mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 00:50:14 -04:00
Update Ember for CVE-2014-0046.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 189 additions and 181 deletions
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* Portions Copyright 2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license Licensed under MIT license
* See https://raw.github.com/emberjs/ember.js/master/LICENSE
* @version 1.3.2+pre.773be0ec
* @version 1.3.2
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ if (!Ember.testing) {
* Portions Copyright 2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license Licensed under MIT license
* See https://raw.github.com/emberjs/ember.js/master/LICENSE
* @version 1.3.2+pre.773be0ec
* @version 1.3.2
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ var define, requireModule, require, requirejs;
@class Ember
@version 1.3.2+pre.773be0ec
@version 1.3.2
if ('undefined' === typeof Ember) {
@ -313,10 +313,10 @@ Ember.toString = function() { return "Ember"; };
@property VERSION
@type String
@default '1.3.2+pre.773be0ec'
@default '1.3.2'
Ember.VERSION = '1.3.2+pre.773be0ec';
Ember.VERSION = '1.3.2';
Standard environmental variables. You can define these in a global `EmberENV`
@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ Ember.guidFor = function guidFor(obj) {
var META_DESC = Ember.META_DESC = {
var META_DESC = {
writable: true,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
@ -2505,7 +2505,7 @@ ObserverSet.prototype.clear = function() {
(function() {
var META_KEY = Ember.META_KEY,
var metaFor = Ember.meta,
guidFor = Ember.guidFor,
tryFinally = Ember.tryFinally,
sendEvent = Ember.sendEvent,
@ -2536,10 +2536,10 @@ var META_KEY = Ember.META_KEY,
@return {void}
function propertyWillChange(obj, keyName) {
var m = obj[META_KEY],
watching = (m && m.watching[keyName] > 0) || keyName === 'length',
proto = m && m.proto,
desc = m && m.descs[keyName];
var m = metaFor(obj, false),
watching = m.watching[keyName] > 0 || keyName === 'length',
proto = m.proto,
desc = m.descs[keyName];
if (!watching) { return; }
if (proto === obj) { return; }
@ -2566,10 +2566,10 @@ Ember.propertyWillChange = propertyWillChange;
@return {void}
function propertyDidChange(obj, keyName) {
var m = obj[META_KEY],
watching = (m && m.watching[keyName] > 0) || keyName === 'length',
proto = m && m.proto,
desc = m && m.descs[keyName];
var m = metaFor(obj, false),
watching = m.watching[keyName] > 0 || keyName === 'length',
proto = m.proto,
desc = m.descs[keyName];
if (proto === obj) { return; }
@ -2642,7 +2642,7 @@ function chainsWillChange(obj, keyName, m) {
function chainsDidChange(obj, keyName, m, suppressEvents) {
if (!(m && m.hasOwnProperty('chainWatchers') &&
if (!(m.hasOwnProperty('chainWatchers') &&
m.chainWatchers[keyName])) {
@ -3645,11 +3645,11 @@ var metaFor = Ember.meta, // utils.js
o_defineProperty = Ember.platform.defineProperty;
Ember.watchKey = function(obj, keyName, meta) {
Ember.watchKey = function(obj, keyName) {
// can't watch length on Array - it is special...
