# encoding: utf-8
# This file contains content for the client portion of Discourse, sent out
# to the Javascript app.
# To work with us on translations, see:
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# After this file is changed, it needs to be pushed by a maintainer to Transifex:
# tx push -s
# Read more here: https://meta.discourse.org/t/contribute-a-translation-to-discourse/14882
# To validate this YAML file after you change it, please paste it into
# http://yamllint.com/
separator: "."
delimiter: ","
format: '%n %u'
one: Byte
other: Bytes
gb: GB
kb: KB
mb: MB
tb: TB
thousands: "{{number}}k"
millions: "{{number}}M"
time: "h:mm a"
long_no_year: "MMM D h:mm a"
long_no_year_no_time: "MMM D"
full_no_year_no_time: "MMMM Do"
long_with_year: "MMM D, YYYY h:mm a"
long_with_year_no_time: "MMM D, YYYY"
full_with_year_no_time: "MMMM Do, YYYY"
long_date_with_year: "MMM D, 'YY LT"
long_date_without_year: "MMM D, LT"
long_date_with_year_without_time: "MMM D, 'YY"
long_date_without_year_with_linebreak: "MMM D
long_date_with_year_with_linebreak: "MMM D, 'YY
half_a_minute: "< 1m"
one: "< 1s"
other: "< %{count}s"
one: "1s"
other: "%{count}s"
one: "< 1m"
other: "< %{count}m"
one: "1m"
other: "%{count}m"
one: "1h"
other: "%{count}h"
one: "1d"
other: "%{count}d"
one: "1y"
other: "%{count}y"
one: "> 1y"
other: "> %{count}y"
one: "1y"
other: "%{count}y"
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date_year: "MMM 'YY"
one: "1 min"
other: "%{count} mins"
one: "1 hour"
other: "%{count} hours"
one: "1 day"
other: "%{count} days"
date_year: "MMM D, 'YY"
one: "1 min ago"
other: "%{count} mins ago"
one: "1 hour ago"
other: "%{count} hours ago"
one: "1 day ago"
other: "%{count} days ago"
one: "1 day later"
other: "%{count} days later"
one: "1 month later"
other: "%{count} months later"
one: "1 year later"
other: "%{count} years later"
topic: 'share a link to this topic'
post: 'post #%{postNumber}'
close: 'close'
twitter: 'share this link on Twitter'
facebook: 'share this link on Facebook'
google+: 'share this link on Google+'
email: 'send this link in an email'
split_topic: "split this topic"
enabled: 'closed %{when}'
disabled: 'opened %{when}'
enabled: 'closed %{when}'
disabled: 'opened %{when}'
enabled: 'archived %{when}'
disabled: 'unarchived %{when}'
enabled: 'pinned %{when}'
disabled: 'unpinned %{when}'
enabled: 'pinned globally %{when}'
disabled: 'unpinned %{when}'
enabled: 'listed %{when}'
disabled: 'unlisted %{when}'
topic_admin_menu: "topic admin actions"
emails_are_disabled: "All outgoing email has been globally disabled by an administrator. No email notifications of any kind will be sent."
edit: 'edit the title and category of this topic'
not_implemented: "That feature hasn't been implemented yet, sorry!"
no_value: "No"
yes_value: "Yes"
generic_error: "Sorry, an error has occurred."
generic_error_with_reason: "An error occurred: %{error}"
sign_up: "Sign Up"
log_in: "Log In"
age: "Age"
last_post: "Last Post"
joined: "Joined"
admin_title: "Admin"
flags_title: "Flags"
show_more: "show more"
show_help: "options"
links: "Links"
one: "link"
other: "links"
faq: "FAQ"
guidelines: "Guidelines"
privacy_policy: "Privacy Policy"
privacy: "Privacy"
terms_of_service: "Terms of Service"
mobile_view: "Mobile View"
desktop_view: "Desktop View"
you: "You"
or: "or"
now: "just now"
read_more: 'read more'
more: "More"
less: "Less"
never: "never"
daily: "daily"
weekly: "weekly"
every_two_weeks: "every two weeks"
every_three_days: "every three days"
max_of_count: "max of {{count}}"
alternation: "or"
one: "{{count}} character"
other: "{{count}} characters"
title: "Suggested Topics"
simple_title: "About"
title: "About %{title}"
stats: "Site Statistics"
our_admins: "Our Admins"
our_moderators: "Our Moderators"
all_time: "All Time"
last_7_days: "Last 7 Days"
last_30_days: "Last 30 Days"
like_count: "Likes"
topic_count: "Topics"
post_count: "Posts"
user_count: "New Users"
active_user_count: "Active Users"
contact: "Contact Us"
contact_info: "In the event of a critical issue or urgent matter affecting this site, please contact us at %{contact_info}."
