From 9dc533a26c716c52e01a68f1701f8e0e9ef15b61 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Arpit Jalan Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2016 22:52:55 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] fix broken locale --- config/locales/ | 4 ++-- config/locales/client.bs_BA.yml | 4 ++-- config/locales/client.cs.yml | 4 ++-- config/locales/client.da.yml | 4 ++-- config/locales/ | 4 ++-- config/locales/ | 4 ++-- config/locales/client.fa_IR.yml | 4 ++-- config/locales/ | 4 ++-- config/locales/ | 4 ++-- config/locales/client.he.yml | 4 ++-- config/locales/ | 4 ++-- config/locales/client.ja.yml | 4 ++-- config/locales/client.ko.yml | 4 ++-- config/locales/client.nb_NO.yml | 4 ++-- config/locales/ | 4 ++-- config/locales/client.pl_PL.yml | 4 ++-- config/locales/ | 4 ++-- config/locales/client.pt_BR.yml | 4 ++-- config/locales/ | 4 ++-- config/locales/ | 4 ++-- config/locales/client.sq.yml | 4 ++-- config/locales/ | 4 ++-- config/locales/client.te.yml | 4 ++-- config/locales/client.tr_TR.yml | 4 ++-- config/locales/ | 4 ++-- config/locales/client.zh_CN.yml | 4 ++-- config/locales/client.zh_TW.yml | 4 ++-- 27 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index c89836ac1..e83aab1db 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -849,8 +849,8 @@ ar: value_prop: "عندما تنشئ حساب، ننحن نتذكر ما كنت تقرأه بالضبط، و سترجع دائما في المكان الذي تركته، و ستصلك الاشعارات ايضا، هنا و عبر البريد الإلكتروني، في اي وقت ينشأ فيه منشور جديد، و تستطيع أن تُعجب بالمنشورارت لتشارك ما يعجبك :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "أنت تنظر الى ملخص لهذا الموضوع , مشاركات مثيرة للإهتمام بحسب رأي المجتمع" - description: "هناك {{count}} ردود" - description_time: "هناك {{count}} ردود مع تقدير وقت القراءة {{readingTime}} دقائق." + description: "هناك {{replyCount}} ردود" + description_time: "هناك {{replyCount}} ردود مع تقدير وقت القراءة {{readingTime}} دقائق." enable: 'لخّص هذا الموضوع' disable: 'عرض جميع المشاركات' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/client.bs_BA.yml b/config/locales/client.bs_BA.yml index d2dc34c97..822c23ebd 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.bs_BA.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.bs_BA.yml @@ -515,8 +515,8 @@ bs_BA: last_post: Zadnji post summary: enabled_description: "You're viewing a summary of this topic: the most interesting posts as determined by the community." - description: "There are {{count}} replies." - description_time: "There are {{count}} replies with an estimated read time of {{readingTime}} minutes." + description: "There are {{replyCount}} replies." + description_time: "There are {{replyCount}} replies with an estimated read time of {{readingTime}} minutes." enable: 'Summarize This Topic' disable: 'Show All Posts' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/client.cs.yml b/config/locales/client.cs.yml index 187f5a008..1c5aa2ea0 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.cs.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.cs.yml @@ -697,8 +697,8 @@ cs: value_prop: "Pokud si založíš účet, budeme si přesně pomatovat, co jsi četly, takže se vždycky vrátíš do bodu, odkud jsi odešel. Také budeš dostávat upozornění, zde a přes e-mail, kdykoli přibydou nově příspěvky. A můžeš přidávat 'to se mi líbí' a šířit tak lásku. :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "Čtete shrnutí tohoto tématu: nejzajímavější příspěvky podle komunity." - description: "Obsahuje {{count}} odpovědí." - description_time: "Obsahuje {{count}} odpovědí o odhadovaném času čtení {{readingTime}} minut." + description: "Obsahuje {{replyCount}} odpovědí." + description_time: "Obsahuje {{replyCount}} odpovědí o odhadovaném času čtení {{readingTime}} minut." enable: 'Přepnout na "nejlepší příspěvky"' disable: 'Přepnout na normální zobrazení' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/client.da.yml b/config/locales/client.da.yml index 34c0c0175..e971423de 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.da.