diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/models/category.js b/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/models/category.js
index 1ceac44ed..81f2c5ac6 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/models/category.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/models/category.js
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Discourse.Category = Discourse.Model.extend({
hotness: this.get('hotness'),
secure: this.get('secure'),
permissions: this.get('permissionsForUpdate'),
- auto_close_days: this.get('auto_close_days'),
+ auto_close_hours: this.get('auto_close_hours'),
position: this.get('position'),
parent_category_id: this.get('parent_category_id')
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/templates/modal/edit_category.js.handlebars b/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/templates/modal/edit_category.js.handlebars
index 039f3cd32..32ba0ad98 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/templates/modal/edit_category.js.handlebars
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/templates/modal/edit_category.js.handlebars
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
{{i18n category.auto_close_label}}
- {{textField value=auto_close_days}}
+ {{textField value=auto_close_hours}}
{{i18n category.auto_close_units}}
diff --git a/app/controllers/categories_controller.rb b/app/controllers/categories_controller.rb
index 6b0853a09..b62e7744c 100644
--- a/app/controllers/categories_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/categories_controller.rb
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class CategoriesController < ApplicationController
- params.permit(*required_param_keys, :position, :hotness, :parent_category_id, :auto_close_days, :permissions => [*p.try(:keys)])
+ params.permit(*required_param_keys, :position, :hotness, :parent_category_id, :auto_close_hours, :permissions => [*p.try(:keys)])
diff --git a/app/models/category.rb b/app/models/category.rb
index 36b2e4f0d..512070ab2 100644
--- a/app/models/category.rb
+++ b/app/models/category.rb
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ SQL
def create_category_definition
t = Topic.new(title: I18n.t("category.topic_prefix", category: name), user: user, pinned_at: Time.now, category_id: id)
t.skip_callbacks = true
- t.auto_close_days = nil
+ t.auto_close_hours = nil
update_column(:topic_id, t.id)
t.posts.create(raw: post_template, user: user)
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ end
# text_color :string(6) default("FFFFFF"), not null
# hotness :float default(5.0), not null
# read_restricted :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# auto_close_days :float
+# auto_close_hours :float
# post_count :integer default(0), not null
# latest_post_id :integer
# latest_topic_id :integer
diff --git a/app/models/topic.rb b/app/models/topic.rb
index 3112e197a..f539e2eef 100644
--- a/app/models/topic.rb
+++ b/app/models/topic.rb
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base
before_create do
self.bumped_at ||= Time.now
self.last_post_user_id ||= user_id
- if !@ignore_category_auto_close and self.category and self.category.auto_close_days and self.auto_close_at.nil?
- set_auto_close(self.category.auto_close_days * 24)
+ if !@ignore_category_auto_close and self.category and self.category.auto_close_hours and self.auto_close_at.nil?
+ set_auto_close(self.category.auto_close_hours)
@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base
@post_numbers ||= posts.order(:post_number).pluck(:post_number)
- def age_in_days
- ((Time.zone.now - created_at) / 1.day).round
+ def age_in_minutes
+ ((Time.zone.now - created_at) / 1.minute).round
def has_meta_data_boolean?(key)
@@ -602,10 +602,9 @@ class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base
- # TODO: change this method, along with category's auto_close_days. Use hours.
- def auto_close_days=(num_days)
+ def auto_close_hours=(num_hours)
@ignore_category_auto_close = true
- set_auto_close( num_days ? num_days * 24 : nil)
+ set_auto_close( num_hours )
def self.auto_close
diff --git a/app/models/topic_status_update.rb b/app/models/topic_status_update.rb
index 8f07cf53b..f5113b2a9 100644
--- a/app/models/topic_status_update.rb
+++ b/app/models/topic_status_update.rb
@@ -46,8 +46,17 @@ TopicStatusUpdate = Struct.new(:topic, :user) do
def message_for(status)
if status.autoclosed?
