mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 20:11:19 -04:00
remove s3 deprecation warning, we will continue to support it
This commit is contained in:
23 changed files with 1 additions and 47 deletions
@ -14,10 +14,6 @@ export default Ember.Component.extend(StringBuffer, {
notices.push([I18n.t("emails_are_disabled"), 'alert-emails-disabled']);
if (this.siteSettings.enable_s3_uploads) {
notices.push([I18n.t("s3_deprecation_warning"), 'alert-s3-deprecation']);
if (Discourse.User.currentProp('admin') && this.siteSettings.show_create_topics_notice) {
let topic_count = 0,
post_count = 0;
@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ class AdminDashboardData
@ -182,8 +181,4 @@ class AdminDashboardData
I18n.t('dashboard.ruby_version_warning') if RUBY_VERSION == '2.0.0' and RUBY_PATCHLEVEL < 247
def s3_deprecation_warning
I18n.t('dashboard.s3_deprecation_warning') if SiteSetting.enable_s3_uploads
@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ cs:
email: 'odeslat odkaz emailem'
topic_admin_menu: "akce administrátora tématu"
emails_are_disabled: "Všechny odchozí emaily byly administrátorem vypnuty. Žádné odchozí emaily nebudou odeslány."
s3_deprecation_warning: "WARNING! Amazon S3 will soon be deprecated for image/attachment storage. Please, follow the <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>instructions</a> to migrate to local storage."
edit: 'upravit název a kategorii příspěvku'
not_implemented: "Tato fičura ještě není implementovaná"
no_value: "Ne"
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ da:
email: 'send dette link i en e-mail'
topic_admin_menu: "administrationshandlinger på emne"
emails_are_disabled: "Alle udgående emails er blevet globalt deaktiveret af en administrator. Ingen email notifikationer af nogen slags vil blive sendt."
s3_deprecation_warning: "WARNING! Amazon S3 will soon be deprecated for image/attachment storage. Please, follow the <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>instructions</a> to migrate to local storage."
edit: 'redigér titel og kategori for dette emne'
not_implemented: "Beklager, denne feature er ikke blevet implementeret endnu."
no_value: "Nej"
@ -105,8 +105,6 @@ en:
emails_are_disabled: "All outgoing email has been globally disabled by an administrator. No email notifications of any kind will be sent."
s3_deprecation_warning: "WARNING! Amazon S3 will soon be deprecated for image/attachment storage. Please, follow the <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>instructions</a> to migrate to local storage."
edit: 'edit the title and category of this topic'
not_implemented: "That feature hasn't been implemented yet, sorry!"
no_value: "No"
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ es:
email: 'comparte este enlace por email'
topic_admin_menu: "acciones de administrador para el tema"
emails_are_disabled: "Todos los emails salientes han sido desactivados por un administrador. No se enviará ninguna notificación por email."
s3_deprecation_warning: "¡AVISO! El almacenamiento para archivos adjuntos e imágenes en Amazon S3 quedará obsoleto. Por favor, sigue las <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>instrucciones</a> para trasladarlo a almacenamiento local."
edit: 'editar el título y la categoría de este tema'
not_implemented: "Esta característica no ha sido implementada aún, ¡lo sentimos!"
no_value: "No"
@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ fa_IR:
email: 'این پیوند را با ایمیل بفرستید'
topic_admin_menu: "اقدامات مدیریت موضوع"
emails_are_disabled: "تمام ایمیل های خروجی بصورت جهانی توسط مدیر قطع شده. هیچ ایمیل اخطاریه های ارسال نخواهد شد."
s3_deprecation_warning: "اخطار! آمازون S3 برای ذخیره سازی تصویر / فایل ضمیمه توصیه نمی شود. لطفا، به دنبال <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>دستورالعمل ها</a> و مهاجرت به ذخیره سازی محلی."
edit: 'سرنویس و دستهٔ این موضوع را ویرایش کنید'
not_implemented: "آن ویژگی هنوز به کار گرفته نشده، متأسفیم!"
no_value: "نه"
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ fi:
email: 'lähetä tämä linkki sähköpostissa'
topic_admin_menu: "ketjun ylläpitotoimet"
emails_are_disabled: "Ylläpitäjä on estänyt kaiken lähtevän sähköpostiliikenteen. Mitään sähköposti-ilmoituksia ei lähetetä."
s3_deprecation_warning: "VAROITUS! Kuvien ja liitetiedostojen tallentamisen Amazon S3-tuki lakkautetaan kohta. Ole hyvä ja seuraa <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>ohjeita</a> siirtyäksesi paikalliseen tallennukseen."