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.da.yml @@ -717,8 +717,8 @@ da: value_prop: "Når du opretter en konto, så kan vi huske hvad du har læst, så du altid kan fortsætte, hvor du er kommet til. Du får også notifikationer - her og på email - når nye interessante indlæg postes. Og du kan like indlæg og dele begejstringen. :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "Du ser et sammendrag af dette emne: kun de mest interessante indlæg som andre finder interresante." - description: "Der er {{count}} svar." - description_time: "Der er {{count}} svar og det vil tage ca. {{readingTime}} minutter at læse." + description: "Der er {{replyCount}} svar." + description_time: "Der er {{replyCount}} svar og det vil tage ca. {{readingTime}} minutter at læse." enable: 'Opsummér dette emne' disable: 'Vis alle indlæg' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 5f206011d..f726d1e02 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -731,8 +731,8 @@ de: value_prop: "Wenn du ein Benutzerkonto anlegst, merken wir uns, was du gelesen hast, damit du immer dort fortsetzten kannst, wo du aufgehört hast. Du kannst auch Benachrichtigungen – hier oder per E-Mail – erhalten, wenn neue Beiträge verfasst werden. Beiträge, die dir gefallen, kannst du mit einem Like versehen und diese Freude mit allen teilen. :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "Du siehst gerade eine Zusammenfassung des Themas: die interessantesten Beiträge, die von der Community bestimmt wurden." - description: "Es gibt {{count}} Antworten." - description_time: "Es gibt {{count}} Antworten mit einer geschätzten Lesezeit von {{readingTime}} Minuten." + description: "Es gibt {{replyCount}} Antworten." + description_time: "Es gibt {{replyCount}} Antworten mit einer geschätzten Lesezeit von {{readingTime}} Minuten." enable: 'Zusammenfassung vom Thema erstellen' disable: 'Alle Beiträge anzeigen' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index b65b51343..1bc738d84 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -731,8 +731,8 @@ es: value_prop: "Cuando te registras, recordamos lo que has leído, para que puedas volver justo donde estabas leyendo. También recibes notificaciones, por aquí y por email, cuando se publican nuevos mensajes. ¡También puedes darle a Me gusta a los mensajes! :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "Estás viendo un resumen de este tema: los posts más interesantes determinados por la comunidad." - description: "Hay {{count}} respuestas." - description_time: "Hay {{count}} respuestas con un tiempo de lectura estimado de {{readingTime}} minutos." + description: "Hay {{replyCount}} respuestas." + description_time: "Hay {{replyCount}} respuestas con un tiempo de lectura estimado de {{readingTime}} minutos." enable: 'Resumir este Tema' disable: 'Ver Todos los Posts' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/client.fa_IR.yml b/config/locales/client.fa_IR.yml index ae24711f4..9db99547a 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.fa_IR.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.fa_IR.yml @@ -662,8 +662,8 @@ fa_IR: value_prop: "وقتی که شما یک حساب کابری ایجاد میکنید, ما به خاطر میسپاریم که شما دقیقا در حال خواندن چه چیزی بودید, بنابراین شما همیشه برمی گردید از جایی که خواندن را رها کردید. همچنین شما اعلانات را دریافت میکنید, اینجا و از طریق ایمیل, هر زمان که ارسال جدیدی فرستاده شود. و شما میتوانید ارسال ها را پسند کنید تا در محبت آن سهیم باشید. :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "شما خلاصه ای از این موضوع را می بینید: بالاترین‌ نوشته های انتخاب شده توسط انجمن." - description: "{{count}} پاسخ" - description_time: "وجود دارد {{count}} پاسخ ها برا اساس زمان خواندن{{readingTime}} دقیقه." + description: "{{replyCount}} پاسخ" + description_time: "وجود دارد {{replyCount}} پاسخ ها برا اساس زمان خواندن{{readingTime}} دقیقه." enable: 'خلاصه این موضوع' disable: 'نمایش همه نوشته‌ها' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index e3f9a1181..42423b650 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -731,8 +731,8 @@ fi: value_prop: "Kun luot tilin, muistamme mitä olet lukenut, jotta voit aina palata keskusteluissa takaisin oikeaan kohtaan. Saat myös ilmoituksia, täällä tai sähköpostilla, kun uusia viestejä kirjoitetaan. Voit myös tykätä viesteistä. :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "Tarkastelet tiivistelmää tästä ketjusta, sen mielenkiintoisimpia viestejä käyttäjien toiminnan perusteella." - description: "Tässä ketjussa on {{count}} viestiä." - description_time: "Ketjussa on {{count}} viestiä, joiden arvioitu lukemisaika on {{readingTime}} minuuttia." + description: "Tässä ketjussa on {{replyCount}} viestiä." + description_time: "Ketjussa on {{replyCount}} viestiä, joiden arvioitu lukemisaika on {{readingTime}} minuuttia." enable: 'Näytä ketjun tiivistelmä' disable: 'Näytä kaikki viestit' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 9b5f0f066..468058cc8 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -731,8 +731,8 @@ fr: value_prop: "Quand vous créez votre compte, nous stockons ce que vous avez lu pour vous positionner systématiquement sur le bon emplacement à votre retour. Vous avez également des notifications, ici et par courriel, quand de nouveaux messages sont postés. Et vous pouvez aimer les messages pour partager vos coups de cœurs. :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "Vous visualisez un résumé de ce sujet : les messages importants choisis par la communauté." - description: "Il y a {{count}} réponses." - description_time: "Il y a {{count}} réponses avec un temps estimé de lecture de {{readingTime}} minutes." + description: "Il y a {{replyCount}} réponses." + description_time: "Il y a {{replyCount}} réponses avec un temps estimé de lecture de {{readingTime}} minutes." enable: 'Résumer ce sujet' disable: 'Afficher tous les messages' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/client.he.yml b/config/locales/client.he.yml index dcd24e4f3..c2a191f2a 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.he.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.he.yml @@ -686,8 +686,8 @@ he: value_prop: "כשאתה נרשם, אנחנו זוכרים בדיוק מה קראת כך כשאתה חוזר אתה ממשיך בדיוק מאיפה שהפסקת. בנוסף אתה תקבל התראות דרך האתר ודרך הדואר האלקטרוני שלך כשפוסטים חדשים נוצרים ועוד משהו, אתה יכול לעשות לייק לפוסטים שאהבת. :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "אתם צופים בסיכום פוסט זה: הפרסומים המעניינים ביותר כפי שסומנו על ידי הקהילה." - description: "ישנן {{count}} תגובות" - description_time: "ישנן {{count}} תגובות, עם הערכת זמן קריאה של כ- {{readingTime}} דקות ." + description: "ישנן {{replyCount}} תגובות" + description_time: "ישנן {{replyCount}} תגובות, עם הערכת זמן קריאה של כ- {{readingTime}} דקות ." enable: 'סכם פוסט זה' disable: 'הצג את כל ההודעות' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 01638e495..4a714c6e7 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -712,8 +712,8 @@ it: value_prop: "Quando hai un account ci ricordiamo esattamente cosa stavi leggendo, così potrai riprendere da dove ti eri fermato. Inoltre ricevi le notifiche, sia qui sia via email, ogni volta che ci saranno nuovi messaggi. Inoltre potrai metterei i \"Mi piace\" ai messaggi e condividerne l'apprezzamento. :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "Stai visualizzando un riepilogo dell'argomento: è la comunità a determinare quali sono i messaggi più interessanti." - description: "Ci sono {{count}} risposte." - description_time: "Ci sono {{count}} risposte con un tempo stimato di lettura di {{readingTime}} minuti." + description: "Ci sono {{replyCount}} risposte." + description_time: "Ci sono {{replyCount}} risposte con un tempo stimato di lettura di {{readingTime}} minuti." enable: 'Riassumi Questo Argomento' disable: 'Mostra Tutti i Messaggi' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/client.ja.yml b/config/locales/client.ja.yml index 21de46261..481d6608e 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.ja.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.ja.yml @@ -594,8 +594,8 @@ ja: sign_up: "新しいアカウントを作成" summary: enabled_description: "トピックのまとめを表示されています。" - description: "{{count}} 返信があります。" - description_time: "全てを確認するのに {{readingTime}} 分 前後を要する {{count}} 個の回答があります。" + description: "{{replyCount}} 返信があります。" + description_time: "全てを確認するのに {{readingTime}} 分 前後を要する {{replyCount}} 個の回答があります。" enable: 'このトピックを要訳する' disable: '全ての投稿を表示する' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/client.ko.yml b/config/locales/client.ko.yml index 005377aab..4146b7906 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.ko.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.ko.yml @@ -695,8 +695,8 @@ ko: value_prop: "회원가입 하시면 글을 어디까지 읽으셨는지 저희가 기억하기 때문에, 언제든지 마지막 읽은 위치로 바로 돌아갈 수 있답니다. 그리고 새글이 뜰때마다 이 화면과 이메일로 알림을 받을수도 있고, 좋아요를 클릭해서 글에 대한 애정을 표현하실 수도 있어요. :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "현재 커뮤니티에서 가장 인기있는 토픽의 요약본을 보고 있습니다:" - description: "{{count}}개의 답글이 있습니다." - description_time: "총 {{count}}개의 댓글이 있습니다. 