if (keyName === 'length' && typeOf(obj) === 'array') { return; }
var m = meta || metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
var m = metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
// activate watching first time
if (!watching[keyName]) {
@ -3674,8 +3674,8 @@ Ember.watchKey = function(obj, keyName, meta) {
Ember.unwatchKey = function(obj, keyName, meta) {
var m = meta || metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
Ember.unwatchKey = function(obj, keyName) {
var m = metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
if (watching[keyName] === 1) {
watching[keyName] = 0;
@ -3718,8 +3718,7 @@ var metaFor = Ember.meta, // utils.js
warn = Ember.warn,
watchKey = Ember.watchKey,
unwatchKey = Ember.unwatchKey,
FIRST_KEY = /^([^\.\*]+)/,
FIRST_KEY = /^([^\.\*]+)/;
function firstKey(path) {
return path.match(FIRST_KEY)[0];
@ -3753,24 +3752,24 @@ function addChainWatcher(obj, keyName, node) {
if (!nodes[keyName]) { nodes[keyName] = []; }
watchKey(obj, keyName, m);
watchKey(obj, keyName);
var removeChainWatcher = Ember.removeChainWatcher = function(obj, keyName, node) {
if (!obj || 'object' !== typeof obj) { return; } // nothing to do
var m = obj[META_KEY];
if (m && !m.hasOwnProperty('chainWatchers')) { return; } // nothing to do
var m = metaFor(obj, false);
if (!m.hasOwnProperty('chainWatchers')) { return; } // nothing to do
var nodes = m && m.chainWatchers;
var nodes = m.chainWatchers;
if (nodes && nodes[keyName]) {
if (nodes[keyName]) {
nodes = nodes[keyName];
for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
if (nodes[i] === node) { nodes.splice(i, 1); }
unwatchKey(obj, keyName, m);
unwatchKey(obj, keyName);
// A ChainNode watches a single key on an object. If you provide a starting
@ -3810,14 +3809,14 @@ var ChainNodePrototype = ChainNode.prototype;
function lazyGet(obj, key) {
if (!obj) return undefined;
var meta = obj[META_KEY];
var meta = metaFor(obj, false);
// check if object meant only to be a prototype
if (meta && meta.proto === obj) return undefined;
if (meta.proto === obj) return undefined;
if (key === "@each") return get(obj, key);
// if a CP only return cached value
var desc = meta && meta.descs[key];
var desc = meta.descs[key];
if (desc && desc._cacheable) {
if (key in meta.cache) {
return meta.cache[key];
@ -4029,14 +4028,12 @@ ChainNodePrototype.didChange = function(events) {
Ember.finishChains = function(obj) {
// We only create meta if we really have to
var m = obj[META_KEY], chains = m && m.chains;
var m = metaFor(obj, false), chains = m.chains;
if (chains) {
if (chains.value() !== obj) {
metaFor(obj).chains = chains = chains.copy(obj);
} else {
m.chains = chains = chains.copy(obj);
@ -4058,8 +4055,8 @@ var metaFor = Ember.meta, // utils.js
// get the chains for the current object. If the current object has
// chains inherited from the proto they will be cloned and reconfigured for
// the current object.
function chainsFor(obj, meta) {
var m = meta || metaFor(obj), ret = m.chains;
function chainsFor(obj) {
var m = metaFor(obj), ret = m.chains;
if (!ret) {
ret = m.chains = new ChainNode(null, null, obj);
} else if (ret.value() !== obj) {
@ -4068,26 +4065,26 @@ function chainsFor(obj, meta) {
return ret;
Ember.watchPath = function(obj, keyPath, meta) {
Ember.watchPath = function(obj, keyPath) {
// can't watch length on Array - it is special...
if (keyPath === 'length' && typeOf(obj) === 'array') { return; }
var m = meta || metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
var m = metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
if (!watching[keyPath]) { // activate watching first time
watching[keyPath] = 1;
chainsFor(obj, m).add(keyPath);
} else {
watching[keyPath] = (watching[keyPath] || 0) + 1;
Ember.unwatchPath = function(obj, keyPath, meta) {
var m = meta || metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
Ember.unwatchPath = function(obj, keyPath) {
var m = metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
if (watching[keyPath] === 1) {
watching[keyPath] = 0;
chainsFor(obj, m).remove(keyPath);
} else if (watching[keyPath] > 1) {
@ -4131,14 +4128,14 @@ function isKeyName(path) {
@param obj
@param {String} keyName
Ember.watch = function(obj, _keyPath, m) {
Ember.watch = function(obj, _keyPath) {
// can't watch length on Array - it is special...
if (_keyPath === 'length' && typeOf(obj) === 'array') { return; }
if (isKeyName(_keyPath)) {
watchKey(obj, _keyPath, m);
watchKey(obj, _keyPath);
} else {
watchPath(obj, _keyPath, m);
watchPath(obj, _keyPath);
@ -4149,14 +4146,14 @@ Ember.isWatching = function isWatching(obj, key) {
Ember.watch.flushPending = Ember.flushPendingChains;
Ember.unwatch = function(obj, _keyPath, m) {
Ember.unwatch = function(obj, _keyPath) {
// can't watch length on Array - it is special...
