module DiscourseTagging TAGS_FIELD_NAME = "tags" TAGS_FILTER_REGEXP = /[<\\\/\>\#\?\&\s]/ # class Engine < ::Rails::Engine # engine_name "discourse_tagging" # isolate_namespace DiscourseTagging # end def self.clean_tag(tag) tag.downcase.strip[0...SiteSetting.max_tag_length].gsub(TAGS_FILTER_REGEXP, '') end def self.staff_only_tags(tags) return nil if tags.nil? staff_tags = SiteSetting.staff_tags.split("|") tag_diff = tags - staff_tags tag_diff = tags - tag_diff tag_diff.present? ? tag_diff : nil end def self.tags_for_saving(tags, guardian) return [] unless guardian.can_tag_topics? return unless tags! {|t| clean_tag(t) } tags.delete_if {|t| t.blank? } tags.uniq! # If the user can't create tags, remove any tags that don't already exist # TODO: this is doing a full count, it should just check first or use a cache unless guardian.can_create_tag? tag_count = TopicCustomField.where(name: TAGS_FIELD_NAME, value: tags).group(:value).count tags.delete_if {|t| !tag_count.has_key?(t) } end return tags[0...SiteSetting.max_tags_per_topic] end def self.notification_key(tag_id) "tags_notification:#{tag_id}" end def self.auto_notify_for(tags, topic) # This insert will run up to SiteSetting.max_tags_per_topic times tags.each do |tag| key_name_sql = ActiveRecord::Base.sql_fragment("('#{notification_key(tag)}')", tag) sql = <<-SQL INSERT INTO topic_users(user_id, topic_id, notification_level, notifications_reason_id) SELECT ucf.user_id, #{}, CAST(ucf.value AS INTEGER), #{TopicUser.notification_reasons[:plugin_changed]} FROM user_custom_fields AS ucf WHERE IN #{key_name_sql} AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM topic_users WHERE topic_id = #{} AND user_id = ucf.user_id) AND CAST(ucf.value AS INTEGER) <> #{TopicUser.notification_levels[:regular]} SQL ActiveRecord::Base.exec_sql(sql) end end def self.rename_tag(current_user, old_id, new_id) sql = <<-SQL UPDATE topic_custom_fields AS tcf SET value = :new_id WHERE value = :old_id AND name = :tags_field_name AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM topic_custom_fields WHERE value = :new_id AND name = :tags_field_name AND topic_id = tcf.topic_id) SQL user_sql = <<-SQL UPDATE user_custom_fields SET name = :new_user_tag_id WHERE name = :old_user_tag_id AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM user_custom_fields WHERE name = :new_user_tag_id) SQL ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do ActiveRecord::Base.exec_sql(sql, new_id: new_id, old_id: old_id, tags_field_name: TAGS_FIELD_NAME) TopicCustomField.delete_all(name: TAGS_FIELD_NAME, value: old_id) ActiveRecord::Base.exec_sql(user_sql, new_user_tag_id: notification_key(new_id), old_user_tag_id: notification_key(old_id)) UserCustomField.delete_all(name: notification_key(old_id))'renamed_tag', previous_value: old_id, new_value: new_id) end end def self.top_tags(limit_arg=nil) # TODO: cache # TODO: need an index for this (name,value) TopicCustomField.where(name: TAGS_FIELD_NAME) .group(:value) .limit(limit_arg || SiteSetting.max_tags_in_filter_list) .order('COUNT(value) DESC') .count .map {|name, count| name} end def self.muted_tags(user) return [] unless user UserCustomField.where(user_id:, value: TopicUser.notification_levels[:muted]).pluck(:name).map { |x| x[0,17] == "tags_notification" ? x[18..-1] : nil}.compact end end