예상 소요 시간은 {{readingTime}}분입니다.." + description: "{{replyCount}}개의 답글이 있습니다." + description_time: "총 {{replyCount}}개의 댓글이 있습니다. 예상 소요 시간은 {{readingTime}}분입니다.." enable: '이 토픽을 요약Show All Posts' disable: '모든 포스트 보기' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/client.nb_NO.yml b/config/locales/client.nb_NO.yml index 4a19e0c17..64f5311e8 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.nb_NO.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.nb_NO.yml @@ -645,8 +645,8 @@ nb_NO: value_prop: "Når du registrerer deg husker vi hvor langt du har lest, så du starter på riktig sted neste gang du åpner en tråd. Du får også varsler, her og på e-post når det skjer ting i diskusjonene du vil følge. I tillegg kan du like innlegg :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "Du ser for øyeblikket en oppsummering av dette emnet: de mest interessante innleggene i følge nettsamfunnet." - description: "Det er {{count}} svar." - description_time: "Det er {{count}} svar med en estimert lesetid på {{readingTime}} minutter." + description: "Det er {{replyCount}} svar." + description_time: "Det er {{replyCount}} svar med en estimert lesetid på {{readingTime}} minutter." enable: 'Oppsummer dette emnet' disable: 'Vis alle innlegg' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index daab5b8e4..0c4ea992f 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -662,8 +662,8 @@ nl: value_prop: "Wanneer je een account aangemaakt hebt, herinneren deze wat je gelezen hebt, zodat je direct door kan lezen vanaf waar je gestopt bent. Je krijgt ook notificaties, hier en via email, wanneer nieuwe posts gemaakt zijn. En je kan ook nog posts liken :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "Je leest een samenvatting van dit topic: alleen de meeste interessante berichten zoals bepaald door de community. " - description: "Er zijn {{count}} reacties." - description_time: "Er zijn {{count}} reacties met een gemiddelde leestijd van {{readingTime}} minuten." + description: "Er zijn {{replyCount}} reacties." + description_time: "Er zijn {{replyCount}} reacties met een gemiddelde leestijd van {{readingTime}} minuten." enable: 'Samenvatting Topic' disable: 'Alle berichten' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/client.pl_PL.yml b/config/locales/client.pl_PL.yml index 2d9005ccb..cd19d4c81 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.pl_PL.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.pl_PL.yml @@ -700,8 +700,8 @@ pl_PL: value_prop: "Jeśli stworzysz konto, zapamiętamy przeczytane przez Ciebie wpisy i tematy, dzięki czemu zawsze powrócisz do odpowiedniego miejsca. Otrzymasz też powiadomienia o nowych wpisach. Dodatkowo możliwe będzie polubienie ciekawych wpisów :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "Przeglądasz podsumowanie tego tematu: widoczne są jedynie najbardziej wartościowe wpisy zdaniem uczestników. " - description: "Istnieją {{count}} odpowiedzi." - description_time: "Istnieją {{count}} odpowiedzi z czasem czytania oszacowanym na {{readingTime}} minut." + description: "Istnieją {{replyCount}} odpowiedzi." + description_time: "Istnieją {{replyCount}} odpowiedzi z czasem czytania oszacowanym na {{readingTime}} minut." enable: 'Podsumuj ten temat' disable: 'Pokaż wszystkie wpisy' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 1bc7d3a0e..ebd317984 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -731,8 +731,8 @@ pt: value_prop: "Quando cria uma conta, nós lembramo-nos exatamente do que leu, por isso volta sempre ao sítio onde ficou. Também recebe notificações, aqui ou por email, sempre que novas mensagens são feitas. E pode gostar de mensagens para partilhar o amor. :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "Está a ver um resumo deste tópico: as mensagens mais interessantes são determinados pela comunidade." - description: "Existem {{count}} respostas." - description_time: "Existem {{count}} respostas com um tempo de leitura estimado de {{readingTime}} minutos." + description: "Existem {{replyCount}} respostas." + description_time: "Existem {{replyCount}} respostas com um tempo de leitura estimado de {{readingTime}} minutos." enable: 'Resumir Este Tópico' disable: 'Mostrar Todas As Mensagens' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/client.pt_BR.yml b/config/locales/client.pt_BR.yml index 84dbeab8a..3bb279e16 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.pt_BR.