if (_keyPath === 'length' && typeOf(obj) === 'array') { return; }
if (isKeyName(_keyPath)) {
unwatchKey(obj, _keyPath, m);
unwatchKey(obj, _keyPath);
} else {
unwatchPath(obj, _keyPath, m);
unwatchPath(obj, _keyPath);
@ -4171,7 +4168,7 @@ Ember.unwatch = function(obj, _keyPath, m) {
@param obj
Ember.rewatch = function(obj) {
var m = obj[META_KEY], chains = m && m.chains;
var m = metaFor(obj, false), chains = m.chains;
// make sure the object has its own guid.
if (GUID_KEY in obj && !obj.hasOwnProperty(GUID_KEY)) {
@ -4297,7 +4294,7 @@ function addDependentKeys(desc, obj, keyName, meta) {
// Increment the number of times depKey depends on keyName.
keys[keyName] = (keys[keyName] || 0) + 1;
// Watch the depKey
watch(obj, depKey, meta);
watch(obj, depKey);
@ -4316,7 +4313,7 @@ function removeDependentKeys(desc, obj, keyName, meta) {
// Increment the number of times depKey depends on keyName.
keys[keyName] = (keys[keyName] || 0) - 1;
// Watch the depKey
unwatch(obj, depKey, meta);
unwatch(obj, depKey);
@ -4759,8 +4756,7 @@ Ember.computed = function(func) {
@return {Object} the cached value
Ember.cacheFor = function cacheFor(obj, key) {
var meta = obj[META_KEY],
cache = meta && meta.cache;
var cache = metaFor(obj, false).cache;
if (cache && key in cache) {
return cache[key];
@ -7134,13 +7130,11 @@ var Mixin, REQUIRED, Alias,
a_slice = [].slice,
o_create = Ember.create,
defineProperty = Ember.defineProperty,
guidFor = Ember.guidFor,
metaFor = Ember.meta,
guidFor = Ember.guidFor;
function mixinsMeta(obj) {
var m = metaFor(obj, true), ret = m.mixins;
var m = Ember.meta(obj, true), ret = m.mixins;
if (!ret) {
ret = m.mixins = {};
} else if (!m.hasOwnProperty('mixins')) {
@ -7325,7 +7319,7 @@ function mergeMixins(mixins, m, descs, values, base, keys) {
if (props === CONTINUE) { continue; }
if (props) {
meta = metaFor(base);
meta = Ember.meta(base);
if (base.willMergeMixin) { base.willMergeMixin(props); }
concats = concatenatedMixinProperties('concatenatedProperties', props, values, base);
mergings = concatenatedMixinProperties('mergedProperties', props, values, base);
@ -7383,7 +7377,7 @@ function connectBindings(obj, m) {
function finishPartial(obj, m) {
connectBindings(obj, m || metaFor(obj));
connectBindings(obj, m || Ember.meta(obj));
return obj;
@ -7430,7 +7424,7 @@ function replaceObserversAndListeners(obj, key, observerOrListener) {
function applyMixin(obj, mixins, partial) {
var descs = {}, values = {}, m = metaFor(obj),
var descs = {}, values = {}, m = Ember.meta(obj),
key, value, desc, keys = [];
// Go through all mixins and hashes passed in, and:
@ -7642,8 +7636,7 @@ function _detect(curMixin, targetMixin, seen) {
MixinPrototype.detect = function(obj) {
if (!obj) { return false; }
if (obj instanceof Mixin) { return _detect(obj, this, {}); }
var m = obj[META_KEY],
mixins = m && m.mixins;
var mixins = Ember.meta(obj, false).mixins;
if (mixins) {
return !!mixins[guidFor(this)];
@ -7682,8 +7675,7 @@ MixinPrototype.keys = function() {
// returns the mixins currently applied to the specified object
// TODO: Make Ember.mixin
Mixin.mixins = function(obj) {
var m = obj[META_KEY],
mixins = m && m.mixins, ret = [];
var mixins = Ember.meta(obj, false).mixins, ret = [];
if (!mixins) { return ret; }
@ -9579,7 +9571,7 @@ define("rsvp/promise/all",
@method all
@for Ember.RSVP.Promise
@for RSVP.Promise
@param {Array} entries array of promises
@param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise.
