mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 14:19:56 -04:00
Update translations
This commit is contained in:
60 changed files with 2620 additions and 860 deletions
@ -619,7 +619,6 @@ ar:
set_password: " إعادة تعين الرمز السري"
set_password: " إعادة تعين الرمز السري"
title: "تعديل معلومات عنّي"
title: "تعديل معلومات عنّي"
error: "حدث خطأ عند تغيير القيمة."
title: "تغيير اسم المستخدم"
title: "تغيير اسم المستخدم"
confirm: "إذا قمت بتغيير الاسم المستعار، فإن جميع المشاركات التي قمت بالمشاركة بها سيتم الغائها. هل أنت متأكد بقيامك على هذه الخطوة؟"
confirm: "إذا قمت بتغيير الاسم المستعار، فإن جميع المشاركات التي قمت بالمشاركة بها سيتم الغائها. هل أنت متأكد بقيامك على هذه الخطوة؟"
@ -1013,7 +1012,6 @@ ar:
link_description: "ادخل وصف الرابط هنا "
link_description: "ادخل وصف الرابط هنا "
link_dialog_title: "اضف الرابط"
link_dialog_title: "اضف الرابط"
link_optional_text: "عنوان اختياري"
link_optional_text: "عنوان اختياري"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"نص إختياري\""
quote_title: "اقتباس فقرة"
quote_title: "اقتباس فقرة"
quote_text: "اقتباس فقرة"
quote_text: "اقتباس فقرة"
code_title: "المحافظة على التنسيق"
code_title: "المحافظة على التنسيق"
@ -1540,7 +1538,6 @@ ar:
create: "المعذرة، حدثت مشكلة أثناء إنشاء المشاركة. الرجاء المحاولة مرة أخرى."
create: "المعذرة، حدثت مشكلة أثناء إنشاء المشاركة. الرجاء المحاولة مرة أخرى."
edit: "المعذرة، حدث خطأ أثناء تحرير مشاركتك. الرجاء المحاولة في وقت لاحق."
edit: "المعذرة، حدث خطأ أثناء تحرير مشاركتك. الرجاء المحاولة في وقت لاحق."
upload: "المعذرة، حدث خطأ أثناء رفع الملف. الرجاء المحاولة في وقت لاحق."
upload: "المعذرة، حدث خطأ أثناء رفع الملف. الرجاء المحاولة في وقت لاحق."
attachment_too_large: "نعتذر، الملف الذي تريد رفعه كبير جداَ ( الحد الاقصى {{max_size_kb}} كيلوبايت )"
file_too_large: "المعذرة، الملف الذي تحاول رفعه أكبر من المسموح به {{max_size_kb}} كيلوبايت"
file_too_large: "المعذرة، الملف الذي تحاول رفعه أكبر من المسموح به {{max_size_kb}} كيلوبايت"
too_many_uploads: "نأسف, يمكنك رفع ملف واحد فقط في نفس الوقت."
too_many_uploads: "نأسف, يمكنك رفع ملف واحد فقط في نفس الوقت."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "يمكنك سحب و إفلات ١٠ ملفات في الوقت الواحد كحد أقصى."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "يمكنك سحب و إفلات ١٠ ملفات في الوقت الواحد كحد أقصى."
@ -2252,14 +2249,6 @@ ar:
backups: "نسخة احتياطية"
backups: "نسخة احتياطية"
logs: "Logs"
logs: "Logs"
none: "لاتوجد نسخ احتياطية"
none: "لاتوجد نسخ احتياطية"
title: "تفعيل وضع القراءة فقط"
label: "تفعيل وضع القراءة فقط."
confirm: "هل أنت متأكد من تفعيل وضع القراءة فقط؟"
title: "تعطيل وضع القراءة فقط"
label: "تعطيل وضع القراءة فقط."
none: "No logs yet."
none: "No logs yet."
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ bs_BA:
time: "h:mm a"
time: "h:mm a"
long_no_year: "MMM D h:mm a"
long_no_year: "MMM D h:mm a"
long_no_year_no_time: "MMM D"
long_no_year_no_time: "MMM D"
full_no_year_no_time: "MMMM Do"
long_with_year: "MMM D, YYYY h:mm a"
long_with_year: "MMM D, YYYY h:mm a"
long_with_year_no_time: "MMM D, YYYY"
long_with_year_no_time: "MMM D, YYYY"
long_date_with_year: "MMM D, 'YY LT"
long_date_with_year: "MMM D, 'YY LT"
@ -93,6 +94,8 @@ bs_BA:
one: "Prije 1 godinu"
one: "Prije 1 godinu"
few: "Prije par godina"
few: "Prije par godina"
other: "%{count} godine/a prije"
other: "%{count} godine/a prije"
previous_month: 'Prošli mjesec'
next_month: 'Sljedeći mjesec'
topic: 'podijeli link ka ovoj temi'
topic: 'podijeli link ka ovoj temi'
post: 'podijeli link ka ovom postu #%{postNumber}'
post: 'podijeli link ka ovom postu #%{postNumber}'
@ -101,6 +104,28 @@ bs_BA:
facebook: 'podijeli link na Facebook-u'
facebook: 'podijeli link na Facebook-u'
google+: 'podijeli link na Google+'
google+: 'podijeli link na Google+'
email: 'pošalji ovaj link na email'
email: 'pošalji ovaj link na email'
split_topic: "podjeli ovu temu %{when}"
invited_user: "pozvan %{who} %{when}"
removed_user: "uklonjen %{who} %{when}"
enabled: 'zatvoren %{when}'
disabled: 'otvoren %{when}'
enabled: 'zatvoren %{when}'
disabled: 'otvoren %{when}'
enabled: 'arhiviran %{when}'
disabled: 'dearhiviran %{when}'
enabled: 'zakačen %{when}'
disabled: 'otkačen %{when}'
enabled: 'zakačen globalno %{when}'
disabled: 'otkačen %{when}'
enabled: 'izlistan %{when}'
disabled: 'sklonjen %{when}'
topic_admin_menu: "topic admin actions"
topic_admin_menu: "topic admin actions"
edit: 'izmjeni naslov i kategoriju ove teme'
edit: 'izmjeni naslov i kategoriju ove teme'
not_implemented: "That feature hasn't been implemented yet, sorry!"
not_implemented: "That feature hasn't been implemented yet, sorry!"
@ -115,6 +140,7 @@ bs_BA:
admin_title: "Admin"
admin_title: "Admin"
flags_title: "Opomene"
flags_title: "Opomene"
show_more: "pokaži još"
show_more: "pokaži još"
show_help: "opcije"
links: "Linkovi"
links: "Linkovi"
one: "Link"
one: "Link"
@ -134,6 +160,8 @@ bs_BA:
more: "Više"
more: "Više"
less: "Manje"
less: "Manje"
never: "nikada"
never: "nikada"
every_30_minutes: "svaki 30 minuta"
every_hour: "svaki sat"
daily: "dnevno"
daily: "dnevno"
weekly: "nedeljno"
weekly: "nedeljno"
every_two_weeks: "svake dvije nedelje"
every_two_weeks: "svake dvije nedelje"
@ -146,6 +174,7 @@ bs_BA:
other: "{{count}} karaktera"
other: "{{count}} karaktera"
title: "Savetujemo Teme"
title: "Savetujemo Teme"
pm_title: "Preporučene Poruke"
simple_title: "O Nama"
simple_title: "O Nama"
title: "O Nama %{title}"
title: "O Nama %{title}"
@ -170,8 +199,8 @@ bs_BA:
bookmark: "Klikni da bookmarkuješ prvi post u temi"
bookmark: "Klikni da bookmarkuješ prvi post u temi"
unbookmark: "Klikni da ukloniš sve bookmarke iz ove teme"
unbookmark: "Klikni da ukloniš sve bookmarke iz ove teme"
not_logged_in: "sorry, you must be logged in to bookmark posts"
not_logged_in: "izvinite, morate biti ulogovani"
created: "you've bookmarked this post"
created: "zabilježili ste ovu stranicu"
not_bookmarked: "you've read this post; click to bookmark it"
not_bookmarked: "you've read this post; click to bookmark it"
last_read: "this is the last post you've read; click to bookmark it"
last_read: "this is the last post you've read; click to bookmark it"
remove: "Remove Bookmark"
remove: "Remove Bookmark"
@ -196,12 +225,13 @@ bs_BA:
saved: "Sačuvano!"
saved: "Sačuvano!"
upload: "Uploaduj"
upload: "Uploaduj"
uploading: "Uploduje se..."
uploading: "Uploduje se..."
uploading_filename: "Učitavam {{filename}}..."
uploaded: "Uplodovano!"
uploaded: "Uplodovano!"
enable: "Enable"
enable: "Omogući"
disable: "Disable"
disable: "Onemogući"
undo: "Undo"
undo: "Nazad"
revert: "Revert"
revert: "Vrati"
failed: "Failed"
failed: "Neuspješno"
switch_to_anon: "Anonimni mod"
switch_to_anon: "Anonimni mod"
close: "Dismiss this banner."
close: "Dismiss this banner."
@ -249,28 +279,62 @@ bs_BA:
sent_by_user: "Sent by <a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a>"
sent_by_user: "Sent by <a href='{{userUrl}}'>{{user}}</a>"
sent_by_you: "Sent by <a href='{{userUrl}}'>you</a>"
sent_by_you: "Sent by <a href='{{userUrl}}'>you</a>"
filter_name: "filtiraj korisnike"
title: "Korisnici"
title: "Korisnici"
likes_given: "Dato"
likes_received: "Primljeno"
topics_entered: "Posjećeno"
topics_entered_long: "Upisano Tema"
time_read: "Pročitano puta"
topic_count: "Teme"
topic_count: "Teme"
topic_count_long: "Kreirano Temi"
post_count: "Replike"
post_count: "Replike"
post_count_long: "Odgovoreno"
no_results: "Bez rezultata pretrage."
days_visited: "Posijete"
days_visited: "Posijete"
days_visited_long: "Posjećeno Dana"
posts_read: "Čitaj"
posts_read_long: "Pročitano postova"
one: "%{count} korisnik"
one: "%{count} korisnik"
few: "%{count} korisnika"
few: "%{count} korisnika"
other: "%{count} korisnika"
other: "%{count} korisnika"
add: "Dodaj"
selector_placeholder: "Dodaj članove"
owner: "vlasnik"
visible: "Grupa je vidljiva svim korisnicima"
visible: "Grupa je vidljiva svim korisnicima"
one: "grupa"
one: "grupa"
few: "grupe"
few: "grupe"
other: "grupe"
other: "grupe"
members: "Članovi"
members: "Članovi"
topics: "Teme"
posts: "Postovi"
posts: "Postovi"
mentions: "Spomenuto"
messages: "Poruke"
title: "Ko može @spominjati i slati poruke ovoj grupi?"
nobody: "Niko"
nobody: "Niko"
only_admins: "Samo admini"
only_admins: "Samo admini"
mods_and_admins: "Samo moderatori i Admini"
mods_and_admins: "Samo moderatori i Admini"
members_mods_and_admins: "Samo članovi grupe, moderatori i admini"
members_mods_and_admins: "Samo članovi grupe, moderatori i admini"
everyone: "Svatko"
everyone: "Svatko"
none: "Ništa"
title: "Posmatram"
description: "Dobićete obavijest za svaki novi post u svakoj novoj poruci, i broj novih odgovora će biti prikazan."
title: "Praćenje"
description: "Bićete obaviješteni ukoliko neko spomene vaše @ime ili nešto što je naslovljeno za vas, i broj novih odgovora će biti prikazan."
title: "Normalno"
description: "Bićete obaviješteni ukoliko neko spomene vaše @ime ili nešto što je naslovljeno za vas"
title: "Utišano"
description: "Nećete biti obaviješteni zbog nove teme unutar ove grupe."
'1': "Dati Lajkovi"
'1': "Dati Lajkovi"
'2': "Dobijeni Lajkovi"
'2': "Dobijeni Lajkovi"
@ -283,11 +347,20 @@ bs_BA:
'11': "Izmjenjene"
'11': "Izmjenjene"
'12': "Poslato"
'12': "Poslato"
'13': "Inbox"
'13': "Inbox"
'14': "Na čekanju."
all: "Sve kategorije"
all: "Sve kategorije"
all_subcategories: "sve"
all_subcategories: "sve"
no_subcategory: "nijedna"
no_subcategory: "nijedna"
category: "Kategorija"
category: "Kategorija"
category_list: "Prikaži listu kategorija"
title: "Preuredi Kategorije"
title_long: "Reorganizuj listu kategorija"
fix_order: "Fixirane Pozicije"
save: "Sačuvaj pozicije"
apply_all: "Snimi"
position: "Pozicija"
posts: "Odgovori"
posts: "Odgovori"
topics: "Teme"
topics: "Teme"
latest: "Najnovije"
latest: "Najnovije"
@ -304,21 +377,42 @@ bs_BA:
organisation: Organization
organisation: Organization
phone: Phone
phone: Phone
other_accounts: "Other accounts with this IP address"
other_accounts: "Other accounts with this IP address"
delete_other_accounts: "Izbriši %{count}"
username: "korisničko ime"
read_time: "vrijeme čitanja"
topics_entered: "pogledano tema"
post_count: "# postova"
confirm_delete_other_accounts: "Jeste sigurni da želite da izbrišete ove račune?"
none: "(odaberi opciju)"
said: "{{username}}:"
said: "{{username}}:"
profile: "Profil"
profile: "Profil"
mute: "Mutiraj"
mute: "Mutiraj"
edit: "Uredi Postavke"
edit: "Uredi Postavke"
download_archive: "skini arhivu mojih odgovora"
download_archive: "skini arhivu mojih odgovora"
new_private_message: "Nova poruka"
private_message: "Privatne Poruke"
private_message: "Privatne Poruke"
private_messages: "Poruke"
private_messages: "Poruke"
activity_stream: "Aktivnost"
activity_stream: "Aktivnost"
preferences: "Postavke"
preferences: "Postavke"
expand_profile: "Proširi"
bookmarks: "Sačuvano"
bookmarks: "Sačuvano"
bio: "O Meni"
bio: "O Meni"
invited_by: "Pozvan Od"
invited_by: "Pozvan Od"
trust_level: "Nivo Povjerenja"
trust_level: "Nivo Povjerenja"
notifications: "Obaviještenja"
notifications: "Obaviještenja"
statistics: "Statistika"
label: "Desktop notifikacije"
not_supported: "Notifikacije nisu podržane na ovom browseru."
perm_default: "Upali notifikacije"
perm_denied_btn: "Zabranje pristup"
disable: "Isključi notifikacije"
enable: "Uključi notifikacije"
each_browser_note: "Napomena: Ovu opciju morate promjeniti na svakom pregledniku."
dismiss_notifications: "Markiraj sve kao Pročitano"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Markiraj sve nepročitane notifikacije kao pročitane"
disable_jump_reply: "Don't jump to your new post after replying"
disable_jump_reply: "Don't jump to your new post after replying"
dynamic_favicon: "Show incoming message notifications on favicon (experimental)"
dynamic_favicon: "Show incoming message notifications on favicon (experimental)"
edit_history_public: "Let other users view my post revisions"
edit_history_public: "Let other users view my post revisions"
@ -329,8 +423,10 @@ bs_BA:
admin: "{{user}} je admin"
admin: "{{user}} je admin"
moderator_tooltip: "This user is a moderator"
moderator_tooltip: "This user is a moderator"
admin_tooltip: "This user is an admin"
admin_tooltip: "This user is an admin"
blocked_tooltip: "Korisnik je blokiran"
suspended_notice: "This user is suspended until {{date}}."
suspended_notice: "This user is suspended until {{date}}."
suspended_reason: "Reason: "
suspended_reason: "Reason: "
github_profile: "Github"
mailing_list_mode: "Receive an email for every new post (unless you mute the topic or category)"
mailing_list_mode: "Receive an email for every new post (unless you mute the topic or category)"
watched_categories: "Watched"
watched_categories: "Watched"
tracked_categories: "Tracked"
tracked_categories: "Tracked"
@ -340,6 +436,10 @@ bs_BA:
deleted_yourself: "Your account has been deleted successfully."
deleted_yourself: "Your account has been deleted successfully."
delete_yourself_not_allowed: "You cannot delete your account right now. Contact an admin to do delete your account for you."
delete_yourself_not_allowed: "You cannot delete your account right now. Contact an admin to do delete your account for you."
unread_message_count: "Poruke"
unread_message_count: "Poruke"
admin_delete: "Izbriši"
users: "Korisnici"
muted_users: "Utišani"
muted_topics_link: "Prikaži utišane teme"
flags_given: "helpful flags"
flags_given: "helpful flags"
flagged_posts: "flagged posts"
flagged_posts: "flagged posts"
@ -348,6 +448,15 @@ bs_BA:
warnings_received: "warnings"
warnings_received: "warnings"
all: "Sve"
all: "Sve"
inbox: "Inbox"
sent: "Poslano"
archive: "Arhiva"
groups: "Moje grupe"
bulk_select: "Izaberi poruke"
move_to_inbox: "Idi u inbox"
move_to_archive: "Arhiva"
failed_to_move: "Greška u pomjeranju selektovanih poruka (vjerovatni mrežni problemi)"
select_all: "Izaberi sve"
success: "(email poslat)"
success: "(email poslat)"
in_progress: "(šaljem email)"
in_progress: "(šaljem email)"
@ -356,6 +465,7 @@ bs_BA:
set_password: "Namjesti Šifru"
set_password: "Namjesti Šifru"
title: "Promjeni o Meni"
title: "Promjeni o Meni"
error: "Desila se greška prilikom promjene."
title: "Change Username"
title: "Change Username"
confirm: "If you change your username, all prior quotes of your posts and @name mentions will be broken. Are you absolutely sure you want to?"
confirm: "If you change your username, all prior quotes of your posts and @name mentions will be broken. Are you absolutely sure you want to?"
@ -370,6 +480,7 @@ bs_BA:
title: "Promjeni sliku"
title: "Promjeni sliku"
gravatar: "<a href='//gravatar.com/emails' target='_blank'>Gravatar</a>, baziran na"
gravatar: "<a href='//gravatar.com/emails' target='_blank'>Gravatar</a>, baziran na"
gravatar_title: "Promjenite vaš avatar na Gravatar web stranici."
refresh_gravatar_title: "Osvježi Gravatar"
refresh_gravatar_title: "Osvježi Gravatar"
letter_based: "Avatar dodjeljen od sistema"
letter_based: "Avatar dodjeljen od sistema"
uploaded_avatar: "Vaša slika"
uploaded_avatar: "Vaša slika"
@ -377,6 +488,7 @@ bs_BA:
upload_title: "Uploduj sliku"
upload_title: "Uploduj sliku"
upload_picture: "Upload slike"
upload_picture: "Upload slike"
image_is_not_a_square: "Upozorenje: morali smo izrezat vašu sliku; nije bila kvadrat."
image_is_not_a_square: "Upozorenje: morali smo izrezat vašu sliku; nije bila kvadrat."
cache_notice: "Uspješno ste promjenili sliku profila, možda potraje njeno prikazivanje zbog browser keš-a"
title: "Pozadina profila"
title: "Pozadina profila"
@ -388,6 +500,7 @@ bs_BA:
title: "Ime"
title: "Ime"
instructions: "Vaše puno ime."
instructions: "Vaše puno ime."
instructions_required: "Vaše puno ime"
too_short: "Vaše ime je prekratko."
too_short: "Vaše ime je prekratko."
ok: "Vaše ime izgleda ok."
ok: "Vaše ime izgleda ok."
@ -417,10 +530,22 @@ bs_BA:
location: "Lokacija"
location: "Lokacija"
website: "Sajt"
website: "Sajt"
email_settings: "Email"
email_settings: "Email"
title: "Notifikuj ukoliko se nekome sviđa"
always: "Uvijek"
never: "Nikad"
unless_emailed: "ukoliko nije već poslano"
always: "uvijek"
never: "nikad"
title: "Kada ne dolazite na sajt, šaljevo vam email sa novim temama:"
title: "Kada ne dolazite na sajt, šaljevo vam email sa novim temama:"
every_30_minutes: "svakih 30. min"
every_hour: "po satu"
daily: "dnevno"
daily: "dnevno"
every_three_days: "svaka tri dana"
weekly: "nedeljno"
weekly: "nedeljno"
every_two_weeks: "svake dvije sedmice"
email_direct: "Receive an email when someone quotes you, replies to your post, or mentions your @username"
email_direct: "Receive an email when someone quotes you, replies to your post, or mentions your @username"
email_private_messages: "Receive an email when someone sends you a private message"
email_private_messages: "Receive an email when someone sends you a private message"
other_settings: "Other"
other_settings: "Other"
@ -429,16 +554,31 @@ bs_BA:
label: "Consider topics new when"
label: "Consider topics new when"
not_viewed: "you haven't viewed them yet"
not_viewed: "you haven't viewed them yet"
last_here: "created since you were here last"
last_here: "created since you were here last"
after_1_day: "kreirano u zadnjem danu"
after_2_days: "kreirano u zadnja dva dana"
after_1_week: "kreirano u zadnjoj sedmici"
after_2_weeks: "kreirano u zadnje dvije sedmice"
auto_track_topics: "Automatically track topics you enter"
auto_track_topics: "Automatically track topics you enter"
never: "never"
never: "never"
immediately: "odmah"
after_30_seconds: "svakih 30. sekundi"
after_1_minute: "poslije 1 minute"
after_2_minutes: "poslije 2 minute"
after_3_minutes: "poslije 3 minute"
after_4_minutes: "poslije 4 minute"
after_5_minutes: "poslije 5 minuta"
after_10_minutes: "poslije 10 minuta"
search: "kucaj da potražiš pozivnice..."
search: "kucaj da potražiš pozivnice..."
title: "Pozivnice"
title: "Pozivnice"
user: "Pozvan Korisnik"
user: "Pozvan Korisnik"
sent: "poslano"
none: "Nema poziva na čekanju"
redeemed: "Redeemed Invites"
redeemed: "Redeemed Invites"
redeemed_at: "Redeemed"
redeemed_at: "Redeemed"
pending: "Pending Invites"
pending: "Pending Invites"
pending_tab: "Na čekanju"
topics_entered: "Topics Viewed"
topics_entered: "Topics Viewed"
posts_read_count: "Posts Read"
posts_read_count: "Posts Read"
expired: "This invite has expired."
expired: "This invite has expired."
@ -450,6 +590,7 @@ bs_BA:
days_visited: "Days Visited"
days_visited: "Days Visited"
account_age_days: "Account age in days"
account_age_days: "Account age in days"
create: "Pošalji Pozivnicu"
create: "Pošalji Pozivnicu"
generate_link: "Kopiraj link za invite"
none: "You haven't invited anyone here yet. You can send individual invites, or invite a bunch of people at once by <a href='https://revolucionar.com/t/send-bulk-invites/16468'>uploading a bulk invite file</a>."
none: "You haven't invited anyone here yet. You can send individual invites, or invite a bunch of people at once by <a href='https://revolucionar.com/t/send-bulk-invites/16468'>uploading a bulk invite file</a>."
text: "Bulk Invite from File"
text: "Bulk Invite from File"
@ -460,8 +601,20 @@ bs_BA:
title: "Šifra"
title: "Šifra"
too_short: "Vaša šifra je prekratka."
too_short: "Vaša šifra je prekratka."
common: "Vaša šifra je previše obična."
common: "Vaša šifra je previše obična."
same_as_username: "Vaš pasword je isti kao vaše korisničko ime."
same_as_email: "Vaš pasword je isti kao vaš email."
ok: "Vaša šifra izgleda ok."
ok: "Vaša šifra izgleda ok."
instructions: "Barem %{count} karaktera."
instructions: "Barem %{count} karaktera."
title: "Sumirano"
stats: "Statistike"
time_read: "vrijeme čitanja"
top_replies: "Top odgovori"
no_replies: "Bez odgovora."
more_replies: "Još odgovora"
top_topics: "Top Teme"
no_topics: "Nema temi još"
more_topics: "Više temi"
associated_accounts: "Associated accounts"
associated_accounts: "Associated accounts"
title: "Zadnja IP Adresa"
title: "Zadnja IP Adresa"
@ -469,6 +622,7 @@ bs_BA:
title: "IP Adresa prilikom registracije"
title: "IP Adresa prilikom registracije"
title: "Slika"
title: "Slika"
header_title: "profil, poruke, zabilješke i preference."
title: "Title"
title: "Title"
@ -486,11 +640,13 @@ bs_BA:
server: "Server Greška"
server: "Server Greška"
forbidden: "Pristup Nedostupan"
forbidden: "Pristup Nedostupan"
unknown: "Greška"
unknown: "Greška"
not_found: "Stranica nije pronađena"
network: "Please check your connection."
network: "Please check your connection."
network_fixed: "Looks like it's back."
network_fixed: "Looks like it's back."
server: "Error code: {{status}}"
server: "Error code: {{status}}"
forbidden: "You're not allowed to view that."
forbidden: "You're not allowed to view that."
not_found: "Ups, aplikacija je pokušala učitati URL koji ne postoji"
unknown: "Something went wrong."
unknown: "Something went wrong."
back: "Idi Nazad"
back: "Idi Nazad"
@ -498,6 +654,8 @@ bs_BA:
fixed: "Uloduj Stranicu"
fixed: "Uloduj Stranicu"
close: "Zatvori"
close: "Zatvori"
assets_changed_confirm: "Ovaj sajt je upravo unaprijeđen. Osvježi stranicu za novu verziju?"
assets_changed_confirm: "Ovaj sajt je upravo unaprijeđen. Osvježi stranicu za novu verziju?"
logout: "Izlogovani ste."
refresh: "Osvježi"
login_disabled: "Login is disabled while the site is in read only mode."
login_disabled: "Login is disabled while the site is in read only mode."
learn_more: "learn more..."
learn_more: "learn more..."
@ -512,6 +670,11 @@ bs_BA:
mute: Mutiraj
mute: Mutiraj
unmute: Odmutiraj
unmute: Odmutiraj
last_post: Zadnji post
last_post: Zadnji post
last_reply_lowercase: zadnji odgovor
sign_up: "Registruj se"
hide_session: "Podsjeti me sutra"
hide_forever: "ne hvala"
enabled_description: "You're viewing a summary of this topic: the most interesting posts as determined by the community."
enabled_description: "You're viewing a summary of this topic: the most interesting posts as determined by the community."
enable: 'Summarize This Topic'
enable: 'Summarize This Topic'
@ -553,6 +716,7 @@ bs_BA:
email_placeholder: "email ili korisnik"
email_placeholder: "email ili korisnik"
caps_lock_warning: "Uključena su vam velika slova"
caps_lock_warning: "Uključena su vam velika slova"
error: "Nepoznata greška"
error: "Nepoznata greška"
rate_limit: "Molimo vas pričekajte prije ponovnog logovanja."
blank_username_or_password: "Please enter your email or username, and password."
blank_username_or_password: "Please enter your email or username, and password."
reset_password: 'Resetuj Šifru'
reset_password: 'Resetuj Šifru'
logging_in: "Ulogujem se..."
logging_in: "Ulogujem se..."
@ -565,6 +729,9 @@ bs_BA:
not_allowed_from_ip_address: "You can't login from that IP address."
not_allowed_from_ip_address: "You can't login from that IP address."
resend_activation_email: "Click here to send the activation email again."
resend_activation_email: "Click here to send the activation email again."
sent_activation_email_again: "We sent another activation email to you at <b>{{currentEmail}}</b>. It might take a few minutes for it to arrive; be sure to check your spam folder."
sent_activation_email_again: "We sent another activation email to you at <b>{{currentEmail}}</b>. It might take a few minutes for it to arrive; be sure to check your spam folder."
to_continue: "Molimo vas ulogujte se"
preferences: "Morate biti ulogovani kako bi mjenjali vaše postavke"
forgot: "Ne sjećam se svojih detalja korisničkog imena"
title: "sa Google"
title: "sa Google"
message: "Authenticating with Google (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
message: "Authenticating with Google (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
@ -574,6 +741,8 @@ bs_BA:
title: "sa Twitterom"
title: "sa Twitterom"
message: "Identifikujemo se sa Twitterom (nadamo se da su vam isključeni popup blokeri)"
message: "Identifikujemo se sa Twitterom (nadamo se da su vam isključeni popup blokeri)"
title: "sa Instagramom"
title: "sa Facebukom"
title: "sa Facebukom"
message: "Identifikujemo sa Facebukom (nadamo se da su vam isključeni popup blokeri)"
message: "Identifikujemo sa Facebukom (nadamo se da su vam isključeni popup blokeri)"
@ -583,7 +752,11 @@ bs_BA:
title: "sa GitHub"
title: "sa GitHub"
message: "Authenticating with GitHub (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
message: "Authenticating with GitHub (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
google: "Google"
more_emoji: "više..."
options: "Opcije"
whisper: "šapat"
add_warning: "Ovo je zvanično upozorenje."
add_warning: "Ovo je zvanično upozorenje."
posting_not_on_topic: "Na koju temu želite da odgovorite?"
posting_not_on_topic: "Na koju temu želite da odgovorite?"
saving_draft_tip: "čuvam"
saving_draft_tip: "čuvam"
@ -610,7 +783,9 @@ bs_BA:
title_placeholder: "O čemu je ova diskusija u jednoj rečenici?"
title_placeholder: "O čemu je ova diskusija u jednoj rečenici?"
edit_reason_placeholder: "zašto pravite izmjenu?"
edit_reason_placeholder: "zašto pravite izmjenu?"
show_edit_reason: "(dodaj razlog izmjene)"
show_edit_reason: "(dodaj razlog izmjene)"
reply_placeholder: "Ovdje kucate vaš tekst. Koristite Markdown, BBcode ili HTML kako bi formatirali isti. Povucite ili zaljepite slike."
view_new_post: "Pogledaj svoj novi post."
view_new_post: "Pogledaj svoj novi post."
saving: "Učitavam"
saved: "Sačuvano!"
saved: "Sačuvano!"
saved_draft: "Imate sačuvan post. Kliknite ovdje da nastavite sa izmjenama"
saved_draft: "Imate sačuvan post. Kliknite ovdje da nastavite sa izmjenama"
uploading: "Uplodujem..."
uploading: "Uplodujem..."
@ -639,6 +814,7 @@ bs_BA:
hr_title: "Horizontalna Crta"
hr_title: "Horizontalna Crta"
help: "Markdown Editing Help"
help: "Markdown Editing Help"
toggler: "sakrij ili pokaži komposer"
toggler: "sakrij ili pokaži komposer"
modal_cancel: "Otkaži"
admin_options_title: "Optional staff settings for this topic"
admin_options_title: "Optional staff settings for this topic"
label: "Auto-close topic time:"
label: "Auto-close topic time:"
@ -665,24 +841,44 @@ bs_BA:
moved_post: "<i title='pomjerio post' class='fa fa-sign-out'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> moved {{description}}</p>"
moved_post: "<i title='pomjerio post' class='fa fa-sign-out'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> moved {{description}}</p>"
linked: "<i title='linkovo post' class='fa fa-arrow-left'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
linked: "<i title='linkovo post' class='fa fa-arrow-left'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
granted_badge: "<i title='bedž dobijen' class='fa fa-certificate'></i><p>Zaslužen '{{description}}'</p>"
granted_badge: "<i title='bedž dobijen' class='fa fa-certificate'></i><p>Zaslužen '{{description}}'</p>"
mentioned: "Spomenut od"
quoted: "Citiran od"
replied: "Odgovoreno"
posted: "Post od"
edited: "Editujte vaš post"
private_message: "Privatna poruka od"
title: "Dodaj sliku"
title: "Dodaj sliku"
title_with_attachments: "Dodaj sliku ili fajl"
title_with_attachments: "Dodaj sliku ili fajl"
from_my_computer: "Sa mog uređaja"
from_my_computer: "Sa mog uređaja"
from_the_web: "Sa neta"
from_the_web: "Sa neta"
remote_tip: "link do slike http://primjer.com/slika.jpg"
remote_tip: "link do slike http://primjer.com/slika.jpg"
local_tip: "Izaberi slike sa svog uređaja"
local_tip_with_attachments: "izaberite slike ili fajlove sa vašeg uređaja {{authorized_extensions}}"
hint: "(možete i mišom prenijeti vaše slike direktno iz vašeg foldera ovdje)"
hint: "(možete i mišom prenijeti vaše slike direktno iz vašeg foldera ovdje)"
uploading: "Uplodujem"
uploading: "Uplodujem"
select_file: "Izaberi fajl"
image_link: "link do vaše slike će pokazivati"
image_link: "link do vaše slike će pokazivati"
sort_by: "Sortiraj po"
relevance: "Bitnost"
latest_post: "Zadnji postovi"
most_viewed: "Najviše pregledano"
select_all: "Izaberi sve"
clear_all: "Izbriši sve"
title: "traži teme, postove, članove ili kategorije"
title: "traži teme, postove, članove ili kategorije"
no_results: "Nema rezultata."
no_results: "Nema rezultata."
no_more_results: "Nema rezultata pretrage."
search_help: Pomoć pri pretrazi
searching: "Potražujem..."
searching: "Potražujem..."
post_format: "#{{post_number}} od {{username}}"
post_format: "#{{post_number}} od {{username}}"
user: "Traži postove od @{{username}}"
user: "Traži postove od @{{username}}"
category: "Traži \"{{category}}\" kategoriju"
category: "Traži \"{{category}}\" kategoriju"
topic: "Pretraži ovu temu"
topic: "Pretraži ovu temu"
private_messages: "Pretraži poruke"
new_item: "novo"
go_back: 'go back'
go_back: 'go back'
not_logged_in_user: 'user page with summary of current activity and preferences'
not_logged_in_user: 'user page with summary of current activity and preferences'
current_user: 'go to your user page'
current_user: 'go to your user page'
@ -697,6 +893,7 @@ bs_BA:
close_topics: "Close Topics"
close_topics: "Close Topics"
archive_topics: "Archive Topics"
archive_topics: "Archive Topics"
notification_level: "Change Notification Level"
notification_level: "Change Notification Level"
choose_new_category: "Izaberi novu kategoriju za temu:"
unread: "Nemate više nepročitanih tema."
unread: "Nemate više nepročitanih tema."
new: "Nemate više novih tema."
new: "Nemate više novih tema."
@ -706,6 +903,7 @@ bs_BA:
hot: "Nema popularnih tema."
hot: "Nema popularnih tema."
category: "Nema više tema u {{category}}."
category: "Nema više tema u {{category}}."
top: "Nema više popularnih tema."
top: "Nema više popularnih tema."
search: "Nema rezultata pretrage"
latest: "Nema više novih tema."
latest: "Nema više novih tema."
hot: "Nema više popularnih tema."
hot: "Nema više popularnih tema."
@ -891,7 +1089,6 @@ bs_BA:
create: "Sorry, there was an error creating your post. Please try again."
create: "Sorry, there was an error creating your post. Please try again."
edit: "Sorry, there was an error editing your post. Please try again."
edit: "Sorry, there was an error editing your post. Please try again."
upload: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
upload: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
attachment_too_large: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is too big (maximum size is {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is too big (maximum size is {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
file_too_large: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is too big (maximum size is {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Sorry, you can only upload one file at a time."
too_many_uploads: "Sorry, you can only upload one file at a time."
upload_not_authorized: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extension: {{authorized_extensions}})."
upload_not_authorized: "Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extension: {{authorized_extensions}})."
@ -1096,6 +1293,7 @@ bs_BA:
with_topics: "%{filter} teme"
with_topics: "%{filter} teme"
with_category: "%{filter} %{category} teme"
with_category: "%{filter} %{category} teme"
title: "Zadnje"
help: "teme sa nedavnim postovima"
help: "teme sa nedavnim postovima"
title: "Popularne"
title: "Popularne"
@ -1162,6 +1360,7 @@ bs_BA:
suspended: 'Suspended:'
suspended: 'Suspended:'
private_messages_short: "PP"
private_messages_short: "PP"
private_messages_title: "Privatne Poruke"
private_messages_title: "Privatne Poruke"
space_free: "{{size}} slobodno"
today: "Today"
today: "Today"
yesterday: "Yesterday"
yesterday: "Yesterday"
@ -1256,12 +1455,6 @@ bs_BA:
backups: "Backups"
backups: "Backups"
logs: "Logs"
logs: "Logs"
none: "No backup available."
none: "No backup available."
title: "Enable the read-only mode"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to enable the read-only mode?"
title: "Disable the read-only mode"
none: "No logs yet..."
none: "No logs yet..."
@ -474,7 +474,6 @@ cs:
set_password: "Nastavit heslo"
set_password: "Nastavit heslo"
title: "Změna o mně"
title: "Změna o mně"
error: "Při změně této hodnoty nastala chyba."
title: "Změnit uživatelské jméno"
title: "Změnit uživatelské jméno"
confirm: "Změna uživatelského jména může mít vážné následky. Opravdu to chcete udělat?"
confirm: "Změna uživatelského jména může mít vážné následky. Opravdu to chcete udělat?"
@ -825,7 +824,6 @@ cs:
link_description: "sem vložte popis odkazu"
link_description: "sem vložte popis odkazu"
link_dialog_title: "Vložit odkaz"
link_dialog_title: "Vložit odkaz"
link_optional_text: "volitelný popis"
link_optional_text: "volitelný popis"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"nepovinný text\""
quote_title: "Bloková citace"
quote_title: "Bloková citace"
quote_text: "Bloková citace"
quote_text: "Bloková citace"
code_title: "Ukázka kódu"
code_title: "Ukázka kódu"
@ -1272,7 +1270,6 @@ cs:
create: "Bohužel nastala chyba při vytváření příspěvku. Prosím zkuste to znovu."
create: "Bohužel nastala chyba při vytváření příspěvku. Prosím zkuste to znovu."
edit: "Bohužel nastala chyba při editaci příspěvku. Prosím zkuste to znovu."
edit: "Bohužel nastala chyba při editaci příspěvku. Prosím zkuste to znovu."
upload: "Bohužel nastala chyba při nahrávání příspěvku. Prosím zkuste to znovu."
upload: "Bohužel nastala chyba při nahrávání příspěvku. Prosím zkuste to znovu."
attachment_too_large: "Soubor, který se snažíte nahrát je bohužel příliš velký (maximální velikost je {{max_size_kb}}kb). Prosím zmenšete ho zkuste to znovu."
file_too_large: "Omlouváme se, ale soubor, který se snažíte nahrát, je příliš veliký (maximální velikost je {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
file_too_large: "Omlouváme se, ale soubor, který se snažíte nahrát, je příliš veliký (maximální velikost je {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Bohužel, najednou smíte nahrát jen jeden soubor."
too_many_uploads: "Bohužel, najednou smíte nahrát jen jeden soubor."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Eh, pardon, ale můžete najednou nahrát nanejvýš 10 souborů."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Eh, pardon, ale můžete najednou nahrát nanejvýš 10 souborů."
@ -1867,14 +1864,6 @@ cs:
backups: "Zálohy"
backups: "Zálohy"
logs: "Logy"
logs: "Logy"
none: "Žádné zálohy nejsou k dispozici."
none: "Žádné zálohy nejsou k dispozici."
title: "Zapnout režim jen pro čtení"
label: "Zapnout režim jen pro čtení"
confirm: "Určitě chcete zapnout režim jen pro čtení?"
title: "Vypnout režim jen pro čtení"
label: "Vypnout režim jen pro čtení"
none: "Zatím je log prázdný..."
none: "Zatím je log prázdný..."
@ -485,7 +485,6 @@ da:
set_password: "Skriv password"
set_password: "Skriv password"
title: "Skift “Om mig”"
title: "Skift “Om mig”"
error: "Der skete en fejl i forbindelse med skift af denne værdi."
title: "Skift brugernavn"
title: "Skift brugernavn"
confirm: "Der kan være konsekvenser ved at skifte brugernavn. Er du sikker på at du vil skifte?"
confirm: "Der kan være konsekvenser ved at skifte brugernavn. Er du sikker på at du vil skifte?"
@ -871,7 +870,6 @@ da:
link_description: "skriv linkets beskrivelse her"
link_description: "skriv linkets beskrivelse her"
link_dialog_title: "Indsæt link"
link_dialog_title: "Indsæt link"
link_optional_text: "evt. titel"
link_optional_text: "evt. titel"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"valgfri tekst\""
quote_title: "Citatblok"
quote_title: "Citatblok"
quote_text: "Citatblok"
quote_text: "Citatblok"
code_title: "Præformateret tekst"
code_title: "Præformateret tekst"
@ -1317,7 +1315,6 @@ da:
create: "Beklager, der opstod en fejl under oprettelsen af dit indlæg. Prøv venligst igen."
create: "Beklager, der opstod en fejl under oprettelsen af dit indlæg. Prøv venligst igen."
edit: "Beklager, der opstrod en fejl under redigeringen af dit indlæg. Prøv venligst igen."
edit: "Beklager, der opstrod en fejl under redigeringen af dit indlæg. Prøv venligst igen."
upload: "Beklager, der opstod en fejl ved upload af filen. Prøv venligst igen."
upload: "Beklager, der opstod en fejl ved upload af filen. Prøv venligst igen."
attachment_too_large: "Beklager, filen, som du forsøger at uploade, er for store (den maksimale størrelse er {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Beklager, filen, som du forsøger at uploade, er for store (den maksimale størrelse er {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Beklager, filen, som du forsøger at uploade, er for store (den maksimale størrelse er {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
too_many_uploads: "Beklager, men du kan kun uploade én fil ad gangen."
too_many_uploads: "Beklager, men du kan kun uploade én fil ad gangen."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Beklager, du kan kun drag & drope'e op til 10 filer af gangen."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Beklager, du kan kun drag & drope'e op til 10 filer af gangen."
@ -1894,14 +1891,6 @@ da:
backups: "Backups"
backups: "Backups"
logs: "Logs"
logs: "Logs"
none: "Ingen backups tilgængelige"
none: "Ingen backups tilgængelige"
title: "Aktiver \"kun læsning\" tilstanden"
label: "Aktiver skrivebeskyttet tilstand"
confirm: "Er du sikker på du vil aktivere \"kun læsning\" tilstranden?"
title: "Deaktiver \"kun læsning\" tilstanden"
label: "De-aktiver skrivebeskyttet tilstand"
none: "Ingen logs endnu..."
none: "Ingen logs endnu..."
@ -2059,7 +2048,7 @@ da:
to_address: "Modtager"
to_address: "Modtager"
test_email_address: "e-mail-adress der skal testes"
test_email_address: "e-mail-adress der skal testes"
send_test: "send test-e-mail"
send_test: "send test-e-mail"
sent_test: "sednt!"
sent_test: "sendt!"
delivery_method: "Leveringsmetode"
delivery_method: "Leveringsmetode"
preview_digest_desc: "Forhåndsvis indholdet af de opsamlings-emails der sendes til inaktive brugere"
preview_digest_desc: "Forhåndsvis indholdet af de opsamlings-emails der sendes til inaktive brugere"
refresh: "Opdatér"
refresh: "Opdatér"
@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ de:
logout: "Du wurdest abgemeldet."
logout: "Du wurdest abgemeldet."
refresh: "Aktualisieren"
refresh: "Aktualisieren"
enabled: "Diese Site ist im Nur-Lesen Modus. Du kannst weiterhin die Site lesen, aber antworten, liken und andere Aktionen sind deaktiviert."
enabled: "Diese Website befindet sich im Nur-Lesen-Modus. Du kannst weiterhin Inhalte lesen, aber das Erstellen von Beiträgen, Vergeben von Likes und Durchführen einiger weiterer Aktionen ist derzeit nicht möglich."
login_disabled: "Die Anmeldung ist deaktiviert während sich die Website im Nur-Lesen-Modus befindet."
login_disabled: "Die Anmeldung ist deaktiviert während sich die Website im Nur-Lesen-Modus befindet."
logout_disabled: "Die Abmeldung ist deaktiviert während sich die Website im Nur-Lesen-Modus befindet."
logout_disabled: "Die Abmeldung ist deaktiviert während sich die Website im Nur-Lesen-Modus befindet."
too_few_topics_and_posts_notice: "Lass' <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>die Diskussionen starten!</a> Es existieren bisher <strong>%{currentTopics} von %{requiredTopics}</strong> benötigten Themen und <strong>%{currentPosts} von %{requiredPosts}</strong> benötigten Beiträgen. Neue Besucher benötigen bestehende Konversationen, die sie lesen und auf die sie antworten können."
too_few_topics_and_posts_notice: "Lass' <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>die Diskussionen starten!</a> Es existieren bisher <strong>%{currentTopics} von %{requiredTopics}</strong> benötigten Themen und <strong>%{currentPosts} von %{requiredPosts}</strong> benötigten Beiträgen. Neue Besucher benötigen bestehende Konversationen, die sie lesen und auf die sie antworten können."
@ -913,7 +913,7 @@ de:
link_description: "gib hier eine Link-Beschreibung ein"
link_description: "gib hier eine Link-Beschreibung ein"
link_dialog_title: "Hyperlink einfügen"
link_dialog_title: "Hyperlink einfügen"
link_optional_text: "Optionaler Titel"
link_optional_text: "Optionaler Titel"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"Optionaler Text\""
link_url_placeholder: "http://example.com"
quote_title: "Zitat"
quote_title: "Zitat"
quote_text: "Zitat"
quote_text: "Zitat"
code_title: "Vorformatierter Text"
code_title: "Vorformatierter Text"
@ -1365,7 +1365,6 @@ de:
create: "Entschuldige, es gab einen Fehler beim Anlegen des Beitrags. Bitte versuche es noch einmal."
create: "Entschuldige, es gab einen Fehler beim Anlegen des Beitrags. Bitte versuche es noch einmal."
edit: "Entschuldige, es gab einen Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Beitrags. Bitte versuche es noch einmal."
edit: "Entschuldige, es gab einen Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Beitrags. Bitte versuche es noch einmal."
upload: "Entschuldige, es gab einen Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei. Bitte versuche es noch einmal."
upload: "Entschuldige, es gab einen Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei. Bitte versuche es noch einmal."
attachment_too_large: "Entschuldige, die Datei, die du hochladen wolltest, ist zu groß (Maximalgröße {{max_size_kb}} KB)."
file_too_large: "Entschuldige, die Datei, die du hochladen wolltest, ist zu groß (Maximalgröße {{max_size_kb}} KB)."
file_too_large: "Entschuldige, die Datei, die du hochladen wolltest, ist zu groß (Maximalgröße {{max_size_kb}} KB)."
too_many_uploads: "Entschuldige, du darfst immer nur eine Datei hochladen."
too_many_uploads: "Entschuldige, du darfst immer nur eine Datei hochladen."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Entschuldige, du kannst Drag & Drop gleichzeitig nur für bis zu 10 Dateien benutzen."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Entschuldige, du kannst Drag & Drop gleichzeitig nur für bis zu 10 Dateien benutzen."
@ -1942,7 +1941,7 @@ de:
title: "Nur-Lesen-Modus aktivieren"
title: "Nur-Lesen-Modus aktivieren"
label: "Nur-Lesen-Modus aktivieren"
label: "Nur-Lesen-Modus aktivieren"
confirm: "Möchtest du wirklich den Nur-Lesen Modus aktivieren?"
confirm: "Möchtest du wirklich den Nur-Lesen-Modus aktivieren?"
title: "Nur-Lesen-Modus deaktivieren"
title: "Nur-Lesen-Modus deaktivieren"
label: "Nur-Lesen-Modus deaktivieren"
label: "Nur-Lesen-Modus deaktivieren"
@ -2445,8 +2444,8 @@ de:
disabled: "wird im Profil nicht angezeigt"
disabled: "wird im Profil nicht angezeigt"
title: "Auf Benutzerkarte anzeigen?"
title: "Auf Benutzerkarte anzeigen?"
enabled: "wird auf Benutzerkarte angezeigt"
enabled: "Wird auf Benutzerkarte angezeigt"
disabled: "wird auf Benutzerkarte nicht angezeigt"
disabled: "Wird nicht auf Benutzerkarte angezeigt"
text: 'Textfeld'
text: 'Textfeld'
confirm: 'Bestätigung'
confirm: 'Bestätigung'
@ -2540,6 +2539,7 @@ de:
post_revision: "Wenn ein Benutzer einen Beitrag bearbeitet oder erstellt"
post_revision: "Wenn ein Benutzer einen Beitrag bearbeitet oder erstellt"
trust_level_change: "Wenn sich die Vertrauensstufe eines Benutzers ändert"
trust_level_change: "Wenn sich die Vertrauensstufe eines Benutzers ändert"
user_change: "Wenn ein Benutzer bearbeitet oder angelegt wird"
user_change: "Wenn ein Benutzer bearbeitet oder angelegt wird"
post_processed: "Nach der Verarbeitung eines Beitrags"
link_text: "Vorschau auf verliehene Abzeichen"
link_text: "Vorschau auf verliehene Abzeichen"
plan_text: "Vorschau mit Query Plan"
plan_text: "Vorschau mit Query Plan"
@ -913,7 +913,7 @@ es:
link_description: "introduzca descripción del enlace aquí"
link_description: "introduzca descripción del enlace aquí"
link_dialog_title: "Insertar Enlace"
link_dialog_title: "Insertar Enlace"
link_optional_text: "título opcional"
link_optional_text: "título opcional"
link_placeholder: "http://ejemplo.com \"texto opcional\""
link_url_placeholder: "http://ejemplo.com"
quote_title: "Cita"
quote_title: "Cita"
quote_text: "Cita"
quote_text: "Cita"
code_title: "Texto preformateado"
code_title: "Texto preformateado"
@ -1365,7 +1365,6 @@ es:
create: "Lo sentimos, hubo un error al crear tu post. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo."
create: "Lo sentimos, hubo un error al crear tu post. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo."
edit: "Lo sentimos, hubo un error al editar tu post. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo."
edit: "Lo sentimos, hubo un error al editar tu post. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo."
upload: "Lo sentimos, hubo un error al subir el archivo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo."
upload: "Lo sentimos, hubo un error al subir el archivo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo."
attachment_too_large: "Lo siento, el archivo que estas intentando subir es demasiado grande (el tamaño máximo es {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Lo sentimos, el archivo que estas tratando de subir es demasiado grande (el tamaño máximo es de {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
file_too_large: "Lo sentimos, el archivo que estas tratando de subir es demasiado grande (el tamaño máximo es de {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Lo siento solo puedes subir un archivo cada vez."
too_many_uploads: "Lo siento solo puedes subir un archivo cada vez."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Lo sentimos, solo puedes arrastrar 10 archivos a la vez."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Lo sentimos, solo puedes arrastrar 10 archivos a la vez."
@ -1944,12 +1943,12 @@ es:
none: "Ninguna copia disponible."
none: "Ninguna copia disponible."
title: "Habilitar el modo de 'solo-lectura'"
title: "Activar el modo solo-lectura"
label: "Activar el modo solo-lectura"
label: "Activar solo-lecutra"
confirm: "¿Estás seguro que quieres habilitar el modo de \"solo lectura\"?"
confirm: "¿Seguro que quieres activar el modo solo-lectura?"
title: "Deshabilitar el modo de \"solo lectura\""
title: "Desactivar el modo solo-lectura"
label: "Desactivar el modo solo-lectura"
label: "Desactivar solo-lectura"
none: "No hay información de momento..."
none: "No hay información de momento..."
