If an image is already on S3, but not available locally (eg. if they're already migrated), `path` is nil. This crashes the task, because File.exists?(nil) is not valid.
- new hidden site setting 'migrate_to_new_scheme' (defaults to false)
- new rake tasks to toggle migration to new scheme
- FIX: migrate_to_new_scheme also works with CDN
- PERF: improve perf of the DbHelper.remap method
- REFACTOR: UrlHelper is now a class
FIX: keep the "uploading..." indicator until the server replies via the MessageBus
FIX: text was disapearing when uploading an avatar
PERF: always use a region for S3 (defaults to 'us-east-1')
FEATURE: ApplyCDN middleware when using S3
FIX: use the same pattern to store files on S3 and locally
PERF: keep a local cache of uploads when generating thumbnails
FEATURE: migrate_to_s3 rake task