edit: 'muokkaa tämän ketjun otsikkoa ja aluetta'
not_implemented: "Tätä toimintoa ei ole vielä toteutettu, pahoittelut!"
no_value: "Ei"
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ he:
email: 'שלח קישור בדוא"ל'
topic_admin_menu: "פעולות ניהול לנושא"
emails_are_disabled: "כל הדוא\"ל היוצא נוטרל באופן גורף על ידי מנהל אתר. שום הודעת דוא\"ל, מכל סוג שהוא, תשלח."
s3_deprecation_warning: "אזהרה! Amazon S3 יהיה בקרוב לא מומלץ לשימוש לאכסון צרופות/image. אנא עקבו אחר <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'> ההנחיות </a> להעברה לאכסון מקומי."
edit: 'ערוך את הכותרת והקטגוריה של הנושא'
not_implemented: "סליחה, תכונה זו עדיין לא מומשה!"
no_value: "לא"
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ pt:
email: 'enviar esta hiperligação por email'
topic_admin_menu: "Ações administrativas dos Tópicos"
emails_are_disabled: "Todos os envios de e-mail foram globalmente desativados por um administrador. Nenhum e-mail de notificação será enviado."
s3_deprecation_warning: "CUIDADO! O Amazon S3 irá tornar-se obsoleto para armazenamento de imagens/anexos. Por favor, siga <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>as instruções</a> para migrar para armazenamento local."
edit: 'editar o título e a categoria deste tópico'
not_implemented: "Essa funcionalidade ainda não foi implementada, pedimos desculpa!"
no_value: "Não"
@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ ru:
email: 'поделиться ссылкой по почте'
topic_admin_menu: "действия администратора над темой"
emails_are_disabled: "Все исходящие письма были глобально отключены администратором. Уведомления любого вида не будут отправляться на почту."
s3_deprecation_warning: "ВНИМАНИЕ! Поддержка Amazon S3 для хранения изображений и вложений скоро будет отключена. Пожалуйста, следуйте <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>инструкциям</a> для миграции на локальное хранилище."
edit: 'отредактировать название и раздел темы'
not_implemented: "Извините, эта функция еще не реализована!"
no_value: "Нет"
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ sq:
email: 'dërgo këtë lidhje me email'
topic_admin_menu: "topic admin actions"
emails_are_disabled: "All outgoing email has been globally disabled by an administrator. No email notifications of any kind will be sent."
s3_deprecation_warning: "WARNING! Amazon S3 will soon be deprecated for image/attachment storage. Please, follow the <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>instructions</a> to migrate to local storage."
edit: 'redakto titullin dhe kategorinë e kësaj teme'
not_implemented: "Kjo veçori nuk është implementuar akoma, na vjen keq!"
no_value: "Jo"
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ sv:
email: 'skicka denna länk i ett email'
topic_admin_menu: "ämne admin åtgärder"
emails_are_disabled: "Alla utgående email har blivit deaktiverad av en administratör. Inga kungörelser av någon sort kommer att bli skickad."
s3_deprecation_warning: "VARNING! Stödet för Amazon S3-lagring av bilder/bilagor kommer snart överges. Följ <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>instruktionerna</a> för migrering till lokal lagring."
edit: 'redigera titel och kategori för denna tråd'
not_implemented: "Denna funktion har inte implementerats än, vi beklagar!"
no_value: "Nej"
@ -600,7 +600,6 @@ de:
consumer_email_warning: "Deine Seite verwendet Gmail (oder einen anderen für Endkunden gedachten Mailserver) um E-Mails zu versenden. <a href='http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=166852' target='_blank'>Gmail hat eine Schranke bezüglich des Sendens von E-Mails</a>. Um die E-Mail-Zustellung zu gewährleisten, solltest du die Verwendung eines anderen E-Mail-Diensts in Erwägung ziehen."
site_contact_username_warning: "Gib den Namen des Benutzerkontos eines freundlichen Mitarbeiters an, der als Absender für wichtige automatische Nachrichten verwendet wird. Aktualisiere site_contact_username in den <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Website-Einstellungen</a>."
notification_email_warning: "Benachrichtigungs-E-Mails werden nicht von einer gültigen, zu deiner Domain gehörenden E-Mail-Adresse versandt; der E-Mail-Versand wird unberechenbar und unzuverlässig sein. Bitte trage in den <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Einstellungen</a> unter notification_email eine gültige lokale E-Mail-Adresse ein."