title: "Bookmark"
clear_bookmarks: "Clear Bookmarks"
bookmark: "Click to bookmark the first post on this topic"
unbookmark: "Click to remove all bookmarks in this topic"
not_logged_in: "sorry, you must be logged in to bookmark posts"
created: "you've bookmarked this post"
not_bookmarked: "you've read this post; click to bookmark it"
last_read: "this is the last post you've read; click to bookmark it"
remove: "Remove Bookmark"
confirm_clear: "Are you sure you want to clear all the bookmarks from this topic?"
one: "{{count}} new or updated topic."
other: "{{count}} new or updated topics."
one: "{{count}} unread topic."
other: "{{count}} unread topics."
one: "{{count}} new topic."
other: "{{count}} new topics."
click_to_show: "Click to show."
preview: "preview"
cancel: "cancel"
save: "Save Changes"
saving: "Saving..."
saved: "Saved!"
upload: "Upload"
uploading: "Uploading..."
uploaded: "Uploaded!"
enable: "Enable"
disable: "Disable"
undo: "Undo"
revert: "Revert"
failed: "Failed"
switch_to_anon: "Anonymous Mode"
switch_from_anon: "Exit Anonymous Mode"
close: "Dismiss this banner."
edit: "Edit this banner >>"
none_found: "No topics found."
search: "Search for a Topic by name, url or id:"
placeholder: "type the topic title here"
topic: "Topic:"
approve: 'Approve'
reject: 'Reject'
delete_user: 'Delete User'
title: "Needs Approval"
none: "There are no posts to review."
edit: "Edit"
cancel: "Cancel"
view_pending: "view pending posts"
one: "This topic has 1 post awaiting approval"
other: "This topic has {{count}} posts awaiting approval"
confirm: "Save Changes"
delete_prompt: "Are you sure you want to delete %{username}? This will remove all of their posts and block their email and ip address."
title: "Post Needs Approval"
description: "We've received your new post but it needs to be approved by a moderator before it will appear. Please be patient."
one: "You have 1 post pending."
other: "You have {{count}} posts pending."
ok: "OK"
user_posted_topic: "{{user}} posted the topic"
you_posted_topic: "You posted the topic"
user_replied_to_post: "{{user}} replied to {{post_number}}"
you_replied_to_post: "You replied to {{post_number}}"
user_replied_to_topic: "{{user}} replied to the topic"
you_replied_to_topic: "You replied to the topic"
user_mentioned_user: "{{user}} mentioned {{another_user}}"
user_mentioned_you: "{{user}} mentioned you"
you_mentioned_user: "You mentioned {{another_user}}"
posted_by_user: "Posted by {{user}}"
posted_by_you: "Posted by you"
sent_by_user: "Sent by {{user}}"
sent_by_you: "Sent by you"
filter_name: "filter by username"
title: "Users"
likes_given: "Given"
likes_received: "Received"
topics_entered: "Entered"
topics_entered_long: "Topics Entered"
time_read: "Time Read"
topic_count: "Topics"
topic_count_long: "Topics Created"
post_count: "Replies"
post_count_long: "Replies Posted"
no_results: "No results were found."
days_visited: "Visits"
days_visited_long: "Days Visited"
posts_read: "Read"
posts_read_long: "Posts Read"
one: "1 user"
other: "%{count} users"
visible: "Group is visible to all users"
one: "group"
other: "groups"
members: "Members"
posts: "Posts"
title: "Who can use this group as an alias?"
nobody: "Nobody"
only_admins: "Only admins"
mods_and_admins: "Only moderators and Admins"
members_mods_and_admins: "Only group members, moderators and admins"
everyone: "Everyone"
"1": "Likes Given"
"2": "Likes Received"
"3": "Bookmarks"
"4": "Topics"
"5": "Replies"
"6": "Responses"
"7": "Mentions"
"9": "Quotes"
"10": "Starred"
"11": "Edits"
"12": "Sent Items"
"13": "Inbox"
"14": "Pending"
all: "all categories"
all_subcategories: "all"
no_subcategory: "none"
category: "Category"
posts: "Posts"
topics: "Topics"
latest: "Latest"
latest_by: "latest by"
toggle_ordering: "toggle ordering control"
subcategories: "Subcategories"
topic_stats: "The number of new topics."
one: "%{count} new topic in the past %{unit}."
other: "%{count} new topics in the past %{unit}."
post_stats: "The number of new posts."
one: "%{count} new post in the past %{unit}."
other: "%{count} new posts in the past %{unit}."
title: IP Address Lookup
hostname: Hostname
location: Location
location_not_found: (unknown)
organisation: Organization
phone: Phone
other_accounts: "Other accounts with this IP address:"
delete_other_accounts: "Delete %{count}"
username: "username"
trust_level: "TL"
read_time: "read time"
topics_entered: "topics entered"
post_count: "# posts"
confirm_delete_other_accounts: "Are you sure you want to delete these accounts?"