@ -2447,6 +2446,10 @@ es:
title: "¿Se muestra públicamente en el perfil?"
title: "¿Se muestra públicamente en el perfil?"
enabled: "Mostrado en el perfil"
enabled: "Mostrado en el perfil"
disabled: "No mostrado en el perfil"
disabled: "No mostrado en el perfil"
title: "¿Mostrar en las tarjetas de usuario?"
enabled: "mostrado en las tarjetas de usuario"
disabled: "no mostrado en las tarjetas de usuario"
text: 'Campo de Texto'
text: 'Campo de Texto'
confirm: 'Confirmación'
confirm: 'Confirmación'
@ -2540,6 +2543,7 @@ es:
post_revision: "Cuando un usuario edita o crea un post"
post_revision: "Cuando un usuario edita o crea un post"
trust_level_change: "Cuando cambia el nivel de confianza de un usuario"
trust_level_change: "Cuando cambia el nivel de confianza de un usuario"
user_change: "Cuando se edita o se crea un usuario"
user_change: "Cuando se edita o se crea un usuario"
post_processed: "Después de procesar un post"
link_text: "Vista previa de los distintivos concedidos"
link_text: "Vista previa de los distintivos concedidos"
plan_text: "Vista previa con el planteamiento de tu query"
plan_text: "Vista previa con el planteamiento de tu query"
@ -444,7 +444,6 @@ fa_IR:
set_password: "تغییر کلمه عبور"
set_password: "تغییر کلمه عبور"
title: "تغییر «دربارهٔ من»"
title: "تغییر «دربارهٔ من»"
error: "در فرایند تغییر این مقدار خطایی رخ داد."
title: "تغییر نام کاربری"
title: "تغییر نام کاربری"
confirm: "اگر نام کاربری خود را تغییر دهید، همهٔ نقلقولهای پیشین از نوشتههای شما و اشارههای @name از کار میافتند. آیا برای انجام این کار اطمینان کامل دارید؟"
confirm: "اگر نام کاربری خود را تغییر دهید، همهٔ نقلقولهای پیشین از نوشتههای شما و اشارههای @name از کار میافتند. آیا برای انجام این کار اطمینان کامل دارید؟"
@ -792,7 +791,6 @@ fa_IR:
link_description: "توضیحات لینک را اینجا وارد کنید."
link_description: "توضیحات لینک را اینجا وارد کنید."
link_dialog_title: "لینک را درج کنید"
link_dialog_title: "لینک را درج کنید"
link_optional_text: "سرنویس اختیاری"
link_optional_text: "سرنویس اختیاری"
link_placeholder: "\"متن دلخواه\" http://example.com"
quote_title: "نقل قول"
quote_title: "نقل قول"
quote_text: "نقل قول"
quote_text: "نقل قول"
code_title: "نوشته تنظیم نشده"
code_title: "نوشته تنظیم نشده"
@ -1205,7 +1203,6 @@ fa_IR:
create: "متأسفیم، در فرستادن نوشته شما خطایی روی داد. لطفاً دوباره تلاش کنید."
create: "متأسفیم، در فرستادن نوشته شما خطایی روی داد. لطفاً دوباره تلاش کنید."
edit: "متأسفیم، در ویرایش نوشته شما خطایی روی داد. لطفاً دوباره تلاش کنید."
edit: "متأسفیم، در ویرایش نوشته شما خطایی روی داد. لطفاً دوباره تلاش کنید."
upload: "متأسفیم، در بارگذاری آن پرونده خطایی روی داد. لطفاً دوباره تلاش کنید."
upload: "متأسفیم، در بارگذاری آن پرونده خطایی روی داد. لطفاً دوباره تلاش کنید."
attachment_too_large: "با عرض پوزش٬ فایلی را که تلاش برای ارسال آن دارید بسیار بزرگ است (حداکثر سایز {{max_size_kb}}kb است)"
file_too_large: "با عرض پوزش٬ فایلی را که تلاش برای ارسال آن دارید بسیار بزرگ است (حداکثر سایز {{max_size_kb}}kb است)"
file_too_large: "با عرض پوزش٬ فایلی را که تلاش برای ارسال آن دارید بسیار بزرگ است (حداکثر سایز {{max_size_kb}}kb است)"
too_many_uploads: "متأسفیم، هر بار تنها میتوانید یک پرونده را بار بگذارید."
too_many_uploads: "متأسفیم، هر بار تنها میتوانید یک پرونده را بار بگذارید."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "با عرض پوزش، شما همزمان فقط می توانید 10 فایل را گرفته و رها کنید."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "با عرض پوزش، شما همزمان فقط می توانید 10 فایل را گرفته و رها کنید."
@ -1733,14 +1730,6 @@ fa_IR:
backups: "پشتیبان ها"
backups: "پشتیبان ها"
logs: "گزارش ها"
logs: "گزارش ها"
none: "هیچ پشتیبانی در دسترس نیست."
none: "هیچ پشتیبانی در دسترس نیست."
title: "به کار گرفتن شیوهٔ فقط-خواندنی"
label: "غیر فعال کردن مد فقط خواندن"
confirm: "آیا مطمئنید که میخواهید حالت فقط-خواندنی را فعال کنید ؟"
title: " حالت فقط-خواندنی را غیر فعال کن"
label: "غیر فعال کردن مد فقط خواندن"
none: "هنوز بدون گزارش است ..."
none: "هنوز بدون گزارش است ..."
@ -499,7 +499,6 @@ fi:
set_password: "Aseta salasana"
set_password: "Aseta salasana"
title: "Muokkaa kuvaustasi"
title: "Muokkaa kuvaustasi"
error: "Arvon muuttamisessa tapahtui virhe."
title: "Vaihda käyttäjätunnus"
title: "Vaihda käyttäjätunnus"
confirm: "Jos vaihdat käyttäjätunnustasi, kaikki aiemmat lainaukset viesteistäsi ja @nimen maininnat menevät rikki. Oletko ehdottoman varma, että haluat tehdä näin?"
confirm: "Jos vaihdat käyttäjätunnustasi, kaikki aiemmat lainaukset viesteistäsi ja @nimen maininnat menevät rikki. Oletko ehdottoman varma, että haluat tehdä näin?"
@ -882,7 +881,6 @@ fi:
link_description: "kirjoita linkin kuvaus tähän"
link_description: "kirjoita linkin kuvaus tähän"
link_dialog_title: "Lisää linkki"
link_dialog_title: "Lisää linkki"
link_optional_text: "vaihtoehtoinen kuvaus"
link_optional_text: "vaihtoehtoinen kuvaus"
link_placeholder: "http://esimerkki.fi \"valinnainen teksti\""
quote_title: "Lainaus"
quote_title: "Lainaus"
quote_text: "Lainaus"
quote_text: "Lainaus"
code_title: "Teksti ilman muotoiluja"
code_title: "Teksti ilman muotoiluja"
@ -1334,7 +1332,6 @@ fi:
create: "Pahoittelut, viestin luonti ei onnistunut. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen."
create: "Pahoittelut, viestin luonti ei onnistunut. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen."
edit: "Pahoittelut, viestin muokkaus ei onnistunut. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen."
edit: "Pahoittelut, viestin muokkaus ei onnistunut. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen."
upload: "Pahoittelut, tiedoston lähetys ei onnistunut. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen."
upload: "Pahoittelut, tiedoston lähetys ei onnistunut. Ole hyvä ja yritä uudelleen."
attachment_too_large: "Pahoittelut, tiedosto jonka latausta yritit on liian suuri ( suurin tiedostokoko on {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Pahoittelut, tiedosto jonka latausta yritit on liian suuri ( suurin tiedostokoko on {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
file_too_large: "Pahoittelut, tiedosto jonka latausta yritit on liian suuri ( suurin tiedostokoko on {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Pahoittelut, voit ladata vain yhden tiedoston kerrallaan."
too_many_uploads: "Pahoittelut, voit ladata vain yhden tiedoston kerrallaan."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Pahoittelut, voit raahata korkeintaan 10 tiedostoa kerrallaan."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Pahoittelut, voit raahata korkeintaan 10 tiedostoa kerrallaan."
@ -1911,14 +1908,6 @@ fi:
backups: "Varmuuskopiot"
backups: "Varmuuskopiot"
logs: "Lokit"
logs: "Lokit"
none: "Ei saatavilla olevia varmuuskopioita."
none: "Ei saatavilla olevia varmuuskopioita."
title: "Käynnistä vain luku -tila."
label: "Käynnistä vain luku -tila."
confirm: "Oletko varma, että haluat käynnistää vain luku -tilan?"
title: "Poista vain luku -tila"
label: "Poista vain luku -tila"
none: "Lokeja ei ole vielä..."
none: "Lokeja ei ole vielä..."
@ -499,7 +499,6 @@ fr:
set_password: "Définir le mot de passe"
set_password: "Définir le mot de passe"
title: "Modifier à propos de moi"
title: "Modifier à propos de moi"
error: "Il y a eu une erreur lors du changement de ce paramètre."
title: "Modifier le pseudo"
title: "Modifier le pseudo"
confirm: "Si vous modifiez votre pseudo, toutes les citations de vos messages et les mentions @pseudo seront cassées. Êtes-vous absolument sûr de vouloir le faire ?"
confirm: "Si vous modifiez votre pseudo, toutes les citations de vos messages et les mentions @pseudo seront cassées. Êtes-vous absolument sûr de vouloir le faire ?"
@ -881,7 +880,6 @@ fr:
link_description: "saisir ici la description du lien"
link_description: "saisir ici la description du lien"
link_dialog_title: "Insérez le lien"
link_dialog_title: "Insérez le lien"
link_optional_text: "titre optionnel"
link_optional_text: "titre optionnel"
link_placeholder: "http://exemple.fr \"texte facultatif\""
quote_title: "Citation"
quote_title: "Citation"
quote_text: "Citation"
quote_text: "Citation"
code_title: "Texte préformaté"
code_title: "Texte préformaté"
@ -1333,7 +1331,6 @@ fr:
create: "Désolé, il y a eu une erreur lors de la publication de votre message. Merci de réessayer."
create: "Désolé, il y a eu une erreur lors de la publication de votre message. Merci de réessayer."
edit: "Désolé, il y a eu une erreur lors de l'édition de votre message. Merci de réessayer."
edit: "Désolé, il y a eu une erreur lors de l'édition de votre message. Merci de réessayer."
upload: "Désolé, il y a eu une erreur lors de l'envoi du fichier. Merci de réessayer."
upload: "Désolé, il y a eu une erreur lors de l'envoi du fichier. Merci de réessayer."
attachment_too_large: "Désolé, le fichier que vous êtes en train d'envoyer est trop grand (taille maximum de {{max_size_kb}} Ko)."
file_too_large: "Désolé, le fichier que vous êtes en train d'envoyer est trop grand (taille maximum de {{max_size_kb}} Ko)"
file_too_large: "Désolé, le fichier que vous êtes en train d'envoyer est trop grand (taille maximum de {{max_size_kb}} Ko)"
too_many_uploads: "Désolé, vous ne pouvez envoyer qu'un seul fichier à la fois."
too_many_uploads: "Désolé, vous ne pouvez envoyer qu'un seul fichier à la fois."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Désolé, vous pouvez seulement glisser-déposer jusqu'à 10 fichiers à la fois."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Désolé, vous pouvez seulement glisser-déposer jusqu'à 10 fichiers à la fois."
@ -1909,14 +1906,6 @@ fr:
backups: "Sauvegardes"
backups: "Sauvegardes"
logs: "Journaux"
logs: "Journaux"
none: "Aucune sauvegarde disponible."
none: "Aucune sauvegarde disponible."
title: "Activer le mode lecture seule"
label: "Activer le mode lecture seule"
confirm: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir activer le mode lecture seule?"
title: "Désactiver le mode lecture seule"
label: "Désactiver le mode lecture seule"
none: "Pas de journaux pour l'instant..."
none: "Pas de journaux pour l'instant..."
@ -499,7 +499,6 @@ gl:
set_password: "Estabelecer o contrasinal"
set_password: "Estabelecer o contrasinal"
title: "Cambiar «Verbo de min»"
title: "Cambiar «Verbo de min»"
error: "Produciuse un erro ao cambiar este valor."
title: "Cambiar o nome do usuario"
title: "Cambiar o nome do usuario"
confirm: "Se cambias o nome de usuario, todas as citas anteriores das túas publicacións e as mencións ao teu @nome romperanse. Estás totalmente seguro?"
confirm: "Se cambias o nome de usuario, todas as citas anteriores das túas publicacións e as mencións ao teu @nome romperanse. Estás totalmente seguro?"
@ -881,7 +880,6 @@ gl:
link_description: "introducir a descrición da ligazón aquí"
link_description: "introducir a descrición da ligazón aquí"
link_dialog_title: "Inserir hiperligazón"
link_dialog_title: "Inserir hiperligazón"
link_optional_text: "título opcional"
link_optional_text: "título opcional"
link_placeholder: "http://exemplo.com \"texto opcional\""
quote_title: "Citación"
quote_title: "Citación"
quote_text: "Citación"
quote_text: "Citación"
code_title: "Texto preformatado"
code_title: "Texto preformatado"
@ -1333,7 +1331,6 @@ gl:
create: "Sentímolo pero produciuse un erro creando a publicación. Téntao de novo."
create: "Sentímolo pero produciuse un erro creando a publicación. Téntao de novo."
edit: "Sentímolo pero produciuse un erro editando a publicación. Téntao de novo."
edit: "Sentímolo pero produciuse un erro editando a publicación. Téntao de novo."
upload: "Sentímolo pero produciuse un erro enviando a publicación. Téntao de novo."
upload: "Sentímolo pero produciuse un erro enviando a publicación. Téntao de novo."
attachment_too_large: "Sentímolo pero o ficheiro é demasiado grande (o tamaño máximo son {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Sentímolo pero o ficheiro é demasiado grande (o tamaño máximo son {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
file_too_large: "Sentímolo pero o ficheiro é demasiado grande (o tamaño máximo son {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Sentímolo pero só podes enviar un ficheiro de cada vez."
too_many_uploads: "Sentímolo pero só podes enviar un ficheiro de cada vez."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Sentímolo pero só podes arrastrar e soltar até 10 ficheiros dunha vez."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Sentímolo pero só podes arrastrar e soltar até 10 ficheiros dunha vez."
@ -1909,14 +1906,6 @@ gl:
backups: "Copias de seguranza"
backups: "Copias de seguranza"
logs: "Rexistros"
logs: "Rexistros"
none: "Non hai copia de seguranza dispoñíbel"
none: "Non hai copia de seguranza dispoñíbel"
title: "Activar o modo de só-lectura"
label: "Activar modo de só-lectura"
confirm: "Confirmas a activación do modo de só-lectura?"
title: "Desactivar o modo de só-lectura"
label: "Desactivar modo de só-lectura"
none: "Aínda non hai rexistros..."
none: "Aínda non hai rexistros..."
@ -468,7 +468,6 @@ he:
set_password: "הזן סיסמה"
set_password: "הזן סיסמה"
title: "שינוי בנוגע אליי"
title: "שינוי בנוגע אליי"
error: "הייתה שגיאה בשינוי הערך"
title: "שנה שם משתמש"
title: "שנה שם משתמש"
confirm: "אם תשנו את שם המשתמש/ת שלך, כל הציטוטים של ההודעות שלך ואזכורי @שם_המשתמש שלך יישברו. את/ה בטוחים לחלוטין שברצונך לשנות?"
confirm: "אם תשנו את שם המשתמש/ת שלך, כל הציטוטים של ההודעות שלך ואזכורי @שם_המשתמש שלך יישברו. את/ה בטוחים לחלוטין שברצונך לשנות?"
@ -814,7 +813,6 @@ he:
link_description: "הזן תיאור קישור כאן"
link_description: "הזן תיאור קישור כאן"
link_dialog_title: "הזן קישור"
link_dialog_title: "הזן קישור"
link_optional_text: "כותרת אופציונלית"
link_optional_text: "כותרת אופציונלית"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"טקסט אופציונלי\""
quote_title: "ציטוט"
quote_title: "ציטוט"
quote_text: "ציטוט"
quote_text: "ציטוט"
code_title: "טקסט מעוצב"
code_title: "טקסט מעוצב"
@ -1228,7 +1226,6 @@ he:
create: "סליחה, הייתה שגיאה ביצירת ההודעה שלך. אנא נסה שנית."
create: "סליחה, הייתה שגיאה ביצירת ההודעה שלך. אנא נסה שנית."
edit: "סליחה, הייתה שגיאה בעריכת ההודעה שלך. אנא נסה שנית."
edit: "סליחה, הייתה שגיאה בעריכת ההודעה שלך. אנא נסה שנית."
upload: "סליחה, הייתה שגיאה בהעלאת הקובץ שלך. אנא נסה שנית"
upload: "סליחה, הייתה שגיאה בהעלאת הקובץ שלך. אנא נסה שנית"
attachment_too_large: "סליחה, אך הקובץ שאתה מנסה להעלות גדול מידי (הגודל המקסימלי הוא {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "מצטערים, הקובץ שאתם מנסים להעלות גדול מידי (הגודל המקסימלי המותר הוא {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
file_too_large: "מצטערים, הקובץ שאתם מנסים להעלות גדול מידי (הגודל המקסימלי המותר הוא {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "סליחה, אך ניתן להעלות רק קובץ אחת כל פעם."
too_many_uploads: "סליחה, אך ניתן להעלות רק קובץ אחת כל פעם."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "מצטערים, אתם יכולים לגרור ולהניח עד 10 קבצים בכל פעם."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "מצטערים, אתם יכולים לגרור ולהניח עד 10 קבצים בכל פעם."
@ -1771,14 +1768,6 @@ he:
backups: "גיבויים"
backups: "גיבויים"
logs: "לוגים"
logs: "לוגים"
none: "אין גיבויים זמינים."
none: "אין גיבויים זמינים."
title: "אפשר מצב קריאה בלבד"
label: "אפשר מצב \"קריאה בלבד\""
confirm: "אתה בטוח שברצונך לאפשר את מצב קריאה בלבד??"
title: "בטל מצב קריאה בלבד"
label: "בטל מצב \"קריאה בלבד\""
none: "עדיין אין לוגים..."
none: "עדיין אין לוגים..."
@ -390,7 +390,6 @@ id:
jump_reply_up: lompat ke balasan sebelumnya
jump_reply_up: lompat ke balasan sebelumnya
attachment_too_large: "Maaf, file yang kamu unggah terlalu besar (ukuran maksimal {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Maaf, pengguna baru belum diperbolehkan mengunggah gambar."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Maaf, pengguna baru belum diperbolehkan mengunggah gambar."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Maaf, pengguna baru belum diperbolehkan mengunggah lampiran."
attachment_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Maaf, pengguna baru belum diperbolehkan mengunggah lampiran."
@ -134,6 +134,18 @@ it:
disabled: 'delistato %{when}'
disabled: 'delistato %{when}'
topic_admin_menu: "azioni amministrative sull'argomento"
topic_admin_menu: "azioni amministrative sull'argomento"
emails_are_disabled: "Tutte le email in uscita sono state disabilitate a livello globale da un amministratore. Non sarà inviata nessun tipo di notifica via email."
emails_are_disabled: "Tutte le email in uscita sono state disabilitate a livello globale da un amministratore. Non sarà inviata nessun tipo di notifica via email."
us_east_1: "Stati Uniti Est (Virginia del Nord)"
us_west_1: "Stati Uniti Ovest (California del Nord)"
us_west_2: "Stati Uniti Ovest (Oregon)"
eu_west_1: "Europa (Irlanda)"
eu_central_1: "Europa (Francoforte)"
ap_southeast_1: "Asia Pacifico (Singapore)"
ap_southeast_2: "Asia Pacifico (Sydney)"
ap_northeast_1: "Asia Pacifico (Tokyo)"
ap_northeast_2: "Asia Pacifico (Seoul)"
sa_east_1: "America del Sud (San Paolo)"
edit: 'modifica titolo e categoria dell''argomento'
edit: 'modifica titolo e categoria dell''argomento'
not_implemented: "Spiacenti! Questa funzione non è stata ancora implementata."
not_implemented: "Spiacenti! Questa funzione non è stata ancora implementata."
no_value: "No"
no_value: "No"
@ -166,6 +178,8 @@ it:
more: "Più"
more: "Più"
less: "Meno"
less: "Meno"
never: "mai"
never: "mai"
every_30_minutes: "ogni 30 minuti"
every_hour: "ogni ora"
daily: "giornaliero"
daily: "giornaliero"
weekly: "settimanale"
weekly: "settimanale"
every_two_weeks: "bisettimanale"
every_two_weeks: "bisettimanale"
@ -177,6 +191,7 @@ it:
other: "{{count}} caratteri"
other: "{{count}} caratteri"
title: "Discussioni Suggerite"
title: "Discussioni Suggerite"
pm_title: "Messaggi Suggeriti"
simple_title: "Informazioni"
simple_title: "Informazioni"
title: "Informazioni su %{title}"
title: "Informazioni su %{title}"
@ -255,6 +270,7 @@ it:
one: "Questo argomento ha <b>1</b> messaggio in attesa di approvazione"
one: "Questo argomento ha <b>1</b> messaggio in attesa di approvazione"
other: "Questo argomento ha <b>{{count}}</b> messaggi in attesa di approvazione"
other: "Questo argomento ha <b>{{count}}</b> messaggi in attesa di approvazione"
confirm: "Salva Modifiche"
confirm: "Salva Modifiche"
delete_prompt: "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare <b>%{nome utente}</b>? Questo cancellerà tutti i loro post e bloccherà le loro email e indirizzo IP."
title: "Il Messaggio Richiede Approvazione"
title: "Il Messaggio Richiede Approvazione"
description: "Abbiamo ricevuto il tuo messaggio ma prima che appaia è necessario che venga approvato da un moderatore. Per favore sii paziente."
description: "Abbiamo ricevuto il tuo messaggio ma prima che appaia è necessario che venga approvato da un moderatore. Per favore sii paziente."
@ -419,6 +435,7 @@ it:
not_supported: "Spiacenti, le notifiche non sono supportate su questo browser."
not_supported: "Spiacenti, le notifiche non sono supportate su questo browser."
perm_default: "Attiva Notifiche"
perm_default: "Attiva Notifiche"
perm_denied_btn: "Permesso Negato"
perm_denied_btn: "Permesso Negato"
perm_denied_expl: "Hai negato il permesso per le notifiche. Autorizza le notifiche tramite le impostazioni del tuo browser."
disable: "Disabilita Notifiche"
disable: "Disabilita Notifiche"
enable: "Abilita Notifiche"
enable: "Abilita Notifiche"
each_browser_note: "Nota: devi modificare questa impostazione per ogni browser che utilizzi."
each_browser_note: "Nota: devi modificare questa impostazione per ogni browser che utilizzi."
@ -455,6 +472,7 @@ it:
muted_users: "Silenziati"
muted_users: "Silenziati"
muted_users_instructions: "Occulta tutte le notifiche da questi utenti."
muted_users_instructions: "Occulta tutte le notifiche da questi utenti."
muted_topics_link: "Mostra argomenti silenziati"
muted_topics_link: "Mostra argomenti silenziati"
automatically_unpin_topics: "Spunta automaticamente gli argomenti quando raggiungo il fondo."
flags_given: "segnalazioni utili"
flags_given: "segnalazioni utili"
flagged_posts: "messaggi segnalati"
flagged_posts: "messaggi segnalati"
@ -469,6 +487,7 @@ it:
groups: "I Miei Gruppi"
groups: "I Miei Gruppi"
bulk_select: "Seleziona messaggi"
bulk_select: "Seleziona messaggi"
move_to_inbox: "Sposta in arrivo"
move_to_inbox: "Sposta in arrivo"
move_to_archive: "Archivio"
failed_to_move: "Errore nello spostare i messaggi selezionati (forse la tua connessione non è attiva)"
failed_to_move: "Errore nello spostare i messaggi selezionati (forse la tua connessione non è attiva)"
select_all: "Seleziona Tutti"
select_all: "Seleziona Tutti"
@ -479,7 +498,7 @@ it:
set_password: "Imposta Password"
set_password: "Imposta Password"
title: "Modifica i dati personali"
title: "Modifica i dati personali"
error: "Si è verificato un errore nel cambio di questo valore."
error: "Si è verificato un errore durante la modifica di questo valore."
title: "Cambia Utente"
title: "Cambia Utente"
confirm: "Se modifichi il tuo nome utente, non funzioneranno più le precedenti citazioni ai tuoi messaggi e le menzioni @nome. Sei sicuro di volerlo fare?"
confirm: "Se modifichi il tuo nome utente, non funzioneranno più le precedenti citazioni ai tuoi messaggi e le menzioni @nome. Sei sicuro di volerlo fare?"
@ -555,19 +574,34 @@ it:
website: "Sito Web"
website: "Sito Web"
email_settings: "Email"
email_settings: "Email"
title: "Notifica quando gradito"
always: "Sempre"
always: "Sempre"
first_time_and_daily: "Prima volta che un post è gradito e quotidianamente"
first_time: "Prima volta che un post è gradito"
never: "Mai"
never: "Mai"
title: "Includi risposte precedenti al fondo delle email"
unless_emailed: "Senza invio precedente"
always: "sempre"
never: "mai"
title: "Quando non visito il sito, invia un riassunto delle novità per email: "
title: "Quando non visito il sito, invia un riassunto delle novità per email: "
every_30_minutes: "ogni 30 minuti"
every_hour: "ogni ora"
daily: "ogni giorno"
daily: "ogni giorno"
every_three_days: "ogni tre giorni"
every_three_days: "ogni tre giorni"
weekly: "ogni settimana"
weekly: "ogni settimana"
every_two_weeks: "ogni due settimane"
every_two_weeks: "ogni due settimane"
include_tl0_in_digests: "Includi post dai nuovi utenti nelle email raccolte"
email_in_reply_to: "Includi un estratto di risposta al post nelle email"
email_direct: "Inviami un'email quando qualcuno mi cita, risponde a un mio messaggio, menziona il mio @nome o mi invita ad un argomento"
email_direct: "Inviami un'email quando qualcuno mi cita, risponde a un mio messaggio, menziona il mio @nome o mi invita ad un argomento"
email_private_messages: "Inviami una email quando qualcuno mi scrive un messaggio"
email_private_messages: "Inviami una email quando qualcuno mi scrive un messaggio"
email_always: "Inviami notifiche via email anche quando sono collegato al sito"
email_always: "Inviami notifiche via email anche quando sono collegato al sito"
other_settings: "Altro"
other_settings: "Altro"
categories_settings: "Categorie"
categories_settings: "Categorie"
one: "Sei sicuro di voler essere avvisato per email per ogni nuovo post?"
other: "Sei sicuro di voler essere avvisato via email per ogni nuovo post?<br><br> Questo significherà approssimativamente <b>{{somma}} emails</b> ogni giorno."
label: "Considera un argomento \"nuovo\" se"
label: "Considera un argomento \"nuovo\" se"
not_viewed: "non l'ho ancora letto"
not_viewed: "non l'ho ancora letto"
@ -633,11 +667,33 @@ it:
title: "Riepilogo"
title: "Riepilogo"
stats: "Statistiche"
stats: "Statistiche"
time_read: "tempo di lettura"
one: "argomento creato"
other: "argomenti creati"
one: "messaggio creato"
other: "messaggi creati"
one: "\"Mi piace\" assegnato"
other: "\"Mi piace\" assegnati"
one: "\"Mi piace\" ricevuto"
other: "\"Mi piace\" ricevuti"
one: "Giorno visitato"
other: "Giorni Frequenza"
one: "Messaggio letto"
other: "Messaggi letti"
top_replies: "Migliori Risposte"
top_replies: "Migliori Risposte"
no_replies: "Ancora nessuna risposta."
more_replies: "Altre Risposte"
more_replies: "Altre Risposte"
top_topics: "Migliori Argomenti"
top_topics: "Migliori Argomenti"
no_topics: "Ancora nessun argomento."
more_topics: "Altri Argomenti"
more_topics: "Altri Argomenti"
top_badges: "Migliori Targhette"
top_badges: "Migliori Targhette"
no_badges: "Ancora nessuna targhetta."
more_badges: "Altre Targhette"
more_badges: "Altre Targhette"
associated_accounts: "Login"
associated_accounts: "Login"
@ -681,7 +737,9 @@ it:
logout: "Ti sei disconnesso."
logout: "Ti sei disconnesso."
refresh: "Ricarica"
refresh: "Ricarica"
enabled: "Questo sito è in modalità di sola lettura. Per favore continua a scorrere, ma risposte, likes e altre azioni sono disabilitate per il momento."
login_disabled: "L'accesso è disabilitato quando il sito è in modalità di sola lettura."
login_disabled: "L'accesso è disabilitato quando il sito è in modalità di sola lettura."
logout_disabled: "Il logout è disattivo mentre il sito è in modalità di sola lettura."
too_few_topics_and_posts_notice: "<a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>Cominciamo a discutere!</a> Ci sono al momento <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> argomenti e <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> messaggi. I nuovi visitatori vogliono qualche discussione da leggere e a cui rispondere."
too_few_topics_and_posts_notice: "<a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>Cominciamo a discutere!</a> Ci sono al momento <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> argomenti e <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> messaggi. I nuovi visitatori vogliono qualche discussione da leggere e a cui rispondere."
too_few_topics_notice: "<a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>Cominciamo a discutere!</a> Ci sono al momento <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> argomenti. I nuovi visitatori vogliono qualche discussione da leggere e a cui rispondere."
too_few_topics_notice: "<a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>Cominciamo a discutere!</a> Ci sono al momento <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> argomenti. I nuovi visitatori vogliono qualche discussione da leggere e a cui rispondere."
too_few_posts_notice: "<a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>Cominciamo a discutere!</a> Ci sono al momento <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> argomenti e <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> messaggi. I nuovi visitatori vogliono qualche discussione da leggere e a cui rispondere."
too_few_posts_notice: "<a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>Cominciamo a discutere!</a> Ci sono al momento <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> argomenti e <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> messaggi. I nuovi visitatori vogliono qualche discussione da leggere e a cui rispondere."
@ -777,6 +835,9 @@ it:
title: "con Twitter"
title: "con Twitter"
message: "Autenticazione con Twitter (assicurati che il blocco pop up non sia attivo)"
message: "Autenticazione con Twitter (assicurati che il blocco pop up non sia attivo)"
title: "con Instagram"
message: "Autenticazione con Instagram (assicurati che il blocco pop up non sia attivo)"
title: "con Facebook"
title: "con Facebook"
message: "Autenticazione con Facebook (assicurati che il blocco pop up non sia attivo)"
message: "Autenticazione con Facebook (assicurati che il blocco pop up non sia attivo)"
@ -845,7 +906,7 @@ it:
link_description: "inserisci qui la descrizione del collegamento"
link_description: "inserisci qui la descrizione del collegamento"
link_dialog_title: "Inserisci il collegamento"
link_dialog_title: "Inserisci il collegamento"
link_optional_text: "titolo opzionale"
link_optional_text: "titolo opzionale"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"testo opzionale\""
link_url_placeholder: "http://esempio.com"
quote_title: "Citazione"
quote_title: "Citazione"
quote_text: "Citazione"
quote_text: "Citazione"
code_title: "Testo preformattato"
code_title: "Testo preformattato"
@ -905,6 +966,7 @@ it:
moved_post: "Il tuo messaggio è stato spostato da"
moved_post: "Il tuo messaggio è stato spostato da"
linked: "Collegamento al tuo messaggio"
linked: "Collegamento al tuo messaggio"
granted_badge: "Targhetta assegnata"
granted_badge: "Targhetta assegnata"
group_message_summary: "Messaggi nel gruppo in arrivo"
mentioned: '{{username}} ti ha menzionato in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
mentioned: '{{username}} ti ha menzionato in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
group_mentioned: '{{username}} ti ha menzionato in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
group_mentioned: '{{username}} ti ha menzionato in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
@ -1285,7 +1347,6 @@ it:
create: "Spiacenti, si è verificato un errore nel creare il tuo messaggio. Prova di nuovo."
create: "Spiacenti, si è verificato un errore nel creare il tuo messaggio. Prova di nuovo."
edit: "Spiacenti, si è verificato un errore nel modificare il tuo messaggio. Prova di nuovo."
edit: "Spiacenti, si è verificato un errore nel modificare il tuo messaggio. Prova di nuovo."
upload: "Spiacenti, si è verificato un errore durante il caricamento del file. Prova di nuovo."
upload: "Spiacenti, si è verificato un errore durante il caricamento del file. Prova di nuovo."
attachment_too_large: "Spiacenti, il file che stai tentando di caricare è troppo grande (il massimo consentito è {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Spiacenti, il file che stai cercando di caricare è troppo grande (la grandezza massima è {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
file_too_large: "Spiacenti, il file che stai cercando di caricare è troppo grande (la grandezza massima è {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Spiacenti, puoi caricare un solo file per volta."
too_many_uploads: "Spiacenti, puoi caricare un solo file per volta."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Spiacenti, puoi trascinare e rilasciare solo 10 file alla volta."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Spiacenti, puoi trascinare e rilasciare solo 10 file alla volta."
@ -1303,6 +1364,7 @@ it:
about: "questo messaggio è una guida"
about: "questo messaggio è una guida"
save: 'Opzioni di salvataggio'
save: 'Opzioni di salvataggio'
few_likes_left: "Grazie per aver condiviso l'amore! Hai solo ancora pochi likes per oggi."
reply: "inizia a comporre una risposta a questo messaggio"
reply: "inizia a comporre una risposta a questo messaggio"
like: "metti \"Mi piace\" al messaggio"
like: "metti \"Mi piace\" al messaggio"
@ -1354,6 +1416,10 @@ it:
spam: "l'hanno segnalato come spam"
spam: "l'hanno segnalato come spam"
inappropriate: "l'hanno segnalato come inappropriato"
inappropriate: "l'hanno segnalato come inappropriato"
notify_moderators: "hanno informato i moderatori"
notify_moderators: "hanno informato i moderatori"
notify_user: "inviato un messaggio"
bookmark: "Hai aggiunto questo ai segnalibri"
like: "hai messo \"Mi piace\""
vote: "Hai votato per questo "
off_topic: "L'hai segnalato come fuori tema"
off_topic: "L'hai segnalato come fuori tema"
spam: "L'hai segnalato come spam"
spam: "L'hai segnalato come spam"
@ -1425,6 +1491,7 @@ it:
last: "Ultima revisione"
last: "Ultima revisione"
hide: "Nascondi revisione"
hide: "Nascondi revisione"
show: "Mostra revisione"
show: "Mostra revisione"
revert: "Ritorna alla revisione"
comparing_previous_to_current_out_of_total: "<strong>{{previous}}</strong> <i class='fa fa-arrows-h'></i> <strong>{{current}}</strong> / {{total}}"
comparing_previous_to_current_out_of_total: "<strong>{{previous}}</strong> <i class='fa fa-arrows-h'></i> <strong>{{current}}</strong> / {{total}}"
@ -1516,6 +1583,7 @@ it:
submit_tooltip: "Invia la segnalazione privata"
submit_tooltip: "Invia la segnalazione privata"
take_action_tooltip: "Raggiungi la soglia di segnalazioni immediatamente, piuttosto che aspettare altre segnalazioni della comunità"
take_action_tooltip: "Raggiungi la soglia di segnalazioni immediatamente, piuttosto che aspettare altre segnalazioni della comunità"
cant: "Spiacenti, al momento non puoi segnalare questo messaggio."
cant: "Spiacenti, al momento non puoi segnalare questo messaggio."
notify_staff: 'Notifica personale privatamente'
off_topic: "E' fuori tema"
off_topic: "E' fuori tema"
inappropriate: "È inappropriato"
inappropriate: "È inappropriato"
@ -1720,6 +1788,7 @@ it:
refresh_report: "Aggiorna Rapporto"
refresh_report: "Aggiorna Rapporto"
start_date: "Data Inizio"
start_date: "Data Inizio"
end_date: "Data Fine"
end_date: "Data Fine"
groups: "Tutti i gruppi"
latest_changes: "Ultime modifiche: per favore aggiorna spesso!"
latest_changes: "Ultime modifiche: per favore aggiorna spesso!"
by: "da"
by: "da"
@ -1852,12 +1921,12 @@ it:
none: "Nessun backup disponibile."
none: "Nessun backup disponibile."
title: "Abilita modalità sola lettura"
title: "Attiva la modalità sola-lettura"
label: "Abilita la modalità sola lettura"
label: "Attivita sola-lettura"
confirm: "Sicuro di voler attivare la modalità di sola lettura?"
confirm: "Sei sicuro di voler attivare la modalità sola-lettura?"
title: "Disattiva la modalità di sola lettura"
title: "Disattiva la modalità di sola-lettura"
label: "Disabilita la modalità sola lettura"
label: "Disattiva sola-lettura"
none: "Nessun log al momento..."
none: "Nessun log al momento..."
@ -1891,9 +1960,11 @@ it:
is_disabled: "Il ripristino è disabilitato nelle opzioni del sito."
is_disabled: "Il ripristino è disabilitato nelle opzioni del sito."
label: "Ripristina"
label: "Ripristina"
title: "Ripristina il backup"
title: "Ripristina il backup"
confirm: "Sei sicuro di voler ripristinare questo backup?"
label: "Rollback"
label: "Rollback"
title: "Ripristina il database a una versione funzionante precedente"
title: "Ripristina il database a una versione funzionante precedente"
confirm: "Sei sicuro di voler ripristinare il database a una versione funzionante precedente?"
user_archive_confirm: "Sei sicuro di voler scaricare i tuoi messaggi?"
user_archive_confirm: "Sei sicuro di voler scaricare i tuoi messaggi?"
success: "Esportazione iniziata, verrai avvertito con un messaggio al termine del processo."
success: "Esportazione iniziata, verrai avvertito con un messaggio al termine del processo."
@ -1997,6 +2068,7 @@ it:
name: 'amo'
name: 'amo'
description: "Il colore del bottone \"Mi piace\"."
description: "Il colore del bottone \"Mi piace\"."
title: "Email"
settings: "Impostazioni"
settings: "Impostazioni"
templates: "Template"
templates: "Template"
preview_digest: "Anteprima Riassunto"
preview_digest: "Anteprima Riassunto"
@ -2005,6 +2077,8 @@ it:
test_error: "C'è stato un problema nell'invio dell'email di test. Controlla nuovamente le impostazioni email, verifica che il tuo host non blocchi le connessioni email e riprova."
test_error: "C'è stato un problema nell'invio dell'email di test. Controlla nuovamente le impostazioni email, verifica che il tuo host non blocchi le connessioni email e riprova."
sent: "Inviato"
sent: "Inviato"
skipped: "Omesso"
skipped: "Omesso"
received: "Ricevuto"
rejected: "Rifiutato"
sent_at: "Inviato Alle"
sent_at: "Inviato Alle"
time: "Ora"
time: "Ora"
user: "Utente"
user: "Utente"
@ -2022,6 +2096,26 @@ it:
last_seen_user: "Ultimo Utente Visto:"
last_seen_user: "Ultimo Utente Visto:"
reply_key: "Chiave di risposta"
reply_key: "Chiave di risposta"
skipped_reason: "Motivo Omissione"
skipped_reason: "Motivo Omissione"
from_address: "Da"
to_addresses: "A"
cc_addresses: "Cc"
subject: "Oggetto"
error: "Errore"
none: "Nessun messaggio in entrata."
title: "In arrivo dettagli email"
error: "Errore"
headers: "Intestazione"
subject: "Oggetto"
body: "Corpo"
rejection_message: "Scarto mail"
from_placeholder: "da@esempio.com"
to_placeholder: "a@esempio.com"
cc_placeholder: "cc@esempio.com"
subject_placeholder: "Oggetto..."
error_placeholder: "Errore"
none: "Nessun log trovato."
none: "Nessun log trovato."
@ -2085,6 +2179,13 @@ it:
change_category_settings: "cambia le impostazioni della categoria"
change_category_settings: "cambia le impostazioni della categoria"
delete_category: "cancella categoria"
delete_category: "cancella categoria"
create_category: "crea categoria"
create_category: "crea categoria"
block_user: "Blocca utente"
unblock_user: "Sblocca utente"
grant_admin: "Assegna amministratore"
revoke_admin: "Revoca amministratore"
grant_moderation: "Assegna moderazione"
revoke_moderation: "Revoca moderazione"
backup_operation: "Operazione di backup"
title: "Email Scansionate"
title: "Email Scansionate"
description: "Quando qualcuno cerca di creare un nuovo account, verrando controllati i seguenti indirizzi email e la registrazione viene bloccata, o eseguita qualche altra azione."
description: "Quando qualcuno cerca di creare un nuovo account, verrando controllati i seguenti indirizzi email e la registrazione viene bloccata, o eseguita qualche altra azione."
@ -2186,6 +2287,7 @@ it:
moderator: "Moderatore?"
moderator: "Moderatore?"
admin: "Amministratore?"
admin: "Amministratore?"
blocked: "Bloccato?"
blocked: "Bloccato?"
staged: "Organizzato?"
show_admin_profile: "Amministratore"
show_admin_profile: "Amministratore"
edit_title: "Modifica Titolo"
edit_title: "Modifica Titolo"
save_title: "Salva Titolo"
save_title: "Salva Titolo"
@ -2250,6 +2352,8 @@ it:
deactivate_failed: "Si è verificato un errore durante la disattivazione dell'utente."
deactivate_failed: "Si è verificato un errore durante la disattivazione dell'utente."
unblock_failed: 'Si è verificato un errore durante lo sblocco dell''utente.'
unblock_failed: 'Si è verificato un errore durante lo sblocco dell''utente.'
block_failed: 'Si è verificato un errore durante il blocco dell''utente.'
block_failed: 'Si è verificato un errore durante il blocco dell''utente.'
block_confirm: 'Sei sicuro di voler bloccare questo utente? Non sarà più in grado di creare alcun nuovo argomento o post.'
block_accept: 'Sì, blocca questo utente'
deactivate_explanation: "Un utente disattivato deve riconvalidare la propria email."
deactivate_explanation: "Un utente disattivato deve riconvalidare la propria email."
suspended_explanation: "Un utente sospeso non può fare il login."
suspended_explanation: "Un utente sospeso non può fare il login."
block_explanation: "Un utente bloccato non può pubblicare messaggi o iniziare argomenti."
block_explanation: "Un utente bloccato non può pubblicare messaggi o iniziare argomenti."
@ -2319,6 +2423,10 @@ it:
title: "Mostrare nel profilo pubblico?"
title: "Mostrare nel profilo pubblico?"
enabled: "mostrato nel profilo"
enabled: "mostrato nel profilo"
disabled: "non mostrato nel profilo"
disabled: "non mostrato nel profilo"
title: "Mostra sulla carta utente?"
enabled: "Mostrato sulla carta utente"
disabled: "Non mostrato sulla carta utente"
text: 'Campo Testo'
text: 'Campo Testo'
confirm: 'Conferma'
confirm: 'Conferma'
@ -2372,6 +2480,7 @@ it:
badge: Targhetta
badge: Targhetta
display_name: Nome Visualizzato
display_name: Nome Visualizzato
description: Descrizione
description: Descrizione
long_description: Descrizione lunga
badge_type: Tipo Targhetta
badge_type: Tipo Targhetta
badge_grouping: Gruppo
badge_grouping: Gruppo
@ -2411,6 +2520,7 @@ it:
post_revision: "Quando un utente modifica o crea un messaggio"
post_revision: "Quando un utente modifica o crea un messaggio"
trust_level_change: "Quando un utente cambia livello di esperienza"
trust_level_change: "Quando un utente cambia livello di esperienza"
user_change: "Quando un utente viene modificato o creato"
user_change: "Quando un utente viene modificato o creato"
post_processed: "Dopo che un nuovo post è elaborato"
link_text: "Anteprima targhette guadagnate"
link_text: "Anteprima targhette guadagnate"
plan_text: "Anteprima con query plan"
plan_text: "Anteprima con query plan"
@ -2531,7 +2641,14 @@ it:
mark_tracking: '<b>m</b>, <b>t</b> Segui argomento'
mark_tracking: '<b>m</b>, <b>t</b> Segui argomento'
mark_watching: '<b>m</b>, <b>w</b> Osserva argomento'
mark_watching: '<b>m</b>, <b>w</b> Osserva argomento'
one: "Ottenuto questa targhetta una volta"
other: "Ottenuto questa targhetta %{somma} volte"
granted_on: "Assegnato %{data}"
others_count: "Altri con questa targhetta (%{somma})"
title: Targhette
title: Targhette
allow_title: "Titolo disponibile"
multiple_grant: "Assegnato più volte"
one: "1 Targhetta"
one: "1 Targhetta"
other: "%{count} Targhette"
other: "%{count} Targhette"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -300,7 +300,10 @@ ko:
other: "그룹"
other: "그룹"
members: "멤버"
members: "멤버"
topics: "토픽"
posts: "게시글"
posts: "게시글"
mentions: "멘션"
messages: "메시지"
title: "누가 이 그룹에 메시지와 @멘션을 보낼 수 있습니까?"
title: "누가 이 그룹에 메시지와 @멘션을 보낼 수 있습니까?"
nobody: "0명"
nobody: "0명"
@ -440,6 +443,7 @@ ko:
muted_users: "알람 끄기"
muted_users: "알람 끄기"
muted_users_instructions: "이 회원이 보낸 알림 모두 숨김"
muted_users_instructions: "이 회원이 보낸 알림 모두 숨김"
muted_topics_link: "알림을 끈 토픽 보기"
muted_topics_link: "알림을 끈 토픽 보기"
automatically_unpin_topics: "글 끝에 다다르면 자동으로 토픽고정 해제합니다."
flags_given: "유용한 신고"
flags_given: "유용한 신고"
flagged_posts: "신고된 글"
flagged_posts: "신고된 글"
@ -465,7 +469,7 @@ ko:
set_password: "비밀번호 설정"
set_password: "비밀번호 설정"
title: "내 소개 변경"
title: "내 소개 변경"
error: "값을 변경하는데 에러가 발생했습니다."
error: "값을 바꾸는 중 에러가 발생했습니다."
title: "아이디 변경"
title: "아이디 변경"
confirm: "아이디를을 변경하면 모든 인용과 @아이디 멘션이 끊어집니다. 그래도 진행하시겠습니까?"
confirm: "아이디를을 변경하면 모든 인용과 @아이디 멘션이 끊어집니다. 그래도 진행하시겠습니까?"
@ -539,6 +543,9 @@ ko:
title: "사용자 카드 배지"
title: "사용자 카드 배지"
website: "웹사이트"
website: "웹사이트"
email_settings: "이메일"
email_settings: "이메일"
title: "누군가 '좋아요' 해주면 알려주기"
always: "항상"
title: "이메일 밑부분에 이전 댓글을 포함합니다."
title: "이메일 밑부분에 이전 댓글을 포함합니다."
unless_emailed: "예전에 발송된 것이 아닌 한"
unless_emailed: "예전에 발송된 것이 아닌 한"
@ -557,6 +564,8 @@ ko:
email_always: "사이트를 이용중 일 때도 이메일 알림 보내기"
email_always: "사이트를 이용중 일 때도 이메일 알림 보내기"
other_settings: "추가 사항"
other_settings: "추가 사항"
categories_settings: "카테고리"
categories_settings: "카테고리"
other: "정말 모든 새글을 이메일로 받으시겠어요? 그러면 하루에 <b>{{count}} 개</b> 정도 이메일이 갈 꺼에요."
label: "새글을 정의해주세요."
label: "새글을 정의해주세요."
not_viewed: "아직 보지 않았습니다."
not_viewed: "아직 보지 않았습니다."
@ -833,7 +842,6 @@ ko:
link_description: "링크 설명을 입력"
link_description: "링크 설명을 입력"
link_dialog_title: "하이퍼링크 삽입"
link_dialog_title: "하이퍼링크 삽입"
link_optional_text: "옵션 제목"
link_optional_text: "옵션 제목"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"선택적 텍스트\""
quote_title: "인용구"
quote_title: "인용구"
quote_text: "인용구"
quote_text: "인용구"
code_title: "코드 샘플"
code_title: "코드 샘플"
@ -1256,7 +1264,6 @@ ko:
create: "죄송합니다. 글을 만드는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 다시 시도하십시오."
create: "죄송합니다. 글을 만드는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 다시 시도하십시오."
edit: "죄송합니다. 글을 수정하는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다. 다시 시도하십시오."
edit: "죄송합니다. 글을 수정하는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다. 다시 시도하십시오."
upload: "죄송합니다. 파일을 업로드하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 다시 시도하십시오."
upload: "죄송합니다. 파일을 업로드하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 다시 시도하십시오."
attachment_too_large: "업로드하려는 파일의 크기가 너무 큽니다. 최대 크기는 {{max_size_kb}}kb 입니다."
file_too_large: "업로드하시려는 파일이 너무 커요. (최대 허용 파일 크기는 {{max_size_kb}}kb입니다)"
file_too_large: "업로드하시려는 파일이 너무 커요. (최대 허용 파일 크기는 {{max_size_kb}}kb입니다)"
too_many_uploads: "한번에 한 파일만 업로드 하실 수 있습니다."
too_many_uploads: "한번에 한 파일만 업로드 하실 수 있습니다."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Sorry, 한번에 10개까지만 드래그앤 드롭 할 수 있어요."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Sorry, 한번에 10개까지만 드래그앤 드롭 할 수 있어요."
@ -1788,14 +1795,6 @@ ko:
backups: "백업"
backups: "백업"
logs: "로그"
logs: "로그"
none: "가능한 백업이 없습니다."
none: "가능한 백업이 없습니다."
title: "읽기 전용 모드 활성화하기"
label: "읽기 전용 모드 활성화"
confirm: "정말로 읽기 전용 모드를 활성화 하시겠습니까?"
title: "읽기 전용 모드 비활성화 하기"
label: "읽기 전용 모드 비활성화"
none: "아직 로그가 없어요."
none: "아직 로그가 없어요."
@ -438,7 +438,6 @@ nb_NO:
set_password: "Sett passord"
set_password: "Sett passord"
title: "Rediger om meg"
title: "Rediger om meg"
error: "Det skjedde en feil ved endring av denne verdien"
title: "Endre brukernavn"
title: "Endre brukernavn"
confirm: "Hvis du endrer brukernavn vil alle siteringer av dine innlegg og nevning ved ditt @navn gå i stykker. Er du sikker på at du vil gjøre det?"
confirm: "Hvis du endrer brukernavn vil alle siteringer av dine innlegg og nevning ved ditt @navn gå i stykker. Er du sikker på at du vil gjøre det?"
@ -1150,7 +1149,6 @@ nb_NO:
create: "Beklager, det oppstod en feil ved å publisere ditt innlegg. Vennligst prøv igjen."
create: "Beklager, det oppstod en feil ved å publisere ditt innlegg. Vennligst prøv igjen."
edit: "Beklager, det oppstod en feil ved redigeringen av ditt innlegg. Vennligst prøv igjen."
edit: "Beklager, det oppstod en feil ved redigeringen av ditt innlegg. Vennligst prøv igjen."
upload: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
upload: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
attachment_too_large: "Beklager, filen du prøver å laste opp er for stor (maksimal størrelsen er {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Beklager, filen du prøver å laste opp er for stor (maximum size is {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
file_too_large: "Beklager, filen du prøver å laste opp er for stor (maximum size is {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Beklager, du kan bare laste opp ett bilde om gangen."
too_many_uploads: "Beklager, du kan bare laste opp ett bilde om gangen."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Beklager, du kan bare flytte opp til 10 filer om gangen."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Beklager, du kan bare flytte opp til 10 filer om gangen."
@ -1693,14 +1691,6 @@ nb_NO:
backups: "Sikkerhetskopieringer"
backups: "Sikkerhetskopieringer"
logs: "Logger"
logs: "Logger"
none: "Ingen sikkerhetskopiering er tilgjengelig."
none: "Ingen sikkerhetskopiering er tilgjengelig."
title: "Aktiver skrivebeskyttet modus"
label: "Aktiver skrivebeskyttet modus"
confirm: "Er du sikker på at du vil aktivere skrivebeskyttet modus?"
title: "Deaktiver skrivebeskyttet modus"
label: "Deaktiver skrivebeskyttet modus"
none: "Ingen logger enda..."
none: "Ingen logger enda..."
@ -496,7 +496,6 @@ nl:
set_password: "Stel wachtwoord in"
set_password: "Stel wachtwoord in"
title: "Wijzig bio"
title: "Wijzig bio"
error: "Het veranderen van deze waarde is mislukt."
title: "Wijzig gebruikersnaam"
title: "Wijzig gebruikersnaam"
confirm: "Het wijzigen van je gebruikersnaam kan consequenties hebben. Weet je zeker dat je dit wil doen?"
confirm: "Het wijzigen van je gebruikersnaam kan consequenties hebben. Weet je zeker dat je dit wil doen?"
@ -877,7 +876,6 @@ nl:
link_description: "geef hier een omschrijving"
link_description: "geef hier een omschrijving"
link_dialog_title: "Voeg weblink toe"
link_dialog_title: "Voeg weblink toe"
link_optional_text: "optionele titel"
link_optional_text: "optionele titel"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"optional text\""
quote_title: "Citaat"
quote_title: "Citaat"
quote_text: "Citaat"
quote_text: "Citaat"
code_title: "Opgemaakte tekst"
code_title: "Opgemaakte tekst"
@ -1324,7 +1322,6 @@ nl:
create: "Sorry, er is iets misgegaan bij het plaatsen van je bericht. Probeer het nog eens."
create: "Sorry, er is iets misgegaan bij het plaatsen van je bericht. Probeer het nog eens."
edit: "Sorry, er is iets misgegaan bij het bewerken van je bericht. Probeer het nog eens."
edit: "Sorry, er is iets misgegaan bij het bewerken van je bericht. Probeer het nog eens."
upload: "Sorry, er is iets misgegaan bij het uploaden van je bestand. Probeer het nog eens."
upload: "Sorry, er is iets misgegaan bij het uploaden van je bestand. Probeer het nog eens."
attachment_too_large: "Sorry, het bestand dat je wil uploaden is te groot (maximum grootte is {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Sorry, het bestand dat je probeert te uploaden is te groot (maximum grootte is {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Sorry, het bestand dat je probeert te uploaden is te groot (maximum grootte is {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
too_many_uploads: "Sorry, je kan maar één afbeelding tegelijk uploaden."
too_many_uploads: "Sorry, je kan maar één afbeelding tegelijk uploaden."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Sorry, je kan maar 10 bestanden tegelijk verslepen."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Sorry, je kan maar 10 bestanden tegelijk verslepen."
@ -1898,14 +1895,6 @@ nl:
backups: "Backups"
backups: "Backups"
logs: "Logs"
logs: "Logs"
none: "Geen backup beschikbaar."
none: "Geen backup beschikbaar."
title: "Zet forum in read-only modus"
label: "Schakel read-only modus in"
confirm: "Weet je zeker dat je het forum in read-only modus wil zetten?"
title: "Schakel read-only modus uit"
label: "Schakel read-only modus uit"
none: "Nog geen logs..."
none: "Nog geen logs..."
@ -524,7 +524,6 @@ pl_PL:
set_password: "Ustaw hasło"
set_password: "Ustaw hasło"
title: "Zmień O mnie"
title: "Zmień O mnie"
error: "Wystąpił błąd podczas zmiany tej wartości."
title: "Zmień nazwę użytkownika"
title: "Zmień nazwę użytkownika"
confirm: "Jeżeli zmienisz swoją nazwę użytkownika, wszystkie stare cytaty twoich wpisów oraz wzmianki przez @nazwę przestaną działać. Czy na pewno tego chcesz?"
confirm: "Jeżeli zmienisz swoją nazwę użytkownika, wszystkie stare cytaty twoich wpisów oraz wzmianki przez @nazwę przestaną działać. Czy na pewno tego chcesz?"