Useful for tooling.
@ -12215,7 +12207,6 @@ var set = Ember.set, get = Ember.get,
guidFor = Ember.guidFor,
generateGuid = Ember.generateGuid,
meta = Ember.meta,
rewatch = Ember.rewatch,
finishChains = Ember.finishChains,
sendEvent = Ember.sendEvent,
@ -12909,8 +12900,7 @@ var ClassMixin = Mixin.create({
@param key {String} property name
metaForProperty: function(key) {
var meta = this.proto()[META_KEY],
desc = meta && meta.descs[key];
var desc = meta(this.proto(), false).descs[key];
Ember.assert("metaForProperty() could not find a computed property with key '"+key+"'.", !!desc && desc instanceof Ember.ComputedProperty);
return desc._meta || {};
@ -25403,8 +25393,9 @@ Ember.Component = Ember.View.extend(Ember.TargetActionSupport, {
set(this, 'controller', this);
defaultLayout: function(context, options){
Ember.Handlebars.helpers['yield'].call(context, options);
defaultLayout: function(options){
options.data = {view: options._context};
Ember.Handlebars.helpers['yield'].apply(this, [options]);
// during render, isolate keywords
@ -26510,6 +26501,33 @@ var handlebarsGet = Ember.Handlebars.get = function(root, path, options) {
return value;
This method uses `Ember.Handlebars.get` to lookup a value, then ensures
that the value is escaped properly.
If `unescaped` is a truthy value then the escaping will not be performed.
@method getEscaped
@for Ember.Handlebars
@param {Object} root The object to look up the property on
@param {String} path The path to be lookedup
@param {Object} options The template's option hash
Ember.Handlebars.getEscaped = function(root, path, options) {
var result = handlebarsGet(root, path, options);
if (result === null || result === undefined) {
result = "";
} else if (!(result instanceof Handlebars.SafeString)) {
result = String(result);
if (!options.hash.unescaped){
result = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(result);
return result;
Ember.Handlebars.resolveParams = function(context, params, options) {
var resolvedParams = [], types = options.types, param, type;
@ -27467,6 +27485,7 @@ Ember._HandlebarsBoundView = Ember._MetamorphView.extend({
var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set, fmt = Ember.String.fmt;
var handlebarsGet = Ember.Handlebars.get, normalizePath = Ember.Handlebars.normalizePath;
var handlebarsGetEscaped = Ember.Handlebars.getEscaped;
var forEach = Ember.ArrayPolyfills.forEach;
var o_create = Ember.create;
@ -27476,20 +27495,6 @@ function exists(value) {
return !Ember.isNone(value);
function sanitizedHandlebarsGet(currentContext, property, options) {
var result = handlebarsGet(currentContext, property, options);
if (result === null || result === undefined) {
result = "";
} else if (!(result instanceof Handlebars.SafeString)) {
result = String(result);
if (!options.hash.unescaped){
result = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(result);
return result;
// Binds a property into the DOM. This will create a hook in DOM that the
// KVO system will look for and update if the property changes.
function bind(property, options, preserveContext, shouldDisplay, valueNormalizer, childProperties) {
@ -27560,7 +27565,7 @@ function bind(property, options, preserveContext, shouldDisplay, valueNormalizer
} else {
// The object is not observable, so just render it out and
// be done with it.
data.buffer.push(handlebarsGet(currentContext, property, options));
data.buffer.push(handlebarsGetEscaped(currentContext, property, options));
@ -27581,7 +27586,7 @@ function simpleBind(currentContext, property, options) {
Ember.run.once(view, 'rerender');
output = sanitizedHandlebarsGet(currentContext, property, options);
output = handlebarsGetEscaped(currentContext, property, options);
} else {
@ -27607,8 +27612,7 @@ function simpleBind(currentContext, property, options) {
} else {
// The object is not observable, so just render it out and
// be done with it.
