# encoding: utf-8
# Never edit this file. It will be overwritten when translations are pulled from Transifex.
# To work with us on translations, join this project:
# https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/discourse-org/
format: '%n %u'
gb: GB
kb: KB
mb: MB
tb: TB
time: "h:mm a"
long_no_year: "MMM D h:mm a"
long_no_year_no_time: "MMM D"
long_with_year: "MMM D, YYYY h:mm a"
long_with_year_no_time: "MMM D, YYYY"
long_date_with_year: "MMM D, 'YY LT"
long_date_without_year: "MMM D, LT"
long_date_with_year_without_time: "MMM D, 'YY"
long_date_without_year_with_linebreak: "MMM D
long_date_with_year_with_linebreak: "MMM D, 'YY
half_a_minute: "< 1m"
date_month: "MMM D"
date_year: "MMM 'YY"
date_year: "MMM D, 'YY"
topic: 'podjeli link ka ovoj temi'
post: 'podjeli link ka ovom postu #%{postNumber}'
close: 'zatvori'
twitter: 'podjeli link na Twitteru'
facebook: 'podjeli link na Facebooku'
google+: 'podjeli link na Google+'
email: 'pošalji ovaj link na email'
topic_admin_menu: "topic admin actions"
edit: 'izmjeni naslov i kategoriju ove teme'
not_implemented: "That feature hasn't been implemented yet, sorry!"
no_value: "Ne"
yes_value: "Da"
generic_error: "Uff, došlo je do greške."
generic_error_with_reason: "Došlo je do greške: %{error}"
sign_up: "Kreiraj Nalog"
log_in: "Uloguj se"
age: "Godište"
joined: "Registrovan"
admin_title: "Admin"
flags_title: "Opomene"
show_more: "pokaži još"
links: "Linkovi"
faq: "Upoznavanje Foruma"
guidelines: "Guidelines"
privacy_policy: "Privacy Policy"
privacy: "Privacy"
terms_of_service: "Terms of Service"
mobile_view: "Mobilni Ekran"
desktop_view: "Desktop Ekran"
you: "Ti"
or: "ili"
now: "upravo sada"
read_more: 'pročitaj'
more: "Više"
less: "Manje"
never: "nikada"
daily: "dnevno"
weekly: "nedeljno"
every_two_weeks: "svake dvije nedelje"
max_of_count: "maksimalno {{count}}"
title: "Savetujemo Teme"
simple_title: "O Nama"
title: "O Nama %{title}"
stats: "Statistika Sajta"
our_admins: "Naši Admini"
our_moderators: "Naši Moderatori"
all_time: "Svih Vremena"
last_7_days: "Zadnjih 7 Dana"
like_count: "Broj Lajkova"
topic_count: "Broj Tema"
post_count: "Broj Postova"
user_count: "Broj Članova"
not_logged_in: "sorry, you must be logged in to bookmark posts"
created: "you've bookmarked this post"
not_bookmarked: "you've read this post; click to bookmark it"
last_read: "this is the last post you've read; click to bookmark it"
remove: "Remove Bookmark"
click_to_show: "Klikni da pokažeš."
preview: "pregledaj"
cancel: "otkaži"
save: "Sačuvaj Promjene"
saving: "Čuvam..."
saved: "Sačuvano!"
upload: "Uploaduj"
uploading: "Uploduje se..."
uploaded: "Uplodovano!"
enable: "Enable"
disable: "Disable"
undo: "Undo"
revert: "Revert"
failed: "Failed"
close: "Dismiss this banner."
none_found: "Nema pronađenih tema."
