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synced 2025-03-22 04:45:46 -04:00
Merge pull request #1067 from adkron/feature/supress_to_suppress
Correct spelling of suppress
This commit is contained in:
20 changed files with 30 additions and 21 deletions
@ -262,8 +262,8 @@ Discourse.Post = Discourse.Model.extend({
// We don't show replies if there aren't any
if (reply_count === 0) return false;
// Always show replies if the setting `supress_reply_directly_below` is false.
if (!Discourse.SiteSettings.supress_reply_directly_below) return true;
// Always show replies if the setting `suppress_reply_directly_below` is false.
if (!Discourse.SiteSettings.suppress_reply_directly_below) return true;
// Always show replies if there's more than one
if (reply_count > 1) return true;
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ class PostAction < ActiveRecord::Base
sql.where2 "post_action_type_id in (:flag_types)", flag_types: PostActionType.notify_flag_type_ids
# it may make sense to add a view that shows flags on deleted posts,
# we don't clear the flags on post deletion, just supress counts
# we don't clear the flags on post deletion, just suppress counts
if filter == 'old'
sql.where2 "deleted_at is not null OR defer = true"
sql.order_by "max desc"
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class SiteSetting < ActiveRecord::Base
client_setting(:allow_uncategorized_topics, true)
client_setting(:min_search_term_length, 3)
client_setting(:flush_timings_secs, 5)
client_setting(:supress_reply_directly_below, true)
client_setting(:suppress_reply_directly_below, true)
client_setting(:email_domains_blacklist, 'mailinator.com')
client_setting(:version_checks, true)
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ cs:
posts_per_page: "Kolik příspěvků je zobrazeno ve stránce tématu"
system_username: "Uživatelské jméno, za které se zasílají automatické soukromé zprávy"
send_welcome_message: "Mají noví uživatelé obdržet uvítací soukromou zprávu?"
supress_reply_directly_below: "Nezobrazovat počet odpovědí, pokud existuje jen jediná odpověď hned pod příspěvkem"
suppress_reply_directly_below: "Nezobrazovat počet odpovědí, pokud existuje jen jediná odpověď hned pod příspěvkem"
allow_index_in_robots_txt: "Povolit robotům indexaci tohoto webu (aktualizuje robots.txt)"
email_domains_blacklist: "Seznam domén, jejichž emailové adresy nebudou přijímány, oddělený znakem '|'. Příklad: mailinator.com|trashmail.net"
email_domains_whitelist: "Seznam domén, ze kterých bude povolena registrace, oddělený znamek '|'. POZOR: Emailové adresy z jiných než z těchto domén nebudou přijímány."
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ da:
posts_per_page: "How many posts are returned on a topic page"
system_username: "Username for the author of automated private messages sent by the forum"
send_welcome_message: "Do new users get a welcome private message?"
supress_reply_directly_below: "Don't show reply count on a post when there is a single reply directly below"
suppress_reply_directly_below: "Don't show reply count on a post when there is a single reply directly below"
allow_index_in_robots_txt: "Site should be indexed by search engines (update robots.txt)"
email_domains_blacklist: "A pipe-delimited list of email domains that are not allowed. Example: mailinator.com|trashmail.net"
version_checks: "Ping the Discourse Hub for version updates and show version messages on the /admin dashboard"
@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ de:
posts_per_page: "Zahl der Beiträge, die auf einer Themenseite gezeigt werden."
system_username: "Benutzername des Autors für automatisch vom Forum versendete private Nachrichten."
send_welcome_message: "Bekommen neue Nutzer eine Willkommensnachricht?"
supress_reply_directly_below: "Zeige die Zahl der Antworten auf einen Beitrag nicht, falls die einzige Antwort direkt darauf folgt."
suppress_reply_directly_below: "Zeige die Zahl der Antworten auf einen Beitrag nicht, falls die einzige Antwort direkt darauf folgt."
allow_index_in_robots_txt: "Diese Seite soll durch Suchmaschinen indiziert werden (aktualisiert robots.txt)."
email_domains_blacklist: "Eine durch senkrechte Striche getrennte Liste von unerlaubten Maildomains. Beispiel: mailinator.com|trashmail.net"
email_domains_whitelist: "Eine durch senkrechte Striche getrennte Liste von erlaubte Maildomains. WARNUNG: Benutzer mit Mailadressen anderer Domains können sich nicht registrieren."