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.pt_BR.yml @@ -688,8 +688,8 @@ pt_BR: value_prop: "Quando você cria uma conta, nós lembramos exatamente o que você leu, assim você sempre volta exatamente aonde estava. Você também recebe notificações, aqui e por e-mail, quando novas mensagens são feitas. E você pode curtir tópicos para compartilhar o amor. :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "Você está vendo um sumário deste tópico: os posts mais interessantes conforme determinados pela comunidade." - description: "Há {{count}} respostas." - description_time: "Há {{count}} respostas com um tempo de leitura estimado de {{readingTime}} minutos." + description: "Há {{replyCount}} respostas." + description_time: "Há {{replyCount}} respostas com um tempo de leitura estimado de {{readingTime}} minutos." enable: 'Resumir Este Tópico' disable: 'Exibir Todas as Mensagens' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 1344b2f78..52ecb1d2e 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -770,8 +770,8 @@ ru: value_prop: "После регистрации мы сможем запоминать, где вы закончили чтение, а когда вы заглянете в ту или иную тему снова, мы откроем ее там, где вы остановились в прошлый раз. Мы также сможем уведомлять вас о новых ответах в любимых темах в вашем личном кабинете или по электронной почте. А самое приятное - после регистрации можно ставить сердечки, тем самым выражая свою симпатию автору. :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "Вы просматриваете выдержку из темы - только самые интересные сообщения по мнению сообщества." - description: "Есть {{count}} ответ(ов)." - description_time: "В теме {{count}} сообщений с ожидаемым временем чтения {{readingTime}} минут." + description: "Есть {{replyCount}} ответ(ов)." + description_time: "В теме {{replyCount}} сообщений с ожидаемым временем чтения {{readingTime}} минут." enable: 'Сводка по теме' disable: 'Показать все сообщения' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index a9ce4e02a..178558990 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -764,8 +764,8 @@ sk: value_prop: "Keď si vytvoríte účet, zapamätáme si čo ste čítali, takže sa môžete vrátiť presne tam, kde ste prestali. Okrem toho dostanete upozornenie tu, aj na váš e-mail, vždy keď pribudnú nové príspevky. A môžete označiť príspevky ktoré sa vám páčia. :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "Pozeráte sa na zhrnutie tejto témy: najzaujímavejšie príspevky podľa výberu komunity." - description: "Je tu {{count}} odpovedí." - description_time: "Je tu {{count}} odpovedí s priemerným časom čítania {{readingTime}} minút." + description: "Je tu {{replyCount}} odpovedí." + description_time: "Je tu {{replyCount}} odpovedí s priemerným časom čítania {{readingTime}} minút." enable: 'Zhrnutie tejto témy' disable: 'Zobraziť všetky príspevky' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/client.sq.yml b/config/locales/client.sq.yml index d8fe81d4f..85c7110c0 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.sq.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.sq.yml @@ -615,8 +615,8 @@ sq: hide_forever: "jo faleminderit" summary: enabled_description: "You're viewing a summary of this topic: the most interesting posts as determined by the community." - description: "Janë {{count}} përgjigje." - description_time: "There are {{count}} replies with an estimated read time of {{readingTime}} minutes." + description: "Janë {{replyCount}} përgjigje." + description_time: "There are {{replyCount}} replies with an estimated read time of {{readingTime}} minutes." enable: 'Përmbidhë këtë Diskutim' disable: 'Shfaq të gjithë Postimet' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 7f9de18c7..3917f6b59 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -633,8 +633,8 @@ sv: hide_forever: "Nej tack" summary: enabled_description: "Sammanfattning över de inlägg som användarna tycker är mest intressanta." - description: "Det finns {{count}} svar." - description_time: "Det finns {{count}} svar med en uppskattad lästid på {{readingTime}} minuter." + description: "Det finns {{replyCount}} svar." + description_time: "Det finns {{replyCount}} svar med en uppskattad lästid på {{readingTime}} minuter." enable: 'Sammanfatta detta ämne' disable: 'Visa alla inlägg' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/client.te.yml b/config/locales/client.te.yml index 78510ca5d..a9a8ab6c3 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.te.