output = sanitizedHandlebarsGet(currentContext, property, options);
output = handlebarsGetEscaped(currentContext, property, options);
@ -36178,7 +36182,7 @@ Ember.onLoad('Ember.Handlebars', function(Handlebars) {
if (linkType === 'ID') {
options.linkTextPath = linkTitle;
options.fn = function() {
return Ember.Handlebars.get(context, linkTitle, options);
return Ember.Handlebars.getEscaped(context, linkTitle, options);
} else {
options.fn = function() {
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* Portions Copyright 2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license Licensed under MIT license
* See https://raw.github.com/emberjs/ember.js/master/LICENSE
* @version 1.3.2+pre.773be0ec
* @version 1.3.2
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ var define, requireModule, require, requirejs;
@class Ember
@version 1.3.2+pre.773be0ec
@version 1.3.2
if ('undefined' === typeof Ember) {
@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ Ember.toString = function() { return "Ember"; };
@property VERSION
@type String
@default '1.3.2+pre.773be0ec'
@default '1.3.2'
Ember.VERSION = '1.3.2+pre.773be0ec';
Ember.VERSION = '1.3.2';
Standard environmental variables. You can define these in a global `EmberENV`
@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ Ember.guidFor = function guidFor(obj) {
var META_DESC = Ember.META_DESC = {
var META_DESC = {
writable: true,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
@ -2302,7 +2302,7 @@ ObserverSet.prototype.clear = function() {
(function() {
var META_KEY = Ember.META_KEY,
var metaFor = Ember.meta,
guidFor = Ember.guidFor,
tryFinally = Ember.tryFinally,
sendEvent = Ember.sendEvent,
@ -2333,10 +2333,10 @@ var META_KEY = Ember.META_KEY,
@return {void}
function propertyWillChange(obj, keyName) {
var m = obj[META_KEY],
watching = (m && m.watching[keyName] > 0) || keyName === 'length',
proto = m && m.proto,
desc = m && m.descs[keyName];
var m = metaFor(obj, false),
watching = m.watching[keyName] > 0 || keyName === 'length',
proto = m.proto,
desc = m.descs[keyName];
if (!watching) { return; }
if (proto === obj) { return; }
@ -2363,10 +2363,10 @@ Ember.propertyWillChange = propertyWillChange;
@return {void}
function propertyDidChange(obj, keyName) {
var m = obj[META_KEY],
watching = (m && m.watching[keyName] > 0) || keyName === 'length',
proto = m && m.proto,
desc = m && m.descs[keyName];
var m = metaFor(obj, false),
watching = m.watching[keyName] > 0 || keyName === 'length',
proto = m.proto,
desc = m.descs[keyName];
if (proto === obj) { return; }
@ -2439,7 +2439,7 @@ function chainsWillChange(obj, keyName, m) {
function chainsDidChange(obj, keyName, m, suppressEvents) {
if (!(m && m.hasOwnProperty('chainWatchers') &&
if (!(m.hasOwnProperty('chainWatchers') &&
m.chainWatchers[keyName])) {
@ -3437,11 +3437,11 @@ var metaFor = Ember.meta, // utils.js
o_defineProperty = Ember.platform.defineProperty;
Ember.watchKey = function(obj, keyName, meta) {
Ember.watchKey = function(obj, keyName) {
// can't watch length on Array - it is special...