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ en:
posts_per_page: "How many posts are returned on a topic page"
system_username: "Username for the author of automated private messages sent by the forum"
send_welcome_message: "Do new users get a welcome private message?"
supress_reply_directly_below: "Don't show reply count on a post when there is a single reply directly below"
suppress_reply_directly_below: "Don't show reply count on a post when there is a single reply directly below"
allow_index_in_robots_txt: "Site should be indexed by search engines (update robots.txt)"
email_domains_blacklist: "A pipe-delimited list of email domains that are not allowed. Example: mailinator.com|trashmail.net"
email_domains_whitelist: "A pipe-delimited list of email domains that users may register with. WARNING: Users with email domains other than those listed will not be allowed."
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ es:
posts_per_page: "Cuantos posts son devueltos en una página de topic"
system_username: "Nombre de usuario para el autor de mensajes privados enviados por el foro"
send_welcome_message: "¿Reciben los nuevos usuarios un mensaje privado de bienvenida?"
supress_reply_directly_below: "No mostrar el contador de respuestas en un pot cuando una única respuesta directamente debajo"
suppress_reply_directly_below: "No mostrar el contador de respuestas en un pot cuando una única respuesta directamente debajo"
allow_index_in_robots_txt: "Permitir que el sitio sea indexado por motores de búsqueda (sobreescribe robots.txt)"
email_domains_blacklist: "Una lista delimitada por pipes (|) de dominios de mails que nos son permitirdos, pej:mailinator.com|trashmail.net"
version_checks: "Ping el 'Discourse Hub' para actualizaciones de versión y mostrar mensajes del número de versión en el dashboard /admin"
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ fr:
posts_per_page: "Nombre de messages retournés sur une page de discussion"
system_username: "Pseudo qui envoie les messages automatiques"
send_welcome_message: "Les nouveaux utilisateurs reçoivent-ils un message privé de bienvenue ?"
supress_reply_directly_below: "Ne pas afficher les boutons de réponse sous un message lorsque la réponse est juste en dessous"
suppress_reply_directly_below: "Ne pas afficher les boutons de réponse sous un message lorsque la réponse est juste en dessous"
allow_index_in_robots_txt: "Le site doit-être indexé par les moteurs de recherche (met à jour le fichier robots.txt)"
email_domains_blacklist: "Liste des domaines d'email interdits, délimités par un pipe. Exemple: mailinator.com|trashmail.net"
email_domains_whitelist: "Liste des domaines d'email autorisés, délimités par un pipe. ATTENTION : les utilisateurs ayant un email sur un autre domaine ne pourrons pas s'enregistrer."
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ id:
posts_per_page: "How many posts are returned on a topic page"
system_username: "Username for the author of automated private messages sent by the forum"
send_welcome_message: "Do new users get a welcome private message?"
supress_reply_directly_below: "Don't show reply count on a post when there is a single reply directly below"
suppress_reply_directly_below: "Don't show reply count on a post when there is a single reply directly below"
allow_index_in_robots_txt: "Site should be indexed by search engines (update robots.txt)"
email_domains_blacklist: "A pipe-delimited list of email domains that are not allowed. Example: mailinator.com|trashmail.net"
version_checks: "Ping the Discourse Hub for version updates and show version messages on the /admin dashboard"
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ it:
posts_per_page: "Quanti post vengono restituiti in una pagina di un topic"
system_username: "Username dell'autore dei messaggi privati automatizzati spediti dal forum"
send_welcome_message: "I nuovi utenti ricevono un messaggio di benvenuto?"
supress_reply_directly_below: "Non mostrare il numero di risposte ad un post quando c'è una singola risposta appena sotto"
suppress_reply_directly_below: "Non mostrare il numero di risposte ad un post quando c'è una singola risposta appena sotto"
allow_index_in_robots_txt: "Il sito è indicizzabile dai motori di ricerta (aggiorna robots.txt)"
email_domains_blacklist: Lista di domini separati da pipe (\"|\"). Gli indirizzi email appartenenti a questi domini non saranno autorizzati. Esempio mailinator.com|trashmail.net"
email_domains_whitelist: "Lista di domini separati da pipe (\"|\"). Gli utenti saranno autorizzati a registrarsi SOLO con questi domini. ATTENZIONE: Utenti con indirizzi email diversi da quelli listati non saranno accettati."