@ -896,7 +895,6 @@ pl_PL:
link_description: "wprowadź tutaj opis odnośnika"
link_description: "wprowadź tutaj opis odnośnika"
link_dialog_title: "Wstaw odnośnik"
link_dialog_title: "Wstaw odnośnik"
link_optional_text: "opcjonalny tytuł"
link_optional_text: "opcjonalny tytuł"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"opcjonalny tekst\""
quote_title: "Cytat"
quote_title: "Cytat"
quote_text: "Cytat"
quote_text: "Cytat"
code_title: "Tekst sformatowany"
code_title: "Tekst sformatowany"
@ -1366,7 +1364,6 @@ pl_PL:
create: "Przepraszamy, podczas tworzenia twojego wpisu wystąpił błąd. Spróbuj ponownie."
create: "Przepraszamy, podczas tworzenia twojego wpisu wystąpił błąd. Spróbuj ponownie."
edit: "Przepraszamy, podczas edytowania twojego wpisu wystąpił błąd. Spróbuj ponownie."
edit: "Przepraszamy, podczas edytowania twojego wpisu wystąpił błąd. Spróbuj ponownie."
upload: "Przepraszamy, wystąpił błąd podczas wczytywania Twojego pliku. Proszę, spróbuj ponownie."
upload: "Przepraszamy, wystąpił błąd podczas wczytywania Twojego pliku. Proszę, spróbuj ponownie."
attachment_too_large: "Przepraszamy, ale plik, który chcesz wgrać jest za duży (maksymalny rozmiar to {{max_size_kb}}KB)."
file_too_large: "Przepraszamy, plik który chcesz wczytać jest zbyt duży (maximum to {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
file_too_large: "Przepraszamy, plik który chcesz wczytać jest zbyt duży (maximum to {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Przepraszamy, ale możesz wgrać tylko jeden plik naraz."
too_many_uploads: "Przepraszamy, ale możesz wgrać tylko jeden plik naraz."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Przepraszamy, możesz wczytać maksymalnie 10 plików naraz."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Przepraszamy, możesz wczytać maksymalnie 10 plików naraz."
@ -1965,14 +1962,6 @@ pl_PL:
backups: "Kopie zapasowe"
backups: "Kopie zapasowe"
logs: "Logi"
logs: "Logi"
none: "Brak kopii zapasowych."
none: "Brak kopii zapasowych."
title: "Włącz tryb tylko do odczytu"
label: "Włącz tryb tylko do odczytu"
confirm: "Czy na pewno chcesz włączyć tryb tylko do odczytu?"
title: "Wyłącz tryb tylko do odczytu"
label: "Wyłącz tryb tylko do odczytu"
none: "Póki co brak logów…"
none: "Póki co brak logów…"
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ pt:
set_password: "Definir Palavra-passe"
set_password: "Definir Palavra-passe"
title: "Modificar Sobre Mim"
title: "Modificar Sobre Mim"
error: "Ocorreu um erro ao alterar este valor."
error: "Ocorreu um erro ao modificar este valor."
title: "Alterar Nome de Utilizador"
title: "Alterar Nome de Utilizador"
confirm: "Se mudar o seu nome de utilizador, todas as citações anteriores das suas mensagens e menções a @nome serão quebradas. Tem a certeza que deseja fazê-lo?"
confirm: "Se mudar o seu nome de utilizador, todas as citações anteriores das suas mensagens e menções a @nome serão quebradas. Tem a certeza que deseja fazê-lo?"
@ -600,6 +600,9 @@ pt:
email_always: "Enviar-me notificações de email mesmo quando estou ativo no sítio"
email_always: "Enviar-me notificações de email mesmo quando estou ativo no sítio"
other_settings: "Outros"
other_settings: "Outros"
categories_settings: "Categorias"
categories_settings: "Categorias"
one: "Tem a certeza que quer receber um correio por cada nova mensagem?"
other: "Tem a certeza que deseja receber um correio por cada nova mensagem?<br><br>Isto resultará em aproximadamente<b>{{count}} correios</b> por dia."
label: "Considerar tópicos como novos quando"
label: "Considerar tópicos como novos quando"
not_viewed: "Ainda não os vi"
not_viewed: "Ainda não os vi"
@ -665,12 +668,34 @@ pt:
title: "Sumário"
title: "Sumário"
stats: "Estatísticas"
stats: "Estatísticas"
time_read: "Tempo de leitura"
one: "Tópico criado"
other: "Tópicos criados"
one: "mensagem criada"
other: "mensagens criadas"
one: "gosto dado"
other: "gostos dados"
one: "gosto recebido"
other: "gostos recebidos"
one: "dia visitado"
other: "dias visitados"
one: "mensagem lida"
other: "mensagens lidas"
top_replies: "Respostas"
top_replies: "Respostas"
no_replies: "Nenhuma resposta ainda."
more_replies: "Mais Respostas"
more_replies: "Mais Respostas"
top_topics: "Melhores Tópicos"
top_topics: "Melhores Tópicos"
no_topics: "Nenhum tópico ainda."
more_topics: "Mais Tópicos"
more_topics: "Mais Tópicos"
top_badges: "Melhores Distintivos"
top_badges: "Melhores Medalhas"
more_badges: "Mais Distintivos"
no_badges: "Nenhuma medalha ainda."
more_badges: "Mais Medalhas"
associated_accounts: "Contas associadas"
associated_accounts: "Contas associadas"
title: "Último endereço IP"
title: "Último endereço IP"
@ -719,6 +744,12 @@ pt:
too_few_topics_and_posts_notice: "Vamos <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>começar esta discussão!</a> Atualmente existem <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> tópicos e <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> mensagens. Novos visitantes precisam de conversações para ler e responder a."
too_few_topics_and_posts_notice: "Vamos <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>começar esta discussão!</a> Atualmente existem <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> tópicos e <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> mensagens. Novos visitantes precisam de conversações para ler e responder a."
too_few_topics_notice: "Vamos <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>começar esta discussão!</a> Atualmente existem <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> tópios. Novos visitantes precisam de algumas conversações para ler e responder a."
too_few_topics_notice: "Vamos <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>começar esta discussão!</a> Atualmente existem <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> tópios. Novos visitantes precisam de algumas conversações para ler e responder a."
too_few_posts_notice: "Vamos <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>começar esta discussão!</a> Atualmente existem <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> mensagens. Novos visitantes precisam de algumas conversações para ler e responder a."
too_few_posts_notice: "Vamos <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>começar esta discussão!</a> Atualmente existem <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> mensagens. Novos visitantes precisam de algumas conversações para ler e responder a."
reached: "%{timestamp}: Velocidade corrente de <a href='%{url}' target='_blank'>%{rate}</a> alcançou o limite definido nas configurações do site de %{siteSettingRate}."
exceeded: "%{timestamp}: Velocidade corrente de <a href='%{url}' target='_blank'>%{rate}</a> excedeu o limite definido nas configurações do site de %{siteSettingRate}."
one: "1 erro/%{duration}"
other: "%{count} erros/%{duration}"
learn_more: "saber mais..."
learn_more: "saber mais..."
year: 'ano'
year: 'ano'
year_desc: 'tópicos criados nos últimos 365 dias'
year_desc: 'tópicos criados nos últimos 365 dias'
@ -882,7 +913,7 @@ pt:
link_description: "digite a descrição da hiperligação aqui"
link_description: "digite a descrição da hiperligação aqui"
link_dialog_title: "Inserir Hiperligação"
link_dialog_title: "Inserir Hiperligação"
link_optional_text: "título opcional"
link_optional_text: "título opcional"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"texto opcional\""
link_url_placeholder: "http://example.com"
quote_title: "Bloco de Citação"
quote_title: "Bloco de Citação"
quote_text: "Bloco de Citação"
quote_text: "Bloco de Citação"
code_title: "Texto pré-formatado"
code_title: "Texto pré-formatado"
@ -1334,7 +1365,6 @@ pt:
create: "Pedimos desculpa, ocorreu um erro ao criar a sua mensagem. Por favor, tente novamente."
create: "Pedimos desculpa, ocorreu um erro ao criar a sua mensagem. Por favor, tente novamente."
edit: "Pedimos desculpa, ocorreu um erro ao editar a sua mensagem. Por favor, tente novamente."
edit: "Pedimos desculpa, ocorreu um erro ao editar a sua mensagem. Por favor, tente novamente."
upload: "Pedimos desculpa, ocorreu um erro ao carregar esse ficheiro. Por favor, tente novamente."
upload: "Pedimos desculpa, ocorreu um erro ao carregar esse ficheiro. Por favor, tente novamente."
attachment_too_large: "Pedimos desculpa, o ficheiro que está a carregar é muito grande (o tamanho máximo permitido é {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Pedimos desculpa, o ficheiro que está a tentar carregar é muito grande (o tamanho máximo permitido é {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Pedimos desculpa, o ficheiro que está a tentar carregar é muito grande (o tamanho máximo permitido é {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
too_many_uploads: "Pedimos desculpa, só pode carregar um ficheiro de cada vez."
too_many_uploads: "Pedimos desculpa, só pode carregar um ficheiro de cada vez."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Pedimos desculpa, só pode arrastar e largar até 10 ficheiros de cada vez."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Pedimos desculpa, só pode arrastar e largar até 10 ficheiros de cada vez."
@ -1913,12 +1943,12 @@ pt:
none: "Nenhuma cópia de segurança disponível."
none: "Nenhuma cópia de segurança disponível."
title: "Ativar o modo só de leitura"
title: "Activar modo só de leitura"
label: "Ativar modo só de leitura"
label: "Activar só de leitura"
confirm: "Tem a certeza que quer ativar o modo só de leitura?"
confirm: "Tem a certeza que quer activar o modo só de leitura?"
title: "Desativar o modo só de leitura"
title: "Desactivar modo só de leitura"
label: "Desativar modo só de leitura"
label: "Desactivar só para leitura"
none: "Nenhuns logs ainda..."
none: "Nenhuns logs ainda..."
@ -2098,6 +2128,7 @@ pt:
title: "Detalhes de emails recebidos."
title: "Detalhes de emails recebidos."
error: "Erro"
error: "Erro"
headers: "Cabeçalhos"
subject: "Assunto"
subject: "Assunto"
body: "Corpo"
body: "Corpo"
rejection_message: "Correio de rejeição"
rejection_message: "Correio de rejeição"
@ -2415,6 +2446,10 @@ pt:
title: "Exibir no perfil público?"
title: "Exibir no perfil público?"
enabled: "exibido no perfil"
enabled: "exibido no perfil"
disabled: "não exibido no perfil"
disabled: "não exibido no perfil"
title: "Mostrar no cartão de utilizador?"
enabled: "mostrar no cartão de utilizador"
disabled: "não apresentado no cartão de utilizador"
text: 'Campo de Texto'
text: 'Campo de Texto'
confirm: 'Confirmação'
confirm: 'Confirmação'
@ -2468,6 +2503,7 @@ pt:
badge: Distintivo
badge: Distintivo
display_name: Exibir Nome
display_name: Exibir Nome
description: Descrição
description: Descrição
long_description: Descrição longa
badge_type: Tipo de Distintivo
badge_type: Tipo de Distintivo
badge_grouping: Grupo
badge_grouping: Grupo
@ -2507,6 +2543,7 @@ pt:
post_revision: "Quando um utilizador edita ou cria uma mensagem"
post_revision: "Quando um utilizador edita ou cria uma mensagem"
trust_level_change: "Quando um utilizador muda de Nível de Confiança"
trust_level_change: "Quando um utilizador muda de Nível de Confiança"
user_change: "Quando um utilizador é editado ou criado"
user_change: "Quando um utilizador é editado ou criado"
post_processed: "Depois de uma mensagem ser processada"
link_text: "Pré-visualizar distintivos concedidos"
link_text: "Pré-visualizar distintivos concedidos"
plan_text: "Pré-visualizar com plano de consulta"
plan_text: "Pré-visualizar com plano de consulta"
@ -2628,9 +2665,13 @@ pt:
mark_watching: '<b>m</b>, <b>w</b> Vigiar este tópico'
mark_watching: '<b>m</b>, <b>w</b> Vigiar este tópico'
one: "Ganhou este distintivo 1 vez"
one: "Ganhou esta medalha 1 vez"
other: "Ganhou este distintivo %{count} vezes"
other: "Ganhou esta medalha %{count} vezes"
granted_on: "Ganho %{date}"
others_count: "Outras pessoas com esta medalha (%{count})"
title: Distintivos
title: Distintivos
allow_title: "título disponivel"
multiple_grant: "atribuido multiplas vezes"
one: "1 Distintivo"
one: "1 Distintivo"
other: "%{count} Distintivos"
other: "%{count} Distintivos"
@ -499,7 +499,6 @@ pt_BR:
set_password: "Definir Senha"
set_password: "Definir Senha"
title: "Modificar Sobre Mim"
title: "Modificar Sobre Mim"
error: "Houve um erro ao alterar este valor."
title: "Alterar Nome de Usuário"
title: "Alterar Nome de Usuário"
confirm: "Se você mudar seu Nome de Usuário, todas as citações das suas respostas e as menções ao seu @nome vão quebrar. Você tem certeza?"
confirm: "Se você mudar seu Nome de Usuário, todas as citações das suas respostas e as menções ao seu @nome vão quebrar. Você tem certeza?"
@ -911,7 +910,7 @@ pt_BR:
link_description: "digite a descrição do link aqui"
link_description: "digite a descrição do link aqui"
link_dialog_title: "Inserir link"
link_dialog_title: "Inserir link"
link_optional_text: "título opcional"
link_optional_text: "título opcional"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"texto opcional\""
link_url_placeholder: "http://exemplo.com"
quote_title: "Bloco de citação"
quote_title: "Bloco de citação"
quote_text: "Bloco de citação"
quote_text: "Bloco de citação"
code_title: "Texto pré-formatado"
code_title: "Texto pré-formatado"
@ -1350,7 +1349,6 @@ pt_BR:
create: "Desculpe, houve um erro ao criar sua resposta. Por favor, tente outra vez."
create: "Desculpe, houve um erro ao criar sua resposta. Por favor, tente outra vez."
edit: "Desculpe, houve um erro ao editar sua resposta. Por favor, tente outra vez."
edit: "Desculpe, houve um erro ao editar sua resposta. Por favor, tente outra vez."
upload: "Desculpe, houve um erro ao enviar esse arquivo. Por favor, tente outra vez."
upload: "Desculpe, houve um erro ao enviar esse arquivo. Por favor, tente outra vez."
attachment_too_large: "Desculpe, o arquivo que você está tentando enviar é muito grande (o tamanho máximo permitido é {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Desculpe, o arquivo que você está tentando enviar é muito grande (o tamanho máximo permitido é {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Desculpe, o arquivo que você está tentando enviar é muito grande (o tamanho máximo permitido é {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
too_many_uploads: "Desculpe, você pode enviar apenas um arquivos por vez."
too_many_uploads: "Desculpe, você pode enviar apenas um arquivos por vez."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Desculpe, você pode arrastar & soltar apenas 10 arquivos por vez."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Desculpe, você pode arrastar & soltar apenas 10 arquivos por vez."
@ -1919,14 +1917,6 @@ pt_BR:
backups: "Backups"
backups: "Backups"
logs: "Registros"
logs: "Registros"
none: "Nenhum backup disponível."
none: "Nenhum backup disponível."
title: "Habilitar o modo \"somente leitura\""
label: "Habilita modo \"somente leitura\""
confirm: "Você está certo em querer habilitar o modo \"somente leitura\"?"
title: "Desabilitar o modo \"somente leitura\""
label: "Desabilita modo \"somente leitura\""
none: "Nenhum registro ainda..."
none: "Nenhum registro ainda..."
@ -510,7 +510,6 @@ ro:
set_password: "Introduceți parolă"
set_password: "Introduceți parolă"
title: "Schimbă la Profil"
title: "Schimbă la Profil"
error: "A apărut o eroare la schimbarea acestei valori"
title: "Schimbă numele utilizatorului"
title: "Schimbă numele utilizatorului"
confirm: "Dacă schimbi numele utilizatorului, toate citatele din posturile precedente inclusiv @mențiunile nu vor mai funcționa. Ești absolut sigur?"
confirm: "Dacă schimbi numele utilizatorului, toate citatele din posturile precedente inclusiv @mențiunile nu vor mai funcționa. Ești absolut sigur?"
@ -859,7 +858,6 @@ ro:
link_description: "adaugă aici descrierea adresei hyper"
link_description: "adaugă aici descrierea adresei hyper"
link_dialog_title: "Introdu adresă hyper"
link_dialog_title: "Introdu adresă hyper"
link_optional_text: "titlu opțional"
link_optional_text: "titlu opțional"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"text optional\""
quote_title: "Citat-bloc"
quote_title: "Citat-bloc"
quote_text: "Citat-bloc"
quote_text: "Citat-bloc"
code_title: "Text preformatat"
code_title: "Text preformatat"
@ -1280,7 +1278,6 @@ ro:
create: "Ne pare rău, a apărut o eroare în creerea postării. Te rugăm să încerci iar."
create: "Ne pare rău, a apărut o eroare în creerea postării. Te rugăm să încerci iar."
edit: "Ne pare rău, a apărut o eroare în editarea postării. Te rugăm să încerci iar."
edit: "Ne pare rău, a apărut o eroare în editarea postării. Te rugăm să încerci iar."
upload: "Ne pare rău, a apărut o eroare în încărcarea acelui fișier. Te rugăm să încerci iar."
upload: "Ne pare rău, a apărut o eroare în încărcarea acelui fișier. Te rugăm să încerci iar."
attachment_too_large: "Ne pare rău, fișierul pe care-l încarcați este prea mare (marimea maximă este de {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Ne pare rău, fişierul pe care încercaţi să îl încărcaţi este prea mare (mărimea maximă este de {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
file_too_large: "Ne pare rău, fişierul pe care încercaţi să îl încărcaţi este prea mare (mărimea maximă este de {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Ne pare rău, poți încarca doar câte un fișier."
too_many_uploads: "Ne pare rău, poți încarca doar câte un fișier."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Ne pare rău, dar nu poți trage mai mult de 10 fişiere în acelaşi timp."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Ne pare rău, dar nu poți trage mai mult de 10 fişiere în acelaşi timp."
@ -1595,6 +1592,10 @@ ro:
with_category: "%{filter} %{category} discuții"
with_category: "%{filter} %{category} discuții"
title: "Ultimele"
title: "Ultimele"
one: "Ultimele (1)"
few: "Ultimele ({{count}})"
other: "Ultimele ({{count}})"
help: "Discuții cu postări recente"
help: "Discuții cu postări recente"
title: "Interesant"
title: "Interesant"
@ -1845,14 +1846,6 @@ ro:
backups: "Backups"
backups: "Backups"
logs: "Rapoarte"
logs: "Rapoarte"
none: "Nicio rezervare valabilă."
none: "Nicio rezervare valabilă."
title: "Activearea modul doar-citire"
label: "Activează modul doar-citire"
confirm: "sunteți sigur că doriți să activați modul doar ctire?"
title: "Dezactivearea modului doar-citire"
label: "Dezactivează modul doar-citire"
none: "Nu există rapoarte..."
none: "Nu există rapoarte..."
@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ ru:
few: "%{count} года спустя"
few: "%{count} года спустя"
many: "%{count} лет спустя"
many: "%{count} лет спустя"
other: "%{count} лет спустя"
other: "%{count} лет спустя"
previous_month: 'Предыдущий Месяц'
previous_month: 'Предыдущий месяц'
next_month: 'Следующий Месяц'
next_month: 'Следующий месяц'
topic: 'Поделиться ссылкой на эту тему'
topic: 'Поделиться ссылкой на эту тему'
post: 'Ссылка на сообщение №%{postNumber}'
post: 'Ссылка на сообщение №%{postNumber}'
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ ru:
other: "{{count}} букв"
other: "{{count}} букв"
title: "Похожие темы"
title: "Похожие темы"
pm_title: "Похожие Сообщения"
pm_title: "Похожие сообщения"
simple_title: "Информация"
simple_title: "Информация"
title: "Информация про %{title}"
title: "Информация про %{title}"
@ -367,6 +367,12 @@ ru:
many: "%{count} пользователей"
many: "%{count} пользователей"
other: "%{count} пользователей"
other: "%{count} пользователей"
posts: "Участники этой группы не отправили ни одного сообщения"
members: "В этой группе нет участников"
mentions: "Упоминаний этой группы нет"
messages: "Для этой группы нет сообщений"
topics: "Участниками этой группы не создано ни одной темы"
add: "Добавить"
add: "Добавить"
selector_placeholder: "Добавить участников"
selector_placeholder: "Добавить участников"
owner: "владелец"
owner: "владелец"
@ -379,8 +385,10 @@ ru:
members: "Участники"
members: "Участники"
topics: "Темы"
topics: "Темы"
posts: "Сообщения"
posts: "Сообщения"
mentions: "Упоминания"
messages: "Сообщения"
messages: "Сообщения"
title: "Кто может отправлять сообщения и @упоминать эту группу?"
nobody: "Никто"
nobody: "Никто"
only_admins: "Только администраторы"
only_admins: "Только администраторы"
mods_and_admins: "Только модераторы и администраторы"
mods_and_admins: "Только модераторы и администраторы"
@ -394,6 +402,11 @@ ru:
title: "Отслеживание"
title: "Отслеживание"
title: "Следить"
title: "Следить"
title: "Уведомлять"
description: "Вам придёт уведомление, если кто-нибудь упомянет ваш @псевдоним или ответит вам."
title: "Выключено"
'1': "Выразил симпатий"
'1': "Выразил симпатий"
'2': "Получил симпатий"
'2': "Получил симпатий"
@ -540,7 +553,6 @@ ru:
set_password: "Установить пароль"
set_password: "Установить пароль"
title: "Изменить информацию обо мне"
title: "Изменить информацию обо мне"
error: "При изменении значения произошла ошибка."
title: "Изменить псевдоним"
title: "Изменить псевдоним"
confirm: "Если вы измените свой псевдоним, то все существующие цитаты ваших сообщений и упоминания вас по @псевдониму в чужих сообщениях перестанут ссылаться на вас. Вы точно хотите изменить псевадоним?"
confirm: "Если вы измените свой псевдоним, то все существующие цитаты ваших сообщений и упоминания вас по @псевдониму в чужих сообщениях перестанут ссылаться на вас. Вы точно хотите изменить псевадоним?"
@ -617,6 +629,7 @@ ru:
website: "Веб-сайт"
website: "Веб-сайт"
email_settings: "E-mail"
email_settings: "E-mail"
title: "Уведомлять при получении симпатии"
always: "Всегда"
always: "Всегда"
never: "Никогда"
never: "Никогда"
@ -951,7 +964,6 @@ ru:
link_description: "введите описание ссылки"
link_description: "введите описание ссылки"
link_dialog_title: "Вставить ссылку"
link_dialog_title: "Вставить ссылку"
link_optional_text: "текст ссылки"
link_optional_text: "текст ссылки"
link_placeholder: "Пример: http://example.com \"текст ссылки\""
quote_title: "Цитата"
quote_title: "Цитата"
quote_text: "Впишите текст цитаты сюда"
quote_text: "Впишите текст цитаты сюда"
code_title: "Текст \"как есть\" (без применения форматирования)"
code_title: "Текст \"как есть\" (без применения форматирования)"
@ -989,6 +1001,11 @@ ru:
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
one: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}, {{username2}} и ещё 1</span> {{description}}</p>"
few: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}, {{username2}} и ещё {{count}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
many: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}, {{username2}} и ещё {{count}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
other: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}, {{username2}} и ещё {{count}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_topic: "<i title='приглашен в тему' class='fa fa-hand-o-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_topic: "<i title='приглашен в тему' class='fa fa-hand-o-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -1410,7 +1427,6 @@ ru:
create: "К сожалению, не удалось создать сообщение из-за ошибки. Попробуйте еще раз."
create: "К сожалению, не удалось создать сообщение из-за ошибки. Попробуйте еще раз."
edit: "К сожалению, не удалось изменить сообщение. Попробуйте еще раз."
edit: "К сожалению, не удалось изменить сообщение. Попробуйте еще раз."
upload: "К сожалению, не удалось загрузить файл. Попробуйте еще раз."
upload: "К сожалению, не удалось загрузить файл. Попробуйте еще раз."
attachment_too_large: "Файл, который вы пытаетесь загрузить, слишком большой (максимальный разрешенный размер {{max_size_kb}}КБ)."
file_too_large: "К сожалению, файл, который вы пытаетесь загрузить, слишком большой (максимально допустимый размер {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
file_too_large: "К сожалению, файл, который вы пытаетесь загрузить, слишком большой (максимально допустимый размер {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "К сожалению, за один раз можно загрузить только одно изображение."
too_many_uploads: "К сожалению, за один раз можно загрузить только одно изображение."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "За один раз можно перетянуть не более 10 файлов."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "За один раз можно перетянуть не более 10 файлов."
@ -1597,7 +1613,7 @@ ru:
can: 'может… '
can: 'может… '
none: '(вне раздела)'
none: '(вне раздела)'
all: 'Все категории'
all: 'Все разделы'
choose: 'Выберете раздел…'
choose: 'Выберете раздел…'
edit: 'изменить'
edit: 'изменить'
edit_long: "Изменить"
edit_long: "Изменить"
@ -1609,7 +1625,7 @@ ru:
create: 'Создать Раздел'
create: 'Создать Раздел'
create_long: 'Создать новый раздел'
create_long: 'Создать новый раздел'
save: 'Сохранить раздел'
save: 'Сохранить раздел'
slug: 'Ссылка Категории'
slug: 'Ссылка на раздел'
slug_placeholder: '(Опция) дефисы в url'
slug_placeholder: '(Опция) дефисы в url'
creation_error: При создании нового раздела возникла ошибка.
creation_error: При создании нового раздела возникла ошибка.
save_error: При сохранении раздела возникла ошибка.
save_error: При сохранении раздела возникла ошибка.
@ -1630,7 +1646,7 @@ ru:
change_in_category_topic: "Изменить описание"
change_in_category_topic: "Изменить описание"
already_used: 'Цвет уже используется другим разделом'
already_used: 'Цвет уже используется другим разделом'
security: "Безопасность"
security: "Безопасность"
special_warning: "Внимание: данная категория была предустановлена и настройки безопасности не могут быть изменены. Если не хотите использовать эту категорию, удалите ее вместо изменения."
special_warning: "Внимание: данный раздел был предустановлен и настройки безопасности не могут быть изменены. Если не хотите использовать этот раздел, удалите его вместо изменения."
images: "Изображения"
images: "Изображения"
auto_close_label: "Закрыть тему через:"
auto_close_label: "Закрыть тему через:"
auto_close_units: "часов"
auto_close_units: "часов"
@ -2039,14 +2055,6 @@ ru:
backups: "Резервные копии"
backups: "Резервные копии"
logs: "Журнал событий"
logs: "Журнал событий"
none: "Нет доступных резервных копий"
none: "Нет доступных резервных копий"
title: "Включить режим \"только для чтения\""
label: "Включить режим \"только для чтения\""
confirm: "Вы уверены, что хотите включить режим \"только для чтения\"?"
title: "Выключить режим \"только для чтения\""
label: "Выключить режим \"только для чтения\""
none: "Пока нет сообщений в журнале регистрации..."
none: "Пока нет сообщений в журнале регистрации..."
@ -2745,7 +2753,9 @@ ru:
mark_tracking: '<b>m</b>, <b>t</b> Отслеживать тему'
mark_tracking: '<b>m</b>, <b>t</b> Отслеживать тему'
mark_watching: '<b>m</b>, <b>w</b> Наблюдать за темой'
mark_watching: '<b>m</b>, <b>w</b> Наблюдать за темой'
others_count: "Другие с этой наградой (%{count})"
title: Награды
title: Награды
multiple_grant: "Выдаётся многократно"
one: "1 награда"
one: "1 награда"
few: "%{count} награды"
few: "%{count} награды"
@ -525,7 +525,6 @@ sk:
set_password: "Nastaviť heslo"
set_password: "Nastaviť heslo"
title: "Upraviť O mne"
title: "Upraviť O mne"
error: "Pri úprave hodnoty nastala chyba"
title: "Zmeniť užívateľské meno"
title: "Zmeniť užívateľské meno"
confirm: "Ak si zmeníte vaše užívateľské meno, všetky predchádajúce cítacie vašich príspevkov a @zmienok prestanú platiť. Ste si určite istý, že to chcete?"
confirm: "Ak si zmeníte vaše užívateľské meno, všetky predchádajúce cítacie vašich príspevkov a @zmienok prestanú platiť. Ste si určite istý, že to chcete?"
@ -903,7 +902,6 @@ sk:
link_description: "tu zadaj popis odkazu"
link_description: "tu zadaj popis odkazu"
link_dialog_title: "Vložte hyperlink"
link_dialog_title: "Vložte hyperlink"
link_optional_text: "nepovinný názov"
link_optional_text: "nepovinný názov"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"voliteľný text\""
quote_title: "Úvodzovky"
quote_title: "Úvodzovky"
quote_text: "Úvodzovky"
quote_text: "Úvodzovky"
code_title: "Preformátovaný text"
code_title: "Preformátovaný text"
@ -1369,7 +1367,6 @@ sk:
create: "Ľutujeme, pri vytváraní príspevku nastala chyba. Prosím, skúste znovu."
create: "Ľutujeme, pri vytváraní príspevku nastala chyba. Prosím, skúste znovu."
edit: "Ľutujeme, pri úprave príspevku nastala chyba. Prosím, skúste znovu."
edit: "Ľutujeme, pri úprave príspevku nastala chyba. Prosím, skúste znovu."
upload: "Ľutujeme, pri nahrávaní súboru nastala chyba. Prosím, skúste znovu."
upload: "Ľutujeme, pri nahrávaní súboru nastala chyba. Prosím, skúste znovu."
attachment_too_large: "Ľutujeme, súbor, ktorý sa pokúšate nahrať, je príliš veľký (maximálna veľkosť je {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Ľutujeme, súbor, ktorý sa pokúšate nahrať je príliš veľký (maximálna veľkosť je {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
file_too_large: "Ľutujeme, súbor, ktorý sa pokúšate nahrať je príliš veľký (maximálna veľkosť je {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Ľutujeme, ale naraz je možné nahrať len jeden súbor."
too_many_uploads: "Ľutujeme, ale naraz je možné nahrať len jeden súbor."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Prepáčte, naraz môžte presunúť maximálne 10 súborov."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Prepáčte, naraz môžte presunúť maximálne 10 súborov."
@ -1970,14 +1967,6 @@ sk:
backups: "Zálohy"
backups: "Zálohy"
logs: "Logy"
logs: "Logy"
none: "Nie je dostupná žiadna záloha."
none: "Nie je dostupná žiadna záloha."
title: "Povoliť mód len na čítanie."
label: "Povoliť mód len na čítanie."
confirm: "Ste si istý, že chcete povoliť mód len na čítanie?"
title: "Zakázať mód len na čítanie"
label: "Zakázať mód len na čítanie"
none: "Zatiaľ žiadne logy..."
none: "Zatiaľ žiadne logy..."
@ -143,6 +143,10 @@ sq:
eu_west_1: "EU (Ireland)"
eu_west_1: "EU (Ireland)"
eu_central_1: "EU (Frankfurt)"
eu_central_1: "EU (Frankfurt)"
ap_southeast_1: "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
ap_southeast_1: "Asia Pacific (Singapore)"
ap_southeast_2: "Asia Pacific (Sydney)"
ap_northeast_1: "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)"
ap_northeast_2: "Asia Pacific (Seoul)"
sa_east_1: "South America (Sao Paulo)"
edit: 'redakto titullin dhe kategorinë e kësaj teme'
edit: 'redakto titullin dhe kategorinë e kësaj teme'
not_implemented: "Kjo veçori nuk është implementuar akoma, na vjen keq!"
not_implemented: "Kjo veçori nuk është implementuar akoma, na vjen keq!"
no_value: "Jo"
no_value: "Jo"
@ -432,6 +436,7 @@ sq:
not_supported: "Notifications are not supported on this browser. Sorry."
not_supported: "Notifications are not supported on this browser. Sorry."
perm_default: "Turn On Notifications"
perm_default: "Turn On Notifications"
perm_denied_btn: "Permission Denied"
perm_denied_btn: "Permission Denied"
perm_denied_expl: "You denied permission for notifications. Allow notifications via your browser settings."
disable: "Disable Notifications"
disable: "Disable Notifications"
enable: "Enable Notifications"
enable: "Enable Notifications"
each_browser_note: "Note: You have to change this setting on every browser you use."
each_browser_note: "Note: You have to change this setting on every browser you use."
@ -457,6 +462,7 @@ sq:
tracked_categories: "Gjurmuar"
tracked_categories: "Gjurmuar"
tracked_categories_instructions: "You will automatically track all new topics in these categories. A count of new posts will appear next to the topic."
tracked_categories_instructions: "You will automatically track all new topics in these categories. A count of new posts will appear next to the topic."
muted_categories: "Heshtur"
muted_categories: "Heshtur"
muted_categories_instructions: "You will not be notified of anything about new topics in these categories, and they will not appear in latest."
delete_account: "Fshi Llogarin Time"
delete_account: "Fshi Llogarin Time"
delete_account_confirm: "Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This action cannot be undone!"
delete_account_confirm: "Are you sure you want to permanently delete your account? This action cannot be undone!"
deleted_yourself: "Llogaria juaj u fshi me sukses."
deleted_yourself: "Llogaria juaj u fshi me sukses."
@ -466,6 +472,8 @@ sq:
users: "Users"
users: "Users"
muted_users: "Muted"
muted_users: "Muted"
muted_users_instructions: "Suppress all notifications from these users."
muted_users_instructions: "Suppress all notifications from these users."
muted_topics_link: "Show muted topics"
automatically_unpin_topics: "Automatically unpin topics when I reach the bottom."
flags_given: "helpful flags"
flags_given: "helpful flags"
flagged_posts: "postimet e raportuara"
flagged_posts: "postimet e raportuara"
@ -474,6 +482,15 @@ sq:
warnings_received: "paralajmërimet"
warnings_received: "paralajmërimet"
all: "Të gjithë"
all: "Të gjithë"
inbox: "Inbox"
sent: "Sent"
archive: "Archive"
groups: "Grupet e mia"
bulk_select: "Zgjidh mesazhet"
move_to_inbox: "Move to Inbox"
move_to_archive: "Arkivo"
failed_to_move: "Failed to move selected messages (perhaps your network is down)"
select_all: "Agjidh të gjitha"
success: "(email u dërgua)"
success: "(email u dërgua)"
in_progress: "(duke dërguar emailin)"
in_progress: "(duke dërguar emailin)"
@ -482,7 +499,7 @@ sq:
set_password: "Vendos Fjalëkalim"
set_password: "Vendos Fjalëkalim"
title: "Ndrysho Rreth Meje"
title: "Ndrysho Rreth Meje"
error: "There was an error changing ths value."
error: "There was an error changing this value."
title: "Ndrysho Pseudonimin"
title: "Ndrysho Pseudonimin"
confirm: "Nëse ndryshoni emrin, të gjithë postimet e cituara tek duke përfolur @emri nuk do të punojnë. Jeni të sigurte që doni ta aprovoni?"
confirm: "Nëse ndryshoni emrin, të gjithë postimet e cituara tek duke përfolur @emri nuk do të punojnë. Jeni të sigurte që doni ta aprovoni?"
@ -518,6 +535,7 @@ sq:
ok: "We will email you to confirm"
ok: "We will email you to confirm"
invalid: "Please enter a valid email address"
invalid: "Please enter a valid email address"
authenticated: "Your email has been authenticated by {{provider}}"
authenticated: "Your email has been authenticated by {{provider}}"
frequency_immediately: "We'll email you immediately if you haven't read the thing we're emailing you about."
title: "Emri"
title: "Emri"
instructions: "Emri i Plotë (fakultativ)"
instructions: "Emri i Plotë (fakultativ)"
@ -553,9 +571,21 @@ sq:
title: "Card Badge Anëtarit"
title: "Card Badge Anëtarit"
website: "Web Site"
website: "Web Site"
email_settings: "Email"
email_settings: "Email"
title: "Notify when liked"
always: "Gjithmonë"
first_time_and_daily: "First time a post is liked and daily"
first_time: "First time a post is liked"
never: "Asnjëherë"
title: "Include previous replies at the bottom of emails"
unless_emailed: "nëse ishin dërguar më parë"
always: "gjithmonë"
never: "asnjëherë"
title: "When I don't visit here, send an email digest of what's new:"
title: "When I don't visit here, send an email digest of what's new:"
every_30_minutes: "çdo 30 minuta"
every_30_minutes: "çdo 30 minuta"
every_hour: "ditore"
daily: "ditore"
daily: "ditore"
every_three_days: "çdo 3 ditë"
every_three_days: "çdo 3 ditë"
weekly: "javore"
weekly: "javore"
@ -575,15 +605,27 @@ sq:
immediately: "menjëherë"
immediately: "menjëherë"
after_30_seconds: "pas 30 sekonda"
after_30_seconds: "pas 30 sekonda"
after_1_minute: "pas 1 minute"
after_1_minute: "pas 1 minute"
after_2_minutes: "pas 2 minutash"
after_3_minutes: "pas 3 minutash"
after_4_minutes: "pas 4 minutash"
after_5_minutes: "pas 5 minutash"
after_10_minutes: "pas 10 minutash"
search: "shkruaj për të kërkuar ftesat..."
search: "shkruaj për të kërkuar ftesat..."
title: "Ftesa"
title: "Ftesa"
user: "Anëtarët e Ftuar"
user: "Anëtarët e Ftuar"
sent: "Dërguar"
none: "There are no pending invites to display."
one: "Showing the first invite."
other: "Showing the first {{count}} invites."
redeemed: "Ridërgo ftesat"
redeemed: "Ridërgo ftesat"
redeemed_tab: "Redeemed"
redeemed_tab: "Redeemed"
redeemed_tab_with_count: "Redeemed ({{count}})"
redeemed_at: "Redeemed"
redeemed_at: "Redeemed"
pending: "Ftesat e Pezulluara"
pending: "Ftesat e Pezulluara"
pending_tab: "Pending"
pending_tab: "Pending"
pending_tab_with_count: "Pending ({{count}})"
topics_entered: "Diskutimet e Para"
topics_entered: "Diskutimet e Para"
posts_read_count: "Postimet e Lexuara"
posts_read_count: "Postimet e Lexuara"
expired: "Kjo ftesa ka skaduar."
expired: "Kjo ftesa ka skaduar."
@ -595,6 +637,7 @@ sq:
days_visited: "Days Visited"
days_visited: "Days Visited"
account_age_days: "Account age in days"
account_age_days: "Account age in days"
create: "Dërgo një ftesë"
create: "Dërgo një ftesë"
generate_link: "Kopjo lidhjen e Ftesës"
none: "Ju nuk keni ftuar askënd deri tani. Mund të dërgoni ftesa individuale ose mund të ftoni një grup personash duke <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/send-bulk-invites/16468'>ngarkuar skedarin</a>."
none: "Ju nuk keni ftuar askënd deri tani. Mund të dërgoni ftesa individuale ose mund të ftoni një grup personash duke <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/send-bulk-invites/16468'>ngarkuar skedarin</a>."
text: "Skedari për Ftesat në Grup"
text: "Skedari për Ftesat në Grup"
@ -610,7 +653,19 @@ sq:
ok: "Fjalëkalimi është i pranueshëm."
ok: "Fjalëkalimi është i pranueshëm."
instructions: "Të paktën %{count} karaktere."
instructions: "Të paktën %{count} karaktere."
title: "Përmbledhja"
stats: "Statistikat"
stats: "Statistikat"
time_read: "koha e leximit"
one: "like given"
other: "pëlqime të dhëna"
more_replies: "Më shumë përgjigje"
top_topics: "Top Topics"
no_topics: "No topics yet."
more_topics: "More Topics"
top_badges: "Top Badges"
no_badges: "No badges yet."
more_badges: "More Badges"
associated_accounts: "Logins"
associated_accounts: "Logins"
title: "Adresa IP e Fundit"
title: "Adresa IP e Fundit"
@ -642,6 +697,7 @@ sq:
network_fixed: "Duket sikur u ktheve."
network_fixed: "Duket sikur u ktheve."
server: "Kodi Gabimit: {{status}}"
server: "Kodi Gabimit: {{status}}"
forbidden: "You're not allowed to view that."
forbidden: "You're not allowed to view that."
not_found: "Oops, the application tried to load a URL that doesn't exist."
unknown: "Diçka shkoj keq."
unknown: "Diçka shkoj keq."
back: "Shko Mbrapa"
back: "Shko Mbrapa"
@ -652,7 +708,15 @@ sq:
logout: "Ju jeni shkëputur!"
logout: "Ju jeni shkëputur!"
refresh: "Rifresko"
refresh: "Rifresko"
enabled: "This site is in read only mode. Please continue to browse, but replying, likes, and other actions are disabled for now."
login_disabled: "Login is disabled while the site is in read only mode."
login_disabled: "Login is disabled while the site is in read only mode."
logout_disabled: "Logout is disabled while the site is in read only mode."
too_few_topics_and_posts_notice: "Let's <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>get this discussion started!</a> There are currently <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> topics and <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> posts. New visitors need some conversations to read and respond to."
too_few_topics_notice: "Let's <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>get this discussion started!</a> There are currently <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> topics. New visitors need some conversations to read and respond to."
too_few_posts_notice: "Let's <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>get this discussion started!</a> There are currently <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> posts. New visitors need some conversations to read and respond to."
reached: "%{timestamp}: Current rate of <a href='%{url}' target='_blank'>%{rate}</a> has reached site settings's limit of %{siteSettingRate}."
exceeded: "%{timestamp}: Current rate of <a href='%{url}' target='_blank'>%{rate}</a> has exceeded site settings's limit of %{siteSettingRate}."
learn_more: "mëso më shumë..."
learn_more: "mëso më shumë..."
year: 'vit'
year: 'vit'
year_desc: 'temat e krijuara në 365 ditët e fundit'
year_desc: 'temat e krijuara në 365 ditët e fundit'
@ -670,9 +734,16 @@ sq:
one: përgjigje
one: përgjigje
other: përgjigje
other: përgjigje
sign_up: "Sign Up"
hide_session: "Remind me tomorrow"
hide_forever: "jo faleminderit"
hide_forever: "jo faleminderit"
hidden_for_session: "OK, I'll ask you tomorrow. You can always use 'Log In' to create an account, too."
intro: "Hey there! :heart_eyes: Looks like you're enjoying the discussion, but you're not signed up for an account."
value_prop: "When you create an account, we remember exactly what you've read, so you always come right back where you left off. You also get notifications, here and via email, whenever new posts are made. And you can like posts to share the love. :heartbeat:"
enabled_description: "You're viewing a summary of this topic: the most interesting posts as determined by the community."
enabled_description: "You're viewing a summary of this topic: the most interesting posts as determined by the community."
description: "There are <b>{{replyCount}}</b> replies."
description_time: "There are <b>{{replyCount}}</b> replies with an estimated read time of <b>{{readingTime}} minutes</b>."
enable: 'Përmbidhë këtë Diskutim'
enable: 'Përmbidhë këtë Diskutim'
disable: 'Shfaq të gjithë Postimet'
disable: 'Shfaq të gjithë Postimet'
@ -727,6 +798,8 @@ sq:
resend_activation_email: "Click here to send the activation email again."
resend_activation_email: "Click here to send the activation email again."
sent_activation_email_again: "We sent another activation email to you at <b>{{currentEmail}}</b>. It might take a few minutes for it to arrive; be sure to check your spam folder."
sent_activation_email_again: "We sent another activation email to you at <b>{{currentEmail}}</b>. It might take a few minutes for it to arrive; be sure to check your spam folder."
to_continue: "Ju lutem, Identifikohuni"
to_continue: "Ju lutem, Identifikohuni"
preferences: "You need to be logged in to change your user preferences."
forgot: "I don't recall my account details"
title: "me Google"
title: "me Google"
message: "Authenticating with Google (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
message: "Authenticating with Google (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
@ -736,6 +809,9 @@ sq:
title: "me Twitter"
title: "me Twitter"
message: "Authenticating with Twitter (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
message: "Authenticating with Twitter (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "with Instagram"
message: "Authenticating with Instagram (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
title: "me Facebook"
title: "me Facebook"
message: "Authenticating with Facebook (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
message: "Authenticating with Facebook (make sure pop up blockers are not enabled)"
@ -754,15 +830,19 @@ sq:
ctrl: 'Ctrl'
ctrl: 'Ctrl'
alt: 'Alt'
alt: 'Alt'
emoji: "Emoji :)"
more_emoji: "më shumë..."
more_emoji: "më shumë..."
options: "Opsione"
options: "Opsione"
whisper: "pëshpëritje"
add_warning: "This is an official warning."
add_warning: "This is an official warning."
toggle_whisper: "Hiq pëshpëritjet"
posting_not_on_topic: "Which topic do you want to reply to?"
posting_not_on_topic: "Which topic do you want to reply to?"
saving_draft_tip: "duke e ruajtur..."
saving_draft_tip: "duke e ruajtur..."
saved_draft_tip: "ruajtur"
saved_draft_tip: "ruajtur"
saved_local_draft_tip: "saved locally"
saved_local_draft_tip: "saved locally"
similar_topics: "Tema juaj është e ngjashme me..."
similar_topics: "Tema juaj është e ngjashme me..."
drafts_offline: "drafts offline"
drafts_offline: "drafts offline"
group_mentioned: "By using {{group}}, you are about to notify <a href='{{group_link}}'>{{count}} people</a>."
title_missing: "Titulli është i nevojshëm"
title_missing: "Titulli është i nevojshëm"
title_too_short: "Title must be at least {{min}} characters"
title_too_short: "Title must be at least {{min}} characters"
@ -783,6 +863,7 @@ sq:
title_placeholder: "What is this discussion about in one brief sentence?"
title_placeholder: "What is this discussion about in one brief sentence?"
edit_reason_placeholder: "pse jeni duke e redaktuar?"
edit_reason_placeholder: "pse jeni duke e redaktuar?"
show_edit_reason: "(arsye redaktimit)"
show_edit_reason: "(arsye redaktimit)"
reply_placeholder: "Type here. Use Markdown, BBCode, or HTML to format. Drag or paste images."
view_new_post: "Shikoni postimin tuaj te ri."
view_new_post: "Shikoni postimin tuaj te ri."
saving: "Duke e ruajtur"
saving: "Duke e ruajtur"
saved: "U Ruajt!"
saved: "U Ruajt!"
@ -799,6 +880,7 @@ sq:
link_description: "shkruaj përshkrimin e lidhjes këtu"
link_description: "shkruaj përshkrimin e lidhjes këtu"
link_dialog_title: "Vendos Lidhje"
link_dialog_title: "Vendos Lidhje"
link_optional_text: "titull opsional"
link_optional_text: "titull opsional"
link_url_placeholder: "http://example.com"
quote_title: "Citim"
quote_title: "Citim"
quote_text: "Blockquote"
quote_text: "Blockquote"
code_title: "Preformatted text"
code_title: "Preformatted text"
@ -815,6 +897,7 @@ sq:
toggler: "hide or show the composer panel"
toggler: "hide or show the composer panel"
modal_ok: "OK"
modal_ok: "OK"
modal_cancel: "Anulo"
modal_cancel: "Anulo"
cant_send_pm: "Sorry, you can't send a message to %{username}."
admin_options_title: "Optional staff settings for this topic"
admin_options_title: "Optional staff settings for this topic"
label: "Auto-close topic time:"
label: "Auto-close topic time:"
@ -831,10 +914,16 @@ sq:
more: "shiko njoftimet e kaluara"
more: "shiko njoftimet e kaluara"
total_flagged: "totali postimeve të sinjalizuar"
total_flagged: "totali postimeve të sinjalizuar"
mentioned: "<i title='mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
mentioned: "<i title='mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
group_mentioned: "<i title='group mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='posted' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked_2: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}, {{username2}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
one: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}, {{username2}} dhe 1 tjetër</span> {{description}}</p>"
other: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}, {{username2}} dhe {{count}} others</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_topic: "<i title='invited to topic' class='fa fa-hand-o-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_topic: "<i title='invited to topic' class='fa fa-hand-o-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -842,11 +931,27 @@ sq:
moved_post: "<i title='moved post' class='fa fa-sign-out'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> moved {{description}}</p>"
moved_post: "<i title='moved post' class='fa fa-sign-out'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> moved {{description}}</p>"
linked: "<i title='linked post' class='fa fa-arrow-left'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
linked: "<i title='linked post' class='fa fa-arrow-left'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
granted_badge: "<i title='badge granted' class='fa fa-certificate'></i><p>Earned '{{description}}'</p>"
granted_badge: "<i title='badge granted' class='fa fa-certificate'></i><p>Earned '{{description}}'</p>"
one: "<i title='messages in group inbox' class='fa fa-group'></i><p> {{count}} message in your {{group_name}} inbox</p>"
other: "<i title='messages in group inbox' class='fa fa-group'></i><p> {{count}} mesazhe në {{group_name}} inbox</p>"
mentioned: "Cituar nga"
quoted: "Cituar nga"
quoted: "Cituar nga"
replied: "Përgjigjur"
posted: "Postim nga"
posted: "Postim nga"
edited: "Redakto postimin tuaj"
liked: "Liked your post"
private_message: "Private message from"
invited_to_private_message: "Invited to a private message from"
invited_to_topic: "Invited to a topic from"
invitee_accepted: "Invite accepted by"
moved_post: "Your post was moved by"
linked: "Link to your post"
granted_badge: "Badge granted"
group_message_summary: "Messages in group inbox"
mentioned: '{{username}} mentioned you in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
mentioned: '{{username}} mentioned you in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
group_mentioned: '{{username}} mentioned you in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
quoted: '{{username}} quoted you in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
quoted: '{{username}} quoted you in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
replied: '{{username}} replied to you in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
replied: '{{username}} replied to you in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
posted: '{{username}} posted in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
posted: '{{username}} posted in "{{topic}}" - {{site_title}}'
@ -858,13 +963,22 @@ sq:
from_my_computer: "Nga çdo paisje"
from_my_computer: "Nga çdo paisje"
from_the_web: "Nga web"
from_the_web: "Nga web"
remote_tip: "lidhje tek imazhi"
remote_tip: "lidhje tek imazhi"
remote_tip_with_attachments: "link to image or file {{authorized_extensions}}"
local_tip: "select images from your device"
local_tip: "select images from your device"
local_tip_with_attachments: "select images or files from your device {{authorized_extensions}}"
hint: "(you can also drag & drop into the editor to upload them)"
hint: "(you can also drag & drop into the editor to upload them)"
hint_for_supported_browsers: "you can also drag and drop or paste images into the editor"
uploading: "Duke ngarkaur"
uploading: "Duke ngarkaur"
select_file: "Select File"
select_file: "Select File"
image_link: "link your image will point to"
image_link: "link your image will point to"
sort_by: "Rendit sipas"
sort_by: "Rendit sipas"
relevance: "Relevance"
latest_post: "Latest Post"
most_viewed: "Most Viewed"
most_liked: "Most Liked"
select_all: "Select All"
clear_all: "Clear All"
title: "search topics, posts, users, or categories"
title: "search topics, posts, users, or categories"
no_results: "Nuk i gjet asnjë rezultat."
no_results: "Nuk i gjet asnjë rezultat."
no_more_results: "No more results found."
no_more_results: "No more results found."
@ -876,14 +990,21 @@ sq:
category: "Kërko tek kategoria \"{{category}}\""
category: "Kërko tek kategoria \"{{category}}\""
topic: "Kërko tek kjo temë"
topic: "Kërko tek kjo temë"
private_messages: "Search messages"
private_messages: "Search messages"
hamburger_menu: "go to another topic list or category"
new_item: "e re"
new_item: "e re"
go_back: 'kthehu mbrapa'
go_back: 'kthehu mbrapa'
not_logged_in_user: 'user page with summary of current activity and preferences'
not_logged_in_user: 'user page with summary of current activity and preferences'
current_user: 'go to your user page'
current_user: 'go to your user page'
unlist_topics: "Unlist Topics"
reset_read: "Reseto Leximet"
reset_read: "Reseto Leximet"
delete: "Delete Topics"
delete: "Delete Topics"
dismiss: "Dismiss"
dismiss_read: "Dismiss all unread"
dismiss_button: "Dismiss…"
dismiss_tooltip: "Dismiss just new posts or stop tracking topics"
also_dismiss_topics: "Stop tracking these topics so they never show up as unread for me again"
dismiss_new: "Dismiss New"
dismiss_new: "Dismiss New"
toggle: "toggle bulk selection of topics"
toggle: "toggle bulk selection of topics"
actions: "Bulk Actions"
actions: "Bulk Actions"
@ -906,6 +1027,9 @@ sq:
category: "Nuk ka {{category}} tema."
category: "Nuk ka {{category}} tema."
top: "Nuk ka tema të populluara."
top: "Nuk ka tema të populluara."
search: "There are no search results."
search: "There are no search results."
new: '<p>Your new topics appear here.</p><p>By default, topics are considered new and will show a <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">new</span> indicator if they were created in the last 2 days.</p><p>Visit your <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">preferences</a> to change this.</p>'
unread: '<p>Your unread topics appear here.</p><p>By default, topics are considered unread and will show unread counts <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> if you:</p><ul><li>Created the topic</li><li>Replied to the topic</li><li>Read the topic for more than 4 minutes</li></ul><p>Or if you have explicitly set the topic to Tracked or Watched via the notification control at the bottom of each topic.</p><p>Visit your <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">preferences</a> to change this.</p>'
latest: "Nuk ka më tema së fundmi."
latest: "Nuk ka më tema së fundmi."
hot: "Nuk ka më tema të populluara."
hot: "Nuk ka më tema të populluara."
