diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/mixins/presence.js b/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/mixins/presence.js
index 3c8ac4b0c..a09bea3d6 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/mixins/presence.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/discourse/mixins/presence.js
@@ -18,16 +18,7 @@ Discourse.Presence = Em.Mixin.create({
@return {Boolean}
blank: function(name) {
- var prop = this[name] || this.get(name);
- if (!prop) return true;
- switch (typeof prop) {
- case "string":
- return prop.trim().length === 0;
- case "object":
- return $.isEmptyObject(prop);
- }
- return false;
+ return Ember.isEmpty(this[name] || this.get(name));
diff --git a/test/javascripts/components/bbcode_test.js b/test/javascripts/components/bbcode_test.js
index b3855cebf..e0fef9c33 100644
--- a/test/javascripts/components/bbcode_test.js
+++ b/test/javascripts/components/bbcode_test.js
@@ -2,40 +2,38 @@
-test('format', function(){
- var format = function(input, expected, text) {
- equal(Discourse.BBCode.format(input), expected, text);
- }
+var format = function(input, expected, text) {
+ equal(Discourse.BBCode.format(input), expected, text);
+test('basic bbcode', function() {
format("[b]strong[/b]", "strong", "bolds text");
format("[i]emphasis[/i]", "emphasis", "italics text");
format("[u]underlined[/u]", "underlined", "underlines text");
format("[s]strikethrough[/s]", "strikethrough", "strikes-through text");
format("[code]\nx++\n[/code]", "
", "makes code into pre");
format("[spoiler]it's a sled[/spoiler]", "it's a sled", "supports spoiler tags");
format("[img]http://eviltrout.com/eviltrout.png[/img]", "
", "links images");
format("[url]http://bettercallsaul.com[/url]", "http://bettercallsaul.com", "supports [url] without a title");
format("[email]eviltrout@mailinator.com[/email]", "eviltrout@mailinator.com", "supports [email] without a title");
- // Lists
+test('lists', function() {
format("[ul][li]option one[/li][/ul]", "", "creates an ul");
format("[ol][li]option one[/li][/ol]", "- option one
", "creates an ol");
- // Color
+test('color', function() {
format("[color=#00f]blue[/color]", "blue", "supports [color=] with a short hex value");
format("[color=#ffff00]yellow[/color]", "yellow", "supports [color=] with a long hex value");
format("[color=red]red[/color]", "red", "supports [color=] with an html color");
format("[color=javascript:alert('wat')]noop[/color]", "noop", "it performs a noop on invalid input");
- // Tags with arguments
+test('tags with arguments', function() {
format("[size=35]BIG[/size]", "BIG", "supports [size=]");
format("[url=http://bettercallsaul.com]better call![/url]", "better call!", "supports [url] with a title");
format("[email=eviltrout@mailinator.com]evil trout[/email]", "evil trout", "supports [email] with a title");
format("[u][i]abc[/i][/u]", "abc", "can nest tags");
format("[b]first[/b] [b]second[/b]", "first second", "can bold two things on the same line");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/javascripts/mixins/presence_test.js b/test/javascripts/mixins/presence_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f6e0816b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/javascripts/mixins/presence_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/*global module:true test:true ok:true visit:true expect:true exists:true count:true */
+var testObj = Em.Object.createWithMixins(Discourse.Presence, {
+ emptyString: "",
+ nonEmptyString: "Evil Trout",
+ emptyArray: [],
+ nonEmptyArray: [1, 2, 3],
+ age: 34,
+test("present", function() {
+ ok(testObj.present('nonEmptyString'), "Non empty strings are present");
+ ok(!testObj.present('emptyString'), "Empty strings are not present");
+ ok(testObj.present('nonEmptyArray'), "Non Empty Arrays are present");
+ ok(!testObj.present('emptyArray'), "Empty arrays are not present");
+ ok(testObj.present('age'), "integers are present");
+test("blank", function() {
+ ok(testObj.blank('emptyString'), "Empty strings are blank");
+ ok(!testObj.blank('nonEmptyString'), "Non empty strings are not blank");
+ ok(testObj.blank('emptyArray'), "Empty arrays are blank");
+ ok(!testObj.blank('nonEmptyArray'), "Non empty arrays are not blank");
+ ok(testObj.blank('missing'), "Missing properties are blank");
\ No newline at end of file