none: "(select an option)"
said: "{{username}}:"
profile: "Profile"
mute: "Mute"
edit: "Edit Preferences"
download_archive: "Download My Posts"
new_private_message: "New Message"
private_message: "Message"
private_messages: "Messages"
activity_stream: "Activity"
preferences: "Preferences"
bookmarks: "Bookmarks"
bio: "About me"
invited_by: "Invited By"
trust_level: "Trust Level"
notifications: "Notifications"
label: "Desktop Notifications"
not_supported: "Notifications are not supported on this browser. Sorry."
perm_default: "Turn On Notifications"
perm_denied_btn: "Permission Denied"
perm_denied_expl: "You have denied permission for notifications. Use your browser to enable notifications, then click the button when done. (Desktop: The leftmost icon in the address bar. Mobile: 'Site Info'.)"
disable: "Disable Notifications"
currently_enabled: "(currently enabled)"
enable: "Enable Notifications"
currently_disabled: "(currently disabled)"
each_browser_note: "Note: You have to change this setting on every browser you use."
dismiss_notifications: "Mark all as Read"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Mark all unread notifications as read"
disable_jump_reply: "Don't jump to my post after I reply"
dynamic_favicon: "Show new / updated topic count on browser icon"
edit_history_public: "Let other users view my post revisions"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Open all external links in a new tab"
enable_quoting: "Enable quote reply for highlighted text"
change: "change"
moderator: "{{user}} is a moderator"
admin: "{{user}} is an admin"
moderator_tooltip: "This user is a moderator"
admin_tooltip: "This user is an admin"
blocked_tooltip: "This user is blocked"
suspended_notice: "This user is suspended until {{date}}."
suspended_reason: "Reason: "
github_profile: "Github"
mailing_list_mode: "Send me an email for every new post (unless I mute the topic or category)"
watched_categories: "Watched"
watched_categories_instructions: "You will automatically watch all new topics in these categories. You will be notified of all new posts and topics, and a count of new posts will also appear next to the topic."
tracked_categories: "Tracked"
tracked_categories_instructions: "You will automatically track all new topics in these categories. A count of new posts will appear next to the topic."
muted_categories: "Muted"
muted_categories_instructions: "You will not be notified of anything about new topics in these categories, and they will not appear on your unread tab."
delete_account: "Delete My Account"
delete_account_confirm: "Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This action cannot be undone!"
deleted_yourself: "Your account has been deleted successfully."
delete_yourself_not_allowed: "You cannot delete your account right now. Contact an admin to do delete your account for you."
unread_message_count: "Messages"
admin_delete: "Delete"
users: "Users"
muted_users: "Muted"
muted_users_instructions: "Suppress all notifications from these users."
flags_given: "helpful flags"
flagged_posts: "flagged posts"
deleted_posts: "deleted posts"
suspensions: "suspensions"
warnings_received: "warnings"
all: "All"
mine: "Mine"
unread: "Unread"
success: "(email sent)"
in_progress: "(sending email)"
error: "(error)"
action: "Send Password Reset Email"
set_password: "Set Password"
title: "Change About Me"
error: "There was an error changing ths value."
title: "Change Username"
confirm: "If you change your username, all prior quotes of your posts and @name mentions will be broken. Are you absolutely sure you want to?"
taken: "Sorry, that username is taken."
error: "There was an error changing your username."
invalid: "That username is invalid. It must only include numbers and letters"
title: "Change Email"
taken: "Sorry, that email is not available."
error: "There was an error changing your email. Perhaps that address is already in use?"
success: "We've sent an email to that address. Please follow the confirmation instructions."
title: "Change your profile picture"
gravatar: "Gravatar, based on"
gravatar_title: "Change your avatar on Gravatar's website"
refresh_gravatar_title: "Refresh your Gravatar"
letter_based: "System assigned profile picture"
uploaded_avatar: "Custom picture"
uploaded_avatar_empty: "Add a custom picture"
upload_title: "Upload your picture"
upload_picture: "Upload Picture"
image_is_not_a_square: "Warning: we've cropped your image; width and height were not equal."
cache_notice: "You've successfully changed your profile picture but it might take some time to appear due to browser caching."
title: "Profile Background"
instructions: "Profile backgrounds will be centered and have a default width of 850px."
title: "User Card Background"
instructions: "Background images will be centered and have a default width of 590px."
title: "Email"
instructions: "Never shown to the public"
ok: "We will email you to confirm"
invalid: "Please enter a valid email address"
authenticated: "Your email has been authenticated by {{provider}}"
zero: "We'll email you immediately if you haven't read the thing we're emailing you about."
one: "We'll only email you if we haven't seen you in the last minute."
other: "We'll only email you if we haven't seen you in the last {{count}} minutes."