@ -918,10 +1042,19 @@ sq:
bookmarks: "There are no more bookmarked topics."
bookmarks: "There are no more bookmarked topics."
search: "There are no more search results."
search: "There are no more search results."
stop_notifications: "You will now receive less notifications for <strong>{{title}}</strong>"
change_notification_state: "Your current notification state is "
filter_to: "{{post_count}} posts in topic"
filter_to: "{{post_count}} posts in topic"
create: 'Temë e Re'
create: 'Temë e Re'
create_long: 'Fillo një Diskutim të Ri'
create_long: 'Fillo një Diskutim të Ri'
private_message: 'Start a message'
private_message: 'Start a message'
help: 'Move message to your archive'
title: 'Archive'
title: 'Move to Inbox'
help: 'Move message back to Inbox'
list: 'Tema'
list: 'Tema'
new: 'temë e re'
new: 'temë e re'
unread: 'unread'
unread: 'unread'
@ -972,6 +1105,7 @@ sq:
auto_close_title: 'Auto-Close Settings'
auto_close_title: 'Auto-Close Settings'
auto_close_save: "Ruaj"
auto_close_save: "Ruaj"
auto_close_remove: "Don't Auto-Close This Topic"
auto_close_remove: "Don't Auto-Close This Topic"
auto_close_immediate: "The last post in the topic is already %{hours} hours old, so the topic will be closed immediately."
title: progresi temës
title: progresi temës
go_top: "sipër"
go_top: "sipër"
@ -1021,6 +1155,7 @@ sq:
description: "You will never be notified of anything about this message."
description: "You will never be notified of anything about this message."
title: "Muted"
title: "Muted"
description: "You will never be notified of anything about this topic, and it will not appear in latest."
recover: "Un-Delete Topic"
recover: "Un-Delete Topic"
delete: "Fshi Diskutimin"
delete: "Fshi Diskutimin"
@ -1061,14 +1196,19 @@ sq:
unpin: "Remove this topic from the top of the {{categoryLink}} category."
unpin: "Remove this topic from the top of the {{categoryLink}} category."
unpin_until: "Remove this topic from the top of the {{categoryLink}} category or wait until <strong>%{until}</strong>."
unpin_until: "Remove this topic from the top of the {{categoryLink}} category or wait until <strong>%{until}</strong>."
pin_note: "Users can unpin the topic individually for themselves."
pin_note: "Users can unpin the topic individually for themselves."
pin_validation: "A date is required to pin this topic."
not_pinned: "There are no topics pinned in {{categoryLink}}."
pin_globally: "Make this topic appear at the top of all topic lists until"
pin_globally: "Make this topic appear at the top of all topic lists until"
confirm_pin_globally: "You already have {{count}} globally pinned topics. Too many pinned topics may be a burden for new and anonymous users. Are you sure you want to pin another topic globally?"
confirm_pin_globally: "You already have {{count}} globally pinned topics. Too many pinned topics may be a burden for new and anonymous users. Are you sure you want to pin another topic globally?"
unpin_globally: "Remove this topic from the top of all topic lists."
unpin_globally: "Remove this topic from the top of all topic lists."
unpin_globally_until: "Remove this topic from the top of all topic lists or wait until <strong>%{until}</strong>."
unpin_globally_until: "Remove this topic from the top of all topic lists or wait until <strong>%{until}</strong>."
global_pin_note: "Users can unpin the topic individually for themselves."
global_pin_note: "Users can unpin the topic individually for themselves."
not_pinned_globally: "There are no topics pinned globally."
make_banner: "Make this topic into a banner that appears at the top of all pages."
make_banner: "Make this topic into a banner that appears at the top of all pages."
remove_banner: "Remove the banner that appears at the top of all pages."
remove_banner: "Remove the banner that appears at the top of all pages."
banner_note: "Users can dismiss the banner by closing it. Only one topic can be bannered at any given time."
banner_note: "Users can dismiss the banner by closing it. Only one topic can be bannered at any given time."
no_banner_exists: "There is no banner topic."
banner_exists: "There <strong class='badge badge-notification unread'>is</strong> currently a banner topic."
inviting: "Inviting..."
inviting: "Inviting..."
automatically_add_to_groups_optional: "This invite also includes access to these groups: (optional, admin only)"
automatically_add_to_groups_optional: "This invite also includes access to these groups: (optional, admin only)"
automatically_add_to_groups_required: "This invite also includes access to these groups: (<b>Required</b>, admin only)"
automatically_add_to_groups_required: "This invite also includes access to these groups: (<b>Required</b>, admin only)"
@ -1080,6 +1220,7 @@ sq:
success: "We've invited that user to participate in this message."
success: "We've invited that user to participate in this message."
error: "Sorry, there was an error inviting that user."
error: "Sorry, there was an error inviting that user."
group_name: "emri grupit"
group_name: "emri grupit"
controls: "Topic Controls"
title: 'Ftesa'
title: 'Ftesa'
username_placeholder: "username"
username_placeholder: "username"
@ -1126,6 +1267,12 @@ sq:
one: "Please choose the new owner of the post by <b>{{old_user}}</b>."
one: "Please choose the new owner of the post by <b>{{old_user}}</b>."
other: "Please choose the new owner of the {{count}} posts by <b>{{old_user}}</b>."
other: "Please choose the new owner of the {{count}} posts by <b>{{old_user}}</b>."
instructions_warn: "Note that any notifications about this post will not be transferred to the new user retroactively.<br>Warning: Currently, no post-dependent data is transferred over to the new user. Use with caution."
instructions_warn: "Note that any notifications about this post will not be transferred to the new user retroactively.<br>Warning: Currently, no post-dependent data is transferred over to the new user. Use with caution."
title: "Change Timestamp"
action: "change timestamp"
invalid_timestamp: "Timestamp cannot be in the future."
error: "There was an error changing the timestamp of the topic."
instructions: "Please select the new timestamp of the topic. Posts in the topic will be updated to have the same time difference."
select: 'zgjidh'
select: 'zgjidh'
selected: 'selected ({{count}})'
selected: 'selected ({{count}})'
@ -1168,11 +1315,11 @@ sq:
one: "1 person liked this post"
one: "1 person liked this post"
other: "{{count}} people liked this post"
other: "{{count}} people liked this post"
has_likes_title_only_you: "you liked this post"
create: "Na vjen keq, por ndodhi një gabim gjatë hapjes së temës. Provojeni përsëri."
create: "Na vjen keq, por ndodhi një gabim gjatë hapjes së temës. Provojeni përsëri."
edit: "Na vjen keq, ndodhi një gabim gjatë redaktimit të temës. Provojeni përsëri."
edit: "Na vjen keq, ndodhi një gabim gjatë redaktimit të temës. Provojeni përsëri."
upload: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
upload: "Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again."
attachment_too_large: "Upps, skedari qe po ngarkoni është shume i madh (maksimumi vlerave {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Upps, skedari qe po ngarkoni është shume i madh (vlera maksimale {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
file_too_large: "Upps, skedari qe po ngarkoni është shume i madh (vlera maksimale {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Na vjen keq, por ju mund te ngarkoni vetëm një skedar."
too_many_uploads: "Na vjen keq, por ju mund te ngarkoni vetëm një skedar."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Sorry, you can only drag & drop up to 10 files at a time."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Sorry, you can only drag & drop up to 10 files at a time."
@ -1185,8 +1332,12 @@ sq:
no_value: "Jo, mbaji"
no_value: "Jo, mbaji"
yes_value: "Po, braktise"
yes_value: "Po, braktise"
via_email: "this post arrived via email"
via_email: "this post arrived via email"
whisper: "this post is a private whisper for moderators"
about: "this post is a wiki"
save: 'Ruaj Opsionet'
save: 'Ruaj Opsionet'
few_likes_left: "Thanks for sharing the love! You only have a few likes left for today."
reply: "shkruaj një përgjigje tek ky diskutim"
reply: "shkruaj një përgjigje tek ky diskutim"
like: "pëlqejë postimin"
like: "pëlqejë postimin"
@ -1212,6 +1363,7 @@ sq:
revert_to_regular: "Remove Staff Color"
revert_to_regular: "Remove Staff Color"
rebake: "Rebuild HTML"
rebake: "Rebuild HTML"
unhide: "Unhide"
unhide: "Unhide"
change_owner: "Change Ownership"
flag: 'Shëno'
flag: 'Shëno'
@ -1232,6 +1384,15 @@ sq:
bookmark: "Undo bookmark"
bookmark: "Undo bookmark"
like: "Anulo pëlqimin"
like: "Anulo pëlqimin"
vote: "Rikthe votën"
vote: "Rikthe votën"
off_topic: "flagged this as off-topic"
spam: "flagged this as spam"
inappropriate: "flagged this as inappropriate"
notify_moderators: "notified moderators"
notify_user: "sent a message"
bookmark: "bookmarked this"
like: "liked this"
vote: "voted for this"
off_topic: "You flagged this as off-topic"
off_topic: "You flagged this as off-topic"
spam: "You flagged this as spam"
spam: "You flagged this as spam"
@ -1303,6 +1464,7 @@ sq:
last: "Last revision"
last: "Last revision"
hide: "Hide revision"
hide: "Hide revision"
show: "Show revision"
show: "Show revision"
revert: "Revert to this revision"
comparing_previous_to_current_out_of_total: "<strong>{{previous}}</strong> <i class='fa fa-arrows-h'></i> <strong>{{current}}</strong> / {{total}}"
comparing_previous_to_current_out_of_total: "<strong>{{previous}}</strong> <i class='fa fa-arrows-h'></i> <strong>{{current}}</strong> / {{total}}"
@ -1327,6 +1489,7 @@ sq:
topic_template: "Topic Template"
topic_template: "Topic Template"
delete: 'Fshi Kategori'
delete: 'Fshi Kategori'
create: 'Kategori e Re'
create: 'Kategori e Re'
create_long: 'Create a new category'
save: 'Ruaj Kategori'
save: 'Ruaj Kategori'
slug: 'Category Slug'
slug: 'Category Slug'
slug_placeholder: '(Optional) dashed-words for url'
slug_placeholder: '(Optional) dashed-words for url'
@ -1349,6 +1512,7 @@ sq:
change_in_category_topic: "Redakto Përshkrimin"
change_in_category_topic: "Redakto Përshkrimin"
already_used: 'This color has been used by another category'
already_used: 'This color has been used by another category'
security: "Siguria"
security: "Siguria"
special_warning: "Warning: This category is a pre-seeded category and the security settings cannot be edited. If you do not wish to use this category, delete it instead of repurposing it."
images: "Imazhe"
images: "Imazhe"
auto_close_label: "Auto-close topics after:"
auto_close_label: "Auto-close topics after:"
auto_close_units: "orë"
auto_close_units: "orë"
@ -1356,6 +1520,7 @@ sq:
email_in_allow_strangers: "Accept emails from anonymous users with no accounts"
email_in_allow_strangers: "Accept emails from anonymous users with no accounts"
email_in_disabled: "Posting new topics via email is disabled in the Site Settings. To enable posting new topics via email, "
email_in_disabled: "Posting new topics via email is disabled in the Site Settings. To enable posting new topics via email, "
email_in_disabled_click: 'enable the "email in" setting.'
email_in_disabled_click: 'enable the "email in" setting.'
suppress_from_homepage: "Suppress this category from the homepage."
allow_badges_label: "Allow badges to be awarded in this category"
allow_badges_label: "Allow badges to be awarded in this category"
edit_permissions: "Ndrysho autorizimin"
edit_permissions: "Ndrysho autorizimin"
add_permission: "Shto autorizim"
add_permission: "Shto autorizim"
@ -1368,13 +1533,16 @@ sq:
title: "Watching"
title: "Watching"
description: "You will automatically watch all new topics in these categories. You will be notified of every new post in every topic, and a count of new replies will be shown."
title: "Tracking"
title: "Tracking"
description: "You will automatically track all new topics in these categories. You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you, and a count of new replies will be shown."
title: "Normal"
title: "Normal"
description: "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you."
description: "You will be notified if someone mentions your @name or replies to you."
title: "Muted"
title: "Muted"
description: "You will never be notified of anything about new topics in these categories, and they will not appear in latest."
title: 'Faleminderit për ndihmën që i jepni këtij komuniteti!'
title: 'Faleminderit për ndihmën që i jepni këtij komuniteti!'
action: 'Flag Post'
action: 'Flag Post'
@ -1388,6 +1556,7 @@ sq:
submit_tooltip: "Submit the private flag"
submit_tooltip: "Submit the private flag"
take_action_tooltip: "Reach the flag threshold immediately, rather than waiting for more community flags"
take_action_tooltip: "Reach the flag threshold immediately, rather than waiting for more community flags"
cant: "Sorry, you can't flag this post at this time."
cant: "Sorry, you can't flag this post at this time."
notify_staff: 'Notify staff privately'
off_topic: "Është Jashtë teme"
off_topic: "Është Jashtë teme"
inappropriate: "Është e papërshtatshme"
inappropriate: "Është e papërshtatshme"
@ -1419,11 +1588,14 @@ sq:
help: "This topic is closed; it no longer accepts new replies"
help: "This topic is closed; it no longer accepts new replies"
help: "This topic is archived; it is frozen and cannot be changed"
help: "This topic is archived; it is frozen and cannot be changed"
help: "This topic is closed and archived; it no longer accepts new replies and cannot be changed"
title: "Unpinned"
title: "Unpinned"
help: "This topic is unpinned for you; it will display in regular order"
help: "This topic is unpinned for you; it will display in regular order"
title: "Pinned Globally"
title: "Pinned Globally"
help: "This topic is pinned globally; it will display at the top of latest and its category"
title: "Pinned"
title: "Pinned"
help: "This topic is pinned for you; it will display at the top of its category"
help: "This topic is pinned for you; it will display at the top of its category"
@ -1466,6 +1638,7 @@ sq:
with_topics: "%{filter} topics"
with_topics: "%{filter} topics"
with_category: "%{filter} %{category} topics"
with_category: "%{filter} %{category} topics"
title: "Latest"
help: "temat me postime të fundit"
help: "temat me postime të fundit"
title: "Kryesoret"
title: "Kryesoret"
@ -1573,6 +1746,7 @@ sq:
refresh_report: "Refresh Report"
refresh_report: "Refresh Report"
start_date: "Start Date"
start_date: "Start Date"
end_date: "End Date"
end_date: "End Date"
groups: "All groups"
latest_changes: "Latest changes: please update often!"
latest_changes: "Latest changes: please update often!"
by: "nga"
by: "nga"
@ -1653,15 +1827,24 @@ sq:
delete_confirm: "Delete this group?"
delete_confirm: "Delete this group?"
delete_failed: "Unable to delete group. If this is an automatic group, it cannot be destroyed."
delete_failed: "Unable to delete group. If this is an automatic group, it cannot be destroyed."
delete_member_confirm: "Remove '%{username}' from the '%{group}' group?"
delete_member_confirm: "Remove '%{username}' from the '%{group}' group?"
delete_owner_confirm: "Remove owner privilege for '%{username}'?"
name: "Emri"
name: "Emri"
add: "Shto"
add: "Shto"
add_members: "Shto Anëtar"
add_members: "Shto Anëtar"
custom: "Custom"
custom: "Custom"
bulk_complete: "The users have been added to the group."
bulk: "Bulk Add to Group"
bulk_paste: "Paste a list of usernames or emails, one per line:"
bulk_select: "(select a group)"
automatic: "Automatik"
automatic: "Automatik"
automatic_membership_email_domains: "Users who register with an email domain that exactly matches one in this list will be automatically added to this group:"
automatic_membership_email_domains: "Users who register with an email domain that exactly matches one in this list will be automatically added to this group:"
automatic_membership_retroactive: "Apply the same email domain rule to add existing registered users"
automatic_membership_retroactive: "Apply the same email domain rule to add existing registered users"
default_title: "Default title for all users in this group"
default_title: "Default title for all users in this group"
primary_group: "Automatically set as primary group"
primary_group: "Automatically set as primary group"
group_owners: Owners
add_owners: Add owners
incoming_email: "Custom incoming email address"
incoming_email_placeholder: "enter email address"
generate_master: "Gjenero Master API Key"
generate_master: "Gjenero Master API Key"
none: "There are no active API keys right now."
none: "There are no active API keys right now."
@ -1696,12 +1879,12 @@ sq:
none: "No backup available."
none: "No backup available."
title: "Enable the read-only mode"
title: "Enable read-only mode"
label: "Enable read-only mode"
label: "Enable read-only"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to enable the read-only mode?"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to enable read-only mode?"
title: "Disable the read-only mode"
title: "Disable read-only mode"
label: "Disable read-only mode"
label: "Disable read-only"
none: "No logs yet..."
none: "No logs yet..."
@ -1735,9 +1918,11 @@ sq:
is_disabled: "Restore is disabled in the site settings."
is_disabled: "Restore is disabled in the site settings."
label: "Rikthe"
label: "Rikthe"
title: "Restore the backup"
title: "Restore the backup"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to restore this backup?"
label: "Rollback"
label: "Rollback"
title: "Rollback the database to previous working state"
title: "Rollback the database to previous working state"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to rollback the database to the previous working state?"
user_archive_confirm: "Are you sure you want to download your posts?"
user_archive_confirm: "Are you sure you want to download your posts?"
success: "Export initiated, you will be notified via message when the process is complete."
success: "Export initiated, you will be notified via message when the process is complete."
@ -1762,6 +1947,7 @@ sq:
header: "Header"
header: "Header"
top: "Top"
top: "Top"
footer: "Footer"
footer: "Footer"
embedded_css: "Embedded CSS"
text: "</head>"
text: "</head>"
title: "HTML that will be inserted before the </head> tag"
title: "HTML that will be inserted before the </head> tag"
@ -1787,6 +1973,14 @@ sq:
color: "Ngjyra"
color: "Ngjyra"
opacity: "Opaciteti"
opacity: "Opaciteti"
copy: "Kopjo"
copy: "Kopjo"
title: "Email Templates"
subject: "Subject"
multiple_subjects: "This email template has multiple subjects."
body: "Body"
none_selected: "Select an email template to begin editing."
revert: "Revert Changes"
revert_confirm: "Are you sure you want to revert your changes?"
title: "CSS/HTML"
title: "CSS/HTML"
long_title: "CSS and HTML Customizations"
long_title: "CSS and HTML Customizations"
@ -1832,6 +2026,7 @@ sq:
name: 'love'
name: 'love'
description: "The like button's color."
description: "The like button's color."
title: "Emails"
settings: "Rregullimet"
settings: "Rregullimet"
preview_digest: "Preview Digest"
preview_digest: "Preview Digest"
sending_test: "Sending test Email..."
sending_test: "Sending test Email..."
@ -1839,6 +2034,8 @@ sq:
test_error: "There was a problem sending the test email. Please double-check your mail settings, verify that your host is not blocking mail connections, and try again."
test_error: "There was a problem sending the test email. Please double-check your mail settings, verify that your host is not blocking mail connections, and try again."
sent: "Dërguar"
sent: "Dërguar"
skipped: "Skipped"
skipped: "Skipped"
received: "Received"
rejected: "Rejected"
sent_at: "Sent At"
sent_at: "Sent At"
time: "Koha"
time: "Koha"
user: "User"
user: "User"
@ -1848,6 +2045,7 @@ sq:
send_test: "Send Test Email"
send_test: "Send Test Email"
sent_test: "u dërgua!"
sent_test: "u dërgua!"
delivery_method: "Delivery Method"
delivery_method: "Delivery Method"
preview_digest_desc: "Preview the content of the digest emails sent to inactive users."
refresh: "Rifresko"
refresh: "Rifresko"
format: "Formati"
format: "Formati"
html: "html"
html: "html"
@ -1855,6 +2053,25 @@ sq:
last_seen_user: "Last Seen User:"
last_seen_user: "Last Seen User:"
reply_key: "Reply Key"
reply_key: "Reply Key"
skipped_reason: "Skip Reason"
skipped_reason: "Skip Reason"
from_address: "From"
to_addresses: "To"
cc_addresses: "Cc"
subject: "Subject"
error: "Error"
title: "Incoming Email Details"
error: "Error"
headers: "Headers"
subject: "Subject"
body: "Body"
rejection_message: "Rejection Mail"
from_placeholder: "from@example.com"
to_placeholder: "to@example.com"
cc_placeholder: "cc@example.com"
subject_placeholder: "Subjekti..."
error_placeholder: "Gabim"
none: "No logs found."
none: "No logs found."
@ -1873,6 +2090,7 @@ sq:
ip_address: "IP"
ip_address: "IP"
topic_id: "Topic ID"
topic_id: "Topic ID"
post_id: "Post ID"
post_id: "Post ID"
category_id: "Category ID"
delete: 'Fshij'
delete: 'Fshij'
edit: 'Redakto'
edit: 'Redakto'
save: 'Ruaj'
save: 'Ruaj'
@ -1903,6 +2121,7 @@ sq:
change_site_setting: "change site setting"
change_site_setting: "change site setting"
change_site_customization: "change site customization"
change_site_customization: "change site customization"
delete_site_customization: "delete site customization"
delete_site_customization: "delete site customization"
change_site_text: "change site text"
suspend_user: "suspend user"
suspend_user: "suspend user"
unsuspend_user: "unsuspend user"
unsuspend_user: "unsuspend user"
grant_badge: "grant badge"
grant_badge: "grant badge"
@ -1913,6 +2132,14 @@ sq:
impersonate: "impersonate"
impersonate: "impersonate"
anonymize_user: "anonymize user"
anonymize_user: "anonymize user"
roll_up: "roll up IP blocks"
roll_up: "roll up IP blocks"
change_category_settings: "change category settings"
delete_category: "delete category"
create_category: "create category"
block_user: "block user"
unblock_user: "unblock user"
grant_admin: "grant admin"
revoke_admin: "revoke admin"
grant_moderation: "grant moderation"
title: "Screened Emails"
title: "Screened Emails"
description: "When someone tries to create a new account, the following email addresses will be checked and the registration will be blocked, or some other action performed."
description: "When someone tries to create a new account, the following email addresses will be checked and the registration will be blocked, or some other action performed."
@ -2341,3 +2568,12 @@ sq:
name: Other
name: Other
name: Posting
name: Posting
google_search: |
<h3>Kerko me Google</h3>
<form action='//google.com/search' id='google-search' onsubmit="document.getElementById('google-query').value = 'site:' + window.location.host + ' ' + document.getElementById('user-query').value; return true;">
<input type="text" id='user-query' value="">
<input type='hidden' id='google-query' name="q">
<button class="btn btn-primary">Google</button>
@ -465,7 +465,6 @@ sv:
set_password: "Ange lösenord"
set_password: "Ange lösenord"
title: "Ändra Om Mig"
title: "Ändra Om Mig"
error: "Ett fel inträffade när beskrivningen skulle sparas. "
title: "Byt användarnamn"
title: "Byt användarnamn"
confirm: "Om du byter ditt användarnamn, kommer alla tidigare citeringar av dina inlägg och @namn-omnämningar att bli trasiga. Är du helt säker på att du vill?"
confirm: "Om du byter ditt användarnamn, kommer alla tidigare citeringar av dina inlägg och @namn-omnämningar att bli trasiga. Är du helt säker på att du vill?"
@ -810,7 +809,6 @@ sv:
link_description: "skriv en länkbeskrivning här"
link_description: "skriv en länkbeskrivning här"
link_dialog_title: "Infoga Hyperlänk"
link_dialog_title: "Infoga Hyperlänk"
link_optional_text: "valfri titel"
link_optional_text: "valfri titel"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"valfri text\""
quote_title: "Citat"
quote_title: "Citat"
quote_text: "Citat"
quote_text: "Citat"
code_title: "Förformaterad text"
code_title: "Förformaterad text"
@ -1205,7 +1203,6 @@ sv:
create: "Tyvärr, det uppstod ett fel under skapandet av ditt inlägg. Var god försök igen."
create: "Tyvärr, det uppstod ett fel under skapandet av ditt inlägg. Var god försök igen."
edit: "Tyvärr, det uppstod ett fel under ändringen av ditt inlägg. Var god försök igen."
edit: "Tyvärr, det uppstod ett fel under ändringen av ditt inlägg. Var god försök igen."
upload: "Tyvärr, det uppstod ett fel under uppladdandet av den filen. Vad god försök igen."
upload: "Tyvärr, det uppstod ett fel under uppladdandet av den filen. Vad god försök igen."
attachment_too_large: "Tyvärr, filen du försöker ladda upp är för stor (maximal storlek är {{max_size_kb}} kb)."
file_too_large: "Tyvärr, filen du försöker ladda upp är för stor (maximal filstorlek är {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
file_too_large: "Tyvärr, filen du försöker ladda upp är för stor (maximal filstorlek är {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Tyvärr, du kan bara ladda upp en bild i taget."
too_many_uploads: "Tyvärr, du kan bara ladda upp en bild i taget."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Tyvärr, du kan bara dra och släppa upp till 10 filer åt gången."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Tyvärr, du kan bara dra och släppa upp till 10 filer åt gången."
@ -1714,14 +1711,6 @@ sv:
backups: "säkerhetskopior"
backups: "säkerhetskopior"
logs: "loggar"
logs: "loggar"
none: "Ingen säkerhetskopia är tillgänglig."
none: "Ingen säkerhetskopia är tillgänglig."
title: "Aktivera skrivskyddat läget"
label: "Aktivera skrivskyddat läge"
confirm: "Är du säker på att du vill aktivera skrivskyddat läge?"
title: "Avaktivera skrivskyddat läget"
label: "Avaktivera skrivskyddat läge"
none: "Inga loggar ännu..."
none: "Inga loggar ännu..."
@ -880,7 +880,6 @@ te:
create: "క్షమించాలి. మీ టపా సృష్టించుటలో దోషం. దయచేసి మరలా ప్రయత్నించండి. "
create: "క్షమించాలి. మీ టపా సృష్టించుటలో దోషం. దయచేసి మరలా ప్రయత్నించండి. "
edit: "క్షమించాలి. మీ టపా సవరించుటలో దోషం. మరలా ప్రయత్నించండి"
edit: "క్షమించాలి. మీ టపా సవరించుటలో దోషం. మరలా ప్రయత్నించండి"
upload: "క్షమించాలి. దస్త్రం ఎగుమతించుటలో దోషం. దయచేసి మరలా ప్రయత్నించండి. "
upload: "క్షమించాలి. దస్త్రం ఎగుమతించుటలో దోషం. దయచేసి మరలా ప్రయత్నించండి. "
attachment_too_large: "క్షమించాలి. మీరు ఎగుమతించ ప్రయత్నిస్తున్న దస్త్రం మరీ పెద్దది. (గరిష్ట పరిమాణ పరిమితి {{max_size_kb}}కేబీ)."
file_too_large: "క్షమించాలి. మీరు ఎగుమతించ ప్రయత్నిస్తున్న దస్త్రం మరీ పెద్దది. (గరిష్ట పరిమాణ పరిమితి {{max_size_kb}}కేబీ)."
file_too_large: "క్షమించాలి. మీరు ఎగుమతించ ప్రయత్నిస్తున్న దస్త్రం మరీ పెద్దది. (గరిష్ట పరిమాణ పరిమితి {{max_size_kb}}కేబీ)."
too_many_uploads: "క్షమించాలి. మీరు ఒకసారి ఒక దస్త్రం మాత్రమే ఎగుమతించగలరు"
too_many_uploads: "క్షమించాలి. మీరు ఒకసారి ఒక దస్త్రం మాత్రమే ఎగుమతించగలరు"
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "క్షమించాలి. మీరు కేవలం 10 దస్త్రాల వరకు మాత్రమే ఒకేమారు లాగి వదలగలరు. "
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "క్షమించాలి. మీరు కేవలం 10 దస్త్రాల వరకు మాత్రమే ఒకేమారు లాగి వదలగలరు. "
@ -1335,12 +1334,6 @@ te:
backups: "బ్యాకప్పులు"
backups: "బ్యాకప్పులు"
logs: "లాగ్స్"
logs: "లాగ్స్"
none: "ఎట్టి బ్యాకప్పులూ లేవు"
none: "ఎట్టి బ్యాకప్పులూ లేవు"
title: "కేవలం చదివే రీతే చేతనం చేయి"
confirm: "మీరు నిజంగా కేవలం చదివే రీతి చేతనంచేయాలనుకుంటున్నారా?"
title: "కేవలం చదివే రీతి అచేతనం చేయి"
none: "ఇంకా లాగులు లేవు..."
none: "ఇంకా లాగులు లేవు..."
@ -464,7 +464,6 @@ tr_TR:
set_password: "Parola Belirle"
set_password: "Parola Belirle"
title: "Hakkımda'yı Değiştir"
title: "Hakkımda'yı Değiştir"
error: "Değer değiştirilirken bir hata oluştu."
title: "Kullanıcı Adını Değiştir"
title: "Kullanıcı Adını Değiştir"
confirm: "Kullanıcı adınızı degiştirmeniz halinde, eski gönderilerinizden yapılan tüm alıntılar ve @isim bahsedilişler bozulacak. Bunu yapmak istediginize gerçekten emin misiniz?"
confirm: "Kullanıcı adınızı degiştirmeniz halinde, eski gönderilerinizden yapılan tüm alıntılar ve @isim bahsedilişler bozulacak. Bunu yapmak istediginize gerçekten emin misiniz?"
@ -858,7 +857,6 @@ tr_TR:
link_description: "buraya bağlantı açıklamasını girin"
link_description: "buraya bağlantı açıklamasını girin"
link_dialog_title: "Bağlantı ekle"
link_dialog_title: "Bağlantı ekle"
link_optional_text: "opsiyonel başlık"
link_optional_text: "opsiyonel başlık"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"isteğe bağlı yazı\""
quote_title: "Blok-alıntı"
quote_title: "Blok-alıntı"
quote_text: "Blok-alıntı"
quote_text: "Blok-alıntı"
code_title: "Önceden biçimlendirilmiş yazı"
code_title: "Önceden biçimlendirilmiş yazı"
@ -1284,7 +1282,6 @@ tr_TR:
create: "Üzgünüz, gönderiniz oluşturulurken bir hata oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyin."
create: "Üzgünüz, gönderiniz oluşturulurken bir hata oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyin."
edit: "Üzgünüz, gönderiniz düzenlenirken bir hata oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyin. "
edit: "Üzgünüz, gönderiniz düzenlenirken bir hata oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyin. "
upload: "Üzgünüz, dosya yüklenirken bir hata oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyin."
upload: "Üzgünüz, dosya yüklenirken bir hata oluştu. Lütfen tekrar deneyin."
attachment_too_large: "Üzgünüz, yükleyeme çalıştığınız dosya çok büyük (en fazla {{max_size_kb}}kb olabilir)"
file_too_large: "Üzgünüz, yüklemeye çalıştığınız dosya çok büyük. (en fazla boyut {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
file_too_large: "Üzgünüz, yüklemeye çalıştığınız dosya çok büyük. (en fazla boyut {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Üzgünüz, aynı anda birden fazla dosya yükleyemezsiniz."
too_many_uploads: "Üzgünüz, aynı anda birden fazla dosya yükleyemezsiniz."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Üzgünüz, sürükle bırak ile tek seferde en fazla 10 dosya yükleyebilirsiniz"
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Üzgünüz, sürükle bırak ile tek seferde en fazla 10 dosya yükleyebilirsiniz"
@ -1825,14 +1822,6 @@ tr_TR:
backups: "Yedekler"
backups: "Yedekler"
logs: "Kayıtlar"
logs: "Kayıtlar"
none: "Yedek bulunmuyor."
none: "Yedek bulunmuyor."
title: "Salt-okunur modunu etkinleştir"
label: "Salt-okunur modu etkinleştir"
confirm: "Salt-okunur modunu etkinleştirmek istediğinize emin misiniz?"
title: "Salt-okunur modunu devre dışı bırak"
label: "Salt-okunur modu devre dışı bırak"
none: "Henüz kayıt bulunmuyor..."
none: "Henüz kayıt bulunmuyor..."
@ -756,7 +756,6 @@ uk:
create: "Даруйте, під час створення допису трапилася помилка. Будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз."
create: "Даруйте, під час створення допису трапилася помилка. Будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз."
edit: "Даруйте, під час редагування допису трапилася помилка. Будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз."
edit: "Даруйте, під час редагування допису трапилася помилка. Будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз."
upload: "Даруйте, під час завантаження цього файлу трапилася помилка. Будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз."
upload: "Даруйте, під час завантаження цього файлу трапилася помилка. Будь ласка, спробуйте ще раз."
attachment_too_large: "Даруйте, але файл, який Ви намагаєтеся завантажити, надто великий (максимальний розмір складає {{max_size_kb}} кБ)."
too_many_uploads: "Даруйте, але Ви можете одночасно завантажувати тільки один файл."
too_many_uploads: "Даруйте, але Ви можете одночасно завантажувати тільки один файл."
upload_not_authorized: "Даруйте, але файл, який Ви намагаєтеся завантажити, є недозволеним (дозволені розширення: {{authorized_extensions}})."
upload_not_authorized: "Даруйте, але файл, який Ви намагаєтеся завантажити, є недозволеним (дозволені розширення: {{authorized_extensions}})."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Даруйте, нові користувачі не можуть завантажувати зображення."
image_upload_not_allowed_for_new_user: "Даруйте, нові користувачі не можуть завантажувати зображення."
@ -1041,12 +1040,6 @@ uk:
backups: "Backups"
backups: "Backups"
logs: "Logs"
logs: "Logs"
none: "No backup available."
none: "No backup available."
title: "Enable the read-only mode"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to enable the read-only mode?"
title: "Disable the read-only mode"
none: "No logs yet..."
none: "No logs yet..."
@ -159,6 +159,8 @@ vi:
more: "Nhiều hơn"
more: "Nhiều hơn"
less: "Ít hơn"
less: "Ít hơn"
never: "không bao giờ"
never: "không bao giờ"
every_30_minutes: "mỗi 30 phút"
every_hour: "mỗi giờ"
daily: "hàng ngày"
daily: "hàng ngày"
weekly: "hàng tuần"
weekly: "hàng tuần"
every_two_weeks: "mỗi hai tuần"
every_two_weeks: "mỗi hai tuần"
@ -244,6 +246,7 @@ vi:
other: "Chủ đề này có <b>{{count}}</b> bài viết cần phê chuẩn"
other: "Chủ đề này có <b>{{count}}</b> bài viết cần phê chuẩn"
confirm: "Lưu thay đổi"
confirm: "Lưu thay đổi"
delete_prompt: "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xóa <b>%{username}</b>? Thao tác này sẽ loại bỏ tất cả các bài viết của họ kèm theo khóa địa chỉ IP và email của họ."
title: "Bài viết cần phê duyệt"
title: "Bài viết cần phê duyệt"
description: "Chúng tôi đã nhận được bài viết mới của bạn, nhưng nó cần phải được phê duyệt bởi admin trước khi được hiện. Xin hãy kiên nhẫn."
description: "Chúng tôi đã nhận được bài viết mới của bạn, nhưng nó cần phải được phê duyệt bởi admin trước khi được hiện. Xin hãy kiên nhẫn."
@ -297,7 +300,10 @@ vi:
other: "các nhóm"
other: "các nhóm"
members: "Các thành viên"
members: "Các thành viên"
topics: "Chủ đề"
posts: "Các bài viết"
posts: "Các bài viết"
mentions: "Được nhắc đến"
messages: "Tin nhắn"
title: "Ai có thể nhắn tin và @mention trong nhóm này?"
title: "Ai có thể nhắn tin và @mention trong nhóm này?"
nobody: "Không ai cả"
nobody: "Không ai cả"
@ -437,6 +443,7 @@ vi:
muted_users: "Im lặng"
muted_users: "Im lặng"
muted_users_instructions: "Ngăn chặn tất cả các thông báo từ những thành viên."
muted_users_instructions: "Ngăn chặn tất cả các thông báo từ những thành viên."
muted_topics_link: "Hiển thị chủ đề Im Lặng"
muted_topics_link: "Hiển thị chủ đề Im Lặng"
automatically_unpin_topics: "Tự động bỏ ghim chủ đề khi tôi xuống cuối trang."
flags_given: "cờ hữu ích"
flags_given: "cờ hữu ích"
flagged_posts: "bài viết gắn cờ"
flagged_posts: "bài viết gắn cờ"
@ -462,7 +469,7 @@ vi:
set_password: "Nhập Mật khẩu"
set_password: "Nhập Mật khẩu"
title: "Thay đổi thông tin về tôi"
title: "Thay đổi thông tin về tôi"
error: "Có lỗi khi thay đổi giá trị này."
error: "Có lỗi xảy ra khi thay đổi giá trị này."
title: "Thay Username"
title: "Thay Username"
confirm: "Nếu bạn thay đổi tên đăng nhập, tất cả những câu nói của bạn ở bài viết trước và @tên bạn sẽ được đề cập sẽ bị phá vỡ. Bạn có chắc bạn muốn tiếp tục không?"
confirm: "Nếu bạn thay đổi tên đăng nhập, tất cả những câu nói của bạn ở bài viết trước và @tên bạn sẽ được đề cập sẽ bị phá vỡ. Bạn có chắc bạn muốn tiếp tục không?"
@ -536,17 +543,34 @@ vi:
title: "Huy hiệu của thẻ thành viên"
title: "Huy hiệu của thẻ thành viên"
website: "Web Site"
website: "Web Site"
email_settings: "Email"
email_settings: "Email"
title: "Thông báo khi tôi like"
always: "Luôn luôn"
first_time_and_daily: "Lần đầu tiên bài viết được like và hàng ngày"
first_time: "Lần đầu tiên bài viết được like"
never: "Không"
title: "Kèm theo các trả lời trước ở dưới cùng email"
unless_emailed: "trừ khi đã gửi trước đó"
always: "luôn luôn"
never: "không"
title: "Khi tôi không truy cập, gửi email gợi ý những cái mới cho tôi:"
title: "Khi tôi không truy cập, gửi email gợi ý những cái mới cho tôi:"
every_30_minutes: "mỗi 30 phút"
every_hour: "hàng giờ"
daily: "hàng ngày"
daily: "hàng ngày"
every_three_days: "ba ngày một"
every_three_days: "ba ngày một"
weekly: "hàng tuần"
weekly: "hàng tuần"
every_two_weeks: "hai tuần một"
every_two_weeks: "hai tuần một"
include_tl0_in_digests: "Kèm theo bài viết của các thành viên mới trong tập san email"
email_in_reply_to: "Kèm theo đoạn dẫn trích trả lời bài viết trong email"
email_direct: "Gửi cho tôi một email khi có người trích dẫn, trả lời cho bài viết của tôi, đề cập đến @username của tôi, hoặc mời tôi đến một chủ đề"
email_direct: "Gửi cho tôi một email khi có người trích dẫn, trả lời cho bài viết của tôi, đề cập đến @username của tôi, hoặc mời tôi đến một chủ đề"
email_private_messages: "Gửi cho tôi email khi có ai đó nhắn tin cho tôi"
email_private_messages: "Gửi cho tôi email khi có ai đó nhắn tin cho tôi"
email_always: "Gửi email thông báo cho tôi mỗi khi tôi kích hoạt trên website này"
email_always: "Gửi email thông báo cho tôi mỗi khi tôi kích hoạt trên website này"
other_settings: "Khác"
other_settings: "Khác"
categories_settings: "Chuyên mục"
categories_settings: "Chuyên mục"
other: "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn nhận email mỗi khi có bài viết mới?<br><br>Ước lượng sẽ có khoảng <b>{{count}} emails</b> mỗi ngày."
label: "Để ý tới chủ đề mới khi"
label: "Để ý tới chủ đề mới khi"
not_viewed: "Tôi chưa từng xem họ"
not_viewed: "Tôi chưa từng xem họ"
@ -611,11 +635,27 @@ vi:
title: "Tóm tắt"
title: "Tóm tắt"
stats: "Thống kê"
stats: "Thống kê"
time_read: "thời gian đọc"
other: "Chủ đề đã được tạo"
other: "Bài viết đã được tạo"
other: "Đã like"
other: "Like đã nhận"
other: "Ngày đã ghé thăm"
other: "Bài viết đã đọc"
top_replies: "Top trả lời"
top_replies: "Top trả lời"
no_replies: "Chưa có trả lời."
more_replies: "Thêm trả lời"
more_replies: "Thêm trả lời"
top_topics: "Top chủ đề"
top_topics: "Top chủ đề"
no_topics: "Chưa có chủ đề nào."
more_topics: "Thêm chủ đề"
more_topics: "Thêm chủ đề"
top_badges: "Top huy hiệu"
top_badges: "Top huy hiệu"
no_badges: "Chưa có huy hiệu nào."
more_badges: "Thêm huy hiệu"
more_badges: "Thêm huy hiệu"
associated_accounts: "Đăng nhập"
associated_accounts: "Đăng nhập"
@ -661,9 +701,15 @@ vi:
enabled: "Website đang ở chế độ chỉ đọc, bạn có thể duyệt xem nhưng không thể trả lời, likes, hay thực hiện các hành động khác."
enabled: "Website đang ở chế độ chỉ đọc, bạn có thể duyệt xem nhưng không thể trả lời, likes, hay thực hiện các hành động khác."
login_disabled: "Chức năng Đăng nhập đã bị tắt khi website trong trạng thái chỉ đọc"
login_disabled: "Chức năng Đăng nhập đã bị tắt khi website trong trạng thái chỉ đọc"
logout_disabled: "Chức năng đăng xuất đã bị tắt khi website đang trong trạng thái chỉ đọc."
too_few_topics_and_posts_notice: "Hãy <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>bắt đầu thảo luận!</a> Hiện có <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> chủ đề và <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> bài viết. Khách ghé thăm cần một số chủ đề để đọc và trả lời."
too_few_topics_and_posts_notice: "Hãy <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>bắt đầu thảo luận!</a> Hiện có <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> chủ đề và <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> bài viết. Khách ghé thăm cần một số chủ đề để đọc và trả lời."
too_few_topics_notice: "Hãy <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>bắt đầu thảo luận!</a> Hiện có <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> chủ đề. Khách ghé thăm cần một số chủ đề để đọc và trả lời."
too_few_topics_notice: "Hãy <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>bắt đầu thảo luận!</a> Hiện có <strong>%{currentTopics} / %{requiredTopics}</strong> chủ đề. Khách ghé thăm cần một số chủ đề để đọc và trả lời."
too_few_posts_notice: "Hãy <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>bắt đầu thảo luận!</a> Hiện có <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> bài viết. Khách ghé thăm cần một số chủ đề để đọc và trả lời."
too_few_posts_notice: "Hãy <a href='http://blog.discourse.org/2014/08/building-a-discourse-community/'>bắt đầu thảo luận!</a> Hiện có <strong>%{currentPosts} / %{requiredPosts}</strong> bài viết. Khách ghé thăm cần một số chủ đề để đọc và trả lời."
reached: "%{timestamp}: Tỷ lệ hiện tại <a href='%{url}' target='_blank'>%{rate}</a> đã đạt tới giới hạn thiết lập %{siteSettingRate} của website."
exceeded: "%{timestamp}: Tỷ lệ hiện tại <a href='%{url}' target='_blank'>%{rate}</a> đã vượt quá giới hạn thiết lập %{siteSettingRate} của website."
other: "%{count} lỗi/%{duration}"
learn_more: "tìm hiểu thêm..."
learn_more: "tìm hiểu thêm..."
year: 'năm'
year: 'năm'
year_desc: 'chủ đề được tạo ra trong 365 ngày qua'
year_desc: 'chủ đề được tạo ra trong 365 ngày qua'
@ -688,6 +734,8 @@ vi:
value_prop: "Khi bạn tạo tài khoản, website nhớ chính xác những gì bạn đã đọc, vì vậy bạn sẽ luôn trở lại đúng nơi đã rời đi. Bạn cũng có thể nhận thông báo ở đây hoặc qua email mỗi khi có bài viết mới. Bạn cũng có thể like bài viết để chia sẻ cảm xúc của mình. :heartbeat:"
value_prop: "Khi bạn tạo tài khoản, website nhớ chính xác những gì bạn đã đọc, vì vậy bạn sẽ luôn trở lại đúng nơi đã rời đi. Bạn cũng có thể nhận thông báo ở đây hoặc qua email mỗi khi có bài viết mới. Bạn cũng có thể like bài viết để chia sẻ cảm xúc của mình. :heartbeat:"
enabled_description: "Bạn đang xem một bản tóm tắt của chủ đề này: các bài viết thú vị nhất được xác định bởi cộng đồng."
enabled_description: "Bạn đang xem một bản tóm tắt của chủ đề này: các bài viết thú vị nhất được xác định bởi cộng đồng."
description: "Có <b>{{replyCount}}</b> trả lời."
description_time: "Có <b>{{replyCount}}</b> trả lời với thời gian đọc ước tính khoảng <b>{{readingTime}} phút</b>."
enable: 'Tóm tắt lại chủ đề'
enable: 'Tóm tắt lại chủ đề'
disable: 'HIển thị tất cả các bài viết'
disable: 'HIển thị tất cả các bài viết'
@ -753,6 +801,9 @@ vi:
title: "với Twitter"
title: "với Twitter"
message: "Chứng thực với Twitter(hãy chắc chắn là chăn pop up không bật)"
message: "Chứng thực với Twitter(hãy chắc chắn là chăn pop up không bật)"
title: "với Instagram"
message: "Chứng thực với Instagram (chăc chắn rằng chặn pop-up không bật)"
title: "với Facebook"
title: "với Facebook"
message: "Chứng thực với Facebook(chắc chắn là chặn pop up không bật)"
message: "Chứng thực với Facebook(chắc chắn là chặn pop up không bật)"
@ -821,7 +872,7 @@ vi:
link_description: "Nhập mô tả liên kết ở đây"
link_description: "Nhập mô tả liên kết ở đây"
link_dialog_title: "Chèn liên kết"
link_dialog_title: "Chèn liên kết"
link_optional_text: "tiêu đề tùy chọn"
link_optional_text: "tiêu đề tùy chọn"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"chữ tuỳ chọn\""
link_url_placeholder: "http://example.com"
quote_title: "Trích dẫn"
quote_title: "Trích dẫn"
quote_text: "Trích dẫn"
quote_text: "Trích dẫn"
code_title: "Văn bản định dạng trước"
code_title: "Văn bản định dạng trước"
@ -858,8 +909,12 @@ vi:
group_mentioned: "<i title='group mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
group_mentioned: "<i title='group mentioned' class='fa fa-at'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
quoted: "<i title='quoted' class='fa fa-quote-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
replied: "<i title='replied' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
posted: "<i title='posted' class='fa fa-reply'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
edited: "<i title='edited' class='fa fa-pencil'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
liked_2: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}, {{username2}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
other: "<i title='liked' class='fa fa-heart'></i><p><span>{{username}}, {{username2}} và {{count}} người khác</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_private_message: "<i title='private message' class='fa fa-envelope-o'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_topic: "<i title='invited to topic' class='fa fa-hand-o-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
invited_to_topic: "<i title='invited to topic' class='fa fa-hand-o-right'></i><p><span>{{username}}</span> {{description}}</p>"
@ -963,6 +1018,9 @@ vi:
category: "Không có chủ đề nào trong {{category}} ."
category: "Không có chủ đề nào trong {{category}} ."
top: "Không có chủ đề top."
top: "Không có chủ đề top."
search: "Không có kết quả tìm kiếm."
search: "Không có kết quả tìm kiếm."
new: '<p>Chủ đề mới của bạn sẽ hiển thị ở đây.</p><p>Mặc định, chủ đề được coi là mới và sẽ hiển thị <span class="badge new-topic badge-notification" style="vertical-align:middle;line-height:inherit;">new</span> cho biết chúng đã được tạo ra trong 2 ngày qua.</p><p>Xem <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">thiết lập</a> của bạn nếu muốn thay đổi.</p>'
unread: '<p>Chủ đề chưa đọc của bạn sẽ hiển thị ở đây.</p><p>Mặc định, chủ đề được coi là chưa đọc và sẽ hiển thị số <span class="badge new-posts badge-notification">1</span> nếu bạn:</p><ul><li>Đã tạo chủ đề</li><li>Đã trả lời chủ đề</li><li>Đọc chủ đề trong hơn 4 phút</li></ul><p>Hoặc nếu bạn đã thiết lập một cách rõ ràng các chủ đề Theo dõi hoặc Xem thông qua việc kiểm soát thông báo ở dưới cùng của mỗi chủ đề.</p><p>Xem <a href="%{userPrefsUrl}">thiết lập</a> của bạn nếu muốn thay đổi.</p>'
latest: "Không còn thêm chủ đề nào nữa."
latest: "Không còn thêm chủ đề nào nữa."
hot: "Không còn của đề nổi bật nào nữa."
hot: "Không còn của đề nổi bật nào nữa."
@ -1243,7 +1301,6 @@ vi:
create: "Xin lỗi, có lỗi xảy ra khi tạo bài viết của bạn. Vui lòng thử lại."
create: "Xin lỗi, có lỗi xảy ra khi tạo bài viết của bạn. Vui lòng thử lại."
edit: "Xin lỗi, có lỗi xảy ra khi sửa bài viết của bạn. Vui lòng thử lại."
edit: "Xin lỗi, có lỗi xảy ra khi sửa bài viết của bạn. Vui lòng thử lại."
upload: "Xin lỗi, có lỗi xảy ra khi tải lên tập tin này. Vui lòng thử lại."
upload: "Xin lỗi, có lỗi xảy ra khi tải lên tập tin này. Vui lòng thử lại."
attachment_too_large: "Xin lỗi, tập tin của bạn tải lên quá lớn (kích thước tối đa là {{max_size_kb}}kb)."
file_too_large: "Xin lỗi, tập tin của bạn tải lên quá lớn (kích thước tối đa là {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
file_too_large: "Xin lỗi, tập tin của bạn tải lên quá lớn (kích thước tối đa là {{max_size_kb}}kb)"
too_many_uploads: "Xin lỗi, bạn chỉ có thể tải lên 1 file cùng 1 lúc."
too_many_uploads: "Xin lỗi, bạn chỉ có thể tải lên 1 file cùng 1 lúc."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Xin lỗi, bạn chỉ có thể kéo và thả 10 tập tin cùng lúc."
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "Xin lỗi, bạn chỉ có thể kéo và thả 10 tập tin cùng lúc."
@ -1261,6 +1318,7 @@ vi:
about: "bài viết này là wiki"
about: "bài viết này là wiki"
save: 'Lưu lựa chọn'
save: 'Lưu lựa chọn'
few_likes_left: "Cám ơn bạn đã chia sẻ cảm nhận! Bạn chỉ còn lại vài lượt like cho ngày hôm nay."
reply: "bắt đầu soản trả lời cho bài viết này"
reply: "bắt đầu soản trả lời cho bài viết này"
like: "like bài viết này"
like: "like bài viết này"
@ -1305,6 +1363,15 @@ vi:
bookmark: "Hủy đánh dấu"
bookmark: "Hủy đánh dấu"
like: "Hủy like"
like: "Hủy like"
vote: "Hủy bình chọn"
vote: "Hủy bình chọn"
off_topic: "đánh dấu là chủ đề đóng"
spam: "đánh dấu là spam"
inappropriate: "đánh dấu là không phù hợp"
notify_moderators: "đã thông báo với BQT"
notify_user: "đã gửi tin nhắn"
bookmark: "đã đánh dấu bài này"
like: "đã like bài này"
vote: "đã bầu cho bài này"
off_topic: "Bạn đã đánh dấu cái nfay là chủ đề đóng"
off_topic: "Bạn đã đánh dấu cái nfay là chủ đề đóng"
spam: "Bạn đã đánh dấu cái này là rác"
spam: "Bạn đã đánh dấu cái này là rác"
@ -1359,13 +1426,17 @@ vi:
last: "Sửa đổi gần nhất"
last: "Sửa đổi gần nhất"
hide: "Ẩn sửa đổi"
hide: "Ẩn sửa đổi"
show: "Hiện sửa đổi"
show: "Hiện sửa đổi"
revert: "Hoàn nguyên sửa đổi"
comparing_previous_to_current_out_of_total: "<strong>{{previous}}</strong> <i class='fa fa-arrows-h'></i> <strong>{{current}}</strong> / {{total}}"
comparing_previous_to_current_out_of_total: "<strong>{{previous}}</strong> <i class='fa fa-arrows-h'></i> <strong>{{current}}</strong> / {{total}}"
title: "Hiển thị dạng xuất kèm theo các bổ sung và loại bỏ nội tuyến"
button: '<i class="fa fa-square-o"></i> HTML'
button: '<i class="fa fa-square-o"></i> HTML'
title: "Hiển thị dạng xuất với các điểm khác biệt cạnh nhau"
button: '<i class="fa fa-columns"></i> HTML'
button: '<i class="fa fa-columns"></i> HTML'
title: "Hiển thị nguyên bản với các điểm khác biệt cạnh nhau"
button: '<i class="fa fa-columns"></i> Thô'
button: '<i class="fa fa-columns"></i> Thô'
can: 'can…'
can: 'can…'
@ -1447,6 +1518,7 @@ vi:
submit_tooltip: "Đánh dấu riêng tư"
submit_tooltip: "Đánh dấu riêng tư"
take_action_tooltip: "Tiếp cận ngưỡng đánh dấu ngay lập tức, thay vì đợi cộng đồng"
take_action_tooltip: "Tiếp cận ngưỡng đánh dấu ngay lập tức, thay vì đợi cộng đồng"
cant: "Xin lỗi, bạn không thể đánh dấu bài viết lúc này."
cant: "Xin lỗi, bạn không thể đánh dấu bài viết lúc này."
notify_staff: 'Thông báo riêng cho BQT'
off_topic: "Nó là sai chủ đề"
off_topic: "Nó là sai chủ đề"
inappropriate: "Không phù hợp"
inappropriate: "Không phù hợp"
@ -1773,12 +1845,12 @@ vi:
none: "Chưa có bản sao lưu."
none: "Chưa có bản sao lưu."
title: "Kích hoạt chế độ chỉ xem"
title: "Bật chế độ chỉ đọc"
label: "Kích hoạt chế độ chỉ xem"
label: "Bật chỉ đọc"
confirm: "Bạn muốn kích hoạt chế chộ chỉ xem?"
confirm: "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn bật chế độ chỉ đọc?"
title: "Hủy chế độ chỉ xem này"
title: "Tắt chế độ chỉ đọc"
label: "Hủy chế độ chỉ xem"
label: "Tắt chỉ đọc"
none: "Chưa có log..."
none: "Chưa có log..."
