mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 20:11:19 -04:00
Removed most manual SQL from PostAction
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 29 additions and 40 deletions
@ -15,14 +15,16 @@ class PostAction < ActiveRecord::Base
rate_limit :post_action_rate_limiter
def self.update_flagged_posts_count
val = exec_sql('select count(*) from posts p
join topics t on t.id = p.topic_id
where p.deleted_at is null and t.deleted_at is null and p.id in
(select post_id from post_actions where post_action_type_id in (?) and deleted_at is null)', PostActionType.FlagTypes).values[0][0].to_i
$redis.set('posts_flagged_count', val)
admins = User.exec_sql("select id from users where admin = 't'").map{|r| r["id"].to_i}
MessageBus.publish('/flagged_counts', {total: val}, {user_ids: admins})
posts_flagged_count = PostAction.joins(post: :topic)
.where('post_actions.post_action_type_id' => PostActionType.FlagTypes,
'post_actions.deleted_at' => nil,
'posts.deleted_at' => nil,
'topics.deleted_at' => nil).count('DISTINCT posts.id')
$redis.set('posts_flagged_count', posts_flagged_count)
admins = User.where(admin: true).select(:id).map {|u| u.id}
MessageBus.publish('/flagged_counts', {total: posts_flagged_count}, {user_ids: admins})
def self.flagged_posts_count
@ -56,10 +58,7 @@ class PostAction < ActiveRecord::Base
moderator_id == -1 ? PostActionType.AutoActionFlagTypes : PostActionType.FlagTypes
PostAction.exec_sql('update post_actions set deleted_at = ?, deleted_by = ?
where post_id = ? and deleted_at is null and post_action_type_id in (?)',
DateTime.now, moderator_id, post.id, actions
PostAction.update_all({deleted_at: Time.now, deleted_by: moderator_id}, {post_id: post.id, deleted_at: nil, post_action_type_id: actions})
r = PostActionType.Types.invert
f = actions.map{|t| ["#{r[t]}_count", 0]}
@ -122,12 +121,10 @@ class PostAction < ActiveRecord::Base
before_create do
if is_flag?
if PostAction.where('user_id = ? and post_id = ? and post_action_type_id in (?) and deleted_at is null',
self.user_id, self.post_id, PostActionType.FlagTypes).exists?
raise AlreadyFlagged
raise AlreadyFlagged if is_flag? and PostAction.where(user_id: user_id,
post_id: post_id,
post_action_type_id: PostActionType.FlagTypes,
deleted_at: nil).exists?
after_save do
@ -141,42 +138,34 @@ class PostAction < ActiveRecord::Base
if post_action_type == :vote
Post.update_all ["vote_count = vote_count + :delta, sort_order = :max - (vote_count + :delta)", delta: delta, max: Topic::MAX_SORT_ORDER], ["id = ?", post_id]
Post.update_all ["#{column} = #{column} + ?", delta], ["id = ?", post_id]
Post.update_all ["#{column} = #{column} + ?", delta], id: post_id
Topic.update_all ["#{column} = #{column} + ?", delta], id: post.topic_id
exec_sql "UPDATE topics SET #{column} = #{column} + ? WHERE id = (select p.topic_id from posts p where p.id = ?)", delta, post_id
if PostActionType.FlagTypes.include?(post_action_type_id)
if SiteSetting.flags_required_to_hide_post > 0
# automatic hiding of posts
info = exec_sql("select case when deleted_at is null then 'new' else 'old' end, count(*) from post_actions
where post_id = ? and
post_action_type_id in (?)
group by case when deleted_at is null then 'new' else 'old' end
", self.post_id, PostActionType.AutoActionFlagTypes).values
old_flags = new_flags = 0
info.each do |r,v|
old_flags = v.to_i if r == 'old'
new_flags = v.to_i if r == 'new'
# automatic hiding of posts
flag_counts = exec_sql("SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN deleted_at IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS new_flags,
SUM(CASE WHEN deleted_at IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS old_flags
FROM post_actions
WHERE post_id = ? AND post_action_type_id IN (?)", post.id, PostActionType.AutoActionFlagTypes).first
old_flags, new_flags = flag_counts['old_flags'].to_i, flag_counts['new_flags'].to_i
if new_flags >= SiteSetting.flags_required_to_hide_post
exec_sql("update posts set hidden = ?, hidden_reason_id = coalesce(hidden_reason_id, ?) where id = ?",
true, old_flags > 0 ? Post::HiddenReason::FLAG_THRESHOLD_REACHED_AGAIN : Post::HiddenReason::FLAG_THRESHOLD_REACHED, self.post_id)
exec_sql("update topics set visible = 'f'
where id = ? and not exists (select 1 from posts where hidden = 'f' and topic_id = ?)", self.post.topic_id, self.post.topic_id)
reason = old_flags > 0 ? Post::HiddenReason::FLAG_THRESHOLD_REACHED_AGAIN : Post::HiddenReason::FLAG_THRESHOLD_REACHED
Post.update_all(["hidden = true, hidden_reason_id = COALESCE(hidden_reason_id, ?)", reason], id: post_id)
Topic.update_all({visible: false},
["id = :topic_id AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM POSTS WHERE topic_id = :topic_id AND NOT hidden)", topic_id: post.topic_id])
# inform user
if self.post.user
SystemMessage.create(self.post.user, :post_hidden,
url: self.post.url,
edit_delay: SiteSetting.cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts)
SystemMessage.create(self.post.user, :post_hidden,
url: self.post.url,
edit_delay: SiteSetting.cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts)
Reference in a new issue