module Onebox module Engine class DiscourseLocalOnebox include Engine matches_regexp"^#{Discourse.base_url.gsub(".","\\.")}.*$", true) # Use this onebox before others def self.priority 1 end def self.===(other) if other.kind_of?(URI) uri = other begin route = Rails.application.routes.recognize_path(uri.path) case route[:controller] when 'topics' # super will use matches_regexp to match the domain name super else false end rescue ActionController::RoutingError false end else super end end def to_html uri = URI::parse(@url) route = Rails.application.routes.recognize_path(uri.path) # Figure out what kind of onebox to show based on the URL case route[:controller] when 'topics' linked = "#{@url}" if route[:post_number].present? && route[:post_number].to_i > 1 # Post Link post = Post.find_by(topic_id: route[:topic_id], post_number: route[:post_number].to_i) return linked unless post return linked if post.hidden return linked unless topic = post.topic slug = Slug.for(topic.title) excerpt = post.excerpt(SiteSetting.post_onebox_maxlength) excerpt.gsub!("\n"," ") # hack to make it render for now excerpt.gsub!("[/quote]", "[quote]") quote = "[quote=\"#{post.user.username}, topic:#{}, slug:#{slug}, post:#{post.post_number}\"]#{excerpt}[/quote]" cooked = PrettyText.cook(quote) return cooked else # Topic Link topic = Topic.where(id: route[:topic_id].to_i).includes(:user).first return linked unless topic return linked unless post = topic.posts.first posters = do |p| { username: p[:user].username, avatar: PrettyText.avatar_img(p[:user].avatar_template, 'tiny'), description: p[:description], extras: p[:extras] } end quote = post.excerpt(SiteSetting.post_onebox_maxlength) args = { original_url: @url, title: topic.title, avatar: PrettyText.avatar_img(topic.user.avatar_template, 'tiny'), posts_count: topic.posts_count, last_post: FreedomPatches::Rails4.time_ago_in_words(topic.last_posted_at, false, scope: :'datetime.distance_in_words_verbose'), age: FreedomPatches::Rails4.time_ago_in_words(topic.created_at, false, scope: :'datetime.distance_in_words_verbose'), views: topic.views, posters: posters, quote: quote, category_html: CategoryBadge.html_for(topic.category), topic: } return Mustache.render("#{Rails.root}/lib/onebox/templates/discourse_topic_onebox.hbs"), args) end end rescue ActionController::RoutingError nil end end end end