class TopTopic < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :topic # The top topics we want to refresh often def self.refresh_daily! transaction do remove_invisible_topics add_new_visible_topics update_counts_and_compute_scores_for(:daily) end end # We don't have to refresh these as often def self.refresh_older! older_periods = periods - [:daily] transaction do older_periods.each do |period| update_counts_and_compute_scores_for(period) end end end def self.refresh! refresh_daily! refresh_older! end def self.periods @@periods ||= [:yearly, :monthly, :weekly, :daily].freeze end def self.sort_orders @@sort_orders ||= [:posts, :views, :likes].freeze end def self.update_counts_and_compute_scores_for(period) sort_orders.each do |sort| TopTopic.send("update_#{sort}_count_for", period) end compute_top_score_for(period) end def self.remove_invisible_topics exec_sql("WITH category_definition_topic_ids AS ( SELECT COALESCE(topic_id, 0) AS id FROM categories ), invisible_topic_ids AS ( SELECT id FROM topics WHERE deleted_at IS NOT NULL OR NOT visible OR archetype = :private_message OR archived OR id IN (SELECT id FROM category_definition_topic_ids) ) DELETE FROM top_topics WHERE topic_id IN (SELECT id FROM invisible_topic_ids)", private_message: Archetype::private_message) end def self.add_new_visible_topics exec_sql("WITH category_definition_topic_ids AS ( SELECT COALESCE(topic_id, 0) AS id FROM categories ), visible_topics AS ( SELECT FROM topics t LEFT JOIN top_topics tt ON = tt.topic_id WHERE t.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.visible AND t.archetype <> :private_message AND NOT t.archived AND NOT IN (SELECT id FROM category_definition_topic_ids) AND tt.topic_id IS NULL ) INSERT INTO top_topics (topic_id) SELECT id FROM visible_topics", private_message: Archetype::private_message) end def self.update_posts_count_for(period) sql = "SELECT topic_id, GREATEST(COUNT(*), 1) AS count FROM posts WHERE created_at >= :from AND deleted_at IS NULL AND NOT hidden AND post_type = #{Post.types[:regular]} AND user_id <> #{} GROUP BY topic_id" update_top_topics(period, "posts", sql) end def self.update_views_count_for(period) sql = "SELECT topic_id, COUNT(*) AS count FROM topic_views WHERE viewed_at >= :from GROUP BY topic_id" update_top_topics(period, "views", sql) end def self.update_likes_count_for(period) sql = "SELECT topic_id, GREATEST(SUM(like_count), 1) AS count FROM posts WHERE created_at >= :from AND deleted_at IS NULL AND NOT hidden AND post_type = #{Post.types[:regular]} GROUP BY topic_id" update_top_topics(period, "likes", sql) end def self.compute_top_score_for(period) sql = <<-SQL WITH top AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN topics.created_at < :from THEN 0 ELSE log(greatest(#{period}_views_count, 1)) + #{period}_likes_count * 2 + #{period}_posts_count * 2 END AS score, topic_id FROM top_topics LEFT JOIN topics ON = top_topics.topic_id ) UPDATE top_topics SET #{period}_score = top.score FROM top WHERE top_topics.topic_id = top.topic_id AND #{period}_score <> top.score SQL exec_sql(sql, from: start_of(period)) end def self.start_of(period) case period when :yearly then 1.year.ago when :monthly then 1.month.ago when :weekly then 1.week.ago when :daily then end end def self.update_top_topics(period, sort, inner_join) exec_sql("UPDATE top_topics SET #{period}_#{sort}_count = c.count FROM top_topics tt INNER JOIN (#{inner_join}) c ON tt.topic_id = c.topic_id WHERE tt.topic_id = top_topics.topic_id AND tt.#{period}_#{sort}_count <> c.count", from: start_of(period)) end private_class_method :sort_orders, :update_counts_and_compute_scores_for, :remove_invisible_topics, :add_new_visible_topics, :update_posts_count_for, :update_views_count_for, :update_likes_count_for, :compute_top_score_for, :start_of, :update_top_topics end # == Schema Information # # Table name: top_topics # # id :integer not null, primary key # topic_id :integer # yearly_posts_count :integer default(0), not null # yearly_views_count :integer default(0), not null # yearly_likes_count :integer default(0), not null # monthly_posts_count :integer default(0), not null # monthly_views_count :integer default(0), not null # monthly_likes_count :integer default(0), not null # weekly_posts_count :integer default(0), not null # weekly_views_count :integer default(0), not null # weekly_likes_count :integer default(0), not null # daily_posts_count :integer default(0), not null # daily_views_count :integer default(0), not null # daily_likes_count :integer default(0), not null # yearly_score :float default(0.0) # monthly_score :float default(0.0) # weekly_score :float default(0.0) # daily_score :float default(0.0) # # Indexes # # index_top_topics_on_daily_likes_count (daily_likes_count) # index_top_topics_on_daily_posts_count (daily_posts_count) # index_top_topics_on_daily_views_count (daily_views_count) # index_top_topics_on_monthly_likes_count (monthly_likes_count) # index_top_topics_on_monthly_posts_count (monthly_posts_count) # index_top_topics_on_monthly_views_count (monthly_views_count) # index_top_topics_on_topic_id (topic_id) UNIQUE # index_top_topics_on_weekly_likes_count (weekly_likes_count) # index_top_topics_on_weekly_posts_count (weekly_posts_count) # index_top_topics_on_weekly_views_count (weekly_views_count) # index_top_topics_on_yearly_likes_count (yearly_likes_count) # index_top_topics_on_yearly_posts_count (yearly_posts_count) # index_top_topics_on_yearly_views_count (yearly_views_count) #