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.te.yml @@ -489,8 +489,8 @@ te: last_post: చివరి టపా summary: enabled_description: "మీరు ఈ విషయపు సారాంశము చదువుతున్నారు. ఆసక్తికర టపాలు కమ్యునిటీ ఎంచుకుంటుంది. " - description: "అక్కడ మొత్తం {{count}} జవాబులు ఉన్నాయి" - description_time: "అక్కడ మొత్తం {{count}} జవాబులు ఉన్నాయి. వీటిని చదవడానికి సుమారుగా {{readingTime}} నిమిషాలు పడ్తాయి." + description: "అక్కడ మొత్తం {{replyCount}} జవాబులు ఉన్నాయి" + description_time: "అక్కడ మొత్తం {{replyCount}} జవాబులు ఉన్నాయి. వీటిని చదవడానికి సుమారుగా {{readingTime}} నిమిషాలు పడ్తాయి." enable: 'ఈ విషయాన్ని సంగ్రహించు' disable: 'అన్ని టపాలూ చూపు' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/client.tr_TR.yml b/config/locales/client.tr_TR.yml index dd61fc96f..140fafe2f 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.tr_TR.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.tr_TR.yml @@ -659,8 +659,8 @@ tr_TR: value_prop: "Bir hesap oluşturduğunuzda, tam olarak neyi okuyor olduğunuzu hatırlarız, böylece her zaman okumayı bırakmış olduğunuz yere geri gelirsiniz. Ayrıca burada, yeni gönderiler yağıldığında email yoluyla bildirim alırsınız. Ve sevgiyi paylaşmak için gönderileri beğenebilirsiniz. :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "Bu konunun özetini görüntülemektesiniz: topluluğun en çok ilgisini çeken gönderiler" - description: "{{count}} sayıda cevap var." - description_time: "Tahmini okunma süresi {{readingTime}} dakika olan {{count}} sayıda cevap var." + description: "{{replyCount}} sayıda cevap var." + description_time: "Tahmini okunma süresi {{readingTime}} dakika olan {{replyCount}} sayıda cevap var." enable: 'Bu Konuyu Özetle.' disable: 'Tüm Gönderileri Göster' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 7623c339b..b3451cc2d 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -698,8 +698,8 @@ vi: value_prop: "Khi bạn tạo tài khoản, website nhớ chính xác những gì bạn đã đọc, vì vậy bạn sẽ luôn trở lại đúng nơi đã rời đi. Bạn cũng có thể nhận thông báo ở đây hoặc qua email mỗi khi có bài viết mới. Bạn cũng có thể like bài viết để chia sẻ cảm xúc của mình. :heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "Bạn đang xem một bản tóm tắt của chủ đề này: các bài viết thú vị nhất được xác định bởi cộng đồng." - description: "Có {{count}} trả lời" - description_time: "Đây là {{count}} trả lời tương ứng với thời gian đọc {{readingTime}} phút." + description: "Có {{replyCount}} trả lời" + description_time: "Đây là {{replyCount}} trả lời tương ứng với thời gian đọc {{readingTime}} phút." enable: 'Tóm tắt lại chủ đề' disable: 'HIển thị tất cả các bài viết' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/client.zh_CN.yml b/config/locales/client.zh_CN.yml index 81282dc18..0995c1f99 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.zh_CN.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.zh_CN.yml @@ -698,8 +698,8 @@ zh_CN: value_prop: "当你创建了账户,我们能准确地追踪你的阅读进度,所以你能够在下一次访问时回到你上次阅读到的地方。你也可以在有新帖子的时候收到网页和邮件通知。并且你可以赞任何帖子来分享你的感谢。:heartbeat:" summary: enabled_description: "你正在查看这个主题的概括版本:由社群认定的最有意思的帖子。" - description: "有 {{count}} 个回复。" - description_time: "主题有 {{count}} 个回复,大约要花 {{readingTime}} 分钟阅读。" + description: "有 {{replyCount}} 个回复。" + description_time: "主题有 {{replyCount}} 个回复,大约要花 {{readingTime}} 分钟阅读。" enable: '概括本主题' disable: '显示所有帖子' deleted_filter: diff --git a/config/locales/client.zh_TW.yml b/config/locales/client.zh_TW.yml index 708c7307f..3100d87ad 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.zh_TW.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.zh_TW.yml @@ -601,8 +601,8 @@ zh_TW: sign_up: "註冊" summary: enabled_description: "你正在檢視此討論話題的摘要:在這個社群裡最熱門的文章。" - description: "共有 {{count}} 個回覆。" - description_time: "共有 {{count}} 個回覆,大約需要 {{readingTime}} 分鐘閱讀。" + description: "共有 {{replyCount}} 個回覆。" + description_time: "共有 {{replyCount}} 個回覆,大約需要 {{readingTime}} 分鐘閱讀。" enable: '以摘要檢視此討論話題' disable: '顯示所有文章' deleted_filter: