require_relative 'database_base' require_relative '../support/constants' module ImportScripts::PhpBB3 class Database_3_0 < DatabaseBase def count_users count(<<-SQL) SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM #{@table_prefix}_users u JOIN #{@table_prefix}_groups g ON g.group_id = u.group_id WHERE u.user_type != #{Constants::USER_TYPE_IGNORE} SQL end def fetch_users(last_user_id) query(<<-SQL, :user_id) SELECT u.user_id, u.user_email, u.username, u.user_password, u.user_regdate, u.user_lastvisit, u.user_ip, u.user_type, u.user_inactive_reason, g.group_name, b.ban_start, b.ban_end, b.ban_reason, u.user_posts, u.user_website, u.user_from, u.user_birthday, u.user_avatar_type, u.user_avatar FROM #{@table_prefix}_users u JOIN #{@table_prefix}_groups g ON (g.group_id = u.group_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN #{@table_prefix}_banlist b ON ( u.user_id = b.ban_userid AND b.ban_exclude = 0 AND (b.ban_end = 0 OR b.ban_end >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ) WHERE u.user_id > #{last_user_id} AND u.user_type != #{Constants::USER_TYPE_IGNORE} ORDER BY u.user_id LIMIT #{@batch_size} SQL end def count_anonymous_users count(<<-SQL) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT post_username) AS count FROM #{@table_prefix}_posts WHERE post_username <> '' SQL end def fetch_anonymous_users(last_username) last_username = escape(last_username) query(<<-SQL, :post_username) SELECT post_username, MIN(post_time) AS first_post_time FROM #{@table_prefix}_posts WHERE post_username > '#{last_username}' GROUP BY post_username ORDER BY post_username LIMIT #{@batch_size} SQL end def fetch_categories query(<<-SQL) SELECT f.forum_id, f.parent_id, f.forum_name, f.forum_desc, x.first_post_time FROM #{@table_prefix}_forums f LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT MIN(topic_time) AS first_post_time, forum_id FROM #{@table_prefix}_topics GROUP BY forum_id ) x ON (f.forum_id = x.forum_id) WHERE f.forum_type != #{Constants::FORUM_TYPE_LINK} ORDER BY f.parent_id, f.left_id SQL end def count_posts count(<<-SQL) SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM #{@table_prefix}_posts SQL end def fetch_posts(last_post_id) query(<<-SQL, :post_id) SELECT p.post_id, p.topic_id, t.forum_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_first_post_id, p.poster_id, p.post_text, p.post_time, p.post_username, t.topic_status, t.topic_type, t.poll_title, CASE WHEN t.poll_length > 0 THEN t.poll_start + t.poll_length ELSE NULL END AS poll_end, t.poll_max_options, p.post_attachment FROM #{@table_prefix}_posts p JOIN #{@table_prefix}_topics t ON (p.topic_id = t.topic_id) WHERE p.post_id > #{last_post_id} ORDER BY p.post_id LIMIT #{@batch_size} SQL end def get_first_post_id(topic_id) query(<<-SQL).try(:first).try(:[], :topic_first_post_id) SELECT topic_first_post_id FROM #{@table_prefix}_topics WHERE topic_id = #{topic_id} SQL end def fetch_poll_options(topic_id) query(<<-SQL) SELECT o.poll_option_id, o.poll_option_text, o.poll_option_total AS total_votes, o.poll_option_total - ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT v.vote_user_id) FROM #{@table_prefix}_poll_votes v JOIN #{@table_prefix}_users u ON (v.vote_user_id = u.user_id) JOIN #{@table_prefix}_topics t ON (v.topic_id = t.topic_id) WHERE v.poll_option_id = o.poll_option_id AND v.topic_id = o.topic_id ) AS anonymous_votes FROM #{@table_prefix}_poll_options o WHERE o.topic_id = #{topic_id} ORDER BY o.poll_option_id SQL end def fetch_poll_votes(topic_id) # this query ignores invalid votes that belong to non-existent users or topics query(<<-SQL) SELECT u.user_id, v.poll_option_id FROM #{@table_prefix}_poll_votes v JOIN #{@table_prefix}_poll_options o ON (v.poll_option_id = o.poll_option_id