class UploadsController < ApplicationController before_filter :ensure_logged_in, except: [:show] skip_before_filter :preload_json, :check_xhr, :redirect_to_login_if_required, only: [:show] def create type = params.require(:type) file = params[:file] || params[:files].try(:first) url = params[:url] client_id = params[:client_id] synchronous = is_api? && params[:synchronous] # HACK FOR IE9 to prevent the "download dialog" response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" if request.user_agent =~ /MSIE 9/ if synchronous data = create_upload(type, file, url) render json: data.as_json else Scheduler::Defer.later("Create Upload") do data = create_upload(type, file, url) MessageBus.publish("/uploads/#{type}", data.as_json, client_ids: [client_id]) end render json: success_json end end def show return render_404 if !RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.has_db?(params[:site]) RailsMultisite::ConnectionManagement.with_connection(params[:site]) do |db| return render_404 unless return render_404 if SiteSetting.prevent_anons_from_downloading_files && current_user.nil? return render_404 if SiteSetting.login_required? && db == "default" && current_user.nil? if upload = Upload.find_by(sha1: params[:sha]) || Upload.find_by(id: params[:id], url: request.env["PATH_INFO"]) opts = { filename: upload.original_filename } opts[:disposition] = 'inline' if params[:inline] send_file(, opts) else render_404 end end end protected def render_404 render nothing: true, status: 404 end def create_upload(type, file, url) begin # API can provide a URL if file.nil? && url.present? && is_api? tempfile =, SiteSetting.max_image_size_kb.kilobytes, "discourse-upload-#{type}") rescue nil filename = File.basename(URI.parse(url).path) else tempfile = file.tempfile filename = file.original_filename content_type = file.content_type end upload = Upload.create_for(, tempfile, filename, tempfile.size, content_type: content_type, image_type: type) if upload.errors.empty? && current_user.admin? retain_hours = params[:retain_hours].to_i upload.update_columns(retain_hours: retain_hours) if retain_hours > 0 end if upload.errors.empty? && FileHelper.is_image?(filename) Jobs.enqueue(:create_thumbnails, upload_id:, type: type, user_id: params[:user_id]) end upload.errors.empty? ? upload : { errors: upload.errors.values.flatten } ensure tempfile.try(:close!) rescue nil end end end