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ nl:
trust_level_2: "trust_level_2"
trust_level_3: "trust_level_3"
trust_level_4: "trust_level_4"
trust_level_5: "trust_level_5"
trust_level_5: "trust_level_5"
@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ nl:
posts_per_page: "Hoeveel berichten er worden weergeven op een topic-pagina"
system_username: "Vanuit welke gebruikersnaam systeemberichten worden verstuurd"
send_welcome_message: "Krijgen nieuwe leden een welkomst-privé-bericht?"
supress_reply_directly_below: "Laat geen reactieknop zien onder een bericht waarbij de reactie direct onder het bericht zal worden gemaakt"
suppress_reply_directly_below: "Laat geen reactieknop zien onder een bericht waarbij de reactie direct onder het bericht zal worden gemaakt"
allow_index_in_robots_txt: "De site zou geïndexeerd mogen worden door zoekmachines (update robots.txt)"
email_domains_blacklist: "Een lijst met e-maildomeinen gescheiden door een |-teken van domeinen die niet worden toegestaan. Voorbeeld: mailinator.com|trashmail.net"
email_domains_whitelist: "Een lijst met e-maildomeinen gescheiden door een |-teken van domeinen die wel worden toegestaan. N.B.: als je hier iets opgeeft, zijn andere domeinen NIET toegestaan."
@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ pseudo:
system_username: '[[ Ůšéřɳáɱé ƒóř ťĥé áůťĥóř óƒ áůťóɱáťéď ƿříνáťé ɱéššáǧéš šéɳť
ƀý ťĥé ƒóřůɱ ]]'
send_welcome_message: '[[ Ďó ɳéŵ ůšéřš ǧéť á ŵéłčóɱé ƿříνáťé ɱéššáǧé? ]]'
supress_reply_directly_below: '[[ Ďóɳ''ť šĥóŵ řéƿłý čóůɳť óɳ á ƿóšť ŵĥéɳ ťĥéřé
suppress_reply_directly_below: '[[ Ďóɳ''ť šĥóŵ řéƿłý čóůɳť óɳ á ƿóšť ŵĥéɳ ťĥéřé
íš á šíɳǧłé řéƿłý ďířéčťłý ƀéłóŵ ]]'
allow_index_in_robots_txt: '[[ Šíťé šĥóůłď ƀé íɳďéхéď ƀý šéářčĥ éɳǧíɳéš (ůƿďáťé
řóƀóťš.ťхť) ]]'
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ pt:
posts_per_page: "How many posts are returned on a topic page"
system_username: "Username that sends system messages"
send_welcome_message: "Do new users get a welcome private message?"
supress_reply_directly_below: "Don't show replies button below a post when the reply is directly below"
suppress_reply_directly_below: "Don't show replies button below a post when the reply is directly below"
allow_index_in_robots_txt: "Site should be indexed by search engines (update robots.txt)"
email_domains_blacklist: "A pipe-delimited list of email domains that are not allowed. Example: mailinator.com|trashmail.net"
@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ ru:
posts_per_page: Количество сообщений, показываемых на странице темы
system_username: Никнейм автора автоматических личных сообщений, рассылаемых форумом
send_welcome_message: Будут ли новые пользователи получать приветственное личное сообщение?
supress_reply_directly_below: Не показывать количество ответов на сообщение, если есть хотя бы один ответ непосредственно ниже.
suppress_reply_directly_below: Не показывать количество ответов на сообщение, если есть хотя бы один ответ непосредственно ниже.
allow_index_in_robots_txt: Сайт должен индексироваться поисковыми машинами (обновите robots.txt)
email_domains_blacklist: 'Разделенный чертой список недопустимых почтовых доменов. Пример: mailinator.com|trashmail.net'
email_domains_whitelist: 'Разделенный чертой список почтовых доменов, которые пользователь может использовать при регистрации. ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Пользователи с почтовыми доменами, отличными от указанных, не смогут зарегистрироваться.'
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ sv:
posts_per_page: "How many posts are returned on a topic page"
system_username: "Username for the author of automated private messages sent by the forum"
send_welcome_message: "Do new users get a welcome private message?"
supress_reply_directly_below: "Don't show reply count on a post when there is a single reply directly below"
suppress_reply_directly_below: "Don't show reply count on a post when there is a single reply directly below"
allow_index_in_robots_txt: "Site should be indexed by search engines (update robots.txt)"
email_domains_blacklist: "A pipe-delimited list of email domains that are not allowed. Example: mailinator.com|trashmail.net"
email_domains_whitelist: "A pipe-delimited list of email domains that users may register with. WARNING: Users with email domains other than those listed will not be allowed."