- num_days = topic.auto_close_started_at ? ((Time.zone.now - topic.auto_close_started_at) / 1.day).round : topic.age_in_days
- I18n.t status.locale_key, count: num_days
+ num_minutes = topic.auto_close_started_at ? ((Time.zone.now - topic.auto_close_started_at) / 1.minute).round : topic.age_in_minutes
+ if num_minutes.minutes >= 2.days
+ I18n.t "#{status.locale_key}_days", count: (num_minutes.minutes / 1.day).round
+ else
+ num_hours = (num_minutes.minutes / 1.hour).round
+ if num_hours >= 2
+ I18n.t "#{status.locale_key}_hours", count: num_hours
+ else
+ I18n.t "#{status.locale_key}_minutes", count: num_minutes
+ end
+ end
I18n.t status.locale_key
diff --git a/app/serializers/category_serializer.rb b/app/serializers/category_serializer.rb
index 85f872404..1e0cbf70b 100644
--- a/app/serializers/category_serializer.rb
+++ b/app/serializers/category_serializer.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
class CategorySerializer < BasicCategorySerializer
- attributes :read_restricted, :available_groups, :auto_close_days, :group_permissions, :position
+ attributes :read_restricted, :available_groups, :auto_close_hours, :group_permissions, :position
def group_permissions
@group_permissions ||= begin
diff --git a/config/locales/client.en.yml b/config/locales/client.en.yml
index 73ef1ec7a..3fea4b4ec 100644
--- a/config/locales/client.en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/client.en.yml
@@ -977,7 +977,7 @@ en:
already_used: 'This color has been used by another category'
security: "Security"
auto_close_label: "Auto-close topics after:"
- auto_close_units: "days"
+ auto_close_units: "hours"
edit_permissions: "Edit Permissions"
add_permission: "Add Permission"
this_year: "this year"
diff --git a/config/locales/server.en.yml b/config/locales/server.en.yml
index 29cc0e8d7..7b909a9e4 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.en.yml
@@ -772,10 +772,18 @@ en:
archived_disabled: "This topic is now unarchived. It is no longer frozen, and can be changed."
closed_enabled: "This topic is now closed. New replies are no longer allowed."
closed_disabled: "This topic is now opened. New replies are allowed."
- autoclosed_enabled:
+ autoclosed_enabled_days:
zero: "This topic was automatically closed after 1 day. New replies are no longer allowed."
one: "This topic was automatically closed after 1 day. New replies are no longer allowed."
other: "This topic was automatically closed after %{count} days. New replies are no longer allowed."
+ autoclosed_enabled_hours:
+ zero: "This topic was automatically closed after 1 hour. New replies are no longer allowed."
+ one: "This topic was automatically closed after 1 hour. New replies are no longer allowed."
+ other: "This topic was automatically closed after %{count} hours. New replies are no longer allowed."
+ autoclosed_enabled_minutes:
+ zero: "This topic was automatically closed after 1 minute. New replies are no longer allowed."
+ one: "This topic was automatically closed after 1 minute. New replies are no longer allowed."
+ other: "This topic was automatically closed after %{count} minutes. New replies are no longer allowed."
autoclosed_disabled: "This topic is now opened. New replies are allowed."
pinned_enabled: "This topic is now pinned. It will appear at the top of its category until it is either unpinned by a moderator, or the Clear Pin button is pressed."
pinned_disabled: "This topic is now unpinned. It will no longer appear at the top of its category."