if (keyName === 'length' && typeOf(obj) === 'array') { return; }
var m = meta || metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
var m = metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
// activate watching first time
if (!watching[keyName]) {
@ -3466,8 +3466,8 @@ Ember.watchKey = function(obj, keyName, meta) {
Ember.unwatchKey = function(obj, keyName, meta) {
var m = meta || metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
Ember.unwatchKey = function(obj, keyName) {
var m = metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
if (watching[keyName] === 1) {
watching[keyName] = 0;
@ -3510,8 +3510,7 @@ var metaFor = Ember.meta, // utils.js
warn = Ember.warn,
watchKey = Ember.watchKey,
unwatchKey = Ember.unwatchKey,
FIRST_KEY = /^([^\.\*]+)/,
FIRST_KEY = /^([^\.\*]+)/;
function firstKey(path) {
return path.match(FIRST_KEY)[0];
@ -3545,24 +3544,24 @@ function addChainWatcher(obj, keyName, node) {
if (!nodes[keyName]) { nodes[keyName] = []; }
watchKey(obj, keyName, m);
watchKey(obj, keyName);
var removeChainWatcher = Ember.removeChainWatcher = function(obj, keyName, node) {
if (!obj || 'object' !== typeof obj) { return; } // nothing to do
var m = obj[META_KEY];
if (m && !m.hasOwnProperty('chainWatchers')) { return; } // nothing to do
var m = metaFor(obj, false);
if (!m.hasOwnProperty('chainWatchers')) { return; } // nothing to do
var nodes = m && m.chainWatchers;
var nodes = m.chainWatchers;
if (nodes && nodes[keyName]) {
if (nodes[keyName]) {
nodes = nodes[keyName];
for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
if (nodes[i] === node) { nodes.splice(i, 1); }
unwatchKey(obj, keyName, m);
unwatchKey(obj, keyName);
// A ChainNode watches a single key on an object. If you provide a starting
@ -3602,14 +3601,14 @@ var ChainNodePrototype = ChainNode.prototype;
function lazyGet(obj, key) {
if (!obj) return undefined;
var meta = obj[META_KEY];
var meta = metaFor(obj, false);
// check if object meant only to be a prototype
if (meta && meta.proto === obj) return undefined;
if (meta.proto === obj) return undefined;
if (key === "@each") return get(obj, key);
// if a CP only return cached value
var desc = meta && meta.descs[key];
var desc = meta.descs[key];
if (desc && desc._cacheable) {
if (key in meta.cache) {
return meta.cache[key];
@ -3821,14 +3820,12 @@ ChainNodePrototype.didChange = function(events) {
Ember.finishChains = function(obj) {
// We only create meta if we really have to
var m = obj[META_KEY], chains = m && m.chains;
var m = metaFor(obj, false), chains = m.chains;
if (chains) {
if (chains.value() !== obj) {
metaFor(obj).chains = chains = chains.copy(obj);
} else {
m.chains = chains = chains.copy(obj);
@ -3850,8 +3847,8 @@ var metaFor = Ember.meta, // utils.js
// get the chains for the current object. If the current object has
// chains inherited from the proto they will be cloned and reconfigured for
// the current object.
function chainsFor(obj, meta) {
var m = meta || metaFor(obj), ret = m.chains;
function chainsFor(obj) {
var m = metaFor(obj), ret = m.chains;
if (!ret) {
ret = m.chains = new ChainNode(null, null, obj);
} else if (ret.value() !== obj) {
@ -3860,26 +3857,26 @@ function chainsFor(obj, meta) {
return ret;
Ember.watchPath = function(obj, keyPath, meta) {
Ember.watchPath = function(obj, keyPath) {
// can't watch length on Array - it is special...
if (keyPath === 'length' && typeOf(obj) === 'array') { return; }
var m = meta || metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
var m = metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
if (!watching[keyPath]) { // activate watching first time
watching[keyPath] = 1;
chainsFor(obj, m).add(keyPath);
} else {
watching[keyPath] = (watching[keyPath] || 0) + 1;
Ember.unwatchPath = function(obj, keyPath, meta) {
var m = meta || metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
Ember.unwatchPath = function(obj, keyPath) {
var m = metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
if (watching[keyPath] === 1) {
watching[keyPath] = 0;
chainsFor(obj, m).remove(keyPath);
} else if (watching[keyPath] > 1) {
@ -3923,14 +3920,14 @@ function isKeyName(path) {
@param obj
@param {String} keyName
Ember.watch = function(obj, _keyPath, m) {
Ember.watch = function(obj, _keyPath) {
// can't watch length on Array - it is special...
if (_keyPath === 'length' && typeOf(obj) === 'array') { return; }
if (isKeyName(_keyPath)) {
watchKey(obj, _keyPath, m);
watchKey(obj, _keyPath);
} else {
watchPath(obj, _keyPath, m);
watchPath(obj, _keyPath);
@ -3941,14 +3938,14 @@ Ember.isWatching = function isWatching(obj, key) {
Ember.watch.flushPending = Ember.flushPendingChains;
Ember.unwatch = function(obj, _keyPath, m) {
Ember.unwatch = function(obj, _keyPath) {
// can't watch length on Array - it is special...
