## Unordered

Asterisks tight:

*	asterisk 1
*	asterisk 2
*	asterisk 3

Asterisks loose:

*	asterisk 1

*	asterisk 2

*	asterisk 3

* * *

Pluses tight:

+	Plus 1
+	Plus 2
+	Plus 3

Pluses loose:

+	Plus 1

+	Plus 2

+	Plus 3

* * *

Minuses tight:

-	Minus 1
-	Minus 2
-	Minus 3

Minuses loose:

-	Minus 1

-	Minus 2

-	Minus 3

## Ordered


1.	First
2.	Second
3.	Third


1. One
2. Two
3. Three

Loose using tabs:

1.	First

2.	Second

3.	Third

and using spaces:

1. One

2. Two

3. Three

Multiple paragraphs:

1.	Item 1, graf one.

	Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's

2.	Item 2.

3.	Item 3.

## Nested

*	Tab
	*	Tab
		*	Tab

Here's another:

1. First
2. Second:
	* Fee
	* Fie
	* Foe
3. Third

Same thing but with paragraphs:

1. First

2. Second:
	* Fee
	* Fie
	* Foe

3. Third

This was an error in Markdown 1.0.1:

*	this

	*	sub