s3_deprecation_warning: "ACHTUNG! Nutzung von Amazon S3 für die Speicherung von Bildern/Anhängen wird bald nicht mehr empfohlen. Bitte folge dieser <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>Anleitung</a> um auf lokale Speicherung umzusteigen."
title: "Hilfe: Erste Beiträge"
@ -700,7 +700,6 @@ en:
consumer_email_warning: "Your site is configured to use Gmail (or another consumer email service) to send email. <a href='http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=166852' target='_blank'>Gmail limits how many emails you can send</a>. Consider using an email service provider like mandrill.com to ensure email deliverability."
site_contact_username_warning: "Enter the name of a friendly staff user account to send important automated messages from. Update site_contact_username in <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Site Settings</a>."
notification_email_warning: "Notification emails are not being sent from a valid email address on your domain; email delivery will be erratic and unreliable. Please set notification_email to a valid local email address in <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Site Settings</a>."
s3_deprecation_warning: "WARNING! Amazon S3 will soon be deprecated for image/attachment storage. Please, follow the <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>instructions</a> to migrate to local storage."
@ -613,7 +613,6 @@ es:
consumer_email_warning: "Tu sitio está configurado para Utilizar Gmail (u otro servicio de email de consumidor) para enviar email. <a href='http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=166852' target='_blank'>Gmail limita la cantidad de emails que puedes enviar</a>. Considera usar un proveedor de servicio email como mandrill.com para asegurarte la entrega de los emails."
site_contact_username_warning: "Introduce el nombre de un administrador o moderador simpático desde el cual se enviarán mensajes automáticos importantes. Actualiza site_contact_username en <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Ajustes del sitio</a>."
notification_email_warning: "Las notificaciones por email no están siendo enviadas desde una dirección de correo electrónico válida en tu dominio; la entrega de emails será errática y poco fiable. Por favor, establece para notification_email una dirección de correo electrónico local válida en <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Ajustes del sitio</a>."
s3_deprecation_warning: "¡AVISO! El almacenamiento para archivos adjuntos e imágenes en Amazon S3 quedará obsoleto. Por favor, sigue las <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>instrucciones</a> para trasladarlo a almacenamiento local."
title: "Educación de nuevo usuario: primeras respuestas"
@ -599,7 +599,6 @@ he:
consumer_email_warning: "Your site is configured to use Gmail (or another consumer email service) to send email. <a href='http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=166852' target='_blank'>Gmail limits how many emails you can send</a>. Consider using an email service provider like mandrill.com to ensure email deliverability."
site_contact_username_warning: "הזינו שם חשבון ידידותי של אי/אשת צות ממנו ישלחו הודעות אוטומטיות חשובות. עדכנו את site_contact_username ב<a href='/admin/site_settings'>הגדרות האתר</a>."
notification_email_warning: "מיילים ליידוע אינם נשלחים מכתובת תקינה בדומיין שלכם; משלוח דוא\"ל יהיה בעייתי ולא אמין. אנא כוונו את כתובת המייל למשלוח התראות לכתובת מקומית תקינה ב<a href='/admin/site_settings'>הגדרות האתר</a>."
s3_deprecation_warning: "אזהרה! Amazon S3 יהיה בקרוב לא מומלץ לשימוש לאכסון צרופות/image. אנא עקבו אחר <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'> ההנחיות </a> להעברה לאכסון מקומי."
title: "New User Education: First Replies"
@ -616,7 +616,6 @@ pt:
consumer_email_warning: "O seu sítio está configurado para usar Gmail (ou outro serviço de email)<a href='http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=166852' target='_blank'>O Gmail limita a quantidade de emails que pode enviar</a>. Considere usar um serviço de envio de emails como mandrill.com para assegurar a entregabilidade dos emails enviados."
site_contact_username_warning: "Introduza o nome de uma conta de utilizador de um membro do pessoal de onde possam ser enviadas mensagens importantes automatizadas. Atualize sítio_contato_nomedeutilizador nas <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Configurações do Sítio</a>."
notification_email_warning: "Não estão a ser enviados emails de notificação a partir de um endereço de email válido no seu domínio; a entrega do email será errática e não fiável. Por favor configure notificaçao_email para um endereço de email local válido nas <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Configurações do Sítio</a>."
s3_deprecation_warning: "AVISO! O Amazon S3 irá tornar-se obsoleto brevemente para armazenamento de imagens/anexos. Por favor, siga as <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>instruções</a> para migrar para armazenamento local."
title: "Educação do Novo Utilizador: Primeiras Respostas"
@ -610,7 +610,6 @@ pt_BR:
consumer_email_warning: "Seu site está configurado para usar Gmail (ou outro serviço de email para pessoas). <a href='http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=166852' target='_blank'>Gmail limita a quantidade de emails que você pode enviar</a>. Considere o uso de um serviço de envio de emails como mandrill.com para assegurar a entregabilidade dos emails enviados."
