# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'slug' describe Slug do it 'replaces spaces with hyphens' do Slug.for("hello world").should == 'hello-world' end it 'changes accented characters' do Slug.for('àllo').should == 'allo' end it 'removes symbols' do Slug.for('evil#trout').should == 'eviltrout' end it 'handles a.b.c properly' do Slug.for("a.b.c").should == "a-b-c" end it 'handles double dots right' do Slug.for("a....b.....c").should == "a-b-c" end it 'strips trailing punctuation' do Slug.for("hello...").should == "hello" end it 'strips leading punctuation' do Slug.for("...hello").should == "hello" end it 'handles our initial transliteration' do from = "àáäâčďèéëěêìíïîľĺňòóöôŕřšťůùúüûýžñç" to = "aaaacdeeeeeiiiillnoooorrstuuuuuyznc" Slug.for(from).should == to end end