class Badge < ActiveRecord::Base # badge ids Welcome = 5 NicePost = 6 GoodPost = 7 GreatPost = 8 Autobiographer = 9 Editor = 10 FirstLike = 11 FirstShare = 12 FirstFlag = 13 FirstLink = 14 FirstQuote = 15 ReadGuidelines = 16 Reader = 17 NiceTopic = 18 GoodTopic = 19 GreatTopic = 20 NiceShare = 21 GoodShare = 22 GreatShare = 23 OneYearAnniversary = 24 Promoter = 25 Campaigner = 26 Champion = 27 PopularLink = 28 HotLink = 29 FamousLink = 30 Appreciated = 36 Respected = 37 Admired = 31 OutOfLove = 33 HigherLove = 34 CrazyInLove = 35 ThankYou = 38 GivesBack = 32 Empathetic = 39 # other consts AutobiographerMinBioLength = 10 def self.trigger_hash Hash[*({|k| [k.to_s.underscore, Badge::Trigger.const_get(k)] }.flatten )] end module Trigger None = 0 PostAction = 1 PostRevision = 2 TrustLevelChange = 4 UserChange = 8 def self.is_none?(trigger) [None].include? trigger end def self.uses_user_ids?(trigger) [TrustLevelChange, UserChange].include? trigger end def self.uses_post_ids?(trigger) [PostAction, PostRevision].include? trigger end end module Queries Reader = < 100 GROUP BY pt.user_id, pt.topic_id, t.posts_count HAVING count(*) >= t.posts_count ) SQL ReadGuidelines = < p2.topic_id AND not quote AND (:backfill OR ( in (:post_ids) )) GROUP BY l1.user_id ) ids JOIN topic_links l ON = SQL FirstShare = < 0 AND (:backfill OR IN (:post_ids) ) GROUP BY p.user_id SQL Welcome = < #{Badge::AutobiographerMinBioLength} AND uploaded_avatar_id IS NOT NULL AND (:backfill OR IN (:user_ids) ) SQL # member for a year + has posted at least once during that year OneYearAnniversary = <<-SQL SELECT AS user_id, MIN(u.created_at + interval '1 year') AS granted_at FROM users u JOIN posts p ON p.user_id = WHERE > 0 AND AND NOT u.blocked AND u.created_at + interval '1 year' < now() AND p.deleted_at IS NULL AND NOT p.hidden AND p.created_at + interval '1 year' > now() AND (:backfill OR IN (:user_ids)) GROUP BY HAVING COUNT( > 0 SQL def self.invite_badge(count,trust_level) " SELECT user_id, current_timestamp granted_at FROM users u WHERE IN ( SELECT invited_by_id FROM invites i JOIN users u2 ON = i.user_id WHERE i.deleted_at IS NULL AND AND u2.trust_level >= #{trust_level.to_i} AND not u2.blocked GROUP BY invited_by_id HAVING COUNT(*) >= #{count.to_i} ) AND AND NOT u.blocked AND > 0 AND (:backfill OR IN (:user_ids) ) " end def self.like_badge(count, is_topic) # we can do better with dates, but its hard work " SELECT p.user_id, post_id, p.updated_at granted_at FROM badge_posts p WHERE #{is_topic ? "p.post_number = 1" : "p.post_number > 1" } AND p.like_count >= #{count.to_i} AND (:backfill OR IN (:post_ids) ) " end def self.trust_level(level) # we can do better with dates, but its hard work figuring this out historically " SELECT user_id, current_timestamp granted_at FROM users u WHERE trust_level >= #{level.to_i} AND ( :backfill OR IN (:user_ids) ) " end def self.sharing_badge(count) < #{count} ) as views JOIN incoming_links i2 ON = views.i_id SQL end def self.linking_badge(count) <<-SQL SELECT tl.user_id, post_id, current_timestamp granted_at FROM topic_links tl JOIN posts p ON = post_id AND p.deleted_at IS NULL JOIN topics t ON = p.topic_id AND t.deleted_at IS NULL AND t.archetype <> 'private_message' WHERE NOT tl.internal AND tl.clicks >= #{count} GROUP BY tl.user_id, tl.post_id SQL end def self.liked_posts(post_count, like_count) <<-SQL SELECT p.user_id, current_timestamp AS granted_at FROM posts AS p WHERE p.like_count >= #{like_count} AND (:backfill OR p.user_id IN (:user_ids)) GROUP BY p.user_id HAVING count(*) > #{post_count} SQL end def self.like_rate_limit(count) <<-SQL SELECT gdl.user_id, current_timestamp AS granted_at FROM given_daily_likes AS gdl WHERE gdl.limit_reached AND (:backfill OR gdl.user_id IN (:user_ids)) GROUP BY gdl.user_id HAVING COUNT(*) >= #{count} SQL end def self.liked_back(likes_received, likes_given) <<-SQL SELECT us.user_id, current_timestamp AS granted_at FROM user_stats AS us WHERE us.likes_received >= #{likes_received} AND us.likes_given >= #{likes_given} AND (:backfill OR us.user_id IN (:user_ids)) SQL end end belongs_to :badge_type belongs_to :badge_grouping has_many :user_badges, dependent: :destroy validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: true validates :badge_type, presence: true validates :allow_title, inclusion: [true, false] validates :multiple_grant, inclusion: [true, false] scope :enabled, ->{ where(enabled: true) } before_create :ensure_not_system # fields that can not be edited on system badges def self.protected_system_fields [ :badge_type_id, :multiple_grant, :target_posts, :show_posts, :query, :trigger, :auto_revoke, :listable ] end def self.trust_level_badge_ids (1..4).to_a end def self.like_badge_counts @like_badge_counts ||= { NicePost => 10, GoodPost => 25, GreatPost => 50, NiceTopic => 10, GoodTopic => 25, GreatTopic => 50 } end def reset_grant_count! self.grant_count = UserBadge.where(badge_id: id).count save! end def single_grant? !self.multiple_grant? end def default_icon=(val) self.icon ||= val self.icon = val if self.icon = "fa-certificate" end def default_name=(val) ||= val end def default_allow_title=(val) self.allow_title ||= val end def default_badge_grouping_id=(val) # allow to correct orphans if !self.badge_grouping_id || self.badge_grouping_id < 0 self.badge_grouping_id = val end end def self.ensure_consistency! exec_sql <