import computed from "ember-addons/ember-computed-decorators"; import Archetype from 'discourse/models/archetype'; import PostActionType from 'discourse/models/post-action-type'; import Singleton from 'discourse/mixins/singleton'; import RestModel from 'discourse/models/rest'; const Site = RestModel.extend({ isReadOnly: Em.computed.alias('is_readonly'), @computed("notification_types") notificationLookup(notificationTypes) { const result = []; _.each(notificationTypes, (v, k) => result[v] = k); return result; }, @computed("post_action_types.[]") flagTypes() { const postActionTypes = this.get('post_action_types'); if (!postActionTypes) return []; return postActionTypes.filterProperty('is_flag', true); }, topicCountDesc: ['topic_count:desc'], categoriesByCount: Ember.computed.sort('categories', 'topicCountDesc'), // Sort subcategories under parents @computed("categoriesByCount", "categories.[]") sortedCategories(cats) { const result = [], remaining = {}; cats.forEach(c => { const parentCategoryId = parseInt(c.get('parent_category_id'), 10); if (!parentCategoryId) { result.pushObject(c); } else { remaining[parentCategoryId] = remaining[parentCategoryId] || []; remaining[parentCategoryId].pushObject(c); } }); Object.keys(remaining).forEach(parentCategoryId => { const category = result.findBy('id', parseInt(parentCategoryId, 10)), index = result.indexOf(category); if (index !== -1) { result.replace(index + 1, 0, remaining[parentCategoryId]); } }); return result; }, postActionTypeById(id) { return this.get("postActionByIdLookup.action" + id); }, topicFlagTypeById(id) { return this.get("topicFlagByIdLookup.action" + id); }, removeCategory(id) { const categories = this.get('categories'); const existingCategory = categories.findProperty('id', id); if (existingCategory) { categories.removeObject(existingCategory); delete this.get('categoriesById').categoryId; } }, updateCategory(newCategory) { const categories = this.get('categories'); const categoryId = Em.get(newCategory, 'id'); const existingCategory = categories.findProperty('id', categoryId); // Don't update null permissions if (newCategory.permission === null) { delete newCategory.permission; } if (existingCategory) { existingCategory.setProperties(newCategory); } else { // TODO insert in right order? newCategory ='category', newCategory); categories.pushObject(newCategory); this.get('categoriesById')[categoryId] = newCategory; } } }); Site.reopenClass(Singleton, { // The current singleton will retrieve its attributes from the `PreloadStore`. createCurrent() { const store = Discourse.__container__.lookup('store:main'); return store.createRecord('site', PreloadStore.get('site')); }, create() { const result = this._super.apply(this, arguments); const store =; if (result.categories) { result.categoriesById = {}; result.categories =, c => result.categoriesById[] = store.createRecord('category', c)); // Associate the categories with their parents result.categories.forEach(c => { if (c.get('parent_category_id')) { c.set('parentCategory', result.categoriesById[c.get('parent_category_id')]); } }); } if (result.trust_levels) { result.trustLevels = => Discourse.TrustLevel.create(tl)); delete result.trust_levels; } if (result.post_action_types) { result.postActionByIdLookup = Em.Object.create(); result.post_action_types =, p => { const actionType = PostActionType.create(p); result.postActionByIdLookup.set("action" +, actionType); return actionType; }); } if (result.topic_flag_types) { result.topicFlagByIdLookup = Em.Object.create(); result.topic_flag_types =, p => { const actionType = PostActionType.create(p); result.topicFlagByIdLookup.set("action" +, actionType); return actionType; }); } if (result.archetypes) { result.archetypes =, a => { = result; return Archetype.create(a); }); } if (result.user_fields) { result.user_fields = => Ember.Object.create(uf)); } return result; } }); export default Site;