title: "Name"
instructions: "Your full name (optional)"
instructions_required: "Your full name"
too_short: "Your name is too short"
ok: "Your name looks good"
title: "Username"
instructions: "Unique, no spaces, short"
short_instructions: "People can mention you as @{{username}}"
available: "Your username is available"
global_match: "Email matches the registered username"
global_mismatch: "Already registered. Try {{suggestion}}?"
not_available: "Not available. Try {{suggestion}}?"
too_short: "Your username is too short"
too_long: "Your username is too long"
checking: "Checking username availability..."
enter_email: 'Username found; enter matching email'
prefilled: "Email matches this registered username"
title: "Interface language"
instructions: "User interface language. It will change when you refresh the page."
default: "(default)"
title: "Password Again"
last_posted: "Last Post"
last_emailed: "Last Emailed"
last_seen: "Seen"
created: "Joined"
log_out: "Log Out"
location: "Location"
title: "User Card Badge"
website: "Web Site"
email_settings: "Email"
title: "When I don't visit here, send an email digest of what's new:"
daily: "daily"
every_three_days: "every three days"
weekly: "weekly"
every_two_weeks: "every two weeks"
email_direct: "Send me an email when someone quotes me, replies to my post, mentions my @username, or invites me to a topic"
email_private_messages: "Send me an email when someone messages me"
email_always: "Send me email notifications even when I am active on the site"
other_settings: "Other"
categories_settings: "Categories"
label: "Consider topics new when"
not_viewed: "I haven't viewed them yet"
last_here: "created since I was here last"
after_1_day: "created in the last day"
after_2_days: "created in the last 2 days"
after_1_week: "created in the last week"
after_2_weeks: "created in the last 2 weeks"
auto_track_topics: "Automatically track topics I enter"
never: "never"
immediately: "immediately"
after_30_seconds: "after 30 seconds"
after_1_minute: "after 1 minute"
after_2_minutes: "after 2 minutes"
after_3_minutes: "after 3 minutes"
after_4_minutes: "after 4 minutes"
after_5_minutes: "after 5 minutes"
after_10_minutes: "after 10 minutes"
search: "type to search invites..."
title: "Invites"
user: "Invited User"
sent: "Sent"
none: "You haven't invited anyone here yet."
truncated: "Showing the first {{count}} invites."
redeemed: "Redeemed Invites"
redeemed_tab: "Redeemed"
redeemed_tab_with_count: "Redeemed ({{count}})"
redeemed_at: "Redeemed"
pending: "Pending Invites"
pending_tab: "Pending"
pending_tab_with_count: "Pending ({{count}})"
topics_entered: "Topics Viewed"
posts_read_count: "Posts Read"
expired: "This invite has expired."
rescind: "Remove"
rescinded: "Invite removed"
reinvite: "Resend Invite"
reinvited: "Invite re-sent"
time_read: "Read Time"
days_visited: "Days Visited"
account_age_days: "Account age in days"
create: "Send an Invite"
generate_link: "Copy Invite Link"
generated_link_message: '
Invite link generated successfully!
Invite link is only valid for this email address: %{invitedEmail}
' bulk_invite: none: "You haven't invited anyone here yet. You can send individual invites, or invite a bunch of people at once by uploading a bulk invite file." text: "Bulk Invite from File" uploading: "Uploading..." success: "File uploaded successfully, you will be notified via message when the process is complete." error: "There was an error uploading '{{filename}}': {{message}}" password: title: "Password" too_short: "Your password is too short." common: "That password is too common." same_as_username: "Your password is the same as your username." same_as_email: "Your password is the same as your email." ok: "Your password looks good." instructions: "At least %{count} characters." associated_accounts: "Logins" ip_address: title: "Last IP Address" registration_ip_address: title: "Registration IP Address" avatar: title: "Profile Picture" header_title: "profile, messages, bookmarks and preferences" title: title: "Title" filters: all: "All" stream: posted_by: "Posted by" sent_by: "Sent by" private_message: "message" the_topic: "the topic" loading: "Loading..." errors: prev_page: "while trying to load" reasons: network: "Network Error" server: "Server Error" forbidden: "Access Denied" unknown: "Error" desc: network: "Please check your connection." network_fixed: "Looks like it's back." server: "Error code: {{status}}" forbidden: "You're not allowed to view that." unknown: "Something went wrong." buttons: back: "Go Back" again: "Try Again" fixed: "Load Page" close: "Close" assets_changed_confirm: "This site was just updated. Refresh now for the latest version?" logout: "You were logged out." refresh: "Refresh" read_only_mode: enabled: "Read-only mode is enabled. You can continue to browse the site but interactions may not work." login_disabled: "Login is disabled while the site is in read only mode." too_few_topics_notice: "Let's get this discussion started! There are currently %{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics} topics and %{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts} posts. New visitors need some conversations to read and respond to." learn_more: "learn more..." year: 'year' year_desc: 'topics created in the last 365 days' month: 'month' month_desc: 'topics created in the last 30 days' week: 'week' week_desc: 'topics created in the last 7 days' day: 'day' first_post: First post mute: Mute unmute: Unmute last_post: Last post last_reply_lowercase: last reply replies_lowercase: one: reply other: replies summary: enabled_description: "You're viewing a summary of this topic: the most interesting posts as determined by the community." description: "There are {{count}} replies." description_time: "There are {{count}} replies with an estimated read time of {{readingTime}} minutes." enable: 'Summarize This Topic' disable: 'Show All Posts' deleted_filter: enabled_description: "This topic contains deleted posts, which have been hidden. " disabled_description: "Deleted posts in the topic are shown." enable: "Hide Deleted Posts" disable: "Show Deleted Posts" private_message_info: title: "Message" invite: "Invite Others..." remove_allowed_user: "Do you really want to remove {{name}} from this message?" email: 'Email' username: 'Username' last_seen: 'Seen' created: 'Created' created_lowercase: 'created' trust_level: 'Trust Level' search_hint: 'username, email or IP address' create_account: title: "Create New Account" failed: "Something went wrong, perhaps this email is already registered, try the forgot password link" forgot_password: title: "Password Reset" action: "I forgot my password" invite: "Enter your username or email address, and we'll send you a password reset email." reset: "Reset Password" complete_username: "If an account matches the username %{username}, you should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password shortly." complete_email: "If an account matches %{email}, you should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password shortly." complete_username_found: "We found an account that matches the username %{username}, you should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password shortly." complete_email_found: "We found an account that matches %{email}, you should receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password shortly." complete_username_not_found: "No account matches the username %{username}" complete_email_not_found: "No account matches %{email}" login: title: "Log In" username: "User" password: "Password" email_placeholder: "email or username" caps_lock_warning: "Caps Lock is on" error: "Unknown error" rate_limit: "Please wait before trying to log in again." blank_username_or_password: "Please enter your email or username, and password." reset_password: 'Reset Password' logging_in: "Signing In..." or: "Or" authenticating: "Authenticating..." awaiting_confirmation: "Your account is awaiting activation, use the forgot password link to issue another activation email." awaiting_approval: "Your account has not been approved by a staff member yet. You will be sent an email when it is approved." requires_invite: "Sorry, access to this forum is by invite only." not_activated: "You can't log in yet. We previously sent an activation email to you at {{sentTo}}. Please follow the instructions in that email to activate your account." not_allowed_from_ip_address: "You can't login from that IP address." admin_not_allowed_from_ip_address: "You can't log in as admin from that IP address." resend_activation_email: "Click here to send the activation email again." sent_activation_email_again: "We sent another activation email to you at {{currentEmail}}. It might take a few minutes for it to arrive; be sure to check your spam folder." google: title: "with Google" message: "Authenticating with Google (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)" google_oauth2: title: "with Google" message: "Authenticating with Google (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)" twitter: title: "with Twitter" message: "Authenticating with Twitter (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)" facebook: title: "with Facebook" message: "Authenticating with Facebook (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)" yahoo: title: "with Yahoo" message: "Authenticating with Yahoo (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)" github: title: "with GitHub" message: "Authenticating with GitHub (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)" apple_international: "Apple/International" google: "Google" twitter: "Twitter" emoji_one: "Emoji One" composer: emoji: "Emoji :smile:" add_warning: "This is an official warning." posting_not_on_topic: "Which topic do you want to reply to?" saving_draft_tip: "saving..." saved_draft_tip: "saved" saved_local_draft_tip: "saved locally" similar_topics: "Your topic is similar to..." drafts_offline: "drafts offline" error: title_missing: "Title is required" title_too_short: "Title must be at least {{min}} characters" title_too_long: "Title can't be more than {{max}} characters" post_missing: "Post can't be empty" post_length: "Post must be at least {{min}} characters" try_like: 'Have you tried the button?' category_missing: "You must choose a category" save_edit: "Save Edit" reply_original: "Reply on Original Topic" reply_here: "Reply Here" reply: "Reply" cancel: "Cancel" create_topic: "Create Topic" create_pm: "Message" title: "Or press Ctrl+Enter" users_placeholder: "Add a user" title_placeholder: "What is this discussion about in one brief sentence?" edit_reason_placeholder: "why are you editing?" show_edit_reason: "(add edit reason)" reply_placeholder: "Type here. Use Markdown, BBCode, or HTML to format. Drag or paste an image to upload it." view_new_post: "View your new post." saving: "Saving..." saved: "Saved!" saved_draft: "Post draft in progress. Select to resume." uploading: "Uploading..." show_preview: 'show preview »' hide_preview: '« hide preview' quote_post_title: "Quote whole post" bold_title: "Strong" bold_text: "strong text" italic_title: "Emphasis" italic_text: "emphasized text" link_title: "Hyperlink" link_description: "enter link description here" link_dialog_title: "Insert Hyperlink" link_optional_text: "optional title" quote_title: "Blockquote" quote_text: "Blockquote" code_title: "Preformatted text" code_text: "indent preformatted text by 4 spaces" upload_title: "Upload" upload_description: "enter upload description here" olist_title: "Numbered List" ulist_title: "Bulleted List" list_item: "List item" heading_title: "Heading" heading_text: "Heading" hr_title: "Horizontal Rule" undo_title: "Undo" redo_title: "Redo" help: "Markdown Editing Help" toggler: "hide or show the composer panel" admin_options_title: "Optional staff settings for this topic" auto_close: label: "Auto-close topic time:" error: "Please enter a valid value." based_on_last_post: "Don't close until the last post in the topic is at least this old." all: units: "" examples: 'Enter number of hours (24), absolute time (17:30) or timestamp (2013-11-22 14:00).' limited: units: "(# of hours)" examples: 'Enter number of hours (24).' notifications: title: "notifications of @name mentions, replies to your posts and topics, messages, etc" none: "Unable to load notifications at this time." more: "view older notifications" total_flagged: "total flagged posts" mentioned: "{{username}} {{description}}
" quoted: "{{username}} {{description}}
" replied: "{{username}} {{description}}
" posted: "{{username}} {{description}}
" edited: "{{username}} {{description}}
" liked: "{{username}} {{description}}
" private_message: "{{username}} {{description}}
" invited_to_private_message: "{{username}} {{description}}
" invited_to_topic: "{{username}} {{description}}
" invitee_accepted: "{{username}} accepted your invitation
" moved_post: "{{username}} moved {{description}}
" linked: "{{username}} {{description}}
" granted_badge: "Earned '{{description}}'
" popup: mentioned: '{{username}} mentioned you in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}' quoted: '{{username}} quoted you in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}' replied: '{{username}} replied to you in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}' posted: '{{username}} posted in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}' private_message: '{{username}} sent you a private message in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}' linked: '{{username}} linked to your post from "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}' upload_selector: title: "Add an image" title_with_attachments: "Add an image or a file" from_my_computer: "From my device" from_the_web: "From the web" remote_tip: "link to image" remote_tip_with_attachments: "link to image or file ({{authorized_extensions}})" local_tip: "select images from your device" local_tip_with_attachments: "select images or files from your device ({{authorized_extensions}})" hint: "(you can also drag & drop into the editor to upload them)" hint_for_supported_browsers: "you can also drag and drop or paste images into the editor to upload them" uploading: "Uploading" select_file: "Select File" image_link: "link your image will point to" search: title: "search topics, posts, users, or categories" no_results: "No results found." no_more_results: "No more results found." search_help: Search help searching: "Searching ..." post_format: "#{{post_number}} by {{username}}" context: user: "Search posts by @{{username}}" category: "Search the \"{{category}}\" category" topic: "Search this topic" private_messages: "Search messages" hamburger_menu: "go to another topic list or category" go_back: 'go back' not_logged_in_user: 'user page with summary of current activity and preferences' current_user: 'go to your user page' topics: too_many_tracked: "Warning: you have too many tracked new and unread topics, clear some using \"Dismiss New\" or \"Dismiss Posts\"" bulk: reset_read: "Reset Read" delete: "Delete Topics" dismiss_posts: "Dismiss Posts" dismiss_posts_tooltip: "Clear unread counts on these topics but continue to show them on my unread list when new posts are made" dismiss_topics: "Dismiss Topics" dismiss_topics_tooltip: "Stop showing these topics in my unread list when new posts are made" dismiss_new: "Dismiss New" toggle: "toggle bulk selection of topics" actions: "Bulk Actions" change_category: "Change Category" close_topics: "Close Topics" archive_topics: "Archive Topics" notification_level: "Change Notification Level" choose_new_category: "Choose the new category for the topics:" selected: one: "You have selected 1 topic." other: "You have selected {{count}} topics." none: unread: "You have no unread topics." new: "You have no new topics." read: "You haven't read any topics yet." posted: "You haven't posted in any topics yet." latest: "There are no latest topics. That's sad." hot: "There are no hot topics." bookmarks: "You have no bookmarked topics yet." category: "There are no {{category}} topics." top: "There are no top topics." search: "There are no search results." educate: new: 'Your new topics appear here.
By default, topics are considered new and will show a new indicator if they were created in the last 2 days.
You can change this in your preferences.
' unread: 'Your unread topics appear here.
By default, topics are considered unread and will show unread counts 1 if you:
Or if you have explicitly set the topic to Tracked or Watched via the notification control at the bottom of each topic.
You can change this in your preferences.