diff --git a/db/migrate/20131206200009_rename_auto_close_days_to_hours.rb b/db/migrate/20131206200009_rename_auto_close_days_to_hours.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a1f550e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrate/20131206200009_rename_auto_close_days_to_hours.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+class RenameAutoCloseDaysToHours < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def up
+ rename_column :categories, :auto_close_days, :auto_close_hours
+ execute "update categories set auto_close_hours = auto_close_hours * 24"
+ end
+ def down
+ rename_column :categories, :auto_close_hours, :auto_close_days
+ execute "update categories set auto_close_days = auto_close_days / 24"
+ end
diff --git a/spec/controllers/categories_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/categories_controller_spec.rb
index fead81681..8af52341c 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/categories_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/categories_controller_spec.rb
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ describe CategoriesController do
xhr :post, :create, name: "hello", color: "ff0", text_color: "fff",
hotness: 2,
- auto_close_days: 3,
+ auto_close_hours: 72,
permissions: {
"everyone" => readonly,
"staff" => create_post
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ describe CategoriesController do
category.name.should == "hello"
category.color.should == "ff0"
category.hotness.should == 2
- category.auto_close_days.should == 3
+ category.auto_close_hours.should == 72
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ describe CategoriesController do
xhr :put, :update, id: @category.id, name: "hello", color: "ff0", text_color: "fff",
hotness: 2,
- auto_close_days: 3,
+ auto_close_hours: 72,
permissions: {
"everyone" => readonly,
"staff" => create_post
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ describe CategoriesController do
@category.name.should == "hello"
@category.color.should == "ff0"
@category.hotness.should == 2
- @category.auto_close_days.should == 3
+ @category.auto_close_hours.should == 72
diff --git a/spec/integration/topic_auto_close_spec.rb b/spec/integration/topic_auto_close_spec.rb
index 7ad05d921..974336392 100644
--- a/spec/integration/topic_auto_close_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/integration/topic_auto_close_spec.rb
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ describe Topic do
context 'category without default auto-close' do
- Given(:category) { Fabricate(:category, auto_close_days: nil) }
+ Given(:category) { Fabricate(:category, auto_close_hours: nil) }
Then { topic.auto_close_at.should be_nil }
And { scheduled_jobs_for(:close_topic).should be_empty }
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ describe Topic do
context 'category has a default auto-close' do
- Given(:category) { Fabricate(:category, auto_close_days: 2.0) }
- Then { topic.auto_close_at.should == 2.days.from_now }
+ Given(:category) { Fabricate(:category, auto_close_hours: 2.0) }
+ Then { topic.auto_close_at.should be_within_one_second_of(2.hours.from_now) }
And { topic.auto_close_started_at.should == Time.zone.now }
And { scheduled_jobs_for(:close_topic, {topic_id: topic.id}).should have(1).job }
And { scheduled_jobs_for(:close_topic, {topic_id: category.topic.id}).should be_empty }
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ describe Topic do
Then { scheduled_jobs_for(:close_topic, {topic_id: regular_user_topic.id, user_id: system_user.id}).should have(1).job }
- context 'auto_close_days of topic was set to 0' do
- Given(:dont_close_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, auto_close_days: 0, category: category) }
+ context 'auto_close_hours of topic was set to 0' do
+ Given(:dont_close_topic) { Fabricate(:topic, auto_close_hours: 0, category: category) }
Then { scheduled_jobs_for(:close_topic).should be_empty }
diff --git a/spec/models/category_spec.rb b/spec/models/category_spec.rb
index 0ad727227..24d932259 100644
--- a/spec/models/category_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/category_spec.rb
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ describe Category do
it "should not set its description topic to auto-close" do