search: "Search for a Topic by name, url or id:"
placeholder: "type the topic title here"
user_posted_topic: "{{user}} posted the topic"
you_posted_topic: "You posted the topic"
user_replied_to_post: "{{user}} replied to {{post_number}}"
you_replied_to_post: "You replied to {{post_number}}"
user_replied_to_topic: "{{user}} replied to the topic"
you_replied_to_topic: "You replied to the topic"
user_mentioned_user: "{{user}} mentioned {{another_user}}"
user_mentioned_you: "{{user}} mentioned you"
you_mentioned_user: "You mentioned {{another_user}}"
posted_by_user: "Posted by {{user}}"
posted_by_you: "Posted by you"
sent_by_user: "Sent by {{user}}"
sent_by_you: "Sent by you"
visible: "Group is visible to all users"
members: "Članovi"
posts: "Postovi"
title: "Who can use this group as an alias?"
nobody: "Niko"
only_admins: "Samo admini"
mods_and_admins: "Only moderators and Admins"
members_mods_and_admins: "Only group members, moderators and admins"
everyone: "Everyone"
'1': "Dati Lajkovi"
'2': "Dobijeni Lajkovi"
'3': "Sačuvano"
'4': "Teme"
'5': "Postovi"
'6': "Odgovori"
'7': "Spemenute"
'9': "Citirane"
'10': "Označene"
'11': "Izmjenjene"
'12': "Poslato"
'13': "Inbox"
all: "Sve kategorije"
all_subcategories: "sve"
no_subcategory: "nijedna"
category: "Kategorija"
posts: "Odgovori"
topics: "Teme"
latest: "Najnovije"
latest_by: "zadnje od"
toggle_ordering: "toggle ordering control"
subcategories: "Podkategorije"
topic_stats: "Broj novih tema."
post_stats: "Broj novih postova."
title: IP Address Lookup
hostname: Hostname
location: Location
location_not_found: (unknown)
organisation: Organization
phone: Phone
other_accounts: "Other accounts with this IP address"
said: "{{username}}:"
profile: "Profil"
mute: "Mutiraj"
edit: "Uredi Postavke"
download_archive: "skini arhivu mojih odgovora"
private_message: "Privatne Poruke"
private_messages: "Poruke"
activity_stream: "Aktivnost"
preferences: "Postavke"
bookmarks: "Sačuvano"
bio: "O Meni"
invited_by: "Pozvan Od"
trust_level: "Nivo Povjerenja"
notifications: "Obaviještenja"
disable_jump_reply: "Don't jump to your new post after replying"
dynamic_favicon: "Show incoming message notifications on favicon (experimental)"
edit_history_public: "Let other users view my post revisions"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Open all external links in a new tab"
enable_quoting: "Enable quote reply for highlighted text"
change: "promjeni"
moderator: "{{user}} je moderator"
admin: "{{user}} je admin"
moderator_tooltip: "This user is a moderator"
admin_tooltip: "This user is an admin"
suspended_notice: "This user is suspended until {{date}}."
suspended_reason: "Reason: "
mailing_list_mode: "Receive an email for every new post (unless you mute the topic or category)"
watched_categories: "Watched"
watched_categories_instructions: "You will automatically watch all new topics in these categories. You will be notified of all new posts and topics, plus the count of unread and new posts will also appear next to the topic's listing."
tracked_categories: "Tracked"
tracked_categories_instructions: "You will automatically track all new topics in these categories. A count of unread and new posts will appear next to the topic."
muted_categories: "Muted"
muted_categories_instructions: "You will not be notified of anything about new topics in these categories, and they will not appear on your unread tab."
delete_account: "Delete My Account"
delete_account_confirm: "Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This action cannot be undone!"
deleted_yourself: "Your account has been deleted successfully."
delete_yourself_not_allowed: "You cannot delete your account right now. Contact an admin to do delete your account for you."
