module("controller:admin-badges"); test("canEditDescription", function() { var badge, controller; badge = Discourse.Badge.create({id: 101, name: "Test Badge"}); controller = testController("admin-badges", [badge]); controller.send('selectBadge', badge); ok(controller.get('canEditDescription'), "allows editing description when a translation exists for the badge name"); this.stub(I18n, "t").returns("translated string"); badge = Discourse.Badge.create({id: 102, name: "Test Badge"}); controller = testController("admin-badges", [badge]); controller.send('selectBadge', badge); ok(!controller.get('canEditDescription'), "shows the displayName when it is different from the name"); }); test("createNewBadge", function() { var controller = testController("admin-badges", []); controller.send('createNewBadge'); equal(controller.get('model.length'), 1, "adds a new badge to the list of badges"); }); test("selectBadge", function() { var badge = Discourse.Badge.create({id: 101, name: "Test Badge"}), controller = testController("admin-badges", [badge]); controller.send('selectBadge', badge); equal(controller.get('selectedItem'), badge, "the badge is selected"); }); test("save", function() { var badge = Discourse.Badge.create({id: 101, name: "Test Badge"}), otherBadge = Discourse.Badge.create({id: 102, name: "Other Badge"}), controller = testController("admin-badges", [badge, otherBadge]); controller.send('selectBadge', badge); this.stub(badge, "save").returns(Ember.RSVP.resolve({})); controller.send("save"); ok(, "called save on the badge"); }); test("destroy", function() { var badge = Discourse.Badge.create({id: 101, name: "Test Badge"}), otherBadge = Discourse.Badge.create({id: 102, name: "Other Badge"}), controller = testController("admin-badges", [badge, otherBadge]); this.stub(badge, 'destroy').returns(Ember.RSVP.resolve({})); bootbox.confirm = function(text, yes, no, func) { func(false); }; controller.send('selectBadge', badge); controller.send('destroy'); ok(!badge.destroy.calledOnce, "badge is not destroyed if they user clicks no"); bootbox.confirm = function(text, yes, no, func) { func(true); }; controller.send('selectBadge', badge); controller.send('destroy'); ok(badge.destroy.calledOnce, "badge is destroyed if they user clicks yes"); });