class UserAction < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user belongs_to :target_post, class_name: "Post" belongs_to :target_topic, class_name: "Topic" validates_presence_of :action_type validates_presence_of :user_id LIKE = 1 WAS_LIKED = 2 BOOKMARK = 3 NEW_TOPIC = 4 REPLY = 5 RESPONSE= 6 MENTION = 7 QUOTE = 9 EDIT = 11 NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE = 12 GOT_PRIVATE_MESSAGE = 13 PENDING = 14 ORDER = Hash[*[ GOT_PRIVATE_MESSAGE, NEW_PRIVATE_MESSAGE, PENDING, NEW_TOPIC, REPLY, RESPONSE, LIKE, WAS_LIKED, MENTION, QUOTE, BOOKMARK, EDIT ].each_with_index.to_a.flatten] # note, this is temporary until we upgrade to rails 4 # in rails 4 types are mapped correctly so you dont end up # having strings where you would expect bools class UserActionRow < OpenStruct include ActiveModel::SerializerSupport def as_json(options = nil) @table.as_json(options) end end def self.last_action_in_topic(user_id, topic_id) UserAction.where(user_id: user_id, target_topic_id: topic_id, action_type: [RESPONSE, MENTION, QUOTE]).order('created_at DESC').pluck(:target_post_id).first end def self.stats(user_id, guardian) # Sam: I tried this in AR and it got complex builder = UserAction.sql_builder < ORDER[b.action_type] } results end def self.private_messages_stats(user_id, guardian) return unless guardian.can_see_private_messages?(user_id) # list the stats for: all/mine/unread (topic-based) sql = < 0 builder .order_by("a.created_at desc") .offset(offset.to_i) .limit(limit.to_i) end builder.map_exec(UserActionRow) end def self.log_action!(hash) required_parameters = [:action_type, :user_id, :acting_user_id] if hash[:action_type] == UserAction::PENDING required_parameters << :queued_post_id else required_parameters << :target_post_id required_parameters << :target_topic_id end require_parameters(hash, *required_parameters) transaction(requires_new: true) do begin # TODO there are conditions when this is called and user_id was already rolled back and is invalid. # protect against dupes, for some reason this is failing in some cases action = self.find_by( { |k, _| required_parameters.include?(k) }) return action if action action = if hash[:created_at] action.created_at = hash[:created_at] end! user_id = hash[:user_id] update_like_count(user_id, hash[:action_type], 1) topic = Topic.includes(:category).find_by(id: hash[:target_topic_id]) # move into Topic perhaps group_ids = nil if topic && topic.category && topic.category.read_restricted group_ids = topic.category.groups.pluck("") end if action.user MessageBus.publish("/users/#{action.user.username.downcase}",, user_ids: [user_id], group_ids: group_ids) end action rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique # can happen, don't care already logged raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end def self.remove_action!(hash) require_parameters(hash, :action_type, :user_id, :acting_user_id, :target_topic_id, :target_post_id) if action = UserAction.find_by(hash.except(:created_at)) action.destroy MessageBus.publish("/user/#{hash[:user_id]}", {user_action_id:, remove: true}) end update_like_count(hash[:user_id], hash[:action_type], -1) end def self.synchronize_target_topic_ids(post_ids = nil) # nuke all dupes, using magic builder = < 0 AND > SQL if post_ids builder.where("user_actions.target_post_id in (:post_ids)", post_ids: post_ids) end builder.exec builder ="UPDATE user_actions SET target_topic_id = (select topic_id from posts where = target_post_id) /*where*/") builder.where("target_topic_id <> (select topic_id from posts where = target_post_id)") if post_ids builder.where("target_post_id in (:post_ids)", post_ids: post_ids) end builder.exec end def self.ensure_consistency! self.synchronize_target_topic_ids end def self.update_like_count(user_id, action_type, delta) if action_type == LIKE UserStat.where(user_id: user_id).update_all("likes_given = likes_given + #{delta.to_i}") elsif action_type == WAS_LIKED UserStat.where(user_id: user_id).update_all("likes_received = likes_received + #{delta.to_i}") end end def self.apply_common_filters(builder,user_id,guardian,ignore_private_messages=false) # We never return deleted topics in activity builder.where("t.deleted_at is null") # We will return deleted posts though if the user can see it unless guardian.can_see_deleted_posts? builder.where("p.deleted_at is null and p2.deleted_at is null") current_user_id = -2 current_user_id = if guardian.user builder.where("NOT COALESCE(p.hidden, false) OR p.user_id = :current_user_id", current_user_id: current_user_id ) end visible_post_types = Topic.visible_post_types(guardian.user) builder.where("COALESCE(p.post_type, p2.post_type) IN (:visible_post_types)", visible_post_types: visible_post_types) unless (guardian.user && == user_id) || guardian.is_staff? builder.where("a.action_type not in (#{BOOKMARK})") builder.where("t.visible") end unless guardian.can_see_notifications?(User.where(id: user_id).first) builder.where('a.action_type <> :pending', pending: UserAction::PENDING) end if !guardian.can_see_private_messages?(user_id) || ignore_private_messages builder.where("t.archetype != :archetype", archetype: Archetype::private_message) end unless guardian.is_admin? allowed = guardian.secure_category_ids if allowed.present? builder.where("( c.read_restricted IS NULL OR NOT c.read_restricted OR (c.read_restricted and in (:cats)) )", cats: guardian.secure_category_ids ) else builder.where("(c.read_restricted IS NULL OR NOT c.read_restricted)") end end end def self.require_parameters(data, *params) params.each do |p| raise if data[p].nil? end end end # == Schema Information # # Table name: user_actions # # id :integer not null, primary key # action_type :integer not null # user_id :integer not null # target_topic_id :integer # target_post_id :integer # target_user_id :integer # acting_user_id :integer # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # queued_post_id :integer # # Indexes # # idx_unique_rows (action_type,user_id,target_topic_id,target_post_id,acting_user_id) UNIQUE # idx_user_actions_speed_up_user_all (user_id,created_at,action_type) # index_user_actions_on_acting_user_id (acting_user_id) # index_user_actions_on_target_post_id (target_post_id) # index_user_actions_on_user_id_and_action_type (user_id,action_type) #