module("Discourse.URL"); test("isInternal with a HTTP url", function() { this.stub(Discourse.URL, "origin").returns(""); ok(!Discourse.URL.isInternal(null), "a blank URL is not internal"); ok(Discourse.URL.isInternal("/test"), "relative URLs are internal"); ok(Discourse.URL.isInternal(""), "a url on the same host is internal"); ok(Discourse.URL.isInternal(""), "a url on a HTTPS of the same host is internal"); ok(!Discourse.URL.isInternal(""), "a different host is not internal"); }); test("isInternal with a HTTPS url", function() { this.stub(Discourse.URL, "origin").returns(""); ok(Discourse.URL.isInternal(""), "HTTPS urls match HTTP urls"); }); test("navigatedToHome", function() { var fakeListController = { send: function() { return true; } }; var mock = sinon.mock(fakeListController); this.stub(Discourse.URL, "controllerFor").returns(fakeListController); mock.expects("send").withArgs('refresh').twice(); ok(Discourse.URL.navigatedToHome("/", "/")); var defaultFilter = "/" + Discourse.Site.currentProp('filters')[0]; ok(Discourse.URL.navigatedToHome(defaultFilter, "/")); ok(!Discourse.URL.navigatedToHome("/old", "/new")); // make sure we called the .refresh() method mock.verify(); });