AND v.topic_id = o.topic_id) JOIN #{@table_prefix}_users u ON (v.vote_user_id = u.user_id) JOIN #{@table_prefix}_topics t ON (v.topic_id = t.topic_id) WHERE v.topic_id = #{topic_id} SQL end def get_voters(topic_id) # anonymous voters can't be counted, but lets try to make the count look "correct" anyway query(<<-SQL).first SELECT MAX(x.total_voters) AS total_voters, MAX(x.total_voters) - ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT v.vote_user_id) FROM #{@table_prefix}_poll_votes v JOIN #{@table_prefix}_poll_options o ON (v.poll_option_id = o.poll_option_id AND v.topic_id = o.topic_id) JOIN #{@table_prefix}_users u ON (v.vote_user_id = u.user_id) JOIN #{@table_prefix}_topics t ON (v.topic_id = t.topic_id) WHERE v.topic_id = #{topic_id} ) AS anonymous_voters FROM ( SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT vote_user_id) AS total_voters FROM #{@table_prefix}_poll_votes WHERE topic_id = #{topic_id} UNION SELECT MAX(poll_option_total) AS total_voters FROM #{@table_prefix}_poll_options WHERE topic_id = #{topic_id} ) x SQL end def get_max_attachment_size query(<<-SQL).first[:filesize] SELECT IFNULL(MAX(filesize), 0) AS filesize FROM #{@table_prefix}_attachments SQL end def fetch_attachments(topic_id, post_id) query(<<-SQL) SELECT physical_filename, real_filename FROM #{@table_prefix}_attachments WHERE topic_id = #{topic_id} AND post_msg_id = #{post_id} ORDER BY filetime DESC, post_msg_id SQL end def count_messages(use_fixed_messages) if use_fixed_messages count(<<-SQL) SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs SQL else count(<<-SQL) SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs SQL end end def fetch_messages(use_fixed_messages, last_msg_id) if use_fixed_messages query(<<-SQL, :msg_id) SELECT m.msg_id, i.root_msg_id, m.author_id, m.message_time, m.message_subject, m.message_text, IFNULL(a.attachment_count, 0) AS attachment_count FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs m JOIN #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs i ON (m.msg_id = i.msg_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT post_msg_id, COUNT(*) AS attachment_count FROM #{@table_prefix}_attachments WHERE topic_id = 0 GROUP BY post_msg_id ) a ON (m.msg_id = a.post_msg_id) WHERE m.msg_id > #{last_msg_id} ORDER BY i.root_msg_id, m.msg_id LIMIT #{@batch_size} SQL else query(<<-SQL, :msg_id) SELECT m.msg_id, m.root_level AS root_msg_id, m.author_id, m.message_time, m.message_subject, m.message_text, IFNULL(a.attachment_count, 0) AS attachment_count FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs m LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT post_msg_id, COUNT(*) AS attachment_count FROM #{@table_prefix}_attachments WHERE topic_id = 0 GROUP BY post_msg_id ) a ON (m.msg_id = a.post_msg_id) WHERE m.msg_id > #{last_msg_id} ORDER BY m.root_level, m.msg_id LIMIT #{@batch_size} SQL end end def fetch_message_participants(msg_id, use_fixed_messages) if use_fixed_messages query(<<-SQL) SELECT m.to_address FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs m JOIN #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs i ON (m.msg_id = i.msg_id) WHERE i.msg_id = #{msg_id} OR i.root_msg_id = #{msg_id} SQL else query(<<-SQL) SELECT m.to_address FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs m WHERE m.msg_id = #{msg_id} OR m.root_level = #{msg_id} SQL end end def calculate_fixed_messages drop_temp_import_message_table create_temp_import_message_table fill_temp_import_message_table drop_import_message_table create_import_message_table fill_import_message_table drop_temp_import_message_table end def count_bookmarks count(<<-SQL) SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM #{@table_prefix}_bookmarks SQL end def