import showModal from 'discourse/lib/show-modal'; /** This controller supports interface for creating custom CSS skins in Discourse. @class AdminCustomizeCssHtmlController @extends Ember.Controller @namespace Discourse @module Discourse **/ export default Ember.ArrayController.extend({ actions: { /** Create a new customization style @method newCustomization **/ newCustomization: function() { var item = Discourse.SiteCustomization.create({name: I18n.t("admin.customize.new_style")}); this.pushObject(item); this.set('selectedItem', item); }, importModal: function() { showModal('upload-customization'); }, /** Select a given style @method selectStyle @param {Discourse.SiteCustomization} style The style we are selecting **/ selectStyle: function(style) { this.set('selectedItem', style); }, /** Save the current customization @method save **/ save: function() { this.get('selectedItem').save(); }, /** Destroy the current customization @method destroy **/ destroy: function() { var _this = this; return bootbox.confirm(I18n.t("admin.customize.delete_confirm"), I18n.t("no_value"), I18n.t("yes_value"), function(result) { var selected; if (result) { selected = _this.get('selectedItem'); selected.destroy(); _this.set('selectedItem', null); return _this.removeObject(selected); } }); } } });