diff --git a/test/javascripts/lib/emoji-test.js.es6 b/test/javascripts/lib/emoji-test.js.es6
index fcf2c92ee..c141ba444 100644
--- a/test/javascripts/lib/emoji-test.js.es6
+++ b/test/javascripts/lib/emoji-test.js.es6
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ test("Emoji.unescape", function(){
testUnescape("Not emoji :O) :frog) :smile)", "Not emoji :O) :frog) :smile)", "title without emoji");
testUnescape("Not emoji :frog :smile", "Not emoji :frog :smile", "end colon is not optional");
- testUnescape("emoticons :)", "emoticons
", "emoticons are still supported");
+ testUnescape("emoticons :)", "emoticons
", "emoticons are still supported");
testUnescape("With emoji :O: :frog: :smile:",
"With emoji
"title with emoji");
testUnescape("a:smile:a", "a:smile:a", "word characters not allowed next to emoji");
- testUnescape("(:frog:) :)", "(
", "non-word characters allowed next to emoji");
+ testUnescape("(:frog:) :)", "(
", "non-word characters allowed next to emoji");
testUnescape(":smile: hi", "
hi", "start of line");
testUnescape("hi :smile:", "hi
", "end of line");
diff --git a/test/javascripts/models/topic-test.js.es6 b/test/javascripts/models/topic-test.js.es6
index 3aab0b415..bd18bcf0d 100644
--- a/test/javascripts/models/topic-test.js.es6
+++ b/test/javascripts/models/topic-test.js.es6
@@ -76,6 +76,6 @@ test("recover", function() {
test('fancyTitle', function() {
var topic = Topic.create({ fancy_title: ":smile: with all :) the emojis :pear::peach:" });
- "
with all
the emojis 
+ "
with all
the emojis 
"supports emojis");