unread_message_count: "Poruke"
flags_given: "helpful flags"
flagged_posts: "flagged posts"
deleted_posts: "deleted posts"
suspensions: "suspensions"
warnings_received: "warnings"
all: "Sve"
mine: "Moje"
unread: "Nepročitane"
success: "(email poslat)"
in_progress: "(šaljem email)"
error: "(greška)"
action: "Pošalji Email za Resetovanje Šifre"
set_password: "Namjesti Šifru"
title: "Promjeni o Meni"
title: "Change Username"
confirm: "If you change your username, all prior quotes of your posts and @name mentions will be broken. Are you absolutely sure you want to?"
taken: "Sorry, that username is taken."
error: "There was an error changing your username."
invalid: "That username is invalid. It must only include numbers and letters"
title: "Change Email"
taken: "Sorry, that email is not available."
error: "There was an error changing your email. Perhaps that address is already in use?"
success: "We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions."
title: "Promjeni sliku"
gravatar: "Gravatar, baziran na"
refresh_gravatar_title: "Osvježi Gravatar"
letter_based: "Avatar dodjeljen od sistema"
uploaded_avatar: "Vaša slika"
uploaded_avatar_empty: "Dodajte vašu sliku"
upload_title: "Uploduj sliku"
upload_picture: "Upload slike"
image_is_not_a_square: "Upozorenje: morali smo izrezat vašu sliku; nije bila kvadrat."
title: "Pozadina profila"
title: "Email"
instructions: "Nikada se ne pokazuje javno."
ok: "Izgleda dobro. Poslat ćemo email sa konfirmacijom."
invalid: "Molimo vas unesite validnu email adresu."
authenticated: "Your email has been authenticated by {{provider}}."
title: "Ime"
instructions: "Vaše puno ime."
too_short: "Vaše ime je prekratko."
ok: "Vaše ime izgleda ok."
title: "Nadimak"
instructions: "Originalno, bez razmaka, kratko."
short_instructions: "Ljudi vas mogu spomenuti preko @{{username}}."
available: "Vaš nadimak je dostupan."
global_match: "Email već postoji kao član foruma."
global_mismatch: "Već ste registrovani. Probajte {{suggestion}}?"
not_available: "Nije dostupan. Pokušaj {{suggestion}}?"
too_short: "Vaš nadimak je prekratak."
too_long: "Vaš nadima je predugačak."
checking: "Provjeravamo dostupnost..."
enter_email: 'Nadimak nađen. Unesite vaš email.'
prefilled: "Email je registrovan na ovaj nadimak."
title: "Interface language"
instructions: "User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page."
default: "(default)"
title: "Šifra Opet"
last_posted: "Posljednji Odgovor"
last_emailed: "Poslat Email"
last_seen: "Viđen"
created: "Registrovan"
log_out: "Izloguj se"
location: "Lokacija"
website: "Sajt"
email_settings: "Email"
title: "Kada ne dolazite na sajt, šaljevo vam email sa novim temama:"
daily: "dnevno"
weekly: "nedeljno"
email_direct: "Receive an email when someone quotes you, replies to your post, or mentions your @username"
email_private_messages: "Receive an email when someone sends you a private message"
email_always: "Do not suppress email notifications when I am active on the site"
other_settings: "Other"
categories_settings: "Categories"
label: "Consider topics new when"
not_viewed: "you haven't viewed them yet"
last_here: "created since you were here last"
auto_track_topics: "Automatically track topics you enter"
never: "never"
search: "kucaj da potražiš pozivnice..."
title: "Pozivnice"
user: "Pozvan Korisnik"
none: "You haven't invited anyone here yet."
truncated: "Showing the first {{count}} invites."
redeemed: "Redeemed Invites"
redeemed_at: "Redeemed"
pending: "Pending Invites"
topics_entered: "Topics Viewed"
posts_read_count: "Posts Read"
expired: "This invite has expired."
rescind: "Remove"
rescinded: "Invite removed"
reinvite: "Resend Invite"
reinvited: "Invite re-sent"
time_read: "Read Time"
days_visited: "Days Visited"
account_age_days: "Account age in days"
create: "Pošalji Pozivnicu"
none: "You haven't invited anyone here yet. You can send individual invites, or invite a bunch of people at once by uploading a bulk invite file."