if (_keyPath === 'length' && typeOf(obj) === 'array') { return; }
if (isKeyName(_keyPath)) {
unwatchKey(obj, _keyPath, m);
unwatchKey(obj, _keyPath);
} else {
unwatchPath(obj, _keyPath, m);
unwatchPath(obj, _keyPath);
@ -3963,7 +3960,7 @@ Ember.unwatch = function(obj, _keyPath, m) {
@param obj
Ember.rewatch = function(obj) {
var m = obj[META_KEY], chains = m && m.chains;
var m = metaFor(obj, false), chains = m.chains;
// make sure the object has its own guid.
if (GUID_KEY in obj && !obj.hasOwnProperty(GUID_KEY)) {
@ -4088,7 +4085,7 @@ function addDependentKeys(desc, obj, keyName, meta) {
// Increment the number of times depKey depends on keyName.
keys[keyName] = (keys[keyName] || 0) + 1;
// Watch the depKey
watch(obj, depKey, meta);
watch(obj, depKey);
@ -4107,7 +4104,7 @@ function removeDependentKeys(desc, obj, keyName, meta) {
// Increment the number of times depKey depends on keyName.
keys[keyName] = (keys[keyName] || 0) - 1;
// Watch the depKey
unwatch(obj, depKey, meta);
unwatch(obj, depKey);
@ -4550,8 +4547,7 @@ Ember.computed = function(func) {
@return {Object} the cached value
Ember.cacheFor = function cacheFor(obj, key) {
var meta = obj[META_KEY],
cache = meta && meta.cache;
var cache = metaFor(obj, false).cache;
if (cache && key in cache) {
return cache[key];
@ -6922,13 +6918,11 @@ var Mixin, REQUIRED, Alias,
a_slice = [].slice,
o_create = Ember.create,
defineProperty = Ember.defineProperty,
guidFor = Ember.guidFor,
metaFor = Ember.meta,
guidFor = Ember.guidFor;
function mixinsMeta(obj) {
var m = metaFor(obj, true), ret = m.mixins;
var m = Ember.meta(obj, true), ret = m.mixins;
if (!ret) {
ret = m.mixins = {};
} else if (!m.hasOwnProperty('mixins')) {
@ -7111,7 +7105,7 @@ function mergeMixins(mixins, m, descs, values, base, keys) {
if (props === CONTINUE) { continue; }
if (props) {
meta = metaFor(base);
meta = Ember.meta(base);
if (base.willMergeMixin) { base.willMergeMixin(props); }
concats = concatenatedMixinProperties('concatenatedProperties', props, values, base);
mergings = concatenatedMixinProperties('mergedProperties', props, values, base);
@ -7169,7 +7163,7 @@ function connectBindings(obj, m) {
function finishPartial(obj, m) {
connectBindings(obj, m || metaFor(obj));
connectBindings(obj, m || Ember.meta(obj));
return obj;
@ -7216,7 +7210,7 @@ function replaceObserversAndListeners(obj, key, observerOrListener) {
function applyMixin(obj, mixins, partial) {
var descs = {}, values = {}, m = metaFor(obj),
var descs = {}, values = {}, m = Ember.meta(obj),
key, value, desc, keys = [];
// Go through all mixins and hashes passed in, and:
@ -7426,8 +7420,7 @@ function _detect(curMixin, targetMixin, seen) {
MixinPrototype.detect = function(obj) {
if (!obj) { return false; }
if (obj instanceof Mixin) { return _detect(obj, this, {}); }
var m = obj[META_KEY],
mixins = m && m.mixins;
var mixins = Ember.meta(obj, false).mixins;
if (mixins) {
return !!mixins[guidFor(this)];
@ -7466,8 +7459,7 @@ MixinPrototype.keys = function() {
// returns the mixins currently applied to the specified object
// TODO: Make Ember.mixin
Mixin.mixins = function(obj) {
var m = obj[META_KEY],
mixins = m && m.mixins, ret = [];
var mixins = Ember.meta(obj, false).mixins, ret = [];
if (!mixins) { return ret; }
@ -9361,7 +9353,7 @@ define("rsvp/promise/all",
@method all
@for Ember.RSVP.Promise
@for RSVP.Promise
@param {Array} entries array of promises
@param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise.
Useful for tooling.