@ -1812,9 +1884,11 @@ vi:
is_disabled: "Khôi phục đã bị cấm sử dụng trong cấu hình trang."
is_disabled: "Khôi phục đã bị cấm sử dụng trong cấu hình trang."
label: "Khôi phục"
label: "Khôi phục"
title: "Khôi phục lại sao lưu này"
title: "Khôi phục lại sao lưu này"
confirm: "Bạn có chắc chắn muón phục hồi bản sao lưu này?"
label: "Rollback"
label: "Rollback"
title: "Đưa csdl về trạng thái làm việc trước"
title: "Đưa csdl về trạng thái làm việc trước"
confirm: "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn phục hồi csdl về trạng thái làm việc trước?"
user_archive_confirm: "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn download các bài viết của mình?"
user_archive_confirm: "Bạn có chắc chắn muốn download các bài viết của mình?"
success: "Export đang được khởi tạo, bạn sẽ nhận được tin nhắn thông báo khi quá trình hoàn tất."
success: "Export đang được khởi tạo, bạn sẽ nhận được tin nhắn thông báo khi quá trình hoàn tất."
@ -1953,6 +2027,13 @@ vi:
subject: "Chủ đề"
subject: "Chủ đề"
error: "Lỗi"
error: "Lỗi"
none: "Không tìm tháy các email đến."
none: "Không tìm tháy các email đến."
title: "Chi Tiết Email Đến"
error: "Lỗi"
headers: "Tên"
subject: "Tiêu đề"
body: "Nội dung"
rejection_message: "Từ Chối Thư"
from_placeholder: "from@example.com"
from_placeholder: "from@example.com"
to_placeholder: "to@example.com"
to_placeholder: "to@example.com"
@ -2028,6 +2109,7 @@ vi:
revoke_admin: "hủy bỏ quản trị"
revoke_admin: "hủy bỏ quản trị"
grant_moderation: "cấp điều hành"
grant_moderation: "cấp điều hành"
revoke_moderation: "hủy bỏ điều hành"
revoke_moderation: "hủy bỏ điều hành"
backup_operation: "hoạt động sao lưu"
title: "Screened Emails"
title: "Screened Emails"
description: "Khi ai đó cố gắng tạo tài khoản mới, các địa chỉ email sau sẽ được kiểm tra và đăng ký sẽ bị chặn, hoặc một số hành động khác được thực hiện."
description: "Khi ai đó cố gắng tạo tài khoản mới, các địa chỉ email sau sẽ được kiểm tra và đăng ký sẽ bị chặn, hoặc một số hành động khác được thực hiện."
@ -2259,6 +2341,10 @@ vi:
title: "Hiển thị trong hồ sơ công khai"
title: "Hiển thị trong hồ sơ công khai"
enabled: "hiển thị trong hồ sơ"
enabled: "hiển thị trong hồ sơ"
disabled: "không hiển thị trong hồ sơ"
disabled: "không hiển thị trong hồ sơ"
title: "Hiện trên thẻ người dùng?"
enabled: "hiển trên thẻ người dùng"
disabled: "không hiện trên thẻ người dùng"
text: 'Nội dung chữ'
text: 'Nội dung chữ'
confirm: 'Xác nhận'
confirm: 'Xác nhận'
@ -2312,6 +2398,7 @@ vi:
badge: Huy hiệu
badge: Huy hiệu
display_name: Tên Hiển thị
display_name: Tên Hiển thị
description: Mô tả
description: Mô tả
long_description: Mô Tả Dài
badge_type: Kiểu huy hiệu
badge_type: Kiểu huy hiệu
badge_grouping: Nhóm
badge_grouping: Nhóm
@ -2347,9 +2434,11 @@ vi:
trigger: Phát động
trigger: Phát động
none: "Cập nhật hàng ngày"
none: "Cập nhật hàng ngày"
post_action: "Khi người dùng hoạt động trên bài viết"
post_revision: "Khi người dùng sửa hoặc tạo bài viết"
post_revision: "Khi người dùng sửa hoặc tạo bài viết"
trust_level_change: "Khi người dùng thay đổi mức độ tin cậy"
trust_level_change: "Khi người dùng thay đổi mức độ tin cậy"
user_change: "Khi người dùng được sửa hoặc được tạo"
user_change: "Khi người dùng được sửa hoặc được tạo"
post_processed: "Sau khi bài viết được đăng"
link_text: "Xem trước cấp huy hiệu"
link_text: "Xem trước cấp huy hiệu"
plan_text: "Xem trước kế hoạch truy vấn"
plan_text: "Xem trước kế hoạch truy vấn"
@ -2471,7 +2560,11 @@ vi:
other: "Đạt được huy hiệu này %{count} lần"
other: "Đạt được huy hiệu này %{count} lần"
granted_on: "Cấp ngày %{date}"
others_count: "Người có huy hiệu này (%{count})"
title: Huy hiệu
title: Huy hiệu
allow_title: "tiêu đề có sẵn"
multiple_grant: "trao tặng nhiều lần"
other: "%{count} Huy hiệu"
other: "%{count} Huy hiệu"
@ -469,7 +469,6 @@ zh_CN:
set_password: "设置密码"
set_password: "设置密码"
title: "更改个人简介"
title: "更改个人简介"
error: "改变该值时出现错误。"
title: "修改用户名"
title: "修改用户名"
confirm: "如果你修改用户名,所有引用你的帖子和@你的链接都将失效。你真的确定要这么做么?"
confirm: "如果你修改用户名,所有引用你的帖子和@你的链接都将失效。你真的确定要这么做么?"
@ -872,7 +871,6 @@ zh_CN:
link_description: "在此输入链接描述"
link_description: "在此输入链接描述"
link_dialog_title: "插入链接"
link_dialog_title: "插入链接"
link_optional_text: "可选标题"
link_optional_text: "可选标题"
link_placeholder: "http://example.com \"可选文字\""
quote_title: "引用"
quote_title: "引用"
quote_text: "引用"
quote_text: "引用"
code_title: "预格式化文本"
code_title: "预格式化文本"
@ -1301,7 +1299,6 @@ zh_CN:
create: "抱歉,在创建你的帖子时发生了错误。请重试。"
create: "抱歉,在创建你的帖子时发生了错误。请重试。"
edit: "抱歉,在编辑你的帖子时发生了错误。请重试。"
edit: "抱歉,在编辑你的帖子时发生了错误。请重试。"
upload: "抱歉,在上传文件时发生了错误。请重试。"
upload: "抱歉,在上传文件时发生了错误。请重试。"
attachment_too_large: "抱歉,你上传的附件太大了(最大不能超过 {{max_size_kb}}kb)。"
file_too_large: "抱歉,你上传的附件太大了(最大限制 {{max_size_kb}}kb)。"
file_too_large: "抱歉,你上传的附件太大了(最大限制 {{max_size_kb}}kb)。"
too_many_uploads: "抱歉,你只能一次上传一张图片。"
too_many_uploads: "抱歉,你只能一次上传一张图片。"
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "抱歉,你一次只能拖放最多 10 个文件。"
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "抱歉,你一次只能拖放最多 10 个文件。"
@ -1844,14 +1841,6 @@ zh_CN:
backups: "备份"
backups: "备份"
logs: "日志"
logs: "日志"
none: "无可用备份"
none: "无可用备份"
title: "启用只读模式"
label: "启用只读模式"
confirm: "你确定要打开只读模式吗?"
title: "禁用只读模式"
label: "关闭只读模式"
none: "暂无日志"
none: "暂无日志"
@ -416,7 +416,6 @@ zh_TW:
set_password: "設定密碼"
set_password: "設定密碼"
title: "修改關於我"
title: "修改關於我"
error: "變更值時發生錯誤。"
title: "修改用戶名稱"
title: "修改用戶名稱"
confirm: "如果你修改了你的用戶名稱,之前引用你的文章或以 @用戶名稱 提到你的連結都將失效,你確定要修改嗎?"
confirm: "如果你修改了你的用戶名稱,之前引用你的文章或以 @用戶名稱 提到你的連結都將失效,你確定要修改嗎?"
@ -1059,7 +1058,6 @@ zh_TW:
create: "抱歉,建立你的文章時發生錯誤,請再試一次。"
create: "抱歉,建立你的文章時發生錯誤,請再試一次。"
edit: "抱歉,編輯你的文章時發生錯誤,請再試一次。"
edit: "抱歉,編輯你的文章時發生錯誤,請再試一次。"
upload: "抱歉,上傳你的檔案時發生錯誤,請再試一次。"
upload: "抱歉,上傳你的檔案時發生錯誤,請再試一次。"
attachment_too_large: "抱歉,你想上傳的檔案太大 (最大限制為 {{max_size_kb}} kb)。"
file_too_large: "抱歉,你想上傳的檔案太大 (最大限制為 {{max_size_kb}} kb)。"
file_too_large: "抱歉,你想上傳的檔案太大 (最大限制為 {{max_size_kb}} kb)。"
too_many_uploads: "抱歉,一次只能上傳一個檔案。"
too_many_uploads: "抱歉,一次只能上傳一個檔案。"
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "抱歉,一次最多只能拖放 10 個檔案"
too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files: "抱歉,一次最多只能拖放 10 個檔案"
@ -1570,14 +1568,6 @@ zh_TW:
backups: "備份"
backups: "備份"
logs: "紀錄"
logs: "紀錄"
none: "沒有可用的備份。"
none: "沒有可用的備份。"
title: "啟動唯讀模式"
label: "啟動唯讀模式"
confirm: "你確定要啟動唯讀模式?"
title: "關閉啟動唯讀模式"
label: "關閉唯讀模式"
none: "尚無紀錄..."
none: "尚無紀錄..."
@ -898,7 +898,6 @@ ar:
post_onebox_maxlength: "الحد الأقصى لطول مشاركة oneboxed Discourse بالأحرف."
post_onebox_maxlength: "الحد الأقصى لطول مشاركة oneboxed Discourse بالأحرف."
onebox_domains_whitelist: "قائمة بالمجالات للسماح روابط تفصيلي؛ وينبغي دعم هذه المجالات OpenGraph أو oEmbed. اختبار لهم في http://iframely.com/debug"
onebox_domains_whitelist: "قائمة بالمجالات للسماح روابط تفصيلي؛ وينبغي دعم هذه المجالات OpenGraph أو oEmbed. اختبار لهم في http://iframely.com/debug"
logo_url: "صورة الشعار في الجزء العلوي الأيسر من موقع الويب الخاص بك، يجب أن تكون على شكل مستطيل واسع. إذا كان سيتم إظهار غادر نص عنوان موقع على بياض."
logo_url: "صورة الشعار في الجزء العلوي الأيسر من موقع الويب الخاص بك، يجب أن تكون على شكل مستطيل واسع. إذا كان سيتم إظهار غادر نص عنوان موقع على بياض."
digest_logo_url: "صورة الشعار بديلة تستخدم في الجزء العلوي من البريد الإلكتروني موقعك. يجب أن تكون على شكل مستطيل واسع. إذا كان سيتم استخدام ترك فارغا `logo_url`."
logo_small_url: "صورة الشعار صغيرة في الجزء العلوي الأيسر من موقع الويب الخاص بك، يجب أن تكون على شكل مربع، وينظر عند التمرير لأسفل. وإذا ترك فارغا أن أظهرت الصورة الرمزية المنزل."
logo_small_url: "صورة الشعار صغيرة في الجزء العلوي الأيسر من موقع الويب الخاص بك، يجب أن تكون على شكل مربع، وينظر عند التمرير لأسفل. وإذا ترك فارغا أن أظهرت الصورة الرمزية المنزل."
favicon_url: "الأيقونة الخاصة بموقعك, شاهد http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon, لتعمل بشكل صحيح ضمن CDN يجب ان تكون بصيغة png."
favicon_url: "الأيقونة الخاصة بموقعك, شاهد http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon, لتعمل بشكل صحيح ضمن CDN يجب ان تكون بصيغة png."
mobile_logo_url: "صورة الشعار الثابتة ستظهر في الجزء العلوي الأيسر في نسخة الجوال من موقعك. يجب أن تكون مربعة. إذا تُركت فارغة، سيتم استخدام الـ `logo_url`. على سبيل المثال: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
mobile_logo_url: "صورة الشعار الثابتة ستظهر في الجزء العلوي الأيسر في نسخة الجوال من موقعك. يجب أن تكون مربعة. إذا تُركت فارغة، سيتم استخدام الـ `logo_url`. على سبيل المثال: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
@ -919,7 +918,6 @@ ar:
polling_interval: "عندما لا يكون التصويت طويلا، عدد المرات التي يجب تسجيل عملاء التصويت فيها بالملي ثانية."
polling_interval: "عندما لا يكون التصويت طويلا، عدد المرات التي يجب تسجيل عملاء التصويت فيها بالملي ثانية."
anon_polling_interval: "المرات التي يجب الاستعلام فيها عن العملاء المجهولين بالملي ثانية."
anon_polling_interval: "المرات التي يجب الاستعلام فيها عن العملاء المجهولين بالملي ثانية."
background_polling_interval: "كم ينبغي أن يكون عدد مرات الاستعلام عن العملاء في المللي ثانية ( عندما يكون الاطار في الخلفية )"
background_polling_interval: "كم ينبغي أن يكون عدد مرات الاستعلام عن العملاء في المللي ثانية ( عندما يكون الاطار في الخلفية )"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "عدد التبليغات التي تسبب إخفاء المشاركة آليا وترسل PM للعضو (0 لتعطيلها)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "عدد الدقائق يجب على المستخدم الانتظار قبل أن يتمكنوا من تعديل موضوع مخفي عن طريق رفع الأعلام المجتمع"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "عدد الدقائق يجب على المستخدم الانتظار قبل أن يتمكنوا من تعديل موضوع مخفي عن طريق رفع الأعلام المجتمع"
max_topics_in_first_day: "الحد الأقصى لعدد الموضوعات يسمح للمستخدم لإنشاء في يومهم الأول على الموقع"
max_topics_in_first_day: "الحد الأقصى لعدد الموضوعات يسمح للمستخدم لإنشاء في يومهم الأول على الموقع"
max_replies_in_first_day: "الحد الأقصى لعدد الردود يسمح للمستخدم لإنشاء في يومهم الأول على الموقع"
max_replies_in_first_day: "الحد الأقصى لعدد الردود يسمح للمستخدم لإنشاء في يومهم الأول على الموقع"
@ -985,7 +983,6 @@ ar:
block_common_passwords: "لا تسمح لكلمات المرور المسجلة في قائمة كلمات المرور الشائعةز"
block_common_passwords: "لا تسمح لكلمات المرور المسجلة في قائمة كلمات المرور الشائعةز"
enable_sso: " اسمح تسجيل دخول واحد عبر موقع خارجي(تحذير :عنوان بريد المستخدم *يجب* ان يتم التحقق من صحته عبر الموقع الخارجي)"
enable_sso: " اسمح تسجيل دخول واحد عبر موقع خارجي(تحذير :عنوان بريد المستخدم *يجب* ان يتم التحقق من صحته عبر الموقع الخارجي)"
enable_sso_provider: "تنفيذ مزود بروتوكول Discourse SSO على نقطة نهاية /session/sso_provider, يتطلب sso_secret لتعينها"
enable_sso_provider: "تنفيذ مزود بروتوكول Discourse SSO على نقطة نهاية /session/sso_provider, يتطلب sso_secret لتعينها"
sso_url: "نقطة نهاية URL الدخول الموحد"
sso_secret: "السلسلة السرية استخدمت لتشفير مصادقة معلومات SSO, كن متأكداً أنها 10 حروف أو أكثر"
sso_secret: "السلسلة السرية استخدمت لتشفير مصادقة معلومات SSO, كن متأكداً أنها 10 حروف أو أكثر"
sso_overrides_email: "يتجاوز البريد الاكتوني المحلي مع بريد موقع خارجي من حمولة SSO عند كل تسجيل دخول, ويمنع التتغيرات المحلية. (تحذير: ممكن يحدث تعارض بسبب الاختلاف طول اسم المستخدم/المتطلبات)"
sso_overrides_email: "يتجاوز البريد الاكتوني المحلي مع بريد موقع خارجي من حمولة SSO عند كل تسجيل دخول, ويمنع التتغيرات المحلية. (تحذير: ممكن يحدث تعارض بسبب الاختلاف طول اسم المستخدم/المتطلبات)"
sso_overrides_username: "يتجاوز \"اسم المستخدم المحلي\" مع \"اسم مستخدم موقع خارجي\" من حمولة SSO عند كل تسجيل دخول, ويمنع التغيرات المحلية. (تحذير: ممكن يحدث تعارض بسبب الاختلاف طول اسم المستخدم/المتطلبات)"
sso_overrides_username: "يتجاوز \"اسم المستخدم المحلي\" مع \"اسم مستخدم موقع خارجي\" من حمولة SSO عند كل تسجيل دخول, ويمنع التغيرات المحلية. (تحذير: ممكن يحدث تعارض بسبب الاختلاف طول اسم المستخدم/المتطلبات)"
@ -1216,7 +1213,6 @@ ar:
enforce_square_emoji: "أجبر نسبة جانب المربع لكل الرموز التعبيرية."
enforce_square_emoji: "أجبر نسبة جانب المربع لكل الرموز التعبيرية."
approve_post_count: "عدد المنشورات للمستخدم الجديد او الاساسي يجب ان تتم الموافقه عليه "
approve_post_count: "عدد المنشورات للمستخدم الجديد او الاساسي يجب ان تتم الموافقه عليه "
approve_unless_trust_level: "مشاركات للأعضاء أدنى من مستوى الثقة هذا يجب أن تتم الموافقة عليها."
approve_unless_trust_level: "مشاركات للأعضاء أدنى من مستوى الثقة هذا يجب أن تتم الموافقة عليها."
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "اذا كان هناك مشاركات تنتظر ليتم معينتها لاكثر من هذه الساعات, سوف يتم ارسال بريد الكتروني لبريد الاتصال . اختر 0 لتعطيل هذه الرسائل"
default_email_digest_frequency: "عدد المرات التي يتلقى الأعضاء فيها ملخص لبريدهم الإلكتروني إفتراضيا."
default_email_digest_frequency: "عدد المرات التي يتلقى الأعضاء فيها ملخص لبريدهم الإلكتروني إفتراضيا."
default_email_private_messages: "أرسل بريد إلكتروني عندما يراسل شخص ما العضو إفتراضيا."
default_email_private_messages: "أرسل بريد إلكتروني عندما يراسل شخص ما العضو إفتراضيا."
default_email_direct: "ارسل بريد الكتروني عندما يقوم احدهم بالرد/الاقتباس الي/ذكر او دعوه مستخدم افتراضيا"
default_email_direct: "ارسل بريد الكتروني عندما يقوم احدهم بالرد/الاقتباس الي/ذكر او دعوه مستخدم افتراضيا"
@ -1584,7 +1580,6 @@ ar:
text_body_template: "نحن آسفون ، ولكن رسالة البريد الإلكتروني إلى %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) لا تعمل. \n\nلم نتمكن من العثور على أي محتوى في البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك. **تأكد من الرد الخاص بك هو في الجزء العلوي من البريد الإلكتروني -- نحن لا يمكننا معالجة الردود في سطر .\n"
text_body_template: "نحن آسفون ، ولكن رسالة البريد الإلكتروني إلى %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) لا تعمل. \n\nلم نتمكن من العثور على أي محتوى في البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك. **تأكد من الرد الخاص بك هو في الجزء العلوي من البريد الإلكتروني -- نحن لا يمكننا معالجة الردود في سطر .\n"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] بريد الكتروني -- غير صالح"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] بريد الكتروني -- غير صالح"
text_body_template: "نحن آسفون ، ولكن رسالة البريد الإلكتروني إلى %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) لا تعمل. \n\nحسابك لا يمتلك الصلاحيات لنشر مواضيع جديدة في تلك الفئة. إذا كنت تعتقد أن هذا الخطأ، اتصل بالاعضاء المشرفين.\n"
subject_template: "مشاكل البريد ألالكتروني [%{site_name}] -- دخول غير صالح"
subject_template: "مشاكل البريد ألالكتروني [%{site_name}] -- دخول غير صالح"
@ -1597,7 +1592,6 @@ ar:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] بريد الكتروني -- موضوع غير موجود"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] بريد الكتروني -- موضوع غير موجود"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] بريد الكتروني -- موضوع مغلق"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] بريد الكتروني -- موضوع مغلق"
text_body_template: "نحن آسفون ، ولكن رسالة البريد الإلكتروني إلى %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) لا تعمل. \n\nالموضوع الذي تريد الرد عليه مغلق حاليا والتي لم تعد تقبل ردود. إذا كنت تعتقد أن هذا خطأ، اتصل أحد الأعضاء المشرفين.\n"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] بريد الكتروني -- توليد رد آلي"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] بريد الكتروني -- توليد رد آلي"
@ -433,7 +433,6 @@ bs_BA:
long_polling_interval: "Interval before a new long poll is issued in milliseconds "
long_polling_interval: "Interval before a new long poll is issued in milliseconds "
polling_interval: "How often should logged in user clients poll in milliseconds"
polling_interval: "How often should logged in user clients poll in milliseconds"
anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds"
anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Number of flags that cause a post to be automatically hidden and PM sent to the user (0 for never)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Number of minutes a user must wait before they can edit a post hidden via community flagging"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Number of minutes a user must wait before they can edit a post hidden via community flagging"
max_topics_in_first_day: "The maximum number of topics a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
max_topics_in_first_day: "The maximum number of topics a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
max_replies_in_first_day: "The maximum number of replies a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
max_replies_in_first_day: "The maximum number of replies a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
@ -483,7 +482,6 @@ bs_BA:
login_required: "Require authentication to read content on this site, disallow anonymous access."
login_required: "Require authentication to read content on this site, disallow anonymous access."
min_password_length: "Minimum password length."
min_password_length: "Minimum password length."
block_common_passwords: "Don't allow passwords that are in the 10,000 most common passwords."
block_common_passwords: "Don't allow passwords that are in the 10,000 most common passwords."
sso_url: "URL of single sign on endpoint"
sso_secret: "Secret string used to encrypt/decrypt SSO information, be sure it is 10 chars or longer"
sso_secret: "Secret string used to encrypt/decrypt SSO information, be sure it is 10 chars or longer"
sso_overrides_avatar: "Overrides user avatar with external site avatar from SSO payload. If enabled, disabling allow_uploaded_avatars is highly recommended"
sso_overrides_avatar: "Overrides user avatar with external site avatar from SSO payload. If enabled, disabling allow_uploaded_avatars is highly recommended"
enable_local_logins: "Enable local username and password login based accounts. (Note: this must be enabled for invites to work)"
enable_local_logins: "Enable local username and password login based accounts. (Note: this must be enabled for invites to work)"
@ -584,7 +584,6 @@ cs:
use_https: "Should the full url for the site (Discourse.base_url) be http or https?"
use_https: "Should the full url for the site (Discourse.base_url) be http or https?"
enable_long_polling: "'Message bus' smí používat dlouhé výzvy"
enable_long_polling: "'Message bus' smí používat dlouhé výzvy"
anon_polling_interval: "Jak často se mají zasílat výzvy anonymním uživatelům v milisekundách"
anon_polling_interval: "Jak často se mají zasílat výzvy anonymním uživatelům v milisekundách"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Počet nahlášení, po kterých je příspěvek automaticky skryt a uživateli je zaslána soukromá zpráva (0 znamená nikdy)"
max_topics_in_first_day: "The maximum number of topics a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
max_topics_in_first_day: "The maximum number of topics a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
max_replies_in_first_day: "The maximum number of replies a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
max_replies_in_first_day: "The maximum number of replies a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
notify_mods_when_user_blocked: "If a user is automatically blocked, send a message to all moderators."
notify_mods_when_user_blocked: "If a user is automatically blocked, send a message to all moderators."
@ -602,7 +601,6 @@ cs:
invite_expiry_days: "Platnost uživatelských pozvánek ve dnech"
invite_expiry_days: "Platnost uživatelských pozvánek ve dnech"
min_password_length: "Minimální povolená délka hesla."
min_password_length: "Minimální povolená délka hesla."
block_common_passwords: "Nepovolit heslo pokud je mezi 10 000 nejběžnějšími."
block_common_passwords: "Nepovolit heslo pokud je mezi 10 000 nejběžnějšími."
sso_url: "URL pro single sign on"
enable_yahoo_logins: "Povolit přihlašování přes Yahoo"
enable_yahoo_logins: "Povolit přihlašování přes Yahoo"
google_oauth2_client_id: "Client ID vaší Google aplikace."
google_oauth2_client_id: "Client ID vaší Google aplikace."
google_oauth2_client_secret: "Client secret vaší Google aplikace."
google_oauth2_client_secret: "Client secret vaší Google aplikace."
@ -580,7 +580,6 @@ da:
email_custom_headers: "En liste af brugerdefinerede e-mail-headers adskilt af |-tegn."
email_custom_headers: "En liste af brugerdefinerede e-mail-headers adskilt af |-tegn."
enable_long_polling: "Message bus til underretninger kan bruge long polling"
enable_long_polling: "Message bus til underretninger kan bruge long polling"
anon_polling_interval: "Hvor ofte skal anonyme brugere polle, i millisekunder."
anon_polling_interval: "Hvor ofte skal anonyme brugere polle, i millisekunder."
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Antallet af flag som gør at et indlæg automatisk skjules og der sendes en PM til brugeren (0 for aldrig)."
max_topics_in_first_day: "Det maksimale antal indlæg en bruger har lov til at oprette på deres første dag på sitet."
max_topics_in_first_day: "Det maksimale antal indlæg en bruger har lov til at oprette på deres første dag på sitet."
max_replies_in_first_day: "Det maksimale antal svar en bruger har lov til at oprette på deres første dag på sitet."
max_replies_in_first_day: "Det maksimale antal svar en bruger har lov til at oprette på deres første dag på sitet."
notify_mods_when_user_blocked: "Send en besked til alle moderatorer hvis en bruger blokeres automatisk"
notify_mods_when_user_blocked: "Send en besked til alle moderatorer hvis en bruger blokeres automatisk"
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ de:
create_like: "Du hast die maximale Anzahl „Gefällt mir“ für heute erreicht. Bitte warte %{time_left}, bis Du es wieder versuchst."
create_like: "Du hast die maximale Anzahl „Gefällt mir“ für heute erreicht. Bitte warte %{time_left}, bis Du es wieder versuchst."
create_bookmark: "Du hast die maximale Anzahl an Lesezeichen für heute erreicht. Bitte warte %{time_left}, bis Du es wieder versuchst."
create_bookmark: "Du hast die maximale Anzahl an Lesezeichen für heute erreicht. Bitte warte %{time_left}, bis Du es wieder versuchst."
edit_post: "Du hast die maximale Anzahl an Änderungen für heute erreicht. Bitte warte %{time_left}, bis Du es wieder versuchst."
edit_post: "Du hast die maximale Anzahl an Änderungen für heute erreicht. Bitte warte %{time_left}, bis Du es wieder versuchst."
live_post_counts: "Du forderst die Live-Anzahl der Antworten zu schnell an. Bitte warte %{time_left}, bis Du es wieder versuchst."
live_post_counts: "Du forderst die Live-Anzahl der Antworten zu schnell neu an. Bitte warte %{time_left}, bis du es wieder versuchst."
unsubscribe_via_email: "Du hast die maximale Anzahl an Abbestell-E-Mails für heute erreicht. Bitte warte %{time_left}, vor einem neuen Versuch."
unsubscribe_via_email: "Du hast die maximale Anzahl an Abbestell-E-Mails für heute erreicht. Bitte warte %{time_left}, vor einem neuen Versuch."
topic_invitations_per_day: "Du hast die maximale Zahl an neuen Thema-Einladungen für heute erreicht. Bitte warte %{time_left}, bis Du es wieder versuchst."
topic_invitations_per_day: "Du hast die maximale Zahl an neuen Thema-Einladungen für heute erreicht. Bitte warte %{time_left}, bis Du es wieder versuchst."
@ -742,7 +742,6 @@ de:
post_onebox_maxlength: "Maximale Länge eines Onebox-Discourse-Beitrags in Zeichen."
post_onebox_maxlength: "Maximale Länge eines Onebox-Discourse-Beitrags in Zeichen."
onebox_domains_whitelist: "Liste von Domains, deren Inhalte für Oneboxen erlaubt sind; diese Domains sollten OpenGraph oder oEmbed unterstützen. Teste ihre Kompatibilität unter http://iframely.com/debug"
onebox_domains_whitelist: "Liste von Domains, deren Inhalte für Oneboxen erlaubt sind; diese Domains sollten OpenGraph oder oEmbed unterstützen. Teste ihre Kompatibilität unter http://iframely.com/debug"
logo_url: "Das Logo oben links auf deiner Site sollte eine breite, rechteckige Form haben. Wenn du kein Logo auswählst, wird stattdessen `title` angezeigt."
logo_url: "Das Logo oben links auf deiner Site sollte eine breite, rechteckige Form haben. Wenn du kein Logo auswählst, wird stattdessen `title` angezeigt."
digest_logo_url: "Alternatives Logo, welches oben in der E-Mail Kurzfassung angezeigt wird (sollte eine breite, rechteckige Form haben). Wenn du kein Logo auswählst, wird stattdessen das `logo_url` verwendet. "
logo_small_url: "Dein Logo in klein für die obere linke Seite deiner Website, in Form eines rechteckigen Quadrates. Es wird angezeigt, wenn der Benutzer scrollt. Wenn du dieses Feld frei lässt, wird stattdessen ein Haus-Symbol angezeigt."
logo_small_url: "Dein Logo in klein für die obere linke Seite deiner Website, in Form eines rechteckigen Quadrates. Es wird angezeigt, wenn der Benutzer scrollt. Wenn du dieses Feld frei lässt, wird stattdessen ein Haus-Symbol angezeigt."
favicon_url: "Das Favicon deiner Site. Besuche http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. Damit das Favicon korrekt über einen CDN-Service funktioniert, muss es eine .png Datei sein."
favicon_url: "Das Favicon deiner Site. Besuche http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. Damit das Favicon korrekt über einen CDN-Service funktioniert, muss es eine .png Datei sein."
mobile_logo_url: "Das fixierte Logo in der oberen linken Hälfte der mobilen Siteversion. Es sollte eine quadratische Form haben. Wenn du dieses Feld frei lässt, wird `logo_url` benutzt. Z.B. http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
mobile_logo_url: "Das fixierte Logo in der oberen linken Hälfte der mobilen Siteversion. Es sollte eine quadratische Form haben. Wenn du dieses Feld frei lässt, wird `logo_url` benutzt. Z.B. http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
@ -763,7 +762,6 @@ de:
polling_interval: "Polling-Intervall in Millisekunden für angemeldete Clients, wenn Long Polling nicht verwendet wird."
polling_interval: "Polling-Intervall in Millisekunden für angemeldete Clients, wenn Long Polling nicht verwendet wird."
anon_polling_interval: "Polling-Intervall in Millisekunden für anonyme Clients."
anon_polling_interval: "Polling-Intervall in Millisekunden für anonyme Clients."
background_polling_interval: "Polling-Intervall in Millisekunden für Clients, wenn sich das Browser-Fenster im Hintergrund befindet."
background_polling_interval: "Polling-Intervall in Millisekunden für Clients, wenn sich das Browser-Fenster im Hintergrund befindet."
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Anzahl der Meldungen, die dazu führen, dass ein Beitrag automatisch versteckt und eine private Nachricht an den Benutzer geschickt wird (0 für niemals)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Minuten die ein Benutzer warten muss, bevor ein Beitrag bearbeitet werden kann, der wegen Meldungen anderer Benutzer versteckt wurde"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Minuten die ein Benutzer warten muss, bevor ein Beitrag bearbeitet werden kann, der wegen Meldungen anderer Benutzer versteckt wurde"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Maximale Zahl an Themen, die ein Benutzer an seinem ersten Tag auf der Site erstellen kann"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Maximale Zahl an Themen, die ein Benutzer an seinem ersten Tag auf der Site erstellen kann"
max_replies_in_first_day: "Maximale Zahl an Antworten, die ein Benutzer an seinem ersten Tag auf der Site erstellen kann"
max_replies_in_first_day: "Maximale Zahl an Antworten, die ein Benutzer an seinem ersten Tag auf der Site erstellen kann"
@ -828,8 +826,8 @@ de:
min_admin_password_length: "Minimale Passwortlänge für Administratoren."
min_admin_password_length: "Minimale Passwortlänge für Administratoren."
block_common_passwords: "Erlaube kein Passwort unter den 10000 meist verwendeten Passwörter."
block_common_passwords: "Erlaube kein Passwort unter den 10000 meist verwendeten Passwörter."
enable_sso: "Aktiviere Single Sign-on über eine externe Site (WARNUNG: DIE E-MAIL-ADRESSE DES BENUTZERS *MUSS* VON DER EXTERNEN SITE VERIFIZIERT WERDEN)."
enable_sso: "Aktiviere Single Sign-on über eine externe Site (WARNUNG: DIE E-MAIL-ADRESSE DES BENUTZERS *MUSS* VON DER EXTERNEN SITE VERIFIZIERT WERDEN)."
verbose_sso_logging: "Protokolliere ausführliche SSO-bezogene Diagnose in /logs"
enable_sso_provider: "Aktiviere das Discourse SSO Anbieter Protokoll unter /session/sso_provider; benötigt sso_secret."
enable_sso_provider: "Aktiviere das Discourse SSO Anbieter Protokoll unter /session/sso_provider; benötigt sso_secret."
sso_url: "URL des Single Sign On Endpunkts"
sso_secret: "Geheime Zeichenkette die als Schlüssel für die Authentifizierung von SSO-Informationen verwendet wird. Sollte unbedingt 10 Zeichen oder länger sein."
sso_secret: "Geheime Zeichenkette die als Schlüssel für die Authentifizierung von SSO-Informationen verwendet wird. Sollte unbedingt 10 Zeichen oder länger sein."
sso_overrides_email: "Überschreibt lokale E-Mail mit E-Mail der externen Site aus SSO Daten (WARNUNG: Diskrepanzen können aufgrund der Normalisierung lokaler E-Mail-Adressen auftreten.)"
sso_overrides_email: "Überschreibt lokale E-Mail mit E-Mail der externen Site aus SSO Daten (WARNUNG: Diskrepanzen können aufgrund der Normalisierung lokaler E-Mail-Adressen auftreten.)"
sso_overrides_username: "Überschreibt lokalen Benutzernamen mit dem Benutzernamen der externen Site aus SSO Daten (WARNUNG: Diskrepanzen können aufgrund von Normalisierung von lokalen Benutzernamen auftreten)"
sso_overrides_username: "Überschreibt lokalen Benutzernamen mit dem Benutzernamen der externen Site aus SSO Daten (WARNUNG: Diskrepanzen können aufgrund von Normalisierung von lokalen Benutzernamen auftreten)"
@ -1082,7 +1080,6 @@ de:
enforce_square_emoji: "Emojis immer mit quadratischem Seitenverhältnis darstellen."
enforce_square_emoji: "Emojis immer mit quadratischem Seitenverhältnis darstellen."
approve_post_count: "Anzahl der Beiträge eines neuen Benutzer oder Anwärters, die genehmigt werden müssen"
approve_post_count: "Anzahl der Beiträge eines neuen Benutzer oder Anwärters, die genehmigt werden müssen"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Beiträge von Benutzer unterhalb dieser Vertrauensstufe müssen genehmigt werden"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Beiträge von Benutzer unterhalb dieser Vertrauensstufe müssen genehmigt werden"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "Wenn es Beiträge gibt, welche seit mehreren Stunden auf ihre Freischaltung warten, sende eine E-Mail an contact_email. Setze diesen Wert auf 0 um das zu deaktivieren."
default_email_digest_frequency: "Lege fest, wie oft die Benutzer eine Zusammenfassung per E-Mail erhalten."
default_email_digest_frequency: "Lege fest, wie oft die Benutzer eine Zusammenfassung per E-Mail erhalten."
default_include_tl0_in_digests: "Beiträge von neuen Benutzern standardmäßig in E-Mail mit Neuigkeiten einfügen. Benutzer können dies in ihren Einstellungen anpassen."
default_include_tl0_in_digests: "Beiträge von neuen Benutzern standardmäßig in E-Mail mit Neuigkeiten einfügen. Benutzer können dies in ihren Einstellungen anpassen."
default_email_private_messages: "Sende einem Benutzer standardmäßig eine E-Mail, wenn dieser eine Nachricht von einem anderen Benutzer erhält."
default_email_private_messages: "Sende einem Benutzer standardmäßig eine E-Mail, wenn dieser eine Nachricht von einem anderen Benutzer erhält."
@ -1523,10 +1520,6 @@ de:
text_body_template: "Entschuldigung, beim Exportieren deiner Daten trat ein Fehler auf. Bitte kontaktiere einen Mitarbeiter oder sieh in die Logs."
text_body_template: "Entschuldigung, beim Exportieren deiner Daten trat ein Fehler auf. Bitte kontaktiere einen Mitarbeiter oder sieh in die Logs."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Unzureichende Vertrauensstufe"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Unzureichende Vertrauensstufe"
text_body_template: |
Es tut uns leid, aber deine E-Mail-Nachricht an %{destination} (betitelt mit %{former_title}) hat nicht funktioniert.
Dein Benutzerkonto hat nicht die benötigte Vertrauensstufe, um neue Themen an diese E-Mail-Adresse zu senden. Bitte kontaktiere einen Mitarbeiter, wenn du von einem Fehler ausgehst.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Benutzer nicht gefunden"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Benutzer nicht gefunden"
text_body_template: |
text_body_template: |
@ -1573,16 +1566,8 @@ de:
Wir konnten keinen Inhalt in deiner E-Mail feststellen. **Versichere dich, dass du den Inhalt oberhalb der erhaltenen E-Mail eingegeben hast** -- Eingebettete Antworten können wir nicht verarbeiten.
Wir konnten keinen Inhalt in deiner E-Mail feststellen. **Versichere dich, dass du den Inhalt oberhalb der erhaltenen E-Mail eingegeben hast** -- Eingebettete Antworten können wir nicht verarbeiten.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Nicht erlaubt"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Nicht erlaubt"
text_body_template: |
Es tut uns leid, aber deine E-Mail-Nachricht an %{destination} (betitelt mit %{former_title}) hat nicht funktioniert.
Dein Benutzerkonto verfügt nicht über die nötigen Rechte, um in dieser Kategorie ein neues Thema anzulegen. Bitte kontaktiere einen Mitarbeiter, wenn du von einem Fehler ausgehst.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Zugriff nicht erlaubt"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Zugriff nicht erlaubt"
text_body_template: |
Es tut uns leid, aber deine E-Mail-Nachricht an %{destination} (betitelt mit %{former_title}) hat nicht funktioniert.
Die Kategorie, an die du diese E-Mail gesendet hast, erlaubt nur Antworten von Benutzern mit gültigem Konto und bekannter E-Mail-Adresse. Bitte kontaktiere einen Mitarbeiter, wenn du von einem Fehler ausgehst.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Ungültiger Beitrag"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Ungültiger Beitrag"
text_body_template: |
text_body_template: |
@ -1625,23 +1610,10 @@ de:
Keine der Ziel-E-Mail-Adressen wurde erkannt. Bitte stell sicher, dass du die E-Mail an die richtige Adresse schickst, die dir von unseren Mitarbeitern genannt wurde.
Keine der Ziel-E-Mail-Adressen wurde erkannt. Bitte stell sicher, dass du die E-Mail an die richtige Adresse schickst, die dir von unseren Mitarbeitern genannt wurde.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Thema nicht gefunden"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Thema nicht gefunden"
text_body_template: |+
Es tut uns leid, aber deine E-Mail-Nachricht an %{destination} (betitelt mit %{former_title}) hat nicht funktioniert.
Das Thema existiert nicht mehr -- vielleicht wurde es gelöscht? Bitte kontaktiere einen Mitarbeiter, wenn du von einem Fehler ausgehst.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Thema geschlossen"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Thema geschlossen"
text_body_template: |
Es tut uns leid, aber deine E-Mail-Nachricht an %{destination} (betitelt mit %{former_title}) hat nicht funktioniert.
Das Thema ist uns nicht bekannt oder es wurde gelöscht bzw. geschlossen. Bitte kontaktiere einen Mitarbeiter, wenn du von einem Fehler ausgehst.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Automatisch erzeugte Antwort"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- Automatisch erzeugte Antwort"
text_body_template: |
Es tut uns leid, aber deine E-Mail-Nachricht an %{destination} (betitelt mit %{former_title}) hat nicht funktioniert.
Deine E-Mail wurde als "computergeneriert" markiert. Das heißt sie wurde automatisch von einem Computer erstellt und nicht von einem Menschen geschrieben; wir können solche E-Mails nicht akzeptieren. Bitte kontaktiere einen Mitarbeiter, wenn du von einem Fehler ausgehst.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- POP-Authentifizierungsfehler"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-Mail-Problem -- POP-Authentifizierungsfehler"
@ -1679,6 +1651,8 @@ de:
subject_template: "Download von externen Bildern deaktiviert"
subject_template: "Download von externen Bildern deaktiviert"
text_body_template: "Die `download_remote_images_to_local` Einstellung wurde deaktiviert, da das Speicherplatz Limit von `download_remote_images_threshold` erreicht wurde."
text_body_template: "Die `download_remote_images_to_local` Einstellung wurde deaktiviert, da das Speicherplatz Limit von `download_remote_images_threshold` erreicht wurde."
subject_template: "Probleme wurden festgestellt"
unsubscribe_link: |
unsubscribe_link: |
Um keine Benachrichtigungen mehr zu diesem Thema zu erhalten, bitte [hier klicken](%{unsubscribe_url}). Du kannst den Empfang von Benachrichtigungen per E-Mail auch in deinen [Profil-Eigenschaften](%{user_preferences_url}) deaktivieren
Um keine Benachrichtigungen mehr zu diesem Thema zu erhalten, bitte [hier klicken](%{unsubscribe_url}). Du kannst den Empfang von Benachrichtigungen per E-Mail auch in deinen [Profil-Eigenschaften](%{user_preferences_url}) deaktivieren
unsubscribe_via_email_link: |
unsubscribe_via_email_link: |
@ -2048,6 +2022,15 @@ de:
name: Empathisch
name: Empathisch
description: Hat 500 Likes für Beiträge erhalten und 1000 Likes gegeben
description: Hat 500 Likes für Beiträge erhalten und 1000 Likes gegeben
name: Erstes Emoji
description: Hat ein Emoji in einem Beitrag verwendet
long_description: |
Dieses Abzeichen wird verliehen, wenn du zum ersten Mal ein Emoji in einem Beitrag einfügst :heart:
name: Erste Erwähnung
description: Hat einen Benutzer in einem Beitrag erwähnt
long_description: Dieses Abzeichen wird verliehen, wenn du einen Benutzer in einem Beitrag @erwähnst. @Erwähnungen erlauben es andere Mitglieder im Forum zu benachrichtigen.
success: "E-Mail gesendet"
success: "E-Mail gesendet"
error: "Fehler!"
error: "Fehler!"
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -663,7 +663,6 @@ fa_IR:
polling_interval: "وقتی رای گیری طولانی نیست٬ هر چند مدت باید وارد سیستم شود برای نظرسنجی مشتری ها در هر میلی ثانیه."
polling_interval: "وقتی رای گیری طولانی نیست٬ هر چند مدت باید وارد سیستم شود برای نظرسنجی مشتری ها در هر میلی ثانیه."
anon_polling_interval: "هر چند مدت باید مشتری های ناشناس نظرسنجی بشوند در هر میلی ثانیه"
anon_polling_interval: "هر چند مدت باید مشتری های ناشناس نظرسنجی بشوند در هر میلی ثانیه"
background_polling_interval: "هر چند وقت یکبار مشتری ها باید نظرسنجی بشوند در هر ثانیه ( وقتی پنجره در پس زمینه است)"
background_polling_interval: "هر چند وقت یکبار مشتری ها باید نظرسنجی بشوند در هر ثانیه ( وقتی پنجره در پس زمینه است)"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "تعداد پرچم هایی که ممکن است موجوب مخفی شدن خودکاز نوشته شود و پیام خصوصی به کاربر ارسال شود (0 برای هرگز)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "تعداد دقایقی که کاربر باید صبر کند قبل از ویرایش مخفی یک نوشته از طریق پرچم گزاری انجمن"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "تعداد دقایقی که کاربر باید صبر کند قبل از ویرایش مخفی یک نوشته از طریق پرچم گزاری انجمن"
max_topics_in_first_day: "حداکثر تعداد جستارهای یک کاربر که در روز اولشان در سایت می توانند ایجاد کنند. "
max_topics_in_first_day: "حداکثر تعداد جستارهای یک کاربر که در روز اولشان در سایت می توانند ایجاد کنند. "
max_replies_in_first_day: "حداکثر تعداد پاسخ های یک کاربر که در روز اولشان در سایت می توانند ایجاد کنند. "
max_replies_in_first_day: "حداکثر تعداد پاسخ های یک کاربر که در روز اولشان در سایت می توانند ایجاد کنند. "
@ -721,7 +720,6 @@ fa_IR:
block_common_passwords: "رمز عبوری که جزو 10,000 رمز عبور رایج است را قبول نکنید. "
block_common_passwords: "رمز عبوری که جزو 10,000 رمز عبور رایج است را قبول نکنید. "
enable_sso: "اجازه single sign on از طریق سایتهای دیگر داده شود (هشدار: آدرس ایمیل کاربر *باید* توسط سایت دیگر معتبر تشخیص داده شود!)"
enable_sso: "اجازه single sign on از طریق سایتهای دیگر داده شود (هشدار: آدرس ایمیل کاربر *باید* توسط سایت دیگر معتبر تشخیص داده شود!)"
enable_sso_provider: "پیاده سازی پروتکل ارائه دهنده SSO Discourse در /session/sso_provider endpoint, requires sso_secret to be set "
enable_sso_provider: "پیاده سازی پروتکل ارائه دهنده SSO Discourse در /session/sso_provider endpoint, requires sso_secret to be set "
sso_url: "URL برای ورود یکپارچه در درگاه"
sso_secret: "رشته راز استفاده شده در تصدیق رمزنویسی اطلاعات SSO ٬ مطمئن شوید که 10 کاراکتر است یا بیشتر. "
sso_secret: "رشته راز استفاده شده در تصدیق رمزنویسی اطلاعات SSO ٬ مطمئن شوید که 10 کاراکتر است یا بیشتر. "
sso_overrides_email: "آدرس ایمیل دریافت شده از طریق SSO را در هر بار ورود جایگزین آدرس ایمیل محلی کاربر میکند و از تغییر محلی آن نیز جلوگیری مینماید. (هشدار: این کار ممکن است به خاطر تغییر در ایمیلهای محلی باعث بروز اختلاف و ناهماهنگی شود)"
sso_overrides_email: "آدرس ایمیل دریافت شده از طریق SSO را در هر بار ورود جایگزین آدرس ایمیل محلی کاربر میکند و از تغییر محلی آن نیز جلوگیری مینماید. (هشدار: این کار ممکن است به خاطر تغییر در ایمیلهای محلی باعث بروز اختلاف و ناهماهنگی شود)"
sso_overrides_username: "نام کاربری دریافت شده از طریق SSO را در هر بار ورود جایگزین نام کاربری محلی کاربر کرده و از تغییر محلی آن نیز جلوگیری مینماید. (هشدار: این کار ممکن است به خاطر تغییر در طول یا سایر شرایط نام کاربری باعث بروز خطا و ناهماهنگی شود)"
sso_overrides_username: "نام کاربری دریافت شده از طریق SSO را در هر بار ورود جایگزین نام کاربری محلی کاربر کرده و از تغییر محلی آن نیز جلوگیری مینماید. (هشدار: این کار ممکن است به خاطر تغییر در طول یا سایر شرایط نام کاربری باعث بروز خطا و ناهماهنگی شود)"
@ -1127,7 +1125,6 @@ fa_IR:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] مشکل ایمیل -- محتوا ناشناخته است"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] مشکل ایمیل -- محتوا ناشناخته است"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] مشکل ایمیل -- دسترسی نامعتبر "
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] مشکل ایمیل -- دسترسی نامعتبر "
text_body_template: "ما متاسفیم٬ ولی پیام شما در ایمیل به %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) کار نکرد. \n\nحساب کاربری شما دارای سطح اعتماد کافی برای ارسال نوشته جدید به این ایمیل نیست. اگر این مشکل را قبول دارید٬ با یکی از مدیران تماس بگیرید.\n"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] مشکل ایمیل -- کلید پاسخ ناشناس"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] مشکل ایمیل -- کلید پاسخ ناشناس"
@ -361,7 +361,6 @@ fi:
create_like: "Olet tykännyt enimmäismäärän tälle päivälle. Ole hyvä ja odota %{time_left} ja yritä sitten uudelleen."
create_like: "Olet tykännyt enimmäismäärän tälle päivälle. Ole hyvä ja odota %{time_left} ja yritä sitten uudelleen."
create_bookmark: "Olet lisännyt enimmäismäärän kirjanmerkkejä tälle päivälle. Odota %{time_left}, ennen kuin yrität uudelleen."
create_bookmark: "Olet lisännyt enimmäismäärän kirjanmerkkejä tälle päivälle. Odota %{time_left}, ennen kuin yrität uudelleen."
edit_post: "Olet saavuttanut muokkausten enimmäismäärän tälle päivälle. Odota %{time_left}, ennen kuin yrität uudelleen."
edit_post: "Olet saavuttanut muokkausten enimmäismäärän tälle päivälle. Odota %{time_left}, ennen kuin yrität uudelleen."
live_post_counts: "Kysyt viestimääriä liian nopealla tahdilla. Odota %{time_left} ennen uudelleen yrittämistä."
unsubscribe_via_email: "Olet perunut enimmäismäärän sähköpostitse tänään. Odota %{time_left} ennen uudelleen yrittämistä."
unsubscribe_via_email: "Olet perunut enimmäismäärän sähköpostitse tänään. Odota %{time_left} ennen uudelleen yrittämistä."
topic_invitations_per_day: "Olet kutsunut enimmäismäärän tälle päivälle. Odota %{time_left} ennen uudelleen yrittämistä."
topic_invitations_per_day: "Olet kutsunut enimmäismäärän tälle päivälle. Odota %{time_left} ennen uudelleen yrittämistä."
