module("Discourse.ClickTrack", { setup: function() { // Prevent any of these tests from navigating away = {focus: function() { } }; this.redirectTo = sinon.stub(Discourse.URL, "redirectTo"); sinon.stub(Discourse, "ajax"); this.windowOpen = sinon.stub(window, "open").returns(; sinon.stub(, "focus"); $('#qunit-scratch').html([ '
', '
', '', '', ' google.com1', ' google.com1', '
', ' google.com1', ' google.com1', '
', ' forum', '
', '
'].join("\n")); }, teardown: function() { $('#topic').remove(); $('#qunit-scratch').html(''); Discourse.URL.redirectTo.restore(); Discourse.ajax.restore();;; } }); var track = Discourse.ClickTrack.trackClick; // test var generateClickEventOn = function(selector) { return $.Event("click", { currentTarget: $(selector)[0] }); }; test("does not track clicks on lightboxes", function() { var clickEvent = generateClickEventOn('.lightbox'); this.stub(clickEvent, "preventDefault"); ok(track(clickEvent)); ok(!clickEvent.preventDefault.calledOnce); }); test("it calls preventDefault when clicking on an a", function() { var clickEvent = generateClickEventOn('a'); this.stub(clickEvent, "preventDefault"); track(clickEvent); ok(clickEvent.preventDefault.calledOnce); ok(Discourse.URL.redirectTo.calledOnce); }); test("does not track clicks on back buttons", function() { ok(track(generateClickEventOn('.back'))); }); test("does not track clicks on quote buttons", function() { ok(track(generateClickEventOn('.quote-other-topic'))); }); test("removes the href and put it as a data attribute", function() { track(generateClickEventOn('a')); var $link = $('a').first(); ok($link.hasClass('no-href')); equal($'href'), ''); blank($link.attr('href')); ok($'auto-route')); ok(Discourse.URL.redirectTo.calledOnce); }); var badgeClickCount = function(id, expected) { track(generateClickEventOn('#' + id)); var $badge = $('span.badge', $('#' + id).first()); equal(parseInt($badge.html(), 10), expected); }; test("does not update badge clicks on my own link", function() { this.stub(Discourse.User, 'current').returns(314); badgeClickCount('with-badge', 1); }); test("does not update badge clicks in my own post", function() { this.stub(Discourse.User, 'current').returns(3141); badgeClickCount('with-badge-but-not-mine', 1); }); test("updates badge counts correctly", function() { badgeClickCount('inside-onebox', 1); badgeClickCount('inside-onebox-forced', 2); badgeClickCount('with-badge', 2); }); var trackRightClick = function() { var clickEvent = generateClickEventOn('a'); clickEvent.which = 3; return track(clickEvent); }; test("right clicks change the href", function() { ok(trackRightClick()); equal($('a').first().prop('href'), ""); }); test("right clicks are tracked", function() { Discourse.SiteSettings.track_external_right_clicks = true; trackRightClick(); equal($('a').first().attr('href'), "/clicks/track?"); }); var expectToOpenInANewTab = function(clickEvent) { ok(!track(clickEvent)); ok(Discourse.ajax.calledOnce); ok(; }; test("it opens in a new tab when pressing shift", function() { var clickEvent = generateClickEventOn('a'); clickEvent.shiftKey = true; expectToOpenInANewTab(clickEvent); }); test("it opens in a new tab when pressing meta", function() { var clickEvent = generateClickEventOn('a'); clickEvent.metaKey = true; expectToOpenInANewTab(clickEvent); }); test("it opens in a new tab when pressing meta", function() { var clickEvent = generateClickEventOn('a'); clickEvent.ctrlKey = true; expectToOpenInANewTab(clickEvent); }); test("it opens in a new tab when pressing meta", function() { var clickEvent = generateClickEventOn('a'); clickEvent.which = 2; expectToOpenInANewTab(clickEvent); }); test("tracks via AJAX if we're on the same site", function() { this.stub(Discourse.URL, "routeTo"); this.stub(Discourse.URL, "origin").returns(""); ok(!track(generateClickEventOn('#same-site'))); ok(Discourse.ajax.calledOnce); ok(Discourse.URL.routeTo.calledOnce); }); test("tracks custom urls when opening in another window", function() { var clickEvent = generateClickEventOn('a'); this.stub(Discourse.User, "current").returns(true); ok(!track(clickEvent)); ok(this.windowOpen.calledWith('/clicks/track?', '_blank')); }); test("tracks custom urls when opening in another window", function() { var clickEvent = generateClickEventOn('a'); ok(!track(clickEvent)); ok(this.redirectTo.calledWith('/clicks/track?')); });