import { url } from 'discourse/lib/computed'; const sections = ['css', 'header', 'top', 'footer', 'head-tag', 'body-tag', 'mobile-css', 'mobile-header', 'mobile-top', 'mobile-footer', 'embedded-css']; const activeSections = {}; sections.forEach(function(s) { activeSections[Ember.String.camelize(s) + "Active"] = Ember.computed.equal('section', s); }); export default Ember.Controller.extend(activeSections, { maximized: false, section: null, previewUrl: url("model.key", "/?preview-style=%@"), downloadUrl: url('', '/admin/site_customizations/%@'), mobile: function() { return this.get('section').indexOf('mobile-') === 0; }.property('section'), maximizeIcon: function() { return this.get('maximized') ? 'compress' : 'expand'; }.property('maximized'), saveButtonText: function() { return this.get('model.isSaving') ? I18n.t('saving') : I18n.t(''); }.property('model.isSaving'), saveDisabled: function() { return !this.get('model.changed') || this.get('model.isSaving'); }.property('model.changed', 'model.isSaving'), needs: ['adminCustomizeCssHtml'], undoPreviewUrl: url('/?preview-style='), defaultStyleUrl: url('/?preview-style=default'), actions: { save() { this.get('model').saveChanges(); }, destroy() { const self = this; return bootbox.confirm(I18n.t("admin.customize.delete_confirm"), I18n.t("no_value"), I18n.t("yes_value"), function(result) { if (result) { const model = self.get('model'); model.destroyRecord().then(function() { self.get('controllers.adminCustomizeCssHtml').get('model').removeObject(model); self.transitionToRoute('adminCustomizeCssHtml'); }); } }); }, toggleMaximize: function() { this.toggleProperty('maximized'); }, toggleMobile: function() { const section = this.get('section'); // Try to send to the same tab as before let dest; if (this.get('mobile')) { dest = section.replace('mobile-', ''); if (sections.indexOf(dest) === -1) { dest = 'css'; } } else { dest = 'mobile-' + section; if (sections.indexOf(dest) === -1) { dest = 'mobile-css'; } } this.replaceRoute('', this.get(''), dest); } } });