@ -758,7 +757,6 @@ fi:
post_onebox_maxlength: "Discourse-viestin Onebox-esikatselun merkkien maksimimäärä."
post_onebox_maxlength: "Discourse-viestin Onebox-esikatselun merkkien maksimimäärä."
onebox_domains_whitelist: "Lista verkkotunnuksista, joilta sallitaan onebox-esikatselut; näiden tunnusten pitäisi tukea OpenGraphia tai oEmbedia. Testaa ne osoitteessa http://iframely.com/debug"
onebox_domains_whitelist: "Lista verkkotunnuksista, joilta sallitaan onebox-esikatselut; näiden tunnusten pitäisi tukea OpenGraphia tai oEmbedia. Testaa ne osoitteessa http://iframely.com/debug"
logo_url: "Logo sivustosi vasemmassa yläkulmassa. Sen pitäisi olla leveä suorakulmio muodoltaan. Jos jätetään tyhjäksi, näytetään sivuston otsikkoteksti."
logo_url: "Logo sivustosi vasemmassa yläkulmassa. Sen pitäisi olla leveä suorakulmio muodoltaan. Jos jätetään tyhjäksi, näytetään sivuston otsikkoteksti."
digest_logo_url: "Vaihtoehtoinen logo, jota käytetään sivustolta lähtevissä sähköpostitiivistelmissä. Sen pitäisi olle leveä suorakulmio muodoltaan. Jos jätetään tyhjäksi, sen tilalla käytetään 'logo_url'."
logo_small_url: "Pieni logo sivuston vasemmassa reunassa, joka näytettään rullattaessa alaspäin. Sen pitäisi olla neliö muodoltaan. Jos jätetään tyhjäksi, näytetään sen tilalla koti-merkki."
logo_small_url: "Pieni logo sivuston vasemmassa reunassa, joka näytettään rullattaessa alaspäin. Sen pitäisi olla neliö muodoltaan. Jos jätetään tyhjäksi, näytetään sen tilalla koti-merkki."
favicon_url: "Palstan favicon, katso http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon, täytyy olla png toimiakseen CDN:n kanssa"
favicon_url: "Palstan favicon, katso http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon, täytyy olla png toimiakseen CDN:n kanssa"
mobile_logo_url: "Logo mobiilisivun vasemmassa ylälaidassa. Sen pitäisi olla neliön muotoinen. Jos jätetään tyhjäksi, 'logo_url' käytetään sen tilalla. Esim: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
mobile_logo_url: "Logo mobiilisivun vasemmassa ylälaidassa. Sen pitäisi olla neliön muotoinen. Jos jätetään tyhjäksi, 'logo_url' käytetään sen tilalla. Esim: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
@ -779,7 +777,6 @@ fi:
polling_interval: "Kun long polling ei ole käytössä, kuinka usein kirjautuneet käyttäjät pollaavat, millisekunneissa."
polling_interval: "Kun long polling ei ole käytössä, kuinka usein kirjautuneet käyttäjät pollaavat, millisekunneissa."
anon_polling_interval: "Kuinka usein anonyymit käyttäjät pollaavat millisekunneissa"
anon_polling_interval: "Kuinka usein anonyymit käyttäjät pollaavat millisekunneissa"
background_polling_interval: "Kuinka usein asiakkaat pollaavat, millisekunneissa (kun ikkuna ei ole aktiivisena)"
background_polling_interval: "Kuinka usein asiakkaat pollaavat, millisekunneissa (kun ikkuna ei ole aktiivisena)"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Lippujen lukumäärä, joka automaattisesti piilottaa viestin ja lähettää YV:n sen kirjoittajalle (0 ei koskaan)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Kuinka monta minuuttia käyttäjän tulee odottaa, ennen kuin hän voi muokata liputuksen seurauksena piilotettua viestiä"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Kuinka monta minuuttia käyttäjän tulee odottaa, ennen kuin hän voi muokata liputuksen seurauksena piilotettua viestiä"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Kuinka monta ketjua uusi käyttäjä saa luoda ensimmäisenä päivänään sivustolla."
max_topics_in_first_day: "Kuinka monta ketjua uusi käyttäjä saa luoda ensimmäisenä päivänään sivustolla."
max_replies_in_first_day: "Kuinka monta vastausta uusi käyttäjä saa kirjoittaa ensimmäisenä päivänään sivustolla."
max_replies_in_first_day: "Kuinka monta vastausta uusi käyttäjä saa kirjoittaa ensimmäisenä päivänään sivustolla."
@ -845,7 +842,6 @@ fi:
block_common_passwords: "Älä salli salasanoja, jotka ovat 10 000 yleisimmän salasanan joukossa."
block_common_passwords: "Älä salli salasanoja, jotka ovat 10 000 yleisimmän salasanan joukossa."
enable_sso: "Ota käyttöön single sign on ulkopuolisen sivuston kautta (VAROITUS: ULKOPUOLISEN SIVUSTON TÄYTYY VALIDOIDA SÄHKÖPOSTIOSOITTEET!)"
enable_sso: "Ota käyttöön single sign on ulkopuolisen sivuston kautta (VAROITUS: ULKOPUOLISEN SIVUSTON TÄYTYY VALIDOIDA SÄHKÖPOSTIOSOITTEET!)"
enable_sso_provider: "Ota käyttöön Discourse SSO provider -protokolla /session/sso_provider päätepisteessä, vaatii asetuksen sso_secret asettamista."
enable_sso_provider: "Ota käyttöön Discourse SSO provider -protokolla /session/sso_provider päätepisteessä, vaatii asetuksen sso_secret asettamista."
sso_url: "single sign on endpointin URL"
sso_secret: "Salausavain, jolla todennetaan SSO tiedot, varmista että se on vähintään 10 merkkiä pitkä"
sso_secret: "Salausavain, jolla todennetaan SSO tiedot, varmista että se on vähintään 10 merkkiä pitkä"
sso_overrides_email: "Ohittaa paikallisen sähköpostiosoitteen SSO:n kautta saatavalla ulkopuolisella osoitteella ja estää paikalliset muutokset (VAROITUS: eroavuuksia saattaa syntyä johtuen paikallisten sähköpostiosoitteiden normalisoinnista)"
sso_overrides_email: "Ohittaa paikallisen sähköpostiosoitteen SSO:n kautta saatavalla ulkopuolisella osoitteella ja estää paikalliset muutokset (VAROITUS: eroavuuksia saattaa syntyä johtuen paikallisten sähköpostiosoitteiden normalisoinnista)"
sso_overrides_username: "Ohittaa paikallisen käyttäjänimen SSO:n kautta saatavalla ulkopuolisella nimellä ja estää paikalliset muutokset (VAROITUS: eroavuuksia saattaa syntyä johtuen erilaisista vaatimuksista ja pituudesta)"
sso_overrides_username: "Ohittaa paikallisen käyttäjänimen SSO:n kautta saatavalla ulkopuolisella nimellä ja estää paikalliset muutokset (VAROITUS: eroavuuksia saattaa syntyä johtuen erilaisista vaatimuksista ja pituudesta)"
@ -1095,7 +1091,6 @@ fi:
enforce_square_emoji: "Pakota neliö kuvasuhteeksi kaikille emojille."
enforce_square_emoji: "Pakota neliö kuvasuhteeksi kaikille emojille."
approve_post_count: "Viestien lukumäärä, joka tarkastetaan uusilta käyttäjiltä ja haastajilta."
approve_post_count: "Viestien lukumäärä, joka tarkastetaan uusilta käyttäjiltä ja haastajilta."
approve_unless_trust_level: "Tätä luottamustasoa alhaisempien käyttäjien viestit tarkastetaan"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Tätä luottamustasoa alhaisempien käyttäjien viestit tarkastetaan"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "Jos hyväksyntää odottavia viestejä on odottanut näin monta tuntia, lähetä sähköposti contact_email osoitteeseen. Aseta 0 ottaaksesi pois käytöstä."
default_email_digest_frequency: "Kuinka usein käyttäjille lähetetään tiivistelmäsähköposti oletuksena."
default_email_digest_frequency: "Kuinka usein käyttäjille lähetetään tiivistelmäsähköposti oletuksena."
default_include_tl0_in_digests: "Sisällytä uusien käyttäjien viestit sähköpostitiivistelmiin oletuksena. Tätä voi muuttaa käyttäjäasetuksissa."
default_include_tl0_in_digests: "Sisällytä uusien käyttäjien viestit sähköpostitiivistelmiin oletuksena. Tätä voi muuttaa käyttäjäasetuksissa."
default_email_private_messages: "Lähetä oletuksena sähköposti, kun joku lähettää käyttäjälle viestin."
default_email_private_messages: "Lähetä oletuksena sähköposti, kun joku lähettää käyttäjälle viestin."
@ -1191,22 +1186,22 @@ fi:
closed_disabled: "Tämä ketju on nyt avattu. Uusia vastauksia voi taas kirjoittaa."
closed_disabled: "Tämä ketju on nyt avattu. Uusia vastauksia voi taas kirjoittaa."
one: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti 1 päivän kuluttua. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
one: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti 1 päivän kuluttua. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
other: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti %{count} päivän kuluttua. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
other: "Ketju suljettiin ajastetusti %{count} päivän kuluttua. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
one: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti 1 tunnin kuluttua. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
one: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti 1 tunnin kuluttua. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
other: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti %{count} tunnin kuluttua. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
other: "Ketju suljettiin ajastetusti %{count} tunnin kuluttua. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
one: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti 1 minuutin kuluttua. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
one: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti 1 minuutin kuluttua. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
other: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti %{count} minuutin kuluttua. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
other: "Ketju suljettiin ajastetusti %{count} minuutin kuluttua. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
one: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti 1 päivän kuluttua viimeisestä viestistä. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
one: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti 1 päivän kuluttua viimeisestä viestistä. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
other: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti %{count} päivän kuluttua viimeisestä viestistä. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
other: "Ketju suljettiin automaattisesti %{count} päivän kuluttua viimeisestä viestistä. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
one: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti 1 tunnin kuluttua viimeisestä viestistä. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
one: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti 1 tunnin kuluttua viimeisestä viestistä. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
other: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti %{count} tunnin kuluttua viimeisestä viestistä. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
other: "Ketju suljettiin automaattisesti %{count} tunnin kuluttua viimeisestä viestistä. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
one: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti 1 minuutin kuluttua viimeisestä viestistä. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
one: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti 1 minuutin kuluttua viimeisestä viestistä. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
other: "Tämä ketju suljettiin automaattisesti %{count} minuutin kuluttua viimeisestä viestistä. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
other: "Ketju suljettiin automaattisesti %{count} minuutin kuluttua viimeisestä viestistä. Uusia vastauksia ei voi enää kirjoittaa."
autoclosed_disabled: "Tämä ketju on nyt avattu. Uusia vastauksia voi taas kirjoittaa."
autoclosed_disabled: "Tämä ketju on nyt avattu. Uusia vastauksia voi taas kirjoittaa."
autoclosed_disabled_lastpost: "Tämä ketju on nyt avattu. Uusia vastauksia voi taas kirjoittaa."
autoclosed_disabled_lastpost: "Tämä ketju on nyt avattu. Uusia vastauksia voi taas kirjoittaa."
pinned_enabled: "Tämä ketju on nyt kiinnitetty. Se näytetään alueensa ylimmäisenä. Kiinnityksen voi poistaa joko henkilökunnan jäsen kaikilta yhteisesti tai yksittäiset käyttäjät itseltään."
pinned_enabled: "Tämä ketju on nyt kiinnitetty. Se näytetään alueensa ylimmäisenä. Kiinnityksen voi poistaa joko henkilökunnan jäsen kaikilta yhteisesti tai yksittäiset käyttäjät itseltään."
@ -1531,10 +1526,6 @@ fi:
text_body_template: "Pahoittelemme, mutta datan vientisi epäonnistui. Tarkasta lokit tai ota yhteyttä henkilökuntaan."
text_body_template: "Pahoittelemme, mutta datan vientisi epäonnistui. Tarkasta lokit tai ota yhteyttä henkilökuntaan."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- Riittämätön luottamustaso"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- Riittämätön luottamustaso"
text_body_template: |
Pahoittelut, sähköpostiviestiäsi tänne: %{destination} (otsikolla %{former_title}) ei voitu toimittaa.
Tilisi luottamustaso ei ole riittävä, jotta saisit lähettää uusia ketjuja tähän sähköpostiosoitteeseen. Jos uskot, että tämä johtuu virheestä, ota yhteyttä henkilökuntaan.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- Aktivoimaton käyttäjä"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- Aktivoimaton käyttäjä"
text_body_template: |
text_body_template: |
@ -1570,16 +1561,8 @@ fi:
Emme tunnistaneet sähköpostiviestistäsi sisältöä. **Varmista, että kirjoitit viestisi sähköpostiviestin alkuun** - emme pysty käsittelemään lainausten sekaan kirjoitettuja vastauksia.
Emme tunnistaneet sähköpostiviestistäsi sisältöä. **Varmista, että kirjoitit viestisi sähköpostiviestin alkuun** - emme pysty käsittelemään lainausten sekaan kirjoitettuja vastauksia.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- Pääsy estetty"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- Pääsy estetty"
text_body_template: |
Pahoittelut, sähköpostiviestiäsi tänne: %{destination} (otsikolla %{former_title}) ei voitu toimittaa.
Tililläsi ei ole riittäviä oikeuksia, jotta saisit lähettää uusia ketjuja tälle alueelle. Jos uskot, että tämä johtuu virheestä, ota yhteyttä henkilökuntaan.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- Pääsy estetty"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- Pääsy estetty"
text_body_template: |
Pahoittelut, sähköpostiviestisi lähetys kohteeseen %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) ei onnistunut.
Alueelle jolle lähetit viestin voivat kirjoittaa ne, joilla on käypä käyttäjätunnus ja sähköpostiosoite. Jos uskot tämän olevan virhe, ota yhteyttä henkilökuntaan.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- Lähetysvirhe"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- Lähetysvirhe"
text_body_template: |
text_body_template: |
@ -1622,22 +1605,10 @@ fi:
Viestisi kohdesähköpostiosoitteet olivat tuntemattomia. Ole hyvä ja varmistu, että lähetit viestin oikeaan osoitteeseen.
Viestisi kohdesähköpostiosoitteet olivat tuntemattomia. Ole hyvä ja varmistu, että lähetit viestin oikeaan osoitteeseen.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- Ketjua ei löytynyt"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- Ketjua ei löytynyt"
text_body_template: |
Pahoittelut, sähköpostiviestisi lähetys kohteeseen %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) ei onnistunut.
Ketjua johon yritit kirjoittaa ei ole enää olemassa - ehkä se poistettiin? Jos uskot tömön olevan virhe, ota yhteyttä henkilökuntaan.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- Suljettu ketju"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- Suljettu ketju"
text_body_template: |
Pahoittelut, sähköpostiviestiäsi tänne: %{destination} (otsikolla %{former_title}) ei voitu toimittaa.
Ketju, johon yritit vastata on tällä hetkellä suljettu, eikä siihen voi vastata. Jos uskot, että on tapahtunut virhe, ota yhteyttä palstan henkilökuntaan.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- Automaattivastaus"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- Automaattivastaus"
text_body_template: |
Pahoittelut, sähköpostiviestisi lähetys kohteeseen %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) ei onnistunut.
Järjestelmä havaitsi viestisi olevan tietokoneen automaattisesti luoma, eikä sitä voitu siksi hyväksyä. Jos uskot tämän olevan virhe, ota yhteyttä henkilökuntaan.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- POP-autentikoinnin virhe"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Sähköpostiongelma -- POP-autentikoinnin virhe"
text_body_template: |
text_body_template: |
@ -170,6 +170,9 @@ fr:
top: "Meilleurs sujets"
top: "Meilleurs sujets"
posts: "Messages récents"
posts: "Messages récents"
private_posts: "Derniers messages privés"
private_posts: "Derniers messages privés"
group_posts: "Sujets récents par @%{username}"
group_mentions: "Mentions récentes par %{username}"
user_posts: "Derniers messages par @%{username}"
user_topics: "Sujets récents par @%{username}"
user_topics: "Sujets récents par @%{username}"
too_late_to_edit: "Ce message a été créé il y a trop longtemps. Il ne peut plus être modifié ou supprimé."
too_late_to_edit: "Ce message a été créé il y a trop longtemps. Il ne peut plus être modifié ou supprimé."
revert_version_same: "La version actuelle est la même que la version vers laquelle vous essayez de revenir."
revert_version_same: "La version actuelle est la même que la version vers laquelle vous essayez de revenir."
@ -748,7 +751,6 @@ fr:
post_onebox_maxlength: "Longueur maximale d'un message emboîté en nombre de caractères."
post_onebox_maxlength: "Longueur maximale d'un message emboîté en nombre de caractères."
onebox_domains_whitelist: "Liste des noms de domaines autorisés pour les 'onebox'. Ces domaines doivent supporter OpenGraph or oEmbed. Testez les sur http://iframely.com/debug"
onebox_domains_whitelist: "Liste des noms de domaines autorisés pour les 'onebox'. Ces domaines doivent supporter OpenGraph or oEmbed. Testez les sur http://iframely.com/debug"
logo_url: "L'image de votre logo situé en haut à gauche de votre site doit être de forme rectangulaire large. Si vous laissez ce champ vide, le nom de votre site apparaitra."
logo_url: "L'image de votre logo situé en haut à gauche de votre site doit être de forme rectangulaire large. Si vous laissez ce champ vide, le nom de votre site apparaitra."
digest_logo_url: "Le logo alternatif sera utilisé en haut des notifications par e-mail. Il doit être de forme rectangulaire large. Si vous laissez ce champ vide, `logo_url` sera utilisé."
logo_small_url: "Le petit logo situé en haut à gauche de votre site doit être de forme carré. Si vous laissez ce champ vide, un logo de maison apparaîtra."
logo_small_url: "Le petit logo situé en haut à gauche de votre site doit être de forme carré. Si vous laissez ce champ vide, un logo de maison apparaîtra."
favicon_url: "Un favicon pour votre site, voir http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon, pour fonctionner correctement à travers un CDN il doit être PNG."
favicon_url: "Un favicon pour votre site, voir http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon, pour fonctionner correctement à travers un CDN il doit être PNG."
mobile_logo_url: "L'image fixe utilisée tout en haut à gauche de votre site mobile. Devrait-être de forme carrée. Si laissé vide, `logo_url` sera utilisé. ex: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
mobile_logo_url: "L'image fixe utilisée tout en haut à gauche de votre site mobile. Devrait-être de forme carrée. Si laissé vide, `logo_url` sera utilisé. ex: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
@ -769,7 +771,6 @@ fr:
polling_interval: "À quelle fréquence les clients connectés devraient-ils requêter le serveur, en millisecondes (sans utiliser les requêtes longues)"
polling_interval: "À quelle fréquence les clients connectés devraient-ils requêter le serveur, en millisecondes (sans utiliser les requêtes longues)"
anon_polling_interval: "À quelle fréquence les clients anonymes doivent-ils requêter le serveur, en millisecondes"
anon_polling_interval: "À quelle fréquence les clients anonymes doivent-ils requêter le serveur, en millisecondes"
background_polling_interval: "À quelle fréquence les clients devraient-ils requêter le serveur, en millisecondes (lorsque la fenêtre est en arrière-plan)"
background_polling_interval: "À quelle fréquence les clients devraient-ils requêter le serveur, en millisecondes (lorsque la fenêtre est en arrière-plan)"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Les messages seront automatiquement cachés lorsque le compteur de signalements atteint cette limite (0 pour jamais)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Nombre de minutes qu'un utilisateur doit attendre avant de pouvoir modifier un message masqué via un signalement de la communauté"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Nombre de minutes qu'un utilisateur doit attendre avant de pouvoir modifier un message masqué via un signalement de la communauté"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Le nombre maximum de sujets qu'un utilisateur est autorisé à créer lors de son premier jour sur le site"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Le nombre maximum de sujets qu'un utilisateur est autorisé à créer lors de son premier jour sur le site"
max_replies_in_first_day: "Le nombre maximum de réponses qu'un utilisateur est autorisé à créer lors de son premier jour sur le site"
max_replies_in_first_day: "Le nombre maximum de réponses qu'un utilisateur est autorisé à créer lors de son premier jour sur le site"
@ -835,7 +836,6 @@ fr:
block_common_passwords: "Ne pas autoriser les mots de passe qui font parti des 10 000 les plus utilisés."
block_common_passwords: "Ne pas autoriser les mots de passe qui font parti des 10 000 les plus utilisés."
enable_sso: "Activer l'authentification unique via un site externe (ATTENTION: LES ADRESSES EMAIL *DOIVENT* ÊTRE VALIDÉES PAR LE SITE EXTERNE !)"
enable_sso: "Activer l'authentification unique via un site externe (ATTENTION: LES ADRESSES EMAIL *DOIVENT* ÊTRE VALIDÉES PAR LE SITE EXTERNE !)"
enable_sso_provider: "Implémenter le procotole Discourse de provider SSO à /session/sso_provider, requiert sso_secret"
enable_sso_provider: "Implémenter le procotole Discourse de provider SSO à /session/sso_provider, requiert sso_secret"
sso_url: "URL de l'authentification unique"
sso_secret: "Chaîne de caractères secrète utilisée pour authentifier les informations SSO par cryptographie, assurez-vous qu'elle est de 10 caractères ou plus"
sso_secret: "Chaîne de caractères secrète utilisée pour authentifier les informations SSO par cryptographie, assurez-vous qu'elle est de 10 caractères ou plus"
sso_overrides_email: "Surcharger les emails locaux avec les emails externes d'un SSO à chaque connexion, et prévenir les modifications locales. (ATTENTION : Des écarts peuvent se produire dus aux règles locales sur les emails)"
sso_overrides_email: "Surcharger les emails locaux avec les emails externes d'un SSO à chaque connexion, et prévenir les modifications locales. (ATTENTION : Des écarts peuvent se produire dus aux règles locales sur les emails)"
sso_overrides_username: "Surcharger les pseudos locaux avec les pseudos externes d'un SSO à chaque connexion, et prévenir les modifications locales. (ATTENTION: Des écarts peuvent se produire dus aux différences de longueur et d'exigences sur les pseudos)"
sso_overrides_username: "Surcharger les pseudos locaux avec les pseudos externes d'un SSO à chaque connexion, et prévenir les modifications locales. (ATTENTION: Des écarts peuvent se produire dus aux différences de longueur et d'exigences sur les pseudos)"
@ -1074,7 +1074,6 @@ fr:
enforce_square_emoji: "Forcer tous les emojiis à être carrés."
enforce_square_emoji: "Forcer tous les emojiis à être carrés."
approve_post_count: "Le nombre de messages d'un utilisateur nouveau ou basique devant être approuvés"
approve_post_count: "Le nombre de messages d'un utilisateur nouveau ou basique devant être approuvés"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Les messages des utilisateurs qui n'ont pas atteint ce niveau de confiance doivent être approuvés"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Les messages des utilisateurs qui n'ont pas atteint ce niveau de confiance doivent être approuvés"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "Si des messages sont en attente de modération depuis ce nombre d'heures, un email sera envoyé à l'email de contact. Désactivez ces emails en indiquant 0."
default_email_digest_frequency: "A quelle fréquence les utilisateurs reçoivent-ils les courriels par défaut."
default_email_digest_frequency: "A quelle fréquence les utilisateurs reçoivent-ils les courriels par défaut."
default_email_private_messages: "Envoyer un courriel quand quelqu'un envoie un message à un utilisateur."
default_email_private_messages: "Envoyer un courriel quand quelqu'un envoie un message à un utilisateur."
default_email_direct: "Envoyer un courriel quand quelqu'un cite/répond à/mentionne ou invite un utilisateur."
default_email_direct: "Envoyer un courriel quand quelqu'un cite/répond à/mentionne ou invite un utilisateur."
@ -1521,10 +1520,6 @@ fr:
text_body_template: "Nous sommes désolés, l'exportation de vos données a échoué. Veuillez consultez les logs ou contactez un modérateur."
text_body_template: "Nous sommes désolés, l'exportation de vos données a échoué. Veuillez consultez les logs ou contactez un modérateur."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Incident d'email -- Niveau de confiance insuffisant "
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Incident d'email -- Niveau de confiance insuffisant "
text_body_template: |
Nous sommes désolé, mais l'envoi de votre courriel à destination de %{destination} (intitulé %{former_title}) n'a pas fonctionné.
Votre compte n'a pas le niveau de confiance requis pour créer un nouveau sujet via cette adresse de courriel. Si vous considérez que c'est une erreur, contacter un responsable.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Erreur de courriel -- Compte inactivé"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Erreur de courriel -- Compte inactivé"
text_body_template: |
text_body_template: |
@ -1562,16 +1557,8 @@ fr:
Nous n'avons pu trouver votre réponse dans l'email. **Assurez-vous que votre réponse se trouve au début de l'email** -- nous ne pouvons pas traiter les réponses en ligne.
Nous n'avons pu trouver votre réponse dans l'email. **Assurez-vous que votre réponse se trouve au début de l'email** -- nous ne pouvons pas traiter les réponses en ligne.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problème de courriel -- Accès invalide"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problème de courriel -- Accès invalide"
text_body_template: |
Nous sommes désolé, mais votre email à destination de {destination} (intitulé %{former_title}) n'a pas fonctionné.
Votre compte n'a pas les privilèges pour créer un nouveau sujet dans cette catégorie. Si vous trouvez que c'est une erreur, contacter l’équipe du site.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problème de courriel -- Accès invalide"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problème de courriel -- Accès invalide"
text_body_template: |
Nous sommes désolé, mais l'envoi de votre courriel à destination de %{destination} (intitulé %{former_title}) n'a pas fonctionné.
La catégorie à laquelle vous avez envoyé ce courriel ne permet des réponses que par des utilisateurs avec des comptes valides et des adresses courriels reconnues. Si vous considérez que c'est une erreur, contacter un membre de l'équipe du site.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Incident d'email -- Erreur d'envoi d'un message"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Incident d'email -- Erreur d'envoi d'un message"
text_body_template: |
text_body_template: |
@ -1612,19 +1599,10 @@ fr:
Aucune des adresses de destination n'est reconnue. Veuillez vérifier que vous envoyez bien à l'adresse de courriel fournie par l'équipe.
Aucune des adresses de destination n'est reconnue. Veuillez vérifier que vous envoyez bien à l'adresse de courriel fournie par l'équipe.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Erreur de courriel -- Le sujet est introuvable"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Erreur de courriel -- Le sujet est introuvable"
text_body_template: |
Nous sommes désolés, mais votre email à %{destination} (intitulé %{former_title}) n'a pas été envoyé.
Le sujet auquel vous répondez n'existe plus, peut-être a-t-il été supprimé? Si vous pensez qu'il s'agit d'une erreur, contactez un responsable.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Erreur de courriel -- Le sujet est fermé"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Erreur de courriel -- Le sujet est fermé"
text_body_template: |
Nous sommes désolés, mais votre email à %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) n'a pas été envoyé.
Le sujet auquel vous répondez est actuellement fermé et n'accepte plus de réponses. Si vous pensez qu'il s'agit d'une erreur, contactez un responsable.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problème de courriel - Réponse automatique"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problème de courriel - Réponse automatique"
text_body_template: "Nous sommes désolés, mais votre email à %{destination} (intitulé %{former_title}) n'a pas été envoyé.\n\nVotre email a été marqué comme \"automatiquement généré\" ce qui signifie qu'il était créer par un ordinateur au lieu d'être écrit par un humain; ce que nous ne pouvons accepter. Si vous pensez qu'il s'agit d'une erreur, contactez un responsable. \n"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Incident d'email -- Erreur d'authentification POP3"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Incident d'email -- Erreur d'authentification POP3"
text_body_template: |
text_body_template: |
@ -1916,6 +1894,8 @@ fr:
too_large: "Désolé, l'image que vous essayez d'envoyer est trop grande (taille maximum de %{max_size_kb}Ko), merci de le redimensionner et de réessayer."
too_large: "Désolé, l'image que vous essayez d'envoyer est trop grande (taille maximum de %{max_size_kb}Ko), merci de le redimensionner et de réessayer."
size_not_found: "Désolé, mais nous n'avons pas pu déterminer la taille de votre image. Peut-être est-elle corrompue ?"
size_not_found: "Désolé, mais nous n'avons pas pu déterminer la taille de votre image. Peut-être est-elle corrompue ?"
missing: "Désolé, nous ne parvenons pas à trouver un avatar associé à cette adresse mail. Pouvez-vous essayer de la télécharger à nous plus tard ?"
sockpuppet: "Un nouvel utilisateur a créé un sujet et un autre nouvel utilisateur avec la même adresse IP a répondu. Voir le paramétrage flag_sockpuppets."
sockpuppet: "Un nouvel utilisateur a créé un sujet et un autre nouvel utilisateur avec la même adresse IP a répondu. Voir le paramétrage flag_sockpuppets."
spam_hosts: "Cet utilisateur a essayé de créer plusieurs messages avec des liens vers le même domaine. Voir le paramétrage du site newuser_spam_host_threshold."
spam_hosts: "Cet utilisateur a essayé de créer plusieurs messages avec des liens vers le même domaine. Voir le paramétrage du site newuser_spam_host_threshold."
@ -2032,11 +2012,170 @@ fr:
Si nous décidons de changer notre politique de confidentialité, nous afficherons ces modifications sur cette page. Ce document est soumis à la licence creative commons CC-BY-SA. Il a été mis à jour le 31 mai 2013.
Si nous décidons de changer notre politique de confidentialité, nous afficherons ces modifications sur cette page. Ce document est soumis à la licence creative commons CC-BY-SA. Il a été mis à jour le 31 mai 2013.
name: Editeur
description: Première édition de message
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé après édition d'un de vos messages. Bien que vous ne serez pas capable d'éditer vos messages pour toujours, l'édition est toujours une bonne idée -- Vous pouvez améliorer vos messages, réparer des petites erreurs, ou ajouter des choses que vous avez manqué la première fois. Editer vos messages pour les rendre encore mieux !
name: Actif
name: Actif
description: <a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924/4">Accordé</a> toutes les fonctions communautaires essentielles sont accessibles
description: <a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924/4">Accordé</a> toutes les fonctions communautaires essentielles sont accessibles
long_description: |
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé lorsque vous atteignez le niveau de confiance 1. Merci d'être resté dans le coin un petit moment et d'avoir lu quelques sujets pour en apprendre plus sur notre communauté. Vos restrictions "nouvel utilisateur" ont été levées, et vous avez accès aux fonctionnalités essentielles telles que la messagerie personnelle, le signalement, l'édition des wikis, et la possibilité de poster des images et de multiples liens.
Ce badge est accordé lorsque vous atteignez le niveau de confiance 1. Merci d'être resté dans le coin un petit moment et d'avoir lu quelques sujets pour en apprendre plus sur notre communauté. Vos restrictions "nouvel utilisateur" ont été levées, et vous avez accès aux fonctionnalités essentielles telles que la messagerie personnelle, le signalement, l'édition des wikis, et la possibilité de poster des images et de multiples liens.
name: Membre
description: <a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924/5">Accordé</a> invitations, message de groupe, plus de j'aimes
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé lorsque vous atteignez le niveau de confiance 2. Merci d'avoir participé durant plusieurs semaines à notre communauté. Vous pouvez désormais envoyer des invitations personnelles depuis votre page utilisateur ou un sujet, des messages groupés, et quelques "J'aime" supplémentaires chaque jour.
name: Habitué
description: <a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924/6">Accordé </a> La re-catégorisation, le renommage, le suivi de lien et le salon sont accessibles
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé lorsque vous atteignez le niveau de confiance 3. Merci d'avoir été un participant régulier à notre communauté pendant ces quelques mois, l'un de nos lecteurs les plus actifs et un contributeur sérieux à ce qui rend notre communauté si belle. Vous pouvez désormais recatégoriser et renommer des sujets, accéder à la section privée, signaler des spams, et vous avez plein de "J'aime" en plus chaque jour.
name: Meneur
description: <a href="https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924/7">Accordé </a> L'édition, l'épinglage, la fermeture, l'archivage, la séparation et la fusion sont accessibles
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé lorsque vous atteignez le niveau de confiance 4. Vous êtes un meneur choisi par l'équipe dans cette communauté, et vous montrez l'exemple dans vos actions et vos mots. Vous avez la capacité d'éditer tous les messages, utiliser les actions de modérations telles qu'épingler, fermer, cacher, archiver, scinder et réunir, ainsi que des tonnes de "J'aime" par jour.
name: Bienvenue
description: A reçu un j'aime.
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé lorsque vous recevez votre premier "J'aime" sur un de vos messages. Félicitations, vous avez écrit quelque chose que les membres de votre communauté ont trouvé intéressant, cool, ou utile !
name: Autobiographe
description: A rempli les informations de son <a href="/my/preferences">profil</a>
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé au remplissage de <a href="/my/preferences">votre profil utilisateur</a> et au choix d'une photo de profil. En dire plus à la communauté sur vous et vos intérêts permet de la rendre plus agréable et plus connectée.
name: Jubilaire
description: Membre actif depuis un an, avec au moins un message
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé après avoir été membre du site pendant une année, avec au moins un message crée dans cette année. Merci d'être resté avec nous et de contribuer ainsi à notre communauté ! Nous n'aurions pas pu le faire sans vous.
name: Belle réponse
description: A reçu 10 j'aime sur une réponse.
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé quand une réponse obtient 10 j'aime. Votre réponse a vraiment fait impression sur la communauté et a aidé à faire progresser la conversation.
name: Bonne Réponse
description: A recu 25 j'aime sur une réponse
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé quand votre réponse obtient 25 j'aime. Votre réponse est exceptionnel et a rendu la conversation bien mieux pour tout le monde.
name: Super Réponse
description: A recu 50 j'aime sur une réponse
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé quand une réponse obtient 50 j'aime. Votre réponse était inspirante, fascinante, hilarante, ou pertinente et la communauté l'a adorée.
name: Sujet intéressant
description: A reçu 10 j'aime sur un sujet.
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé quand un sujet obtient 10 j'aime. Vous avez commencé une conversation intéressante que la communauté a apprécié !
name: Bon sujet
description: A recu 25 j'aime sur un sujet
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé quand un sujet obtient 25 j'aime. Vous avez lancé une conversation vibrante autour de laquelle la communauté s'est ralliée et elle l'a adorée.
name: Super sujet
description: A recu 50 j'aime sur un sujet
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé quand un sujet obtient 50 j'aime. Vous avez initié une fascinante conversation et la communauté a apprécié la discussion dynamique qui en a résulté !
name: Partage sympa
description: Message partagé avec 25 visiteurs uniques
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé après le partage d'un lien vers un message consulté par 25 visiteurs extérieurs. Merci de partager le mot à propos de nos discussions et de cette communauté.
name: Bon partage
description: Message partagé avec 300 visiteurs uniques
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé après le partage d'un lien vers un message consulté par 300 visiteurs extérieurs. Bon travail ! Vous avez diffusé une discussion intéressante à <i>beaucoup</i> de nouvelles personnes et nous avez aidés à grandir.
name: Super Partage
description: Message partagé avec 1000 visiteurs uniques
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé après le partage d'un lien vers un message consulté par 1000 visiteurs extérieurs. Wow ! Vous avez fait la promotion d'une discussion intéressante auprès d'une énorme nouvelle audience pour le compte de cette communauté, et nous avez beaucoup aidé à grandir !
name: Premier j'aime
description: A aimé un message
long_description: "Ce badge est accordé la première fois que vous aimez un message en utilisant le bouton :heart:. Aimer des messages est le moyen parfait pour dire aux autres membres de la communauté que ce qu'ils ont posté était intéressant, utile, cool, ou amusant. \n"
name: Premier signalement
description: A signalé un message
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé la première fois où vous signalez un message. Les signalements sont essentiels à la santé de votre communauté. Si vous remarquez des messages nécessitant l'intervention d'un modérateur n'hésitez pas à les signaler. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser les boîtes de dialogue de signalement pour envoyer des <b>messages</b> à d'autres utilisateurs. Si vous voyez un problème, :flag_black: signalez-le !
name: Ambassadeur
description: A invité un utilisateur
long_description: |
Ce badge est accordé quand vous invitez quelqu'un à rejoindre la communauté via le bouton d'invitation de la page utilisateur, ou à la fin d'un sujet. Inviter des amis qui peuvent être intéressé par des discussions spécifiques est un bonne manière d'introduire de nouvelles personnes dans la communauté, donc merci !
name: Militant
description: A invité 3 utilisateurs basiques
name: Champion
description: A invité 5 membres
name: Premier partage
description: A partagé un message
name: Premier lien
description: A ajouté un lien vers un autre sujet
name: Première citation
description: A cité un message
name: Règlement lu
description: A lu le <a href="/guidelines">règlement de la communauté</a>
name: Lecteur
description: A lu tous les messages d'un sujet contenant plus de 100 messages
name: Lien populaire
description: A posté un lien externe avec au moins 50 clics
name: Lien tendance
description: A posté un lien externe avec au moins 300 clics
name: Lien célèbre
description: A posté un lien externe avec 1000 clic
name: Apprécié
description: A recu 1 j'aime sur 20 messages
name: Respecté
description: A reçu 2 j'aime sur 100 messages
name: Admiré
description: A reçu 5 j'aime sur 300 messages
name: Trop d'amour
description: A utilisé 50 j'aime en une journée
name: Fou amoureux
name: 'Merci '
description: A 20 messages ayant reçu un j'aime et a donné 10 j'aime
long_description: "Ce badge vous est accordé quand vous avez reçu 20 j'aime sur vos messages et en avez donné 10 ou plus en retour. Quand quelqu'un aime vos messages, vous trouvez le temps d'aimer ce que les autres postent à leur tour. \n"
name: Redonne
description: A 100 messages ayant reçu un j'aime et a donné 100 j'aime
long_description: |
Ce badge vous est accordé quand vous avez reçu 100 j'aime et en avez donné 100 ou plus en retour. Merci pour tout cela.
name: Empathique
description: A 500 messages ayant reçu un like et a donné 1000 j'aime
long_description: "Ce badge vous est accordé quand vous avez reçu 500 j'aime et en avez donné 1000 ou plus en retour. Whaou ! Vous êtes un modèle de générosité et d'amour mutuel :two_hearts:. \n"
name: Premier Emoji
description: A utilisé un emoji dans un message
long_description: "Ce badge est accordé quand vous ajoutez pour la première fois un Emoji à un message :heart: \n"
name: Première mention
description: A mentionné un utilisateur dans un message
long_description: Ce badge est accordé quand vous @mentionnez un utilisateur dans votre message. @mention vous permette de notifiez d'autres membres du forum.
success: "Courriel envoyé"
success: "Courriel envoyé"
error: "Erreur !"
error: "Erreur !"
@ -672,7 +672,6 @@ he:
post_onebox_maxlength: "מספר תוים מקסימאלי מותר כאורך פרסום Discourse אחד בקופסא (oneboxed Discourse post)."
post_onebox_maxlength: "מספר תוים מקסימאלי מותר כאורך פרסום Discourse אחד בקופסא (oneboxed Discourse post)."
onebox_domains_whitelist: "רשימת מתחמים (דומיינים) מותרים לאריזה (oneboxing); על דומיינים אלה לתמוך ב-OpenGraph או ב-oEmbed. בדקו אותם ב-http://iframely.com/debug."
onebox_domains_whitelist: "רשימת מתחמים (דומיינים) מותרים לאריזה (oneboxing); על דומיינים אלה לתמוך ב-OpenGraph או ב-oEmbed. בדקו אותם ב-http://iframely.com/debug."
logo_url: "The logo image at the top left of your site, should be a wide rectangle shape. If left blank site title text will be shown."
logo_url: "The logo image at the top left of your site, should be a wide rectangle shape. If left blank site title text will be shown."
digest_logo_url: "The alternate logo image used at the top of your site's email digest. Should be a wide rectangle shape. If left blank `logo_url` will be used. "
logo_small_url: "The small logo image at the top left of your site, should be a square shape, seen when scrolling down. If left blank a home glyph will be shown."
logo_small_url: "The small logo image at the top left of your site, should be a square shape, seen when scrolling down. If left blank a home glyph will be shown."
favicon_url: "A favicon for your site, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon, to work correctly over a CDN it must be a png"
favicon_url: "A favicon for your site, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon, to work correctly over a CDN it must be a png"
mobile_logo_url: "The fixed position logo image used at the top left of your mobile site. Should be a square shape. If left blank, `logo_url` will be used. eg: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
mobile_logo_url: "The fixed position logo image used at the top left of your mobile site. Should be a square shape. If left blank, `logo_url` will be used. eg: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
@ -692,7 +691,6 @@ he:
polling_interval: "כאשר לא מבצעים תשאול ארוך (long polling), כל כמה זמן לקוחות מחוברים למערכת יבצעו poll, במילי-שניות"
polling_interval: "כאשר לא מבצעים תשאול ארוך (long polling), כל כמה זמן לקוחות מחוברים למערכת יבצעו poll, במילי-שניות"
anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds"
anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds"
background_polling_interval: "באיזו תכיפות צריכים לקוחות לבצע תשאול (poll) במילישניות (כאשר החלון נמצא ברקע)"
background_polling_interval: "באיזו תכיפות צריכים לקוחות לבצע תשאול (poll) במילישניות (כאשר החלון נמצא ברקע)"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Number of flags that cause a post to be automatically hidden and PM sent to the user (0 for never)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "מספר הדקות שמשתמש/ת חייבים לחכות לפני שהם יכולים לערוך פרסום מוסתר דרך סימון קהילתי"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "מספר הדקות שמשתמש/ת חייבים לחכות לפני שהם יכולים לערוך פרסום מוסתר דרך סימון קהילתי"
max_topics_in_first_day: "The maximum number of topics a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
max_topics_in_first_day: "The maximum number of topics a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
max_replies_in_first_day: "The maximum number of replies a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
max_replies_in_first_day: "The maximum number of replies a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
@ -753,7 +751,6 @@ he:
block_common_passwords: "אל תאפשרו סיסמאות מתוך 10,000 הסיסמאות הנפוצות ביותר."
block_common_passwords: "אל תאפשרו סיסמאות מתוך 10,000 הסיסמאות הנפוצות ביותר."
enable_sso: "Enable single sign on via an external site (WARNING: USERS' EMAIL ADDRESSES *MUST* BE VALIDATED BY THE EXTERNAL SITE!)"
enable_sso: "Enable single sign on via an external site (WARNING: USERS' EMAIL ADDRESSES *MUST* BE VALIDATED BY THE EXTERNAL SITE!)"
enable_sso_provider: "הטמיעו את פרוטוקול הספק Discourse SSO בנקודת הקצה /session/sso_provider, דורש כיוון של sso_secret"
enable_sso_provider: "הטמיעו את פרוטוקול הספק Discourse SSO בנקודת הקצה /session/sso_provider, דורש כיוון של sso_secret"
sso_url: "URL of single sign on endpoint"
sso_secret: "מחרוזת סודית המשמשית לאמת באופן קרפיטוגרפי מידע SSO, וודאו שהיא באורך 10 תווים ומעלה"
sso_secret: "מחרוזת סודית המשמשית לאמת באופן קרפיטוגרפי מידע SSO, וודאו שהיא באורך 10 תווים ומעלה"
sso_overrides_email: "Overrides local email with external site email from SSO payload on every login, and prevent local changes. (WARNING: discrepancies can occur due to normalization of local emails)"
sso_overrides_email: "Overrides local email with external site email from SSO payload on every login, and prevent local changes. (WARNING: discrepancies can occur due to normalization of local emails)"
sso_overrides_username: "Overrides local username with external site username from SSO payload on every login, and prevent local changes. (WARNING: discrepancies can occur due to differences in username length/requirements)"
sso_overrides_username: "Overrides local username with external site username from SSO payload on every login, and prevent local changes. (WARNING: discrepancies can occur due to differences in username length/requirements)"
@ -962,7 +959,6 @@ he:
emoji_set: "איך אתם אוהבים את ה-emoji שלכם?"
emoji_set: "איך אתם אוהבים את ה-emoji שלכם?"
enforce_square_emoji: "חובת מימדי ריבועיים בכל ה-emojis."
enforce_square_emoji: "חובת מימדי ריבועיים בכל ה-emojis."
approve_unless_trust_level: "Posts for users below this trust level must be approved"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Posts for users below this trust level must be approved"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "If there are posts that have been waiting to be reviewed for more than this many hours, an email will be sent to the contact email. Set to 0 to disable these emails."
default_email_digest_frequency: "באיזה תדירות משתמשים מקבלים מייל עדכון בתור ברירת מחדל. "
default_email_digest_frequency: "באיזה תדירות משתמשים מקבלים מייל עדכון בתור ברירת מחדל. "
default_email_private_messages: "שלח מייל כשמישהו שולח הודעה למשתמש, בתור ברירת מחדל."
default_email_private_messages: "שלח מייל כשמישהו שולח הודעה למשתמש, בתור ברירת מחדל."
default_email_direct: "שלח מייל כשמישהו מצטט/ מגיב ל/מזכיר או מזמין משתמש, בתור ברירת מחדל. "
default_email_direct: "שלח מייל כשמישהו מצטט/ מגיב ל/מזכיר או מזמין משתמש, בתור ברירת מחדל. "
@ -1241,20 +1237,12 @@ he:
text_body_template: "אנחנו מתנצלים, אבל הודעת המייל שלך ל- %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) לא עבדה. \n\nלא מצאנו תוכן במייל שלך. אנא ודא שהתגובה שלך בראש המייל, אנחנו לא יכולים לעבד תגובות בין השורות. \n"
text_body_template: "אנחנו מתנצלים, אבל הודעת המייל שלך ל- %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) לא עבדה. \n\nלא מצאנו תוכן במייל שלך. אנא ודא שהתגובה שלך בראש המייל, אנחנו לא יכולים לעבד תגובות בין השורות. \n"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] בעיית מייל -- גישה לא תקינה"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] בעיית מייל -- גישה לא תקינה"
text_body_template: |
אנו מצטערים, אבל הודעת הדוא"ל שלך אל %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) לא עברה.
אין לחשבון שלך את רמון האמון הנדרשת כדי לפרסם נושאים חדשים בקטגוריה הזו. אם אתם חושבים שזוהי שגיאה, צרו קשר עם אחד מאנשי הצוות.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] בעיית מייל -- תו תגובה לא מוכר"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] בעיית מייל -- תו תגובה לא מוכר"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] בעיית מייל -- לא נמצא נושא"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] בעיית מייל -- לא נמצא נושא"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] בעיית מייל -- נושא נסגר"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] בעיית מייל -- נושא נסגר"
text_body_template: |
אנחנו מצטערים, אך הודעת הדוא"ל שלך אל %{destination} (בנושא %{former_title}) לא נשלחה.
הנושא שהשבתם אליו נסגר ולכן לא ניתן להשיב לו יותר. אם אתם מאמינים שזוהי תקלה, אנא צרו קשר עם איש/אשת צוות.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] בעיית מייל -- תגובה נוצרה אוטומטית"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] בעיית מייל -- תגובה נוצרה אוטומטית"
@ -680,7 +680,6 @@ it:
post_onebox_maxlength: "Lunghezza massima in caratteri di un messaggio Discourse in Onebox."
post_onebox_maxlength: "Lunghezza massima in caratteri di un messaggio Discourse in Onebox."
onebox_domains_whitelist: "Lista di domini per i quali consentire la funzione di onebox; questi domini devono supportare OpenGraph o oEmbed. Testali su http://iframely.com/debug"
onebox_domains_whitelist: "Lista di domini per i quali consentire la funzione di onebox; questi domini devono supportare OpenGraph o oEmbed. Testali su http://iframely.com/debug"
logo_url: "L'immagine nel logo in alto a sinistra del sito, dovrebbe essere larga e di forma rettangolare. Se non impostata, verrà usato il testo del titolo del sito."
logo_url: "L'immagine nel logo in alto a sinistra del sito, dovrebbe essere larga e di forma rettangolare. Se non impostata, verrà usato il testo del titolo del sito."
digest_logo_url: "Il logo alternativo usato in cima alla email di riepilogo. Dovrebbe essere a forma di un ampio rettangolo. Se lasciato vuoto, sarà utilizzato il campo `logo_url`."
logo_small_url: "Il piccolo logo in alto a sinistra del tuo sito, dovrebbe essere a forma di quadrato. Se non impostato, verrà mostrata l'icona di una casa."
logo_small_url: "Il piccolo logo in alto a sinistra del tuo sito, dovrebbe essere a forma di quadrato. Se non impostato, verrà mostrata l'icona di una casa."
apple_touch_icon_url: "Icona usata per dispositivi touch Apple. La dimensione consigliata è 144 x 144 pixel."
apple_touch_icon_url: "Icona usata per dispositivi touch Apple. La dimensione consigliata è 144 x 144 pixel."
notification_email: "L'indirizzo presente nel campo from: usato per inviare tutte le email essenziali di sistema. Il dominio indicato deve avere i record SPF, DKIM e reverse PTR impostati correttamente perché l'email arrivi."
notification_email: "L'indirizzo presente nel campo from: usato per inviare tutte le email essenziali di sistema. Il dominio indicato deve avere i record SPF, DKIM e reverse PTR impostati correttamente perché l'email arrivi."