' bottom: latest: "There are no more latest topics." hot: "There are no more hot topics." posted: "There are no more posted topics." read: "There are no more read topics." new: "There are no more new topics." unread: "There are no more unread topics." category: "There are no more {{category}} topics." top: "There are no more top topics." bookmarks: "There are no more bookmarked topics." search: "There are no more search results." topic: unsubscribe: stop_notifications: "You will now receive less notifications for {{title}}" change_notification_state: "Your current notification state is " filter_to: "{{post_count}} posts in topic" create: 'New Topic' create_long: 'Create a new Topic' private_message: 'Start a message' list: 'Topics' new: 'new topic' unread: 'unread' new_topics: one: '1 new topic' other: '{{count}} new topics' unread_topics: one: '1 unread topic' other: '{{count}} unread topics' title: 'Topic' invalid_access: title: "Topic is private" description: "Sorry, you don't have access to that topic!" login_required: "You need to log in to see that topic." server_error: title: "Topic failed to load" description: "Sorry, we couldn't load that topic, possibly due to a connection problem. Please try again. If the problem persists, let us know." not_found: title: "Topic not found" description: "Sorry, we couldn't find that topic. Perhaps it was removed by a moderator?" total_unread_posts: one: "you have 1 unread post in this topic" other: "you have {{count}} unread posts in this topic" unread_posts: one: "you have 1 unread old post in this topic" other: "you have {{count}} unread old posts in this topic" new_posts: one: "there is 1 new post in this topic since you last read it" other: "there are {{count}} new posts in this topic since you last read it" likes: one: "there is 1 like in this topic" other: "there are {{count}} likes in this topic" back_to_list: "Back to Topic List" options: "Topic Options" show_links: "show links within this topic" toggle_information: "toggle topic details" read_more_in_category: "Want to read more? Browse other topics in {{catLink}} or {{latestLink}}." read_more: "Want to read more? {{catLink}} or {{latestLink}}." # keys ending with _MF use message format, see /spec/components/js_local_helper_spec.rb for samples read_more_MF: "There { UNREAD, plural, =0 {} one { is 1 unread } other { are # unread } } { NEW, plural, =0 {} one { {BOTH, select, true{and } false {is } other{}} 1 new topic} other { {BOTH, select, true{and } false {are } other{}} # new topics} } remaining, or {CATEGORY, select, true {browse other topics in {catLink}} false {{latestLink}} other {}}" browse_all_categories: Browse all categories view_latest_topics: view latest topics suggest_create_topic: Why not create a topic? jump_reply_up: jump to earlier reply jump_reply_down: jump to later reply deleted: "The topic has been deleted" auto_close_notice: "This topic will automatically close %{timeLeft}." auto_close_notice_based_on_last_post: "This topic will close %{duration} after the last reply." auto_close_title: 'Auto-Close Settings' auto_close_save: "Save" auto_close_remove: "Don't Auto-Close This Topic" progress: title: topic progress go_top: "top" go_bottom: "bottom" go: "go" jump_bottom: "jump to last post" jump_bottom_with_number: "jump to post %{post_number}" total: total posts current: current post position: "post %{current} of %{total}" notifications: reasons: "3_6": 'You will receive notifications because you are watching this category.' "3_5": 'You will receive notifications because you started watching this topic automatically.' "3_2": 'You will receive notifications because you are watching this topic.' "3_1": 'You will receive notifications because you created this topic.' "3": 'You will receive notifications because you are watching this topic.' "2_8": 'You will receive notifications because you are tracking this category.' "2_4": 'You will receive notifications because you posted a reply to this topic.' "2_2": 'You will receive notifications because you are tracking this topic.' "2": 'You will receive notifications because you read this topic.' "1_2": 'You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you.' "1": 'You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you.' "0_7": 'You are ignoring all notifications in this category.' "0_2": 'You are ignoring all notifications on this topic.' "0": 'You are ignoring all notifications on this topic.' watching_pm: title: "Watching" description: "You will be notified of every new reply in this message, and a count of new replies will be shown." watching: title: "Watching" description: "You will be notified of every new reply in this topic, and a count of new replies will be shown." tracking_pm: title: "Tracking" description: "A count of new replies will be shown for this message. You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you." tracking: title: "Tracking" description: "A count of new replies will be shown for this topic. You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you. " regular: title: "Normal" description: "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you." regular_pm: title: "Normal" description: "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you." muted_pm: title: "Muted" description: "You will never be notified of anything about this message." muted: title: "Muted" description: "You will never be notified of anything about this topic, and it will not appear on your unread tab." actions: recover: "Un-Delete Topic" delete: "Delete Topic" open: "Open Topic" close: "Close Topic" multi_select: "Select Posts…" auto_close: "Auto Close…" pin: "Pin Topic…" unpin: "Un-Pin Topic…" unarchive: "Unarchive Topic" archive: "Archive Topic" invisible: "Make Unlisted" visible: "Make Listed" reset_read: "Reset Read Data" feature: pin: "Pin Topic" unpin: "Un-Pin Topic" pin_globally: "Pin Topic Globally" make_banner: "Banner Topic" remove_banner: "Remove Banner Topic" reply: title: 'Reply' help: 'begin composing a reply to this topic' clear_pin: title: "Clear pin" help: "Clear the pinned status of this topic so it no longer appears at the top of your topic list" share: title: 'Share' help: 'share a link to this topic' flag_topic: title: 'Flag' help: 'privately flag this topic for attention or send a private notification about it' success_message: 'You successfully flagged this topic.' feature_topic: title: "Feature this topic" pin: "Make this topic appear at the top of the {{categoryLink}} category until" confirm_pin: "You already have {{count}} pinned topics. Too many pinned topics may be a burden for new and anonymous users. Are you sure you want to pin another topic in this category?" unpin: "Remove this topic from the top of the {{categoryLink}} category." unpin_until: "Remove this topic from the top of the {{categoryLink}} category or wait until %{until}." pin_note: "Users can unpin the topic individually for themselves." pin_validation: "A date is required to pin this topic." already_pinned: zero: "There are no topics pinned in {{categoryLink}}." one: "Topics currently pinned in {{categoryLink}}: 1." other: "Topics currently pinned in {{categoryLink}}: {{count}}." pin_globally: "Make this topic appear at the top of all topic lists until" confirm_pin_globally: "You already have {{count}} globally pinned topics. Too many pinned topics may be a burden for new and anonymous users. Are you sure you want to pin another topic globally?" unpin_globally: "Remove this topic from the top of all topic lists." unpin_globally_until: "Remove this topic from the top of all topic lists or wait until %{until}." global_pin_note: "Users can unpin the topic individually for themselves." already_pinned_globally: zero: "There are no topics pinned globally." one: "Topics currently pinned globally: 1." other: "Topics currently pinned globally: {{count}}." make_banner: "Make this topic into a banner that appears at the top of all pages." remove_banner: "Remove the banner that appears at the top of all pages." banner_note: "Users can dismiss the banner by closing it. Only one topic can be bannered at any given time." already_banner: zero: "There is no banner topic." one: "There is currently a banner topic." inviting: "Inviting..." automatically_add_to_groups_optional: "This invite also includes access to these groups: (optional, admin only)" automatically_add_to_groups_required: "This invite also includes access to these groups: (Required, admin only)" invite_private: title: 'Invite to Message' email_or_username: "Invitee's Email or Username" email_or_username_placeholder: "email address or username" action: "Invite" success: "We've invited that user to participate in this message." error: "Sorry, there was an error inviting that user." group_name: "group name" invite_reply: title: 'Invite' username_placeholder: "username" action: 'Send Invite' help: 'invite others to this topic via email or notifications' to_forum: "We'll send a brief email allowing your friend to immediately join by clicking a link, no login required." sso_enabled: "Enter the username of the person you'd like to invite to this topic." to_topic_blank: "Enter the username or email address of the person you'd like to invite to this topic." to_topic_email: "You've entered an email address. We'll email an invitation that allows your friend to immediately reply to this topic." to_topic_username: "You've entered a username. We'll send a notification with a link inviting them to this topic." to_username: "Enter the username of the person you'd like to invite. We'll send a notification with a link inviting them to this topic." email_placeholder: 'name@example.com' success_email: "We mailed out an invitation to {{emailOrUsername}}. We'll notify you when the invitation is redeemed. Check the invitations tab on your user page to keep track of your invites." success_username: "We've invited that user to participate in this topic." error: "Sorry, we couldn't invite that person. Perhaps they have already been invited? (Invites are rate limited)" login_reply: 'Log In to Reply' filters: n_posts: one: "1 post" other: "{{count}} posts" cancel: "Remove filter" split_topic: title: "Move to New Topic" action: "move to new topic" topic_name: "New Topic Name" error: "There was an error moving posts to the new topic." instructions: one: "You are about to create a new topic and populate it with the post you've selected." other: "You are about to create a new topic and populate it with the {{count}} posts you've selected." merge_topic: title: "Move to Existing Topic" action: "move to existing topic" error: "There was an error moving posts into that topic." instructions: one: "Please choose the topic you'd like to move that post to." other: "Please choose the topic you'd like to move those {{count}} posts to." change_owner: title: "Change Owner of Posts" action: "change ownership" error: "There was an error changing the ownership of the posts." label: "New Owner of Posts" placeholder: "username of new owner" instructions: one: "Please choose the new owner of the post by {{old_user}}." other: "Please choose the new owner of the {{count}} posts by {{old_user}}." instructions_warn: "Note that any notifications about this post will not be transferred to the new user retroactively.