fetch_bookmarks(last_user_id, last_topic_id) query(<<-SQL, :user_id, :topic_first_post_id) SELECT b.user_id, t.topic_first_post_id FROM #{@table_prefix}_bookmarks b JOIN #{@table_prefix}_topics t ON (b.topic_id = t.topic_id) WHERE b.user_id > #{last_user_id} AND b.topic_id > #{last_topic_id} ORDER BY b.user_id, b.topic_id LIMIT #{@batch_size} SQL end def get_config_values query(<<-SQL).first SELECT (SELECT config_value FROM #{@table_prefix}_config WHERE config_name = 'version') AS phpbb_version, (SELECT config_value FROM #{@table_prefix}_config WHERE config_name = 'avatar_gallery_path') AS avatar_gallery_path, (SELECT config_value FROM #{@table_prefix}_config WHERE config_name = 'avatar_path') AS avatar_path, (SELECT config_value FROM #{@table_prefix}_config WHERE config_name = 'avatar_salt') AS avatar_salt, (SELECT config_value FROM #{@table_prefix}_config WHERE config_name = 'smilies_path') AS smilies_path, (SELECT config_value FROM #{@table_prefix}_config WHERE config_name = 'upload_path') AS attachment_path SQL end protected def drop_temp_import_message_table query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs_temp") end def create_temp_import_message_table query(<<-SQL) CREATE TABLE #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs_temp ( msg_id MEDIUMINT(8) NOT NULL, root_msg_id MEDIUMINT(8) NOT NULL, recipient_id MEDIUMINT(8), normalized_subject VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (msg_id) ) SQL end # this removes duplicate messages, converts the to_address to a number # and stores the message_subject in lowercase and without the prefix "Re: " def fill_temp_import_message_table query(<<-SQL) INSERT INTO #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs_temp (msg_id, root_msg_id, recipient_id, normalized_subject) SELECT m.msg_id, m.root_level, CASE WHEN m.root_level = 0 AND INSTR(m.to_address, ':') = 0 THEN CAST(SUBSTRING(m.to_address, 3) AS SIGNED INTEGER) ELSE NULL END AS recipient_id, LOWER(CASE WHEN m.message_subject LIKE 'Re: %' THEN SUBSTRING(m.message_subject, 5) ELSE m.message_subject END) AS normalized_subject FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs m WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs x WHERE x.msg_id < m.msg_id AND x.root_level = m.root_level AND x.author_id = m.author_id AND x.to_address = m.to_address AND x.message_time = m.message_time ) SQL end def drop_import_message_table query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs") end def create_import_message_table query(<<-SQL) CREATE TABLE #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs ( msg_id MEDIUMINT(8) NOT NULL, root_msg_id MEDIUMINT(8) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (msg_id), INDEX #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs_root_msg_id (root_msg_id) ) SQL end # this tries to calculate the actual root_level (= msg_id of the first message in a # private conversation) based on subject, time, author and recipient def fill_import_message_table query(<<-SQL) INSERT INTO #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs (msg_id, root_msg_id) SELECT m.msg_id, CASE WHEN i.root_msg_id = 0 THEN COALESCE(( SELECT a.msg_id FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs a JOIN #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs_temp b ON (a.msg_id = b.msg_id) WHERE ((a.author_id = m.author_id AND b.recipient_id = i.recipient_id) OR (a.author_id = i.recipient_id AND b.recipient_id = m.author_id)) AND b.normalized_subject = i.normalized_subject AND a.msg_id <> m.msg_id AND a.message_time < m.message_time ORDER BY a.message_time LIMIT 1 ), 0) ELSE i.root_msg_id END AS root_msg_id FROM #{@table_prefix}_privmsgs m JOIN #{@table_prefix}_import_privmsgs_temp i ON (m.msg_id = i.msg_id) SQL end end end