@ -698,7 +697,6 @@ it:
polling_interval: "Se non si esegue il long polling, quanto spesso i client autenticati devono fare poll in millisecondi"
polling_interval: "Se non si esegue il long polling, quanto spesso i client autenticati devono fare poll in millisecondi"
anon_polling_interval: "Frequenza in millisecondi con cui client anonimi effettuano il poll"
anon_polling_interval: "Frequenza in millisecondi con cui client anonimi effettuano il poll"
background_polling_interval: "Quanto spesso i client devono fare poll in millisecondi (quando la finestra è in background)"
background_polling_interval: "Quanto spesso i client devono fare poll in millisecondi (quando la finestra è in background)"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Numero di segnalazioni che rendono un argomento automaticamente nascosto. L'utente riceve un messaggio privato. (0 mai)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Quanti minuti l'utente deve attendere prima di poter modificare un messaggio che è stato nascosto a causa di segnalazioni"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Quanti minuti l'utente deve attendere prima di poter modificare un messaggio che è stato nascosto a causa di segnalazioni"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Numero massimo di argomenti che l'utente può creare nel suo primo giorno di forum"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Numero massimo di argomenti che l'utente può creare nel suo primo giorno di forum"
max_replies_in_first_day: "Numero massimo di risposte che un utente può pubblicare nel suo primo giorno sul sito"
max_replies_in_first_day: "Numero massimo di risposte che un utente può pubblicare nel suo primo giorno sul sito"
@ -755,7 +753,6 @@ it:
min_password_length: "Minima lunghezza della password."
min_password_length: "Minima lunghezza della password."
block_common_passwords: "Non permettere password che sono nelle 10.000 password più comuni."
block_common_passwords: "Non permettere password che sono nelle 10.000 password più comuni."
enable_sso_provider: "Implementa il protocollo SSO Discourse nell'endpoint /session/sso_provider, richiede che sia impostata l'opzione sso_secret"
enable_sso_provider: "Implementa il protocollo SSO Discourse nell'endpoint /session/sso_provider, richiede che sia impostata l'opzione sso_secret"
sso_url: "URL per l'endpoint del single sign on "
sso_secret: "Stringa segreta utilizzata per autenticare crittograficamente le informazioni SSO, assicurati che sia lunga almeno 10 caratteri"
sso_secret: "Stringa segreta utilizzata per autenticare crittograficamente le informazioni SSO, assicurati che sia lunga almeno 10 caratteri"
sso_overrides_avatar: "Sostituisce l'avatar dell'utente con un avatar su un sito esterno usando SSO. Se abilitato, si raccomanda di disabilitare allow_uploaded_avatars"
sso_overrides_avatar: "Sostituisce l'avatar dell'utente con un avatar su un sito esterno usando SSO. Se abilitato, si raccomanda di disabilitare allow_uploaded_avatars"
sso_not_approved_url: "Ridirigi a questa URL gli account SSO non approvati"
sso_not_approved_url: "Ridirigi a questa URL gli account SSO non approvati"
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ ja:
file_should_be_csv: "アップロードするファイルは、csv または txt 形式である必要があります。"
file_should_be_csv: "アップロードするファイルは、csv または txt 形式である必要があります。"
operation_already_running: "操作を実行しています。他の操作はできません。"
operation_already_running: "操作を実行しています。他の操作はできません。"
backup_file_should_be_tar_gz: "バックアップファイルは .tar .gz 形式でなければいけません。"
backup_file_should_be_tar_gz: "バックアップファイルは .tar.gz形式である必要があります。"
not_enough_space_on_disk: "このバックアップファイルをアップロードするディスクの空き容量が足りません。"
not_enough_space_on_disk: "このバックアップファイルをアップロードするディスクの空き容量が足りません。"
not_logged_in: "ログインしてください。"
not_logged_in: "ログインしてください。"
not_found: "リクエストされたURL、リソースは見つかりませんでした"
not_found: "リクエストされたURL、リソースは見つかりませんでした"
@ -577,7 +577,6 @@ ja:
post_onebox_maxlength: "Discourse OneBoxポストの最大文字数"
post_onebox_maxlength: "Discourse OneBoxポストの最大文字数"
onebox_domains_whitelist: "OneBoxを許可するドメインのリスト。これらのドメインはOpenGraphかoEmbedをサポートしている必要があります。http://iframely.com/debug でテストできます"
onebox_domains_whitelist: "OneBoxを許可するドメインのリスト。これらのドメインはOpenGraphかoEmbedをサポートしている必要があります。http://iframely.com/debug でテストできます"
logo_url: "あなとのサイトの左上に表示されるロゴ画像です。横幅の大きい長方形にする必要があります。空欄の場合、サイトタイトルが表示されます"
logo_url: "あなとのサイトの左上に表示されるロゴ画像です。横幅の大きい長方形にする必要があります。空欄の場合、サイトタイトルが表示されます"
digest_logo_url: "ダイジェストEメールで、ロゴ画像の代わりに利用される画像です。横幅の大きい長方形にする必要があります。空欄の場合、 `logo_url` が使用されます"
logo_small_url: "サイトの左上に表示される小さいロゴ画像です。正方形である必要があります。下にスクロールすると表示されます。空欄の場合、ホームアイコンが表示されます"
logo_small_url: "サイトの左上に表示される小さいロゴ画像です。正方形である必要があります。下にスクロールすると表示されます。空欄の場合、ホームアイコンが表示されます"
mobile_logo_url: "モバイルサイトの左上に固定で表示されるロゴ画像です。正方形である必要があります。空欄の場合 `logo_url` が利用されます 例: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
mobile_logo_url: "モバイルサイトの左上に固定で表示されるロゴ画像です。正方形である必要があります。空欄の場合 `logo_url` が利用されます 例: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
apple_touch_icon_url: "Apple のタッチデバイス用のアイコン。推奨サイズは 144px x 144px"
apple_touch_icon_url: "Apple のタッチデバイス用のアイコン。推奨サイズは 144px x 144px"
@ -596,7 +595,6 @@ ja:
polling_interval: "ロングポーリングではないときの、ログイン済みクライアントのポーリング間隔(ミリ秒)"
polling_interval: "ロングポーリングではないときの、ログイン済みクライアントのポーリング間隔(ミリ秒)"
anon_polling_interval: "匿名ユーザのクライアントのポーリング間隔 (ミリ秒)"
anon_polling_interval: "匿名ユーザのクライアントのポーリング間隔 (ミリ秒)"
background_polling_interval: "ウィンドウがバックグラウンド時のクライアントのポーリング間隔(ミリ秒)"
background_polling_interval: "ウィンドウがバックグラウンド時のクライアントのポーリング間隔(ミリ秒)"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "ポストが自動的に非表示状態になりユーザにプライベートメッセージが送信されるフラグ数 (0で無効)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "フラグにより非表示状態になったポストをユーザが編集可能になるまでの時間 (分)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "フラグにより非表示状態になったポストをユーザが編集可能になるまでの時間 (分)"
max_topics_in_first_day: "サイト利用初日にユーザが作成することのできるトピックの最大数"
max_topics_in_first_day: "サイト利用初日にユーザが作成することのできるトピックの最大数"
max_replies_in_first_day: "サイト利用日にユーザが作成することのできる回答の最大数"
max_replies_in_first_day: "サイト利用日にユーザが作成することのできる回答の最大数"
@ -654,7 +652,6 @@ ja:
block_common_passwords: "最もよく使われている10,000個のパスワードはパスワードとして許可しない"
block_common_passwords: "最もよく使われている10,000個のパスワードはパスワードとして許可しない"
enable_sso: "外部サイトを経由したシングルサインオンを有効にします(警告:ユーザーのメールアドレスは必ず外部サイトで認証されなければなりません)"
enable_sso: "外部サイトを経由したシングルサインオンを有効にします(警告:ユーザーのメールアドレスは必ず外部サイトで認証されなければなりません)"
enable_sso_provider: "Discourse SSO provider プロトコルを /session/sso_provider エンドポイントに実装し、sso_secretの設定が必須です"
enable_sso_provider: "Discourse SSO provider プロトコルを /session/sso_provider エンドポイントに実装し、sso_secretの設定が必須です"
sso_url: "シングルサインオンエンドポイントのURL"
sso_secret: "SSO認証情報の暗号化に利用する秘密の文字列。10文字以上である必要があります"
sso_secret: "SSO認証情報の暗号化に利用する秘密の文字列。10文字以上である必要があります"
sso_overrides_email: "ログインする度にSSOペイロードから取得した外部サイトのメールアドレスでローカルのメールアドレスを上書きし、ローカルでの変更を防ぐ(警告: 不一致が原因でローカルのメールアドレスの正規化が発生する可能性があります)"
sso_overrides_email: "ログインする度にSSOペイロードから取得した外部サイトのメールアドレスでローカルのメールアドレスを上書きし、ローカルでの変更を防ぐ(警告: 不一致が原因でローカルのメールアドレスの正規化が発生する可能性があります)"
sso_overrides_username: "ログインする度に、SSOペイロードから取得した外部サイトのユーザ名でローカルのユーザ名を上書きすし、ローカルでの変更を防ぐ(警告: 不一致が原因でユーザ名の長さ/要件に違いがでる可能性があります)"
sso_overrides_username: "ログインする度に、SSOペイロードから取得した外部サイトのユーザ名でローカルのユーザ名を上書きすし、ローカルでの変更を防ぐ(警告: 不一致が原因でユーザ名の長さ/要件に違いがでる可能性があります)"
@ -676,7 +673,7 @@ ja:
enable_github_logins: "Github 認証を有効にする (github_client_id と github_client_secret の設定が必要)"
enable_github_logins: "Github 認証を有効にする (github_client_id と github_client_secret の設定が必要)"
github_client_id: "Github 認証用の client id。https://github.com/settings/applications で入手可能"
github_client_id: "Github 認証用の client id。https://github.com/settings/applications で入手可能"
github_client_secret: "Github 認証用の client secret。https://github.com/settings/applications で入手可能"
github_client_secret: "Github 認証用の client secret。https://github.com/settings/applications で入手可能"
allow_restore: "全てのサイトのデータをリプレイスするリストアを許可! バックアップからのリストアを行うとき以外はfalseのままにしてください"
allow_restore: "すべてのサイトデータを置き換える復元を許可します\n。バックアップからの復元を行うとき以外はfalseのままにしてください。"
maximum_backups: "ディスクに保存するバックアップの最大数。古いバックアップは自動的に削除されます"
maximum_backups: "ディスクに保存するバックアップの最大数。古いバックアップは自動的に削除されます"
backup_frequency: "サイトのバックアップを作成する頻度(日)"
backup_frequency: "サイトのバックアップを作成する頻度(日)"
enable_s3_backups: "完了時にS3にバックアップをアップロードします。重要: 有効なS3 credentialsがファイル設定に必要です"
enable_s3_backups: "完了時にS3にバックアップをアップロードします。重要: 有効なS3 credentialsがファイル設定に必要です"
@ -857,7 +854,6 @@ ja:
emoji_set: "How would you like your emoji?"
emoji_set: "How would you like your emoji?"
enforce_square_emoji: "絵文字のアスペクト比を強制的に揃える"
enforce_square_emoji: "絵文字のアスペクト比を強制的に揃える"
approve_unless_trust_level: "トラストレベル以下のユーザーの投稿には承認が必要"
approve_unless_trust_level: "トラストレベル以下のユーザーの投稿には承認が必要"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "設定した時間よりも長い間レビュー待ちの状態になっている投稿があると、メールで通知します。0を設定するとこのメールは無効化されます"
invalid_email: "不正なメールアドレスです"
invalid_email: "不正なメールアドレスです"
invalid_username: "そのユーザ名のユーザは存在しません"
invalid_username: "そのユーザ名のユーザは存在しません"
@ -634,7 +634,6 @@ ko:
polling_interval: "long polling을 안 쓸 때 로그인된 클라이언트가 몇 밀리초마다 poll해야 하는 지"
polling_interval: "long polling을 안 쓸 때 로그인된 클라이언트가 몇 밀리초마다 poll해야 하는 지"
anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds"
anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds"
background_polling_interval: "(페이지를 안 보고 있을 때) 클라이언트가 몇 밀리초마다 poll해야 하는 지"
background_polling_interval: "(페이지를 안 보고 있을 때) 클라이언트가 몇 밀리초마다 poll해야 하는 지"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Number of flags that cause a post to be automatically hidden and PM sent to the user (0 for never)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "신고 당해서 숨겨진 글을 사용자가 편집할 수 있기 전까지 기대려야 하는 시간(분)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "신고 당해서 숨겨진 글을 사용자가 편집할 수 있기 전까지 기대려야 하는 시간(분)"
max_topics_in_first_day: "사용 첫 날에 글타래를 생성할 수 있는 최대 허용 개수"
max_topics_in_first_day: "사용 첫 날에 글타래를 생성할 수 있는 최대 허용 개수"
max_replies_in_first_day: "사용 첫 날에 사용자가 생성할 수 있는 답글의 최대 허용 개수"
max_replies_in_first_day: "사용 첫 날에 사용자가 생성할 수 있는 답글의 최대 허용 개수"
@ -695,7 +694,6 @@ ko:
block_common_passwords: "가장 흔히 사용되는 10,000개 비밀번호 목록에 있는 비밀번호를 사용하는 것을 허용하지 않음."
block_common_passwords: "가장 흔히 사용되는 10,000개 비밀번호 목록에 있는 비밀번호를 사용하는 것을 허용하지 않음."
enable_sso: "외부사이트 Single Sign On, SSO를 통해 로그인 활성화(경고: 유저의 이메일 주소는 반드시 외부에서 확인해야합니다!)"
enable_sso: "외부사이트 Single Sign On, SSO를 통해 로그인 활성화(경고: 유저의 이메일 주소는 반드시 외부에서 확인해야합니다!)"
enable_sso_provider: "/session/sso_provider 를 엔드포인트로 사용해서 Discourse SSO 제공 프로토콜 구현하기, sso_secret 체크 필요"
enable_sso_provider: "/session/sso_provider 를 엔드포인트로 사용해서 Discourse SSO 제공 프로토콜 구현하기, sso_secret 체크 필요"
sso_url: "SSO endpoint의 URL"
sso_secret: "SSO 정보 암호화 인증에 사용 될 암호 문자열, 10글자 이상이어야 합니다."
sso_secret: "SSO 정보 암호화 인증에 사용 될 암호 문자열, 10글자 이상이어야 합니다."
sso_overrides_email: "SSO로 접속 시 사용자 이메일 정보 갱신 후 사용자 임의 변경 금지 설정 (경고: 이메일 정보 불일치가 생길 수도 있습니다)"
sso_overrides_email: "SSO로 접속 시 사용자 이메일 정보 갱신 후 사용자 임의 변경 금지 설정 (경고: 이메일 정보 불일치가 생길 수도 있습니다)"
sso_overrides_username: "SSO로 접속 시 사용자 아이디 정보 갱신 후 사용자 임의 변경 금지 설정 (경고: 아이디 길이/필요조건 등 내부 규정으로 인해 불일치가 생길 수도 있습니다)"
sso_overrides_username: "SSO로 접속 시 사용자 아이디 정보 갱신 후 사용자 임의 변경 금지 설정 (경고: 아이디 길이/필요조건 등 내부 규정으로 인해 불일치가 생길 수도 있습니다)"
@ -889,7 +887,6 @@ ko:
emoji_set: "어떤 emoji가 좋은가요?"
emoji_set: "어떤 emoji가 좋은가요?"
enforce_square_emoji: "모든 emoji를 정사각형 비율로 강제로 바꿉니다."
enforce_square_emoji: "모든 emoji를 정사각형 비율로 강제로 바꿉니다."
approve_unless_trust_level: "허가 받고 글 올려야 하는 유저들 최저 회원등급"
approve_unless_trust_level: "허가 받고 글 올려야 하는 유저들 최저 회원등급"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "글이 리뷰가 되길 기다리면서 이 시간이 지나면 문의처 메일로 연락을 보냅니다. 0으로 두면 보내지 않습니다."
invalid_email: "유효하지 않은 이메일 주소입니다."
invalid_email: "유효하지 않은 이메일 주소입니다."
invalid_username: "해당 이름의 사용자가 없습니다."
invalid_username: "해당 이름의 사용자가 없습니다."
@ -1263,17 +1260,12 @@ ko:
이메일에 내용이 안 보입니다. 답글이 이메일 상단에 있는지 확인 해주세요 -- 한줄 답변은 처리 못합니다.
이메일에 내용이 안 보입니다. 답글이 이메일 상단에 있는지 확인 해주세요 -- 한줄 답변은 처리 못합니다.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 이메일 문제 -- 잘못된 접근"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 이메일 문제 -- 잘못된 접근"
text_body_template: |
죄송합니다, 이메일 메세지 %{destination} (titled %{former_title})가 안 됐습니다.
이 카테고리에서 새 글타래를 작성하는 데 필요한 회원등급이 없습니다. 오류라고 생각되면 스태프에게 연락주세요.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 이메일 문제 -- 잘못된 답글 Key"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 이메일 문제 -- 잘못된 답글 Key"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 이메일 문제 -- 글타래 못 찾음"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 이메일 문제 -- 글타래 못 찾음"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 이메일 문제 -- 글타래 닫힘"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 이메일 문제 -- 글타래 닫힘"
text_body_template: "죄송합니다, 이메일 메세지 %{destination} (titled %{former_title})가 안 됐습니다. \n\n답글하려는 글타래가 닫혔거나 더이상 답글을 받지 않습니다. 오류라고 생각되면 스태프에게 연락 주세요.\n"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 이메일 문제 -- 자동 생성된 답글"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 이메일 문제 -- 자동 생성된 답글"
@ -343,7 +343,6 @@ nl:
create_like: "Je hebt het maximum aantal likes voor vandaag bereikt. Wacht aub %{time_left} voordat je het opnieuw probeert."
create_like: "Je hebt het maximum aantal likes voor vandaag bereikt. Wacht aub %{time_left} voordat je het opnieuw probeert."
create_bookmark: "Je hebt het maximum aantal bladwijzers voor vandaag bereikt. Wacht aub %{time_left} voordat je het opnieuw probeert."
create_bookmark: "Je hebt het maximum aantal bladwijzers voor vandaag bereikt. Wacht aub %{time_left} voordat je het opnieuw probeert."
edit_post: "Je hebt het maximum aantal bewerkingen voor vandaag bereikt. Wacht aub %{time_left} voordat je het opnieuw probeert."
edit_post: "Je hebt het maximum aantal bewerkingen voor vandaag bereikt. Wacht aub %{time_left} voordat je het opnieuw probeert."
live_post_counts: "Je vraagt te snel om het huidige aantal berichten. Wacht %{time_left} voor je het opnieuw probeert."
unsubscribe_via_email: "Je hebt het maximum aantal uitschrijvingen voor vandaag bereikt. Wacht aub %{time_left} voordat je het opnieuw probeert."
unsubscribe_via_email: "Je hebt het maximum aantal uitschrijvingen voor vandaag bereikt. Wacht aub %{time_left} voordat je het opnieuw probeert."
topic_invitations_per_day: "Je hebt het maximum aantal topic uitnodigingen bereikt voor vandaag. Wacht aub %{time_left} voordat je het opnieuw probeert."
topic_invitations_per_day: "Je hebt het maximum aantal topic uitnodigingen bereikt voor vandaag. Wacht aub %{time_left} voordat je het opnieuw probeert."
@ -732,7 +731,6 @@ nl:
post_onebox_maxlength: "Maximale lengte van een 'oneboxed Discourse' bericht in tekens."
post_onebox_maxlength: "Maximale lengte van een 'oneboxed Discourse' bericht in tekens."
onebox_domains_whitelist: "Een lijst met domeinen waarvoor oneboxing is toegestaan; deze domeinen moeten OpenGraph of oEmbed ondersteunen. Dit kun je testen op http://iframely.com/debug"
onebox_domains_whitelist: "Een lijst met domeinen waarvoor oneboxing is toegestaan; deze domeinen moeten OpenGraph of oEmbed ondersteunen. Dit kun je testen op http://iframely.com/debug"
logo_url: "De logo afbeelding links bovenaan je site moet de vorm hebben van een brede rechthoek. Indien leeg wordt de site titeltekst getoond."
logo_url: "De logo afbeelding links bovenaan je site moet de vorm hebben van een brede rechthoek. Indien leeg wordt de site titeltekst getoond."
digest_logo_url: "Het alternatieve logo voor bovenaan de digest mail van je site wordt moet de vorm hebben van een brede rechthoek. Indien leeg wordt ´logo_url´ gebruikt."
logo_small_url: "De kleine logo afbeelding links boven aan je site moet de vorm van een vierkant hebben en wordt getoond als naar beneden wordt gescrold. Indien leeg wordt een homepage symbool getoond."
logo_small_url: "De kleine logo afbeelding links boven aan je site moet de vorm van een vierkant hebben en wordt getoond als naar beneden wordt gescrold. Indien leeg wordt een homepage symbool getoond."
favicon_url: "Een favicon voor je site, zie http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon. Voor een correcte werking via CDN moet het een png zijn."
favicon_url: "Een favicon voor je site, zie http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon. Voor een correcte werking via CDN moet het een png zijn."
mobile_logo_url: "De logo afbeelding met vaste positie voor linksboven op je mobiele site. De afbeelding moet vierkant zijn. Indien leeg wordt `logo_url` gebruikt. Bijv.: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
mobile_logo_url: "De logo afbeelding met vaste positie voor linksboven op je mobiele site. De afbeelding moet vierkant zijn. Indien leeg wordt `logo_url` gebruikt. Bijv.: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
@ -753,7 +751,6 @@ nl:
polling_interval: "Als ´long polling´ niet wordt toegepast, hoe vaak moet een ingelogde client een 'poll' uitvoeren in milliseconden"
polling_interval: "Als ´long polling´ niet wordt toegepast, hoe vaak moet een ingelogde client een 'poll' uitvoeren in milliseconden"
anon_polling_interval: "Hoe vaak een anonieme client een 'poll' moet uitvoeren in milliseconden"
anon_polling_interval: "Hoe vaak een anonieme client een 'poll' moet uitvoeren in milliseconden"
background_polling_interval: "Hoe vaak zouden de clients moeten pollen in milliseconden (als het venster in de achtergrond staat)"
background_polling_interval: "Hoe vaak zouden de clients moeten pollen in milliseconden (als het venster in de achtergrond staat)"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Berichten zullen automatisch worden verborgen zodra het aantal meldingen maximaal dit aantal is (0 voor nooit)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Het aantal minuten dat een gebruiker moet wachten voordat zij een door de gemeenschap verborgen bericht kunnen wijzigen"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Het aantal minuten dat een gebruiker moet wachten voordat zij een door de gemeenschap verborgen bericht kunnen wijzigen"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Het maximum aantal topics dat een gebruiker mag maken tijdens hun eerste dag op de site"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Het maximum aantal topics dat een gebruiker mag maken tijdens hun eerste dag op de site"
max_replies_in_first_day: "Het maximum aantal reacties dat een gebruiker mag schrijven tijdens hun eerste dag op de site"
max_replies_in_first_day: "Het maximum aantal reacties dat een gebruiker mag schrijven tijdens hun eerste dag op de site"
@ -819,7 +816,6 @@ nl:
block_common_passwords: "Accepteer geen wachtwoorden die voorkomen in de 10.000 meest voorkomende wachtwoorden."
block_common_passwords: "Accepteer geen wachtwoorden die voorkomen in de 10.000 meest voorkomende wachtwoorden."
enable_sso: "Schakel single sign on in via een externe site (WAARSCHUWING: E-MAILADRESSEN VAN GEBRUIKERS '* MOETEN * DOOR DE EXTERNE SITE WORDEN GEVALIDEERD)"
enable_sso: "Schakel single sign on in via een externe site (WAARSCHUWING: E-MAILADRESSEN VAN GEBRUIKERS '* MOETEN * DOOR DE EXTERNE SITE WORDEN GEVALIDEERD)"
enable_sso_provider: "Pas Discourse SSO provider protocol toe op het /session/sso_provider eindpunt, vereist dat sso_secret is ingesteld"
enable_sso_provider: "Pas Discourse SSO provider protocol toe op het /session/sso_provider eindpunt, vereist dat sso_secret is ingesteld"
sso_url: "URL van single sign on eindpunt"
sso_secret: "Geheime tekenreeks voor het cryptografisch valideren van SSO informatie, zorg er voor dat het 10 tekens of langer is"
sso_secret: "Geheime tekenreeks voor het cryptografisch valideren van SSO informatie, zorg er voor dat het 10 tekens of langer is"
sso_overrides_email: "Overschrijft bij elke aanmelding lokaal opgegeven mailadres door mailadres uit SSO payload van externe site, en voorkomt lokaal wijzigen. (WAARSCHUWING: er kunnen discrepanties ontstaan door normalisatie van lokale mailadressen)"
sso_overrides_email: "Overschrijft bij elke aanmelding lokaal opgegeven mailadres door mailadres uit SSO payload van externe site, en voorkomt lokaal wijzigen. (WAARSCHUWING: er kunnen discrepanties ontstaan door normalisatie van lokale mailadressen)"
sso_overrides_username: "Overschrijft bij elke aanmelding lokaal opgegeven gebruikersnaam door gebruikersnaam uit SSO payload van externe site, en voorkomt lokaal wijzigen. (WAARSCHUWING: er kunnen discrepanties ontstaan door verschillen in gebruikersnaam lengte/vereisten)"
sso_overrides_username: "Overschrijft bij elke aanmelding lokaal opgegeven gebruikersnaam door gebruikersnaam uit SSO payload van externe site, en voorkomt lokaal wijzigen. (WAARSCHUWING: er kunnen discrepanties ontstaan door verschillen in gebruikersnaam lengte/vereisten)"
@ -1045,7 +1041,6 @@ nl:
enforce_square_emoji: "Forceer een vierkant aspect ratio bij alle emojis."
enforce_square_emoji: "Forceer een vierkant aspect ratio bij alle emojis."
approve_post_count: "Het aantal berichten van een nieuwe of normale gebruiker dat moet worden goedgekeurd"
approve_post_count: "Het aantal berichten van een nieuwe of normale gebruiker dat moet worden goedgekeurd"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Posts voor gebruikers onder dit vertrouwensniveau moeten worden goedgekeurd"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Posts voor gebruikers onder dit vertrouwensniveau moeten worden goedgekeurd"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "Als er posts zijn die meer dan dit aantal uren klaar staan om te worden beoordeeld, dan zal er een e-mail worden gestuurd naar het contact e-mail. Zet op 0 om deze e-mails uit te schakelen."
default_email_digest_frequency: "Hoe vaak ontvangen gebruikers standaard een samenvattings-e-mails."
default_email_digest_frequency: "Hoe vaak ontvangen gebruikers standaard een samenvattings-e-mails."
default_email_private_messages: "Stuur standaard een e-mail als iemand de gebruiker bericht."
default_email_private_messages: "Stuur standaard een e-mail als iemand de gebruiker bericht."
default_email_direct: "Stuur standaard een e-mail wanneer iemand de gebruiker citeert/beantwoordt/vermeldt of uitnodigt."
default_email_direct: "Stuur standaard een e-mail wanneer iemand de gebruiker citeert/beantwoordt/vermeldt of uitnodigt."
@ -1318,10 +1313,6 @@ nl:
text_body_template: "Het spijt ons, maar de export is mislukt. Bekijk de logbestanden of neem contact op met de staf."
text_body_template: "Het spijt ons, maar de export is mislukt. Bekijk de logbestanden of neem contact op met de staf."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Vertrouwensniveau te laag"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Vertrouwensniveau te laag"
text_body_template: |
Het spijt ons, maar het plaatsen van je e-mail op %{destination} (met onderwerp %{former_title}) is niet gelukt.
Het vertrouwensniveau van je account is niet hoog genoeg om nieuwe topics aan dit e-mailadres te sturen. Als je denkt dat dit niet klopt, kan je contact opnemen met de staf.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Gebruiker inactief"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Gebruiker inactief"
text_body_template: |
text_body_template: |
@ -1364,16 +1355,8 @@ nl:
We konden je reactie niet in je e-mail vinden. **Zorg ervoor dat je reactie bovenaan de e-mail staat**, we kunnen ingebedde reacties niet verwerken.
We konden je reactie niet in je e-mail vinden. **Zorg ervoor dat je reactie bovenaan de e-mail staat**, we kunnen ingebedde reacties niet verwerken.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Ongeldige toegang"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Ongeldige toegang"
text_body_template: |
Het spijt ons, maar het plaatsen van je e-mail op %{destination} (met onderwerp %{former_title}) is niet gelukt.
Je hebt niet het privilege om nieuwe topics in die categorie te plaatsen. Als je denkt dat dit niet klopt, kan je contact opnemen met de staf.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Ongeldige toegang"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Ongeldige toegang"
text_body_template: |
Het spijt ons, maar het plaatsen van je e-mail op %{destination} (met onderwerp %{former_title}) is niet gelukt.
In de categorie waaraan je de e-mail stuurde, zijn alleen reacties van gebruikers met geldige accounts en bekende e-mailadressen toegestaan. Als je denkt dat dit niet klopt, kan je contact opnemen met de staf.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Foutmelding bij het plaatsen"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Foutmelding bij het plaatsen"
text_body_template: |
text_body_template: |
@ -1416,22 +1399,10 @@ nl:
Geen van de bestemmingsadressen werd herkend. Zorg ervoor dat je je e-mail naar het juiste door de staf verstrekte e-mailadres stuurt.
Geen van de bestemmingsadressen werd herkend. Zorg ervoor dat je je e-mail naar het juiste door de staf verstrekte e-mailadres stuurt.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Topic niet gevonden"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Topic niet gevonden"
text_body_template: |
Het spijt ons, maar het plaatsen van je e-mail op %{destination} (met onderwerp %{former_title}) is niet gelukt.
Het topic waarop je reageert bestaat niet meer. Misschien is het verwijderd? Als je denkt dat dit niet klopt, kan je contact opnemen met de staf.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Topic gesloten"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Topic gesloten"
text_body_template: |
Het spijt ons, maar het plaatsen van je e-mail op %{destination} (met onderwerp %{former_title}) is niet gelukt.
Het topic waarop je reageert is op dit moment gesloten en accepteert geen reacties meer. Als je denkt dat dit niet klopt, kan je contact opnemen met de staf.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Automatisch gegenereerde reactie"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-mailprobleem -- Automatisch gegenereerde reactie"
text_body_template: |
Het spijt ons, maar het plaatsen van je e-mail op %{destination} (met onderwerp %{former_title}) is niet gelukt.
Je e-mail is als ‘automatisch gegenereerd’ gemarkeerd, wat betekent dat het automatisch door een computer is geschreven in plaats van door een mens. Zulke e-mails kunnen wij niet accepteren. Als je denkt dat dit niet klopt, kan je contact opnemen met de staf.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email probleem -- POP authenticatie fout"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email probleem -- POP authenticatie fout"
@ -702,7 +702,6 @@ pl_PL:
summary_max_results: "Maksymalna liczba wpisów w 'Podsumowaniu tematu'"
summary_max_results: "Maksymalna liczba wpisów w 'Podsumowaniu tematu'"
enable_long_polling: "Message bus used for notification can use long polling"
enable_long_polling: "Message bus used for notification can use long polling"
anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds"
anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Number of flags that cause a post to be automatically hidden and PM sent to the user (0 for never)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Liczba minut, ile musi odczekać użytkownik, zanim będzie mógł edytować post ukryty w wyniku oflagowania przez społeczność"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Liczba minut, ile musi odczekać użytkownik, zanim będzie mógł edytować post ukryty w wyniku oflagowania przez społeczność"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Maksymalna liczba tematów, jakie może stworzyć użytkownik pierwszego dnia na tej stronie."
max_topics_in_first_day: "Maksymalna liczba tematów, jakie może stworzyć użytkownik pierwszego dnia na tej stronie."
max_replies_in_first_day: "Maksymalna liczba odpowiedzi, jakie może napisać użytkownik pierwszego dnia na tej stronie."
max_replies_in_first_day: "Maksymalna liczba odpowiedzi, jakie może napisać użytkownik pierwszego dnia na tej stronie."
@ -172,6 +172,8 @@ pt:
private_posts: "Últimas mensagens privadas"
private_posts: "Últimas mensagens privadas"
group_posts: "Últimas mensagens em %{group_name}"
group_posts: "Últimas mensagens em %{group_name}"
group_mentions: "Últimas menções em %{group_name}"
group_mentions: "Últimas menções em %{group_name}"
user_posts: "Mensagens mais recentes criados por @%{username}"
user_topics: "Tópicos mais recentes criados por @%{username}"
too_late_to_edit: "Essa mensagem foi criada há muito tempo. Já não pode ser editada ou apagada."
too_late_to_edit: "Essa mensagem foi criada há muito tempo. Já não pode ser editada ou apagada."
revert_version_same: "A versão atual é o mesma versão para a qual você está tentando reverter."
revert_version_same: "A versão atual é o mesma versão para a qual você está tentando reverter."
excerpt_image: "imagem"
excerpt_image: "imagem"
@ -364,7 +366,7 @@ pt:
create_like: "Atingiu o número máximo de gostos de hoje. Por favor espere %{time_left} antes de tentar novamente."
create_like: "Atingiu o número máximo de gostos de hoje. Por favor espere %{time_left} antes de tentar novamente."
create_bookmark: "Atingiu o número máximo de marcações de hoje. Por favor espere %{time_left} antes de tentar novamente."
create_bookmark: "Atingiu o número máximo de marcações de hoje. Por favor espere %{time_left} antes de tentar novamente."
edit_post: "Atingiu o número máximo de edições de hoje. Por favor espere %{time_left} antes de tentar novamente."
edit_post: "Atingiu o número máximo de edições de hoje. Por favor espere %{time_left} antes de tentar novamente."
live_post_counts: "Tem estado a pedir contagens de mensagens em directo demasiado rápido. Por favor espere %{time_left} antes de tentar novamente."
live_post_counts: "Está a pedir por contagens de mensagens em tempo real demasiadamente depressa. Por favor espere %{time_left} antes de tentar outra vez."
unsubscribe_via_email: "Atingiu o número máximo de cancelamentos de subscrições por email de hoje. Por favor espere %{time_left} antes de tentar novamente."
unsubscribe_via_email: "Atingiu o número máximo de cancelamentos de subscrições por email de hoje. Por favor espere %{time_left} antes de tentar novamente."
topic_invitations_per_day: "Atingiu o número máximo de convites para tópicos de hoje. Por favor espere %{time_left} antes de tentar novamente."
topic_invitations_per_day: "Atingiu o número máximo de convites para tópicos de hoje. Por favor espere %{time_left} antes de tentar novamente."
@ -763,7 +765,6 @@ pt:
post_onebox_maxlength: "Tamanho máximo de uma mensagem Discourse de caixa única, em caracteres."
post_onebox_maxlength: "Tamanho máximo de uma mensagem Discourse de caixa única, em caracteres."
onebox_domains_whitelist: "Lista de domínios que permitem colocar em caixa única; estes domínios devem suportar OpenGraph ou oEmbed. Teste-os em http://iframely.com/debug"
onebox_domains_whitelist: "Lista de domínios que permitem colocar em caixa única; estes domínios devem suportar OpenGraph ou oEmbed. Teste-os em http://iframely.com/debug"
logo_url: "A imagem do logótipo no canto superior esquerdo do seu sítio, deve ter uma forma retangular. Quando deixada em branco, o texto do título do sítio será exibido."
logo_url: "A imagem do logótipo no canto superior esquerdo do seu sítio, deve ter uma forma retangular. Quando deixada em branco, o texto do título do sítio será exibido."
digest_logo_url: "A imagem do logótipo alternativo utilizado no topo do resumo de email do seu sítio, deve ter uma forma retangular. Quando deixada em branco `logo_url` será utilizado."
logo_small_url: "A pequena imagem do logótipo no canto superior esquerdo do seu sítio, deve ter uma forma quadrada, visível quando arrastado para baixo. Quando deixado em branco, um glifo de início será exibido."
logo_small_url: "A pequena imagem do logótipo no canto superior esquerdo do seu sítio, deve ter uma forma quadrada, visível quando arrastado para baixo. Quando deixado em branco, um glifo de início será exibido."
favicon_url: "Um favicon para o seu sítio, veja http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon, para trabalhar corretamente sobre um CDN deve ser um png"
favicon_url: "Um favicon para o seu sítio, veja http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon, para trabalhar corretamente sobre um CDN deve ser um png"
mobile_logo_url: "A imagem do logótipo com posição fixa utilizada no canto superior esquerdo do seu sítio móvel deve ter uma forma quadrada. Quando deixado em branco, `logo_url` será utilizado. ex: http://exemplo.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
mobile_logo_url: "A imagem do logótipo com posição fixa utilizada no canto superior esquerdo do seu sítio móvel deve ter uma forma quadrada. Quando deixado em branco, `logo_url` será utilizado. ex: http://exemplo.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
@ -784,7 +785,6 @@ pt:
polling_interval: "Quando não está a ocorrer uma solicitação ao servidor, com que frequência devem os clientes ligados requerer uma atualização, em milissegundos"
polling_interval: "Quando não está a ocorrer uma solicitação ao servidor, com que frequência devem os clientes ligados requerer uma atualização, em milissegundos"
anon_polling_interval: "Com que frequência os clientes não registados podem fazer solicitações ao servidor, em milisegundos"
anon_polling_interval: "Com que frequência os clientes não registados podem fazer solicitações ao servidor, em milisegundos"
background_polling_interval: "Com que frequência deverão os clientes solicitar o servidor, em milissegundos (quando a janela está em plano de fundo)"
background_polling_interval: "Com que frequência deverão os clientes solicitar o servidor, em milissegundos (quando a janela está em plano de fundo)"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Número de sinalizações que fazem com que uma mensagem seja automaticamente oculta e que uma MP seja enviada para o utilizador (0 para nunca)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Número de minutos que o utilizador deve esperar antes de poder editar uma mensagem oculta devido a sinalizações por parte da comunidade"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Número de minutos que o utilizador deve esperar antes de poder editar uma mensagem oculta devido a sinalizações por parte da comunidade"
max_topics_in_first_day: "O número máximo de tópicos que é o utilizador pode criar no seu primeiro dia no Fórum."
max_topics_in_first_day: "O número máximo de tópicos que é o utilizador pode criar no seu primeiro dia no Fórum."
max_replies_in_first_day: "Número máximo de mensagens que um utilizador pode criar no seu primeiro dia no Fórum."
max_replies_in_first_day: "Número máximo de mensagens que um utilizador pode criar no seu primeiro dia no Fórum."
@ -850,7 +850,6 @@ pt:
block_common_passwords: "Não permitir palavras-passe que estejam nas 10,000 palavras-passe mais comuns."
block_common_passwords: "Não permitir palavras-passe que estejam nas 10,000 palavras-passe mais comuns."
enable_sso: "Ativar inscrição única através de um sítio externo (AVISO: OS ENDEREÇOS DE EMAIL DOS UTILIZADORES *DEVEM* SER VALIDADOS PELO SÍTIO EXTERNO!)"
enable_sso: "Ativar inscrição única através de um sítio externo (AVISO: OS ENDEREÇOS DE EMAIL DOS UTILIZADORES *DEVEM* SER VALIDADOS PELO SÍTIO EXTERNO!)"
enable_sso_provider: "Implementar o protocolo do provedor SSO do Discourse no caminho /session/sso_provider, requer que sso_secret seja configurado"
enable_sso_provider: "Implementar o protocolo do provedor SSO do Discourse no caminho /session/sso_provider, requer que sso_secret seja configurado"
sso_url: "URL da inscrição única"
sso_secret: "String secreta usada para autenticar criptograficamente informação SSO, garanta que tem 10 ou mais caracteres"
sso_secret: "String secreta usada para autenticar criptograficamente informação SSO, garanta que tem 10 ou mais caracteres"
sso_overrides_email: "Substitui o email local por um email de um sítio externo a partir de um SSO em cada início de sessão, e previne mudanças locais. (AVISO: podem ocorrer discrepâncias devido à normalização de emails locais) "
sso_overrides_email: "Substitui o email local por um email de um sítio externo a partir de um SSO em cada início de sessão, e previne mudanças locais. (AVISO: podem ocorrer discrepâncias devido à normalização de emails locais) "
sso_overrides_username: "Substitui nomes de utilizadores locais por nomes de utilizadores de sítios externos a partir de um SSO em cada início de sessão, e previne mudanças locais. (AVISO: podem ocorrer discrepâncias devido a diferenças no comprimento/requisitos do nome de utilizador)"
sso_overrides_username: "Substitui nomes de utilizadores locais por nomes de utilizadores de sítios externos a partir de um SSO em cada início de sessão, e previne mudanças locais. (AVISO: podem ocorrer discrepâncias devido a diferenças no comprimento/requisitos do nome de utilizador)"
@ -1101,7 +1100,6 @@ pt:
enforce_square_emoji: "Forçar uma relação de aspecto quadrado para todos os emojis."
enforce_square_emoji: "Forçar uma relação de aspecto quadrado para todos os emojis."
approve_post_count: "A quantidade de mensagens de um novo utilizador ou utilizador básico que devem ser aprovadas"
approve_post_count: "A quantidade de mensagens de um novo utilizador ou utilizador básico que devem ser aprovadas"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Mensagens para utilizadores abaixo deste nível de confiança devem ser aprovados"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Mensagens para utilizadores abaixo deste nível de confiança devem ser aprovados"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "Se não houver mensagens que estiveram à espera de revisão por mais do que estas horas, um email será enviado para o email de contacto. Configure para 0 para desativar estes emails."
default_email_digest_frequency: "Por defeito, quantas vezes os utilizadores recebem emails de resumo."
default_email_digest_frequency: "Por defeito, quantas vezes os utilizadores recebem emails de resumo."
default_include_tl0_in_digests: "Incluir mensagens de novos utilizadores nos emails de resumo por defeito. Utilizadores podem alterar isto nas suas preferências."
default_include_tl0_in_digests: "Incluir mensagens de novos utilizadores nos emails de resumo por defeito. Utilizadores podem alterar isto nas suas preferências."
default_email_private_messages: "Por defeito, enviar um email quando alguém envia mensagens ao utilizador."
default_email_private_messages: "Por defeito, enviar um email quando alguém envia mensagens ao utilizador."
@ -1435,10 +1433,6 @@ pt:
text_body_template: "Pedimos desculpa mas a sua exportação de dados falhou. Por favor verifique os registos do log ou contacte um membro do pessoal."
text_body_template: "Pedimos desculpa mas a sua exportação de dados falhou. Por favor verifique os registos do log ou contacte um membro do pessoal."
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema com Email -- Insuficiente nível de confiança"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema com Email -- Insuficiente nível de confiança"
text_body_template: |
Pedimos desculpa mas a sua mensagem de email para %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) falhou.
A sua conta não possui o nível de confiança necessário para criar novos tópicos para este endereço de email. Se acredita que isto é um erro contacte alguém do pessoal.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema de email -- Utilizador inactivo"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema de email -- Utilizador inactivo"
text_body_template: |
text_body_template: |
@ -1482,17 +1476,8 @@ pt:
Não conseguimos encontrar a sua resposta no email. **Certifique-se que a sua resposta se encontra no topo do email** - não conseguimos processar respostas em linha.
Não conseguimos encontrar a sua resposta no email. **Certifique-se que a sua resposta se encontra no topo do email** - não conseguimos processar respostas em linha.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema de email -- Acesso Inválido"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema de email -- Acesso Inválido"
text_body_template: |
Pedimos desculpa, mas a sua mensagem de email para %{destination} (título %{former_title}) não funcionou.
A sua conta não tem privilégios para publicar novos tópicos nessa categoria. Se acredita que isto é um erro, contacte um membro do pessoal.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema de email -- Acesso Inválido"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema de email -- Acesso Inválido"
text_body_template: |+
Pedimos desculpa mas a sua mensagem de email para %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) não funcionou.
A categoria que enviou neste email apenas permite respostas de utilizadores com contas validadas e endereços de email conhecidos. Se acredita ser um erro contacto um membro do pessoal.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema de email -- Erro de publicação"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema de email -- Erro de publicação"
text_body_template: |
text_body_template: |
@ -1535,22 +1520,10 @@ pt:
Nenhum dos endereços de destino é reconhecido. Por favor, certifique-se que está a enviar o endereço de email correcto fornecido pelo pessoal.
Nenhum dos endereços de destino é reconhecido. Por favor, certifique-se que está a enviar o endereço de email correcto fornecido pelo pessoal.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema de email -- Tópico Não Encontrado"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema de email -- Tópico Não Encontrado"
text_body_template: |
Pedimos desculpa, mas a sua mensagem de email para %{destination} (título %{former_title}) não funcionou.
O tópico ao qual está a responder já não existe -- talvez tenha sido apagado. Se acredita que isto é um erro, contacte um membro do pessoal.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema de email -- Tópico Encerrado"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema de email -- Tópico Encerrado"
text_body_template: |
Pedimos desculpa, mas a sua mensagem de email para %{destination} (título %{former_title}) não funcionou.
O tópico ao qual está a responder encontra-se fechado e já não aceita respostas. Se acredita que isto é um erro, contacte um membro do pessoal.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema de email -- Resposta Gerada Automaticamente"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema de email -- Resposta Gerada Automaticamente"
text_body_template: |
Pedimos desculpa, mas a sua mensagem de email para %{destination} (título %{former_title}) não funcionou.
O seu email foi marcado como "gerado automaticamente", o que quer dizer que foi automaticamente criado por um computador em vez de ser escrito por uma pessoa; não podemos aceitar esse tipo de emails. Se acredita que isto é um erro, contacte um membro do pessoal.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema de email -- Erro de autenticação POP"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema de email -- Erro de autenticação POP"
text_body_template: |
text_body_template: |
@ -743,7 +743,6 @@ pt_BR:
polling_interval: "Com que frequencia os clientes podem solicitar o servidor em milisegundos"
polling_interval: "Com que frequencia os clientes podem solicitar o servidor em milisegundos"
anon_polling_interval: "Com que frequencia os clientes não registrados podem solicitar o servidor em milisegundos"
anon_polling_interval: "Com que frequencia os clientes não registrados podem solicitar o servidor em milisegundos"
background_polling_interval: "Com que frequência os clientes podem solicitar o servidor em milisegundos ( em segundo plano )"
background_polling_interval: "Com que frequência os clientes podem solicitar o servidor em milisegundos ( em segundo plano )"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "As postagens vão ser escondidos automaticamente quando o númereo de sinalizações atingir este número (0 para nunca)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Número de minutos que um usuário deve esperar antes de poder editar uma publicação que foi ocultada devido a sinalização da comunidade."
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Número de minutos que um usuário deve esperar antes de poder editar uma publicação que foi ocultada devido a sinalização da comunidade."
max_topics_in_first_day: "O número máximo de tópicos que um usuário tem permissão para criar em seu primeiro dia no site"
max_topics_in_first_day: "O número máximo de tópicos que um usuário tem permissão para criar em seu primeiro dia no site"
max_replies_in_first_day: "O número máximo de respostas que um usuário tem permissão para criar em seu primeiro dia no site"
max_replies_in_first_day: "O número máximo de respostas que um usuário tem permissão para criar em seu primeiro dia no site"
@ -804,7 +803,6 @@ pt_BR:
block_common_passwords: "Não permitir senhas que estiverem entre as 10,000 senhas mais comuns."
block_common_passwords: "Não permitir senhas que estiverem entre as 10,000 senhas mais comuns."
enable_sso: "Permite autenticação única atráves de site externo (AVISO: OS ENDEREÇOS DE E-MAIL *DEVEM* SER VALIDADOS PELO SITE EXTERNO!)"
enable_sso: "Permite autenticação única atráves de site externo (AVISO: OS ENDEREÇOS DE E-MAIL *DEVEM* SER VALIDADOS PELO SITE EXTERNO!)"
enable_sso_provider: "Implementar protocolo do provedor Discourse SSO no caminho /session/sso_provider, requer que sso_secret seja configurado"
enable_sso_provider: "Implementar protocolo do provedor Discourse SSO no caminho /session/sso_provider, requer que sso_secret seja configurado"
sso_url: "URL destino do logon único"
sso_secret: "String secreta usada para autenticar criptograficamente informação de SSO, esteja certo de que possui 10 ou mais caracteres"
sso_secret: "String secreta usada para autenticar criptograficamente informação de SSO, esteja certo de que possui 10 ou mais caracteres"
sso_overrides_email: "Substitui endereço de e-mail local pelo fornecido no site externo através de cada informação de login, e previne mudanças locais. (AVISO: discrepâncias podem ocorrer devido a normalização de e-mails locais)"
sso_overrides_email: "Substitui endereço de e-mail local pelo fornecido no site externo através de cada informação de login, e previne mudanças locais. (AVISO: discrepâncias podem ocorrer devido a normalização de e-mails locais)"
sso_overrides_username: "Substitui nome de usuário local com o fornecido pelo site externo através da informação de cada login, e previne mudanças locais. (AVISO: discrepâncias podem ocorrer devido a diferenças ao tamanho e pré-requisitos de nomes de usuário)"
sso_overrides_username: "Substitui nome de usuário local com o fornecido pelo site externo através da informação de cada login, e previne mudanças locais. (AVISO: discrepâncias podem ocorrer devido a diferenças ao tamanho e pré-requisitos de nomes de usuário)"
@ -1004,7 +1002,6 @@ pt_BR:
emoji_set: "Como você gostaria do seu emoji?"
emoji_set: "Como você gostaria do seu emoji?"
enforce_square_emoji: "Forçar proporção quadrangular para todos emojis."
enforce_square_emoji: "Forçar proporção quadrangular para todos emojis."
approve_unless_trust_level: "Mensagens para os usuários abaixo deste nível de confiança devem ser aprovados"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Mensagens para os usuários abaixo deste nível de confiança devem ser aprovados"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "Se existirem tópicos aguardando revisão a mais de N horas, um e-mail será enviado para o e-mail de contato. Coloque 0 para cancelar estes e-mails."
invalid_email: "Endereço de email inválido"
invalid_email: "Endereço de email inválido"
invalid_username: "Não há nenhum usuário com esse nome de usuário."
invalid_username: "Não há nenhum usuário com esse nome de usuário."
@ -1289,10 +1286,6 @@ pt_BR:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema com email -- Conteúdo não reconhecido"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema com email -- Conteúdo não reconhecido"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email -- Acesso Inválido"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email -- Acesso Inválido"
text_body_template: |
Desculpe, mas a mensagem do email %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) não funcionou.
Sua conta não possui privilégios para postar novos topicos nessa categoria. Se acredita que isso esteja errado, entre em contato com um dos membros responsáveis..
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema com email -- Chave de Resposta Desconhecida"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problema com email -- Chave de Resposta Desconhecida"
@ -607,7 +607,6 @@ ro:
login_required: "Autentificarea e necesară pentru a citii conținutul site-ului, nu permite accesul anonim."
login_required: "Autentificarea e necesară pentru a citii conținutul site-ului, nu permite accesul anonim."
min_password_length: "Lungimea minimă de caractere pentru parolă."
min_password_length: "Lungimea minimă de caractere pentru parolă."
block_common_passwords: "nu permite parole ce sunt în cele 10,000 cele mai cunoscute parole."
block_common_passwords: "nu permite parole ce sunt în cele 10,000 cele mai cunoscute parole."
sso_url: "URL-ul semnului singular în punctul de sfârșit"
enable_local_logins: "Activează numele de utilizator local și a conturilor bazate pe logare cu parola. (Notă: Aceasta trebuie activiată pentru invitații pt a funcționa)"
enable_local_logins: "Activează numele de utilizator local și a conturilor bazate pe logare cu parola. (Notă: Aceasta trebuie activiată pentru invitații pt a funcționa)"
allow_new_registrations: "Permite înregistrarea noilor utilizatori . Debifați pentru a restricționa oricui să creeze un cont nou."
allow_new_registrations: "Permite înregistrarea noilor utilizatori . Debifați pentru a restricționa oricui să creeze un cont nou."
enable_yahoo_logins: "Activează autentificarea cu Yahoo"
enable_yahoo_logins: "Activează autentificarea cu Yahoo"
@ -177,8 +177,14 @@ ru:
latest: "Последние темы"
latest: "Последние темы"
hot: "Популярные темы"
hot: "Популярные темы"
top: "Лучшие темы"
posts: "Последние сообщения"
posts: "Последние сообщения"
private_posts: "Последние личные сообщения"
group_posts: "Последние сообщения от %{group_name}"
user_posts: "Последние сообщения, отправленные @%{username}"
user_topics: "Последние темы, созданные @%{username}"
too_late_to_edit: "Это сообщение нельзя изменить или удалить, т.к. оно было создано очень давно."
too_late_to_edit: "Это сообщение нельзя изменить или удалить, т.к. оно было создано очень давно."
revert_version_same: "Текущая версия такая же, как та, которую вы хотите вернуть."
excerpt_image: "изображение"
excerpt_image: "изображение"
delete_reason: "Удалено по запросу модератора."
delete_reason: "Удалено по запросу модератора."
@ -187,6 +193,8 @@ ru:
can_not_modify_automatic: "Нельзя изменять автоматическую группу."
can_not_modify_automatic: "Нельзя изменять автоматическую группу."
member_already_exist: "'%{username}' уже является членом этой группы."
member_already_exist: "'%{username}' уже является членом этой группы."
invalid_domain: "'%{domain}' является некорректным доменом."
invalid_domain: "'%{domain}' является некорректным доменом."
invalid_incoming_email: "'%{email}' не является корректным адресом электронной почты"
email_already_used_in_group: "'%{email}' уже используется группой '%{group_name}'."
everyone: "все"
everyone: "все"
admins: "администраторы"
admins: "администраторы"
@ -310,6 +318,8 @@ ru:
uncategorized_parent: "Разделу для тем вне разделов нельзя назначать родительский раздел."
uncategorized_parent: "Разделу для тем вне разделов нельзя назначать родительский раздел."
self_parent: "Подраздел не может быть родительским для самого себя."
self_parent: "Подраздел не может быть родительским для самого себя."
depth: "Подраздел не может быть родительским, т.к. допустим только один уровень вложенности разделов. "
depth: "Подраздел не может быть родительским, т.к. допустим только один уровень вложенности разделов. "
invalid_email_in: "'%{email}' не является корректным адресом электронной почты"
email_already_used_in_group: "'%{email}' уже используется группой '%{group_name}'."
uncategorized: "Нельзя удалить раздел, предназначенный для тем вне разделов"
uncategorized: "Нельзя удалить раздел, предназначенный для тем вне разделов"
has_subcategories: "Невозможно удалить этот раздел, т.к. в нем есть подразделы."
has_subcategories: "Невозможно удалить этот раздел, т.к. в нем есть подразделы."
@ -319,6 +329,7 @@ ru:
many: "Невозможно удалить этот раздел, т.к. в нем содержатся %{count} тем(ы). Самая старая - %{topic_link}."
many: "Невозможно удалить этот раздел, т.к. в нем содержатся %{count} тем(ы). Самая старая - %{topic_link}."
other: "Невозможно удалить этот раздел, т.к. в нем содержатся %{count} тем(ы). Самая старая - %{topic_link}."
other: "Невозможно удалить этот раздел, т.к. в нем содержатся %{count} тем(ы). Самая старая - %{topic_link}."
topic_exists_no_oldest: "Невозможно удалить этот раздел, т.к. количество тем в нем равно %{count}."
topic_exists_no_oldest: "Невозможно удалить этот раздел, т.к. количество тем в нем равно %{count}."
uncategorized_description: "Темы, которым не нужен раздел, или которые не попадают ни в один из существующих разделов."
title: "новый пользователь"
title: "новый пользователь"
@ -784,7 +795,6 @@ ru:
polling_interval: "Если не используется long polling, как часто следует вошедшим клиентам опрашивать сервер, в миллисекундах"
polling_interval: "Если не используется long polling, как часто следует вошедшим клиентам опрашивать сервер, в миллисекундах"
anon_polling_interval: "Как часто следует анонимным клиентам опрашивать сервер, в миллисекундах"
anon_polling_interval: "Как часто следует анонимным клиентам опрашивать сервер, в миллисекундах"
background_polling_interval: "Как часто следует клиентам опрашивать сервер, в миллисекундах (когда окно находится в фоновом режиме)"
background_polling_interval: "Как часто следует клиентам опрашивать сервер, в миллисекундах (когда окно находится в фоновом режиме)"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Количество жалоб, по достижении которого сообщение автоматически скрывается, и личное сообщение об этом посылается автору (0 - никогда)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Количество минут, которое должен подождать пользователь перед редактированием сообщения скрытого по жалобам"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Количество минут, которое должен подождать пользователь перед редактированием сообщения скрытого по жалобам"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Максимальное количество тем, которое пользователь может создать в первый день на сайте"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Максимальное количество тем, которое пользователь может создать в первый день на сайте"
max_replies_in_first_day: "Максимальное количество ответов, которое пользователь может сделать в первый день на сайте"
max_replies_in_first_day: "Максимальное количество ответов, которое пользователь может сделать в первый день на сайте"
@ -845,7 +855,6 @@ ru:
min_admin_password_length: "Минимальная длина пароля для Администратора."
min_admin_password_length: "Минимальная длина пароля для Администратора."
block_common_passwords: "Не позволять использовать пароли из списка 10 000 самых частоиспользуемых паролей."
block_common_passwords: "Не позволять использовать пароли из списка 10 000 самых частоиспользуемых паролей."
enable_sso_provider: "Реализация протокола SSO провайдера через /session/sso_provider , необходимо установить sso_secret"
enable_sso_provider: "Реализация протокола SSO провайдера через /session/sso_provider , необходимо установить sso_secret"
sso_url: "URL точки единого входа"
sso_secret: "Секретный набор символов, используемый для проверки подлинности зашиврованного входа с помощью SSO, убедитесь, что это 10 или более символов"
sso_secret: "Секретный набор символов, используемый для проверки подлинности зашиврованного входа с помощью SSO, убедитесь, что это 10 или более символов"
sso_overrides_avatar: "Использовать аватары предоставляемые внешним SSO провайдером. При этом настоятельно рекомендуется отключить функцию: разрешить закгрузку аватаров."
sso_overrides_avatar: "Использовать аватары предоставляемые внешним SSO провайдером. При этом настоятельно рекомендуется отключить функцию: разрешить закгрузку аватаров."
sso_not_approved_url: "Перенаправлять неподтвержденные SSO-аккаунты на этот URL"
sso_not_approved_url: "Перенаправлять неподтвержденные SSO-аккаунты на этот URL"
@ -934,7 +943,7 @@ ru:
min_title_similar_length: "Минимальная длина названия темы, при которой она будет проверена на наличие похожих."
min_title_similar_length: "Минимальная длина названия темы, при которой она будет проверена на наличие похожих."
min_body_similar_length: "Минимальная длина текста сообщения, при которой он будет проверен на наличие похожих тем."
min_body_similar_length: "Минимальная длина текста сообщения, при которой он будет проверен на наличие похожих тем."
category_colors: "Список шестнадцатеричных кодов цветов, разрешенных для категорий."
category_colors: "Список шестнадцатеричных кодов цветов, разрешенных для категорий."
category_style: "Стили для выделения категорий."
category_style: "Стили для выделения разделов."
max_image_size_kb: "Максимальный размер загружаемых картинок в килобайтах. Убедитесь, что вы также настроили ограничение в nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache или прокси."
max_image_size_kb: "Максимальный размер загружаемых картинок в килобайтах. Убедитесь, что вы также настроили ограничение в nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache или прокси."
max_attachment_size_kb: "Максимальный размер загружаемых файлов в килобайтах. Убедитесь, что вы также настроили ограничение в nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache или прокси."
max_attachment_size_kb: "Максимальный размер загружаемых файлов в килобайтах. Убедитесь, что вы также настроили ограничение в nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache или прокси."
authorized_extensions: "Список расширений файлов, разрешенных к загрузке. Используйте '*', чтобы разрешить любые типы файлов."
authorized_extensions: "Список расширений файлов, разрешенных к загрузке. Используйте '*', чтобы разрешить любые типы файлов."
