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I've gotten vagrant up and running with a development environment but it's taking forever to load.<\/p>\n\n

For example<\/a> takes tens of seconds to load.<\/p>\n\n

I'm running the whole stack on a new rMBP with OS X 10.8.2.<\/p>\n\n

Any ideas of what I've done wrong? Or is this just a function of being on the bleeding edge?<\/p>\n\n


-bd<\/p>",       "post_number": 1,       "post_type": 1,       "updated_at": "2013-02-07T17:46:57.469Z",       "like_count": 0,       "reply_count": 1,       "reply_to_post_number": null,       "quote_count": 0,       "avg_time": 24,       "incoming_link_count": 4422,       "reads": 327,       "score": 21978.4,       "yours": false,       "topic_id": 2179,       "topic_slug": "development-mode-super-slow",       "display_username": "Bill Dudney",       "primary_group_name": null,       "version": 2,       "can_edit": false,       "can_delete": false,       "can_recover": false,       "user_title": null,       "actions_summary": [         {           "id": 2,           "count": 0,           "hidden": false,           "can_act": false         },         {           "id": 3,           "count": 0,           "hidden": false,           "can_act": false         },         {           "id": 4,           "count": 0,           "hidden": false,           "can_act": false         },         {           "id": 5,           "count": 0,           "hidden": true,           "can_act": false         },         {           "id": 6,           "count": 0,           "hidden": false,           "can_act": false         },         {           "id": 7,           "count": 0,           "hidden": false,           "can_act": false         },         {           "id": 8,           "count": 0,           "hidden": false,           "can_act": false         }       ],       "moderator": false,       "admin": false,       "staff": false,       "user_id": 1828,       "hidden": false,       "hidden_reason_id": null,       "trust_level": 1,       "deleted_at": null,       "user_deleted": false,       "edit_reason": null,       "can_view_edit_history": true,       "wiki": false,       "blurb": "I've gotten vagrant up and running with a development environment but it's taking forever to load. For example takes..."     },     {       "id": 48887,       "name": "Arpit Jalan",       "username": "techAPJ",       "avatar_template": "/user_avatar/meta.discourse.org/techapj/{size}/3281_1.png",       "uploaded_avatar_id": 3281,       "created_at": "2014-04-12T22:22:07.930Z",       "cooked": "

So you want to set up Discourse on Ubuntu to hack on and develop with?<\/p>\n\n

We'll assume that you don't have Ruby/Rails/Postgre/Redis installed on your Ubuntu system. Let's begin!<\/p>\n\n

Although this guide assumes that you are using Ubuntu, but the set-up instructions will work fine for any Debian based ditribution.<\/em><\/p>\n\n

(If you want to install Discourse for production use, see our install guide<\/a>)<\/em><\/p>\n\n

Install Discourse Dependencies<\/h2>\n\n

Run this script<\/a> in terminal, to setup Rails development environment:<\/p>\n\n

bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/techAPJ/install-rails/master/linux)<\/code><\/pre>\n\n

\nlinux_script.png<\/span>770x211 9.62 KB<\/span><\/span>\n<\/div><\/a><\/div> <\/p>\n\n

This will install following new packages on your system:<\/p>\n\n