site_contact_username_warning: "Digite o nome de um membro interno para enviar mensagens importantes automaticamente a partir dele. Atualize site_contact_username em <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Configurações do Site</a>."
notification_email_warning: "Emails de notificação não estão sendo enviados por um endereço de email válido no seu domínio; entrega de email será errática e não confiável. Por favor configure notification_email com um endereço de email local válido nas <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Configurações do Site</a>."
s3_deprecation_warning: "AVISO! Amazon S3 logo se tornará obsoleto para armazenamento de imagem/anexo. Por favor, siga as <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>istruções</a> para migrar o armazenamento local."
title: "Educação do Usuário Novo: Primeiras Respostas"
@ -608,7 +608,6 @@ sq:
consumer_email_warning: "Your site is configured to use Gmail (or another consumer email service) to send email. <a href='http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=166852' target='_blank'>Gmail limits how many emails you can send</a>. Consider using an email service provider like mandrill.com to ensure email deliverability."
site_contact_username_warning: "Enter the name of a friendly staff user account to send important automated messages from. Update site_contact_username in <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Site Settings</a>."
notification_email_warning: "Notification emails are not being sent from a valid email address on your domain; email delivery will be erratic and unreliable. Please set notification_email to a valid local email address in <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Site Settings</a>."
s3_deprecation_warning: "WARNING! Amazon S3 will soon be deprecated for image/attachment storage. Please, follow the <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>instructions</a> to migrate to local storage."
title: "New User Education: First Replies"
@ -560,7 +560,6 @@ tr_TR:
consumer_email_warning: "Sitenizde e-posta gönderimleri için Gmail (ya da başka bir e-posta hizmeti) kurulumu yapılmış. <a href='http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=166852' target='_blank'>Gmail ile gönderebileceğiniz e-posta sayısı limitlidir</a>. Onun yerine, e-postalarınızın ulaştırılabildiğinden emin olmak için mandrill.com benzeri bir hizmet sağlayıcısını kullanın."
site_contact_username_warning: "Önemli otomatik mesajları gönderen kişi olarak gözükecek adminin kullanıcı adını girin. <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Site Ayarları&lt;/a> sayfasından site_contact_username parametresini güncelleyin."
notification_email_warning: "Bildiri e-postaları alan adınıza bağlı geçerli bir e-posta adresinden yollanmıyor; e-postalar düzenli ve güvenilir bir şekilde ulaşmayabilir. Lütfen <a href='/admin/site_settings'>Site Ayarları</a> sayfasından notification_email değeri için geçerli bir yerel e-posta adresi girin."
s3_deprecation_warning: "DİKKAT! Resim/eklenti depolama için Amazon S3 kullanımı yakında ıskartaya kaldırılacaktır. Lütfen, <a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>talimatlara</a> uyarak yerel depolamaya geçiş yapınız."
title: "Yeni Kullanıcı Eğitimi: İlk Cevaplar"
@ -589,7 +589,6 @@ zh_CN:
consumer_email_warning: "你的站点被设置为使用 Gmail 或者其他客户邮箱服务发送邮件。<a href='http://support.google.com/a/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=166852' target='_blank'>Gmail 限制每日邮件发送数量</a>。请考虑使用其他邮件服务商来保证邮件的成功发送,例如 mandrill.com。"
site_contact_username_warning: "输入一个友善的职员账户名,并以他的名义发送重要的自动消息。在<a href='/admin/site_settings'>站点设置</a>中更新 site_contact_username。"
notification_email_warning: "通知邮件不是从你域名的一个有效地址发出的;邮件分发将会变得危险和不可靠。请在<a href='/admin/site_settings'>站点设置</a>中将 notification_email 设置为一个有效的本地邮件地址。"
s3_deprecation_warning: "警告!Amazon S3 将不再能作为图片/附件存储区了。请按照<a href='https://meta.discourse.org/t/warning-amazon-s3-is-deprecated-in-1-3-for-image-attachment-storage/26594'>指引</a>迁移至本地存储。"
title: "新用户培训:第一个回复"
@ -244,20 +244,4 @@ describe AdminDashboardData do
describe 's3_deprecation_warning' do
subject { described_class.new.s3_deprecation_warning }
it 'returns nil when using local storage' do
expect(subject).to be_nil
it 'returns a string when s3 storage' do
expect(subject).to_not be_nil
Reference in a new issue