text: "Bulk Invite from File"
uploading: "Uploading..."
success: "File uploaded successfully, you will be notified shortly with progress."
error: "There was an error uploading '{{filename}}': {{message}}"
title: "Šifra"
too_short: "Vaša šifra je prekratka."
common: "Vaša šifra je previše obična."
ok: "Vaša šifra izgleda ok."
instructions: "Barem %{count} karaktera."
associated_accounts: "Associated accounts"
title: "Zadnja IP Adresa"
title: "IP Adresa prilikom registracije"
title: "Slika"
title: "Title"
all: "Sve"
posted_by: "Stavljeno od"
sent_by: "Poslato od"
private_message: "private message"
the_topic: "tema"
loading: "Učitava se..."
prev_page: "dok pokušava da uloduje"
network: "Network Greška"
server: "Server Greška"
forbidden: "Pristup Nedostupan"
unknown: "Greška"
network: "Please check your connection."
network_fixed: "Looks like it's back."
server: "Error code: {{status}}"
forbidden: "You're not allowed to view that."
unknown: "Something went wrong."
back: "Idi Nazad"
again: "Pokušaj Opet"
fixed: "Uloduj Stranicu"
close: "Zatvori"
assets_changed_confirm: "Ovaj sajt je upravo unaprijeđen. Osvježi stranicu za novu verziju?"
enabled: "An administrator enabled read-only mode. You can continue to browse the site but interactions may not work."
login_disabled: "Login is disabled while the site is in read only mode."
too_few_topics_notice: "Create at least 5 public topics and %{posts} public posts to get discussion started. New users cannot earn trust levels unless there's content for them to read. This message appears only to staff."
learn_more: "learn more..."
year: 'godina'
year_desc: 'teme kreirane u zadnjih 365 dana'
month: 'mjesec'
month_desc: 'teme kreirane u zadnjih 30 dana'
week: 'nedelja'
week_desc: 'teme kreirane u zadnjih 7 dana'
day: 'dan'
first_post: Prvi post
mute: Mutiraj
unmute: Odmutiraj
last_post: Zadnji post
enabled_description: "You're viewing a summary of this topic: the most interesting posts as determined by the community."
description: "There are {{count}} replies."
description_time: "There are {{count}} replies with an estimated read time of {{readingTime}} minutes."
enable: 'Summarize This Topic'
disable: 'Show All Posts'
enabled_description: "This topic contains deleted posts, which have been hidden. "
disabled_description: "Deleted posts in the topic are shown."
enable: "Hide Deleted Posts"
disable: "Show Deleted Posts"
title: "Privatna Poruka"
invite: "Pozovi Druge..."
remove_allowed_user: "Do you really want to remove {{name}} from this private message?"
email: 'Email'
username: 'Ime'
last_seen: 'Viđen'
created: 'Kreiran'
created_lowercase: 'kreiran'
trust_level: 'Nivo Povjerenja'
search_hint: 'ime'
title: "Kreiraj Nalog"
failed: "Something went wrong, perhaps this email is already registered, try the forgot password link"
title: "Zaboravili ste Šifru"
action: "Zaboravio šifru"
invite: "Upišite vaš email ili korisničko ime i mi ćemo vam poslati link za resetovanje šifre."
reset: "Resetuj Šifru"
complete_username: "Ako se vaš nalog podudara sa korisnikom %{username}, uskoro ćete primiti email koji će vam objasniti kako da resetujete vašu šifru."
complete_email: "Ako se vaš nalog podudara sa %{email}, uskoro ćete primiti email koji će vam objasniti kako da resetujete vašu šifru."
complete_username_found: "Našli smo nalog koji odgovara korisniku %{username}, uskoro ćete primiti email koji će vam objasniti kako da resetujete vašu šifru."
