.read_restricted?.should == false user.secure_categories.should be_empty group.add(user) group.save category.set_permissions(group.id => :full) category.save user.reload user.secure_categories.should == [category] end it "lists all secured categories correctly" do uncategorized = Category.find(SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id) group.add(user) category.set_permissions(group.id => :full) category.save category_2.set_permissions(group.id => :full) category_2.save Category.secured.should =~ [uncategorized] Category.secured(Guardian.new(user)).should =~ [uncategorized,category, category_2] end end it "strips leading blanks" do Fabricate(:category, name: " music").name.should == "music" end it "strips trailing blanks" do Fabricate(:category, name: "bugs ").name.should == "bugs" end it "strips leading and trailing blanks" do Fabricate(:category, name: " blanks ").name.should == "blanks" end it "sets name_lower" do Fabricate(:category, name: "Not MySQL").name_lower.should == "not mysql" end it "has custom fields" do category = Fabricate(:category, name: " music") category.custom_fields["a"].should == nil category.custom_fields["bob"] = "marley" category.custom_fields["jack"] = "black" category.save category = Category.find(category.id) category.custom_fields.should == {"bob" => "marley", "jack" => "black"} end describe "short name" do let!(:category) { Fabricate(:category, name: 'xx') } it "creates the category" do category.should be_present end it 'has one topic' do Topic.where(category_id: category.id).count.should == 1 end end describe 'non-english characters' do let(:category) { Fabricate(:category, name: "電車男") } it "creates a blank slug, this is OK." do category.slug.should be_blank category.slug_for_url.should == "#{category.id}-category" end end describe 'slug would be a number' do let(:category) { Fabricate(:category, name: "電車男 2") } it 'creates a blank slug' do category.slug.should be_blank category.slug_for_url.should == "#{category.id}-category" end end describe 'description_text' do it 'correctly generates text description as needed' do c = Category.new c.description_text.should == nil c.description = "<hello test." c.description_text.should == " { @category.update_attributes(name: 'Troutfishing', topic_id: nil) }.should_not raise_error end it "should not set its description topic to auto-close" do category = Fabricate(:category, name: 'Closing Topics', auto_close_hours: 1) category.topic.auto_close_at.should == nil end describe "creating a new category with the same slug" do it "should have a blank slug if at the same level" do category = Fabricate(:category, name: "Amazing Categóry") category.slug.should be_blank category.slug_for_url.should == "#{category.id}-category" end it "doesn't have a blank slug if not at the same level" do parent = Fabricate(:category, name: 'Other parent') category = Fabricate(:category, name: "Amazing Categóry", parent_category_id: parent.id) category.slug.should == 'amazing-category' category.slug_for_url.should == "amazing-category" end end describe "trying to change the category topic's category" do before do @new_cat = Fabricate(:category, name: '2nd Category', user: @category.user) @topic.change_category_to_id(@new_cat.id) @topic.reload @category.reload end it 'does not cause changes' do @category.topic_count.should == 0 @topic.category.should == @category @category.topic.should == @topic end end end describe 'destroy' do before do @category = Fabricate(:category) @category_id = @category.id @topic_id = @category.topic_id @category.destroy end it 'is deleted correctly' do Category.exists?(id: @category_id).should == false Topic.exists?(id: @topic_id).should == false end end describe 'latest' do it 'should be updated correctly' do category = Fabricate(:category) post = create_post(category: category.name) category.reload category.latest_post_id.should == post.id category.latest_topic_id.should == post.topic_id post2 = create_post(category: category.name) post3 = create_post(topic_id: post.topic_id, category: category.name) category.reload category.latest_post_id.should == post3.id category.latest_topic_id.should == post2.topic_id post3.reload destroyer = PostDestroyer.new(Fabricate(:admin), post3) destroyer.destroy category.reload category.latest_post_id.should == post2.id end end describe 'update_stats' do before do @category = Fabricate(:category) end context 'with regular topics' do before do create_post(user: @category.user, category: @category.name) Category.update_stats @category.reload end it 'updates topic stats' do @category.topics_week.should == 1 @category.topics_month.should == 1 @category.topics_year.should == 1 @category.topic_count.should == 1 @category.post_count.should == 1 @category.posts_year.should == 1 @category.posts_month.should == 1 @category.posts_week.should == 1 end end context 'with deleted topics' do before do @category.topics << Fabricate(:deleted_topic, user: @category.user) Category.update_stats @category.reload end it 'does not count deleted topics' do @category.topics_week.should == 0 @category.topic_count.should == 0 @category.topics_month.should == 0 @category.topics_year.should == 0 @category.post_count.should == 0 @category.posts_year.should == 0 @category.posts_month.should == 0 @category.posts_week.should == 0 end end context 'with revised post' do before do post = create_post(user: @category.user, category: @category.name) SiteSetting.stubs(:ninja_edit_window).returns(1.minute.to_i) post.revise(post.user, { raw: 'updated body' }, revised_at: post.updated_at + 2.minutes) Category.update_stats @category.reload end it "doesn't count each version of a post" do @category.post_count.should == 1 @category.posts_year.should == 1 @category.posts_month.should == 1 @category.posts_week.should == 1 end end context 'for uncategorized category' do before do @uncategorized = Category.find(SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id) create_post(user: Fabricate(:user), category: @uncategorized.name) Category.update_stats @uncategorized.reload end it 'updates topic stats' do @uncategorized.topics_week.should == 1 @uncategorized.topics_month.should == 1 @uncategorized.topics_year.should == 1 @uncategorized.topic_count.should == 1 @uncategorized.post_count.should == 1 @uncategorized.posts_year.should == 1 @uncategorized.posts_month.should == 1 @uncategorized.posts_week.should == 1 end end end describe "#url" do it "builds a url for normal categories" do category = Fabricate(:category, name: "cats") expect(category.url).to eq "/category/cats" end describe "for subcategories" do it "includes the parent category" do parent_category = Fabricate(:category, name: "parent") subcategory = Fabricate(:category, name: "child", parent_category_id: parent_category.id) expect(subcategory.url).to eq "/category/parent/child" end end end describe "uncategorized" do let(:cat) { Category.where(id: SiteSetting.uncategorized_category_id).first } it "reports as `uncategorized?`" do cat.should be_uncategorized end it "cannot have a parent category" do cat.parent_category_id = Fabricate(:category).id cat.should_not be_valid end end describe "parent categories" do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:parent_category) { Fabricate(:category, user: user) } it "can be associated with a parent category" do sub_category = Fabricate.build(:category, parent_category_id: parent_category.id, user: user) sub_category.should be_valid sub_category.parent_category.should == parent_category end it "cannot associate a category with itself" do category = Fabricate(:category, user: user) category.parent_category_id = category.id category.should_not be_valid end it "cannot have a category two levels deep" do sub_category = Fabricate(:category, parent_category_id: parent_category.id, user: user) nested_sub_category = Fabricate.build(:category, parent_category_id: sub_category.id, user: user) nested_sub_category.should_not be_valid end describe ".query_parent_category" do it "should return the parent category id given a parent slug" do parent_category.name = "Amazing Category" parent_category.id.should == Category.query_parent_category(parent_category.slug) end end describe ".query_category" do it "should return the category" do category = Fabricate(:category, name: "Amazing Category", parent_category_id: parent_category.id, user: user) parent_category.name = "Amazing Parent Category" category.should == Category.query_category(category.slug, parent_category.id) end end end describe "find_by_email" do it "is case insensitive" do c1 = Fabricate(:category, email_in: 'lower@example.com') c2 = Fabricate(:category, email_in: 'UPPER@EXAMPLE.COM') c3 = Fabricate(:category, email_in: 'Mixed.Case@Example.COM') Category.find_by_email('LOWER@EXAMPLE.COM').should == c1 Category.find_by_email('upper@example.com').should == c2 Category.find_by_email('mixed.case@example.com').should == c3 Category.find_by_email('MIXED.CASE@EXAMPLE.COM').should == c3 end end end