@ -1074,6 +1083,10 @@ ru:
category: 'Разделы'
category: 'Разделы'
topic: 'Результаты'
topic: 'Результаты'
user: 'Пользователи'
user: 'Пользователи'
not_found: "Мы не можем найти вашу учетную запись. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором сайта."
account_not_approved: "Ваша учетная запись ожидает подтверждения. Вы получите уведомление по электронной почте, когда она будет подтверждена."
unknown_error: "Произошла проблема с учетной записью. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администратором сайта."
original_poster: "Автор"
original_poster: "Автор"
most_posts: "Большинство сообщений"
most_posts: "Большинство сообщений"
most_recent_poster: "Последний автор"
most_recent_poster: "Последний автор"
@ -1375,24 +1388,12 @@ ru:
Система не смогла обнаружить тект сообщения в теле письма. Советуем убедится в том, что вы написали желаемый текст **в самом верху письма**.
Система не смогла обнаружить тект сообщения в теле письма. Советуем убедится в том, что вы написали желаемый текст **в самом верху письма**.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Системное сообщение -- Доступ запрещен"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Системное сообщение -- Доступ запрещен"
text_body_template: |
К сожалению, ваше письмо к %{destination} (под названием %{former_title}) не может быть обработано.
Уровень доверия вашей учетной записи недостаточен, для создания тем в этой категории.
Если вы считаете, что произошла ошибка, свяжитесь администратором сайта.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Системное сообщение -- Неизвестный ключ для ответа"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Системное сообщение -- Неизвестный ключ для ответа"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Системное сообщение -- Тема не найдена"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Системное сообщение -- Тема не найдена"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Неполадки с письмом - Топик закрыт"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Неполадки с письмом - Топик закрыт"
text_body_template: |
К сожалению, ваше письмо к %{destination} с заголовком %{former_title} не может быть обработано.
Тема, в которую вы пишите, была закрыта, и поэтому новые сообщения не разрешены. Если вы считаете, что произошла ошибка при обработке письма, обратитесь к модератору или администратору.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] системное сообщение - Автоматически сгенерирован ответ"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] системное сообщение - Автоматически сгенерирован ответ"
@ -764,7 +764,6 @@ sk:
post_onebox_maxlength: "Maximálna dĺžka vloženého Discourse príspevku v znakoch."
post_onebox_maxlength: "Maximálna dĺžka vloženého Discourse príspevku v znakoch."
onebox_domains_whitelist: "Zoznam domén, pre ktoré je umožnené vkladanie. Tieto domény by mali podporovať OpenGraph alebo oEmbed. Overte ich pomocou http://iframely.com/debug"
onebox_domains_whitelist: "Zoznam domén, pre ktoré je umožnené vkladanie. Tieto domény by mali podporovať OpenGraph alebo oEmbed. Overte ich pomocou http://iframely.com/debug"
logo_url: "Obrázok loga na ľavej hornej časti stránky, mal by byť tvaru širokého obdĺžnika. Ak nebude uvedený, zobrazí sa nadpis stránok."
logo_url: "Obrázok loga na ľavej hornej časti stránky, mal by byť tvaru širokého obdĺžnika. Ak nebude uvedený, zobrazí sa nadpis stránok."
digest_logo_url: "Obrázok loga na začiatku sumarizačného emailu stránok. Mal by byť tvaru širokého obdĺžnika. Ak nebude uvedený, použije sa logo_url."
logo_small_url: "Malý obrázok loga na ľavej hornej strane stránok, mal by mať tvar štvorca a bude zobrazený pri skrolovaní nadol. Ak nebude uvedený, zobrazí sa piktogram domu."
logo_small_url: "Malý obrázok loga na ľavej hornej strane stránok, mal by mať tvar štvorca a bude zobrazený pri skrolovaní nadol. Ak nebude uvedený, zobrazí sa piktogram domu."
favicon_url: "Favicon pre Vaše stránky, pozrite http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon. Aby fungoval správne s CDN, musí byť vo formáte png"
favicon_url: "Favicon pre Vaše stránky, pozrite http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon. Aby fungoval správne s CDN, musí byť vo formáte png"
mobile_logo_url: "Obrázok loga zobrazený na fixnej pozícií v ľavom hornom rohu mobilnej verzie. Mal byť mať tvar štvorca. Ak nie je uvedené, použije sa `logo_url`. Napríklad: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
mobile_logo_url: "Obrázok loga zobrazený na fixnej pozícií v ľavom hornom rohu mobilnej verzie. Mal byť mať tvar štvorca. Ak nie je uvedené, použije sa `logo_url`. Napríklad: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
@ -785,7 +784,6 @@ sk:
polling_interval: "Ak sa nepoužíva technika long-polling, ako často majú byť klienti dotazovaný v milisekundách"
polling_interval: "Ak sa nepoužíva technika long-polling, ako často majú byť klienti dotazovaný v milisekundách"
anon_polling_interval: "Ako často majú byť dotazovaný anonymný klienti v milisekundách"
anon_polling_interval: "Ako často majú byť dotazovaný anonymný klienti v milisekundách"
background_polling_interval: "Ako často majú byť dotazovaný klienti v milisekundách (ak je okno v pozadí)"
background_polling_interval: "Ako často majú byť dotazovaný klienti v milisekundách (ak je okno v pozadí)"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Počet značiek ktoré automaticky príspevok skryjú a používateľovi bude zaslaná správa (0 pre nikdy)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Počet minút koľko musí používateľ počkať pred tým než môže upraviť príspevok skytý pomocou komunitných značiek"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Počet minút koľko musí používateľ počkať pred tým než môže upraviť príspevok skytý pomocou komunitných značiek"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Maximálny počet tém, ktoré používateľ môže vytvoriť v jeho prvý deň ."
max_topics_in_first_day: "Maximálny počet tém, ktoré používateľ môže vytvoriť v jeho prvý deň ."
max_replies_in_first_day: "Maximálny povolený počet odpovedí, ktoré môže používateľa vytvoriť v jeho prvý deň."
max_replies_in_first_day: "Maximálny povolený počet odpovedí, ktoré môže používateľa vytvoriť v jeho prvý deň."
@ -851,7 +849,6 @@ sk:
block_common_passwords: "Nepovoliť heslá, ktoré sú v zozname 10 000 najbežnejších hesiel."
block_common_passwords: "Nepovoliť heslá, ktoré sú v zozname 10 000 najbežnejších hesiel."
enable_sso: "Povolit prihlasovanie pomocou externej stránky (VAROVANIE: POUŽÍVATEĽSKÉ EAMILOVÉ ADRESY *MUSIA* BYŤ OVERENÉ EXTERNOU STRÁNKOU)"
enable_sso: "Povolit prihlasovanie pomocou externej stránky (VAROVANIE: POUŽÍVATEĽSKÉ EAMILOVÉ ADRESY *MUSIA* BYŤ OVERENÉ EXTERNOU STRÁNKOU)"
enable_sso_provider: "Implementácia protokolu Discourse SSO poskytovateľa na koncovom bode /session/sso_provider, vyžaduje nastavenie sso_secret"
enable_sso_provider: "Implementácia protokolu Discourse SSO poskytovateľa na koncovom bode /session/sso_provider, vyžaduje nastavenie sso_secret"
sso_url: "URL pre single sign on."
sso_secret: "Tajný text, použitý na kryptografické overenie SSO informácie, uistite sa, že má 10 alebo viac znakov"
sso_secret: "Tajný text, použitý na kryptografické overenie SSO informácie, uistite sa, že má 10 alebo viac znakov"
sso_overrides_email: "Nahrádzať lokálne emaily pomocou emailov z externej stránky pomocou dát z SSO dotazu pri každom logine a zamedziť lokálnym zmenám. (VAROVANIE: z dôvodu normálizácie lokálnych emailov sa môžu objaviť nezrovnalosti)"
sso_overrides_email: "Nahrádzať lokálne emaily pomocou emailov z externej stránky pomocou dát z SSO dotazu pri každom logine a zamedziť lokálnym zmenám. (VAROVANIE: z dôvodu normálizácie lokálnych emailov sa môžu objaviť nezrovnalosti)"
sso_overrides_username: "Nahrádzať lokálne použivateľské mená pomocou použivateľských mien z externej stránky pomocou dát z SSO dotazu pri každom logine a zamedziť lokálnym zmenám. (VAROVANIE: z dôvodu rozdielov v požiadavkách na používateľské meno a jeho dĺžku sa môžu objaviť nezrovnalosti)"
sso_overrides_username: "Nahrádzať lokálne použivateľské mená pomocou použivateľských mien z externej stránky pomocou dát z SSO dotazu pri každom logine a zamedziť lokálnym zmenám. (VAROVANIE: z dôvodu rozdielov v požiadavkách na používateľské meno a jeho dĺžku sa môžu objaviť nezrovnalosti)"
@ -1082,7 +1079,6 @@ sk:
emoji_set: "Aké emoji chcete mať?"
emoji_set: "Aké emoji chcete mať?"
enforce_square_emoji: "Vynútiť švorcový pomer strán na všetkých emoji."
enforce_square_emoji: "Vynútiť švorcový pomer strán na všetkých emoji."
approve_unless_trust_level: "Príspevky používateľov pod touto úrovňou důvery musia byť schválené"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Príspevky používateľov pod touto úrovňou důvery musia byť schválené"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "Ak existujú príspevky, ktoré čakali na schválenie viac ako uvedený počet hodín, na kontaktný email bude zaslaná správa. Na vypnutie emailov nastavte 0."
default_email_digest_frequency: "Ako často štandardne používatelia dostávajú sumárny email."
default_email_digest_frequency: "Ako často štandardne používatelia dostávajú sumárny email."
default_email_private_messages: "Štandardne poslať email použivateľovi, ktorému niekto poslal správu."
default_email_private_messages: "Štandardne poslať email použivateľovi, ktorému niekto poslal správu."
default_email_direct: "Štandardne poslať email ak niekto cituje/odpovedá/uvednie alebo pozve používateľa."
default_email_direct: "Štandardne poslať email ak niekto cituje/odpovedá/uvednie alebo pozve používateľa."
@ -1497,10 +1493,6 @@ sk:
Vo Vašom emaile se nepodarilo nájsť pridávaný obsah. **Uistite sa, že ste odpoveď uviedli na začiatku emailu** -- nedokážeme spracovať vložené odpovede.
Vo Vašom emaile se nepodarilo nájsť pridávaný obsah. **Uistite sa, že ste odpoveď uviedli na začiatku emailu** -- nedokážeme spracovať vložené odpovede.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problém s emailom -- Nesprávny prístup"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problém s emailom -- Nesprávny prístup"
text_body_template: |
Prepáčte, ale Vaša emailová správa na %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) nefungovala.
Na založenie novej témy v tejto kategórií Váš účet nemá dostatočné oprávnenia. Ak si myslíte, že ide o chybu, kontaktujte zamestnanca stránok.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problém s emailom -- Nesprávny prístup"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problém s emailom -- Nesprávny prístup"
@ -1517,10 +1509,6 @@ sk:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problém s emailom -- Téma nebola nájdená"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problém s emailom -- Téma nebola nájdená"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problém s emailom -- Téma je uzavretá"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problém s emailom -- Téma je uzavretá"
text_body_template: |
Prepáčte, ale Vaša emailová správa na %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) nefungovala.
Téma, na ktorú odpovedáte je s súčasnosti uzavretá a ďalelšie odpovede nie sú akceptované. Ak si myslíte, že ide o chybu, kontaktujte zamestnanca stránok.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problém s emailom -- Automaticky generovaná odpoveď"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Problém s emailom -- Automaticky generovaná odpoveď"
@ -644,7 +644,6 @@ sq:
post_onebox_maxlength: "Maximum length of a oneboxed Discourse post in characters."
post_onebox_maxlength: "Maximum length of a oneboxed Discourse post in characters."
onebox_domains_whitelist: "A list of domains to allow oneboxing for; these domains should support OpenGraph or oEmbed. Test them at http://iframely.com/debug"
onebox_domains_whitelist: "A list of domains to allow oneboxing for; these domains should support OpenGraph or oEmbed. Test them at http://iframely.com/debug"
logo_url: "The logo image at the top left of your site, should be a wide rectangle shape. If left blank site title text will be shown."
logo_url: "The logo image at the top left of your site, should be a wide rectangle shape. If left blank site title text will be shown."
digest_logo_url: "The alternate logo image used at the top of your site's email digest. Should be a wide rectangle shape. If left blank `logo_url` will be used."
logo_small_url: "The small logo image at the top left of your site, should be a square shape, seen when scrolling down. If left blank a home glyph will be shown."
logo_small_url: "The small logo image at the top left of your site, should be a square shape, seen when scrolling down. If left blank a home glyph will be shown."
mobile_logo_url: "The fixed position logo image used at the top left of your mobile site. Should be a square shape. If left blank, `logo_url` will be used. eg: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
mobile_logo_url: "The fixed position logo image used at the top left of your mobile site. Should be a square shape. If left blank, `logo_url` will be used. eg: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
apple_touch_icon_url: "Icon used for Apple touch devices. Recommended size is 144px by 144px."
apple_touch_icon_url: "Icon used for Apple touch devices. Recommended size is 144px by 144px."
@ -663,7 +662,6 @@ sq:
polling_interval: "When not long polling, how often should logged on clients poll in milliseconds"
polling_interval: "When not long polling, how often should logged on clients poll in milliseconds"
anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds"
anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds"
background_polling_interval: "How often should the clients poll in milliseconds (when the window is in the background)"
background_polling_interval: "How often should the clients poll in milliseconds (when the window is in the background)"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Number of flags that cause a post to be automatically hidden and PM sent to the user (0 for never)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Number of minutes a user must wait before they can edit a post hidden via community flagging"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Number of minutes a user must wait before they can edit a post hidden via community flagging"
max_topics_in_first_day: "The maximum number of topics a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
max_topics_in_first_day: "The maximum number of topics a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
max_replies_in_first_day: "The maximum number of replies a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
max_replies_in_first_day: "The maximum number of replies a user is allowed to create in their first day on the site"
@ -721,7 +719,6 @@ sq:
block_common_passwords: "Don't allow passwords that are in the 10,000 most common passwords."
block_common_passwords: "Don't allow passwords that are in the 10,000 most common passwords."
enable_sso: "Enable single sign on via an external site (WARNING: USERS' EMAIL ADDRESSES *MUST* BE VALIDATED BY THE EXTERNAL SITE!)"
enable_sso: "Enable single sign on via an external site (WARNING: USERS' EMAIL ADDRESSES *MUST* BE VALIDATED BY THE EXTERNAL SITE!)"
enable_sso_provider: "Implement Discourse SSO provider protocol at the /session/sso_provider endpoint, requires sso_secret to be set"
enable_sso_provider: "Implement Discourse SSO provider protocol at the /session/sso_provider endpoint, requires sso_secret to be set"
sso_url: "URL of single sign on endpoint"
sso_secret: "Secret string used to cryptographically authenticate SSO information, be sure it is 10 characters or longer"
sso_secret: "Secret string used to cryptographically authenticate SSO information, be sure it is 10 characters or longer"
sso_overrides_email: "Overrides local email with external site email from SSO payload on every login, and prevent local changes. (WARNING: discrepancies can occur due to normalization of local emails)"
sso_overrides_email: "Overrides local email with external site email from SSO payload on every login, and prevent local changes. (WARNING: discrepancies can occur due to normalization of local emails)"
sso_overrides_username: "Overrides local username with external site username from SSO payload on every login, and prevent local changes. (WARNING: discrepancies can occur due to differences in username length/requirements)"
sso_overrides_username: "Overrides local username with external site username from SSO payload on every login, and prevent local changes. (WARNING: discrepancies can occur due to differences in username length/requirements)"
@ -924,7 +921,6 @@ sq:
emoji_set: "How would you like your emoji?"
emoji_set: "How would you like your emoji?"
enforce_square_emoji: "Force a square aspect ratio to all emojis."
enforce_square_emoji: "Force a square aspect ratio to all emojis."
approve_unless_trust_level: "Posts for users below this trust level must be approved"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Posts for users below this trust level must be approved"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "If there are posts that have been waiting to be reviewed for more than this many hours, an email will be sent to the contact email. Set to 0 to disable these emails."
invalid_email: "Invalid email address."
invalid_email: "Invalid email address."
invalid_username: "There's no user with that username."
invalid_username: "There's no user with that username."
@ -1230,20 +1226,12 @@ sq:
We couldn't find your reply in the email. **Make sure your reply is at the top of the email** -- we can't process inline replies.
We couldn't find your reply in the email. **Make sure your reply is at the top of the email** -- we can't process inline replies.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email issue -- Invalid Access"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email issue -- Invalid Access"
text_body_template: |
We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work.
Your account does not have the privileges to post new topics in that category. If you believe this is in error, contact a staff member.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email issue -- Unknown Reply Key"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email issue -- Unknown Reply Key"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email issue -- Topic Not Found"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email issue -- Topic Not Found"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email issue -- Topic Closed"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email issue -- Topic Closed"
text_body_template: |
We're sorry, but your email message to %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) didn't work.
The topic you are replying to is currently closed and no longer accepting replies. If you believe this is in error, contact a staff member.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email issue -- Auto Generated Reply"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Email issue -- Auto Generated Reply"
@ -595,7 +595,6 @@ sv:
apple_touch_icon_url: "Ikon som används för Apples touch-enheter. Rekommenderad storlek är 144*144 pixlar."
apple_touch_icon_url: "Ikon som används för Apples touch-enheter. Rekommenderad storlek är 144*144 pixlar."
enable_long_polling: "Message bus used for notification can use long polling"
enable_long_polling: "Message bus used for notification can use long polling"
anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds"
anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Number of flags that cause a post to be automatically hidden and PM sent to the user (0 for never)"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Max antal ämnen en användare får skapa under sin första dag på webbplatsen"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Max antal ämnen en användare får skapa under sin första dag på webbplatsen"
max_replies_in_first_day: "Maximalt antal svar en användare får skapa under sin första dag på sidan"
max_replies_in_first_day: "Maximalt antal svar en användare får skapa under sin första dag på sidan"
notify_mods_when_user_blocked: "Om en användare blockeras automatiskt, skicka ett meddelande till alla moderatorer."
notify_mods_when_user_blocked: "Om en användare blockeras automatiskt, skicka ett meddelande till alla moderatorer."
@ -299,7 +299,6 @@ tr_TR:
create_like: "Bugün yapabileceğiniz maksimum beğeni sayısına ulaştınız. Lütfen tekrar denemek için %{time_left} bekleyin."
create_like: "Bugün yapabileceğiniz maksimum beğeni sayısına ulaştınız. Lütfen tekrar denemek için %{time_left} bekleyin."
create_bookmark: "Bugün yapabileceğiniz maksimum işaretleme sayısına ulaştınız. Lütfen tekrar denemek için %{time_left} bekleyin."
create_bookmark: "Bugün yapabileceğiniz maksimum işaretleme sayısına ulaştınız. Lütfen tekrar denemek için %{time_left} bekleyin."
edit_post: "Bugün yapabileceğiniz maksimum düzenleme sayısına ulaştınız. Lütfen tekrar denemek için %{time_left} bekleyin."
edit_post: "Bugün yapabileceğiniz maksimum düzenleme sayısına ulaştınız. Lütfen tekrar denemek için %{time_left} bekleyin."
live_post_counts: "Kısa sürede çok sayıda güncel mesaj sayınıza ulaşmaya çalıştınız. Lütfen tekrar denemek için %{time_left} bekleyin."
other: "%{count} saat"
other: "%{count} saat"
@ -665,7 +664,6 @@ tr_TR:
post_onebox_maxlength: "Kutulanmış bir Discourse gönderisinin en fazla karakter uzunluğu"
post_onebox_maxlength: "Kutulanmış bir Discourse gönderisinin en fazla karakter uzunluğu"
onebox_domains_whitelist: "Kutulamaya izin verilen alan adları listesi; bu alan adları OpenGraph ya da oEmbed desteklemeliler. http://iframely.com/debug adresinden test edebilirsiniz."
onebox_domains_whitelist: "Kutulamaya izin verilen alan adları listesi; bu alan adları OpenGraph ya da oEmbed desteklemeliler. http://iframely.com/debug adresinden test edebilirsiniz."
logo_url: "Sitenin üst solundaki logo resmi, geniş dikdörtgen şeklinde olmalıdır. Boş bırakılırsa site başlığı gösterilecektir."
logo_url: "Sitenin üst solundaki logo resmi, geniş dikdörtgen şeklinde olmalıdır. Boş bırakılırsa site başlığı gösterilecektir."
digest_logo_url: "Sitenin e-posta özetinin üstünde kullanılan diğer logo resmi. Geniş dikdörtgen şeklinde olmalıdır. Boş bırakılırsa `logo_url` kullanılacaktır."
logo_small_url: "Sitenin üst solundaki küçük logo resmi, kare şeklinde olmalıdır, aşağıya doğru kaydırılırken görünür. Boş bırakılırsa bir ev oyması gösterilecektir."
logo_small_url: "Sitenin üst solundaki küçük logo resmi, kare şeklinde olmalıdır, aşağıya doğru kaydırılırken görünür. Boş bırakılırsa bir ev oyması gösterilecektir."
favicon_url: "Site simgesi, bilgi için http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon adresine bakınız, bir CDN ile doğru şekilde çalışmak için png olmalıdır."
favicon_url: "Site simgesi, bilgi için http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon adresine bakınız, bir CDN ile doğru şekilde çalışmak için png olmalıdır."
mobile_logo_url: "Mobil sitenin üst solunda kullanılan sabit konumlu logo resmi. Kare şeklinde olmalıdır. Boş bırakılırsa, `logo_url` kullanılacaktır. Örneğin: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
mobile_logo_url: "Mobil sitenin üst solunda kullanılan sabit konumlu logo resmi. Kare şeklinde olmalıdır. Boş bırakılırsa, `logo_url` kullanılacaktır. Örneğin: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
@ -686,7 +684,6 @@ tr_TR:
polling_interval: "Uzun sorgular yapılmadığı zaman, kaç mili saniyede bir giriş yapmış kullanıcılar poll yapmalı"
polling_interval: "Uzun sorgular yapılmadığı zaman, kaç mili saniyede bir giriş yapmış kullanıcılar poll yapmalı"
anon_polling_interval: "Kaç mili saniyede bir anonim kullanıcılar sorgu yapmalı"
anon_polling_interval: "Kaç mili saniyede bir anonim kullanıcılar sorgu yapmalı"
background_polling_interval: "(Pencere arkaplanda olduğu zaman) kaç mili saniyede bir kullanıcılan sorgu yapmalı"
background_polling_interval: "(Pencere arkaplanda olduğu zaman) kaç mili saniyede bir kullanıcılan sorgu yapmalı"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Bir postun otomatik olarak gizlenmesi ve yazarına Özel Mesaj gönderilmesi için gereken bayrak sayısı (Hiç bir zaman için 0 girin)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Topluluk tarafından bayraklanarak gizlenen gönderiyi düzenleyebilmek için, kullanıcının beklemesi gereken dakika süresi "
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "Topluluk tarafından bayraklanarak gizlenen gönderiyi düzenleyebilmek için, kullanıcının beklemesi gereken dakika süresi "
max_topics_in_first_day: "Kullanıcının sitedeki ilk gününde, oluşturabileceği en fazla konu sayısı"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Kullanıcının sitedeki ilk gününde, oluşturabileceği en fazla konu sayısı"
max_replies_in_first_day: "Kullanıcının sitedeki ilk gününde, oluşturabileceği en fazla cevap sayısı"
max_replies_in_first_day: "Kullanıcının sitedeki ilk gününde, oluşturabileceği en fazla cevap sayısı"
@ -752,7 +749,6 @@ tr_TR:
block_common_passwords: "En çok kullanılan 10,000 parola arasında yer alan parolalara izin verme."
block_common_passwords: "En çok kullanılan 10,000 parola arasında yer alan parolalara izin verme."
enable_sso: "Dış bir site aracılığı ile tek oturum açma sistemini etkinleştir. (UYARI: etkinleştirildiği takdirde, doğru yapılandırılmamışsa bazı kişilerin, SİZ DAHİL, oturum açmasını engelleyebilir! Ayrıca davetiye sistemini de devre dışı bırakır.)"
enable_sso: "Dış bir site aracılığı ile tek oturum açma sistemini etkinleştir. (UYARI: etkinleştirildiği takdirde, doğru yapılandırılmamışsa bazı kişilerin, SİZ DAHİL, oturum açmasını engelleyebilir! Ayrıca davetiye sistemini de devre dışı bırakır.)"
enable_sso_provider: "/session/sso_provider son noktasında Discourse SSO sağlayıcı protokolünü uygula, sso_secret değerinin seçilmiş olmasını gerektirir"
enable_sso_provider: "/session/sso_provider son noktasında Discourse SSO sağlayıcı protokolünü uygula, sso_secret değerinin seçilmiş olmasını gerektirir"
sso_url: "Bitiş noktasındaki tek oturum açma URL'i"
sso_secret: "SSO bilgisinin kritopgrafik şekilde doğrulanması için kullanılan gizli string, 10 karakter veya daha uzun olduğundan emin olun"
sso_secret: "SSO bilgisinin kritopgrafik şekilde doğrulanması için kullanılan gizli string, 10 karakter veya daha uzun olduğundan emin olun"
sso_overrides_email: "SSO yararlı yükündeki dış sitedeki e-postayı, her giriş yapıldığında, yerel değişiklikleri engellemek için yerel e-postanın üzerine yazar (DİKKAT: yerel e-postaların normalizasyon sürecinde uyuşmazlıklar doğabilir)"
sso_overrides_email: "SSO yararlı yükündeki dış sitedeki e-postayı, her giriş yapıldığında, yerel değişiklikleri engellemek için yerel e-postanın üzerine yazar (DİKKAT: yerel e-postaların normalizasyon sürecinde uyuşmazlıklar doğabilir)"
sso_overrides_username: "SSO yararlı yükündeki dış sitedeki kullanıcı adını, her giriş yapıldığında, yerel değişiklikleri engellemek için yerel kullanıcı adının üzerine yazar. (DİKKAT: kullanıcı adı uzunluklarıyla ilgili kurallardaki farklılıklardan ötürü uyuşmazlıklar doğabilir)"
sso_overrides_username: "SSO yararlı yükündeki dış sitedeki kullanıcı adını, her giriş yapıldığında, yerel değişiklikleri engellemek için yerel kullanıcı adının üzerine yazar. (DİKKAT: kullanıcı adı uzunluklarıyla ilgili kurallardaki farklılıklardan ötürü uyuşmazlıklar doğabilir)"
@ -972,7 +968,6 @@ tr_TR:
emoji_set: "Emojinizi nasıl isterdiniz?"
emoji_set: "Emojinizi nasıl isterdiniz?"
enforce_square_emoji: "Tüm emojileri kare en-boy oranına zorla"
enforce_square_emoji: "Tüm emojileri kare en-boy oranına zorla"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Bu güven seviyesi altındaki kullanıcılardan gelen gönderilerin onaylanması gerekir"
approve_unless_trust_level: "Bu güven seviyesi altındaki kullanıcılardan gelen gönderilerin onaylanması gerekir"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "Bu kadar saat geçmesine rağmen hala incelenmemiş konular varsa, iletişim adresine e-posta gönder. Devre dışı bırakmak için 0 girin."
default_email_digest_frequency: "Öntanımlı olarak kullanıcılar hangi sıklıkta özet e-postalar alırlar."
default_email_digest_frequency: "Öntanımlı olarak kullanıcılar hangi sıklıkta özet e-postalar alırlar."
default_email_private_messages: "Öntanımlı olarak birisi bir kullanıcıya mesaj attığında e-posta gönder."
default_email_private_messages: "Öntanımlı olarak birisi bir kullanıcıya mesaj attığında e-posta gönder."
default_email_direct: "Öntanımlı olarak birisi bir kullanıcı hakkında alıntı yapma, cevaplama, bahsetme ya da davet etme eylemlerini gerçekleştirdiğinde e-posta gönder."
default_email_direct: "Öntanımlı olarak birisi bir kullanıcı hakkında alıntı yapma, cevaplama, bahsetme ya da davet etme eylemlerini gerçekleştirdiğinde e-posta gönder."
@ -1240,18 +1235,12 @@ tr_TR:
Üzgünüz, ama %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) adresine göndermeye çalıştığınız e-posta başırısız oldu. E-postada herhangi bir cevap bulamadık. **Cevabınızın e-posta'nın en üstünde yer aldığından emin olun** -- aralardaki cevapları işleyemiyoruz.
Üzgünüz, ama %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) adresine göndermeye çalıştığınız e-posta başırısız oldu. E-postada herhangi bir cevap bulamadık. **Cevabınızın e-posta'nın en üstünde yer aldığından emin olun** -- aralardaki cevapları işleyemiyoruz.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- Geçersiz giriş"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- Geçersiz giriş"
text_body_template: |
Üzgünüz, ama %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) adresine göndermeye çalıştığınız e-posta başarısız oldu.
Hesabınız o kategoride yeni konu oluşturabilmeniz için gereken ayrıcalıklara sahip değil. Yanlışlık olduğunu düşünüyorsanız, bir görevli ile iletişime geçin.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- Bilinmeyen Cevap Anahtarı"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- Bilinmeyen Cevap Anahtarı"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- Konu Bulunamadı"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- Konu Bulunamadı"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- Konu Kapatıldı"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- Konu Kapatıldı"
text_body_template: |
Üzgünüz, ama %{destination} (titled %{former_title}) adresine göndermek istediğiniz e-posta başarısız oldu. Konu kapatılmış. Yanlışlık olduğunu düşünüyorsanız, bir görevli ile iletişime geçin.
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- Otomatik Üretilmiş Cevap"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] E-posta sorunu -- Otomatik Üretilmiş Cevap"
@ -1427,6 +1416,27 @@ tr_TR:
title: "Üyelik Sözleşmesi"
title: "Üyelik Sözleşmesi"
title: "Gizlilik İlkeleri"
title: "Gizlilik İlkeleri"
name: Editör
name: Hoş geldiniz
description: Bir beğeni aldınız
name: İlk Beğeni
description: Bir gönderiyi beğendin
name: İlk İşaret
description: Gönderiyi işaretledin
name: Okuyucu
name: Taze Bağlantı
name: Takdir Edildi
description: 20 gönderine 1 beğeni aldın
name: Sevgiden Öte
success: "E-posta Gönderildi"
success: "E-posta Gönderildi"
error: "Hata!"
error: "Hata!"
@ -273,7 +273,6 @@ uk:
use_https: "Чи повинна повна адреса сайта (Discourse.base_url) використовувати https (чи просто http)? ВМИКАЙТЕ ЦЕ ТІЛЬКИ ЯКЩО HTTPS ВЖЕ НАЛАШТОВАНО І ВІН ПРАЦЮЄ!"
use_https: "Чи повинна повна адреса сайта (Discourse.base_url) використовувати https (чи просто http)? ВМИКАЙТЕ ЦЕ ТІЛЬКИ ЯКЩО HTTPS ВЖЕ НАЛАШТОВАНО І ВІН ПРАЦЮЄ!"
enable_long_polling: "Message bus used for notification can use long polling"
enable_long_polling: "Message bus used for notification can use long polling"
anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds"
anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "Кількість скарг, необхідних для того, щоб допис було автоматично приховано, а його авторові було надіслано приватне повідомлення (0, щоб вимкнути)"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Максимальна кількість тем, які користувач може створити на сайті в перший день"
max_topics_in_first_day: "Максимальна кількість тем, які користувач може створити на сайті в перший день"
max_replies_in_first_day: "Максимальна кільість відповідей, які користувач може створити на сайті в перший день"
max_replies_in_first_day: "Максимальна кільість відповідей, які користувач може створити на сайті в перший день"
notify_mods_when_user_blocked: "Якщо користувача автоматично заблоковано, надіслати повідомлення всім модераторам."
notify_mods_when_user_blocked: "Якщо користувача автоматично заблоковано, надіслати повідомлення всім модераторам."
@ -288,7 +287,6 @@ uk:
force_hostname: "ТІЛЬКИ ДЛЯ РОЗРОБНИКІВ! УВАГА! Вкажіть ім'я хосту в URL. Лишіть порожнім, щоб використовувати значення за замовчуванням."
force_hostname: "ТІЛЬКИ ДЛЯ РОЗРОБНИКІВ! УВАГА! Вкажіть ім'я хосту в URL. Лишіть порожнім, щоб використовувати значення за замовчуванням."
invite_expiry_days: "Скільки днів ключі запрошення користувачів лишаються чинними"
invite_expiry_days: "Скільки днів ключі запрошення користувачів лишаються чинними"
min_password_length: "Мінімальна довжина пароля."
min_password_length: "Мінімальна довжина пароля."
sso_url: "URL of single sign on endpoint"
enable_yahoo_logins: "Увімкнути вхід через Yahoo"
enable_yahoo_logins: "Увімкнути вхід через Yahoo"
enable_twitter_logins: "Увімкнути вхід через Twitter; потребує twitter_consumer_key та twitter_consumer_secret"
enable_twitter_logins: "Увімкнути вхід через Twitter; потребує twitter_consumer_key та twitter_consumer_secret"
twitter_consumer_key: "Consumer key для входу через Twitter, зареєстрований на http://dev.twitter.com"
twitter_consumer_key: "Consumer key для входу через Twitter, зареєстрований на http://dev.twitter.com"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ zh_CN:
datetime_formats: &datetime_formats
datetime_formats: &datetime_formats
short: "%Y 年 %-m 月 %-d 日"
short: "%Y 年 %-m 月 %-d 日"
short_no_year: "%-m 月 %-d 日"
short_no_year: "%-m月%-d日"
date_only: "%Y 年 %-m 月 %-d 日"
date_only: "%Y年%-m月%-d日"
month_names: [null, 一月, 二月, 三月, 四月, 五月, 六月, 七月, 八月, 九月, 十月, 十一月, 十二月]
month_names: [null, 一月, 二月, 三月, 四月, 五月, 六月, 七月, 八月, 九月, 十月, 十一月, 十二月]
<<: *datetime_formats
<<: *datetime_formats
@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ zh_CN:
topic_not_found_error: "当回复到已经删除的相关主题时发生。"
topic_not_found_error: "当回复到已经删除的相关主题时发生。"
topic_closed_error: "当回复到已经关闭的相关主题时发生。"
topic_closed_error: "当回复到已经关闭的相关主题时发生。"
errors: &errors
errors: &errors
format: '%{attribute} %{message}'
format: '%{attribute}%{message}'
too_long_validation: "最多只能有 %{max} 个字符;你已经输入了 %{length} 个字符。"
too_long_validation: "最多只能有 %{max} 个字符;你已经输入了 %{length} 个字符。"
invalid_boolean: "无效布尔值。"
invalid_boolean: "无效布尔值。"
taken: "已经被使用"
taken: "不能和已有的%{attribute}重复"
accepted: 必须被接受
accepted: 必须被接受
blank: 不能为空
blank: 不能为空
present: 必须为空
present: 必须为空
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ zh_CN:
exclusion: 被保留
exclusion: 被保留
greater_than: 必须大于 %{count}
greater_than: 必须大于 %{count}
greater_than_or_equal_to: 必须大于或等于 %{count}
greater_than_or_equal_to: 必须大于或等于 %{count}
has_already_been_used: "已经被使用"
has_already_been_used: "不能和其他%{attribute}重复"
inclusion: 不包括在列表中
inclusion: 不包括在列表中
invalid: 无效
invalid: 无效
is_invalid: "无效;请描述得更详尽些"
is_invalid: "无效;请描述得更详尽些"
@ -349,7 +349,6 @@ zh_CN:
create_like: "你今天的“赞”数量已经到达上限,请等待%{time_left}之后再试。"
create_like: "你今天的“赞”数量已经到达上限,请等待%{time_left}之后再试。"
create_bookmark: "你今天的收藏已经到达上限,请等待%{time_left}之后再试。"
create_bookmark: "你今天的收藏已经到达上限,请等待%{time_left}之后再试。"
edit_post: "你今天编辑帖子的数量已经到达上限,请等待%{time_left}之后再试。"
edit_post: "你今天编辑帖子的数量已经到达上限,请等待%{time_left}之后再试。"
live_post_counts: "你请求新帖子的速度太快了,请等待 %{time_left}之后再试。"
unsubscribe_via_email: "你已经达到了今日用邮件接触订阅的最大数量限制。请等 %{time_left}之后再试。"
unsubscribe_via_email: "你已经达到了今日用邮件接触订阅的最大数量限制。请等 %{time_left}之后再试。"
topic_invitations_per_day: "你已经达到了今日主题邀请的最大数量限制。请等 %{time_left}之后再试。"
topic_invitations_per_day: "你已经达到了今日主题邀请的最大数量限制。请等 %{time_left}之后再试。"
@ -722,7 +721,6 @@ zh_CN:
post_onebox_maxlength: "Onebox 处理后的 Discourse 帖子的最大字符长度"
post_onebox_maxlength: "Onebox 处理后的 Discourse 帖子的最大字符长度"
onebox_domains_whitelist: "对这些站点启用 Onebox 的域名列表;这些域名应该支持 OpenGraph 或 oEmbed。在此测试他们:http://iframely.com/debug"
onebox_domains_whitelist: "对这些站点启用 Onebox 的域名列表;这些域名应该支持 OpenGraph 或 oEmbed。在此测试他们:http://iframely.com/debug"
logo_url: "在你站点左上角出现的小号标志图片,应为一个长方形。如果留空,将显示站点标题文字。"
logo_url: "在你站点左上角出现的小号标志图片,应为一个长方形。如果留空,将显示站点标题文字。"
digest_logo_url: "邮件摘要中使用的替代标志。应为长方形。如果留空,将使用 `logo_url`。"
logo_small_url: "在你站点左上角的小号标志图片,应为正方形,当滚动时才可见。如果留空,将显示主页图标。"
logo_small_url: "在你站点左上角的小号标志图片,应为正方形,当滚动时才可见。如果留空,将显示主页图标。"
favicon_url: "你的站点图标(favicon),参考 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon,如果要正确地通过 CDN 分发,它必须是 png 图片"
favicon_url: "你的站点图标(favicon),参考 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon,如果要正确地通过 CDN 分发,它必须是 png 图片"
mobile_logo_url: "移动站点左上角的固定标志图片。应为正方形。如果留空,`logo_url` 将被使用。如:http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
mobile_logo_url: "移动站点左上角的固定标志图片。应为正方形。如果留空,`logo_url` 将被使用。如:http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png"
@ -743,7 +741,6 @@ zh_CN:
polling_interval: "当不再长轮询时,已登录的客户端多久应该轮询一次,以毫秒为单位"
polling_interval: "当不再长轮询时,已登录的客户端多久应该轮询一次,以毫秒为单位"
anon_polling_interval: "匿名客户端轮询时间间隔(单位:毫秒)"
anon_polling_interval: "匿名客户端轮询时间间隔(单位:毫秒)"
background_polling_interval: "客户端轮询的间隔,以毫秒计(当窗口在后台时)"
background_polling_interval: "客户端轮询的间隔,以毫秒计(当窗口在后台时)"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "一个帖子累计多少个标记之后会被自动隐藏,并向帖子作者发送私信通知(0 为从不)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "当一个帖子因为标记而隐藏之后,用户需要等待多少分钟才能编辑帖子"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "当一个帖子因为标记而隐藏之后,用户需要等待多少分钟才能编辑帖子"
max_topics_in_first_day: "新用户在第一天内最多可以创建的主题数"
max_topics_in_first_day: "新用户在第一天内最多可以创建的主题数"
max_replies_in_first_day: "新用户在第一天内最大可以创建的回复数"
max_replies_in_first_day: "新用户在第一天内最大可以创建的回复数"
@ -809,7 +806,6 @@ zh_CN:
block_common_passwords: "不允许使用 10,000 个最常用的密码。"
block_common_passwords: "不允许使用 10,000 个最常用的密码。"
enable_sso: "启用通过外部站点单点登录(警告:用户的邮件地址必须被外部站点验证!)"
enable_sso: "启用通过外部站点单点登录(警告:用户的邮件地址必须被外部站点验证!)"
enable_sso_provider: "在 /session/sso_provider endpoint 实现 Discourse SSO 提供方协议,要求设置 sso_secret"
enable_sso_provider: "在 /session/sso_provider endpoint 实现 Discourse SSO 提供方协议,要求设置 sso_secret"
sso_url: "单点登录 URL 入口点"
sso_secret: "秘密字符串,用于验证秘密的 SSO 信息,请保证是 10 个字符或者更长"
sso_secret: "秘密字符串,用于验证秘密的 SSO 信息,请保证是 10 个字符或者更长"
sso_overrides_email: "每一次登录时,用 SSO 信息中的外部站点的邮件地址覆盖本地邮件地址,并且阻止本地的邮件地址修改。(警告:因格本地邮件的正规化,邮件地址可能会有所差异)"
sso_overrides_email: "每一次登录时,用 SSO 信息中的外部站点的邮件地址覆盖本地邮件地址,并且阻止本地的邮件地址修改。(警告:因格本地邮件的正规化,邮件地址可能会有所差异)"
sso_overrides_username: "每一次登录时,用 SSO 信息中的外部站点的用户名覆盖本地用户名,并且阻止本地的用户名修改。(警告:因格本地用户名的长度和其他要求,用户名可能会有所差异)"
sso_overrides_username: "每一次登录时,用 SSO 信息中的外部站点的用户名覆盖本地用户名,并且阻止本地的用户名修改。(警告:因格本地用户名的长度和其他要求,用户名可能会有所差异)"
@ -1062,7 +1058,6 @@ zh_CN:
enforce_square_emoji: "强制为所有 emojis 设置正方形比例。"
enforce_square_emoji: "强制为所有 emojis 设置正方形比例。"
approve_post_count: "新用户或基础用户需要被审核的帖子数量"
approve_post_count: "新用户或基础用户需要被审核的帖子数量"
approve_unless_trust_level: "该信任等级之下的用户的帖子必须被审核"
approve_unless_trust_level: "该信任等级之下的用户的帖子必须被审核"
notify_about_queued_posts_after: "如果有帖子等待了设定的小时数后仍在等候处理,发送一封邮件给联络邮件地址。设为 0 将禁用这些邮件。"
default_email_digest_frequency: "用户默认收到摘要邮件的默认频率。"
default_email_digest_frequency: "用户默认收到摘要邮件的默认频率。"
default_include_tl0_in_digests: "用户在摘要邮件中是否收到新用户帖子的默认设置。用户可以在参数设置中更改这个设置。"
default_include_tl0_in_digests: "用户在摘要邮件中是否收到新用户帖子的默认设置。用户可以在参数设置中更改这个设置。"
default_email_private_messages: "默认在有人发消息给用户时发送一封邮件通知。"
default_email_private_messages: "默认在有人发消息给用户时发送一封邮件通知。"
@ -1538,10 +1533,6 @@ zh_CN:
text_body_template: "我们很抱歉,但是你的数据导出请求失败了。请检查日志或联系一位管理人员。"
text_body_template: "我们很抱歉,但是你的数据导出请求失败了。请检查日志或联系一位管理人员。"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 电子邮件错误 -- 信任等级不足"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 电子邮件错误 -- 信任等级不足"
text_body_template: |
我们非常抱歉,你发送至 %{destination}(名为 %{former_title})的邮件出问题了。
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 邮件问题 -- 用户未找到"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 邮件问题 -- 用户未找到"
text_body_template: |
text_body_template: |
@ -1588,16 +1579,8 @@ zh_CN:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 电子邮件错误 -- 无权限"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 电子邮件错误 -- 无权限"
text_body_template: |
我们很抱歉,但是您发送至 %{destination}(名为 %{former_title})的邮件无法发送。
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 电子邮件错误 -- 无权限"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 电子邮件错误 -- 无权限"
text_body_template: |
我们非常抱歉,但是你发送至 %{destination}(名为%{former_title}) 的邮件出问题了。
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 邮件问题 -- 发布时错误"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 邮件问题 -- 发布时错误"
text_body_template: |
text_body_template: |
@ -1640,22 +1623,10 @@ zh_CN:
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 邮件问题 -- 主题未找到"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 邮件问题 -- 主题未找到"
text_body_template: |
我们非常抱歉,但是你发送至 %{destination}(名为%{former_title}) 的邮件出问题了。
你回复的主题已经不存在了 —— 可能已经被深处了?如果你确定这是错误,请联系管理人员。
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 邮件问题 -- 主题已关闭"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 邮件问题 -- 主题已关闭"
text_body_template: |
我们很抱歉,但是你发送至 %{destination}(名为 %{former_title})的邮件无法发送。
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 邮件问题 -- 自动生成的回复"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 邮件问题 -- 自动生成的回复"
text_body_template: |
我们非常抱歉,但是你发送至 %{destination}(名为%{former_title}) 的邮件出问题了。
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 电子邮件错误 -- POP 验证错误"
subject_template: "[%{site_name}] 电子邮件错误 -- POP 验证错误"
text_body_template: |
text_body_template: |
@ -559,7 +559,6 @@ zh_TW:
polling_interval: "當不再長輪詢時,已登錄的客戶端應該多久輪詢一次(單位 毫秒)"
polling_interval: "當不再長輪詢時,已登錄的客戶端應該多久輪詢一次(單位 毫秒)"
anon_polling_interval: "匿名使用者用戶端輪詢時間間隔(單位 毫秒)"
anon_polling_interval: "匿名使用者用戶端輪詢時間間隔(單位 毫秒)"
background_polling_interval: "客戶端輪詢的間隔,以毫秒計(當視窗在後台時)"
background_polling_interval: "客戶端輪詢的間隔,以毫秒計(當視窗在後台時)"
flags_required_to_hide_post: "一篇文章累計多少個投訴之後會被自動隱藏,並向文章作者發送私人訊息通知(0為從不)"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "如果一個文章因為標記而隱藏,用戶需要等待多少分鐘才能編輯該文章"
cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts: "如果一個文章因為標記而隱藏,用戶需要等待多少分鐘才能編輯該文章"
max_topics_in_first_day: "新用戶第一天在這個站最大能建立的話題數量"
max_topics_in_first_day: "新用戶第一天在這個站最大能建立的話題數量"
max_replies_in_first_day: "新用戶第一天在這個站最大能建立的回覆數量"
max_replies_in_first_day: "新用戶第一天在這個站最大能建立的回覆數量"
@ -609,7 +608,6 @@ zh_TW:
min_password_length: "最小密碼長度"
min_password_length: "最小密碼長度"
block_common_passwords: "不允許使用 10,000 個最常用的密碼"
block_common_passwords: "不允許使用 10,000 個最常用的密碼"
enable_sso_provider: "在 /session/sso_provider endpoint 必須設定 sso_secret 以實現 Discourse SSO 提供方協定"
enable_sso_provider: "在 /session/sso_provider endpoint 必須設定 sso_secret 以實現 Discourse SSO 提供方協定"
sso_url: "單點登入 URL 入口點"
sso_secret: "秘密字符串,用於驗證秘密的 SSO 訊息,請確保由 10 個字或以上組成"
sso_secret: "秘密字符串,用於驗證秘密的 SSO 訊息,請確保由 10 個字或以上組成"
sso_overrides_avatar: "用 SSO 訊息中的外部網站頭像覆蓋用戶頭像。如果啟用,建議禁用 allow_uploaded_avatars"
sso_overrides_avatar: "用 SSO 訊息中的外部網站頭像覆蓋用戶頭像。如果啟用,建議禁用 allow_uploaded_avatars"
enable_local_logins: "啟用網站用戶名稱和密碼驗證 ( 注意:這必須啟用邀請才能有動作 )"
enable_local_logins: "啟用網站用戶名稱和密碼驗證 ( 注意:這必須啟用邀請才能有動作 )"
@ -17,3 +17,5 @@ bs_BA:
few: "ukupno glasova"
few: "ukupno glasova"
other: "ukupno glasova"
other: "ukupno glasova"
average_rating: "Prosječna ocjena: <strong>%{average}</strong>."
average_rating: "Prosječna ocjena: <strong>%{average}</strong>."
label: "Zatvori"
@ -7,16 +7,22 @@
poll_enabled: "Allow users to create polls?"
poll_enabled: "Lejo anëtarët të hapin sondazhe?"
poll_maximum_options: "Numri maksimal i opsioneve të lejuara në një sondazh."
poll_maximum_options: "Numri maksimal i opsioneve të lejuara në një sondazh."
multiple_polls_without_name: "There are multiple polls without a name. Use the '<code>name</code>' attribute to uniquely identify your polls."
multiple_polls_without_name: "There are multiple polls without a name. Use the '<code>name</code>' attribute to uniquely identify your polls."
multiple_polls_with_same_name: "There are multiple polls with the same name: <strong>%{name}</strong>. Use the '<code>name</code>' attribute to uniquely identify your polls."
multiple_polls_with_same_name: "There are multiple polls with the same name: <strong>%{name}</strong>. Use the '<code>name</code>' attribute to uniquely identify your polls."
default_poll_must_have_at_least_2_options: "Sondazhi duhet të ketë të paktën 2 opsione. "
default_poll_must_have_at_least_2_options: "Sondazhi duhet të ketë të paktën 2 opsione. "
named_poll_must_have_at_least_2_options: "Poll named <strong>%{name}</strong> must have at least 2 options."
named_poll_must_have_at_least_2_options: "Poll named <strong>%{name}</strong> must have at least 2 options."
one: "Sondazhi duhet të ketë të paktën 1 opsion."
other: "Sondazhi duhet të ketë më pak se %{count} opsione."
one: "Sondazhi <strong>%{name}</strong> duhet të ketë më pak se 1 opsion."
other: "Sondazhi <strong>%{name}</strong> duhet të kete më pak se %{count} opsione."
default_poll_must_have_different_options: "Sondazh duhet të ketë opsione të ndryshme."
default_poll_must_have_different_options: "Sondazh duhet të ketë opsione të ndryshme."
named_poll_must_have_different_options: "Poll named <strong>%{name}</strong> must have different options."
named_poll_must_have_different_options: "Poll named <strong>%{name}</strong> must have different options."
default_poll_with_multiple_choices_has_invalid_parameters: "Poll with multiple choices has invalid parameters."
default_poll_with_multiple_choices_has_invalid_parameters: "Sondazhi me zgjedhje ka disa parametra të pavlefshme."
named_poll_with_multiple_choices_has_invalid_parameters: "Poll named <strong>%{name}</strong> with multiple choice has invalid parameters."
named_poll_with_multiple_choices_has_invalid_parameters: "Poll named <strong>%{name}</strong> with multiple choice has invalid parameters."
requires_at_least_1_valid_option: "You must select at least 1 valid option."
requires_at_least_1_valid_option: "You must select at least 1 valid option."
cannot_change_polls_after_5_minutes: "You cannot add, remove or rename polls after the first 5 minutes."
cannot_change_polls_after_5_minutes: "You cannot add, remove or rename polls after the first 5 minutes."
@ -24,7 +30,10 @@ sq:
staff_cannot_add_or_remove_options_after_5_minutes: "You cannot add or remove poll options after the first 5 minutes. You should close this topic and create a new one instead."
staff_cannot_add_or_remove_options_after_5_minutes: "You cannot add or remove poll options after the first 5 minutes. You should close this topic and create a new one instead."
no_polls_associated_with_this_post: "No polls are associated with this post."
no_polls_associated_with_this_post: "No polls are associated with this post."
no_poll_with_this_name: "No poll named <strong>%{name}</strong> associated with this post."
no_poll_with_this_name: "No poll named <strong>%{name}</strong> associated with this post."
post_is_deleted: "Cannot act on a deleted post."
post_is_deleted: "S'mund të veproj në një postim të eliminuar."
topic_must_be_open_to_vote: "The topic must be open to vote."
topic_must_be_open_to_vote: "The topic must be open to vote."
poll_must_be_open_to_vote: "Poll must be open to vote."
poll_must_be_open_to_vote: "Sondazhi duhet të jetë i hapur për të votuar."
topic_must_be_open_to_toggle_status: "The topic must be open to toggle status."
topic_must_be_open_to_toggle_status: "The topic must be open to toggle status."
only_staff_or_op_can_toggle_status: "Vetëm stafi ose autori temës mund të ndryshoje statusin e sondazhit."
link_to_poll: "Kliko për të shfaqur sondazhin."
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