require 'rails_helper' describe PostAlerter do let!(:evil_trout) { Fabricate(:evil_trout) } def create_post_with_alerts(args={}) post = Fabricate(:post, args) PostAlerter.post_created(post) end context "unread" do it "does not return whispers as unread posts" do op = Fabricate(:post) _whisper = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'this is a whisper post', user: Fabricate(:admin), topic: op.topic, reply_to_post_number: op.post_number, post_type: Post.types[:whisper]) expect(, op.topic)).to be_blank end end context 'likes' do it 'does not double notify users on likes' do ActiveRecord::Base.observers.enable :all post = Fabricate(:post, raw: 'I love waffles') PostAction.act(evil_trout, post, PostActionType.types[:like]) admin = Fabricate(:admin) post.revise(admin, {raw: 'I made a revision'}) PostAction.act(admin, post, PostActionType.types[:like]) # one like and one edit notification expect(Notification.count(post_number: 1, topic_id: post.topic_id)).to eq(2) end end context 'quotes' do it 'does not notify for muted users' do post = Fabricate(:post, raw: '[quote="EvilTrout, post:1"]whatup[/quote]') MutedUser.create!(user_id:, muted_user_id: post.user_id) expect { PostAlerter.post_created(post) }.to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count).by(0) end it 'notifies a user by username' do expect { create_post_with_alerts(raw: '[quote="EvilTrout, post:1"]whatup[/quote]') }.to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count).by(1) end it "won't notify the user a second time on revision" do p1 = create_post_with_alerts(raw: '[quote="Evil Trout, post:1"]whatup[/quote]') expect { p1.revise(p1.user, { raw: '[quote="Evil Trout, post:1"]whatup now?[/quote]' }) }.not_to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count) end it "doesn't notify the poster" do topic = create_post_with_alerts.topic expect { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, user: topic.user, raw: '[quote="Bruce Wayne, post:1"]whatup[/quote]') }.not_to change(topic.user.notifications, :count) end end context 'linked' do it "will notify correctly on linking" do post1 = create_post user = post1.user create_post(raw: "my magic topic\n##{Discourse.base_url}#{post1.url}") expect(user.notifications.count).to eq(1) topic = Fabricate(:topic) watcher = Fabricate(:user) TopicUser.create!(user_id:, topic_id:, notification_level: TopicUser.notification_levels[:watching]) create_post(topic_id:, user: user, raw: "my magic topic\n##{Discourse.base_url}#{post1.url}") user.reload expect(user.notifications.count).to eq(1) expect(watcher.notifications.count).to eq(1) # don't notify on reflection post1.reload expect( eq(0) end end context '@group mentions' do it 'notifies users correctly' do group = Fabricate(:group, name: 'group', alias_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:everyone]) group.add(evil_trout) expect { create_post_with_alerts(raw: "Hello @group how are you?") }.to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count).by(1) expect(GroupMention.count).to eq(1) group.update_columns(alias_level: Group::ALIAS_LEVELS[:members_mods_and_admins]) expect { create_post_with_alerts(raw: "Hello @group you are not mentionable") }.to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count).by(0) expect(GroupMention.count).to eq(2) end end context '@mentions' do let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:mention_post) { create_post_with_alerts(user: user, raw: 'Hello @eviltrout')} let(:topic) { mention_post.topic } it 'notifies a user' do expect { mention_post }.to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count).by(1) end it "won't notify the user a second time on revision" do mention_post expect { mention_post.revise(mention_post.user, { raw: "New raw content that still mentions @eviltrout" }) }.not_to change(evil_trout.notifications, :count) end it "doesn't notify the user who created the topic in regular mode" do topic.notify_regular!(user) mention_post expect { create_post_with_alerts(user: user, raw: 'second post', topic: topic) }.not_to change(user.notifications, :count) end end end