complete_email_found: "Našli smo nalog koji odgovara email-u %{email}, uskoro ćete primiti email koji će vam objasniti kako da resetujete vašu šifru."
complete_username_not_found: "Nema naloga sa korisničkim imenom %{username}"
complete_email_not_found: "Nema naloga sa email-om %{email}"
title: "Uloguj se"
username: "Korisnik"
password: "Šifra"
email_placeholder: "email ili korisnik"
caps_lock_warning: "Uključena su vam velika slova"
error: "Nepoznata greška"
blank_username_or_password: "Please enter your email or username, and password."
reset_password: 'Resetuj Šifru'
logging_in: "Ulogujem se..."
or: "Or"
authenticating: "Autorizacija..."
awaiting_confirmation: "Vaš nalog čeka aktivaciju, koristite opciju za ponovno slanje aktivacije."
awaiting_approval: "Your account has not been approved by a staff member yet. You will be sent an email when it is approved."
requires_invite: "Sorry, access to this forum is by invite only."
not_activated: "You can't log in yet. We previously sent an activation email to you at {{sentTo}}. Please follow the instructions in that email to activate your account."
not_allowed_from_ip_address: "You can't login from that IP address."
resend_activation_email: "Click here to send the activation email again."
sent_activation_email_again: "We sent another activation email to you at {{currentEmail}}. It might take a few minutes for it to arrive; be sure to check your spam folder."
title: "sa Google"
message: "Authenticating with Google (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "sa Google"
message: "Authenticating with Google (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "sa Twitterom"
message: "Identifikujemo se sa Twitterom (nadamo se da su vam isključeni popup blokeri)"
title: "sa Facebukom"
message: "Identifikujemo sa Facebukom (nadamo se da su vam isključeni popup blokeri)"
title: "sa Yahoo"
message: "Authenticating with Yahoo (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "sa GitHub"
message: "Authenticating with GitHub (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
add_warning: "Ovo je zvanično upozorenje."
posting_not_on_topic: "Na koju temu želite da odgovorite?"
saving_draft_tip: "čuvam"
saved_draft_tip: "sačuvano"
saved_local_draft_tip: "sačuvano lokalno"
similar_topics: "Tvoja tema je slična..."
drafts_offline: "offline sačuvano"
title_missing: "Naslov je obavezan"
title_too_short: "Naslov mora biti najmanje {{min}} karaktera"
title_too_long: "Naslov ne može biti više od {{max}} karaktera"
post_missing: "Odgovor ne može biti prazan"
post_length: "Odgovor mora biti najmanje {{min}} karaktera"
category_missing: "Morate odabrati kategoriju"
save_edit: "Sačuvaj Izmene"
reply_original: "Odgovori na Originalnu Temu"
reply_here: "Odgovori Ovde"
reply: "Odgovori"
cancel: "Otkaži"
create_topic: "Započni Temu"
create_pm: "Kreiraj Privatnu Poruku"
title: "Ili pritisni Ctrl+Enter"
users_placeholder: "Dodaj člana"
title_placeholder: "O čemu je ova diskusija u jednoj rečenici?"
edit_reason_placeholder: "zašto pravite izmjenu?"
show_edit_reason: "(dodaj razlog izmjene)"
reply_placeholder: "Kucaj ovde. Koristi Markdown ili BBCode za formatiranje. Povuci ili paste sliku za upload."
view_new_post: "Pogledaj svoj novi post."
saving: "Čuvam..."
saved: "Sačuvano!"
saved_draft: "Imate sačuvan post. Kliknite ovdje da nastavite sa izmjenama"
uploading: "Uplodujem..."
