/** This controller supports the interface for reviewing email logs. @class AdminEmailLogsController @extends Ember.ArrayController @namespace Discourse @module Discourse **/ Discourse.AdminEmailLogsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend(Discourse.Presence, { /** Is the "send test email" button disabled? @property sendTestEmailDisabled **/ sendTestEmailDisabled: function() { return this.blank('testEmailAddress'); }.property('testEmailAddress'), /** Sends a test email to the currently entered email address @method sendTestEmail **/ sendTestEmail: function() { this.set('sentTestEmail', false); var adminEmailLogsController = this; Discourse.ajax(Discourse.getURL("/admin/email_logs/test"), { type: 'POST', data: { email_address: this.get('testEmailAddress') } }).then(function () { adminEmailLogsController.set('sentTestEmail', true); }); } });