@ -11994,7 +11986,6 @@ var set = Ember.set, get = Ember.get,
guidFor = Ember.guidFor,
generateGuid = Ember.generateGuid,
meta = Ember.meta,
rewatch = Ember.rewatch,
finishChains = Ember.finishChains,
sendEvent = Ember.sendEvent,
@ -12682,8 +12673,7 @@ var ClassMixin = Mixin.create({
@param key {String} property name
metaForProperty: function(key) {
var meta = this.proto()[META_KEY],
desc = meta && meta.descs[key];
var desc = meta(this.proto(), false).descs[key];
return desc._meta || {};
@ -25122,8 +25112,9 @@ Ember.Component = Ember.View.extend(Ember.TargetActionSupport, {
set(this, 'controller', this);
defaultLayout: function(context, options){
Ember.Handlebars.helpers['yield'].call(context, options);
defaultLayout: function(options){
options.data = {view: options._context};
Ember.Handlebars.helpers['yield'].apply(this, [options]);
// during render, isolate keywords
@ -26212,6 +26203,33 @@ var handlebarsGet = Ember.Handlebars.get = function(root, path, options) {
return value;
This method uses `Ember.Handlebars.get` to lookup a value, then ensures
that the value is escaped properly.
If `unescaped` is a truthy value then the escaping will not be performed.
@method getEscaped
@for Ember.Handlebars
@param {Object} root The object to look up the property on
@param {String} path The path to be lookedup
@param {Object} options The template's option hash
Ember.Handlebars.getEscaped = function(root, path, options) {
var result = handlebarsGet(root, path, options);
if (result === null || result === undefined) {
result = "";
} else if (!(result instanceof Handlebars.SafeString)) {
result = String(result);
if (!options.hash.unescaped){
result = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(result);
return result;
Ember.Handlebars.resolveParams = function(context, params, options) {
var resolvedParams = [], types = options.types, param, type;
@ -27162,6 +27180,7 @@ Ember._HandlebarsBoundView = Ember._MetamorphView.extend({
var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set, fmt = Ember.String.fmt;
var handlebarsGet = Ember.Handlebars.get, normalizePath = Ember.Handlebars.normalizePath;
var handlebarsGetEscaped = Ember.Handlebars.getEscaped;
var forEach = Ember.ArrayPolyfills.forEach;
var o_create = Ember.create;
@ -27171,20 +27190,6 @@ function exists(value) {
return !Ember.isNone(value);
function sanitizedHandlebarsGet(currentContext, property, options) {
var result = handlebarsGet(currentContext, property, options);
if (result === null || result === undefined) {
result = "";
} else if (!(result instanceof Handlebars.SafeString)) {
result = String(result);
if (!options.hash.unescaped){
result = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(result);
return result;
// Binds a property into the DOM. This will create a hook in DOM that the
// KVO system will look for and update if the property changes.
function bind(property, options, preserveContext, shouldDisplay, valueNormalizer, childProperties) {
@ -27255,7 +27260,7 @@ function bind(property, options, preserveContext, shouldDisplay, valueNormalizer
} else {
// The object is not observable, so just render it out and
// be done with it.
data.buffer.push(handlebarsGet(currentContext, property, options));
data.buffer.push(handlebarsGetEscaped(currentContext, property, options));
@ -27276,7 +27281,7 @@ function simpleBind(currentContext, property, options) {
Ember.run.once(view, 'rerender');
output = sanitizedHandlebarsGet(currentContext, property, options);
output = handlebarsGetEscaped(currentContext, property, options);
} else {
@ -27302,8 +27307,7 @@ function simpleBind(currentContext, property, options) {
} else {
// The object is not observable, so just render it out and
// be done with it.
output = sanitizedHandlebarsGet(currentContext, property, options);
output = handlebarsGetEscaped(currentContext, property, options);
@ -35799,7 +35803,7 @@ Ember.onLoad('Ember.Handlebars', function(Handlebars) {
if (linkType === 'ID') {
options.linkTextPath = linkTitle;
options.fn = function() {
return Ember.Handlebars.get(context, linkTitle, options);
return Ember.Handlebars.getEscaped(context, linkTitle, options);
} else {
options.fn = function() {
Reference in a new issue