- category = Fabricate(:category, name: 'Closing Topics', auto_close_days: 1)
+ category = Fabricate(:category, name: 'Closing Topics', auto_close_hours: 1)
category.topic.auto_close_at.should be_nil
diff --git a/spec/models/topic_spec.rb b/spec/models/topic_spec.rb
index ba0944fc3..ab4e97f1d 100644
--- a/spec/models/topic_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/topic_spec.rb
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ describe Topic do
it 'puts the autoclose duration in the moderator post' do
@topic.created_at = 7.days.ago
Timecop.freeze(2.days.ago) do
- @topic.set_auto_close(2)
+ @topic.set_auto_close(48)
@topic.update_status(status, true, @user)
expect(@topic.posts.last.raw).to include "closed after 2 days"
@@ -932,8 +932,8 @@ describe Topic do
context 'auto_close_at is set' do
it 'queues a job to close the topic' do
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.now) do
- Jobs.expects(:enqueue_at).with(7.days.from_now, :close_topic, all_of( has_key(:topic_id), has_key(:user_id) ))
- Fabricate(:topic, auto_close_days: 7, user: Fabricate(:admin))
+ Jobs.expects(:enqueue_at).with(7.hours.from_now, :close_topic, all_of( has_key(:topic_id), has_key(:user_id) ))
+ Fabricate(:topic, auto_close_hours: 7, user: Fabricate(:admin))
@@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ describe Topic do
Jobs.expects(:enqueue_at).with do |datetime, job_name, job_args|
job_args[:user_id] == topic_creator.id
- Fabricate(:topic, auto_close_days: 7, user: topic_creator)
+ Fabricate(:topic, auto_close_hours: 7, user: topic_creator)
it 'when auto_close_user_id is set, it will use it as the topic closer' do
@@ -951,19 +951,19 @@ describe Topic do
Jobs.expects(:enqueue_at).with do |datetime, job_name, job_args|
job_args[:user_id] == topic_closer.id
- Fabricate(:topic, auto_close_days: 7, auto_close_user: topic_closer, user: topic_creator)
+ Fabricate(:topic, auto_close_hours: 7, auto_close_user: topic_closer, user: topic_creator)
it "ignores the category's default auto-close" do
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.now) do
- Jobs.expects(:enqueue_at).with(7.days.from_now, :close_topic, all_of( has_key(:topic_id), has_key(:user_id) ))
- Fabricate(:topic, auto_close_days: 7, user: Fabricate(:admin), category_id: Fabricate(:category, auto_close_days: 2).id)
+ Jobs.expects(:enqueue_at).with(7.hours.from_now, :close_topic, all_of( has_key(:topic_id), has_key(:user_id) ))
+ Fabricate(:topic, auto_close_hours: 7, user: Fabricate(:admin), category_id: Fabricate(:category, auto_close_hours: 2).id)
it 'sets the time when auto_close timer starts' do
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.now) do
- topic = Fabricate(:topic, auto_close_days: 7, user: Fabricate(:admin))
+ topic = Fabricate(:topic, auto_close_hours: 7, user: Fabricate(:admin))
expect(topic.auto_close_started_at).to eq(Time.zone.now)
@@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ describe Topic do
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.now) do
mod = Fabricate(:moderator)
# NOTE, only moderators can auto-close, if missing system user is used
- topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: Fabricate(:category, auto_close_days: 14), user: mod)
+ topic = Fabricate(:topic, category: Fabricate(:category, auto_close_hours: 14), user: mod)
Jobs.expects(:enqueue_at).with(12.hours.from_now, :close_topic, has_entries(topic_id: topic.id, user_id: topic.user_id))
topic.auto_close_at = 12.hours.from_now
@@ -1067,25 +1067,25 @@ describe Topic do
- describe "auto_close_days=" do
+ describe "auto_close_hours=" do
subject(:topic) { Fabricate.build(:topic) }
it 'can take a number' do
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.now) do
- topic.auto_close_days = 2
- topic.auto_close_at.should be_within_one_second_of(2.days.from_now)
+ topic.auto_close_hours = 2
+ topic.auto_close_at.should be_within_one_second_of(2.hours.from_now)
it 'can take nil' do
- topic.auto_close_days = nil
+ topic.auto_close_hours = nil
topic.auto_close_at.should be_nil
describe 'set_auto_close' do
let(:topic) { Fabricate.build(:topic) }
- let(:closing_topic) { Fabricate.build(:topic, auto_close_days: 5) }
+ let(:closing_topic) { Fabricate.build(:topic, auto_close_hours: 5) }
let(:admin) { Fabricate.build(:user, id: 123) }
before { Discourse.stubs(:system_user).returns(admin) }