show_preview: 'pokaži pregled »'
hide_preview: '« sakri pregled'
quote_post_title: "Citiraj cjeli post"
bold_title: "Bold"
bold_text: "bold tekst"
italic_title: "Ukošen"
italic_text: "ukošen tekst"
link_title: "Link"
link_description: "ubaci opis linka"
link_dialog_title: "Unesi Link"
link_optional_text: "naslov neobavezan"
quote_title: "Blok Citat"
quote_text: "citat u bloku"
code_title: "Formatiran Tekst"
code_text: "indent preformatted text by 4 spaces"
upload_title: "Upload"
upload_description: "unesi opis uploada"
olist_title: "Numbered List"
ulist_title: "Bulleted List"
list_item: "List item"
heading_title: "Naslov"
heading_text: "Naslov"
hr_title: "Horizontalna Crta"
undo_title: "Poništi"
redo_title: "Povrati"
help: "Markdown Editing Help"
toggler: "sakrij ili pokaži komposer"
admin_options_title: "Optional staff settings for this topic"
label: "Auto-close topic time:"
error: "Please enter a valid value."
based_on_last_post: "Don't close until the last post in the topic is at least this old."
examples: 'Enter number of hours (24), absolute time (17:30) or timestamp (2013-11-22 14:00).'
units: "(# of hours)"
examples: 'Enter number of hours (24).'
title: "obaviještenja na spomenuti @nadimak, odgovori na vaše teme i postove, privatne poruke, itd"
none: "Nemate obavijesti trenutno."
more: "pogledaj starija obaviještenja"
total_flagged: "ukupno opomenutih postova"
mentioned: "@
{{username}} {{description}}
" quoted: "{{username}} {{description}}
" replied: "{{username}} {{description}}
" posted: "{{username}} {{description}}
" edited: "{{username}} {{description}}
" liked: "{{username}} {{description}}
" private_message: "{{username}} {{description}}
" invited_to_private_message: "{{username}} {{description}}
" invitee_accepted: "{{username}} accepted your invitation
" moved_post: "{{username}} moved {{description}}
" linked: "{{username}} {{description}}
" granted_badge: "Zaslužen '{{description}}'
" upload_selector: title: "Dodaj sliku" title_with_attachments: "Dodaj sliku ili fajl" from_my_computer: "Sa mog uređaja" from_the_web: "Sa neta" remote_tip: "link do slike http://primjer.com/slika.jpg" remote_tip_with_attachments: "link to image or file http://primjer.com/file.ext (allowed extensions: {{authorized_extensions}})." local_tip: "klikni da odabereš sliku sa svog uređaja" local_tip_with_attachments: "klikni da odabereš sliku ili fajl sa svog uređaja (dozvoljene ekstenzije: {{authorized_extensions}})" hint: "(možete i mišom prenijeti vaše slike direktno iz vašeg foldera ovdje)" hint_for_supported_browsers: "(možete i mišom prenijeti vaše slike direktno iz vašeg foldera ovdje a možete i copy/paste sliku)" uploading: "Uplodujem" image_link: "link do vaše slike će pokazivati" search: title: "traži teme, postove, članove ili kategorije" no_results: "Nema rezultata." searching: "Potražujem..." post_format: "#{{post_number}} od {{username}}" context: user: "Traži postove od @{{username}}" category: "Traži \"{{category}}\" kategoriju" topic: "Pretraži ovu temu" site_map: "go to another topic list or category" go_back: 'go back' not_logged_in_user: 'user page with summary of current activity and preferences' current_user: 'go to your user page' topics: bulk: reset_read: "Reset Read" delete: "Delete Topics" dismiss_posts: "Dismiss Posts" dismiss_posts_tooltip: "Clear unread counts on these topics but continue to show them on my unread list when new posts are made" dismiss_topics: "Dismiss Topics" dismiss_topics_tooltip: "Stop showing these topics in my unread list when new posts are made" dismiss_new: "Dismiss New" toggle: "toggle bulk selection of topics" actions: "Bulk Actions" change_category: "Change Category" close_topics: "Close Topics" archive_topics: "Archive Topics" notification_level: "Change Notification Level" none: unread: "Nemate više nepročitanih tema." new: "Nemate više novih tema." read: "Niste pročitali nijednu temu." posted: "Niste odgovorili ni na jednu temu." latest: "Nema više novih tema. To je tužno." hot: "Nema popularnih tema." category: "Nema više tema u {{category}}." top: "Nema više popularnih tema." educate: new: 'Tvoje nepročitane teme se pojavljuju ovdje.
Nove teme imaju nova indikaciju.
Možete promjeniti notifikacije preko vaših postavki.
' unread: 'Tvoje nepročitane teme se pojavljuju ovdje.
Ako imate nepročitanih postova vidjet ćete njihov broj 1 ako ste:
Ili ako ste na dnu teme označili da motrite i pratite temu.
Možete promjeniti notifikacije preko vaših postavki.
' bottom: latest: "Nema više novih tema." hot: "Nema više popularnih tema." posted: "There are no more posted topics." read: "Nema više pročitanih tema." new: "Nema više novih tema." unread: "Nema više nepročitanih tema." category: "Nema više tema na kategoriji {{category}}." top: "Nema više popularnih tema." topic: filter_to: "{{post_count}} odgovora u temi" create: 'Započni Temu' create_long: 'Započni novu Temu' private_message: 'Započni privatnu konverzaciju' list: 'Teme' new: 'nova tema' unread: 'nepročitana' title: 'Tema' invalid_access: title: "Topic is private" description: "Sorry, you don't have access to that topic!" login_required: "You need to log in to see that topic." server_error: title: "Topic failed to load" description: "Sorry, we couldn't load that topic, possibly due to a connection problem. Please try again. If the problem persists, let us know." not_found: title: "Topic not found" description: "Sorry, we couldn't find that topic. Perhaps it was removed by a moderator?" back_to_list: "Vrati se na Listu Tema" options: "Opcije Teme" show_links: "pokaži linkove unutar ove teme" toggle_information: "uključi detalje teme" read_more_in_category: "Želite da pročitate još? Pogledajte druge teme u kategoriji {{catLink}} ili {{latestLink}}." read_more: "Želite da pročitate još? {{catLink}} ili {{latestLink}}." read_more_MF: "There { UNREAD, plural, =0 {} one { is 1 unread } other { are # unread } } { NEW, plural, =0 {} one { {BOTH, select, true{and } false {is } other{}} 1 new topic} other { {BOTH, select, true{and } false {are } other{}} # new topics} } remaining, or {CATEGORY, select, true {browse other topics in {catLink}} false {{latestLink}} other {}}." browse_all_categories: Pogledajte sve Kategorije view_latest_topics: pogledaj posljednje teme suggest_create_topic: Zašto ne kreirati novu temu? jump_reply_up: jump to earlier reply jump_reply_down: jump to later reply deleted: "Ova tema je obrisana" auto_close_notice: "This topic will automatically close %{timeLeft}." auto_close_notice_based_on_last_post: "This topic will close %{duration} after the last reply." auto_close_title: 'Auto-Close Settings' auto_close_save: "Sačuvaj" auto_close_remove: "Don't Auto-Close This Topic" progress: title: progres teme go_top: "vrh" go_bottom: "dno" go: "idi" jump_bottom_with_number: "skoči na post %{post_number}" total: ukupan broj current: trenutni post position: "post %{current} od %{total}" notifications: reasons: '3_6': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što motrite ovu temu.' '3_5': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što motrite temu automatski.' '3_2': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što pratite ovu temu.' '3_1': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što ste kreirali ovu temu.' '3': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što motrite ovu temu.' '2_8': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što motrite ovu temu.' '2_4': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što ste ostavili odgovor na ovoj temi.' '2_2': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što pratite ovu temu.' '2': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije zato što pročitao ovu temu.' '1_2': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije kada neko spomene @name ili odgovori na vaš post.' '1': 'Dobijat ćete notifikacije samo kada neko spomene @name ili odgovori na vaš post.' '0_7': 'Ignorišete sve notifikacije u ovoj kategoriji.' '0_2': 'Ignorišete sve notifikacije u ovoj temi.' '0': 'Ignorišete sve notifikacije u ovoj temi.' watching_pm: title: "Motrenje" description: "You will be notified of every new post in this private message. A count of unread and new posts will also appear next to the topic." watching: title: "Motrenje" description: "Stizat će vam obavještenja za svaki novi post u ovoj temi. Takođe broj novih i nepročitanih postova će stajati pored teme." tracking_pm: title: "Praćenje" description: "Broj novih i nepročitanih postova će stajati pored teme. Dobijat ćete obaviješteni ako neko spomene vaš @nadimak or ili ako odgovori na vaš post." tracking: title: "Praćenje" description: "Broj novih i nepročitanih postova će stajati pored teme. Dobijat ćete obaviješteni samo ako neko spomene vaš @nadimak ili ako odgovori na vaš post." regular: title: "Regularno" description: "Bit ćete obaviješteni ako neko spomene vaš @nadimak ili ako odgovori na vaš post." regular_pm: title: "Regularno" description: "You will be notified only if someone mentions your @name or replies to your post in the private message." muted_pm: title: "Mutirano" description: "You will never be notified of anything about this private message." muted: title: "Mutirano" description: "Obaviještenja za ovu temu su isključena i sistem vam neće prikazivati nove postove za ovu temu." actions: recover: "Un-Delete Topic" delete: "Delete Topic" open: "Open Topic" close: "Close Topic" multi_select: "Select Posts" auto_close: "Auto Close" pin: "Pin Topic" unpin: "Un-Pin Topic" unarchive: "Unarchive Topic" archive: "Archive Topic" invisible: "Make Unlisted" visible: "Make Listed" reset_read: "Reset Read Data" reply: title: 'Odgovori' help: 'počni sa pisanjem odgovora na ovu temu' clear_pin: title: "Clear pin" help: "Clear the pinned status of this topic so it no longer appears at the top of your topic list" share: title: 'Sheruj' help: 'podjeli link do ove teme' flag_topic: title: 'Opomena' help: 'anonimno prijavi ovu temu ili pošalji privatnu notifikaciju' success_message: 'Uspješno ste opomenuli ovu temu.' inviting: "Inviting..." automatically_add_to_groups_optional: "This invite also includes access to these groups: (optional, admin only)" automatically_add_to_groups_required: "This invite also includes access to these groups: (Required, admin only)" invite_private: title: 'Invite to Private Message' email_or_username: "Invitee's Email or Username" email_or_username_placeholder: "email address or username" action: "Invite" success: "We've invited that user to participate in this private message." error: "Sorry, there was an error inviting that user." group_name: "group name" invite_reply: title: 'Pozivnica' action: 'Email pozivnica' help: 'pošalji pozivnicu svojim prijateljima tako da i oni mogu odgovoriti na ovu temu. Bey registracije.' to_forum: "We'll send a brief email allowing your friend to immediately join by clicking a link, no login required." email_placeholder: 'name@example.com' error: "Sorry, we couldn't invite that person. Perhaps they are already a user?" login_reply: 'Uloguj se da odgovoriš' filters: cancel: "Show all posts in this topic again." split_topic: title: "Move to New Topic" action: "move to new topic" topic_name: "Ime Nove Teme" error: "There was an error moving posts to the new topic." merge_topic: title: "Move to Existing Topic" action: "move to existing topic" error: "There was an error moving posts into that topic." change_owner: title: "Change Owner of Posts" action: "change ownership" error: "There was an error changing the ownership of the posts." label: "New Owner of Posts" placeholder: "username of new owner" instructions_warn: "Note that any notifications about this post will not be transferred to the new user retroactively.