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ zh_CN:
posts_per_page: "在主题页面,返回多少个帖子"
system_username: "论坛给用户发送自动私信时使用的用户名"
send_welcome_message: "给新用户发送欢迎私信?"
supress_reply_directly_below: "当一个帖子只有一个回复时,不显示帖子回复数量"
suppress_reply_directly_below: "当一个帖子只有一个回复时,不显示帖子回复数量"
allow_index_in_robots_txt: "允许搜索引擎索引站点内容(更新 robots.txt)"
email_domains_blacklist: "将一列竖线分隔的邮箱域名放入黑名单,例如:mailinator.com|trashmail.net"
email_domains_whitelist: "竖线 | 分隔的电子邮箱域名,用户只能使用这些邮箱域名注册。注意:用户使用不包含在这个列表里的邮箱域名,将无法成功注册。"
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ zh_TW:
posts_per_page: "在主題頁面,返回多少個帖子"
system_username: "論壇給用戶發送自動私信時使用的用戶名"
send_welcome_message: "給新用戶發送歡迎私信?"
supress_reply_directly_below: "當一個帖子只有一個回複時,不顯示帖子回複數量"
suppress_reply_directly_below: "當一個帖子只有一個回複時,不顯示帖子回複數量"
allow_index_in_robots_txt: "允許搜索引擎索引站點內容(更新 robots.txt)"
email_domains_blacklist: "將一列豎線分隔的郵箱域名放入黑名單,例如:mailinator.com|trashmail.net"
email_domains_whitelist: "豎線 | 分隔的電子郵箱域名,用戶只能使用這些郵箱域名注冊。注意:用戶使用不包含在這個列表裏的郵箱域名,將無法成功注冊。"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
class ChangeSupressToSuppress < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
SiteSetting.update_all({name: "supress_reply_directly_below"}, name: "suppress_reply_directly_below")
def down
SiteSetting.update_all({name: "suppress_reply_directly_below"}, name: "supress_reply_directly_below")
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
/*jshint maxlen:10000000 */
Discourse.SiteSettings = {"title":"Discourse Meta","logo_url":"/assets/logo.png","logo_small_url":"/assets/logo-single.png","traditional_markdown_linebreaks":false,"top_menu":"latest|new|unread|read|favorited|categories","post_menu":"like|edit|flag|delete|share|bookmark|reply","share_links":"twitter|facebook|google+|email","track_external_right_clicks":false,"must_approve_users":false,"ga_tracking_code":"UA-33736483-2","ga_domain_name":"","enable_long_polling":true,"polling_interval":3000,"anon_polling_interval":30000,"min_post_length":20,"max_post_length":16000,"min_topic_title_length":15,"max_topic_title_length":255,"min_private_message_title_length":2,"allow_uncategorized_topics":true,"min_search_term_length":3,"flush_timings_secs":5,"supress_reply_directly_below":true,"email_domains_blacklist":"mailinator.com","email_domains_whitelist":null,"version_checks":true,"min_title_similar_length":10,"min_body_similar_length":15,"category_colors":"BF1E2E|F1592A|F7941D|9EB83B|3AB54A|12A89D|25AAE2|0E76BD|652D90|92278F|ED207B|8C6238|231F20|808281|B3B5B4|283890","max_upload_size_kb":1024,"category_featured_topics":6,"favicon_url":"/assets/favicon.ico","dynamic_favicon":false,"uncategorized_name":"uncategorized","uncategorized_color":"AB9364","uncategorized_text_color":"FFFFFF","invite_only":false,"login_required":false,"enable_local_logins":true,"enable_local_account_create":true,"enable_google_logins":true,"enable_yahoo_logins":true,"enable_twitter_logins":true,"enable_facebook_logins":true,"enable_cas_logins":false,"enable_github_logins":true,"enable_persona_logins":true,"educate_until_posts":2,"topic_views_heat_low":1000,"topic_views_heat_medium":2000,"topic_views_heat_high":5000,"min_private_message_post_length":5};
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Reference in a new issue