If there's a TopicEmbed record for a url, we don't have to crawl it.

This should help sites like Boing Boing where sometimes links are
crawled before saved in WordPress.
This commit is contained in:
Robin Ward 2014-04-17 14:00:22 -04:00
parent ffc1634193
commit a57f802048

View file

@ -83,10 +83,17 @@ module Jobs
def execute(args)
raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new(:topic_link_id) unless args[:topic_link_id].present?
topic_link = TopicLink.where(id: args[:topic_link_id], internal: false, crawled_at: nil).first
return if topic_link.blank?
topic_link = TopicLink.where(id: args[:topic_link_id], internal: false, crawled_at: nil).first
return if topic_link.blank?
# Look for a topic embed for the URL. If it exists, use its title and don't crawl
topic_embed = TopicEmbed.where(embed_url: topic_link.url).includes(:topic).references(:topic).first
if topic_embed.present?
TopicLink.where(id: topic_link.id).update_all(['title = ?, crawled_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', topic_embed.topic.title[0..255]])
crawled = false
# Special case: Images